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JavAngle-Myst-1.2.0 icon


Adds new Survivor ''Myst'' who wields mystical power to unleash mysterious abilities

Date uploaded 2 years ago
Version 1.2.0
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Downloads 202901
Dependency string JavAngle-Myst-1.2.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

tristanmcpherson-R2API-5.0.5 icon

A modding API for Risk of Rain 2

Preferred version: 5.0.5
bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2117 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2117
RiskofThunder-HookGenPatcher-1.2.5 icon

MMHOOK generation at runtime.

Preferred version: 1.2.5
JavAngle-OrographicGambitBaseMod-1.0.3 icon

A basemod for House and Myst

Preferred version: 1.0.3



  • Adds Myst, a high utility survivor that uses a unique resource called 'Magic Power' to use a wide range of otherworldly abilities, and another resource called 'Limit' to unleash powerful super-moves.
  • Magic Power only starts to regenerate when fully depleted, where it cannot be used again until filled. - This recharge time can be sped up with items and effects that reduce cooldown time.
  • Limit generates very slowly as you block attacks and deal damage, and once you have enough, you can unleash extremely powerful Limit Breaks, but be aware that Limit is limited.

To Do

  • Fix bugs, I'm sure I've missed some


Myst makes use of two nested menus to utilise his equipped "Magicites" and unleash the abilities stored within them


Icon --------- Name ----------- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cooldown
Vorpal Slice Slice at enemies before you dealing damage none


Icon --------- Name ----------- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cooldown
Parry Hold to: Reduce all frontal damage, gaining Limit based on damage blocked. If timed correctly: Nullify damage from all directions and reset the cooldown. 2 seconds
Dash Dash a short distance in any horizontal direction. 3 seconds


Icon --------- Name ----------- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cooldown
Magic Menu Open the Magic Menu, allowing you to use equipped spells. none


Icon --------- Name ----------- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cooldown
Limit Menu Open the Limit Menu, allowing you to use equipped Limit Breaks. none

Myst starts each run with a set of magicites based on the selected "Jobclass"

Icon --------- Name ----------- Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mystic Start the run with a well rounded kit with a bit of everything.
Click to see Mystic starting Magicites
Icon ----- Name ------ Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type
Fireball Shoots a homing fireball at the target that explodes on impact, damaging and burning enemies in the AoE. Spell
Call Lightning Call down a bolt of lightning onto your target, dealing damage and knocking airborne targets to the ground. Spell
Magnet Summon a magnetic field to pull in enemies in a wide area around the target. Spell
Cone of Frost Summon a cone of Icy Wind to damage and freeze enemies before you. Spell
Fated Circle A Spinning Attack that stuns and pulls in enemies, followed by fiery explosions that knock them away, dealing heavy damage. Finisher
Explosion Stand your ground and summon Orbs of Light to orbit you, damaging and stunning nearby enemies. Finisher
Blasting Zone Summon a giant pillar of force to envelop the Vorpal Sword, before swinging the blade to send it crashing down onto foes before you, dealing incredible damage across a wide area. Limit
Berserk Form Myst goes Berserk, gaining increased Movement Speed and Jump Height and an attack focused moveset. Limit
Icon --------- Name ----------- Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Warrior Start the run with a kit focused around utilising Finisher attacks.
Click to see Warrior starting Magicites
Icon ----- Name ------ Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type
Challenging Shout Unleash a commanding shout that weakens and drags foes towards you. Finisher
Blade Dance An artful serenade of slicing blows that propels the user and rapidly deals damage. Finisher
Judgement Cut Become intangible and strike multiple times in an AoE, dealing more hits with higher attack speed. Finisher
Haste After a brief Channel: Provides Movement and Attack Speed to yourself and an Ally Target. Spell
Fortify After a brief Channel: Provides a powerful armor buff to yourself and an Ally Target. Spell
Limit Syphon Grants Limit based on Magic Cost. (linked to Fortify) Support
Judgement Cut END Hold the Vorpal Sword in its sheath, gathering energy before unleashing a lightning fast onslaught of slashes that deal incredible damage after a delay. Limit
Berserk Form Myst goes Berserk, gaining increased Movement Speed and Jump Height and an attack focused moveset. Limit
Icon ----- Name ------ Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type
Sorcerer Start the run with a kit focused around spellcasting.
Click to see Sorcerer starting Magicites
Icon ----- Name ------ Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type
Magic Missile Fire a volley of magic bolts that home in on targets, more MP results in more bolts fired. Spell
MP Thrift Attached Spell costs less MP. (linked to Magic Missile) Support
Eclipse Gate Summons a shard of umbral power to deal damage to the target based on missing MP. Spell
Mend Wounds After a brief Channel: Heals yourself and an Ally Target for 100% of their Max Health. Spell
Ultima After a brief Channel: Expend all of your remaining Magic to create a large vortex of energy that deals incredible damage to all foes in a wide area after a long delay. Spell
MP Turbo Attached Spell deals more damage, and costs more MP. (linked to Ultima) Support
Shillelagh When in Magic Recharge: Deals heavy damage and restores Magic. But is otherwise unimpressive. Finisher
Power-Word Kill After a brief Channel: Instantly kill the target. Limit
Icon --------- Name ----------- Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nomad Start the run with no magicites.
Click to see no starting Magicites
Icon ----- Name ------ Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type
Nothing Nada You start with nothing Nill

Special Item Interactions

Since Myst uses Magic instead of Charges and Cooldown, certain items work differently for Myst, Click Here for details
Icon Name Description
Brainstalks Upon killing an elite monster, enter a frenzy for 4s (+4 per stack) where Magic Recharge lasts for 0.5s
Alien Head Reduces Magic Recharge duration by 25% (+25% per stack).
Light Flux Pauldron Reduces Magic Recharge duration by 50% (+50% per stack). Decrease attack speed by 50% (+50% per stack)
Hardlight Afterburner Increase Magic by 50 (+50 per stack). Reduces Magic Recharge duration by 33%.
Backup Magazine Increases Magic by 10 (+10 per stack)
Lysate Cell Increases Magic by 15 (+15 per stack)
Bandolier 18% (+10% per stack) chance on kill to drop an ammo pack that restores 20 Magic
Rusted Key Grants 2 Extra Magicite Slots while held (this effect does not stack with itself or similar effects)
Encrusted Key Grants 4 Extra Magicite Slots while held (this effect does not stack with itself or similar effects)
Ancient Scepter Grants 8 Extra Magicite Slots while held (this effect does not stack with itself or similar effects)

[ [IMPORTANT NOTE:] It should noted that none of this needs to be touched at all if it seems too complex or clunky, Myst starts with everything he needs to complete a run, and this is just a side-system that can be used to create custom builds or otherwise just play around, so if you don't want to use this system, just don't, and continue to enjoy Mysts base kit. ]

Throughout each run, Myst can use an assortment of methods to create new Magicites through "Synthesis", which he can then equip into his Vorpal Sword in order gain access to new Spells, Finishers, and Limits.
This can be done by first opening the Character Sheet (bound to "4" by default, but can be rebound in the config) and then selecting one of the three buttons under Synthesis, which are as follows:

Latent Magicite: - Myst loses 3 "Latent Magicites" to gain a random new Magicite (Latent Magicites are obtained through Desynthesis, which will be explained shortly).
Equipment: - Removes Mysts current equipment to gain a random new Magicite.
Common Item: - Removes 2 random common items (prioritising scrap) to gain a random new Magicite from the rare pool.

Additionally, the 4 synthesis buttons underneath the top 3 can be used to specify the type of Magicite received, but cost additional Latent Magicites, with no alternative option for cost.

New Magicites then need to be equipped into the Vorpal Sword, which can be done by clicking and dragging it into one of the available slots, Myst only has access to the Spells Limits and Finishers that are currently equipped, so be mindful what you remove, and what you replace.
The slots in the Vorpal Swords are "Linked" into pairs, if a "Support" Magicite is in one slot, its effect will be applied to the ability of the magicite in the paired Slot (Assuming they are compatible)

Magicites in the inventory will have a Latent Magicite icon next to them, clicking on this icon will destroy the Magicite permanently, and grant you up to 8 "Latent Magicites" based on the Magicites level (Max level grants 8, lower levels grant you an amount based on how close they are to max) which can then be used to synthesise new Magicites.
Each enemy Myst kills will provide 1 "Experience" to each equipped Magicite, and once they reach a certain amount of "Experience" they will gain a level, which on it's own doesn't do much, but as mentioned before, can be used for more Latent Magicites when Desynthesising.


Myst can craft an assortment of Magicites throughout the run, which can be seen here
Icon Name Description Type
Fireball Shoots a homing fireball at the target that explodes on impact, damaging and burning enemies in the AoE. Spell
Cone of Frost Summon a cone of Icy Wind to damage and freeze enemies before you. Spell
Call Lightning Call down a bolt of lightning onto your target, dealing damage and knocking airborne targets to the ground. Spell
Magnet Summon a magnetic field to pull in enemies in a wide area around the target. Spell
Reflect Block damage from all directions before returning the favour. Spell
Fortify After a brief Channel: Provides a powerful armor buff to yourself and an Ally Target. Spell
Haste After a brief Channel: Provides Movement and Attack Speed to yourself and an Ally Target. Spell
Mend Wounds After a brief Channel: Heals yourself and an Ally Target for 100% of their Max Health. Spell
Acid Splash Shoots a homing ball of acid at the Target, dealing minor damage, and applying Poison, Blight, Slow, and Weak. Spell
Ultima After a brief Channel: Creates a large vortex of pure energy that deals incredible damage after a long delay. Spell
Doombolt After a brief Channel: Summon a slow moving blast of Dark energy that erupts into small homing bolts. Spell
Vicious Mockery Insult the target, damaging it and applying weak. Spell
Pot Summons a pot at the crosshair's position. Spell
Magic Missile Fire a volley of magic bolts that home in on targets, more MP results in more bolts fired. Spell
Dispel Magic Dispel all negative effects from the user, and purge all positive effects from the target. Spell
Gust Pushes all enemies before you away. Spell
Eclipse Gate Summons a shard of umbral power to deal damage to the target based on missing MP. Spell
Explosion Stand your ground and summon Orbs of Light to orbit you, damaging and stunning nearby enemies. Finisher
Fated Circle A Spinning Attack that stuns and pulls in enemies, followed by fiery explosions that knock them away, dealing heavy damage. Finisher
Dark Passenger Unleash blasts of dark energy in a line before you, Damaging and Blinding enemies hit. Finisher
Ripple Drive Summon a surge of energy in a giant radius around you, Damaging and Shocking enemies hit. Finisher
Judgement Cut Become intangible and strike multiple times in an AoE, dealing more hits with higher attack speed. Finisher
Challenging Shout Unleash a commanding shout that weakens and drags foes towards you. Finisher
Blade Dance An artful serenade of slicing blows that propels the user and rapidly deals damage. Finisher
Frost Fangs Summon a ring of cold that freezes nearby enemies. Finisher
Shillelagh When in Magic Recharge: Deals heavy damage and restores Magic. But is otherwise unimpressive. Finisher
Blasting Zone Summon a giant pillar of force to envelop the Vorpal Sword, before swinging the blade to send it crashing down onto foes before you, dealing incredible damage across a wide area. Limit
Wild Magic Does something entirely Random, and almost completely Unpredictable Limit
Power Word: Kill After a brief Channel: Instantly kill the target. Limit
Pyroclasm Evoke a blast of pure heat to erupt across the map, killing everything. Costs 3 limit Limit
Zoom Teleports the user to the next stage. Limit
Judgement Cut END Hold the Vorpal Sword in its sheath, gathering energy before unleashing a lightning fast onslaught of slashes that deal incredible damage after a delay. Limit
Berserk Form Myst goes Berserk, gaining increased Movement Speed and Jump Height and an attack focused moveset. Limit
All [Rare] Attached Spell fires on extra targets or over a wider area. Support
Multi [Rare] Attached Spell fires multiple times. Support
MP Turbo [Rare] Attached Spell deals more damage, and costs more MP. Support
MP Thrift [Rare] Attached Spell costs less MP. Support
Use On Cast [Rare] Activates 'Use Interactable' effects on cast. Support
Kill On Cast [Rare] Activates 'On Kill' effects on cast. Support
Health Syphon [Rare] Grants health based on Magic Cost. Support
Limit Syphon [Rare] Grants Limit based on Magic Cost. Support


JavAngle - Director, Code-Person, Ideas-Man, VFX-Artist, and incredibly handsome and totally didn't write this himself

Dotflare - Modeler and Animator

KateWelch - Character Designer and Concept Artist

Violet - Made the Judgement Cut End VFX

Sky - Designer and Modeler of the Latent Magicite

Concept Art Gallery

[Mysts Original Concept Art - by KateWelch]

[Vorpal Sword Concept Art - by KateWelch]

[Coloured Concept Art - by KateWelch]

[Latent Magicite Concept Arts - by Sky]

Special Thanks to

Rob - For providing the community with a template character to make creating mods like this infinitely easier, he might not be making mods anymore, but his template is the backbone of this mod, so it warrants a mention

FireyIcy - My darling beloved, he helped me test Myst for multiplayer, and without him, Myst would probably be very broken

KingEnderBrine (UTC+7) - Helped me fix Item Displays being broken

TheTimesweeper - Helped me figure out how to control the game camera

Nunchuk - Helped me sort out Config stuffs

IDeathHD - Where do I even begin, this guy's great, he's extremely active in the RoR2 Modding Discord, and answers peoples development questions, including most of the questions I have asked, this guy has spent so much of his time helping people with mod making, he deserves the biggest pat on the back you could possibly imagine, thank you Former-Pretty-Sloth-Colours-Man :D

Dgosling - Made the mesh used in Eclipse Gate's VFX

HIFU - Provided me with some code that will let me prevent crowbars from effecting PowerWord:Kill or anything else of my choosing (as of the time of writing, I haven't used it yet, but I intend to soon enough.)

And of course, YOU! for not only checking out my mod, but caring enough to scroll through the README, and even check out the credits, it means a lot to me. :)


1.2.9 Gears of the Box

  • Updated for SotS
  • Added 1 new spell
  • Myst's targets are now ordered around the cursor instead of by distance.
  • Vorpal Slice now launches you higher when you land a hit on a target that is above you.
  • Vorpal Slice's dash attack now launches you upwards when it hits the target.
  • Made a bunch of backend changes to every spell.
  • ([Developer's Note] the codebase was fairly messy regarding how Support magicites worked, the codebase is still a bit messy with the way Limits and Finishers interract with Supports, but since there's limited interaction there, it isn't much of a problem (though, I might just clean that up anyway at some point).
  • ([Developer's Note] these changes are likely effect some small minutia of spells and their interactions with Support Magicites, but the front-end difference should be negligable.
  • Removed some in-dev stuff that was erroniously pushed.


  • Eclipse Gate damage from 300%/1500% -> 300%/1300%
  • Ultima damage from 3000% -> 4000%.
  • Ultima Proc Coefficient 0.25 -> 0.5.
  • Shillelagh boosted damage from 800% -> 450%.
  • Berserk Reave damage from 1400% -> 1000%.
  • Berserk Impact damage from 1500% -> 1300%.
  • Fixed Magic Missile having a proc coefficient of 1.5 instead of 1.
  • Added balance config for Limit generation rate, and Berserk Fang, Reave, and Impact.


  • Fixed magicites still using the the old Formula for desynth rewards (was causing Mass to only give 5 Latent Magicites at lv 30, and even less at lower levels)


  • Added 1 new Spell(requires BadassEmotes), and 1 new Support.
  • Added item displays for Starstorm 2, Mystics Items, and Tinkers Satchel items.
  • Fixed Magicites in accessory slots staying equipped when you lost your last Key/Ancient Scepter.
  • Changed the backend of how certain Limit Breaks fade the game sounds in and out to use the BaseMod implementation (the same way House's Russian Roulette does it).
  • Power Word Kill no longer holds you hostage for 5 seconds after a successful cast as it waits for the sounds to fade back in.
  • Fixed the Proc Coefficients of all Myst's projectiles being non-existant.


  • Reworked Parry
  • Parry now lasts for as long as the button is held, but reduces incoming damage by 85%.
  • Parry limit gain from blocking has been increased by 25%
  • Parry now has a "perfect" window for a very breif period when used, during this time: all damage from all sides is nullified, Limit gain is increased, Magic is restored based on damage blocked, and you reflect up to 3 times the damage taken to nearby enemies.
  • Magic Missile now tracks targets harder, and should miss less.
  • Wild Magic no longer refunds half a limit bar on use.
  • Wild Magic has now been rigged in favour of doing something positive (there's still no guarantee though).
  • Wild Magic now always casts a random Spell/Limit after use.
  • Fixed a bug that caused UI elements to display incorrect information when reviving from sources like Dio's Best Friend.
  • Some buffs and DamageTypes were moved to a basemod so that they can be used by other mods (Like House) without them depending on Myst (and vice versa).
  • Fixed the item display for Shipping Request Form.

1.1.0 Sorcerer Rework

  • Added 1 new Spell, and 1 new Finisher.
  • Sorcerer now starts with Eclipse Gate instead of Reflect.
  • Sorcerer now starts with Shillelagh instead of Ripple Drive.
  • Ultima now takes 3 seconds to charge instead of 2.
  • Ultima now has damage falloff, dealing less damage to enemies further from the blast.
  • Ultima's damage has been reduced from 4500% to 3000%.
  • Ultima's proc coefficient has been reduced from 1 to 0.25 (this reduces the amount of Limit it generates, and lowers the amount of damage items such as Runalds band deal when procced by it).
  • ([Developer's Note] The above changes were to resolve an issue where, Ultima was such a good spell all on its own, that players could spam it and ignore the rest of the kit, with these Nerfs Ultima is still very strong, but no longer eclipses the rest of the kit)
  • PowerWord:Kill is no longer effected by Attack Speed.
  • PowerWord:Kill now takes 5 seconds to channel instead of 3.
  • PowerWord:Kill can no longer instant kill final bosses, instead dealing 35% of their maxHP.
  • PowerWord:Kill now inflicts Limit Lock on the caster for 60 seconds, preventing Limit generation.
  • PowerWord:Kill now spends its Limit cost when the channel starts, and only refunds 80% of the cost if canceled.
  • PowerWord:Kill can no longer be effected by 'All'.
  • PowerWord:Kill now grants breif invincibility after a successful cast.
  • PowerWord:Kill's sequence has been changed to build up more tension as the channel nears completion.
  • ([Developer's Note] The Above changes were done because PowerWord:Kill was boring to use, and was a very anti-climactic way to end a run, with these changes it's more fun to use throughout the run, and can no longer single-handedly defeat the run's final foe.)
  • Magic Missile has been reworked, and now fires up to 6 bolts at the target depending on how much Magic is left, more Magic results in more bolts, additionally, the Magic cost is per-bolt, so the more magic you have, the more bolts you fire, the more Magic you spend.
  • ([Developer's Note] This results in Magic Missile starting as a burst spell, and then turning into more of a spam spell as you start to run out of Magic, becoming less potent, but never less Magic efficient, and is designed to work alongside Eclipse Gate, which deals more damage as you run out of Magic.)
  • ([Developer's Note] The above changes all come together to turn the Sorcerer into a fresh new class that focuses around managing the Magic meter, and choosing what spell to use based on remaining Magic)
  • Cone Of Frost now costs 10 Magic instead of 15.
  • Judgement Cut END now mutes all sounds instead of just the music.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented shift-clicking Magicites if you didn't have Ancient Scepter installed. (I've honestly no clue how I screwed that up.)
  • Fixed some itemdisplays that were overlooked with the model update from the previous version.
  • Gave Myst a CachedName so that his eclipse progress can be saved with ModdedCharEclipseFix.
  • Added a new Config File to configure the damage values, Magic/Limits costs, and proc-coefficients of most of Myst's arsenal.
  • Added a backend feature that allows other mods to add their own Magicites to Myst. (I intend to also add a feature to allow other mods to add their own Jobclasses.)

1.0.0 Full Release

  • Myst's model has been updated, fixing UV and Bonerig issues. (this will break skins :-/)
  • Myst's animations have been completely re-done.
  • Added Berserk Form.
  • Mystic and Warrior now start with Berserk Form.
  • Overhauled the Magicite Menu.
  • Myst now has "Accessory" Magicite Slots, which he can access if he is holding certain items. (this effect does not stack, and the item with the highest number of slots is prioritised) (See "Special Item Interactions" for more info)
  • Added New Synthesis Options to spend more Latent Magicites to specify the type of Magicites obtained.
  • Desynth now gives Latent Magicites equal to the level of the Magicite destroyed (before, it was 7 * CurrentLevel/MaxLevel).
  • Synthesis costs have been adjusted to account for the above change.
  • Lowered the number of kills required to level up Finisher Magicites.
  • Ultima now has a max level of 5 instead of 2.
  • The Mystic Jobclass set has been re-organised to make the class easier to play.
  • A config option has been added to revert the above change.
  • Changed various VFX.
  • Changed how Limit is handled in the backend to make it more stable in Multiplayer.

0.8.2 Minor Patch 2

  • Acid Splash's VFX has been redone.
  • Fixed Pyroclasm only working for the Host in multiplayer. (I have NO clue how I ever let this be a thing)
  • Fixed being able to glide by repeatedly using Blasting Zone or JCE whithout enough Limit.
  • Fixed Doombolt and Frost Fangs not being registered as network states (this caused some issues).
  • Changed the way that Magic and Limit menus work so that they will play nicer with Auto-Sprint mods.
  • Fixed Limit Syphon and Health Syphon not working for non Host players.
  • Made some changes that make Support magicites function more reliably in multiplayer.
  • Potentially fixed a bug that caused Myst to sometimes break at the start of a run. (at the very least, it's much rarer now, I haven't been able to trigger it again anyways, but I don't feel confident enough to just declare it as fixed yet)

0.8.1 Minor Patch 1

  • Stasis no longer fires more pulses than it's supposed to when players exit the radius in multiplayer.
  • Reworked Judgement Cut so that it no longer disables Myst's hitbox, and instead just grants invincibility. (This was causing issues)
  • Fixed Blasting Zone, Judgement Cut END, and Judgement Cut (Finisher) setting the player to terminal velocity when the move ended.
  • Added some chat messages to help narrow down a multiplayer issue that completely breaks Myst for the duration of a run, as well as bandaiding a potential cause by making the Jobclass default to Mystic if something goes wrong.
  • To re-iterate, if you see one of these chat messages, let me know, and send me the console log in the RoR2 Modding Discord.

0.8.0 Emotes Update :)

  • Added EmoteAPI support.
  • Added 'Jobclasses', selectable starting Magicite sets.
  • Added 4 new Finishers, 1 new Limit Break, and 1 new Spell.
  • Dark Passenger now has double the range, and no longer roots you in place.
  • Ripple Drive now has 50% more AoE.
  • Blasting Zone's damage increased.
  • Magic Missile's damage increased.
  • Fortify's duration decreased from 60s to 30s.
  • Haste's duration decreased from 20s to 15s.
  • Haste's channel time reduced from ~2s to ~1s.
  • Reflect mana cost increased.
  • Reflect now detonates imediately after 20 blocked hits.
  • Ultima's damage reduced from 5000% to 4000%.
  • Bandolier now restores 15 Magic when picked up.
  • Added footstep sounds.
  • Added menu navigation sounds.
  • Magicite Menu can now be closed with escape.
  • Gave Myst custom AI for Umbra and Goobo. (it's a bit buggy, but at least he's no longer a potato)
  • Changed the VFX for Blasting Zone.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the UI text for Limit and Magic bars to not load.
  • Fixed Myst's dash being wonky if the target died before you reached them.
  • Fixed Myst not working in KingKombatArena.
  • Fixed Magicites not updating their effects when they level up.
  • Massively reduced the File Size.

0.7.1 Oops

  • Fixed 'Stasis' Appearing regardless of survivor picked.
  • Added config option to enable Stasis appearing regardless of survivor picked.
  • Fixed 'Zoom' having a max level of 2.

0.7.0 Stasis Update

  • Added 'Stasis', a mechanic that freezes the game timer after clearing a stage, as long as nobody leaves the teleporter zone for more than 4 seconds.
  • The Magicite Menu now has a sort button.
  • Massively reduced MP recharge time, from 50 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • Added 3 new Spells, and 3 new Limit Breaks.
  • Fixed Magicite EXP not being awarded to non-host players in multiplayer.
  • Fixed Ally targeted spells not working in multiplayer.
  • Probably something else that I missed, I've been working on this update on and off for a while, so it's hard to remember.

0.6.5 Config Update

  • Added 2 new Finishers.
  • Added config options for scaling and re-colouring the Resource Gauges.
  • Added config options for re-colouring Magicites.
  • Added Risk Of Options support.
  • Trippled the Area of Effect of Ultima.
  • 'Multi' now doubles the mana cost of the paired spell, with an extra 50% increase per level.
  • Fixed 'MPThrift' not working with Haste.

0.6.0 Synthesis Update

  • Added Synthesis and Desynthesis.
  • Added 7 new Spells, and 1 new Limit Break.
  • Increased the downwards knockback of Call lightning, and buffed the damage of both Call Lightning and Cone of Frost.
  • Slightly increased the damage of Vorpal Slice.
  • Overhauled the target indicator, can now target things from twice as far, but you may only dash to the target if they are under a certain distance (which is the same length as the previous targeting distance) which is indicated by an orange addition to the targeter (effectively, all this means is that you can use targeted spells like Call Lightning from twice as far away, but you may not dash further than before).
  • Added additional target indicators for sub-targets for use with multi-target spells, as well as an ally target indicator for use with Ally Target spells.
  • Fixed Preon Accumulator breaking the equipment slot if it's the first equipment you picked up (this should also fix some modded equipment icons).
  • Replaced the placeholder icon for the Magicite menu in the hotbar cluster.
  • The custom HuD now correctly shows the keybinds of the player.
  • Limit Gauge now charges 3 times slower.
  • Limit Gauge now charges based on Proc Coefficient (less Proc Coefficient = less Limit Charge).
  • Blasting Zone now prevents the Limit Gauge charging for 20 seconds after its duration (preventing procced items from granting you most if not all of your spent Limit back).

0.5.0 Early Release

  • Released