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JavAngle-TheHouse-2.2.2 icon


Adds new Survivor ''The House'' who wields a deck of cards and an eccentric roulette wheel revolver

Date uploaded 4 months ago
Version 2.2.2
Download link
Downloads 106663
Dependency string JavAngle-TheHouse-2.2.2

This mod requires the following mods to function

tristanmcpherson-R2API-4.4.1 icon

A modding API for Risk of Rain 2

Preferred version: 4.4.1
bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2103 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2103
RiskofThunder-HookGenPatcher-1.2.3 icon

MMHOOK generation at runtime.

Preferred version: 1.2.3
JavAngle-OrographicGambitBaseMod-1.0.0 icon

A basemod for House and Myst

Preferred version: 1.0.0


The House

  • Adds the House, a mad gambler who relies on his luck to push through tough situations, using two mysterious artifacts of fate: a 6-Shooter-Revolver named "Roulette" and a seemingly cursed deck of playing cards.
  • Instead of having a Secondary, Utility, and Special abilities, The House draws 3 cards from a deck and uses those instead, upon using a card, he loses all three and draws a new hand, once you've run out of cards, the Discard pile is shuffled back into the draw pile, and you start over again.
  • His Revolver "Roulette" has 6 bullets that it fires in a random order, in order to reload the gun, you must activate one of the three drawn cards.
  • List of cards, bullets, and their effects can be seen in-game in the info screen.
Banner Image

To Do

  • Re-add the old model as an alt skin.
  • I'd like to add support for controller binds in the HuD, but I'm currently unsure how to actually go about it.
  • I need to add sounds to the new Tarot Cards from the Divination deck, idk when I'll get around to it, but it's something I'd like to have done.
  • Fix bugs, I'm sure I've missed some.

I'm leaving the below entries here because I find them funny.

  • As it currently stands, I've done literally no balancing for House with this rework, I've just used the numbers from the previous version, now, I WAS going to do some balancing before releasing this Update, specifically, I was going to nerf him, a LOT, but then I had my partner do a few test runs, and watched him stuggle to complete a run, so I have decided to do nothing for the time being, I'm very interested in seeing how he will be perceived through the communities lens of game ballance.
  • ([Developer's Note] My partner maintains that he didn't 'struggle', and merely 'gambled away' his runs :P.)



Icon --------- Name ----------- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BulletArts: Empty Fire a loaded Shot at random. When you have no shots left: do nothing.
BulletArts: Quickdraw Rapidly fire Standard Shots, 1/4 chance to fire a loaded shot at random.

Reload Arts

Icon -------- Name --------- Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ReloadArts: Standard Playing any card reloads roulette. 50% chance to gain random special ammo.
ReloadArts: All-In Load 0-6 Piercing/Buck/Explosive shots, all remaining shots are Snake.

Card Arts

Icon --------- Name ----------- Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CardArts: Hop Playing any card: while in the air: will boost you forwards.
CardArts: Sweep Playing any card: swipes the card forward, dealing damage to enemies in melee range and gain barrier per enemy hit


Icon --------- Name ----------- Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ShuffleArts: Ouroboros Whenever you run out of cards: reshuffle the deck back into the draw pile.

House can select a deck of cards during the loadout screen, these Decks are as follows

Icon --------- Name ----------- Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Standard Spread A simplified deck, designed to be easy to use.
Click to see an overview of Standard Spread
Icon --------- Name ----------- Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Full House The classic House experience.
Click to see an overview of Full House
Icon --------- Name ----------- Description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Divination A complex deck that allows you to control the card composition.
Click to see an overview of Divination


JavAngle - Director, Code-Person, Ideas-Man, and above all; responsible >:) (make sure to tell me how you died in the RoR2 Modding Discord)

Dotflare - Modeler and Animator

Ikachap - Concept Artist

SluggishCheeta - Original Modeler
([IMPORTANT]: It cannot be understated how important the model SluggishCheeta gave me was, without it, House could never have become what he is now, and without House it's possible I would never have continued modding, and that means that I wouldn't still be doing this now, what's more is that they gave me that model for free, and I am To This Day extremely grateful for the model they gave me, if you're reading this now; thank you! thank you so very, very much!)

Concept Art Gallery

[Remodel Concept Art - by Ikachap]

[Remodel Roulette Concept Art - by Ikachap]

[Original Concept Art]

Special Thanks to

Rob - For providing the community with a template character to make creating mods like this infinitely easier, he might not be making mods anymore, but his template is the backbone of this mod, so it warrants a mention

FireyIcy - My darling beloved, he helped me test for multiplayer, and provided sounds and input throughout development.

XoXFaby - Fixed Crowbars effecting instances of self-damage, and showed me how to add tooltips to custom HUD elements.

IDeathHD - Where do I even begin, this guy's great, he's extremely active in the RoR2 Modding Discord, and answers peoples development questions, including most of the questions I have asked, this guy has spent so much of his time helping people with mod making, he deserves the biggest pat on the back you could possibly imagine, thank you Former-Pretty-Sloth-Colours-Man :D

RandomlyAwesome - (who is awsome pretty much all of the time :D) Helped me fix the long house bug on this very page. (Firefox users were unable to use the page because the Gif at the top would engulf the screen)

dgosling - Gave me advice that helped me fix item related effects after the anniversary update.

Derslayr, Vale-X - helped me figure out the changes to contentpacks

Prod - Fixed the soundbank for me when SotS dropped.

And of course, who could forget, YOU! for checking out my mod, you're 1 in 1,000,000! pat yourself of the back.


2.2.2 Gears of the Box

  • Updated for SOTS, Wwise soundbank is currently out of date, so there are no sounds
  • Big thanks to Prod! The soundbank has now been updated for SotS.
  • Fixed an issue with the initial upload, where I forgot to disable some debugging stuff, which left the standard spread deck completely devoid of cards.

2.2.0 Divination

  • Added new Deck: Divination, a complex deck designed around controlling your odds, generating stacks of 'Ante', and spending them on powerful effects.
  • Added several new Cards for the Divination deck.
  • Added new minor mechanic: Ante, a stacking buff that reduces armour and slightly increases movement and attack speed, certain cards will generate Ante, and certain cards will spend it to enhance their effects.
  • Wheel of Fortune now consumes Ante to increase the odds of an item drop when failing.
  • Russian Roulette now grants maximum Ante when it fails to activate.
  • Snake Eyes now grants 1 stack of Ante.
  • Wildcard has been tweaked.
  • Fixed Jackpot ignoring the vanillaSpades config when rolling the Spades effect.
  • Fixed some tooltips having typos and incorrect information.
  • Reworked the way that drawing and discarding cards works (this is just a backend change, it shouldn't effect gameplay).
  • Added support for third party cards and decks.
  • Added Risk of Options support to the spades buff filter, so you can add to it without restarting the game.
  • Changed the default spades filter config to include some modded buffs that harm you (It will still happen I'm sure).
  • Changed the filters backend so that it compares BuffDefs instead of strings (should improve performance).
  • Probably more, but I forgor, there was a lot going on while working on this and I've lost track of the changes.

2.1.0 Back Home

  • Added new Primary: BulletArts: Quickdraw.
  • Added new ReloadArt: All-In.
  • Added new CardArt: Swipe.
  • All Jacks in the Standard Spread deck have been replaced with Jack of Diamonds.
  • Reworked Seven of Hearts, now grants barrier up to 50% based on how much health you have (more health giving more barrier).
  • Extended the invincibility window of Russian Roulette, there is now a 1 second grace period to get to safety after the animation finishes.
  • Russian Roulette now revives all dead players when it succeeds.
  • Coins gold to damage ratio increased from 3 to 4.
  • Wildroom has new (real) effects (I wont spoil them here).
  • Tower's Multiplayer Effects now last for 2 minutes instead of lasting forever.
  • Added config to make Seven of Spades only pick from vanilla buffs instead of from the entire buff catalogue (useful if you have lots of mods and don't want to configure the filter manually).
  • Changed Hearts, Spades, Clubs and Crazycard's artworks to new unique ones (They were previously using the icons for Seven of Hearts, Seven of Spades, Seven of Clubs, and Wildcard respectively).

2.0.5 Small Patch

  • Added SmartCollision to Houses Bullets, this should make his shots land more often (instead of hitting the floor).
  • Adjusted the volume of cards and shots to try to make House less noisy in multiplayer.
  • Added RiskOfOptions support.
  • Added a config to remove the tinitus effect from Russian Roulette.
  • (the base mod also received an update which should fix Russian Roulette setting the volume to 0)
  • Added configs for scaling the HuD elements, and split the config for moving them around into 2 configs each, for X and Y (in order to make them work with RiskOfOptions).
  • Added an icon for House's Passive 'The Game'.
  • Adjusted the cycle offset of the Sprint to make the transition from landing more smooth.
  • Fixed House's HUD from breaking KingKombatArena (Though, it should be noted that he definitely still breaks the mode, but now it's in a way that's entertaining >:D ).
  • Removed some residual code that shouldn't have still been there.
  • (I forgot to mention this when I initially pushed this update, but this patch also included:)
  • Added configs to customise the filter for Spades and Mystery Shot, so that 'buffs' that aren't actually buffs or projectiles that are annoying/harmful to shoot can be filtered out.

2.0.0 Renovation

  • ([Developer's Note] This is an incomplete changelog, genuinely, too much has changed to list it all, this is practically an all-new mod, more of a re-make than an update, but I'll try to list as many changes as I can despite this.)
  • All new Model and Animations courtesy of Dotflare.
  • The HUD and Crosshair has been completely remade.
  • The card system has been rewritten (and should now work 100% correctly in multiplayer, 'desyncs' cannot happen anymore.)
  • Every VFX has been remade.
  • Every SFX has been redone.
  • Every Skill Icon has been remade.
  • Every Card Artwork has been remade.
  • The information about cards has been moved to the Info screen.
  • The loadout can now be used to select a deck, by default it will be 'standard spread', which is a new deck with toned down cards, designed to be easier to use, the old deck is now called 'Full House' and is not the default deck (but is 100% the definitive one).
  • Wound Shot has been replaced with Piercing Shot, which pierces through enemies and deals increased damage.
  • Queen Shot has been removed.
  • Ace Shot has been reworked: now has a long wind-up, deals massively increased damage across a wide area, and even hits through walls.
  • ([Developer's Note] everything following this is differences between the old House's Deck and the new Full House Deck.)
  • Added a new 'Priority Shot' chamber in the cylinder, which is always fired before the other shots, but isn't loaded normally.
  • Seven of Hearts now grants 50% Shield.
  • Seven of Diamonds now grants gold based on the stage scaling rather than the run scaling.
  • Seven of Spades has been completely reworked: now grants movement speed, and 2 completely random buffs.
  • Seven of Clubs has been reworked: now loads an explodive shot in the Priority Chamber, and loads 3 'Mystery' shots (which fire a completely random projectile).
  • Snake Eyes now additionally loads a Snake Shot into the Priority Chamber.
  • Bust now deals damage taken to nearby enemies.
  • Joker can no longer activate tower.
  • Tower now has a different set of effects for Multiplayer (and for NPC's like Umbras and Goobo) and can no longer activate all of its effects at once.
  • Jack has been replaced with Jack of Diamonds, which loads 6 standard shots, and slides House forward when used on the ground.
  • King of Clubs now loads a Mystery Shot (I forgot what this replaced... I think it used to load a standard shot, but I cba to check).
  • Queen of Hearts has been reworked: now buffs 2 random stats, but debuffs 2 other random stats.
  • Ace of Spades now loads the Ace Shot into the Priotity Chamber.
  • All In has been removed.
  • Wheel of Fortune now has a change to grant an item when it fails, the change increasing with gold lost (this can be seen as it activating All-In when it fails).
  • Russian Roulette now increases in reward based on number of stages cleared, starting at 1 common item at stage 1, and 3 legendary items by stage 9 (it is now completely unneffected by luck, this might change again in the future).
  • Wildcard has been unhinged (though, steps have been taken to attempt to prevent greifing in multiplayer).