VarianceAPI allows you to create Variants for CharacterBodies, Variants can have different textures, lights, skills, and more.
Date uploaded | 2 years ago |
Version | 2.1.1 |
Download link | Nebby-VarianceAPI-2.1.1.zip |
Downloads | 9018 |
Dependency string | Nebby-VarianceAPI-2.1.1 |
This mod requires the following mods to function

An API focused with the intention of working in an editor enviroment using ThunderKit, MSU is a modular API system designed for ease of use and simplicity.
Preferred version: 2.1.0

API for Prefab creation, networking and duplication
Preferred version: 1.0.4README
VarianceAPI is a complete rewrite of Rob's original Monster Variants concept, the tools inside the API allows you to create Variants for existing Characters in the game, want a lemurian that's twice the size and spits out lasers? Want a golem that's blazing fast and spawns enemies when clapping? All of this and more are possible with VarianceAPI
Thunderkit Ease of Development.
VarianceAPI was made with ThunderKit in mind, as such, almost all of it's systems are made with it in mind, The way how variants are defined and created are done via ScriptableObjects, While Variants can be created entirely in code (untested, report a bug if this isnt the case), VarianceAPI doesnt give any kind of official support for doing this.
Lobby Rules and VariantPacks
VarianceAPI comes bundled with VariantPacks, each VariantPack contains the Variants that are going to be added to the game alongside other tidbits, thanks to this system, it is completely possible to use the Lobby's rule system to enable and disable entire Packs together, or Variants themselves with a config change.
Custom Tiers
With the advent of ItemTierDefs, VAPI 2.0 adds VariantTierDefs, which allows you to create your own Tiers for your custom variants, the tier def itself is not sealed and you're intended to subclass it to add more functionality to it
Less Tight Coupling
VarianceAPI's systems are now less coupled together, You can now get the VariantDefs from a body using the BodyVariantDefProvider, and create custom reward logic for tiers using the VariantReward class.
Custom Spawning Rules
VarianceAPI 2.0 introduces the VariantSpawningCondition scriptable object, which allows you to specify a collection of criteria that need to be met for a Variant to spawn.
Complete Spawn Control
VarianceAPI 2.0 introduces the VariantSummon class, an extension of MasterSummon that allows you to carefully control a custom spawned variant, do you want an enemy that when killed spawns another enemy with a specific Variant? want a skill that spawns enemies but said enemies are never variants? VariantSummon allows you to do this.
Console Commands
VAPI adds new Console commands to VarianceAPI, which allows you to debug test variants, the commands are the following:
Command | Arguments | Effect |
vapi_list_bodies | none | Lists all the Bodies that have VariantDefs associated with them |
vapi_list_variants | body name | Lists all the variants associated with the specified body |
vapi_spawn_ai | Argument 1: Master Name - Argument 2: Variants | Spawns the specified Master with the VariantDefs specified active |
vapi_spawn_as | Argument 1: Body Name - Argument 2: Variants | Spawns you as the specified body with the specified VariantDefs active |
Editor Utilities
It is extremely recommended to use the Github repo version of the API for development on ThunderKit, as said version comes bundled with an Editor assembly that simplifies and gives utilities on creating new Variants
MSU Implementation
VarianceAPI depends on MSU, this is done so the API can fully leverage from the existing MSU systems to create the custom variant items alongside other utilities found on MSU, despite this, it is not necesary to touch MSU in any way shape or form to create custom variants.
The current 2.0 version of VarianceAPI does not have Documentation on the github's wiki, however, VarianceAPI 2.0 does come with XML documentation alongside unity Tooltips. Any questions can be asked on nebby's discord server.
Official Variant Packs (Variant Packs made by Nebby)
Below are the official VariantPacks that where made by Nebby. you can click the icon and a new tab will open showing the variant pack's thunderstore page.
The Original 30
The original 30 is a complete port of Rob's original 30 Monster Variants, it includes a plethora of QoL changes such as using intrinsic items, better balancing and more.
Nebby's Wrath
Nebby's Wrath is a complete port of the Additional variants of the MonsterVariantsPlus addon.
Community Made Variants
(Click me!)
(Note: click the icon to open a new tab to the variant pack)
Icon/URL | Name | Description |
![]() |
Shbones Variants | Adds new monster variants to the game using Nebby's VarianceAPI. |
Official Nebby's Mods discord server.
- If you wish to contact me about my risk of rain mods, you can do so here in this Discord server.
If you like what i do, and wish to help me out, consider donating on my Ko-fi
Special thanks.
- Kevin for the EntityStateDrawer, which was used as a base for the component drawer. (And making me not use thunderkit like an ape)
- IDeathHD and Harb, for making DebugToolkit and it's spawn_ai and spawn_as commands (used for the spawn_variant and spawn_as_variant)
- IDeathHD for helping me point towards a general direction with networking.
- Aaron, Gaforb, "come on and SLAM", & especially TheTimeSweeper
Love you habibifor helping me with networking issues. - Aaron for creating a weighted selection for the Unique variants.
- Dotflare for making the Variance artifact token and other tidbits from the official variant packs.
- PassivePicasso for Thunderkit and helping me a lot with certain editor scripts.
- Rob for creating MonsterVariants.
- Papa Zach for creating the Artifact & Expansion icon
'2.2.0' - Variants of the Storm
- Updated to unity 2021.3.33
- Updated to Seekers of the Storm version of the game
- Variant commands now get the variant defs directly from their providers
- Overall reduced the item reward chance of all variant VariantTiers
- VariantTiers now give Armor to bodies, the rarer the variant the more armor.
- this armor bonus stacks when variants are overlapping
- Fixed inconsistencies with the RuleBook additions
- Fixed Expansion Defs tied to VariantSpawnConditions not working properly
- VariantDefs can now specify a BaseAI Vector Aim damp modifier.
- Added a small API for handling Gup death states.
'2.1.3' - Health Fix Thingy
- Fixes issue where certain mod interactions would cause monsters to gain the health boost, but not spawn with max health.
'2.1.2' - I think i'll just start meme-ing on these names unless i have a good name
- Fixed an issue where a spawn rate of 0 would cause a failure on filtering variants.
'2.1.1' - I LOVE READMES!!!
- Fixed readme
'2.1.0' - I dont know what to write here this time
- Added a
which can be used for spawning Variants the same way you'd spawn enemies using DirectorSpawnRequests. - Fixed an issue where disabling a VariantPack won't stop variants from said pack from spawning
- Disabling a VariantPack hides all the Variants related to it in the lobby.
- Fixed some bugs regarding null reference exceptions in BodyVariantManagers and BodyVariantRewards
can now pass on aDeathRewards
and a float value for determining XP and Gold rewards from spawned variants.- Fixed an issue where having a VariantSpawnCondition would cause null entries on required unlockables, making the variant impossible to encounter.
- Variants which spawn rate is 0 won't show up in the lobby rules panel
- Added back a config for enabling or disabling variant arrival messages
'2.0.2' - More Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Variants wouldnt drop the correct amount of gold and experience
- Setting a Skill Replacement's skill def to none sets the skill locator's skillDef to a special, "DoNothing" skill
- Removed some redundant logging that are now behing building the mod in debug mode
'2.0.1' - Oops releases are my favorite kind of release
- Fixed some typos in Config descriptions and names
- The api no longer hard crashes the game
'2.0.0' - Variants of the Void
- Major rewrite to the codebase
- This changelog is probably missing a LOT of changes, below are the most important ones
- Removed the following classes:
- VariantSpawnHandler, replaced by the VariantSpawnManager
- VariantRewardHandler, replaced by the BodyVariantReward
- VariantHandler, replaced by BodyVariantManager
- VariantRegister, replaced by the VariantCatalog
- VariantMaterialGrabber, replaced by MSU's AddressableMaterialShader
- Added the following classes:
- VariantCatalog - Catalog system for VariantDefs
- VariantTierCatalog - Catalog system for VariantTierDefs
- VariantPackCatalog - Catalog system for VariantPackDefs
- VariantSpawnCondition - A criteria that need to be met for a variant to spawn
- VariantPackDef - Similar to a ContentPack, a VariantPackDef contains the Variants to add
- VariantTierDef - A ScriptableObject for defining VariantTiers, you're supposed to inherit from it
- VariantSummon - Extended version of a MasterSummon that allows you to control the spawning of a variant
- VariantRewardInfo - The types of rewards for a variant, you're supposed to inherit from it
- BodyVariantDefProvider - The variants for a specific body are now specified in these classes.
- Variants are now applied on Start instead of Awake, which allows you to modify a spawned enemy to ensure a variant
- Added Rulebook support to Variants
- Made VAPI dependant on MSU, as a lot of the systems VAPI had are also in MSU, and for using the AddressableAssets systems in said API
'1.1.2' - Not dead yet
- Fixed a bug where the "EnableVariantArrivalAnnouncements" configuration wouldnt actually disable variant announcements when set to false.
- Fixed a bug where disabling the rewards system would cause the game to hang at startup.
- Removed a dumb stupid debug.Log() that would run each time a variant spawned.
- Removed an unused interface (IOnIncomingDamageOtherReciever) that was causing issues with MSU due to using an ILHook that pointed to the same stack.
- Changed some of the debug log messages in Variantregister's methods. your console should be cleaner now.
'1.1.1' - Too tired
- Fixed a null ref exception caused by a mistake in the spawn handler.
'1.1.0' - Bugfixing Galore
Updated Website
- Rewritten from the ground up with networking in mind
- Fixed an issue where the handler would assign wrong variant infos, potentially causing certain variants to "ignore" their spawn rates or certain variants being incredibly common.
- VariantInfos array is now get, internal set.
- Added a bool called "customSpawning". setting this to true will return the moment Start() runs.
- This can be used to later set specific variantInfos for specific spawning of variants on entity states.
- NetworkServer.Active checks to avoid clogging the client's log with messages regarding client trying to run server only code.
- This check includes a check on setting the variant back to max health. clients running this line of code caused the variants on their side to have its hurtboxes destroyed.
- (Basically, Variants should no longer be immune to clients and only take damage from host's attacks / projectiles)
- Added a config option to enable/disable variant arrival announcements.
- No longer merges all the variantInfos. this is done to avoid any kind of issue regarding merging.
- Variant register now sends a message to the log when its material dictionary or registered variants dictionary is empty. saying that no changes will be made
'1.0.0' - First Complete Release
Complete rewrite of the variants system.
Deprecated the following scriptable objects.
- Custom Variant Reward
- Equipment Info
- BuffInfo
- VariantConfig
- Variant Extra Component
- Variant Info (Old)
- Variant Inventory
- Variant Light Replacement
- Variant Material Replacement
- Variant Mesh Replacement
- Variant Override Name
- Variant Skill Replacement
- Added new Scriptable objects to replace the old ones
- VariantInfo:
- Variant Override Names are now stored directly here, as an Array Struct.
- Variant Override names now expect a language token.
- Variant Skill Replacements are now stored directly here, as an Array Structs.
- Variant Extra Components are now stored directly here, as an Array Struct.
- Component is now a Serializable Variant Component Type (The component's fully qualified name)
- Components can now be added to the Master, Body or Model game objects.
- the Spawn rate and the IsUnique configs are made directly with the information inside the Variant Info.
- Arrival messages now expect a languafge token
- Death state replacements now are Serializable Entity State Type.
- VariantInventoryInfo:
- Merge of BuffInfo, EquipmentInfo and VariantInventory scriptable objects.
- Variant item inventories are now a struct of string (itemDef name) and int (amount)
- VariantBuffs are now a struct of string (buff def name), float (time, setting this to 0 makes it permanent) and int (amount)
- EquipmentInfo is unchanged, still made with just an Equipment string and Animation curve.
- VariantVisualModifier
- Merge of VariantLightReplacement, MaterialReplacement and MeshReplacement
- Each of these are held as an array of struct.
- Light replacements can now change the type of light.
- VariantInfo:
- Deprecated the original VariantHandler component, split the spawning logic into VariantSpawnHandler.
- Deprecated VariantInfoHandler, replaced by VariantRegister.
- Deprecated VariantMaterialGrabber, replaced by a new version with the same name
- Added icons for the Items
- Added Console Commands
- Prolly a lot of things I Forgot
Changes to VariantInfo & Variant Handler:
- VariantInfos with no VariantConfig assigned now properly register instead of crashing the mod
- Enabled VariantMeshReplacements. Currently undocumented, guide will appear eventually since theyre difficult to implement.
- Enabled VariantBuffs.
- Variants can be given a buff when they spawn.
- Buff can be permanent, or expiring on a timer.
- SpawnRate and IsUnique are now hidden from the inspector when using unity, since theyre set on the VariantConfig.
- Arrival Messages now apply for both Rare and Legendary variants.
- If no custom arrival message is given, it uses a generic spawn string.
- The VariantHandler component now catches when certain mistakes happens and lets you know on the console screen
- Moved basically all the code from start to its separate method, so it can be called from other places.
Changes to CustomVariantReward & VariantRewardHandler
- Cleaned up code
- Added ItemList for VariantRewardHandler
- Custom variant reward now can specify what items can be droped from a variant.
Changes to VariantBuff:
- VariantBuff now actually works
- Variants can now be given a buff that lasts permanently, or lasts a certain amount of time
Changes to VariantHandler component:
- The component now catches when certain mistakes happens and lets you know on the Console screen.
Legendary Variant's XP Multiplier is now configurable.
Fixed bugs that would cause VariantHandler components to be in certain character mods. such as Playable Templar or Tymmey's Lemurian/Imp/Exploder
Added MeshType Enum, used on Mesh Replacements
Added Documentation on ScriptableObjects in the Github's Wiki.
Added Functionality to Legendary Variants (They'll announce their arrival in Chat.)
Fixed bug that caused Variants with no VariantInventory to not recieve their purple healthbar if the tier was greater than common.
Added Support for Modded Variants.
- VariantConfig now has modGUID string.
- This string MUST match the mod's internal GUID.
VariantInfoHandler now has a failsafe when you attempt to add a Variant without the mod installed.
Removed completely ItemInfos
- Changed how inventories work.
- Inventories are no longer an Array of ItemInfos, instead, inventories are stored in the VariantInventory scriptable object.
- a VariantInventory scriptable object consists of a itemStrings array, and an itemCount array.
- The itemString's index must match the itemCount's index.
- The lengths of both arrays MUST be the same.
- Removed helpers that created ItemInfo Arrays, new helpers comming soon.
- Due to this switch, ItemInfo[] is deprecated, but it will remain in VariantInfo so that people can switch to the VariantInventory scriptable Object.
- ItemInfo will be removed on the next major update (0.8.0)
- Inventories are no longer an Array of ItemInfos, instead, inventories are stored in the VariantInventory scriptable object.
Added PrefabBase, a very simple prefab creation system used for creating Projectiles based off existing ones.
Added missing R2API Submodule dependencies.
Changes to the VariantInfo scriptable Object:
- usesEquipment no longer exists.
Internal changes to how VariantHandler is structured.
Added a new Component, VariantEquipmentHandler.
- Component is added automatically to the Variant when it detects that EquipmentInfo has an Equipment and is not null.
- Component is used for Variants so they can use Equipment.
- How the variant uses the Equipment is based off an Animation Curve
- Special Thanks to TheMysticSword, since he helped me in using the AnimationCurve and most of the code is based off his code from AspectAbilities
Changes to the EquipmentInfo scriptable object:
- Now requires an AnimationCurve which tells when to use the Equipment.
Added missing methods for Helpers.cs
- Added method for creating VariantOverrideNames
- Added methods for creating CustomVariantRewards
Added the first iteration of the MyVariantPack boilerplate
- Boilerplate is installed thru a unity package that you can install when youre developping in Thunderkit
- Boilerplate code fully documented.
- Boilerplate includes the following examples:
- Creation of a Variant in code
- Creating a Variant in Thunderkit
- Communicating with VarianceAPI
- Using the VariantInfoHandler to register variants
- Using the VariantMaterialGrabber to grab vanilla materials.
All logger messages now use the Bepinex Logger instead of the Unity Logger.
Added KomradeSpectre's ItemModCreationBoilerplate to VarianceAPI.
- Added a version for creating items in thunderkit, alongside the default one that uses R2API.
- As listed above, VarianceAPI comes now with Intrinsic variant items that are used in VariantCreation
Fixed the VariantRewardHandler not being as close as possible as the original rewards system
Added the Ability to replace Light colors in BaseLightRenderer infos of a CharacterModel.
Changed config creation process, only the section version.
- Now each config section follows the following format: *variantInfo.bodyName + " variants"
Uncommon Variants now use a Purple healthbar instead of a Red healthbar thanks to the new intrinsic items.
Added back the Artifact of Variance
Fixed issue in VariantHandler causing certain stat multipliers not applying
Added a PreventRecursion system. Variants may not recieve extra Dio's Best Friends when resurrecting.
Added Custom Death States
- Custom Death State can be specified in the VariantInfo Scriptable Object.
- Leave it null unless you know how to get the required string to make it work.
Removed no longer needed classes
Added an identifier to VariantMaterialReplacement scriptable object.
- It's main goal is to help with creating VariantMaterials in Thunderkit.
Added the base class VariantMaterialGrabber.
- Works by loading all the "incomplete" VariantMaterialReplacements in your AssetBundle.
- An incomplete VariantMaterialReplacement has it's material set to null, and has it's identifier filled.
- Proceeds to then compare the incomplete versions with complete ones made in code. if it matches one, it'll replace the material with the correct one.
- TL;DR: This class helps reduce bloated AssetBundle sizes by allowing the player to fetch ingame materials instead of copying them and placing them in their AssetBundle.
- Works by loading all the "incomplete" VariantMaterialReplacements in your AssetBundle.
Changes to the OverrideName system
- Added a new enum which enables the OverrideName to completely override the variant's baseName.
- System now works with a switch
- Renamed overrideOrder to overrideType
Added a new Array in VariantInfo for VariantExtraComponents
Added a new ScriptableObject called VariantExtraComponents.
- VariantExtraComponents can be used to add a custom component to a specific variant when it spawns
- This component must inherit from the new VariantComponent component found in the api (VariantComponent inherits from MonoBehaviour)
Has the following settings:
- string componentToAdd: The component to add to the Variant. this must be the combination of the Namespace of the component, alongside the class name. For example: TheOriginal30.VariantComponents.AddMissileLauncherToLemurian
- bool isAesthetic: Wether the component to add just adds a mesh to the original body.
- Non aesthetic components support haven't been added yet.
- Used in TheOriginal30's Badass lemurian to attach the Missile Launcher.
Added discord server to the ReadMe
Hopefully fixed broken icon.
- All of VarianceAPI's ScriptableObjects have Headers and Tooltips, making it easier to create the objects in the UnityEditor
- Complete Rewrite of the Variant Overridename feature. now supporting VariantOverlaps.
- Did a Facelift of the Thunderstore page.
VariantInfo now contains VariantConfig scriptable object, VariantConfig is used to create the config entries for your Variants.
- VariantConfig allows you to:
- Set the spawn chance of a Variant.
- Wether the variant is unique or not.
- VariantConfig allows you to:
Removed VariantRegisterBase
Added VariantInfoHandler, use this now to register your variants, as it streamlines the process.
Added Helpers for creating VariantConfig Scriptable Objects in code, one for Vanilla entities and another one for Modded entities.
- Forgot to call the method that makes the config, whoops.
- Added the VariantRewardHandler Component, officially porting a good chunk of MonsterVariantPlus' Features.
- Added VariantRegisterBase, a helper for easily register variants made in Thunderkit.
- Added Config file with a lot of config entries for the VariantRewardHandler and global settings.
- Started working on a helper for creating Variant's Spawn Chances via config
- Determination++ After learning rob likes what i'm doing.
- Added Github Link.
- Made changes to the scriptable objects, now they can be made in Thunderkit instead of on RunTime.
- Initial Release