Changes the bullet physics related to motion. More specificaly changes drag to be quadratic and forces a fixed update rate to make bullet motion independent of framerate. Works post update, but is build for pre update.
Turret's Physics Patch
V 0.2.0
Added acceleration support - function for altering acceleration equation - Now works with functions instead of classes
changed the update rate - 90 hz to 70 hz
changed the drag coefficient conversion - factor from 0.015 to 0.0075
changed the integration scheme - from forward euler to Runge Kutta 4
removed fix for high bullet velocities with drag - Reason: new itergration scheme has a higher speed tolerance.
removed unnessesary dependancies - UnboundLib - MMHook - ModdingUtils
V 0.1.0
(not published)
Added acceleration support - Dirac pulse (2 overloads) - square pulse - step - custom can be done using the class
changed the drag coefficient conversion - factor from 0.01 to 0.015
changed the update rate - 70 hz to 90 hz
Added a fix for high bullet velocities with drag - If the change in velocity due to drag is greater than the velocity then velocity will be reduced by 70% instead.
V 0.0.5
initial release