RadDude-Sail_a_dex icon

Sail a dex

This Sailwind mod is intended to keep track of various player activities and achievements

Last updated an hour ago
Total downloads 136
Total rating 0 
Categories Mods
Dependency string RadDude-Sail_a_dex-1.3.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
App24-SailwindModdingHelper-2.0.3 icon

A modding API for Sailwind.

Preferred version: 2.0.3



This Sailwind mod is intended to keep track of various player activities along with badges that are acquired upon meeting certain criteria. Below are the currently tracked items and what is configurable.


Fish Caught Log

Screenshot of the Fish Caught UI
A UI showing how many fish that you caught separated by the different types.
A fish is registered as caught once you reel it in and collect it.
Badges are acquired upon catching 25, 50, and 100 of each type, 50, 250, and 500 total, and also for catching at least one of each type.
Access this log by selecting the "fish caught" bookmark in the player log.

Ports Visited Log

Screenshot of the Ports Visited UI
A UI showing which ports you have visited separated by region.
A port is registered as visited once you enter the area where mission goods are normally delivered.
Badges are acquired upon visiting all ports within a region as well as visiting every port.
Access this log by selecting the "ports visited" bookmark in the log.

Stats & Transit Log

Screenshot of the Stats & Transit UI
A UI showing various stats and transit times between region capital cities.
Cargo mass is is the mass some of all crates, barrels, and packages.
Cargo mass stat "Record" will be recorded once you unmoor from the dock.
Underway "Record" is the longest time you are out at sea before pulling into port.
Transit time "Record" is the fastest time you made a transit.
The starting time for transits are tracked from when you leave a capital city. This time will be used for when you moor at other capital cities
(only the first time mooring at a destintation capital city from the origin captial city will be recorded, i.e. You leave Gold Rock City, only the first time reaching Dragon Cliffs will be recorded).
You don't have to go directly to another capital city, you can stop other ports along the way.
If you use PassageDude mod and book travel or teleport via console that will reset your currently tracked transits.
If you have RandomEncounters installed, Flotsam encounters will be tracked and, if you have the SeaLifeMod installed and controlled through RandomEncounters it, the SeaLife encounters will be tracked as well.


Notifications will pop up along with a ship bell sound on badges earned and fastest transit times recorded.

Configurable in BepInEx config

  • By default the fish names are hidden before being caught for the first time, this can be disabled.
  • By default port names are visible, can be configured to be hidden until visited for the first time.
  • Notifications can be disabled.
  • Notification sound can be adjusted and disabled.
  • By default Miles sailied text is updated once moored at a port, this can be changed to be updated also when going to sleep or in real time.
  • All Logs can be disabled individually. WARNING: Disabling a previously enabled log and then saving the game will erase all previously saved log progress.


Place the Sail-a-dex folder (not the contents, the whole thing) into the Sailwind/BepInEx/Plugins folder.
If upgrading from v1.0.0 delete the old Sail-a-dex.dll from the BepInEx/plugins folder first.