Decompiled source of SODStockMarket v2.0.6


Decompiled 2 weeks ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using AssetBundleLoader;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Core.Logging.Interpolation;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using Bogus;
using HarmonyLib;
using Il2CppInterop.Runtime.Injection;
using Il2CppSystem.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using SOD.Common;
using SOD.Common.BepInEx;
using SOD.Common.BepInEx.Configuration;
using SOD.Common.Custom;
using SOD.Common.Extensions;
using SOD.Common.Helpers;
using SOD.StockMarket.Implementation;
using SOD.StockMarket.Implementation.Cruncher;
using SOD.StockMarket.Implementation.Cruncher.Content;
using SOD.StockMarket.Implementation.Cruncher.News;
using SOD.StockMarket.Implementation.DataConversion;
using SOD.StockMarket.Implementation.DataConversion.Converters;
using SOD.StockMarket.Implementation.Stocks;
using SOD.StockMarket.Implementation.Trade;
using SOD.StockMarket.Patches;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UniverseLib;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET 6.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("SOD.StockMarket")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0+419fa897ea2962db3054776201f942af074b9596")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("SOD.StockMarket")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("SOD.StockMarket")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte[] NullableFlags;

		public NullableAttribute(byte P_0)
			NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 };

		public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0)
			NullableFlags = P_0;
namespace SOD.StockMarket
	internal class Constants
		internal const bool IsDebugEnabled = false;

		internal const string StockDataSaveFormat = "bin";

		internal const int OpeningHour = 9;

		internal const int ClosingHour = 16;

		internal const string DaysClosed = "Saturday,Sunday";

		internal const double StockTrendChancePercentage = 3.0;

		internal const int MaxTrends = 10;

		internal const int MaxHoursTrendsCanPersist = 12;

		internal const int MinHoursTrendsMustPersist = 1;

		internal const double PriceFluctuationPercentage = 0.35;

		internal const int DaysToKeepStockHistoricalData = 31;

		internal const double PastHistoricalDataVolatility = 15.0;

		internal const bool RunSimulation = false;

		internal const int SimulationDays = 365;

		internal const int MinimumStocksInMarket = 50;
	public interface IPluginBindings : IDebugBindings, IMarketBindings, IEconomyBindings
	public interface IDebugBindings
		[Binding(false, "Enables debug mode which prints several useful information into the console.", "Debugging.EnableDebugMode")]
		bool IsDebugEnabled { get; set; }

		[Binding("bin", "The save format for the stock data. Options: \"csv\", \"bin\")", "Debugging.StockDataSaveFormat")]
		string StockDataSaveFormat { get; set; }

		[Binding(false, "If this option is enabled, it will run a simulation after initial economy load and export it as a csv.", "Debugging.RunSimulation")]
		bool RunSimulation { get; set; }

		[Binding(365, "The total amount of days to simulate for (only if RunSimulation is enabled).", "Debugging.SimulationDays")]
		int SimulationDays { get; set; }
	public interface IMarketBindings
		[Binding(9, "The hour the stock market opens everyday. (24h clock)", "StockMarket.OpeningHour")]
		int OpeningHour { get; set; }

		[Binding(16, "The hour the stock market closes everyday. (24h clock)", "StockMarket.ClosingHour")]
		int ClosingHour { get; set; }

		[Binding("Saturday,Sunday", "The days the stock market is closed.", "StockMarket.DaysClosed")]
		string DaysClosed { get; set; }
	public interface IEconomyBindings
		[Binding(3.0, "The percentage change a stock has to start a trend. (0-100)", "StockMarket.Economy.StockTrendChancePercentage")]
		double StockTrendChancePercentage { get; set; }

		[Binding(10, "The maximum amount of trends that can be ongoing at once. (-1 for unlimited)", "StockMarket.Economy.MaxTrends")]
		int MaxTrends { get; set; }

		[Binding(12, "The maximum amount of hours a trend can persist until its completed. (MIN 1)", "StockMarket.Economy.MaxHoursTrendsCanPersist")]
		int MaxHoursTrendsCanPersist { get; set; }

		[Binding(1, "The minimum amount of hours a trend must persist until its completed. (MIN 1)", "StockMarket.Economy.MinHoursTrendsMustPersist")]
		int MinHoursTrendsMustPersist { get; set; }

		[Binding(0.35, "The base price fluctuation percentage of stocks. (based on stock volatility)", "StockMarket.Economy.PriceFluctuationPercentage")]
		double PriceFluctuationPercentage { get; set; }

		[Binding(31, "The amount of days the historical data should be kept per stock.", "StockMarket.Economy.DaysToKeepStockHistoricalData")]
		int DaysToKeepStockHistoricalData { get; set; }

		[Binding(15.0, "The base percentage of volatility the market has been for the past [DaysToKeepStockHistoricalData] on market initialization. (MIN 1.0)", "Stockmarket.Economy.PastHistoricalDataVolatility")]
		double PastHistoricalDataVolatility { get; set; }

		[Binding(50, "The minimum amount of stocks that should be in the market on generation.", "StockMarket.Economy.MinimumStocksInMarket")]
		int MinimumStocksInMarket { get; set; }
	[BepInPlugin("Venomaus.SOD.StockMarket", "StockMarket", "2.0.6")]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	public class Plugin : PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>
		public const string PLUGIN_GUID = "Venomaus.SOD.StockMarket";

		public const string PLUGIN_NAME = "StockMarket";

		public const string PLUGIN_VERSION = "2.0.6";

		internal Market Market { get; private set; }

		public override void Load()
			PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Plugin registered custom types into IL2CPP domain.");
			Market = new Market();
			PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Plugin initialized stock market hooks.");
			PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Plugin is patched.");

		public override void OnConfigureBindings()

		private void ValidateBindingValues()
			if (base.Config.MaxHoursTrendsCanPersist < 1)
				base.Config.MaxHoursTrendsCanPersist = 12;
			if (base.Config.MinHoursTrendsMustPersist < 1)
				base.Config.MinHoursTrendsMustPersist = 1;
			double stockTrendChancePercentage = base.Config.StockTrendChancePercentage;
			if (stockTrendChancePercentage < 0.0 || stockTrendChancePercentage > 100.0)
				base.Config.StockTrendChancePercentage = 3.0;
			if (base.Config.MaxTrends < -1)
				base.Config.MaxTrends = 10;
			if (base.Config.PastHistoricalDataVolatility < 1.0)
				base.Config.PastHistoricalDataVolatility = 15.0;
			if (!Enum.TryParse<DataSaveFormat>(base.Config.StockDataSaveFormat.Trim(), ignoreCase: true, out var _))
				base.Config.StockDataSaveFormat = "bin";
namespace SOD.StockMarket.Patches
	internal class CitizenCreatorPatches
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(CitizenCreator), "Populate")]
		internal class CitizenCreator_Populate
			internal static bool Init;

			internal static void Postfix()
				if (!Init)
					Init = true;
					PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance.Market.PostStocksInitialization(typeof(CitizenCreator));
	internal class CityConstructorPatches
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(CityConstructor), "Finalized")]
		internal class CityConstructor_Finalized
			internal static bool Init;

			internal static void Postfix()
				if (!Init)
					Init = true;
					PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance.Market.PostStocksInitialization(typeof(CityConstructor));
	internal class CompanyPatches
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Company), "Setup")]
		internal class Company_Setup
			internal static bool ShownInitializingMessage;

			internal static void Postfix(Company __instance)
				if (!PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance.Market.Initialized && (!((SoCustomComparison)(object)__instance.preset != (SoCustomComparison)null) || !__instance.preset.isSelfEmployed) && !__instance.preset.isIllegal && __instance.preset.publicFacing)
					if (!ShownInitializingMessage)
						PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Initializing stock market data.");
						ShownInitializingMessage = true;
					PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance.Market.InitStock(new Stock(__instance));
	internal class InteriorCreatorPatches
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(InteriorCreator), "GenChunk")]
		internal class InteriorCreator_GenChunk
			internal static bool Init;

			internal static void Postfix()
				if (!Init)
					Init = true;
					PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance.Market.PostStocksInitialization(typeof(InteriorCreator));
	internal class MainMenuControllerPatches
		[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MainMenuController), "Start")]
		internal class MainMenuController_Start
			private static bool _init;

			internal static void Postfix()
				if (!_init)
					_init = true;

			private static void LoadStockMarketBundle()
				string path = "stockmarketbundle";
				CruncherAppPreset obj = BundleLoader.LoadBundle(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), path), false, true).LoadAsset<CruncherAppPreset>("StockMarketPreset");

			private static void InsertAppToCrunchers(CruncherAppPreset preset)
				foreach (InteractablePreset item in ((IEnumerable<InteractablePreset>)Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<InteractablePreset>()).Where((InteractablePreset preset) => ((Object)preset).name.Contains("Cruncher")))
					item.additionalApps.Insert(item.additionalApps.Count - 2, preset);
namespace SOD.StockMarket.Implementation
	internal class Market : IStocksContainer
		private readonly List<Stock> _stocks;

		private bool _interiorCreatorFinished;

		private bool _citizenCreatorFinished;

		private bool _cityConstructorFinalized;

		private readonly bool _simulation;

		internal TimeData? SimulationTime;

		private bool _isLoading;

		private string _afterPreModPath;

		public IReadOnlyList<Stock> Stocks => _stocks;

		internal bool Initialized { get; private set; }

		private static int OpeningHour => ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.OpeningHour;

		private static int ClosingHour => ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.ClosingHour;

		internal TradeController TradeController { get; private set; }

		internal event EventHandler<EventArgs> OnCalculate;

		internal event EventHandler<EventArgs> OnInitialized;

		internal Market()
			_stocks = new List<Stock>();
			TradeController = new TradeController(this);
			Lib.SaveGame.OnBeforeNewGame += OnBeforeNewGame;
			Lib.SaveGame.OnBeforeLoad += OnFileLoad;
			Lib.SaveGame.OnBeforeSave += OnFileSave;
			Lib.SaveGame.OnBeforeDelete += OnFileDelete;
			Lib.Time.OnTimeInitialized += InitDdsRecords;
			Lib.Time.OnMinuteChanged += OnMinuteChanged;
			Lib.Time.OnHourChanged += OnHourChanged;
			if (!((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.RunSimulation)
			OnInitialized += delegate
				if (!Lib.Time.IsInitialized)
					Lib.Time.OnTimeInitialized += OnTimeInit;
					Simulate(((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.SimulationDays);

		private void InitDdsRecords(object sender, TimeChangedArgs e)
			Lib.DdsStrings["computer", "stockmarketpreset"] = "Stock Market";
			Lib.Time.OnTimeInitialized -= InitDdsRecords;

		private void OnTimeInit(object sender, TimeChangedArgs args)
			if (((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.RunSimulation)
				Simulate(((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.SimulationDays);
			Lib.Time.OnTimeInitialized -= OnTimeInit;

		private Market(Market market)
			//IL_0076: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			_stocks = new List<Stock>();
			foreach (Stock stock in market.Stocks)
				_stocks.Add(new Stock(stock));
			TradeController = new TradeController(this);
			_simulation = true;
			SimulationTime = new TimeData(1979, 1, 1, ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.OpeningHour, 0);
			Initialized = true;

		internal void Simulate(int days)
			//IL_0149: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_014e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_015d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0162: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0171: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0176: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0181: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0197: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_019c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0073: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0082: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0087: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00fd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_010c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0111: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_011d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Market market = new Market(this);
			TradeController tradeController = market.TradeController;
			int num = ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.ClosingHour - ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.OpeningHour;
			int openingHour = ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.OpeningHour;
			for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
				TimeData value;
				for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
					for (int k = 0; k < 59; k++)
						value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
						int year = ((TimeData)(ref value)).Year;
						value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
						int month = ((TimeData)(ref value)).Month;
						value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
						int day = ((TimeData)(ref value)).Day;
						value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
						market.SimulationTime = new TimeData(year, month, day, ((TimeData)(ref value)).Hour, k);
						market.OnMinuteChanged(this, null);
					value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
					int year2 = ((TimeData)(ref value)).Year;
					value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
					int month2 = ((TimeData)(ref value)).Month;
					value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
					int day2 = ((TimeData)(ref value)).Day;
					value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
					market.SimulationTime = new TimeData(year2, month2, day2, ((TimeData)(ref value)).Hour + 1, 0);
					market.OnHourChanged(this, null);
				value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
				int year3 = ((TimeData)(ref value)).Year;
				value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
				int month3 = ((TimeData)(ref value)).Month;
				value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
				market.SimulationTime = new TimeData(year3, month3, ((TimeData)(ref value)).Day, openingHour, 0);
				value = market.SimulationTime.Value;
				market.SimulationTime = ((TimeData)(ref value)).AddDays(1);
			StockDataIO.Export(market, tradeController, Lib.SaveGame.GetSavestoreDirectoryPath(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "Simulation.csv"), this);

		private void OnBeforeNewGame(object sender, EventArgs e)
			CitizenCreatorPatches.CitizenCreator_Populate.Init = false;
			CityConstructorPatches.CityConstructor_Finalized.Init = false;
			CompanyPatches.Company_Setup.ShownInitializingMessage = false;
			InteriorCreatorPatches.InteriorCreator_GenChunk.Init = false;
			_interiorCreatorFinished = false;
			_cityConstructorFinalized = false;
			_citizenCreatorFinished = false;
			Initialized = false;
			Lib.Time.OnTimeInitialized -= InitializeMarket;
			Lib.Time.OnTimeInitialized += InitializeMarket;

		internal void PostStocksInitialization(Type type)
			if (type == typeof(CitizenCreator))
				_citizenCreatorFinished = true;
			else if (type == typeof(InteriorCreator))
				_interiorCreatorFinished = true;
			else if (type == typeof(CityConstructor))
				_cityConstructorFinalized = true;
			else if (type == typeof(StockDataIO))
				_citizenCreatorFinished = true;
				_interiorCreatorFinished = true;
				_cityConstructorFinalized = true;
				Initialized = true;
				_isLoading = false;
				this.OnInitialized?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
			if (_isLoading || Initialized || !_citizenCreatorFinished || !_interiorCreatorFinished || !_cityConstructorFinalized)
			(CompanyStockData, decimal?)[] stocks = CustomStocks.Stocks;
			for (int i = 0; i < stocks.Length; i++)
				var (companyData, basePrice) = stocks[i];
				InitStock(new Stock(companyData, basePrice));
			if (_stocks.Count < ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.MinimumStocksInMarket)
				int num = ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.MinimumStocksInMarket - _stocks.Count;
				for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
					Stock stock = new Stock(new CompanyStockData(StockNameGenerator.GenerateStockName(), Math.Round(MathHelper.Random.NextDouble(0.15, 0.85), 2)));
			foreach (Stock stock2 in _stocks)
			if (((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.IsDebugEnabled)
				PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)("Stocks created: " + _stocks.Count));
			PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Stock market initialized.");
			Initialized = true;

		internal void InitStock(Stock stock)
			if (!Initialized)

		private void InitializeMarket(object sender, TimeChangedArgs e)
			//IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0084: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0089: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0091: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04c1: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_02c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02cf: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Lib.Time.OnTimeInitialized -= InitializeMarket;
			if (!_simulation)
			int num = 0;
			TimeData currentDate = Lib.Time.CurrentDate;
			int daysToKeepStockHistoricalData = ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.DaysToKeepStockHistoricalData;
			float num2 = (float)((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.PastHistoricalDataVolatility;
			bool flag = default(bool);
			foreach (Stock stock in _stocks)
				StockData stockData = null;
				for (int num3 = daysToKeepStockHistoricalData + 1; num3 > 0; num3--)
					TimeData date = ((TimeData)(ref currentDate)).AddDays(-num3);
					StockData stockData2 = new StockData
						Date = date,
						Open = (stockData?.Close ?? stock.Price)
					float num4 = (0f - num2) * (float)stock.Volatility;
					float num5 = num2 * (float)stock.Volatility;
					_ = stock.Volatility;
					stockData2.Close = Math.Round(stockData2.Open + stockData2.Open / 100m * (decimal)MathHelper.Random.NextDouble((double)num4, (double)num5), 2);
					decimal? close = stockData2.Close;
					if ((close.GetValueOrDefault() <= default(decimal)) & close.HasValue)
						stockData2.Close = 0.01m;
					stockData2.Low = Math.Round(stockData2.Close.Value + stockData2.Close.Value / 100m * (decimal)MathHelper.Random.NextDouble((double)num4, 0.0), 2);
					if (stockData2.Low <= 0m)
						stockData2.Low = 0.01m;
					stockData2.High = Math.Round(stockData2.Close.Value + stockData2.Close.Value / 100m * (decimal)MathHelper.Random.NextDouble(0.0, (double)num5), 2);
					if (stockData2.High <= 0m)
						stockData2.High = 0.01m;
					stockData = stockData2;
				if (!((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.IsDebugEnabled)
				ManualLogSource log = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
				BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler val = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(65, 7, ref flag);
				if (flag)
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(") ");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(" | ");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("Volatility (");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(") | ");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("Close (");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendFormatted<decimal>(Math.Round(stock.HistoricalData.Average((StockData a) => a.Close.Value), 2));
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(") | ");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("Open (");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendFormatted<decimal>(Math.Round(stock.HistoricalData.Average((StockData a) => a.Open), 2));
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(") | ");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("High (");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendFormatted<decimal>(Math.Round(stock.HistoricalData.Average((StockData a) => a.High), 2));
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(") | ");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("Low (");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendFormatted<decimal>(Math.Round(stock.HistoricalData.Average((StockData a) => a.Low), 2));
			if (((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.IsDebugEnabled)
				ManualLogSource log2 = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
				BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler val = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(37, 1, ref flag);
				if (flag)
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("Initialized ");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(" historical data entries.");
			this.OnInitialized?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

		private void OnMinuteChanged(object sender, TimeChangedArgs args)
			if (IsOpen())
				if (args == null || !args.IsHourChanged)

		private void OnHourChanged(object sender, TimeChangedArgs args)
			//IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0023: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0091: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0097: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00f1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f7: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0174: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_017a: Expected O, but got Unknown
			TimeData val = (TimeData)(((??)SimulationTime) ?? Lib.Time.CurrentDateTime);
			if (((TimeData)(ref val)).Hour == OpeningHour)
			else if (((TimeData)(ref val)).Hour == ClosingHour)
			if (!IsOpen())
			if (!((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.IsDebugEnabled || _simulation)
			ManualLogSource log = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
			bool flag = default(bool);
			BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler val2 = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(21, 0, ref flag);
			if (flag)
				((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val2).AppendLiteral("- New stock updates -");
			foreach (Stock item in _stocks.OrderBy((Stock a) => a.Id))
				ManualLogSource log2 = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
				val2 = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(23, 3, ref flag);
				if (flag)
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val2).AppendLiteral("Stock: \"(");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val2).AppendLiteral(") ");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val2).AppendLiteral("\" | Price: ");
			ManualLogSource log3 = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
			val2 = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(17, 0, ref flag);
			if (flag)
				((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val2).AppendLiteral("- End of Stocks -");

		internal bool IsOpen()
			//IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!_simulation && !Lib.Time.IsInitialized)
				return false;
			TimeData val = (TimeData)(((??)SimulationTime) ?? Lib.Time.CurrentDateTime);
			int hour = ((TimeData)(ref val)).Hour;
			if (hour < OpeningHour || hour >= ClosingHour)
				return false;
			HashSet<WeekDay> hashSet = (from a in ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.DaysClosed.Split(new char[1] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries | StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries)
				select Enum.Parse<WeekDay>(a.ToLower())).ToHashSet();
			ref TimeData? simulationTime = ref SimulationTime;
			WeekDay val2;
			if (!simulationTime.HasValue)
				val2 = Lib.Time.CurrentDayEnum;
				TimeData valueOrDefault = simulationTime.GetValueOrDefault();
				val2 = ((TimeData)(ref valueOrDefault)).DayEnum;
			WeekDay item = val2;
			if (hashSet.Contains(item))
				return false;
			return true;

		private void OnClose()
			//IL_0057: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			int historicalDataDeleted = 0;
			_stocks.ForEach(delegate(Stock a)
				a.ClosingPrice = a.Price;
				a.CreateHistoricalData(null, SimulationTime);
				historicalDataDeleted += a.CleanUpHistoricalData(SimulationTime);
			if (historicalDataDeleted > 0 && ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.IsDebugEnabled && !_simulation)
				ManualLogSource log = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
				bool flag = default(bool);
				BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler val = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(29, 1, ref flag);
				if (flag)
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("Deleted ");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(" old historical data.");
			if (((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.IsDebugEnabled && !_simulation)
				PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Stock market is closing.");

		private void OnOpen()
			_stocks.ForEach(delegate(Stock a)
				a.OpeningPrice = a.ClosingPrice.Value;
				a.ClosingPrice = null;
			if (!_simulation)
			if (((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.IsDebugEnabled && !_simulation)
				PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Stock market is opening.");

		private void Calculate()
			foreach (Stock stock in _stocks)
			this.OnCalculate?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

		private void GenerateTrends()
			//IL_038c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0393: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_03aa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0294: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_029b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			int num = 0;
			int maxHoursTrendsCanPersist = ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.MaxHoursTrendsCanPersist;
			int minHoursTrendsMustPersist = ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.MinHoursTrendsMustPersist;
			double stockTrendChancePercentage = ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.StockTrendChancePercentage;
			int maxTrends = ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.MaxTrends;
			bool isDebugEnabled = ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.IsDebugEnabled;
			if (maxTrends > -1 && Stocks.Count((Stock a) => a.Trend.HasValue) >= maxTrends)
			List<double> list = new List<double>();
			bool flag = default(bool);
			foreach (Stock item2 in Stocks.Where((Stock a) => !a.Trend.HasValue))
				if (!(MathHelper.Random.NextDouble() * 100.0 < stockTrendChancePercentage))
				double mean;
				double stdDev;
				if (item2.HistoricalData.Count >= 2)
					for (int i = 1; i < item2.HistoricalData.Count; i++)
						decimal value = item2.HistoricalData[i - 1].Close.Value;
						double item = (double)((item2.HistoricalData[i].Close.Value - value) / value * 100m);
					mean = list.Average();
					stdDev = MathHelper.CalculateStandardDeviation(list);
					mean = 0.0;
					stdDev = 0.3;
				double num2 = Math.Round(MathHelper.NextGaussian(mean, stdDev));
				int num3 = (int)num2;
				if (num3 == 0)
				if (Math.Abs(num3) < 2)
					num2 = ((num2 < 0.0) ? (num2 - 3.0) : (num2 + 3.0));
				if (MathHelper.Random.NextDouble() * 100.0 < 7.0)
					num2 *= (double)MathHelper.Random.Next(2, 5);
				int steps = MathHelper.Random.Next(60 * minHoursTrendsMustPersist, 60 * maxHoursTrendsCanPersist);
				StockTrend stockTrend = new StockTrend(num2, item2.Price, steps);
				if (!_simulation)
					NewsGenerator.GenerateArticle(item2, stockTrend);
				if (isDebugEnabled && !_simulation)
					ManualLogSource log = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
					BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler val = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(69, 6, ref flag);
					if (flag)
						((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("[NEW TREND]: \"(");
						((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(") ");
						((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("\" | Price: ");
						((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(" | Target ");
						((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(" | Percentage: ");
						((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendFormatted<double>(Math.Round(stockTrend.Percentage, 2));
						((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(" | MinutesLeft: ");
			if (num > 0 && isDebugEnabled && !_simulation && Lib.Time.IsInitialized)
				ManualLogSource log2 = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
				BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler val = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(33, 2, ref flag);
				if (flag)
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(")] Created ");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(" new trends.");

		private void OnFileSave(object sender, SaveGameArgs e)
			string saveFilePath = GetSaveFilePath(e.FilePath);
			StockDataIO.Export(this, TradeController, saveFilePath);

		private void OnFileLoad(object sender, SaveGameArgs e)
			string saveFilePath = GetSaveFilePath(e.FilePath);
			if (!File.Exists(saveFilePath))
				PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Attempting to load a premod install savegame, a new market economy will be generated for this savegame.");
				InitPreModInstallEconomyExistingSavegame(saveFilePath, saveImmediately: true);
			else if (!_isLoading)
				_isLoading = true;
				_interiorCreatorFinished = true;
				_cityConstructorFinalized = true;
				_citizenCreatorFinished = true;
				Initialized = false;
				if (!StockDataIO.Import(this, TradeController, saveFilePath))
					_isLoading = false;
					InitPreModInstallEconomyExistingSavegame(saveFilePath, saveImmediately: false);

		private void OnFileDelete(object sender, SaveGameArgs e)
			string saveFilePath = GetSaveFilePath(e.FilePath);
			if (File.Exists(saveFilePath))

		private void InitPreModInstallEconomyExistingSavegame(string filePath, bool saveImmediately)
			CitizenCreatorPatches.CitizenCreator_Populate.Init = false;
			CityConstructorPatches.CityConstructor_Finalized.Init = false;
			CompanyPatches.Company_Setup.ShownInitializingMessage = false;
			InteriorCreatorPatches.InteriorCreator_GenChunk.Init = false;
			_interiorCreatorFinished = false;
			_cityConstructorFinalized = false;
			_citizenCreatorFinished = false;
			Initialized = false;
			_afterPreModPath = filePath;
			if (!Lib.Time.IsInitialized)
				Lib.Time.OnTimeInitialized += InitializeMarket;
				if (saveImmediately)
					Lib.Time.OnTimeInitialized += AfterPreModInit;
					_afterPreModPath = null;
				InitializeMarket(this, null);
				if (saveImmediately)
					AfterPreModInit(this, null);
					_afterPreModPath = null;

		private void AfterPreModInit(object sender, TimeChangedArgs e)
			Lib.Time.OnTimeInitialized -= AfterPreModInit;
			StockDataIO.Export(this, TradeController, _afterPreModPath);
			_afterPreModPath = null;

		private static string GetSaveFilePath(string filePath)
			string uniqueString = Lib.SaveGame.GetUniqueString(filePath);
			if (!Enum.TryParse<DataSaveFormat>(((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.StockDataSaveFormat.Trim(), ignoreCase: true, out var result))
				throw new Exception("Invalid save format \"" + ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.StockDataSaveFormat + "\".");
			string text = "." + result.ToString().ToLower();
			string text2 = "stocks_" + uniqueString + text;
			return Lib.SaveGame.GetSavestoreDirectoryPath(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), text2);
	internal interface IStocksContainer
		IReadOnlyList<Stock> Stocks { get; }
	internal static class MathHelper
		internal static MersenneTwister Random { get; private set; }

		internal static void Init(int seed)
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Random = new MersenneTwister(seed);

		internal static void Init(MersenneTwister random)
			Random = random;

		private static double NextGaussian()
			double num;
			double num3;
				num = 2.0 * Random.NextDouble() - 1.0;
				double num2 = 2.0 * Random.NextDouble() - 1.0;
				num3 = num * num + num2 * num2;
			while (num3 >= 1.0 || num3 == 0.0);
			num3 = Math.Sqrt(-2.0 * Math.Log(num3) / num3);
			return num * num3;

		public static double NextGaussian(double mean, double stdDev)
			return mean + stdDev * NextGaussian();

		public static double CalculateStandardDeviation(List<double> values)
			double mean = values.Average();
			return Math.Sqrt(values.Sum((double value) => Math.Pow(value - mean, 2.0)) / (double)values.Count);
namespace SOD.StockMarket.Implementation.Trade
	internal static class Extensions
		internal static string ToLimitedString(this decimal value, int max, CultureInfo culture = null)
			return value.ToString(culture ?? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Substring(0, Math.Min(max, value.ToString(culture ?? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Length));
	internal class HistoricalPortfolio
		private TimeData? _timeData;

		internal TimeData Date
				//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0042: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0040: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				TimeData valueOrDefault = _timeData.GetValueOrDefault();
				if (!_timeData.HasValue)
					((TimeData)(ref valueOrDefault))..ctor(Year, Month, Day, 0, 0);
					_timeData = valueOrDefault;
					return valueOrDefault;
				return valueOrDefault;
				//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				_timeData = value;

		public decimal Worth { get; set; }

		public int Year { get; set; }

		public int Month { get; set; }

		public int Day { get; set; }

		public HistoricalPortfolio()

		internal HistoricalPortfolio(TimeData date, decimal worth)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Date = date;
			Worth = worth;
			Year = ((TimeData)(ref date)).Year;
			Month = ((TimeData)(ref date)).Month;
			Day = ((TimeData)(ref date)).Day;
	internal class TradeController : IStocksContainer
		internal readonly Market Market;

		private Dictionary<int, decimal> _playerStocks;

		private List<TradeOrder> _playerTradeOrders;

		private List<HistoricalPortfolio> _historicalPortfolio;

		private List<TradeHistory> _tradeHistory;

		internal bool NotificationsEnabled { get; set; } = true;

		internal decimal AvailableFunds { get; private set; }

		internal static int Money
			{ = value;
				if ((Object)(object)InterfaceControls.Instance.cashText != (Object)null)
					((TMP_Text)InterfaceControls.Instance.cashText).text = CityControls.Instance.cityCurrency + Money;
					if ((Object)(object)BioScreenController.Instance.cashText != (Object)null)
						((TMP_Text)BioScreenController.Instance.cashText).text = ((TMP_Text)InterfaceControls.Instance.cashText).text;

		public IReadOnlyList<Stock> Stocks => (from playerStock in _playerStocks
			join marketStock in Market.Stocks on playerStock.Key equals marketStock.Id
			select marketStock).ToList();

		public IReadOnlyList<TradeOrder> TradeOrders => _playerTradeOrders;

		public IReadOnlyList<HistoricalPortfolio> HistoricalPortfolioData => _historicalPortfolio;

		public IReadOnlyList<TradeHistory> TradeHistory => _tradeHistory;

		internal decimal TotalInvestedInStocks
				decimal d = default(decimal);
				foreach (Stock stock in Stocks)
					decimal num = _playerStocks[stock.Id];
					d += num * stock.Price;
				Dictionary<int, Stock> stocks = Market.Stocks.ToDictionary((Stock a) => a.Id, (Stock a) => a);
				d += (from a in TradeOrders
					where a.OrderType == OrderType.Sell
					select stocks[a.StockId].Price * a.Amount).Sum();
				return Math.Round(d, 2);

		internal decimal PortfolioWorth
				decimal num = (from a in TradeOrders
					where a.OrderType == OrderType.Buy
					select a.Price * a.Amount).Sum();
				return Math.Round(TotalInvestedInStocks + AvailableFunds + num, 2);

		internal decimal GetInvestedVolume(Stock stock)
			if (!_playerStocks.TryGetValue(stock.Id, out var value))
				return 0m;
			return value;

		internal TradeController(Market market)
			Market = market;
			Market.OnCalculate += Market_OnCalculate;

		internal void CreatePortfolioHistoricalDataEntry()
			//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			TimeData currentDate = Lib.Time.CurrentDate;
			if (!_historicalPortfolio.Any((HistoricalPortfolio a) => a.Date == currentDate))
				_historicalPortfolio.Add(new HistoricalPortfolio(currentDate, PortfolioWorth));

		internal decimal? GetPortfolioPercentageChange(int days)
			//IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0018: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			TimeData currentDate = Lib.Time.CurrentDate;
			decimal? num = HistoricalPortfolioData.OrderByDescending((HistoricalPortfolio a) => a.Date).ToArray().FirstOrDefault((HistoricalPortfolio a) => (currentDate - a.Date).TotalDays >= (double)days)?.Worth;
			if (num.HasValue)
				decimal? num2 = num;
				if (!((num2.GetValueOrDefault() == default(decimal)) & num2.HasValue))
					decimal portfolioWorth = PortfolioWorth;
					decimal? num3 = num;
					return ((decimal?)portfolioWorth - num3) / num * (decimal?)100;
			return null;

		internal void Reset()
			AvailableFunds = 0m;

		internal void DepositFunds(int money)
			if (money > 0 && Money >= money)
				AvailableFunds += (decimal)money;
				Money -= money;

		internal void WithdrawFunds(int money)
			if (money > 0 && AvailableFunds >= (decimal)money)
				AvailableFunds -= (decimal)money;
				Money += money;

		internal void Import(TradeSaveData saveData)
			_playerStocks = saveData?.PlayerStocks ?? new Dictionary<int, decimal>();
			_playerTradeOrders = saveData?.PlayerTradeOrders ?? new List<TradeOrder>();
			_historicalPortfolio = saveData?.HistoricalPortfolio ?? new List<HistoricalPortfolio>();
			_tradeHistory = saveData?.TradeHistory ?? new List<TradeHistory>();
			AvailableFunds = saveData?.AvailableFunds ?? 0m;

		internal TradeSaveData Export()
			return new TradeSaveData
				PlayerStocks = _playerStocks.ToDictionary((KeyValuePair<int, decimal> a) => a.Key, (KeyValuePair<int, decimal> a) => a.Value),
				PlayerTradeOrders = _playerTradeOrders.ToList(),
				HistoricalPortfolio = _historicalPortfolio.ToList(),
				TradeHistory = _tradeHistory.ToList(),
				AvailableFunds = AvailableFunds

		internal bool InstantBuy(Stock stock, decimal amount, bool deductMoney = true)
			//IL_0084: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (deductMoney && !IsValidOrder(OrderType.Buy, stock, amount))
				return false;
			if (deductMoney)
				decimal num = Math.Round(stock.Price * amount, 2);
				AvailableFunds -= num;
			if (_playerStocks.TryGetValue(stock.Id, out var value))
				_playerStocks[stock.Id] = value + amount;
				_playerStocks[stock.Id] = amount;
			_tradeHistory.Add(new TradeHistory(Lib.Time.CurrentDateTime, stock.Symbol, OrderType.Buy, amount, stock.Price));
			return true;

		internal bool InstantSell(Stock stock, decimal amount, bool removeStock = true)
			//IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (removeStock && !IsValidOrder(OrderType.Sell, stock, amount))
				return false;
			if (removeStock)
				_playerStocks[stock.Id] -= amount;
				if (_playerStocks[stock.Id] <= 0m)
			decimal num = Math.Round(stock.Price * amount, 2);
			AvailableFunds += num;
			_tradeHistory.Add(new TradeHistory(Lib.Time.CurrentDateTime, stock.Symbol, OrderType.Sell, amount, stock.Price));
			return true;

		internal bool BuyLimitOrder(Stock stock, decimal price, decimal amount)
			if (!IsValidOrder(OrderType.Buy, stock, amount))
				return false;
			decimal num = Math.Round(stock.Price * amount, 2);
			AvailableFunds -= num;
			_playerTradeOrders.Add(new TradeOrder(OrderType.Buy, stock.Id, price, amount));
			return true;

		internal bool SellLimitOrder(Stock stock, decimal price, decimal amount)
			if (!IsValidOrder(OrderType.Sell, stock, amount))
				return false;
			_playerTradeOrders.Add(new TradeOrder(OrderType.Sell, stock.Id, price, amount));
			_playerStocks[stock.Id] -= amount;
			if (_playerStocks[stock.Id] <= 0m)
			return true;

		internal void CancelOrder(TradeOrder order)
			if (order.Completed)
			if (order.OrderType == OrderType.Buy)
				AvailableFunds += Math.Round(order.Price * order.Amount, 2);
			else if (order.OrderType == OrderType.Sell)
				if (_playerStocks.TryGetValue(order.StockId, out var value))
					_playerStocks[order.StockId] = value + order.Amount;
					_playerStocks[order.StockId] = order.Amount;
			order.Completed = true;

		private void Market_OnCalculate(object sender, EventArgs e)
			//IL_0265: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_026a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02c4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02cb: Expected O, but got Unknown
			foreach (TradeOrder order in _playerTradeOrders)
				if (order.Completed)
				Stock stock = Market.Stocks.FirstOrDefault((Stock a) => a.Id == order.StockId);
				if (stock == null)
					order.Completed = true;
				decimal price = stock.Price;
				if ((order.OrderType == OrderType.Buy && price <= order.Price) || (order.OrderType == OrderType.Sell && price >= order.Price))
					bool flag = false;
					flag = order.OrderType switch
						OrderType.Buy => InstantBuy(stock, order.Amount, deductMoney: false), 
						OrderType.Sell => InstantSell(stock, order.Amount, removeStock: false), 
						_ => throw new NotImplementedException($"OrderType \"{order.OrderType}\" doesn't have an implementation."), 
					order.Completed = flag;
					if (order.Completed && NotificationsEnabled)
						Lib.GameMessage.Broadcast($"{order.OrderType} order \"({stock.Symbol}) '{order.Amount}' for target price € {order.Price}\" completed.", (GameMessageType)0, (Icon)17, (Color?)null, 0f);
			_playerTradeOrders.RemoveAll((TradeOrder a) => a.Completed);
			TimeData currentDateTime = Lib.Time.CurrentDateTime;
			int num = 0;
			num += _tradeHistory.RemoveAll((TradeHistory a) => (currentDateTime - a.DateTime).TotalDays >= 7.0);
			num += _historicalPortfolio.RemoveAll((HistoricalPortfolio a) => (currentDateTime - a.Date).TotalDays >= 32.0);
			if (((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.IsDebugEnabled && num > 0)
				ManualLogSource log = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
				bool flag2 = default(bool);
				BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler val = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(31, 1, ref flag2);
				if (flag2)
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("Deleted ");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(" trade history entries.");

		private bool IsValidOrder(OrderType orderType, Stock stock, decimal amount)
			decimal value;
			return orderType switch
				OrderType.Buy => AvailableFunds >= Math.Round(stock.Price * amount, 2), 
				OrderType.Sell => _playerStocks.TryGetValue(stock.Id, out value) && value >= amount, 
				_ => false, 
	internal class TradeHistory
		private TimeData? _dateTime;

		public TimeData DateTime
				//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_000b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				TimeData valueOrDefault = _dateTime.GetValueOrDefault();
				if (!_dateTime.HasValue)
					((TimeData)(ref valueOrDefault))..ctor(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute);
					_dateTime = valueOrDefault;
					return valueOrDefault;
				return valueOrDefault;
				//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				_dateTime = value;

		public int Year { get; set; }

		public int Month { get; set; }

		public int Day { get; set; }

		public int Hour { get; set; }

		public int Minute { get; set; }

		public string StockSymbol { get; set; }

		public OrderType OrderType { get; set; }

		public decimal Amount { get; set; }

		public decimal Price { get; set; }

		public decimal Total => Math.Round(Price * Amount, 2);

		public TradeHistory()

		internal TradeHistory(TimeData dateTime, string symbol, OrderType orderType, decimal amount, decimal price)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			DateTime = dateTime;
			StockSymbol = symbol;
			OrderType = orderType;
			Amount = amount;
			Price = price;
			Year = ((TimeData)(ref dateTime)).Year;
			Month = ((TimeData)(ref dateTime)).Month;
			Day = ((TimeData)(ref dateTime)).Day;
			Hour = ((TimeData)(ref dateTime)).Hour;
			Minute = ((TimeData)(ref dateTime)).Minute;
	internal sealed class TradeHistoryPagination
		private readonly int _maxTradeHistoryPerPage;

		private readonly TradeController _tradeController;

		private Func<TradeHistory, object> _currentSortingProperty;

		private bool _sortAscending = true;

		internal int CurrentPage { get; private set; }

		internal TradeHistory[] Current
				TradeHistory[] array = new TradeHistory[_maxTradeHistoryPerPage];
				return array;

		internal TradeHistoryPagination(TradeController tradeController, int maxTradeHistoryPerPage)
			_tradeController = tradeController;
			_maxTradeHistoryPerPage = maxTradeHistoryPerPage;

		internal TradeHistory[] Next()
			TradeHistory[] array = new TradeHistory[_maxTradeHistoryPerPage];
			int num = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)_tradeController.TradeHistory.Count / (double)_maxTradeHistoryPerPage);
			if (CurrentPage < num - 1)
			else if (CurrentPage == num - 1)
				CurrentPage = 0;
			return array;

		internal TradeHistory[] Previous()
			TradeHistory[] array = new TradeHistory[_maxTradeHistoryPerPage];
			if (CurrentPage > 0)
			else if (CurrentPage == 0)
				int num = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)_tradeController.TradeHistory.Count / (double)_maxTradeHistoryPerPage);
				CurrentPage = Math.Max(0, num - 1);
			return array;

		internal TradeHistory[] Reset()
			TradeHistory[] array = new TradeHistory[_maxTradeHistoryPerPage];
			CurrentPage = 0;
			return array;

		internal void SortBy(Func<TradeHistory, object> selector, bool? ascending = null)
			if (_currentSortingProperty == selector)
				_sortAscending = !_sortAscending;
				_sortAscending = true;
			_currentSortingProperty = selector;
			if (ascending.HasValue)
				_sortAscending = ascending.Value;

		private void SetHistories(TradeHistory[] slots)
			if (_tradeController.TradeHistory.Count != 0)
				IReadOnlyList<TradeHistory> readOnlyList = _tradeController.TradeHistory;
				if (_currentSortingProperty != null)
					readOnlyList = (_sortAscending ? readOnlyList.OrderBy(_currentSortingProperty).ToList() : readOnlyList.OrderByDescending(_currentSortingProperty).ToList());
				int num = CurrentPage * _maxTradeHistoryPerPage;
				for (int i = 0; i < _maxTradeHistoryPerPage; i++)
					slots[i] = ((readOnlyList.Count > num + i) ? readOnlyList[num + i] : null);
	internal class TradeOrder
		public int StockId { get; set; }

		public decimal Price { get; set; }

		public decimal Amount { get; set; }

		public OrderType OrderType { get; set; }

		public bool Completed { get; set; }

		public TradeOrder()

		internal TradeOrder(OrderType orderType, int stockId, decimal price, decimal amount)
			StockId = stockId;
			Price = price;
			Amount = amount;
			OrderType = orderType;
			Completed = false;
	internal enum OrderType
	internal sealed class TradeOrderPagination
		private readonly int _maxTradeOrdersPerPage;

		private readonly TradeController _tradeController;

		private Stock _forStockOnly;

		internal int CurrentPage { get; private set; }

		internal StockOrder[] Current
				StockOrder[] array = new StockOrder[_maxTradeOrdersPerPage];
				return array;

		internal TradeOrderPagination(TradeController tradeController, int maxTradeOrdersPerPage)
			_tradeController = tradeController;
			_maxTradeOrdersPerPage = maxTradeOrdersPerPage;

		internal void SetForStockOnly(Stock stock)
			_forStockOnly = stock;

		internal StockOrder[] Next()
			StockOrder[] array = new StockOrder[_maxTradeOrdersPerPage];
			int num = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)_tradeController.TradeOrders.Count / (double)_maxTradeOrdersPerPage);
			if (CurrentPage < num - 1)
			else if (CurrentPage == num - 1)
				CurrentPage = 0;
			return array;

		internal StockOrder[] Previous()
			StockOrder[] array = new StockOrder[_maxTradeOrdersPerPage];
			if (CurrentPage > 0)
			else if (CurrentPage == 0)
				int num = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)_tradeController.TradeOrders.Count / (double)_maxTradeOrdersPerPage);
				CurrentPage = num - 1;
			return array;

		internal StockOrder[] Reset()
			StockOrder[] array = new StockOrder[_maxTradeOrdersPerPage];
			CurrentPage = 0;
			return array;

		private void SetStocks(StockOrder[] stocks)
			IReadOnlyList<TradeOrder> readOnlyList = _tradeController.TradeOrders;
			if (_forStockOnly != null)
				readOnlyList = readOnlyList.Where((TradeOrder a) => a.StockId == _forStockOnly.Id).ToList();
			if (readOnlyList.Count == 0)
			int num = CurrentPage * _maxTradeOrdersPerPage;
			for (int i = 0; i < _maxTradeOrdersPerPage; i++)
				TradeOrder order = ((readOnlyList.Count > num + i) ? readOnlyList[num + i] : null);
				if (order == null)
					stocks[i] = null;
				Stock stock = _tradeController.Market.Stocks.FirstOrDefault((Stock a) => a.Id == order.StockId);
				if (stock == null)
					stocks[i] = null;
					stocks[i] = new StockOrder(stock, order);
	internal sealed class StockOrder
		internal Stock Stock { get; }

		internal TradeOrder TradeOrder { get; }

		internal StockOrder(Stock stock, TradeOrder tradeOrder)
			Stock = stock;
			TradeOrder = tradeOrder;
	internal sealed class TradeSaveData
		public Dictionary<int, decimal> PlayerStocks { get; set; }

		public List<TradeOrder> PlayerTradeOrders { get; set; }

		public List<HistoricalPortfolio> HistoricalPortfolio { get; set; }

		public List<TradeHistory> TradeHistory { get; set; }

		public decimal AvailableFunds { get; set; }

		internal string ToJson()
			return JsonSerializer.Serialize(this, new JsonSerializerOptions
				WriteIndented = false

		internal static TradeSaveData FromJson(string json)
			return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TradeSaveData>(json);
namespace SOD.StockMarket.Implementation.Stocks
	internal class CompanyStockData
		private Company _company;

		private decimal? _averageSales;

		private decimal? _minSalary;

		private decimal? _topSalary;

		internal string Name { get; private set; }

		internal string Symbol { get; private set; }

		internal decimal AverageSales => GetAverageSales();

		internal decimal MinSalary => GetMinSalary();

		internal decimal TopSalary => GetTopSalary();

		internal double Volatility { get; private set; }

		internal CompanyStockData(string name, double volatility, string symbol = null)
			Name = name;
			Symbol = symbol ?? StockSymbolGenerator.Generate(Name);
			Volatility = volatility;

		internal CompanyStockData(Company company)
			_company = company;

		internal void Initialize()
			if (_company != null)
				Name =;
				Symbol = StockSymbolGenerator.Generate(Name);
				Volatility = Math.Round(MathHelper.Random.NextDouble(0.15, 0.85), 2);
			_company = null;

		private decimal GetAverageSales()
			decimal valueOrDefault = _averageSales.GetValueOrDefault();
			if (!_averageSales.HasValue)
				valueOrDefault = MathHelper.Random.Next(5, 1000);
				_averageSales = valueOrDefault;
				return valueOrDefault;
			return valueOrDefault;

		private decimal GetMinSalary()
			if (_company != null && _company.minimumSalary > 0f)
				return (decimal)_company.minimumSalary;
			decimal valueOrDefault = _minSalary.GetValueOrDefault();
			if (!_minSalary.HasValue)
				valueOrDefault = MathHelper.Random.Next(550, 1350);
				_minSalary = valueOrDefault;
				return valueOrDefault;
			return valueOrDefault;

		private decimal GetTopSalary()
			if (_company != null && _company.topSalary > 0f)
				return (decimal)_company.topSalary;
			decimal valueOrDefault = _topSalary.GetValueOrDefault();
			if (!_topSalary.HasValue)
				valueOrDefault = MathHelper.Random.Next((int)GetMinSalary() + 1, 2250);
				_topSalary = valueOrDefault;
				return valueOrDefault;
			return valueOrDefault;
	internal static class CustomStocks
		internal static readonly (CompanyStockData data, decimal? basePrice)[] Stocks = new(CompanyStockData, decimal?)[3]
			(new CompanyStockData("Starch Kola", 0.5), (decimal)MathHelper.Random.NextDouble(5000.0, 10000.0)),
			(new CompanyStockData("Kaizen-7", 0.4), (decimal)MathHelper.Random.NextDouble(3500.0, 7500.0)),
			(new CompanyStockData("Crow Coin", 0.15), (decimal)MathHelper.Random.NextDouble(0.9750000238418579, 1.024999976158142))
	internal class Stock
		private static int _id;

		private readonly List<StockData> _historicalData;

		private readonly CompanyStockData _companyData;

		private readonly decimal? _basePrice;

		private readonly bool _imported;

		private int _currentStep;

		internal int Id { get; }

		internal string Name => _companyData.Name;

		internal string Symbol => _companyData.Symbol;

		internal double Volatility => _companyData.Volatility;

		internal decimal Price { get; private set; }

		internal decimal OpeningPrice { get; set; }

		internal decimal? ClosingPrice { get; set; }

		internal decimal HighPrice { get; private set; }

		internal decimal LowPrice { get; private set; }

		internal StockTrend? Trend { get; private set; }

		internal decimal TodayDiff => Math.Round(Price - OpeningPrice, 2);

		internal decimal DailyPercentage => GetPercentage(Price, OpeningPrice);

		internal decimal? WeeklyPercentage
				//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				TimeData currentDate = Lib.Time.CurrentDate;
				StockData stockData = HistoricalData.OrderByDescending((StockData a) => a.Date).FirstOrDefault((StockData a) => (currentDate - a.Date).TotalDays >= 7.0);
				if (stockData == null)
					return null;
				return GetPercentage(Price, stockData.Open);

		internal decimal? MonthlyPercentage
				//IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				TimeData currentDate = Lib.Time.CurrentDate;
				StockData stockData = HistoricalData.OrderByDescending((StockData a) => a.Date).FirstOrDefault((StockData a) => (currentDate - a.Date).TotalDays >= 30.0);
				if (stockData == null)
					return null;
				return GetPercentage(Price, stockData.Open);

		internal IReadOnlyList<StockData> HistoricalData => _historicalData;

		internal Stock(Company company)
			: this()
			_companyData = new CompanyStockData(company);

		internal Stock(CompanyStockData companyData, decimal? basePrice = null)
			: this((int?)null, basePrice)
			_companyData = companyData;

		internal Stock(StockDataIO.StockDataDTO dto, IEnumerable<StockData> historicalData)
			: this(dto.Id, dto.Price)
			_companyData = new CompanyStockData(dto.Name, dto.Volatility.Value, dto.Symbol);
			Price = dto.Price.Value;
			OpeningPrice = dto.Open;
			ClosingPrice = dto.Close;
			LowPrice = dto.Low;
			HighPrice = dto.High;
			if (dto.TrendPercentage.HasValue && dto.TrendStartPrice.HasValue && dto.TrendEndPrice.HasValue && dto.TrendSteps.HasValue)
				StockTrend value = new StockTrend
					Percentage = dto.TrendPercentage.Value,
					StartPrice = dto.TrendStartPrice.Value,
					EndPrice = dto.TrendEndPrice.Value,
					Steps = dto.TrendSteps.Value
				Trend = value;
			foreach (StockData item in historicalData.OrderBy((StockData a) => a.Date))
			_imported = true;

		internal Stock(Stock stock)
			Id = stock.Id;
			_companyData = stock._companyData;
			Price = stock.Price;
			OpeningPrice = stock.OpeningPrice;
			ClosingPrice = stock.ClosingPrice;
			LowPrice = stock.LowPrice;
			HighPrice = stock.HighPrice;
			Trend = stock.Trend;
			_historicalData = new List<StockData>();
			foreach (StockData historicalDatum in stock._historicalData)
				_historicalData.Add(new StockData(historicalDatum));
			_basePrice = stock._basePrice;
			_imported = stock._imported;

		private Stock(int? id = null, decimal? basePrice = null)
			Id = id ?? _id++;
			_historicalData = new List<StockData>();
			_basePrice = basePrice;
			_imported = false;

		private static decimal GetPercentage(decimal currentPrice, decimal openingPrice)
			double num = ((openingPrice != 0m) ? ((double)((currentPrice - openingPrice) / openingPrice * 100m)) : ((currentPrice > 0m) ? double.PositiveInfinity : ((!(currentPrice < 0m)) ? 0.0 : double.NegativeInfinity)));
			return Math.Round((decimal)num, 2);

		internal void DeterminePrice()
			if ((!Trend.HasValue || _currentStep >= Trend.Value.Steps) && MathHelper.Random.Next(0, 99) < 10)
				if (Trend.HasValue && _currentStep >= Trend.Value.Steps)
			decimal? num = null;
			if (Trend.HasValue)
				StockTrend value = Trend.Value;
				if (_currentStep >= value.Steps)
					decimal num2 = (decimal)_currentStep / (decimal)value.Steps;
					num = value.StartPrice + (value.EndPrice - value.StartPrice) * num2;
					if (_currentStep >= value.Steps)
			if (!num.HasValue)
				decimal num3 = (decimal)((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.PriceFluctuationPercentage * (decimal)Volatility;
				decimal num4 = Price * (num3 / 100m);
				num = Price + (decimal)(MathHelper.Random.NextDouble() * (double)num4 * 2.0) - num4;
			if (num.HasValue)
				decimal? num5 = num;
				if (!((num5.GetValueOrDefault() <= default(decimal)) & num5.HasValue))
					goto IL_0222;
			num = 0.01m;
			if (Trend.HasValue && Trend.Value.EndPrice <= 0.01m)
			goto IL_0222;
			Price = Math.Round(num.Value, 2);

		internal void SetTrend(StockTrend stockTrend)
			if (!Trend.HasValue)
				Trend = stockTrend;

		internal void RemoveTrend()
			_currentStep = 0;
			Trend = null;

		internal void CreateHistoricalData(StockData stockData = null, TimeData? date = null)
			//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (stockData != null)
			TimeData date2 = (TimeData)(((??)date) ?? Lib.Time.CurrentDate);
			_historicalData.Add(new StockData
				Date = date2,
				Close = ClosingPrice,
				Open = OpeningPrice,
				Low = LowPrice,
				High = HighPrice,
				Trend = Trend
			LowPrice = ClosingPrice.Value;
			HighPrice = ClosingPrice.Value;

		internal int CleanUpHistoricalData(TimeData? date)
			//IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0017: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			TimeData currentDate = (TimeData)(((??)date) ?? Lib.Time.CurrentDate);
			int maxDays = ((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.DaysToKeepStockHistoricalData;
			return _historicalData.RemoveAll((StockData stockData) => ((currentDate - stockData.Date).Days > maxDays) ? true : false);

		internal void Initialize()
			if (_imported)
				throw new Exception("An imported stock is already initialized, no need to call Initialize();");
			Price = Math.Round(_basePrice ?? (_companyData.AverageSales / (_companyData.MinSalary + _companyData.TopSalary) * 1000m), 2);
			OpeningPrice = Price;
			LowPrice = Price;
			HighPrice = Price;

		private void UpdateHighestLowestPrices()
			if (LowPrice > Price)
				LowPrice = Price;
			else if (HighPrice < Price)
				HighPrice = Price;
	internal class StockData : IEquatable<StockData>
		public TimeData Date { get; set; }

		public decimal Open { get; set; }

		public decimal? Close { get; set; }

		public decimal High { get; set; }

		public decimal Low { get; set; }

		public StockTrend? Trend { get; set; }

		internal StockData()

		internal StockData(StockData data)
			//IL_0008: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			Date = data.Date;
			Open = data.Open;
			Close = data.Close;
			High = data.High;
			Low = data.Low;
			Trend = data.Trend;

		public bool Equals(StockData other)
			//IL_0004: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0009: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (other != null)
				TimeData date = other.Date;
				return ((TimeData)(ref date)).Equals(Date);
			return false;

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			return Equals(obj as StockData);

		public override int GetHashCode()
			//IL_0001: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			TimeData date = Date;
			return ((object)(TimeData)(ref date)).GetHashCode();
	internal static class StockDataIO
		internal sealed class StockDataDTO
			public int Id { get; set; }

			public string Name { get; set; }

			public string Symbol { get; set; }

			public TimeData? Date { get; set; }

			public decimal Open { get; set; }

			public decimal? Close { get; set; }

			public decimal High { get; set; }

			public decimal Low { get; set; }

			public decimal Average { get; set; }

			public decimal? Price { get; set; }

			public double? Volatility { get; set; }

			public double? TrendPercentage { get; set; }

			public decimal? TrendStartPrice { get; set; }

			public decimal? TrendEndPrice { get; set; }

			public int? TrendSteps { get; set; }

			public TradeSaveData TradeSaveData { get; set; }

			public List<Article> Articles { get; set; }

			public decimal? OriginalPrice { get; set; }

			public decimal SimulationChange => Math.Round(Price.Value - OriginalPrice.Value, 2);

		internal static void Export(Market market, TradeController tradeController, string path, Market simulation = null)
			//IL_0536: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_053d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_033a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!market.Initialized)
				PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Cannot export stock market data, market not yet initialized.");
			List<StockDataDTO> list = new List<StockDataDTO>
				new StockDataDTO
					TradeSaveData = tradeController.Export()
				new StockDataDTO
					Articles = NewsGenerator.AllArticles.ToList()
			foreach (Stock stock in market.Stocks.OrderBy((Stock a) => a.Id))
				StockDataDTO stockDataDTO = new StockDataDTO
					Id = stock.Id,
					Name = stock.Name,
					Symbol = stock.Symbol,
					Date = null,
					Price = stock.Price,
					Open = stock.OpeningPrice,
					Close = stock.ClosingPrice,
					High = stock.HighPrice,
					Low = stock.LowPrice,
					Volatility = stock.Volatility,
					TrendPercentage = stock.Trend?.Percentage,
					TrendStartPrice = stock.Trend?.StartPrice,
					TrendEndPrice = stock.Trend?.EndPrice,
					TrendSteps = stock.Trend?.Steps,
					Average = Math.Round((stock.HighPrice + stock.LowPrice + stock.Price) / 3m, 2)
				if (simulation != null)
					Stock stock2 = simulation.Stocks.First((Stock a) => a.Id == stock.Id);
					stockDataDTO.OriginalPrice = stock2.Price;
				foreach (StockData item2 in stock.HistoricalData.OrderBy((StockData a) => a.Date))
					StockDataDTO item = new StockDataDTO
						Id = stock.Id,
						Name = stock.Name,
						Symbol = stock.Symbol,
						Date = item2.Date,
						Open = item2.Open,
						Close = item2.Close,
						High = item2.High,
						Low = item2.Low,
						Average = Math.Round((item2.Open + item2.Close.Value + item2.High + item2.Low) / 4m),
						Price = null,
						Volatility = null,
						TrendPercentage = item2.Trend?.Percentage,
						TrendStartPrice = item2.Trend?.StartPrice,
						TrendEndPrice = item2.Trend?.EndPrice,
						TrendSteps = item2.Trend?.Steps,
						OriginalPrice = null
			ConverterFactory.Get(path).Save(list, MathHelper.Random, path, simulation != null);
			ManualLogSource log = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
			bool flag = default(bool);
			BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler val = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(33, 1, ref flag);
			if (flag)
				((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("Exported ");
				((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(" stock market data rows.");

		internal static bool Import(Market market, TradeController tradeController, string path)
			//IL_032c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0333: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01fe: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0205: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0262: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0269: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_02f2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02f9: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (market.Initialized)
				PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Cannot import stock market data, market is already initialized.");
				return true;
			bool flag = default(bool);
				PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Loading stock data..");
				List<StockDataDTO> list = ConverterFactory.Get(path).Load(path);
				Dictionary<int, StockData[]> dictionary = (from a in list
					where a.TradeSaveData == null && a.Articles == null && !a.Price.HasValue
					group a by a.Id).Select(delegate(IGrouping<int, StockDataDTO> a)
					IEnumerable<StockData> source = a.OrderBy((StockDataDTO a) => a.Date).Select(delegate(StockDataDTO a)
						//IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
						StockData stockData = new StockData
							Close = a.Close,
							High = a.High,
							Low = a.Low,
							Date = a.Date.Value,
							Open = a.Open
						if (a.TrendPercentage.HasValue && a.TrendStartPrice.HasValue && a.TrendEndPrice.HasValue && a.TrendSteps.HasValue)
							StockTrend stockTrend = default(StockTrend);
							stockTrend.Percentage = a.TrendPercentage.Value;
							stockTrend.StartPrice = a.TrendStartPrice.Value;
							stockTrend.EndPrice = a.TrendEndPrice.Value;
							stockTrend.Steps = a.TrendSteps.Value;
							StockTrend value = stockTrend;
							stockData.Trend = value;
						return stockData;
					return new
						Key = a.Key,
						Data = source.ToArray()
				}).ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => a.Data);
				foreach (StockDataDTO item in from a in list
					where a.TradeSaveData == null && a.Articles == null && a.Price.HasValue
					orderby a.Id
					select a)
					Stock stock = new Stock(item, dictionary[item.Id]);
				TradeSaveData tradeSaveData = list[0].TradeSaveData;
				if (tradeSaveData != null)
					PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Loading trade data..");
				PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Loading news data..");
				if (((PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>)PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Instance).Config.IsDebugEnabled)
					PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)("Stocks data loaded: " + market.Stocks.Count));
					ManualLogSource log = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
					BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler val = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(17, 0, ref flag);
					if (flag)
						((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("- Loaded stocks -");
					foreach (Stock item2 in market.Stocks.OrderBy((Stock a) => a.Id))
						ManualLogSource log2 = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
						val = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(23, 3, ref flag);
						if (flag)
							((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("Stock: \"(");
							((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral(") ");
							((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("\" | Price: ");
					ManualLogSource log3 = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
					val = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(17, 0, ref flag);
					if (flag)
						((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("- End of Stocks -");
				PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log.LogInfo((object)"Stock market loaded.");
			catch (Exception)
				ManualLogSource log4 = PluginController<Plugin, IPluginBindings>.Log;
				BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler val = new BepInExInfoLogInterpolatedStringHandler(86, 1, ref flag);
				if (flag)
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("The savefile is not compatible with \"Stockmarket v");
					((BepInExLogInterpolatedStringHandler)val).AppendLiteral("\", skipped loading stockmarket data.");
				return false;
			return true;
	internal static class StockNameGenerator
		private static readonly Faker faker = new Faker("en");

		internal static string GenerateStockName()
			return faker.Company.CompanyName((int?)null);
	internal sealed class StockPagination
		private readonly IStocksContainer _stockContainer;

		private readonly Func<int> _maxStocksPerPageFunc;

		private Func<Stock, object> _currentSortingProperty;

		private bool _sortAscending = true;

		internal int CurrentPage { get; private set; }

		internal Stock[] Current
				Stock[] array = new Stock[_maxStocksPerPageFunc()];
				return array;

		internal StockPagination(IStocksContainer stockContainer, int maxStocksPerPage)
			_stockContainer = stockContainer;
			_maxStocksPerPageFunc = () => maxStocksPerPage;

		internal StockPagination(IStocksContainer stockContainer, Func<int> maxStocksPerPage)
			_stockContainer = stockContainer;
			_maxStocksPerPageFunc = maxStocksPerPage;

		internal Stock[] Next()
			int num = _maxStocksPerPageFunc();
			Stock[] array = new Stock[num];
			int num2 = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)_stockContainer.Stocks.Count / (double)num);
			if (CurrentPage < num2 - 1)
			else if (CurrentPage == num2 - 1)
				CurrentPage = 0;
			return array;

		internal Stock[] Previous()
			int num = _maxStocksPerPageFunc();
			Stock[] array = new Stock[num];
			if (CurrentPage > 0)
			else if (CurrentPage == 0)
				int num2 = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)_stockContainer.Stocks.Count / (double)num);
				CurrentPage = num2 - 1;
			return array;

		internal Stock[] Reset()
			Stock[] array = new Stock[_maxStocksPerPageFunc()];
			CurrentPage = 0;
			return array;

		internal void SortBy(Func<Stock, object> selector, bool? ascending = null)
			if (_currentSortingProperty == selector)
				_sortAscending = !_sortAscending;
				_sortAscending = true;
			_currentSortingProperty = selector;
			if (ascending.HasValue)
				_sortAscending = ascending.Value;

		private void SetStocks(Stock[] stocks)
			if (_stockContainer.Stocks.Count != 0)
				IReadOnlyList<Stock> readOnlyList = _stockContainer.Stocks;
				if (_currentSortingProperty != null)
					readOnlyList = (_sortAscending ? readOnlyList.OrderBy(_currentSortingProperty).ToList() : readOnlyList.OrderByDescending(_currentSortingProperty).ToList());
				int num = _maxStocksPerPageFunc();
				int num2 = CurrentPage * num;
				for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
					Stock stock = ((readOnlyList.Count > num2 + i) ? readOnlyList[num2 + i] : null);
					stocks[i] = stock;
	internal static class StockSymbolGenerator
		private static Dictionary<string, int> _companySymbolCount;

		internal static string Generate(string companyName)
			string text = GetSymbol(companyName);
			if (_companySymbolCount == null)
				_companySymbolCount = new Dictionary<string, int>();
			if (_companySymbolCount.TryGetValue(text, out var value))
				_companySymbolCount[text] = value;
				_companySymbolCount[text] = 0;
			if (text.Length == 4 && value > 0)
				text = new string(text.Take(3).ToArray());
				if (_companySymbolCount.TryGetValue(text, out value))
					_companySymbolCount[text] = value;
					_companySymbolCount[text] = 0;
			string text2 = text + value;
			if (text2.Length == 1)
				text2 = text + value.ToString("D3");
			else if (text2.Length == 2)
				text2 = text + value.ToString("D2");
			text2 = text2.Substring(0, Math.Min(text2.Length, 4));
			return text2.ToUpper();

		internal static void Clear()
			_companySymbolCount = null;

		private static string GetSymbol(string companyName)
			char[] blockedChars = new char[3] { '-', '_', '&' };
			string[] array = (from a in companyName.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
				where a.Length > 1
				select a).ToArray();
			if (array.Length == 0)
				throw new Exception("Missing company name.");
			if (array.Length == 1)
				return new string(array[0].Where((char a) => !blockedChars.Contains(a)).Take(4).ToArray());
			return new string(array[0].Where((char a) => !blockedChars.Contains(a)).Take(2).Concat(array[1].Where((char a) => !blockedChars.Contains(a)).Take(2))
	internal readonly struct StockTrend
		internal double Percentage { get; init; }

		internal decimal StartPrice { get; init; }

		internal decimal EndPrice { get; init; }

		internal int Steps { get; init; }

		internal StockTrend(double percentage, decimal currentPrice, int steps)
			Percentage = percentage;
			StartPrice = currentPrice;
			Steps = steps;
			EndPrice = Math.Round(StartPrice + StartPrice / 100m * (decimal)Percentage, 2);
namespace SOD.StockMarket.Implementation.DataConversion
	internal static class ConverterFactory
		private static readonly Dictionary<string, Func<IDataConverter>> _converters = new Dictionary<string, Func<IDataConverter>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
				() => CsvConverter.Create()
				() => BinaryConverter.Create()

		public static IDataConverter Get(string filePath)
			string extension = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
			if (_converters.TryGetValue(extension, out var value))
				return value();
			throw new NotSupportedException("Data type \"" + extension + "\" is not supported.");
	public enum DataSaveFormat
	internal interface IDataConverter
		void Save(List<StockDataIO.StockDataDTO> data, MersenneTwister random, string path, bool simulation = false);

		List<StockDataIO.StockDataDTO> Load(string path);
namespace SOD.StockMarket.Implementation.DataConversion.Converters
	internal sealed class BinaryConverter : IDataConverter
		private BinaryConverter()

		internal static BinaryConverter Create()
			return new BinaryConverter();

		public void Save(List<StockDataIO.StockDataDTO> data, MersenneTwister random, string path, bool simulation = false)
			using BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));
			var (value, array) = random.SaveState();
			uint[] array2 = array;
			foreach (uint value2 in array2)
			string value3 = data[0].TradeSaveData.ToJson();
			string value4 = JsonSerializer.Serialize(data[1].Articles, new JsonSerializerOptions
				WriteIndented = false
			for (int j = 2; j < data.Count; j++)
				StockDataIO.StockDataDTO stockDataDTO = data[j];
				WriteNullableTimeData(binaryWriter, stockDataDTO.Date);
				WriteNullableDecimal(binaryWriter, stockDataDTO.Price);
				WriteNullableDecimal(binaryWriter, stockDataDTO.Close);
				WriteNullableDouble(binaryWriter, stockDataDTO.Volatility);
				WriteNullableDouble(binaryWriter, stockDataDTO.TrendPercentage);
				WriteNullableDecimal(binaryWriter, stockDataDTO.TrendStartPrice);
				WriteNullableDecimal(binaryWriter, stockDataDTO.TrendEndPrice);
				WriteNullableInt(binaryWriter, stockDataDTO.TrendSteps);

		public List<StockDataIO.StockDataDTO> Load(string path)
			//IL_0066: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0070: Expected O, but got Unknown
			List<StockDataIO.StockDataDTO> list = new List<StockDataIO.StockDataDTO>();
			using BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));
			if (binaryReader.ReadString() != "BinaryStockData")
				throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid binary file format.");
			int item = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
			uint[] array = new uint[624];
			for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
				array[i] = binaryReader.ReadUInt32();
			MathHelper.Init(new MersenneTwister((item, array)));
			TradeSaveData tradeSaveData = TradeSaveData.FromJson(binaryReader.ReadString());
			list.Add(new StockDataIO.StockDataDTO
				TradeSaveData = tradeSaveData
			List<Article> articles = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Article>>(binaryReader.ReadString());
			list.Add(new StockDataIO.StockDataDTO
				Articles = articles
			while (binaryReader.BaseStream.Position < binaryReader.BaseStream.Length)
				StockDataIO.StockDataDTO item2 = new StockDataIO.StockDataDTO
					Id = binaryReader.ReadInt32(),
					Name = binaryReader.ReadString(),
					Symbol = binaryReader.ReadString(),
					Date = ReadNullableTimeData(binaryReader),
					Price = ReadNullableDecimal(binaryReader),
					Open = binaryReader.ReadDecimal(),
					Close = ReadNullableDecimal(binaryReader),
					High = binaryReader.ReadDecimal(),
					Low = binaryReader.ReadDecimal(),
					Volatility = ReadNullableDouble(binaryReader),
					TrendPercentage = ReadNullableDouble(binaryReader),
					TrendStartPrice = ReadNullableDecimal(binaryReader),
					TrendEndPrice = ReadNullableDecimal(binaryReader),
					TrendSteps = ReadNullableInt(binaryReader),
					Average = binaryReader.ReadDecimal()
			return list;

		private static void WriteNullableTimeData(BinaryWriter writer, TimeData? value)
			//IL_0019: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (value.HasValue)
				TimeData value2 = value.Value;
				writer.Write(((TimeData)(ref value2)).Serialize());

		private static void WriteNullableDecimal(BinaryWriter writer, decimal? value)
			if (value.HasValue)

		private static void WriteNullableDouble(BinaryWriter writer, double? value)
			if (value.HasValue)

		private static void WriteNullableInt(BinaryWriter writer, int? value)
			if (value.HasValue)

		private static TimeData? ReadNullableTimeData(BinaryReader reader)
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (reader.ReadBoolean())
				return TimeData.Deserialize(reader.ReadString());
			return null;

		private static decimal? ReadNullableDecimal(BinaryReader reader)
			if (reader.ReadBoolean())
				return reader.ReadDecimal();
			return null;

		private static double? ReadNullableDouble(BinaryReader reader)
			if (reader.ReadBoolean())
				return reader.ReadDouble();
			return null;

		private static int? ReadNullableInt(BinaryReader reader)
			if (reader.ReadBoolean())
				return reader.ReadInt32();
			return null;
	internal sealed class CsvConverter : IDataConverter
		private CsvConverter()

		internal static CsvConverter Create()
			return new CsvConverter();

		public void Save(List<StockDataIO.StockDataDTO> data, MersenneTwister random, string path, bool simulation = false)
			//IL_0162: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0167: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			using StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(path, new FileStreamOptions
				Mode = FileMode.Create,
				Access = FileAccess.Write,
				Share = FileShare.Write
			var (value, uintArray) = random.SaveState();
			streamWriter.WriteLine(JsonSerializer.Serialize(data[1].Articles, new JsonSerializerOptions
				WriteIndented = false
			string text = "Id,Name,Symbol,Date,Price,Open,Close,High,Low,Volatility,TrendPercentage,TrendStartPrice,TrendEndPrice,TrendSteps,Average";
			if (simulation)
				text += ",OriginalPrice,SimulationChange";
			for (int i = 2; i < data.Count; i++)
				StockDataIO.StockDataDTO stockDataDTO = data[i];
				DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler defaultInterpolatedStringHandler = new DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler(14, 15);
				string value2;
				if (!stockDataDTO.Date.HasValue)
					value2 = string.Empty;
					TimeData value3 = stockDataDTO.Date.Value;
					value2 = EscapeCsvField(((TimeData)(ref value3)).Serialize());
				defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted(stockDataDTO.Price?.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ?? string.Empty);
				defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted(stockDataDTO.Close.HasValue ? stockDataDTO.Close.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : string.Empty);
				defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted(stockDataDTO.Volatility.HasValue ? stockDataDTO.Volatility.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : string.Empty);
				defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted(stockDataDTO.TrendPercentage.HasValue ? stockDataDTO.TrendPercentage.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : string.Empty);
				defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted(stockDataDTO.TrendStartPrice.HasValue ? stockDataDTO.TrendStartPrice.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : string.Empty);
				defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted(stockDataDTO.TrendEndPrice.HasValue ? stockDataDTO.TrendEndPrice.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : string.Empty);
				defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted(stockDataDTO.TrendSteps.HasValue ? stockDataDTO.TrendSteps.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : string.Empty);
				string text2 = defaultInterpolatedStringHandler.ToStringAndClear();
				if (simulation && stockDataDTO.OriginalPrice.HasValue && stockDataDTO.Price.HasValue)
					text2 = text2 + "," + stockDataDTO.OriginalPrice.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
					text2 = text2 + "," + stockDataDTO.SimulationChange.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

		public List<StockDataIO.StockDataDTO> Load(string path)
			//IL_0052: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00f1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			List<StockDataIO.StockDataDTO> list = new List<StockDataIO.StockDataDTO>();
			using StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path, new FileStreamOptions
				Mode = FileMode.Open,
				Access = FileAccess.Read,
				Share = FileShare.Read
			string[] array = streamReader.ReadLine().Split('|');
			int item = int.Parse(array[0]);
			uint[] item2 = ConvertByteArrayToUIntArray(Convert.FromBase64String(array[1]));
			MathHelper.Init(new MersenneTwister((item, item2)));
			TradeSaveData tradeSaveData = TradeSaveData.FromJson(streamReader.ReadLine());
			list.Add(new StockDataIO.StockDataDTO
				TradeSaveData = tradeSaveData
			List<Article> articles = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Article>>(streamReader.ReadLine());
			list.Add(new StockDataIO.StockDataDTO


Decompiled 2 weeks ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using Bogus.Bson;
using Bogus.DataSets;
using Bogus.Extensions;
using Bogus.Extensions.Extras;
using Bogus.Platform;
using Bogus.Vendor;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Bogus")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Bogus Fake Data Generator for .NET")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Brian Chavez")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Brian Chavez © 2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("35.2.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("35.2.0 built on 2023-12-26 20:42:03Z")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("MIT License")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Bogus.Tests, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100d981a0be5616f450cc0528f88cf96e7bb782edb8ea9a06517cc42b340cdd644a931aab0c7c4902c129eff3d09a3f8c331026286d55c36f225f33f4709be9352fdf16c7b6781652528c2b77063f19a6ab21ee79368f552f60da8f503832e2d6ab6aafce934cc8736c24fd391ac286aa14dd5b5959fa546eb25841e41cfb625aa2")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET 6.0")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte[] NullableFlags;

		public NullableAttribute(byte P_0)
			NullableFlags = new byte[1] { P_0 };

		public NullableAttribute(byte[] P_0)
			NullableFlags = P_0;
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class NullableContextAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly byte Flag;

		public NullableContextAttribute(byte P_0)
			Flag = P_0;
namespace System
	internal static class AssemblyVersionInformation
		internal const string AssemblyProduct = "Bogus";

		internal const string AssemblyTitle = "Bogus Fake Data Generator for .NET";

		internal const string AssemblyCompany = "Brian Chavez";

		internal const string AssemblyCopyright = "Brian Chavez © 2023";

		internal const string AssemblyVersion = "35.2.0";

		internal const string AssemblyFileVersion = "35.2.0";

		internal const string AssemblyInformationalVersion = "35.2.0 built on 2023-12-26 20:42:03Z";

		internal const string AssemblyTrademark = "MIT License";

		internal const string AssemblyDescription = "";

		internal const string InternalsVisibleTo = "Bogus.Tests, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100d981a0be5616f450cc0528f88cf96e7bb782edb8ea9a06517cc42b340cdd644a931aab0c7c4902c129eff3d09a3f8c331026286d55c36f225f33f4709be9352fdf16c7b6781652528c2b77063f19a6ab21ee79368f552f60da8f503832e2d6ab6aafce934cc8736c24fd391ac286aa14dd5b5959fa546eb25841e41cfb625aa2";
namespace Bogus
	public interface IBinder
		Dictionary<string, MemberInfo> GetMembers(Type t);
	public class Binder : IBinder
		protected internal BindingFlags BindingFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic;

		public Binder()

		public Binder(BindingFlags bindingFlags)
			BindingFlags = bindingFlags;

		public virtual Dictionary<string, MemberInfo> GetMembers(Type t)
			return (from mi in (from m in t.GetAllMembers(BindingFlags)
					select UseBaseTypeDeclaredPropertyInfo(t, m)).Where(delegate(MemberInfo m)
					if (m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CompilerGeneratedAttribute), inherit: true).Any())
						return false;
					if (m is PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
						return propertyInfo.CanWrite;
					return m is FieldInfo fieldInfo && !fieldInfo.IsPrivate;
				group mi by mi.Name).ToDictionary((IGrouping<string, MemberInfo> k) => k.Key, (IGrouping<string, MemberInfo> g) => g.First());

		protected virtual MemberInfo UseBaseTypeDeclaredPropertyInfo(Type t, MemberInfo m)
			if (m is PropertyInfo propertyInfo && !propertyInfo.CanWrite && (object)m.DeclaringType != null && m.DeclaringType != t)
				PropertyInfo property = m.DeclaringType.GetProperty(m.Name, BindingFlags);
				if ((object)property != null)
					return property;
			return m;
	public class BogusException : Exception
		public BogusException()

		public BogusException(string message)
			: base(message)

		public BogusException(string message, Exception innerException)
			: base(message, innerException)
	public static class Chars
		public const string LowerCase = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

		public const string UpperCase = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

		public const string Numbers = "0123456789";

		public const string HexLowerCase = "0123456789abcdef";

		public const string HexUpperCase = "0123456789ABCDEF";

		public const string AlphaNumericUpperCase = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

		public const string AlphaNumericLowerCase = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
	public static class SafeUnicodeRanges
		public static string[] Basic = new string[262]
			"0-9", "A-Z", "a-z", "À-Ö", "Ø-ö", "ø-ˁ", "ˆ-ˑ", "ˠ-ˤ", "ͺ-ͽ", "Έ-Ί",
			"Ύ-Ρ", "Σ-ώ", "ϐ-ϵ", "Ϸ-ҁ", "Ҋ-ԓ", "Ա-Ֆ", "ա-և", "א-ת", "װ-ײ", "ء-غ",
			"ـ-ي", "٠-٩", "ٮ-ٯ", "ٱ-ۓ", "ۥ-ۦ", "ۮ-ۼ", "ܒ-ܯ", "ݍ-ݭ", "ހ-ޥ", "߀-ߪ",
			"ߴ-ߵ", "ऄ-ह", "क़-ॡ", "०-९", "ॻ-ॿ", "অ-ঌ", "এ-ঐ", "ও-ন", "প-র", "শ-হ",
			"ড়-ঢ়", "য়-ৡ", "০-ৱ", "ਅ-ਊ", "ਏ-ਐ", "ਓ-ਨ", "ਪ-ਰ", "ਲ-ਲ਼", "ਵ-ਸ਼", "ਸ-ਹ",
			"ਖ਼-ੜ", "੦-੯", "ੲ-ੴ", "અ-ઍ", "એ-ઑ", "ઓ-ન", "પ-ર", "લ-ળ", "વ-હ", "ૠ-ૡ",
			"૦-૯", "ଅ-ଌ", "ଏ-ଐ", "ଓ-ନ", "ପ-ର", "ଲ-ଳ", "ଵ-ହ", "ଡ଼-ଢ଼", "ୟ-ୡ", "୦-୯",
			"அ-ஊ", "எ-ஐ", "ஒ-க", "ங-ச", "ஞ-ட", "ண-த", "ந-ப", "ம-ஹ", "௦-௯", "అ-ఌ",
			"ఎ-ఐ", "ఒ-న", "ప-ళ", "వ-హ", "ౠ-ౡ", "౦-౯", "ಅ-ಌ", "ಎ-ಐ", "ಒ-ನ", "ಪ-ಳ",
			"ವ-ಹ", "ೠ-ೡ", "೦-೯", "ೱ-ೲ", "അ-ഌ", "എ-ഐ", "ഒ-ന", "പ-ഹ", "ൠ-ൡ", "൦-൯",
			"අ-ඖ", "ක-න", "ඳ-ර", "ව-ෆ", "ก-ะ", "า-ำ", "เ-ๆ", "๐-๙", "ກ-ຂ", "ງ-ຈ",
			"ດ-ທ", "ນ-ຟ", "ມ-ຣ", "ສ-ຫ", "ອ-ະ", "າ-ຳ", "ເ-ໄ", "໐-໙", "ໜ-ໝ", "༠-༩",
			"ཀ-ཇ", "ཉ-ཪ", "ྈ-ྋ", "က-အ", "ဣ-ဧ", "ဩ-ဪ", "၀-၉", "ၐ-ၕ", "Ⴀ-Ⴥ", "ა-ჺ",
			"ᄀ-ᅙ", "ᅟ-ᆢ", "ᆨ-ᇹ", "ሀ-ቈ", "ቊ-ቍ", "ቐ-ቖ", "ቚ-ቝ", "በ-ኈ", "ኊ-ኍ", "ነ-ኰ",
			"ኲ-ኵ", "ኸ-ኾ", "ዂ-ዅ", "ወ-ዖ", "ዘ-ጐ", "ጒ-ጕ", "ጘ-ፚ", "ᎀ-ᎏ", "Ꭰ-Ᏼ", "ᐁ-ᙬ",
			"ᙯ-ᙶ", "ᚁ-ᚚ", "ᚠ-ᛪ", "ᜀ-ᜌ", "ᜎ-ᜑ", "ᜠ-ᜱ", "ᝀ-ᝑ", "ᝠ-ᝬ", "ᝮ-ᝰ", "ក-ឳ",
			"០-៩", "᠐-᠙", "ᠠ-ᡷ", "ᢀ-ᢨ", "ᤀ-ᤜ", "᥆-ᥭ", "ᥰ-ᥴ", "ᦀ-ᦩ", "ᦰ-ᧉ", "᧐-᧙",
			"ᨀ-ᨖ", "ᬅ-ᬳ", "ᭅ-ᭋ", "᭐-᭙", "ᴀ-ᶿ", "Ḁ-ẛ", "Ạ-ỹ", "ἀ-ἕ", "Ἐ-Ἕ", "ἠ-ὅ",
			"Ὀ-Ὅ", "ὐ-ὗ", "Ὗ-ώ", "ᾀ-ᾴ", "ᾶ-ᾼ", "ῂ-ῄ", "ῆ-ῌ", "ῐ-ΐ", "ῖ-Ί", "ῠ-Ῥ",
			"ῲ-ῴ", "ῶ-ῼ", "ₐ-ₔ", "ℊ-ℓ", "ℙ-ℝ", "K-ℭ", "ℯ-ℹ", "ℼ-ℿ", "ⅅ-ⅉ", "Ↄ-ↄ",
			"Ⰰ-Ⱞ", "ⰰ-ⱞ", "Ⱡ-ⱬ", "ⱴ-ⱷ", "Ⲁ-ⳤ", "ⴀ-ⴥ", "ⴰ-ⵥ", "ⶀ-ⶖ", "ⶠ-ⶦ", "ⶨ-ⶮ",
			"ⶰ-ⶶ", "ⶸ-ⶾ", "ⷀ-ⷆ", "ⷈ-ⷎ", "ⷐ-ⷖ", "ⷘ-ⷞ", "々-〆", "〱-〵", "〻-〼", "ぁ-ゖ",
			"ゝ-ゟ", "ァ-ヺ", "ー-ヿ", "ㄅ-ㄬ", "ㄱ-ㆎ", "ㆠ-ㆷ", "ㇰ-ㇿ", "㐀-䶵", "一-龻", "ꀀ-ꒌ",
			"ꜗ-ꜚ", "ꠀ-ꠁ", "ꠃ-ꠅ", "ꠇ-ꠊ", "ꠌ-ꠢ", "ꡀ-ꡳ", "가-힣", "豈-鶴", "侮-頻", "並-龎",
			"ff-st", "ﬓ-ﬗ", "ײַ-ﬨ", "שׁ-זּ", "טּ-לּ", "נּ-סּ", "ףּ-פּ", "צּ-ﮱ", "ﯓ-ﴽ", "ﵐ-ﶏ",
			"ﶒ-ﷇ", "ﷰ-ﷻ", "ﹰ-ﹴ", "ﹶ-ﻼ", "0-9", "A-Z", "a-z", "ヲ-ᄒ", "ᅡ-ᅦ", "ᅧ-ᅬ",
			"ᅭ-ᅲ", "ᅳ-ᅵ"

		public static string[] SurrogatePairs = new string[93]
			"\ud800\udc00-\ud800\udc0b", "\ud800\udc0d-\ud800\udc26", "\ud800\udc28-\ud800\udc3a", "\ud800\udc3c-\ud800\udc3d", "\ud800\udc3f-\ud800\udc4d", "\ud800\udc50-\ud800\udc5d", "\ud800\udc80-\ud800\udcfa", "\ud800\udf00-\ud800\udf1e", "\ud800\udf30-\ud800\udf40", "\ud800\udf42-\ud800\udf49",
			"\ud800\udf80-\ud800\udf9d", "\ud800\udfa0-\ud800\udfc3", "\ud800\udfc8-\ud800\udfcf", "\ud801\udc00-\ud801\udc9d", "\ud801\udca0-\ud801\udca9", "\ud802\udc00-\ud802\udc05", "\ud802\udc0a-\ud802\udc35", "\ud802\udc37-\ud802\udc38", "\ud802\udd00-\ud802\udd15", "\ud802\ude10-\ud802\ude13",
			"\ud802\ude15-\ud802\ude17", "\ud802\ude19-\ud802\ude33", "\ud808\udc00-\ud808\udf6e", "\ud835\udc00-\ud835\udc54", "\ud835\udc56-\ud835\udc9c", "\ud835\udc9e-\ud835\udc9f", "\ud835\udca5-\ud835\udca6", "\ud835\udca9-\ud835\udcac", "\ud835\udcae-\ud835\udcb9", "\ud835\udcbd-\ud835\udcc3",
			"\ud835\udcc5-\ud835\udd05", "\ud835\udd07-\ud835\udd0a", "\ud835\udd0d-\ud835\udd14", "\ud835\udd16-\ud835\udd1c", "\ud835\udd1e-\ud835\udd39", "\ud835\udd3b-\ud835\udd3e", "\ud835\udd40-\ud835\udd44", "\ud835\udd4a-\ud835\udd50", "\ud835\udd52-\ud835\udea5", "\ud835\udea8-\ud835\udec0",
			"\ud835\udec2-\ud835\udeda", "\ud835\udedc-\ud835\udefa", "\ud835\udefc-\ud835\udf14", "\ud835\udf16-\ud835\udf34", "\ud835\udf36-\ud835\udf4e", "\ud835\udf50-\ud835\udf6e", "\ud835\udf70-\ud835\udf88", "\ud835\udf8a-\ud835\udfa8", "\ud835\udfaa-\ud835\udfc2", "\ud835\udfc4-\ud835\udfcb",
			"\ud835\udfce-\ud835\udfff", "\ud840\udc00-\ud840\udfff", "\ud841\udc00-\ud841\udfff", "\ud842\udc00-\ud842\udfff", "\ud843\udc00-\ud843\udfff", "\ud844\udc00-\ud844\udfff", "\ud845\udc00-\ud845\udfff", "\ud846\udc00-\ud846\udfff", "\ud847\udc00-\ud847\udfff", "\ud848\udc00-\ud848\udfff",
			"\ud849\udc00-\ud849\udfff", "\ud84a\udc00-\ud84a\udfff", "\ud84b\udc00-\ud84b\udfff", "\ud84c\udc00-\ud84c\udfff", "\ud84d\udc00-\ud84d\udfff", "\ud84e\udc00-\ud84e\udfff", "\ud84f\udc00-\ud84f\udfff", "\ud850\udc00-\ud850\udfff", "\ud851\udc00-\ud851\udfff", "\ud852\udc00-\ud852\udfff",
			"\ud853\udc00-\ud853\udfff", "\ud854\udc00-\ud854\udfff", "\ud855\udc00-\ud855\udfff", "\ud856\udc00-\ud856\udfff", "\ud857\udc00-\ud857\udfff", "\ud858\udc00-\ud858\udfff", "\ud859\udc00-\ud859\udfff", "\ud85a\udc00-\ud85a\udfff", "\ud85b\udc00-\ud85b\udfff", "\ud85c\udc00-\ud85c\udfff",
			"\ud85d\udc00-\ud85d\udfff", "\ud85e\udc00-\ud85e\udfff", "\ud85f\udc00-\ud85f\udfff", "\ud860\udc00-\ud860\udfff", "\ud861\udc00-\ud861\udfff", "\ud862\udc00-\ud862\udfff", "\ud863\udc00-\ud863\udfff", "\ud864\udc00-\ud864\udfff", "\ud865\udc00-\ud865\udfff", "\ud866\udc00-\ud866\udfff",
			"\ud867\udc00-\ud867\udfff", "\ud868\udc00-\ud868\udfff", "\ud869\udc00-\ud869\uded6"
	public static class Database
		public static Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<string, BObject>> Data = new Lazy<ConcurrentDictionary<string, BObject>>(Initialize, LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);

		public const string ResourceNameFormat = "{0}.locale.bson";

		public static string[] GetAllLocales()
			Assembly assembly = typeof(Database).GetAssembly();
			string[] array = "{0}.locale.bson".Split(new string[1] { "{0}" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
			string prefix = array[0];
			string suffix = array[1];
			return (from name in assembly.GetManifestResourceNames()
				where name.EndsWith(suffix)
				select name.Replace(prefix, "").Replace(suffix, "")).ToArray();

		public static bool LocaleResourceExists(string locale)
			Assembly assembly = typeof(Database).GetAssembly();
			string localeResourceName = GetLocaleResourceName(locale);
			return ResourceHelper.ResourceExists(assembly, localeResourceName);

		private static string GetLocaleResourceName(string locale)
			return $"{locale}.locale.bson";

		private static ConcurrentDictionary<string, BObject> Initialize()
			ConcurrentDictionary<string, BObject> concurrentDictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, BObject>();
			concurrentDictionary.TryAdd("en", DeserializeLocale("en"));
			return concurrentDictionary;

		internal static BObject DeserializeLocale(string locale)
			Assembly assembly = typeof(Database).GetAssembly();
			string localeResourceName = GetLocaleResourceName(locale);
			return ResourceHelper.ReadBObjectResource(assembly, localeResourceName);

		public static BObject GetLocale(string locale)
			if (!Data.Value.TryGetValue(locale, out var value))
				value = DeserializeLocale(locale);
				Data.Value.TryAdd(locale, value);
			return value;

		public static void ResetLocale(string locale)
			Data.Value[locale] = DeserializeLocale(locale);

		public static bool HasKey(string category, string path, string locale, string fallbackLocale = "en")
			BObject locale2 = GetLocale(locale);
			if (Select(category, path, locale2) != null)
				return true;
			if (fallbackLocale == null)
				return false;
			locale2 = GetLocale(fallbackLocale);
			if (Select(category, path, locale2) != null)
				return true;
			return false;

		public static BValue Get(string category, string path, string locale = "en", string localeFallback = "en")
			BObject locale2 = GetLocale(locale);
			BValue bValue = Select(category, path, locale2);
			if (bValue != null)
				return bValue;
			BObject locale3 = GetLocale(localeFallback);
			return Select(category, path, locale3);

		private static BValue Select(string category, string path, BValue localeRoot)
			BValue bValue = localeRoot[category];
			if ((object)bValue == null)
				return null;
			int startIndex = 0;
			while (true)
				int num = path.IndexOf('.', startIndex);
				string key;
				if (num < 0)
					key = path.Substring(startIndex);
					return bValue[key];
				key = path.Substring(startIndex, num);
				bValue = bValue[key];
				if ((object)bValue == null)
				startIndex = num + 1;
			return null;
	public class DataCategoryAttribute : Attribute
		public string Name { get; set; }

		public DataCategoryAttribute(string name)
			Name = name;
	public class DataSet : ILocaleAware, IHasRandomizer
		protected SeedNotifier Notifier = new SeedNotifier();

		private Randomizer randomizer;

		private static readonly Regex parseTokensRegex = new Regex("\\#{(.*?)\\}", RegexOptions.Compiled);

		protected string Category { get; set; }

		public string Locale { get; set; }

		public Randomizer Random
				return this.randomizer ?? (Random = new Randomizer());
				randomizer = value;

		public DataSet(string locale = "en")
			if (!Database.LocaleResourceExists(locale))
				throw new BogusException($"The locale '{locale}' does not exist. To see all available locales visit {""}.");
			Locale = locale;
			Category = ResolveCategory(GetType());

		SeedNotifier IHasRandomizer.GetNotifier()
			return Notifier;

		public static string ResolveCategory(Type type)
			DataCategoryAttribute customAttributeX = type.GetCustomAttributeX<DataCategoryAttribute>();
			if (customAttributeX == null)
				return type.Name.ToLowerInvariant();
			return customAttributeX.Name;

		protected internal virtual BValue Get(string path)
			return Database.Get(Category, path, Locale);

		protected internal virtual BValue Get(string category, string path)
			return Database.Get(category, path, Locale);

		protected internal virtual bool HasKey(string path, bool includeFallback = true)
			if (includeFallback)
				return Database.HasKey(Category, path, Locale);
			return Database.HasKey(Category, path, Locale, null);

		protected internal virtual BArray GetArray(string path)
			return (BArray)Get(path);

		protected internal virtual BArray GetArray(string category, string path)
			return (BArray)Get(category, path);

		protected internal virtual BObject GetObject(string path)
			return (BObject)Get(path);

		protected internal virtual string GetRandomArrayItem(string path, int? min = null, int? max = null)
			return GetRandomArrayItem(Category, path, min, max);

		protected internal virtual string GetRandomArrayItem(string category, string path, int? min = null, int? max = null)
			BArray array = GetArray(category, path);
			if (!array.HasValues)
				return string.Empty;
			return Random.ArrayElement(array, min, max);

		protected internal virtual BObject GetRandomBObject(string path)
			BArray array = GetArray(path);
			if (!array.HasValues)
				return null;
			return Random.ArrayElement(array) as BObject;

		protected internal virtual string GetFormattedValue(string path)
			string randomArrayItem = GetRandomArrayItem(path);
			string format = ParseTokens(randomArrayItem);
			return Random.Replace(format);

		private string ParseTokens(string value)
			return parseTokensRegex.Replace(value, delegate(Match x)
				string[] array = x.Groups[1].Value.ToLowerInvariant().Split('.');
				BArray props = ((array.Length != 1) ? ((BArray)Database.Get(array[0], array[1], Locale)) : ((BArray)Database.Get(Category, array[0], Locale)));
				BValue bValue = Random.ArrayElement(props);
				return ParseTokens(bValue);
	public class Faker : ILocaleAware, IHasRandomizer, IHasContext
		public static bool DefaultStrictMode = false;

		protected SeedNotifier Notifier = new SeedNotifier();

		private Randomizer randomizer;

		private Person person;

		public static int GlobalUniqueIndex = -1;

		private int capturedGlobalIndex;

		public int IndexFaker = -1;

		public int IndexVariable;

		Dictionary<string, object> IHasContext.Context { get; } = new Dictionary<string, object>();

		public Randomizer Random
				return this.randomizer ?? (Random = new Randomizer());
				randomizer = value;

		public Person Person => person ?? (person = new Person(Random, Locale));

		public Hacker Hacker { get; set; }

		public PhoneNumbers Phone { get; set; }

		public Name Name { get; set; }

		public Lorem Lorem { get; set; }

		public Images Image { get; set; }

		public Finance Finance { get; set; }

		public Address Address { get; set; }

		public Date Date { get; set; }

		public Company Company { get; set; }

		public Internet Internet { get; set; }

		public Commerce Commerce { get; set; }

		public Bogus.DataSets.System System { get; set; }

		public Bogus.DataSets.Database Database { get; set; }

		public Rant Rant { get; set; }

		public Vehicle Vehicle { get; set; }

		public Music Music { get; set; }

		public string Locale { get; set; }

		internal bool HasContext => IndexFaker != -1;

		public int UniqueIndex => capturedGlobalIndex;

		public int IndexGlobal => capturedGlobalIndex;

		public Hashids Hashids { get; set; }

		public Faker(string locale = "en")
			Locale = locale;
			Address = Notifier.Flow(new Address(locale));
			Company = Notifier.Flow(new Company(locale));
			Date = Notifier.Flow(new Date(locale));
			Finance = Notifier.Flow(new Finance
				Locale = locale
			Hacker = Notifier.Flow(new Hacker(locale));
			Image = Notifier.Flow(new Images(locale));
			Internet = Notifier.Flow(new Internet(locale));
			Lorem = Notifier.Flow(new Lorem(locale));
			Name = Notifier.Flow(new Name(locale));
			Phone = Notifier.Flow(new PhoneNumbers(locale));
			System = Notifier.Flow(new Bogus.DataSets.System(locale));
			Commerce = Notifier.Flow(new Commerce(locale));
			Database = Notifier.Flow(new Bogus.DataSets.Database());
			Rant = Notifier.Flow(new Rant());
			Vehicle = Notifier.Flow(new Vehicle());
			Music = Notifier.Flow(new Music());
			Hashids = new Hashids();

		SeedNotifier IHasRandomizer.GetNotifier()
			return Notifier;

		public string Parse(string str)
			return Tokenizer.Parse(str, Address, Company, Date, Finance, Hacker, Image, Internet, Lorem, Name, Phone, System, Commerce, Database, Random);

		public T PickRandom<T>(IEnumerable<T> items)
			return Random.ArrayElement(items.ToArray());

		public T PickRandom<T>(IList<T> items)
			return Random.ListItem(items);

		public T PickRandom<T>(ICollection<T> items)
			return Random.CollectionItem(items);

		public T PickRandom<T>(List<T> items)
			return Random.ListItem(items);

		public T PickRandom<T>(params T[] items)
			return Random.ArrayElement(items);

		public T PickRandomParam<T>(params T[] items)
			return Random.ArrayElement(items);

		public IEnumerable<T> PickRandom<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, int amountToPick)
			if (amountToPick < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amountToPick needs to be a positive integer.");
			int num = items.Count();
			if (amountToPick > num)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("amountToPick is greater than the number of items.");
			return Random.Shuffle(items).Take(amountToPick);

		public IList<T> Make<T>(int count, Func<T> action)
			return (from n in Enumerable.Range(1, count)
				select action()).ToList();

		public IList<T> Make<T>(int count, Func<int, T> action)
			return Enumerable.Range(1, count).Select(action).ToList();

		public IEnumerable<T> MakeLazy<T>(int count, Func<T> action)
			return from n in Enumerable.Range(1, count)
				select action();

		public IEnumerable<T> MakeLazy<T>(int count, Func<int, T> action)
			return Enumerable.Range(1, count).Select(action);

		public T PickRandom<T>() where T : struct, Enum
			return Random.Enum(Array.Empty<T>());

		public T PickRandomWithout<T>(params T[] exclude) where T : struct, Enum
			return Random.Enum(exclude);

		internal void NewContext()
			person = null;
			capturedGlobalIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref GlobalUniqueIndex);
			Interlocked.Increment(ref IndexFaker);
	public interface IFakerTInternal
		Faker FakerHub { get; }

		IBinder Binder { get; }

		int? LocalSeed { get; }

		Type TypeOfT { get; }
	public class Faker<T> : IFakerTInternal, ILocaleAware, IRuleSet<T> where T : class
		protected const string Default = "default";

		private static readonly string[] DefaultRuleSet = new string[1] { "default" };

		protected internal Faker FakerHub;

		protected internal IBinder binder;

		protected internal readonly MultiDictionary<string, string, PopulateAction<T>> Actions = new MultiDictionary<string, string, PopulateAction<T>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

		protected internal readonly Dictionary<string, FinalizeAction<T>> FinalizeActions = new Dictionary<string, FinalizeAction<T>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

		protected internal Dictionary<string, Func<Faker, T>> CreateActions = new Dictionary<string, Func<Faker, T>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

		protected internal readonly Dictionary<string, MemberInfo> TypeProperties;

		protected internal readonly Dictionary<string, Action<T, object>> SetterCache = new Dictionary<string, Action<T, object>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

		protected internal Dictionary<string, bool> StrictModes = new Dictionary<string, bool>();

		protected internal bool? IsValid;

		protected internal string currentRuleSet = "default";

		protected internal int? localSeed;

		private readonly object _setterCreateLock = new object();

		Faker IFakerTInternal.FakerHub => FakerHub;

		IBinder IFakerTInternal.Binder => binder;

		int? IFakerTInternal.LocalSeed => localSeed;

		Type IFakerTInternal.TypeOfT => typeof(T);

		public string Locale { get; set; }

		public Faker<T> Clone()
			Faker<T> faker = new Faker<T>(Locale, binder);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, bool> strictMode in StrictModes)
				faker.StrictModes.Add(strictMode.Key, strictMode.Value);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Func<Faker, T>> createAction in CreateActions)
				faker.CreateActions[createAction.Key] = createAction.Value;
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, FinalizeAction<T>> finalizeAction in FinalizeActions)
				faker.FinalizeActions.Add(finalizeAction.Key, finalizeAction.Value);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, PopulateAction<T>>> action in Actions)
				foreach (KeyValuePair<string, PopulateAction<T>> item in action.Value)
					faker.Actions.Add(action.Key, item.Key, item.Value);
			if (localSeed.HasValue)
			return faker;

		public Faker()
			: this("en", (IBinder)null)

		public Faker(string locale)
			: this(locale, (IBinder)null)

		public Faker(string locale = "en", IBinder binder = null)
			this.binder = binder ?? new Binder();
			Locale = locale;
			FakerHub = new Faker(locale);
			TypeProperties = this.binder.GetMembers(typeof(T));
			CreateActions["default"] = (Faker faker) => Activator.CreateInstance<T>();

		public virtual Faker<T> UseSeed(int seed)
			localSeed = seed;
			FakerHub.Random = new Randomizer(seed);
			return this;

		public virtual Faker<T> CustomInstantiator(Func<Faker, T> factoryMethod)
			CreateActions[currentRuleSet] = factoryMethod;
			return this;

		public virtual Faker<T> RuleFor<TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> property, Func<Faker, T, TProperty> setter)
			string propertyOrField = PropertyName.For(property);
			return AddRule(propertyOrField, (Faker f, T t) => setter(f, t));

		public virtual Faker<T> RuleFor<TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> property, TProperty value)
			string propertyOrField = PropertyName.For(property);
			return AddRule(propertyOrField, (Faker f, T t) => value);

		public virtual Faker<T> RuleFor<TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> property, Func<TProperty> valueFunction)
			string propertyOrField = PropertyName.For(property);
			return AddRule(propertyOrField, (Faker f, T t) => valueFunction());

		public virtual Faker<T> RuleFor<TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> property, Func<Faker, TProperty> setter)
			string propertyOrField = PropertyName.For(property);
			return AddRule(propertyOrField, (Faker f, T t) => setter(f));

		public virtual Faker<T> RuleFor<TProperty>(string propertyOrFieldName, Func<Faker, TProperty> setter)
			EnsureMemberExists(propertyOrFieldName, $"The property or field {propertyOrFieldName} was not found on {typeof(T)}. Can't create a rule for {typeof(T)}.{propertyOrFieldName} when {propertyOrFieldName} cannot be found. Try creating a custom IBinder for Faker<T> with the appropriate System.Reflection.BindingFlags that allows deeper reflection into {typeof(T)}.");
			return AddRule(propertyOrFieldName, (Faker f, T t) => setter(f));

		public virtual Faker<T> RuleFor<TProperty>(string propertyOrFieldName, Func<Faker, T, TProperty> setter)
			EnsureMemberExists(propertyOrFieldName, $"The property or field {propertyOrFieldName} was not found on {typeof(T)}. Can't create a rule for {typeof(T)}.{propertyOrFieldName} when {propertyOrFieldName} cannot be found. Try creating a custom IBinder for Faker<T> with the appropriate System.Reflection.BindingFlags that allows deeper reflection into {typeof(T)}.");
			return AddRule(propertyOrFieldName, (Faker f, T t) => setter(f, t));

		protected virtual Faker<T> AddRule(string propertyOrField, Func<Faker, T, object> invoker)
			PopulateAction<T> value = new PopulateAction<T>
				Action = invoker,
				RuleSet = currentRuleSet,
				PropertyName = propertyOrField
			Actions.Add(currentRuleSet, propertyOrField, value);
			return this;

		public virtual Faker<T> Rules(Action<Faker, T> setActions)
			Func<Faker, T, object> action = delegate(Faker f, T t)
				setActions(f, t);
				return null;
			string text = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
			PopulateAction<T> value = new PopulateAction<T>
				Action = action,
				RuleSet = currentRuleSet,
				PropertyName = text,
				ProhibitInStrictMode = true
			Actions.Add(currentRuleSet, text, value);
			return this;

		public virtual Faker<T> RuleForType<TType>(Type type, Func<Faker, TType> setterForType)
			if (typeof(TType) != type)
				throw new ArgumentException("TType must be the same type as parameter named 'type'");
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, MemberInfo> typeProperty in TypeProperties)
				Type fieldOrPropertyType = GetFieldOrPropertyType(typeProperty.Value);
				string key = typeProperty.Key;
				if (fieldOrPropertyType == type)
					RuleFor(key, setterForType);
			return this;

		protected virtual Type GetFieldOrPropertyType(MemberInfo mi)
			if (mi is PropertyInfo propertyInfo)
				return propertyInfo.PropertyType;
			if (mi is FieldInfo fieldInfo)
				return fieldInfo.FieldType;
			return null;

		public virtual Faker<T> RuleSet(string ruleSetName, Action<IRuleSet<T>> action)
			if (currentRuleSet != "default")
				throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create a rule set within a rule set.");
			currentRuleSet = ruleSetName;
			currentRuleSet = "default";
			return this;

		protected virtual void EnsureMemberExists(string propNameOrField, string exceptionMessage)
			if (!TypeProperties.TryGetValue(propNameOrField, out var _))
				throw new ArgumentException(exceptionMessage);

		public virtual Faker<T> Ignore(string propertyOrFieldName)
			EnsureMemberExists(propertyOrFieldName, $"The property or field {propertyOrFieldName} was not found on {typeof(T)}. Can't ignore member {typeof(T)}.{propertyOrFieldName} when {propertyOrFieldName} cannot be found. Try creating a custom IBinder for Faker<T> with the appropriate System.Reflection.BindingFlags that allows deeper reflection into {typeof(T)}.");
			PopulateAction<T> value = new PopulateAction<T>
				Action = null,
				RuleSet = currentRuleSet,
				PropertyName = propertyOrFieldName
			Actions.Add(currentRuleSet, propertyOrFieldName, value);
			return this;

		public virtual Faker<T> Ignore<TPropertyOrField>(Expression<Func<T, TPropertyOrField>> propertyOrField)
			string propertyOrFieldName = PropertyName.For(propertyOrField);
			return Ignore(propertyOrFieldName);

		public virtual Faker<T> StrictMode(bool ensureRulesForAllProperties)
			StrictModes[currentRuleSet] = ensureRulesForAllProperties;
			return this;

		public virtual Faker<T> FinishWith(Action<Faker, T> action)
			FinalizeAction<T> value = new FinalizeAction<T>
				Action = action,
				RuleSet = currentRuleSet
			FinalizeActions[currentRuleSet] = value;
			return this;

		protected virtual string[] ParseDirtyRulesSets(string dirtyRules)
			dirtyRules = dirtyRules?.Trim(',').Trim();
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dirtyRules))
				return DefaultRuleSet;
			return (from s in dirtyRules.Split(',')
				where !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)
				select s.Trim()).ToArray();

		public virtual T Generate(string ruleSets = null)
			Func<Faker, T> value = null;
			string[] array = ParseDirtyRulesSets(ruleSets);
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ruleSets))
				value = CreateActions["default"];
				string key = array[0];
				value = (CreateActions.TryGetValue(key, out value) ? value : CreateActions["default"]);
			T val = value(FakerHub);
			PopulateInternal(val, array);
			return val;

		public virtual List<T> Generate(int count, string ruleSets = null)
			return (from i in Enumerable.Range(1, count)
				select Generate(ruleSets)).ToList();

		public virtual IEnumerable<T> GenerateLazy(int count, string ruleSets = null)
			return from i in Enumerable.Range(1, count)
				select Generate(ruleSets);

		public virtual IEnumerable<T> GenerateForever(string ruleSets = null)
			while (true)
				yield return Generate(ruleSets);

		public virtual void Populate(T instance, string ruleSets = null)
			string[] ruleSets2 = ParseDirtyRulesSets(ruleSets);
			PopulateInternal(instance, ruleSets2);

		protected virtual void PopulateInternal(T instance, string[] ruleSets)
			ValidationResult validationResult = null;
			if (!IsValid.HasValue)
				validationResult = ValidateInternal(ruleSets);
				IsValid = validationResult.IsValid;
			if (!IsValid.GetValueOrDefault())
				throw MakeValidationException(validationResult ?? ValidateInternal(ruleSets));
			lock (Randomizer.Locker.Value)
				if (!FakerHub.HasContext)
				string[] array = ruleSets;
				foreach (string key in array)
					if (!Actions.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
					foreach (PopulateAction<T> value3 in value.Values)
						PopulateProperty(instance, value3);
				array = ruleSets;
				foreach (string key2 in array)
					if (FinalizeActions.TryGetValue(key2, out var value2))
						value2.Action(FakerHub, instance);

		private void PopulateProperty(T instance, PopulateAction<T> action)
			Func<Faker, T, object> action2 = action.Action;
			if (action2 == null)
			object arg = action2(FakerHub, instance);
			if (SetterCache.TryGetValue(action.PropertyName, out var value))
				value(instance, arg);
				if (!TypeProperties.TryGetValue(action.PropertyName, out var value2) || value2 == null)
				lock (_setterCreateLock)
					if (SetterCache.TryGetValue(action.PropertyName, out value))
						value(instance, arg);
					if (value2 is PropertyInfo property)
						value = property.CreateSetter<T>();
						FieldInfo field = value2 as FieldInfo;
						if ((object)field != null)
							value = delegate(T i, object v)
								field?.SetValue(i, v);
					if (value != null)
						SetterCache.Add(action.PropertyName, value);
						value(instance, arg);

		public virtual bool Validate(string ruleSets = null)
			string[] ruleSets2 = ((ruleSets == null) ? Actions.Keys.ToArray() : ParseDirtyRulesSets(ruleSets));
			return ValidateInternal(ruleSets2).IsValid;

		public virtual void AssertConfigurationIsValid(string ruleSets = null)
			string[] ruleSets2 = ((ruleSets != null) ? ParseDirtyRulesSets(ruleSets) : Actions.Keys.ToArray());
			ValidationResult validationResult = ValidateInternal(ruleSets2);
			if (!validationResult.IsValid)
				throw MakeValidationException(validationResult);

		protected virtual ValidationException MakeValidationException(ValidationResult result)
			StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
			result.ExtraMessages.ForEach(delegate(string m)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = builder.AppendLine("Validation was called to ensure all properties / fields have rules.");
			StringBuilder.AppendInterpolatedStringHandler handler = new StringBuilder.AppendInterpolatedStringHandler(40, 1, stringBuilder);
			handler.AppendLiteral("There are missing rules for Faker<T> '");
			stringBuilder.AppendLine(ref handler).AppendLine("=========== Missing Rules ===========");
			foreach (string missingRule in result.MissingRules)
			return new ValidationException(builder.ToString().Trim());

		private ValidationResult ValidateInternal(string[] ruleSets)
			ValidationResult validationResult = new ValidationResult
				IsValid = true
			Dictionary<string, MemberInfo>.KeyCollection keys = TypeProperties.Keys;
			foreach (string key in ruleSets)
				if (!StrictModes.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
					value = Faker.DefaultStrictMode;
				if (!value)
				Actions.TryGetValue(key, out var value2);
				HashSet<string> hashSet = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
				if (value2 != null)
				if (hashSet.Count <= 0)
				foreach (string item in hashSet)
					if (value2 != null && value2.TryGetValue(item, out var value3))
						if (value3.ProhibitInStrictMode)
							validationResult.ExtraMessages.Add($"When StrictMode is set to True the Faker<{typeof(T).Name}>.Rules(...) method cannot verify that all properties have rules. You need to use Faker<{typeof(T).Name}>.RuleFor( x => x.Prop, ...) for each property to ensure each property has an associated rule when StrictMode is true; otherwise, set StrictMode to False in order to use Faker<{typeof(T).Name}>.Rules() method.");
							validationResult.IsValid = false;
						validationResult.IsValid = false;
			return validationResult;

		public static implicit operator T(Faker<T> faker)
			return faker.Generate();

		[Obsolete("This exists here only as a Visual Studio IntelliSense work around. See:", true)]
		public void RuleFor<TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> property)
			throw new NotImplementedException();
	public static class ExtensionsForFakerT
		public static List<T> GenerateBetween<T>(this Faker<T> faker, int min, int max, string ruleSets = null) where T : class
			int count = ((IFakerTInternal)faker).FakerHub.Random.Number(min, max);
			return faker.Generate(count, ruleSets);

		public static T OrNull<T>(this T value, in Faker f, float nullWeight = 0.5f) where T : class
			if (nullWeight > 1f || nullWeight < 0f)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("nullWeight", $".{"OrNull"}() {"nullWeight"} of '{nullWeight}' must be between 1.0f and 0.0f.");
			if (!(f.Random.Float() > nullWeight))
				return null;
			return value;

		public static T? OrNull<T>(this T value, Faker f, float nullWeight = 0.5f) where T : struct
			if (nullWeight > 1f || nullWeight < 0f)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("nullWeight", $".{"OrNull"}() {"nullWeight"} of '{nullWeight}' must be between 1.0f and 0.0f.");
			if (!(f.Random.Float() > nullWeight))
				return null;
			return value;

		public static T OrDefault<T>(this T value, Faker f, float defaultWeight = 0.5f, T defaultValue = default(T))
			if (defaultWeight > 1f || defaultWeight < 0f)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("defaultWeight", $".{"OrDefault"}() {"defaultWeight"} of '{defaultWeight}' must be between 1.0f and 0.0f. ");
			if (!(f.Random.Float() > defaultWeight))
				return defaultValue;
			return value;
	public class Hashids : IHashids
		public const string DEFAULT_ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890";

		public const string DEFAULT_SEPS = "cfhistuCFHISTU";

		private const int MIN_ALPHABET_LENGTH = 16;

		private const double SEP_DIV = 3.5;

		private const double GUARD_DIV = 12.0;

		private string alphabet;

		private string salt;

		private string seps;

		private string guards;

		private int minHashLength;

		private Regex guardsRegex;

		private Regex sepsRegex;

		private static Regex hexValidator = new Regex("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$", RegexOptions.Compiled);

		private static Regex hexSplitter = new Regex("[\\w\\W]{1,12}", RegexOptions.Compiled);

		public Hashids()
			: this(string.Empty)

		public Hashids(string salt = "", int minHashLength = 0, string alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890", string seps = "cfhistuCFHISTU")
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(alphabet))
				throw new ArgumentNullException("alphabet");
			this.salt = salt;
			this.alphabet = string.Join(string.Empty, alphabet.Distinct());
			this.seps = seps;
			this.minHashLength = minHashLength;
			if (this.alphabet.Length < 16)
				throw new ArgumentException("alphabet must contain at least 4 unique characters.", "alphabet");

		public virtual string Encode(params int[] numbers)
			return GenerateHashFrom(((IEnumerable<int>)numbers).Select((Func<int, long>)((int n) => n)).ToArray());

		public virtual string Encode(IEnumerable<int> numbers)
			return Encode(numbers.ToArray());

		public virtual int[] Decode(string hash)
			return (from n in GetNumbersFrom(hash)
				select (int)n).ToArray();

		public virtual string EncodeHex(string hex)
			if (!hexValidator.IsMatch(hex))
				return string.Empty;
			List<long> list = new List<long>();
			foreach (Match item2 in hexSplitter.Matches(hex))
				long item = Convert.ToInt64("1" + item2.Value, 16);
			return EncodeLong(list.ToArray());

		public virtual string DecodeHex(string hash)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			long[] array = DecodeLong(hash);
			foreach (long num in array)
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public long[] DecodeLong(string hash)
			return GetNumbersFrom(hash);

		public string EncodeLong(params long[] numbers)
			return GenerateHashFrom(numbers);

		public string EncodeLong(IEnumerable<long> numbers)
			return EncodeLong(numbers.ToArray());

		[Obsolete("Use 'Encode' instead. The method was renamed to better explain what it actually does.")]
		public virtual string Encrypt(params int[] numbers)
			return Encode(numbers);

		[Obsolete("Use 'EncodeHex' instead. The method was renamed to better explain what it actually does.")]
		public virtual string EncryptHex(string hex)
			return EncodeHex(hex);

		[Obsolete("Use 'Decode' instead. Method was renamed to better explain what it actually does.")]
		public virtual int[] Decrypt(string hash)
			return Decode(hash);

		[Obsolete("Use 'DecodeHex' instead. The method was renamed to better explain what it actually does.")]
		public virtual string DecryptHex(string hash)
			return DecodeHex(hash);

		private void SetupSeps()
			seps = new string(seps.Intersect(alphabet.ToArray()).ToArray());
			alphabet = new string(alphabet.Except(seps.ToArray()).ToArray());
			seps = ConsistentShuffle(seps, salt);
			if (seps.Length == 0 || (double)(alphabet.Length / seps.Length) > 3.5)
				int num = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)alphabet.Length / 3.5);
				if (num == 1)
					num = 2;
				if (num > seps.Length)
					int num2 = num - seps.Length;
					seps += alphabet.Substring(0, num2);
					alphabet = alphabet.Substring(num2);
					seps = seps.Substring(0, num);
			sepsRegex = new Regex("[" + seps + "]", RegexOptions.Compiled);
			alphabet = ConsistentShuffle(alphabet, salt);

		private void SetupGuards()
			int num = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)alphabet.Length / 12.0);
			if (alphabet.Length < 3)
				guards = seps.Substring(0, num);
				seps = seps.Substring(num);
				guards = alphabet.Substring(0, num);
				alphabet = alphabet.Substring(num);
			guardsRegex = new Regex("[" + guards + "]", RegexOptions.Compiled);

		private string GenerateHashFrom(long[] numbers)
			if (numbers == null || numbers.Length == 0)
				return string.Empty;
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			string text = alphabet;
			long num = 0L;
			for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
				num += (int)(numbers[i] % (i + 100));
			char c = text[(int)(num % text.Length)];
			for (int j = 0; j < numbers.Length; j++)
				long num2 = numbers[j];
				string text2 = c + salt + text;
				text = ConsistentShuffle(text, text2.Substring(0, text.Length));
				string text3 = Hash(num2, text);
				if (j + 1 < numbers.Length)
					num2 %= text3[0] + j;
					int index = (int)num2 % seps.Length;
			if (stringBuilder.Length < minHashLength)
				int index2 = (int)(num + (int)stringBuilder[0]) % guards.Length;
				char value = guards[index2];
				stringBuilder.Insert(0, value);
				if (stringBuilder.Length < minHashLength)
					index2 = (int)(num + (int)stringBuilder[2]) % guards.Length;
					value = guards[index2];
			int num3 = text.Length / 2;
			while (stringBuilder.Length < minHashLength)
				text = ConsistentShuffle(text, text);
				stringBuilder.Insert(0, text.Substring(num3));
				stringBuilder.Append(text.Substring(0, num3));
				int num4 = stringBuilder.Length - minHashLength;
				if (num4 > 0)
					stringBuilder.Remove(0, num4 / 2);
					stringBuilder.Remove(minHashLength, stringBuilder.Length - minHashLength);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		private string Hash(long input, string alphabet)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
				stringBuilder.Insert(0, alphabet[(int)(input % alphabet.Length)]);
				input /= alphabet.Length;
			while (input > 0);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		private long Unhash(string input, string alphabet)
			long num = 0L;
			for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
				int num2 = alphabet.IndexOf(input[i]);
				num += (long)((double)num2 * Math.Pow(alphabet.Length, input.Length - i - 1));
			return num;

		private long[] GetNumbersFrom(string hash)
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hash))
				return new long[0];
			string text = new string(alphabet.ToCharArray());
			List<long> list = new List<long>();
			int num = 0;
			string text2 = guardsRegex.Replace(hash, " ");
			string[] array = text2.Split(new char[1] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
			if (array.Length == 3 || array.Length == 2)
				num = 1;
			text2 = array[num];
			if (text2[0] != 0)
				char c = text2[0];
				text2 = text2.Substring(1);
				text2 = sepsRegex.Replace(text2, " ");
				array = text2.Split(new char[1] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
				foreach (string input in array)
					string text3 = c + salt + text;
					text = ConsistentShuffle(text, text3.Substring(0, text.Length));
					list.Add(Unhash(input, text));
				if (EncodeLong(list.ToArray()) != hash)
			return list.ToArray();

		private string ConsistentShuffle(string alphabet, string salt)
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(salt))
				return alphabet;
			int num3;
			int num2;
			int num;
			int num4 = (num3 = (num2 = (num = 0)));
			int num5 = alphabet.Length - 1;
			while (num5 > 0)
				num4 %= salt.Length;
				num3 += (num2 = salt[num4]);
				num = (num2 + num4 + num3) % num5;
				char c = alphabet[num];
				alphabet = alphabet.Substring(0, num) + alphabet[num5] + alphabet.Substring(num + 1);
				alphabet = alphabet.Substring(0, num5) + c + alphabet.Substring(num5 + 1);
			return alphabet;
	public interface IHashids
		int[] Decode(string hash);

		long[] DecodeLong(string hash);

		string DecodeHex(string hash);

		string Encode(params int[] numbers);

		string Encode(IEnumerable<int> numbers);

		string EncodeLong(params long[] numbers);

		string EncodeLong(IEnumerable<long> numbers);

		string EncodeHex(string hex);
	public interface ILocaleAware
		string Locale { get; set; }
	public interface IHasContext
		Dictionary<string, object> Context { get; }
	public interface IRuleSet<T> where T : class
		Faker<T> CustomInstantiator(Func<Faker, T> factoryMethod);

		Faker<T> RuleFor<TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> property, Func<Faker, T, TProperty> setter);

		Faker<T> RuleFor<TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> property, Func<Faker, TProperty> setter);

		Faker<T> RuleFor<TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> property, Func<TProperty> valueFunction);

		Faker<T> Ignore<TPropertyOrField>(Expression<Func<T, TPropertyOrField>> propertyOrField);

		Faker<T> StrictMode(bool ensureRulesForAllProperties);

		Faker<T> FinishWith(Action<Faker, T> action);

		Faker<T> RuleFor<TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> property, TProperty value);

		Faker<T> Rules(Action<Faker, T> setActions);
	public class Person : IHasRandomizer, IHasContext
		public class CardAddress
			public class CardGeo
				public double Lat;

				public double Lng;

			public string Street;

			public string Suite;

			public string City;

			public string State;

			public string ZipCode;

			public CardGeo Geo;

		public class CardCompany
			public string Name;

			public string CatchPhrase;

			public string Bs;

		internal Dictionary<string, object> context = new Dictionary<string, object>();

		protected SeedNotifier Notifier = new SeedNotifier();

		private Randomizer randomizer;

		public Name.Gender Gender;

		public string FirstName;

		public string LastName;

		public string FullName;

		public string UserName;

		public string Avatar;

		public string Email;

		public DateTime DateOfBirth;

		public CardAddress Address;

		public string Phone;

		public string Website;

		public CardCompany Company;

		Dictionary<string, object> IHasContext.Context => context;

		protected Name DsName { get; set; }

		protected Internet DsInternet { get; set; }

		protected Date DsDate { get; set; }

		protected PhoneNumbers DsPhoneNumbers { get; set; }

		protected Address DsAddress { get; set; }

		protected Company DsCompany { get; set; }

		public Randomizer Random
				return this.randomizer ?? (Random = new Randomizer());
				randomizer = value;

		public Person(string locale = "en", int? seed = null)
			if (seed.HasValue)
				Random = new Randomizer(seed.Value);

		internal Person(Randomizer randomizer, string locale = "en")
			Random = randomizer;

		private void GetDataSources(string locale)
			DsName = Notifier.Flow(new Name(locale));
			DsInternet = Notifier.Flow(new Internet(locale));
			DsDate = Notifier.Flow(new Date
				Locale = locale
			DsPhoneNumbers = Notifier.Flow(new PhoneNumbers(locale));
			DsAddress = Notifier.Flow(new Address(locale));
			DsCompany = Notifier.Flow(new Company(locale));

		protected internal virtual void Populate()
			Gender = Random.Enum(Array.Empty<Name.Gender>());
			FirstName = DsName.FirstName(Gender);
			LastName = DsName.LastName(Gender);
			FullName = FirstName + " " + LastName;
			UserName = DsInternet.UserName(FirstName, LastName);
			Email = DsInternet.Email(FirstName, LastName);
			Website = DsInternet.DomainName();
			Avatar = DsInternet.Avatar();
			DateOfBirth = DsDate.Past(50, Date.SystemClock().AddYears(-20));
			Phone = DsPhoneNumbers.PhoneNumber();
			Address = new CardAddress
				Street = DsAddress.StreetAddress(),
				Suite = DsAddress.SecondaryAddress(),
				City = DsAddress.City(),
				State = DsAddress.State(),
				ZipCode = DsAddress.ZipCode(),
				Geo = new CardAddress.CardGeo
					Lat = DsAddress.Latitude(),
					Lng = DsAddress.Longitude()
			Company = new CardCompany
				Name = DsCompany.CompanyName(),
				CatchPhrase = DsCompany.CatchPhrase(),
				Bs = DsCompany.Bs()

		SeedNotifier IHasRandomizer.GetNotifier()
			return Notifier;
	public static class PropertyName
		public static string For<T, TProp>(Expression<Func<T, TProp>> expression)
			return GetMemberName(expression.Body);

		public static string For<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
			return GetMemberName(expression.Body);

		public static string For(Expression<Func<object>> expression)
			return GetMemberName(expression.Body);

		public static string GetMemberName(Expression expression)
			string text = expression.ToString();
			if (text.IndexOf('.') != text.LastIndexOf('.'))
				throw new ArgumentException($"Your expression '{text}' cant be used. Nested accessors like 'o => o.NestedObject.Foo' at a parent level are not allowed. You should create a dedicated faker for NestedObject like new Faker<NestedObject>().RuleFor(o => o.Foo, ...) with its own rules that define how 'Foo' is generated. " + "See this GitHub issue for more info:");
			MemberExpression memberExpression = ((!(expression is UnaryExpression unaryExpression)) ? (expression as MemberExpression) : (unaryExpression.Operand as MemberExpression));
			if (memberExpression == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Expression was not of the form 'x => x.Property or x => x.Field'.");
			return memberExpression.Member.Name;
	public class Randomizer
		public static Random Seed = new Random();

		internal static Lazy<object> Locker = new Lazy<object>(() => new object(), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);

		protected Random localSeed;

		private WordFunctions wordFunctions;

		private static char[] AlphaChars = new char[36]
			'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
			'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j',
			'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
			'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'

		private static char[] HexChars = new char[16]
			'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
			'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'

		public Randomizer()
			localSeed = Seed;

		public Randomizer(int localSeed)
			this.localSeed = new Random(localSeed);

		public int Number(int max)
			return Number(0, max);

		public int[] Digits(int count, int minDigit = 0, int maxDigit = 9)
			if (maxDigit > 9 || maxDigit < 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("max digit can't be lager than 9 or smaller than 0", "maxDigit");
			if (minDigit > 9 || minDigit < 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("min digit can't be lager than 9 or smaller than 0", "minDigit");
			int[] array = new int[count];
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				array[i] = Number(minDigit, maxDigit);
			return array;

		public int Number(int min = 0, int max = 1)
			lock (Locker.Value)
				if (max < int.MaxValue)
					return localSeed.Next(min, max + 1);
				if (min > int.MinValue)
					return 1 + localSeed.Next(min - 1, max);
				int num = localSeed.Next();
				int num2 = localSeed.Next();
				int num3 = (num >> 8) & 0xFFFF;
				int num4 = (num2 >> 8) & 0xFFFF;
				return (num3 << 16) | num4;

		public int Even(int min = 0, int max = 1)
			if (min > max)
				throw new ArgumentException($"The min/max range is invalid. The minimum value '{min}' is greater than the maximum value '{max}'.", "max");
			if ((min & 1) == 1 && max - 1 < min)
				throw new ArgumentException("The specified range does not contain any even numbers.", "max");
			min = (min + 1) & -2;
			max |= 1;
			if (min > max)
				return min;
			return Number(min, max) & -2;

		public int Odd(int min = 0, int max = 1)
			if (min > max)
				throw new ArgumentException($"The min/max range is invalid. The minimum value '{min}' is greater than the maximum value '{max}'.", "max");
			if ((max & 1) == 0 && min + 1 > max)
				throw new ArgumentException("The specified range does not contain any odd numbers.", "max");
			if (max == int.MinValue)
				return -2147483647;
			min &= -2;
			max = (max - 1) | 1;
			if (min > max)
				return min | 1;
			return Number(min, max) | 1;

		public double Double(double min = 0.0, double max = 1.0)
			lock (Locker.Value)
				if (min == 0.0 && max == 1.0)
					return localSeed.NextDouble();
				return localSeed.NextDouble() * (max - min) + min;

		public decimal Decimal(decimal min = 0.0m, decimal max = 1.0m)
			return Convert.ToDecimal(Double()) * (max - min) + min;

		public float Float(float min = 0f, float max = 1f)
			return Convert.ToSingle(Double() * (double)(max - min) + (double)min);

		public byte Byte(byte min = 0, byte max = byte.MaxValue)
			return Convert.ToByte(Number(min, max));

		public byte[] Bytes(int count)
			byte[] array = new byte[count];
			lock (Locker.Value)
				return array;

		public sbyte SByte(sbyte min = sbyte.MinValue, sbyte max = sbyte.MaxValue)
			return Convert.ToSByte(Number(min, max));

		public int Int(int min = int.MinValue, int max = int.MaxValue)
			return Number(min, max);

		public uint UInt(uint min = 0u, uint max = uint.MaxValue)
			return Convert.ToUInt32(Double() * (double)(max - min) + (double)min);

		public ulong ULong(ulong min = 0uL, ulong max = ulong.MaxValue)
			return Convert.ToUInt64(Double() * (double)(max - min) + (double)min);

		public long Long(long min = long.MinValue, long max = long.MaxValue)
			decimal num = (decimal)max - (decimal)min;
			return Convert.ToInt64((decimal)Double() * num + (decimal)min);

		public short Short(short min = short.MinValue, short max = short.MaxValue)
			return Convert.ToInt16(Double() * (double)(max - min) + (double)min);

		public ushort UShort(ushort min = 0, ushort max = ushort.MaxValue)
			return Convert.ToUInt16(Double() * (double)(max - min) + (double)(int)min);

		public char Char(char min = '\0', char max = '\uffff')
			return Convert.ToChar(Number(min, max));

		public char[] Chars(char min = '\0', char max = '\uffff', int count = 5)
			char[] array = new char[count];
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				array[i] = Char(min, max);
			return array;

		public string String(int? length = null, char minChar = '\0', char maxChar = '\uffff')
			int count = length ?? Number(40, 80);
			return new string(Chars(minChar, maxChar, count));

		public string String(int minLength, int maxLength, char minChar = '\0', char maxChar = '\uffff')
			int value = Number(minLength, maxLength);
			return String((int?)value, minChar, maxChar);

		public string String2(int length, string chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
			char[] array = new char[length];
			for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
				int index = Number(0, chars.Length - 1);
				array[i] = chars[index];
			return new string(array);

		public string String2(int minLength, int maxLength, string chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
			int length = Number(minLength, maxLength);
			return String2(length, chars);

		public string Utf16String(int minLength = 40, int maxLength = 80, bool excludeSurrogates = false)
			int num = ((minLength == maxLength) ? minLength : Number(minLength, maxLength));
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			while (stringBuilder.Length < num)
				int num2 = num - stringBuilder.Length;
				string text = null;
				int num3 = 0;
				if (!excludeSurrogates && num2 >= 2 && Bool())
					text = ArrayElement(SafeUnicodeRanges.SurrogatePairs);
					num3 = 1;
					text = ArrayElement(SafeUnicodeRanges.Basic);
					num3 = 0;
				char min = text[num3];
				char max = text[2 + num3 * 2];
				char value = (char)UShort(min, max);
				if (num3 == 1)
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public string Hash(int length = 40, bool upperCase = false)
			return String2(length, upperCase ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef");

		public bool Bool()
			return Number() == 0;

		public bool Bool(float weight)
			return Float() < weight;

		public T ArrayElement<T>(T[] array)
			if (array.Length == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("The array is empty. There are no items to select.", "array");
			int num = Number(array.Length - 1);
			return array[num];

		public BValue ArrayElement(BArray props, int? min = null, int? max = null)
			int index = Number(min.GetValueOrDefault(), (max - 1) ?? (props.Count - 1));
			return props[index];

		public string ArrayElement(Array array)
			if (array == null)
				array = new string[3] { "a", "b", "c" };
			int index = Number(array.Length - 1);
			return array.GetValue(index).ToString();

		public T[] ArrayElements<T>(T[] array, int? count = null)
			if (count > array.Length)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");
			if (!count.HasValue)
				count = Number(0, array.Length - 1);
			return Shuffle(array).Take(count.Value).ToArray();

		public T ListItem<T>(List<T> list)
			return ListItem((IList<T>)list);

		public T ListItem<T>(IList<T> list)
			if (list.Count <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("The list is empty. There are no items to select.", "list");
			int index = Number(list.Count - 1);
			return list[index];

		public List<T> ListItems<T>(IList<T> items, int? count = null)
			if (count > items.Count)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");
			if (!count.HasValue)
				count = Number(0, items.Count - 1);
			return Shuffle(items).Take(count.Value).ToList();

		public IList<T> ListItems<T>(List<T> items, int? count = null)
			return ListItems((IList<T>)items, count);

		public T CollectionItem<T>(ICollection<T> collection)
			if (collection.Count <= 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("The collection is empty. There are no items to select.", "collection");
			int count = Number(collection.Count - 1);
			return collection.Skip(count).First();

		public string ReplaceNumbers(string format, char symbol = '#')
			return ReplaceSymbols(format, symbol, () => Convert.ToChar(48 + Number(9)));

		public string ReplaceSymbols(string format, char symbol, Func<char> func)
			return new string(format.Select((char c) => (c != symbol) ? c : func()).ToArray());

		public string Replace(string format)
			return new string(format.Select(delegate(char c)
				if (c == '*')
					c = (Bool() ? '#' : '?');
				return c switch
					'#' => Convert.ToChar(48 + Number(9)), 
					'?' => Convert.ToChar(65 + Number(25)), 
					_ => c, 

		public string ClampString(string str, int? min = null, int? max = null)
			if (max.HasValue && str.Length > max)
				str = str.Substring(0, max.Value).Trim();
			if (min.HasValue && min > str.Length)
				string text = Replace("".PadRight((min - str.Length).Value, '?'));
				return str + text;
			return str;

		public T Enum<T>(params T[] exclude) where T : struct, Enum
			Type e = typeof(T);
			if (!e.IsEnum())
				throw new ArgumentException("When calling Enum<T>() with no parameters T must be an enum.");
			string[] array = System.Enum.GetNames(e);
			if (exclude.Any())
				IEnumerable<string> second = exclude.Select((T ex) => System.Enum.GetName(e, ex));
				array = array.Except(second).ToArray();
			if (!array.Any())
				throw new ArgumentException("There are no values after exclusion to choose from.");
			System.Enum.TryParse<T>(ArrayElement(array), out var result);
			return result;

		public T[] EnumValues<T>(int? count = null, params T[] exclude) where T : Enum
			T[] array = ((exclude.Length == 0) ? System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).OfType<T>().Except(exclude)
				.ToArray() : System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).OfType<T>().Except(exclude)
			if (count > array.Length || count < 0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", count, $"The {"count"} parameter is {count} and the calculated set of enums has a length of {array.Length}. It is impossible to pick {count} enums from a list of {array.Length}.");
			return ArrayElements(array, count);

		public IEnumerable<T> Shuffle<T>(IEnumerable<T> source)
			List<T> buffer = source.ToList();
			for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Count; i++)
				int j;
				lock (Locker.Value)
					j = localSeed.Next(i, buffer.Count);
				yield return buffer[j];
				buffer[j] = buffer[i];

		public string Word()
			if (wordFunctions == null)
				wordFunctions = new WordFunctions(this);
			return ListItem(wordFunctions.Functions)();

		public string Words(int? count = null)
			if (!count.HasValue)
				count = Number(1, 3);
			string[] value = WordsArray(count.Value);
			return string.Join(" ", value);

		public string[] WordsArray(int min, int max)
			int count = Number(min, max);
			return WordsArray(count);

		public string[] WordsArray(int count)
			return (from f in Enumerable.Range(1, count)
				select Word()).ToArray();

		public Guid Guid()
			return new Guid(Bytes(16));

		public Guid Uuid()
			return new Guid(Bytes(16));

		public string RandomLocale()
			return ArrayElement(Database.GetAllLocales());

		public string AlphaNumeric(int length)
			StringBuilder seed = new StringBuilder();
			return Enumerable.Range(1, length).Aggregate(seed, (StringBuilder b, int i) => b.Append(ArrayElement(AlphaChars)), (StringBuilder b) => b.ToString());

		public string Hexadecimal(int length = 1, string prefix = "0x")
			StringBuilder seed = new StringBuilder();
			return Enumerable.Range(1, length).Aggregate(seed, (StringBuilder b, int i) => b.Append(ArrayElement(HexChars)), (StringBuilder b) => $"{prefix}{b}");

		public T WeightedRandom<T>(T[] items, float[] weights)
			if (weights.Length != items.Length)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("items.Length and weights.Length must be the same.");
			float num = Float();
			float num2 = 0f;
			T result = default(T);
			for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++)
				float num3 = num2 + weights[i];
				result = items[i];
				if (num >= num2 && num <= num3)
				num2 += weights[i];
			return result;
	public class WordFunctions
		public List<Func<string>> Functions { get; } = new List<Func<string>>();

		private Commerce Commerce { get; }

		private Company Company { get; }

		private Address Address { get; }

		private Finance Finance { get; }

		private Hacker Hacker { get; }

		private Name Name { get; }

		public WordFunctions(Randomizer r)
			Commerce = new Commerce
				Random = r
			Company = new Company
				Random = r
			Address = new Address
				Random = r
			Finance = new Finance
				Random = r
			Hacker = new Hacker
				Random = r
			Name = new Name
				Random = r

		private void Init()
			Functions.Add(() => Commerce.Department());
			Functions.Add(() => Commerce.ProductName());
			Functions.Add(() => Commerce.ProductAdjective());
			Functions.Add(() => Commerce.ProductMaterial());
			Functions.Add(() => Commerce.ProductName());
			Functions.Add(() => Commerce.Color());
			Functions.Add(() => Company.CatchPhraseAdjective());
			Functions.Add(() => Company.CatchPhraseDescriptor());
			Functions.Add(() => Company.CatchPhraseNoun());
			Functions.Add(() => Company.BsAdjective());
			Functions.Add(() => Company.BsBuzz());
			Functions.Add(() => Company.BsNoun());
			Functions.Add(() => Address.StreetSuffix());
			Functions.Add(() => Address.County());
			Functions.Add(() => Address.Country());
			Functions.Add(() => Address.State());
			Functions.Add(() => Address.StreetSuffix());
			Functions.Add(() => Finance.AccountName());
			Functions.Add(() => Finance.TransactionType());
			Functions.Add(() => Finance.Currency().Description);
			Functions.Add(() => Hacker.Noun());
			Functions.Add(() => Hacker.Verb());
			Functions.Add(() => Hacker.Adjective());
			Functions.Add(() => Hacker.IngVerb());
			Functions.Add(() => Hacker.Abbreviation());
			Functions.Add(() => Name.JobDescriptor());
			Functions.Add(() => Name.JobArea());
			Functions.Add(() => Name.JobType());
	public static class ResourceHelper
		public static bool ResourceExists(Assembly assembly, string resourceName)
			return assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(resourceName) != null;

		public static byte[] ReadResource(Assembly assembly, string resourceName)
			using Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			return memoryStream.ToArray();

		public static BValue ReadBValueResource(Assembly assembly, string resourceName)
			using Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			return Bogus.Bson.Bson.Load(memoryStream.ToArray());

		public static BObject ReadBObjectResource(Assembly assembly, string resourceName)
			using Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			return Bogus.Bson.Bson.Load(memoryStream.ToArray());
	public class Rule<T>
		public T Action { get; set; }

		public string PropertyName { get; set; }

		public string RuleSet { get; set; } = string.Empty;

		public bool ProhibitInStrictMode { get; set; }
	public class PopulateAction<T> : Rule<Func<Faker, T, object>>
	public class FinalizeAction<T> : Rule<Action<Faker, T>>
	public class MultiDictionary<Key, Key2, Value> : Dictionary<Key, Dictionary<Key2, Value>>
		public MultiDictionary(IEqualityComparer<Key> comparer)
			: base(comparer)

		public void Add(Key key, Key2 key2, Value value)
			if (!TryGetValue(key, out var value2))
				value2 = new Dictionary<Key2, Value>();
				Add(key, value2);
			value2[key2] = value;
	public class MultiSetDictionary<Key, Value> : Dictionary<Key, HashSet<Value>>
		public MultiSetDictionary(IEqualityComparer<Key> comparer)
			: base(comparer)

		public void Add(Key key, Value value)
			if (!TryGetValue(key, out var value2))
				value2 = new HashSet<Value>();
				Add(key, value2);
			if (value2.Contains(value))
				throw new ArgumentException("An item with the same key has already been added.");
	public interface IHasRandomizer
		Randomizer Random { set; }

		SeedNotifier GetNotifier();
	public class SeedNotifier
		private List<IHasRandomizer> registry = new List<IHasRandomizer>();

		public U Flow<U>(U item) where U : IHasRandomizer
			return item;

		public void Notify(Randomizer r)
			foreach (IHasRandomizer item in registry)
				item.Random = r;
	public class MustashMethod
		public string Name { get; set; }

		public MethodInfo Method { get; set; }

		public object[] OptionalArgs { get; set; }
	public class Tokenizer
		public static ILookup<string, MustashMethod> MustashMethods;

		static Tokenizer()

		public static void RegisterMustashMethods(Type type)
			MustashMethods = (from p in type.GetProperties()
				where p.IsDefined(typeof(RegisterMustasheMethodsAttribute), inherit: true)
				select p).SelectMany((PropertyInfo p) => (from mi in p.PropertyType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
				where mi.GetGenericArguments().Length == 0
				select mi).Select(delegate(MethodInfo mi)
				string text = DataSet.ResolveCategory(p.PropertyType);
				string name = mi.Name;
				return new MustashMethod
					Name = (text + "." + name).ToUpperInvariant(),
					Method = mi,
					OptionalArgs = (from pi in mi.GetParameters()
						where pi.IsOptional
						select pi into _
						select Type.Missing).ToArray()
			})).ToLookup((MustashMethod mm) => mm.Name);

		public static string Parse(string str, params object[] dataSets)
			int num = str.IndexOf("{{", StringComparison.Ordinal);
			int num2 = str.IndexOf("}}", StringComparison.Ordinal);
			if (num == -1 && num2 == -1)
				return str;
			ParseMustashText(str, num, num2, out var methodName, out var arguments);
			if (!MustashMethods.Contains(methodName))
				throw new ArgumentException("Unknown method " + methodName + " can't be found.");
			object obj = FindDataSetWithMethod(dataSets, methodName);
			MustashMethod mustashMethod = FindMustashMethod(methodName, arguments);
			object[] array = ConvertStringArgumentsToObjects(arguments, mustashMethod);
			IEnumerable<object> second = mustashMethod.OptionalArgs.Take(mustashMethod.Method.GetParameters().Length - array.Length);
			object[] parameters = array.Concat(second).ToArray();
			string value = mustashMethod.Method.Invoke(obj, parameters).ToString();
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			stringBuilder.Append(str, 0, num);
			stringBuilder.Append(str.Substring(num2 + 2));
			return Parse(stringBuilder.ToString(), dataSets);

		private static object FindDataSetWithMethod(object[] dataSets, string methodName)
			Type dataSetType = MustashMethods[methodName].First().Method.DeclaringType;
			return dataSets.FirstOrDefault((object o) => o.GetType() == dataSetType) ?? throw new ArgumentException($"Can't parse {methodName} because the dataset was not provided in the {"dataSets"} parameter.", "dataSets");

		private static void ParseMustashText(string str, int start, int end, out string methodName, out string[] arguments)
			string text = str.Substring(start + 2, end - start - 2).Replace("}}", "").Replace("{{", "");
			int num = text.IndexOf("(", StringComparison.Ordinal);
			if (num != -1)
				string argumentsString = GetArgumentsString(text, num);
				methodName = text.Substring(0, num).Trim();
				arguments = (from s in argumentsString.Split(new char[1] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
					select s.Trim()).ToArray();
				methodName = text;
				arguments = new string[0];
			methodName = methodName.ToUpperInvariant();

		private static MustashMethod FindMustashMethod(string methodName, string[] arguments)
			return (from mm in MustashMethods[methodName]
				orderby mm.Method.GetParameters().Count((ParameterInfo pi) => pi.IsOptional) - arguments.Length
				where mm.Method.GetParameters().Length >= arguments.Length
				where mm.OptionalArgs.Length + arguments.Length >= mm.Method.GetParameters().Length
				select mm).FirstOrDefault() ?? throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot find a method '{methodName}' that could accept {arguments.Length} arguments");

		private static object[] ConvertStringArgumentsToObjects(string[] parameters, MustashMethod mm)
				return mm.Method.GetParameters().Zip(parameters, GetValueForParameter).ToArray();
			catch (OverflowException innerException)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("One of the arguments for " + mm.Name + " is out of supported range. Argument list: " + string.Join(",", parameters), innerException);
			catch (Exception ex) when (ex is InvalidCastException || ex is FormatException)
				throw new ArgumentException("One of the arguments for " + mm.Name + " cannot be converted to target type. Argument list: " + string.Join(",", parameters), ex);
			catch (Exception innerException2)
				throw new ArgumentException("Cannot parse arguments for " + mm.Name + ". Argument list: " + string.Join(",", parameters), innerException2);

		private static object GetValueForParameter(ParameterInfo parameterInfo, string parameterValue)
			Type type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(parameterInfo.ParameterType) ?? parameterInfo.ParameterType;
			if (typeof(Enum).IsAssignableFrom(type))
				return Enum.Parse(type, parameterValue);
			if (typeof(TimeSpan) == type)
				return TimeSpan.Parse(parameterValue);
			return Convert.ChangeType(parameterValue, type);

		private static string GetArgumentsString(string methodCall, int parametersStart)
			int num = methodCall.IndexOf(')');
			if (num == -1)
				throw new ArgumentException("The method call '" + methodCall + "' is missing a terminating ')' character.");
			return methodCall.Substring(parametersStart + 1, num - parametersStart - 1);
	internal class RegisterMustasheMethodsAttribute : Attribute
	public static class Transliterater
		public static Trie CharMap = BuildCharMap(new Trie());

		public static Trie DiatricMap = BuildDiatricMap(new Trie());

		public static MultiDictionary<string, string, string> LangCharMap = BuildLangCharMap(new MultiDictionary<string, string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal));

		public static MultiDictionary<string, string, string> SymbolMap = BuildSymbolMap(new MultiDictionary<string, string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal));

		public static readonly Dictionary<string, string> EmptyDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();

		public static string Translate(string input, string lang = "en")
			if (!LangCharMap.TryGetValue(lang, out var value))
				value = EmptyDictionary;
			if (!SymbolMap.TryGetValue(lang, out var value2))
				value2 = SymbolMap["en"];
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(input.Length);
			for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
				string text = input.Substring(i, 1);
				if (value.TryGetValue(text, out var value3))
				int used = 0;
				string text2 = WalkTrie(i, input, CharMap, ref used);
				if (text2 != null)
					i += used - 1;
				used = 0;
				string text3 = WalkTrie(i, input, DiatricMap, ref used);
				string value4;
				if (text3 != null)
					i += used - 1;
				else if (value2.TryGetValue(text, out value4))
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public static string WalkTrie(int i, string input, Trie trie, ref int used)
			if (i >= input.Length)
				return trie.Value;
			string key = input.Substring(i, 1);
			if (trie.Map.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
				return WalkTrie(i + 1, input, value, ref used);
			string value2 = trie.Value;
			if (value2 != null && value2.Length > 0)
				return trie.Value;
			return null;

		public static Trie BuildCharMap(Trie trie)
			Trie.Insert(trie, "À", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Á", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Â", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ã", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ä", "Ae");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Å", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Æ", "AE");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ç", "C");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "È", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "É", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ê", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ë", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ì", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Í", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Î", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ï", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ð", "D");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ñ", "N");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ò", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ó", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ô", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Õ", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ö", "Oe");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ő", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ø", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ù", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ú", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Û", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ü", "Ue");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ű", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ý", "Y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Þ", "TH");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ß", "ss");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "à", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "á", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "â", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ã", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ä", "ae");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "å", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "æ", "ae");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ç", "c");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "è", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "é", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ê", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ë", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ì", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "í", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "î", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ï", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ð", "d");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ñ", "n");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ò", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ó", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ô", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "õ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ö", "oe");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ő", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ø", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ù", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ú", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "û", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ü", "ue");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ű", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ý", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "þ", "th");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ÿ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ẞ", "SS");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ا", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "أ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "إ", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "آ", "aa");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ؤ", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ئ", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ء", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ب", "b");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ت", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ث", "th");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ج", "j");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ح", "h");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "خ", "kh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "د", "d");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ذ", "th");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ر", "r");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ز", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "س", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ش", "sh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ص", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ض", "dh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ط", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ظ", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ع", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "غ", "gh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ف", "f");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ق", "q");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ك", "k");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ل", "l");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "م", "m");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ن", "n");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ه", "h");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "و", "w");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ي", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ى", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ة", "h");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ﻻ", "la");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ﻷ", "laa");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ﻹ", "lai");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ﻵ", "laa");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "گ", "g");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "چ", "ch");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "پ", "p");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ژ", "zh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ک", "k");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ی", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u064e", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u064b", "an");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u0650", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u064d", "en");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u064f", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u064c", "on");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u0652", "");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "٠", "0");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "١", "1");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "٢", "2");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "٣", "3");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "٤", "4");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "٥", "5");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "٦", "6");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "٧", "7");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "٨", "8");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "٩", "9");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "۰", "0");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "۱", "1");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "۲", "2");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "۳", "3");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "۴", "4");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "۵", "5");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "۶", "6");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "۷", "7");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "۸", "8");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "۹", "9");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "က", "k");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ခ", "kh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဂ", "g");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဃ", "ga");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "င", "ng");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "စ", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဆ", "sa");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဇ", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "စ\u103b", "za");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ည", "ny");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဋ", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဌ", "ta");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဍ", "d");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဎ", "da");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဏ", "na");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "တ", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ထ", "ta");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဒ", "d");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဓ", "da");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "န", "n");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ပ", "p");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဖ", "pa");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဗ", "b");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဘ", "ba");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "မ", "m");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ယ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ရ", "ya");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "လ", "l");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဝ", "w");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "သ", "th");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဟ", "h");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဠ", "la");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "အ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u103c", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u103b", "ya");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u103d", "w");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u103c\u103d", "yw");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u103b\u103d", "ywa");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u103e", "h");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဧ", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "၏", "-e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဣ", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဤ", "-i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဉ", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဦ", "-u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဩ", "aw");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "သ\u103c\u1031\u102c", "aw");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ဪ", "aw");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "၀", "0");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "၁", "1");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "၂", "2");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "၃", "3");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "၄", "4");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "၅", "5");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "၆", "6");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "၇", "7");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "၈", "8");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "၉", "9");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u1039", "");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u1037", "");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u1038", "");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "č", "c");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ď", "d");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ě", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ň", "n");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ř", "r");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "š", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ť", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ů", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ž", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Č", "C");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ď", "D");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ě", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ň", "N");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ř", "R");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Š", "S");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ť", "T");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ů", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ž", "Z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ހ", "h");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ށ", "sh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ނ", "n");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ރ", "r");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ބ", "b");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޅ", "lh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ކ", "k");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "އ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ވ", "v");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "މ", "m");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ފ", "f");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ދ", "dh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ތ", "th");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ލ", "l");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ގ", "g");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޏ", "gn");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ސ", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޑ", "d");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޒ", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޓ", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޔ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޕ", "p");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޖ", "j");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޗ", "ch");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޘ", "tt");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޙ", "hh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޚ", "kh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޛ", "th");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޜ", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޝ", "sh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޞ", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޟ", "d");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޠ", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޡ", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޢ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޣ", "gh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޤ", "q");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ޥ", "w");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u07a6", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u07a7", "aa");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u07a8", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u07a9", "ee");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u07aa", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u07ab", "oo");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u07ac", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u07ad", "ey");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u07ae", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u07af", "oa");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "\u07b0", "");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ა", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ბ", "b");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "გ", "g");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "დ", "d");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ე", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ვ", "v");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ზ", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "თ", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ი", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "კ", "k");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ლ", "l");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "მ", "m");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ნ", "n");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ო", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "პ", "p");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ჟ", "zh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "რ", "r");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ს", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ტ", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "უ", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ფ", "p");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ქ", "k");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ღ", "gh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ყ", "q");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "შ", "sh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ჩ", "ch");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ც", "ts");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ძ", "dz");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "წ", "ts");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ჭ", "ch");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ხ", "kh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ჯ", "j");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ჰ", "h");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "α", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "β", "v");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "γ", "g");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "δ", "d");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ε", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ζ", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "η", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "θ", "th");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ι", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "κ", "k");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "λ", "l");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "μ", "m");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ν", "n");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ξ", "ks");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ο", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "π", "p");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ρ", "r");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "σ", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "τ", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "υ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "φ", "f");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "χ", "x");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ψ", "ps");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ω", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ά", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "έ", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ί", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ό", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ύ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ή", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ώ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ς", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ϊ", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ΰ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ϋ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ΐ", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Α", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Β", "B");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Γ", "G");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Δ", "D");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ε", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ζ", "Z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Η", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Θ", "TH");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ι", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Κ", "K");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Λ", "L");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Μ", "M");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ν", "N");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ξ", "KS");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ο", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Π", "P");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ρ", "R");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Σ", "S");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Τ", "T");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Υ", "Y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Φ", "F");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Χ", "X");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ψ", "PS");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ω", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ά", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Έ", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ί", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ό", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ύ", "Y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ή", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ώ", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ϊ", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ϋ", "Y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ā", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ē", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ģ", "g");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ī", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ķ", "k");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ļ", "l");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ņ", "n");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ū", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ā", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ē", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ģ", "G");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ī", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ķ", "k");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ļ", "L");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ņ", "N");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ū", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ќ", "Kj");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ќ", "kj");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Љ", "Lj");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "љ", "lj");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Њ", "Nj");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "њ", "nj");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Тс", "Ts");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "тс", "ts");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ą", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ć", "c");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ę", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ł", "l");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ń", "n");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ś", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ź", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ż", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ą", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ć", "C");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ę", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ł", "L");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ń", "N");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ś", "S");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ź", "Z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ż", "Z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Є", "Ye");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "І", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ї", "Yi");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ґ", "G");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "є", "ye");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "і", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ї", "yi");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ґ", "g");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ă", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ă", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ș", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ș", "S");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ț", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ț", "T");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ţ", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ţ", "T");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "а", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "б", "b");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "в", "v");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "г", "g");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "д", "d");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "е", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ё", "yo");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ж", "zh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "з", "z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "и", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "й", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "к", "k");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "л", "l");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "м", "m");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "н", "n");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "о", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "п", "p");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "р", "r");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "с", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "т", "t");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "у", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ф", "f");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "х", "kh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ц", "c");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ч", "ch");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ш", "sh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "щ", "sh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ъ", "");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ы", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ь", "");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "э", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ю", "yu");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "я", "ya");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "А", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Б", "B");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "В", "V");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Г", "G");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Д", "D");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Е", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ё", "Yo");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ж", "Zh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "З", "Z");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "И", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Й", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "К", "K");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Л", "L");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "М", "M");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Н", "N");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "О", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "П", "P");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Р", "R");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "С", "S");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Т", "T");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "У", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ф", "F");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Х", "Kh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ц", "C");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ч", "Ch");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ш", "Sh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Щ", "Sh");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ъ", "");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ы", "Y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ь", "");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Э", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ю", "Yu");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Я", "Ya");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ђ", "dj");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ј", "j");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ћ", "c");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "џ", "dz");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ђ", "Dj");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ј", "j");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ћ", "C");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Џ", "Dz");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ľ", "l");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ĺ", "l");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ŕ", "r");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ľ", "L");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ĺ", "L");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ŕ", "R");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ş", "s");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ş", "S");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ı", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "İ", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ğ", "g");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ğ", "G");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ả", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ả", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ẳ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ẳ", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ẩ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ẩ", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "đ", "d");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Đ", "D");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ẹ", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ẹ", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ẽ", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ẽ", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ẻ", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ẻ", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ế", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ế", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ề", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ề", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ệ", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ệ", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ễ", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ễ", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ể", "e");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ể", "E");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ỏ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ọ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ọ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ố", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ố", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ồ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ồ", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ổ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ổ", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ộ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ộ", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ỗ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ỗ", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ơ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ơ", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ớ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ớ", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ờ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ờ", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ợ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ợ", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ỡ", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ỡ", "O");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ở", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ở", "o");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ị", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ị", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ĩ", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ĩ", "I");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ỉ", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ỉ", "i");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ủ", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ủ", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ụ", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ụ", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ũ", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ũ", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ư", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ư", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ứ", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ứ", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ừ", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ừ", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ự", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ự", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ữ", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ữ", "U");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ử", "u");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ử", "ư");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ỷ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ỷ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ỳ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ỳ", "Y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ỵ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ỵ", "Y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ỹ", "y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ỹ", "Y");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ạ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ạ", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ấ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ấ", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ầ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ầ", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ậ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ậ", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ẫ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ẫ", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ắ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ắ", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ằ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ằ", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ặ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ặ", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "ẵ", "a");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "Ẵ", "A");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⓪", "0");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "①", "1");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "②", "2");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "③", "3");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "④", "4");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑤", "5");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑥", "6");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑦", "7");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑧", "8");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑨", "9");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑩", "10");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑪", "11");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑫", "12");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑬", "13");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑭", "14");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑮", "15");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑯", "16");
			Trie.Insert(trie, "⑰", "17");