MrPurple6411-Tech_Pistol_Experimental icon

Tech Pistol Experimental

Advanced Multipurpose Energy Pistol.

Last updated 2 years ago
Total downloads 4688
Total rating 0 
Categories Experimental
Dependency string MrPurple6411-Tech_Pistol_Experimental-3.0.1002
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

Subnautica_Modding-QModManager_Experimental-4.4.3 icon

QModManager is an intermidiate loader for mods made for the QMM system.

Preferred version: 4.4.3
Subnautica_Modding-SMLHelper_Experimental-2.13.4 icon

SMLHelper is a modding library that helps making mods easier by helping with adding new items, changing items, adding models, sprites, etc.

Preferred version: 2.13.4


Tech Pistol

Advanced Multipurpose Energy Pistol.

  • How can I make this pistol?

    This mod now has custom Fragments to scan to unlock the recipe that can be found in the Degassi Bases and in the Lost River.

    Once unlocked you can build it in the regular Fabricator under the Personal/Tools tab.

  • Batteries:

    This pistol will now accept all batteries and power cells that will fit in either the battery charger or power-cell charger.

  • Modes: You can use AltTool (default: F Key) to change the mode of the pistol.

    • All Modes:
      • Left Hand = Normal Interact
    • Laser:
      • Display = Living target name and health.
      • Right Hand = Laser
      • Damage = X Heat Damage per second.
      • Breakable chunks hit will be damaged.
      • Drillable Resources hit will be damaged.
    • Cannon:
      • Display = Living target name and health.
      • Hold Right Hand = Charge Cannon and fire when fully charged.
      • Damage - X Explosion damage in X meter radius.
      • Breakable chunks in range will be broken.
      • Drillable Resources withing range will be broken.
    • Scale Up:
      • Display = Living target name and current scale.
      • Right Hand = Scale Up X size per second.
      • Deconstruct (Default Q Key) = Reset Scale to 1.0
      • Living things that increase above 10x normal will be killed.
    • Scale Up:
      • Display = Living target name and current scale.
      • Right Hand = Scale Down X size per second.
      • Deconstruct (Default Q Key) = Reset Scale to 1.0
  • Configuration:

    • Targeting Range: Range: 1 - 200 Meters Default: 40m
    • Cannon Damage: Range: 1 - 1000 Default: 150
    • Explosion Range: Range: 1 - 100 Meters Default: 15m
    • Laser Damage: Range: 1 - 100 Default: 2
    • Scale Up Speed: Range: 0.01 - 0.3 Default: 0.02
    • Scale Down Speed: Range: 0.01 - 0.3 Default: 0.02