Azumatt-AdminMenu icon


A mod that gives you an Admin/Cheat panel by pressing F3 (default keybind)


Version Update Notes
1.3.0 - Update for Sunkenland version 0.200
1.2.5 - Update for Sunkenland version 0.150
1.2.4 - Fix logging out and back in not allowing the AdminMenu to open again.
- Fix an issue with your health getting stuck at approx 60%.
1.2.3 - Add three new configuration options to hide collectibles, scavengeables, and chests that have been destroyed, looted, or are inactive. These are defaulted to on to help you 100% your locations.
1.2.2 - Search box now isn't case sensitive
- Fix the toggling of the right half of the UI
- Spawning items now stacks properly.
1.2.1 - Add a slightly darker background behind the UI, should make it easier to see
1.2.0 - Fix the majority of the spawning issues.
- Add search function and amount input
- Block most input when the UI is open as to not trigger windows when searching
- You can now press the Escape button to close the window as well as the default hotkey, just a QOL feature there.
- Right clicking on certain items is still a bit buggy, I was using the default game's function for this (slightly modified to not call destroy). I will probably rewrite it to work flawlessly if they don't fix it soon.
1.1.1 - Add a new menu that allows you to spawn items from a list. Can right click on some items to use them. Keep in mind the use is a little experimental as it can cause errors on some objects.
1.1.0 - Fix for the latest game version
1.0.2 - Add in the ability to deny all players joining your world until you say so. When there are players about to join you that you want to join, simply toggle the "Allow players into the game" UI option. Just make sure to turn it off when they are joined up!
1.0.1 - Change to my own custom UI with more options and no longer use the vanilla hidden menu
- Added a ton more options like ESP (for loot, enemies, players, fish, etc.), Unlimited (Health, Ammo, Stamina, Energy), and of course keeping the vanilla options where possible.
1.0.0 - Initial Release