Long_Ship-DanJoMeShi icon


I went with romaji because the English name was too long.因为英文名字太长,我就用罗马音了

Last updated 2 months ago
Total downloads 3537
Total rating 0 
Categories Mods
Dependency string Long_Ship-DanJoMeShi-0.0.2
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

Fhpslime-SLMACore-1.1.3 icon


Preferred version: 1.1.3
BepInEx-BepInExPack_TABS-5.4.16 icon

BepInEx pack for TABS. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.16


DanJoMeShi - 迷宫饭

This is a Delicious in Dungeon fan mod.


Unit Name Description
Laios莱欧斯 A character with a very distinct personality, who has a passionate love for monsters, and because he knows them so well, he can always make things right.迷宫饭绝对的重量级角色,天天都会对着魔物发癫,但是也因为掌握了大量的魔物知识总能化险为夷。
Marcille玛露希尔 A character who breaks the elf stereotype and a magical genius with big powerful magic to fight powerful monsters.一个打破了精灵刻板印象的大妹子,也是个绝对的魔法天才,各种强大的魔法可以在地下城应对各种棘手的危险。
Chilchuck齐尔查克 Ostensibly a young boy, he is actually an older married man in his thirties, and even has children. Because of his race, he is not good at battle, but his flexible body and sharp senses can help the team avoid danger.表面神父狂喜,实则30岁离异大哥,甚至还有孩子。因为种族问题不擅长战斗,但是身体灵活感官敏锐,可以帮助团队安全的在地下城行进。
Senshi森西 Dwarves who are great cooks, have top of the line cookware, and materials that might get you killed by dwarves who like to forge if you tell them.厨艺超强的矮人大叔,拥有逆天的顶级厨具,材料说出来的话喜欢锻造的矮人应该会直接杀了他。

Changelog - 更新日志

- 0.0.2:

  • Modified some textures. - 修改了部分材质。

- 0.0.1:

  • Mod release. - MOD 发布。

Credits 成员:

  • FMaker-00- Coder 程序
  • StarFan_老星辰 - Modeler 模型