Decompiled source of Archipelago v3.0.1


Decompiled a month ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.ConcurrentCollection;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Converters;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.DataPackage;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Enums;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Exceptions;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Extensions;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Helpers;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.MessageLog.Messages;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.MessageLog.Parts;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Models;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Packets;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("35a803ad-85ed-42e9-b1e3-c6b72096f0c1")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Tests")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("DynamicProxyGenAssembly2")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.5", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.5")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Jarno Westhof, Hussein Farran, Zach Parks")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2025")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("A client library for use with .NET based prog-langs for interfacing with Archipelago hosts.")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("6.5.0+85e5c9f7199bf77adbab527815a79a7818b3f441")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Archipelago.MultiClient.Net")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Archipelago.MultiClient.Net")]
[assembly: AssemblyMetadata("RepositoryUrl", "")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
internal interface IConcurrentHashSet<T>
	bool TryAdd(T item);

	bool Contains(T item);

	void UnionWith(T[] otherSet);

	T[] ToArray();

	ReadOnlyCollection<T> AsToReadOnlyCollection();

	ReadOnlyCollection<T> AsToReadOnlyCollectionExcept(IConcurrentHashSet<T> otherSet);
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net
	public abstract class ArchipelagoPacketBase
		internal JObject jobject;

		public abstract ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType { get; }

		public JObject ToJObject()
			return jobject;
	public interface IArchipelagoSession : IArchipelagoSessionActions
		IArchipelagoSocketHelper Socket { get; }

		IReceivedItemsHelper Items { get; }

		ILocationCheckHelper Locations { get; }

		IPlayerHelper Players { get; }

		IDataStorageHelper DataStorage { get; }

		IConnectionInfoProvider ConnectionInfo { get; }

		IRoomStateHelper RoomState { get; }

		IMessageLogHelper MessageLog { get; }

		Task<RoomInfoPacket> ConnectAsync();

		Task<LoginResult> LoginAsync(string game, string name, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags, Version version = null, string[] tags = null, string uuid = null, string password = null, bool requestSlotData = true);

		LoginResult TryConnectAndLogin(string game, string name, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags, Version version = null, string[] tags = null, string uuid = null, string password = null, bool requestSlotData = true);
	public class ArchipelagoSession : IArchipelagoSession, IArchipelagoSessionActions
		private const int ArchipelagoConnectionTimeoutInSeconds = 4;

		private ConnectionInfoHelper connectionInfo;

		private TaskCompletionSource<LoginResult> loginResultTask = new TaskCompletionSource<LoginResult>();

		private TaskCompletionSource<RoomInfoPacket> roomInfoPacketTask = new TaskCompletionSource<RoomInfoPacket>();

		public IArchipelagoSocketHelper Socket { get; }

		public IReceivedItemsHelper Items { get; }

		public ILocationCheckHelper Locations { get; }

		public IPlayerHelper Players { get; }

		public IDataStorageHelper DataStorage { get; }

		public IConnectionInfoProvider ConnectionInfo => connectionInfo;

		public IRoomStateHelper RoomState { get; }

		public IMessageLogHelper MessageLog { get; }

		internal ArchipelagoSession(IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket, IReceivedItemsHelper items, ILocationCheckHelper locations, IPlayerHelper players, IRoomStateHelper roomState, ConnectionInfoHelper connectionInfoHelper, IDataStorageHelper dataStorage, IMessageLogHelper messageLog)
			Socket = socket;
			Items = items;
			Locations = locations;
			Players = players;
			RoomState = roomState;
			connectionInfo = connectionInfoHelper;
			DataStorage = dataStorage;
			MessageLog = messageLog;
			socket.PacketReceived += Socket_PacketReceived;

		private void Socket_PacketReceived(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			if (!(packet is ConnectedPacket) && !(packet is ConnectionRefusedPacket))
				if (packet is RoomInfoPacket result)
			if (packet is ConnectedPacket && RoomState.Version != null && RoomState.Version >= new Version(0, 3, 8))

		private void LogUsedVersion()
				string fileVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion;
				Socket.SendPacketAsync(new SetPacket
					Key = ".NetUsedVersions",
					DefaultValue = (JToken)(object)JObject.FromObject((object)new Dictionary<string, bool>()),
					Operations = new OperationSpecification[1] { Operation.Update(new Dictionary<string, bool> { 
						ConnectionInfo.Game + ":" + fileVersion + ":NET45",
					} }) }

		public Task<RoomInfoPacket> ConnectAsync()
			roomInfoPacketTask = new TaskCompletionSource<RoomInfoPacket>();
					Task task = Socket.ConnectAsync();
					if (!task.IsCompleted)
				catch (AggregateException)
			return roomInfoPacketTask.Task;

		public Task<LoginResult> LoginAsync(string game, string name, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags, Version version = null, string[] tags = null, string uuid = null, string password = null, bool requestSlotData = true)
			loginResultTask = new TaskCompletionSource<LoginResult>();
			if (!roomInfoPacketTask.Task.IsCompleted)
				loginResultTask.TrySetResult(new LoginFailure("You are not connected, run ConnectAsync() first"));
				return loginResultTask.Task;
			connectionInfo.SetConnectionParameters(game, tags, itemsHandlingFlags, uuid);
				Socket.SendPacket(BuildConnectPacket(name, password, version, requestSlotData));
			catch (ArchipelagoSocketClosedException)
				loginResultTask.TrySetResult(new LoginFailure("You are not connected, run ConnectAsync() first"));
				return loginResultTask.Task;
			SetResultAfterTimeout(loginResultTask, 4, new LoginFailure("Connection timed out."));
			return loginResultTask.Task;

		private static void SetResultAfterTimeout<T>(TaskCompletionSource<T> task, int timeoutInSeconds, T result)
			new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutInSeconds)).Token.Register(delegate

		public LoginResult TryConnectAndLogin(string game, string name, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags, Version version = null, string[] tags = null, string uuid = null, string password = null, bool requestSlotData = true)
			Task<RoomInfoPacket> task = ConnectAsync();
			catch (AggregateException ex)
				if (ex.GetBaseException() is OperationCanceledException)
					return new LoginFailure("Connection timed out.");
				return new LoginFailure(ex.GetBaseException().Message);
			if (!task.IsCompleted)
				return new LoginFailure("Connection timed out.");
			return LoginAsync(game, name, itemsHandlingFlags, version, tags, uuid, password, requestSlotData).Result;

		private ConnectPacket BuildConnectPacket(string name, string password, Version version, bool requestSlotData)
			return new ConnectPacket
				Game = ConnectionInfo.Game,
				Name = name,
				Password = password,
				Tags = ConnectionInfo.Tags,
				Uuid = ConnectionInfo.Uuid,
				Version = ((version != null) ? new NetworkVersion(version) : new NetworkVersion(0, 4, 0)),
				ItemsHandling = ConnectionInfo.ItemsHandlingFlags,
				RequestSlotData = requestSlotData

		public void Say(string message)
			Socket.SendPacket(new SayPacket
				Text = message

		public void SetClientState(ArchipelagoClientState state)
			Socket.SendPacket(new StatusUpdatePacket
				Status = state

		public void SetGoalAchieved()
	public interface IArchipelagoSessionActions
		void Say(string message);

		void SetClientState(ArchipelagoClientState state);

		void SetGoalAchieved();
	public static class ArchipelagoSessionFactory
		public static ArchipelagoSession CreateSession(Uri uri)
			ArchipelagoSocketHelper socket = new ArchipelagoSocketHelper(uri);
			DataPackageCache cache = new DataPackageCache(socket);
			ConnectionInfoHelper connectionInfoHelper = new ConnectionInfoHelper(socket);
			PlayerHelper playerHelper = new PlayerHelper(socket, connectionInfoHelper);
			ItemInfoResolver itemInfoResolver = new ItemInfoResolver(cache, connectionInfoHelper);
			LocationCheckHelper locationCheckHelper = new LocationCheckHelper(socket, itemInfoResolver, connectionInfoHelper, playerHelper);
			ReceivedItemsHelper items = new ReceivedItemsHelper(socket, locationCheckHelper, itemInfoResolver, connectionInfoHelper, playerHelper);
			RoomStateHelper roomState = new RoomStateHelper(socket, locationCheckHelper);
			DataStorageHelper dataStorage = new DataStorageHelper(socket, connectionInfoHelper);
			MessageLogHelper messageLog = new MessageLogHelper(socket, itemInfoResolver, playerHelper, connectionInfoHelper);
			return new ArchipelagoSession(socket, items, locationCheckHelper, playerHelper, roomState, connectionInfoHelper, dataStorage, messageLog);

		public static ArchipelagoSession CreateSession(string hostname, int port = 38281)
			return CreateSession(ParseUri(hostname, port));

		internal static Uri ParseUri(string hostname, int port)
			string text = hostname;
			if (!text.StartsWith("ws://") && !text.StartsWith("wss://"))
				text = "unspecified://" + text;
			if (!text.Substring(text.IndexOf("://", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 3).Contains(":"))
				text += $":{port}";
			if (text.EndsWith(":"))
				text += port;
			return new Uri(text);
	public abstract class LoginResult
		public abstract bool Successful { get; }

		public static LoginResult FromPacket(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			if (!(packet is ConnectedPacket connectedPacket))
				if (packet is ConnectionRefusedPacket connectionRefusedPacket)
					return new LoginFailure(connectionRefusedPacket);
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("packet", "packet is not a connection result packet");
			return new LoginSuccessful(connectedPacket);
	public class LoginSuccessful : LoginResult
		public override bool Successful => true;

		public int Team { get; }

		public int Slot { get; }

		public Dictionary<string, object> SlotData { get; }

		public LoginSuccessful(ConnectedPacket connectedPacket)
			Team = connectedPacket.Team;
			Slot = connectedPacket.Slot;
			SlotData = connectedPacket.SlotData;
	public class LoginFailure : LoginResult
		public override bool Successful => false;

		public ConnectionRefusedError[] ErrorCodes { get; }

		public string[] Errors { get; }

		public LoginFailure(ConnectionRefusedPacket connectionRefusedPacket)
			if (connectionRefusedPacket.Errors != null)
				ErrorCodes = connectionRefusedPacket.Errors.ToArray();
				Errors = ErrorCodes.Select(GetErrorMessage).ToArray();
				ErrorCodes = new ConnectionRefusedError[0];
				Errors = new string[0];

		public LoginFailure(string message)
			ErrorCodes = new ConnectionRefusedError[0];
			Errors = new string[1] { message };

		private static string GetErrorMessage(ConnectionRefusedError errorCode)
			return errorCode switch
				ConnectionRefusedError.InvalidSlot => "The slot name did not match any slot on the server.", 
				ConnectionRefusedError.InvalidGame => "The slot is set to a different game on the server.", 
				ConnectionRefusedError.SlotAlreadyTaken => "The slot already has a connection with a different uuid established.", 
				ConnectionRefusedError.IncompatibleVersion => "The client and server version mismatch.", 
				ConnectionRefusedError.InvalidPassword => "The password is invalid.", 
				ConnectionRefusedError.InvalidItemsHandling => "The item handling flags provided are invalid.", 
				_ => $"Unknown error: {errorCode}.", 
	internal class TwoWayLookup<TA, TB> : IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TB, TA>>, IEnumerable
		private readonly Dictionary<TA, TB> aToB = new Dictionary<TA, TB>();

		private readonly Dictionary<TB, TA> bToA = new Dictionary<TB, TA>();

		public TA this[TB b] => bToA[b];

		public TB this[TA a] => aToB[a];

		public void Add(TA a, TB b)
			aToB[a] = b;
			bToA[b] = a;

		public void Add(TB b, TA a)
			Add(a, b);

		public bool TryGetValue(TA a, out TB b)
			return aToB.TryGetValue(a, out b);

		public bool TryGetValue(TB b, out TA a)
			return bToA.TryGetValue(b, out a);

		public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TB, TA>> GetEnumerator()
			return bToA.GetEnumerator();

		IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
			return GetEnumerator();
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Packets
	public class BouncedPacket : BouncePacket
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Bounced;
	public class BouncePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Bounce;

		public List<string> Games { get; set; } = new List<string>();

		public List<int> Slots { get; set; } = new List<int>();

		public List<string> Tags { get; set; } = new List<string>();

		public Dictionary<string, JToken> Data { get; set; }
	public class ConnectedPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Connected;

		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }

		public NetworkPlayer[] Players { get; set; }

		public long[] MissingChecks { get; set; }

		public long[] LocationsChecked { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, object> SlotData { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<int, NetworkSlot> SlotInfo { get; set; }

		public int? HintPoints { get; set; }
	public class ConnectionRefusedPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.ConnectionRefused;

		[JsonProperty("errors", ItemConverterType = typeof(StringEnumConverter))]
		public ConnectionRefusedError[] Errors { get; set; }
	public class ConnectPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Connect;

		public string Password { get; set; }

		public string Game { get; set; }

		public string Name { get; set; }

		public string Uuid { get; set; }

		public NetworkVersion Version { get; set; }

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }

		public ItemsHandlingFlags ItemsHandling { get; set; }

		public bool RequestSlotData { get; set; }
	public class ConnectUpdatePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.ConnectUpdate;

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }

		public ItemsHandlingFlags? ItemsHandling { get; set; }
	public class DataPackagePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.DataPackage;

		public Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Models.DataPackage DataPackage { get; set; }
	public class GetDataPackagePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.GetDataPackage;

		public string[] Games { get; set; }
	public class GetPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Get;

		public string[] Keys { get; set; }
	public class InvalidPacketPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.InvalidPacket;

		public InvalidPacketErrorType ErrorType { get; set; }

		public string ErrorText { get; set; }

		public ArchipelagoPacketType OriginalCmd { get; set; }
	public class LocationChecksPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.LocationChecks;

		public long[] Locations { get; set; }
	public class LocationInfoPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.LocationInfo;

		public NetworkItem[] Locations { get; set; }
	public class LocationScoutsPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.LocationScouts;

		public long[] Locations { get; set; }

		public int CreateAsHint { get; set; }
	public class PrintJsonPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.PrintJSON;

		public JsonMessagePart[] Data { get; set; }

		public JsonMessageType? MessageType { get; set; }
	public class ItemPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int ReceivingPlayer { get; set; }

		public NetworkItem Item { get; set; }
	public class ItemCheatPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int ReceivingPlayer { get; set; }

		public NetworkItem Item { get; set; }

		public int Team { get; set; }
	public class HintPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int ReceivingPlayer { get; set; }

		public NetworkItem Item { get; set; }

		public bool? Found { get; set; }
	public class JoinPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }
	public class LeavePrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }
	public class ChatPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }

		public string Message { get; set; }
	public class ServerChatPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public string Message { get; set; }
	public class TutorialPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
	public class TagsChangedPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }
	public class CommandResultPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
	public class AdminCommandResultPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
	public class GoalPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }
	public class ReleasePrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }
	public class CollectPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }
	public class CountdownPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int RemainingSeconds { get; set; }
	public class ReceivedItemsPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.ReceivedItems;

		public int Index { get; set; }

		public NetworkItem[] Items { get; set; }
	public class RetrievedPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Retrieved;

		public Dictionary<string, JToken> Data { get; set; }
	public class RoomInfoPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.RoomInfo;

		public NetworkVersion Version { get; set; }

		public NetworkVersion GeneratorVersion { get; set; }

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }

		public bool Password { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, Permissions> Permissions { get; set; }

		public int HintCostPercentage { get; set; }

		public int LocationCheckPoints { get; set; }

		public NetworkPlayer[] Players { get; set; }

		public string[] Games { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, string> DataPackageChecksums { get; set; }

		public string SeedName { get; set; }

		public double Timestamp { get; set; }
	public class RoomUpdatePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.RoomUpdate;

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }

		public bool? Password { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, Permissions> Permissions { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, Permissions>();

		public int? HintCostPercentage { get; set; }

		public int? LocationCheckPoints { get; set; }

		public NetworkPlayer[] Players { get; set; }

		public int? HintPoints { get; set; }

		public long[] CheckedLocations { get; set; }
	public class SayPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Say;

		public string Text { get; set; }
	public class SetNotifyPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.SetNotify;

		public string[] Keys { get; set; }
	public class SetPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Set;

		public string Key { get; set; }

		public JToken DefaultValue { get; set; }

		public OperationSpecification[] Operations { get; set; }

		public bool WantReply { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, JToken> AdditionalArguments { get; set; }

		internal void OnDeserializedMethod(StreamingContext context)
	public class SetReplyPacket : SetPacket
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.SetReply;

		public JToken Value { get; set; }

		public JToken OriginalValue { get; set; }
	public class StatusUpdatePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.StatusUpdate;

		public ArchipelagoClientState Status { get; set; }
	public class SyncPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Sync;
	internal class UnknownPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Unknown;
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Models
	public struct Color : IEquatable<Color>
		public static Color Red = new Color(byte.MaxValue, 0, 0);

		public static Color Green = new Color(0, 128, 0);

		public static Color Yellow = new Color(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, 0);

		public static Color Blue = new Color(0, 0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color Magenta = new Color(byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color Cyan = new Color(0, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color Black = new Color(0, 0, 0);

		public static Color White = new Color(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color SlateBlue = new Color(106, 90, 205);

		public static Color Salmon = new Color(250, 128, 114);

		public static Color Plum = new Color(221, 160, 221);

		public byte R { get; set; }

		public byte G { get; set; }

		public byte B { get; set; }

		public Color(byte r, byte g, byte b)
			R = r;
			G = g;
			B = b;

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (obj is Color color && R == color.R && G == color.G)
				return B == color.B;
			return false;

		public bool Equals(Color other)
			if (R == other.R && G == other.G)
				return B == other.B;
			return false;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return ((-1520100960 * -1521134295 + R.GetHashCode()) * -1521134295 + G.GetHashCode()) * -1521134295 + B.GetHashCode();

		public static bool operator ==(Color left, Color right)
			return left.Equals(right);

		public static bool operator !=(Color left, Color right)
			return !(left == right);
	public class DataPackage
		public Dictionary<string, GameData> Games { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, GameData>();

	public class DataStorageElement
		internal DataStorageElementContext Context;

		internal List<OperationSpecification> Operations = new List<OperationSpecification>(0);

		internal DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler Callbacks;

		internal Dictionary<string, JToken> AdditionalArguments = new Dictionary<string, JToken>(0);

		private JToken cachedValue;

		public event DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler OnValueChanged
				Context.AddHandler(Context.Key, value);
				Context.RemoveHandler(Context.Key, value);

		internal DataStorageElement(DataStorageElementContext context)
			Context = context;

		internal DataStorageElement(OperationType operationType, JToken value)
			Operations = new List<OperationSpecification>(1)
				new OperationSpecification
					OperationType = operationType,
					Value = value

		internal DataStorageElement(DataStorageElement source, OperationType operationType, JToken value)
			: this(source.Context)
			Operations = source.Operations.ToList();
			Callbacks = source.Callbacks;
			AdditionalArguments = source.AdditionalArguments;
			Operations.Add(new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = operationType,
				Value = value

		internal DataStorageElement(DataStorageElement source, Callback callback)
			: this(source.Context)
			Operations = source.Operations.ToList();
			Callbacks = source.Callbacks;
			AdditionalArguments = source.AdditionalArguments;
			Callbacks = (DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler)Delegate.Combine(Callbacks, callback.Method);

		internal DataStorageElement(DataStorageElement source, AdditionalArgument additionalArgument)
			: this(source.Context)
			Operations = source.Operations.ToList();
			Callbacks = source.Callbacks;
			AdditionalArguments = source.AdditionalArguments;
			AdditionalArguments[additionalArgument.Key] = additionalArgument.Value;

		public static DataStorageElement operator ++(DataStorageElement a)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.op_Implicit(1));

		public static DataStorageElement operator --(DataStorageElement a)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.op_Implicit(-1));

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, int b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, long b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, float b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, double b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, decimal b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, string b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, JToken b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, b);

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, IEnumerable b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, OperationSpecification s)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, s.OperationType, s.Value);

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, Callback c)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, c);

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, AdditionalArgument arg)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, arg);

		public static DataStorageElement operator *(DataStorageElement a, int b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator *(DataStorageElement a, long b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator *(DataStorageElement a, float b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator *(DataStorageElement a, double b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator *(DataStorageElement a, decimal b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator %(DataStorageElement a, int b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mod, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator %(DataStorageElement a, long b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mod, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator %(DataStorageElement a, float b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mod, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator %(DataStorageElement a, double b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mod, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator %(DataStorageElement a, decimal b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mod, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator ^(DataStorageElement a, int b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Pow, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator ^(DataStorageElement a, long b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Pow, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator ^(DataStorageElement a, float b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Pow, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator ^(DataStorageElement a, double b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Pow, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator ^(DataStorageElement a, decimal b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Pow, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator -(DataStorageElement a, int b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.FromObject((object)(-b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator -(DataStorageElement a, long b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.FromObject((object)(-b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator -(DataStorageElement a, float b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.FromObject((object)(0f - b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator -(DataStorageElement a, double b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.FromObject((object)(0.0 - b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator -(DataStorageElement a, decimal b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.FromObject((object)(-b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator /(DataStorageElement a, int b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.FromObject((object)(1m / (decimal)b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator /(DataStorageElement a, long b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.FromObject((object)(1m / (decimal)b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator /(DataStorageElement a, float b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.FromObject((object)(1.0 / (double)b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator /(DataStorageElement a, double b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.FromObject((object)(1.0 / b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator /(DataStorageElement a, decimal b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.FromObject((object)(1m / b)));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(bool b)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(int i)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(i));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(long l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(decimal m)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(m));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(double d)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(d));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(float f)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(f));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(string s)
			if (s != null)
				return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(s));
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JValue.CreateNull());

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(JToken o)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, o);

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(Array a)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)a));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<bool> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<int> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<long> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<decimal> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<double> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<float> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<string> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<object> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator bool(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnBoolValue<bool>(e);

		public static implicit operator bool?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnBoolValue<bool?>(e);

		public static implicit operator int(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<int>(e);

		public static implicit operator int?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<int?>(e);

		public static implicit operator long(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<long>(e);

		public static implicit operator long?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<long?>(e);

		public static implicit operator float(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<float>(e);

		public static implicit operator float?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<float?>(e);

		public static implicit operator double(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<double>(e);

		public static implicit operator double?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<double?>(e);

		public static implicit operator decimal(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<decimal>(e);

		public static implicit operator decimal?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<decimal?>(e);

		public static implicit operator string(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnStringValue(e);

		public static implicit operator bool[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<bool[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator int[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<int[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator long[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<long[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator decimal[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<decimal[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator double[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<double[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator float[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<float[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator string[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<string[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator object[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<object[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<bool>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<bool>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<int>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<int>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<long>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<long>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<decimal>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<decimal>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<double>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<double>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<float>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<float>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<string>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<string>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<object>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<object>>(e);

		public static implicit operator Array(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<Array>(e);

		public static implicit operator JArray(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<JArray>(e);

		public static implicit operator JToken(DataStorageElement e)
			return e.Context.GetData(e.Context.Key);

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, BigInteger b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.Parse(b.ToString()));

		public static DataStorageElement operator *(DataStorageElement a, BigInteger b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.Parse(b.ToString()));

		public static DataStorageElement operator %(DataStorageElement a, BigInteger b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mod, JToken.Parse(b.ToString()));

		public static DataStorageElement operator ^(DataStorageElement a, BigInteger b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Pow, JToken.Parse(b.ToString()));

		public static DataStorageElement operator -(DataStorageElement a, BigInteger b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.Parse((-b).ToString()));

		public static DataStorageElement operator /(DataStorageElement a, BigInteger b)
			throw new InvalidOperationException("DataStorage[Key] / BigInterger is not supported, due to loss of precision when using integer division");

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(BigInteger bi)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.Parse(bi.ToString()));

		public static implicit operator BigInteger(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnBigIntegerValue<BigInteger>(e);

		public static implicit operator BigInteger?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnBigIntegerValue<BigInteger?>(e);

		private static T RetrieveAndReturnBigIntegerValue<T>(DataStorageElement e)
			if (e.cachedValue != null)
				if (!BigInteger.TryParse(((object)e.cachedValue).ToString(), out var result))
					return default(T);
				return (T)Convert.ChangeType(result, IsNullable<T>() ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(T)) : typeof(T));
			BigInteger result2;
			BigInteger? bigInteger = (BigInteger.TryParse(((object)e.Context.GetData(e.Context.Key)).ToString(), out result2) ? new BigInteger?(result2) : null);
			if (!bigInteger.HasValue && !IsNullable<T>())
				bigInteger = Activator.CreateInstance<BigInteger>();
			foreach (OperationSpecification operation in e.Operations)
				if (operation.OperationType == OperationType.Floor || operation.OperationType == OperationType.Ceil)
				if (!BigInteger.TryParse(((object)operation.Value).ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign, null, out var result3))
					throw new InvalidOperationException($"DataStorage[Key] cannot be converted to BigInterger as its value its not an integer number, value: {operation.Value}");
				switch (operation.OperationType)
				case OperationType.Replace:
					bigInteger = result3;
				case OperationType.Add:
					bigInteger += result3;
				case OperationType.Mul:
					bigInteger *= result3;
				case OperationType.Mod:
					bigInteger %= result3;
				case OperationType.Pow:
					bigInteger = BigInteger.Pow(bigInteger.Value, (int)operation.Value);
				case OperationType.Max:
					BigInteger value = result3;
					BigInteger? bigInteger2 = bigInteger;
					if (value > bigInteger2)
						bigInteger = result3;
				case OperationType.Min:
					BigInteger value = result3;
					BigInteger? bigInteger2 = bigInteger;
					if (value < bigInteger2)
						bigInteger = result3;
				case OperationType.Xor:
					bigInteger ^= result3;
				case OperationType.Or:
					bigInteger |= result3;
				case OperationType.And:
					bigInteger &= result3;
				case OperationType.LeftShift:
					bigInteger <<= (int)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.RightShift:
					bigInteger >>= (int)operation.Value;
			e.cachedValue = JToken.Parse(bigInteger.ToString());
			if (!bigInteger.HasValue)
				return default(T);
			return (T)Convert.ChangeType(bigInteger.Value, IsNullable<T>() ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(T)) : typeof(T));

		public void Initialize(JToken value)
			Context.Initialize(Context.Key, value);

		public void Initialize(IEnumerable value)
			Context.Initialize(Context.Key, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)value));

		public Task<T> GetAsync<T>()
			return GetAsync().ContinueWith((Task<JToken> r) => r.Result.ToObject<T>());

		public Task<JToken> GetAsync()
			return Context.GetAsync(Context.Key);

		private static T RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<T>(DataStorageElement e)
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0072: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0078: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00aa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b0: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00d7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (e.cachedValue != null)
				return ((JToken)(JArray)e.cachedValue).ToObject<T>();
			JArray val = (JArray)(((object)e.Context.GetData(e.Context.Key).ToObject<JArray>()) ?? ((object)new JArray()));
			foreach (OperationSpecification operation in e.Operations)
				switch (operation.OperationType)
				case OperationType.Add:
					if ((int)operation.Value.Type != 2)
						throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot perform operation {OperationType.Add} on Array value, with a non Array value: {operation.Value}");
				case OperationType.Replace:
					if ((int)operation.Value.Type != 2)
						throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot replace Array value, with a non Array value: {operation.Value}");
					val = (JArray)(((object)operation.Value.ToObject<JArray>()) ?? ((object)new JArray()));
					throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot perform operation {operation.OperationType} on Array value");
			e.cachedValue = (JToken)(object)val;
			return ((JToken)val).ToObject<T>();

		private static string RetrieveAndReturnStringValue(DataStorageElement e)
			//IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0038: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_009c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a2: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			if (e.cachedValue != null)
				return (string)e.cachedValue;
			JToken val = e.Context.GetData(e.Context.Key);
			string text = (((int)val.Type == 10) ? null : ((object)val).ToString());
			foreach (OperationSpecification operation in e.Operations)
				switch (operation.OperationType)
				case OperationType.Add:
					text += (string)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Mul:
					if ((int)operation.Value.Type != 6)
						throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot perform operation {OperationType.Mul} on string value, with a non interger value: {operation.Value}");
					text = string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(text, (int)operation.Value));
				case OperationType.Replace:
					text = (string)operation.Value;
					throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot perform operation {operation.OperationType} on string value");
			if (text == null)
				e.cachedValue = (JToken)(object)JValue.CreateNull();
				e.cachedValue = JToken.op_Implicit(text);
			return (string)e.cachedValue;

		private static T RetrieveAndReturnBoolValue<T>(DataStorageElement e)
			if (e.cachedValue != null)
				return e.cachedValue.ToObject<T>();
			bool? flag = e.Context.GetData(e.Context.Key).ToObject<bool?>() ?? ((bool?)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T)));
			foreach (OperationSpecification operation in e.Operations)
				if (operation.OperationType == OperationType.Replace)
					flag = (bool?)operation.Value;
				throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot perform operation {operation.OperationType} on boolean value");
			e.cachedValue = JToken.op_Implicit(flag);
			if (!flag.HasValue)
				return default(T);
			return (T)Convert.ChangeType(flag.Value, IsNullable<T>() ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(T)) : typeof(T));

		private static T RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<T>(DataStorageElement e)
			if (e.cachedValue != null)
				return e.cachedValue.ToObject<T>();
			decimal? num = e.Context.GetData(e.Context.Key).ToObject<decimal?>();
			if (!num.HasValue && !IsNullable<T>())
				num = Activator.CreateInstance<decimal>();
			foreach (OperationSpecification operation in e.Operations)
				switch (operation.OperationType)
				case OperationType.Replace:
					num = (decimal)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Add:
					num += (decimal?)(decimal)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Mul:
					num *= (decimal?)(decimal)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Mod:
					num %= (decimal?)(decimal)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Pow:
					num = (decimal)Math.Pow((double)num.Value, (double)operation.Value);
				case OperationType.Max:
					num = Math.Max(num.Value, (decimal)operation.Value);
				case OperationType.Min:
					num = Math.Min(num.Value, (decimal)operation.Value);
				case OperationType.Xor:
					num = (long)num.Value ^ (long)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Or:
					num = (long)num.Value | (long)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.And:
					num = (long)num.Value & (long)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.LeftShift:
					num = (long)num.Value << (int)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.RightShift:
					num = (long)num.Value >> (int)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Floor:
					num = Math.Floor(num.Value);
				case OperationType.Ceil:
					num = Math.Ceiling(num.Value);
			e.cachedValue = JToken.op_Implicit(num);
			if (!num.HasValue)
				return default(T);
			return (T)Convert.ChangeType(num.Value, IsNullable<T>() ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(T)) : typeof(T));

		private static bool IsNullable<T>()
			if (typeof(T).IsGenericType)
				return typeof(T).GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>).GetGenericTypeDefinition();
			return false;

		public T To<T>()
			if (Operations.Count != 0)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("DataStorageElement.To<T>() cannot be used together with other operations on the DataStorageElement");
			return Context.GetData(Context.Key).ToObject<T>();

		public override string ToString()
			return (Context?.ToString() ?? "(null)") + ", (" + ListOperations() + ")";

		private string ListOperations()
			if (Operations != null)
				return string.Join(", ", Operations.Select((OperationSpecification o) => o.ToString()).ToArray());
			return "none";
	internal class DataStorageElementContext
		internal string Key { get; set; }

		internal Action<string, DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler> AddHandler { get; set; }

		internal Action<string, DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler> RemoveHandler { get; set; }

		internal Func<string, JToken> GetData { get; set; }

		internal Action<string, JToken> Initialize { get; set; }

		internal Func<string, Task<JToken>> GetAsync { get; set; }

		public override string ToString()
			return "Key: " + Key;
	public class GameData
		public Dictionary<string, long> LocationLookup { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, long>();

		public Dictionary<string, long> ItemLookup { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, long>();

		[Obsolete("use Checksum instead")]
		public int Version { get; set; }

		public string Checksum { get; set; }
	public class Hint
		public int ReceivingPlayer { get; set; }

		public int FindingPlayer { get; set; }

		public long ItemId { get; set; }

		public long LocationId { get; set; }

		public ItemFlags ItemFlags { get; set; }

		public bool Found { get; set; }

		public string Entrance { get; set; }

		public HintStatus Status { get; set; }
	public class ItemInfo
		private readonly IItemInfoResolver itemInfoResolver;

		public long ItemId { get; }

		public long LocationId { get; }

		public PlayerInfo Player { get; }

		public ItemFlags Flags { get; }

		public string ItemName => itemInfoResolver.GetItemName(ItemId, ItemGame);

		public string ItemDisplayName => ItemName ?? $"Item: {ItemId}";

		public string LocationName => itemInfoResolver.GetLocationName(LocationId, LocationGame);

		public string LocationDisplayName => LocationName ?? $"Location: {LocationId}";

		public string ItemGame { get; }

		public string LocationGame { get; }

		public ItemInfo(NetworkItem item, string receiverGame, string senderGame, IItemInfoResolver itemInfoResolver, PlayerInfo player)
			this.itemInfoResolver = itemInfoResolver;
			ItemGame = receiverGame;
			LocationGame = senderGame;
			ItemId = item.Item;
			LocationId = item.Location;
			Flags = item.Flags;
			Player = player;

		public SerializableItemInfo ToSerializable()
			return new SerializableItemInfo
				IsScout = (GetType() == typeof(ScoutedItemInfo)),
				ItemId = ItemId,
				LocationId = LocationId,
				PlayerSlot = Player,
				Player = Player,
				Flags = Flags,
				ItemGame = ItemGame,
				ItemName = ItemName,
				LocationGame = LocationGame,
				LocationName = LocationName
	public class ScoutedItemInfo : ItemInfo
		public new PlayerInfo Player => base.Player;

		public bool IsReceiverRelatedToActivePlayer { get; }

		public ScoutedItemInfo(NetworkItem item, string receiverGame, string senderGame, IItemInfoResolver itemInfoResolver, IPlayerHelper players, PlayerInfo player)
			: base(item, receiverGame, senderGame, itemInfoResolver, player)
			IsReceiverRelatedToActivePlayer = (players.ActivePlayer ?? new PlayerInfo()).IsRelatedTo(player);
	public class JsonMessagePart
		[JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter), new object[] { typeof(SnakeCaseNamingStrategy) })]
		public JsonMessagePartType? Type { get; set; }

		[JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter), new object[] { typeof(SnakeCaseNamingStrategy) })]
		public JsonMessagePartColor? Color { get; set; }

		public string Text { get; set; }

		public int? Player { get; set; }

		public ItemFlags? Flags { get; set; }

		public HintStatus? HintStatus { get; set; }
	public struct NetworkItem
		public long Item { get; set; }

		public long Location { get; set; }

		public int Player { get; set; }

		public ItemFlags Flags { get; set; }
	public struct NetworkPlayer
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }

		public string Alias { get; set; }

		public string Name { get; set; }
	public struct NetworkSlot
		public string Name { get; set; }

		public string Game { get; set; }

		public SlotType Type { get; set; }

		public int[] GroupMembers { get; set; }
	public class NetworkVersion
		public int Major { get; set; }

		public int Minor { get; set; }

		public int Build { get; set; }

		public string Class => "Version";

		public NetworkVersion()

		public NetworkVersion(int major, int minor, int build)
			Major = major;
			Minor = minor;
			Build = build;

		public NetworkVersion(Version version)
			Major = version.Major;
			Minor = version.Minor;
			Build = version.Build;

		public Version ToVersion()
			return new Version(Major, Minor, Build);
	public class OperationSpecification
		[JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter), new object[] { typeof(SnakeCaseNamingStrategy) })]
		public OperationType OperationType;

		public JToken Value { get; set; }

		public override string ToString()
			return $"{OperationType}: {Value}";
	public static class Operation
		public static OperationSpecification Min(int i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Min,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Min(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Min,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Min(float i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Min,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Min(double i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Min,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Min(decimal i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Min,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Min(JToken i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Min,
				Value = i

		public static OperationSpecification Min(BigInteger i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Min,
				Value = JToken.Parse(i.ToString())

		public static OperationSpecification Max(int i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Max,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Max(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Max,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Max(float i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Max,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Max(double i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Max,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Max(decimal i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Max,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Max(JToken i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Max,
				Value = i

		public static OperationSpecification Max(BigInteger i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Max,
				Value = JToken.Parse(i.ToString())

		public static OperationSpecification Remove(JToken value)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Remove,
				Value = value

		public static OperationSpecification Pop(int value)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Pop,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(value)

		public static OperationSpecification Pop(JToken value)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Pop,
				Value = value

		public static OperationSpecification Update(IDictionary dictionary)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Update,
				Value = (JToken)(object)JObject.FromObject((object)dictionary)

		public static OperationSpecification Floor()
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Floor,
				Value = null

		public static OperationSpecification Ceiling()
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Ceil,
				Value = null
	public static class Bitwise
		public static OperationSpecification Xor(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Xor,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Xor(BigInteger i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Xor,
				Value = JToken.Parse(i.ToString())

		public static OperationSpecification Or(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Or,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Or(BigInteger i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Or,
				Value = JToken.Parse(i.ToString())

		public static OperationSpecification And(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.And,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification And(BigInteger i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.And,
				Value = JToken.Parse(i.ToString())

		public static OperationSpecification LeftShift(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.LeftShift,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification RightShift(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.RightShift,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)
	public class Callback
		internal DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler Method { get; set; }

		private Callback()

		public static Callback Add(DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler callback)
			return new Callback
				Method = callback
	public class AdditionalArgument
		internal string Key { get; set; }

		internal JToken Value { get; set; }

		private AdditionalArgument()

		public static AdditionalArgument Add(string name, JToken value)
			return new AdditionalArgument
				Key = name,
				Value = value
	public class MinimalSerializableItemInfo
		public long ItemId { get; set; }

		public long LocationId { get; set; }

		public int PlayerSlot { get; set; }

		public ItemFlags Flags { get; set; }

		public string ItemGame { get; set; }

		public string LocationGame { get; set; }
	public class SerializableItemInfo : MinimalSerializableItemInfo
		public bool IsScout { get; set; }

		public PlayerInfo Player { get; set; }

		public string ItemName { get; set; }

		public string LocationName { get; set; }

		public string ItemDisplayName => ItemName ?? $"Item: {base.ItemId}";

		public string LocationDisplayName => LocationName ?? $"Location: {base.LocationId}";

		public string ToJson(bool full = false)
			//IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0062: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0071: Expected O, but got Unknown
			MinimalSerializableItemInfo minimalSerializableItemInfo = this;
			if (!full)
				minimalSerializableItemInfo = new MinimalSerializableItemInfo
					ItemId = base.ItemId,
					LocationId = base.LocationId,
					PlayerSlot = base.PlayerSlot,
					Flags = base.Flags
				if (IsScout)
					minimalSerializableItemInfo.ItemGame = base.ItemGame;
					minimalSerializableItemInfo.LocationGame = base.LocationGame;
			JsonSerializerSettings val = new JsonSerializerSettings
				NullValueHandling = (NullValueHandling)1,
				Formatting = (Formatting)0
			return JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)minimalSerializableItemInfo, val);

		public static SerializableItemInfo FromJson(string json, IArchipelagoSession session = null)
			//IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0050: Expected O, but got Unknown
			ItemInfoStreamingContext additional = ((session != null) ? new ItemInfoStreamingContext
				Items = session.Items,
				Locations = session.Locations,
				PlayerHelper = session.Players,
				ConnectionInfo = session.ConnectionInfo
			} : null);
			JsonSerializerSettings val = new JsonSerializerSettings
				Context = new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Other, additional)
			return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SerializableItemInfo>(json, val);

		internal void OnDeserializedMethod(StreamingContext streamingContext)
			if (base.ItemGame == null && base.LocationGame != null)
				IsScout = false;
			else if (base.ItemGame != null && base.LocationGame == null)
				IsScout = true;
			if (streamingContext.Context is ItemInfoStreamingContext itemInfoStreamingContext)
				if (IsScout && base.LocationGame == null)
					base.LocationGame = itemInfoStreamingContext.ConnectionInfo.Game;
				else if (!IsScout && base.ItemGame == null)
					base.ItemGame = itemInfoStreamingContext.ConnectionInfo.Game;
				if (ItemName == null)
					ItemName = itemInfoStreamingContext.Items.GetItemName(base.ItemId, base.ItemGame);
				if (LocationName == null)
					LocationName = itemInfoStreamingContext.Locations.GetLocationNameFromId(base.LocationId, base.LocationGame);
				if (Player == null)
					Player = itemInfoStreamingContext.PlayerHelper.GetPlayerInfo(base.PlayerSlot);
	internal class ItemInfoStreamingContext
		public IReceivedItemsHelper Items { get; set; }

		public ILocationCheckHelper Locations { get; set; }

		public IPlayerHelper PlayerHelper { get; set; }

		public IConnectionInfoProvider ConnectionInfo { get; set; }
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.MessageLog.Parts
	public class EntranceMessagePart : MessagePart
		internal EntranceMessagePart(JsonMessagePart messagePart)
			: base(MessagePartType.Entrance, messagePart, Color.Blue)
			base.Text = messagePart.Text;
	public class HintStatusMessagePart : MessagePart
		internal HintStatusMessagePart(JsonMessagePart messagePart)
			: base(MessagePartType.HintStatus, messagePart)
			base.Text = messagePart.Text;
			HintStatus? hintStatus = messagePart.HintStatus;
			if (hintStatus.HasValue)
				switch (hintStatus.GetValueOrDefault())
				case HintStatus.Found:
					base.Color = Color.Green;
				case HintStatus.Unspecified:
					base.Color = Color.White;
				case HintStatus.NoPriority:
					base.Color = Color.SlateBlue;
				case HintStatus.Avoid:
					base.Color = Color.Salmon;
				case HintStatus.Priority:
					base.Color = Color.Plum;
	public class ItemMessagePart : MessagePart
		public ItemFlags Flags { get; }

		public long ItemId { get; }

		public int Player { get; }

		internal ItemMessagePart(IPlayerHelper players, IItemInfoResolver items, JsonMessagePart part)
			: base(MessagePartType.Item, part)
			Flags = part.Flags.GetValueOrDefault();
			base.Color = GetColor(Flags);
			Player = part.Player.GetValueOrDefault();
			string game = (players.GetPlayerInfo(Player) ?? new PlayerInfo()).Game;
			JsonMessagePartType? type = part.Type;
			if (type.HasValue)
				switch (type.GetValueOrDefault())
				case JsonMessagePartType.ItemId:
					ItemId = long.Parse(part.Text);
					base.Text = items.GetItemName(ItemId, game) ?? $"Item: {ItemId}";
				case JsonMessagePartType.ItemName:
					ItemId = 0L;
					base.Text = part.Text;

		private static Color GetColor(ItemFlags flags)
			if (HasFlag(flags, ItemFlags.Advancement))
				return Color.Plum;
			if (HasFlag(flags, ItemFlags.NeverExclude))
				return Color.SlateBlue;
			if (HasFlag(flags, ItemFlags.Trap))
				return Color.Salmon;
			return Color.Cyan;

		private static bool HasFlag(ItemFlags flags, ItemFlags flag)
			return flags.HasFlag(flag);
	public class LocationMessagePart : MessagePart
		public long LocationId { get; }

		public int Player { get; }

		internal LocationMessagePart(IPlayerHelper players, IItemInfoResolver itemInfoResolver, JsonMessagePart part)
			: base(MessagePartType.Location, part, Color.Green)
			Player = part.Player.GetValueOrDefault();
			string game = (players.GetPlayerInfo(Player) ?? new PlayerInfo()).Game;
			JsonMessagePartType? type = part.Type;
			if (type.HasValue)
				switch (type.GetValueOrDefault())
				case JsonMessagePartType.LocationId:
					LocationId = long.Parse(part.Text);
					base.Text = itemInfoResolver.GetLocationName(LocationId, game) ?? $"Location: {LocationId}";
				case JsonMessagePartType.LocationName:
					LocationId = itemInfoResolver.GetLocationId(part.Text, game);
					base.Text = part.Text;
	public class MessagePart
		public string Text { get; internal set; }

		public MessagePartType Type { get; internal set; }

		public Color Color { get; internal set; }

		public bool IsBackgroundColor { get; internal set; }

		internal MessagePart(MessagePartType type, JsonMessagePart messagePart, Color? color = null)
			Type = type;
			Text = messagePart.Text;
			if (color.HasValue)
				Color = color.Value;
			else if (messagePart.Color.HasValue)
				Color = GetColor(messagePart.Color.Value);
				IsBackgroundColor = messagePart.Color.Value >= JsonMessagePartColor.BlackBg;
				Color = Color.White;

		private static Color GetColor(JsonMessagePartColor color)
			switch (color)
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Red:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.RedBg:
				return Color.Red;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Green:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.GreenBg:
				return Color.Green;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Yellow:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.YellowBg:
				return Color.Yellow;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Blue:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.BlueBg:
				return Color.Blue;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Magenta:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.MagentaBg:
				return Color.Magenta;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Cyan:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.CyanBg:
				return Color.Cyan;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Black:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.BlackBg:
				return Color.Black;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.White:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.WhiteBg:
				return Color.White;
				return Color.White;

		public override string ToString()
			return Text;
	public enum MessagePartType
	public class PlayerMessagePart : MessagePart
		public bool IsActivePlayer { get; }

		public int SlotId { get; }

		internal PlayerMessagePart(IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, JsonMessagePart part)
			: base(MessagePartType.Player, part)
			switch (part.Type)
			case JsonMessagePartType.PlayerId:
				SlotId = int.Parse(part.Text);
				IsActivePlayer = SlotId == connectionInfo.Slot;
				base.Text = players.GetPlayerAlias(SlotId) ?? $"Player {SlotId}";
			case JsonMessagePartType.PlayerName:
				SlotId = 0;
				IsActivePlayer = false;
				base.Text = part.Text;
			base.Color = GetColor(IsActivePlayer);

		private static Color GetColor(bool isActivePlayer)
			if (isActivePlayer)
				return Color.Magenta;
			return Color.Yellow;
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.MessageLog.Messages
	public class AdminCommandResultLogMessage : LogMessage
		internal AdminCommandResultLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts)
			: base(parts)
	public class ChatLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		public string Message { get; }

		internal ChatLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int team, int slot, string message)
			: base(parts, players, team, slot)
			Message = message;
	public class CollectLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		internal CollectLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int team, int slot)
			: base(parts, players, team, slot)
	public class CommandResultLogMessage : LogMessage
		internal CommandResultLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts)
			: base(parts)
	public class CountdownLogMessage : LogMessage
		public int RemainingSeconds { get; }

		internal CountdownLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, int remainingSeconds)
			: base(parts)
			RemainingSeconds = remainingSeconds;
	public class GoalLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		internal GoalLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int team, int slot)
			: base(parts, players, team, slot)
	public class HintItemSendLogMessage : ItemSendLogMessage
		public bool IsFound { get; }

		internal HintItemSendLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int receiver, int sender, NetworkItem item, bool found, IItemInfoResolver itemInfoResolver)
			: base(parts, players, receiver, sender, item, itemInfoResolver)
			IsFound = found;
	public class ItemCheatLogMessage : ItemSendLogMessage
		internal ItemCheatLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int team, int slot, NetworkItem item, IItemInfoResolver itemInfoResolver)
			: base(parts, players, slot, 0, item, team, itemInfoResolver)
	public class ItemSendLogMessage : LogMessage
		private PlayerInfo ActivePlayer { get; }

		public PlayerInfo Receiver { get; }

		public PlayerInfo Sender { get; }

		public bool IsReceiverTheActivePlayer => Receiver == ActivePlayer;

		public bool IsSenderTheActivePlayer => Sender == ActivePlayer;

		public bool IsRelatedToActivePlayer
				if (!ActivePlayer.IsRelatedTo(Receiver))
					return ActivePlayer.IsRelatedTo(Sender);
				return true;

		public ItemInfo Item { get; }

		internal ItemSendLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int receiver, int sender, NetworkItem item, IItemInfoResolver itemInfoResolver)
			: this(parts, players, receiver, sender, item, players.ActivePlayer.Team, itemInfoResolver)

		internal ItemSendLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int receiver, int sender, NetworkItem item, int team, IItemInfoResolver itemInfoResolver)
			: base(parts)
			ActivePlayer = players.ActivePlayer ?? new PlayerInfo();
			Receiver = players.GetPlayerInfo(team, receiver) ?? new PlayerInfo();
			Sender = players.GetPlayerInfo(team, sender) ?? new PlayerInfo();
			PlayerInfo player = players.GetPlayerInfo(team, item.Player) ?? new PlayerInfo();
			Item = new ItemInfo(item, Receiver.Game, Sender.Game, itemInfoResolver, player);
	public class JoinLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		public string[] Tags { get; }

		internal JoinLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int team, int slot, string[] tags)
			: base(parts, players, team, slot)
			Tags = tags;
	public class LeaveLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		internal LeaveLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int team, int slot)
			: base(parts, players, team, slot)
	public class LogMessage
		public MessagePart[] Parts { get; }

		internal LogMessage(MessagePart[] parts)
			Parts = parts;

		public override string ToString()
			if (Parts.Length == 1)
				return Parts[0].Text;
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			MessagePart[] parts = Parts;
			foreach (MessagePart messagePart in parts)
			return stringBuilder.ToString();
	public abstract class PlayerSpecificLogMessage : LogMessage
		private PlayerInfo ActivePlayer { get; }

		public PlayerInfo Player { get; }

		public bool IsActivePlayer => Player == ActivePlayer;

		public bool IsRelatedToActivePlayer => ActivePlayer.IsRelatedTo(Player);

		internal PlayerSpecificLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int team, int slot)
			: base(parts)
			ActivePlayer = players.ActivePlayer ?? new PlayerInfo();
			Player = players.GetPlayerInfo(team, slot) ?? new PlayerInfo();
	public class ReleaseLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		internal ReleaseLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int team, int slot)
			: base(parts, players, team, slot)
	public class ServerChatLogMessage : LogMessage
		public string Message { get; }

		internal ServerChatLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, string message)
			: base(parts)
			Message = message;
	public class TagsChangedLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		public string[] Tags { get; }

		internal TagsChangedLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, int team, int slot, string[] tags)
			: base(parts, players, team, slot)
			Tags = tags;
	public class TutorialLogMessage : LogMessage
		internal TutorialLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts)
			: base(parts)
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Helpers
	public class ArchipelagoSocketHelper : BaseArchipelagoSocketHelper<ClientWebSocket>, IArchipelagoSocketHelper
		public Uri Uri { get; }

		internal ArchipelagoSocketHelper(Uri hostUri)
			: base(CreateWebSocket(), 1024)
			Uri = hostUri;
			SecurityProtocolType securityProtocolType = SecurityProtocolType.Tls13;
			ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | securityProtocolType;

		private static ClientWebSocket CreateWebSocket()
			return new ClientWebSocket();

		public async Task ConnectAsync()
			await ConnectToProvidedUri(Uri);

		private async Task ConnectToProvidedUri(Uri uri)
			if (uri.Scheme != "unspecified")
					await Socket.ConnectAsync(uri, CancellationToken.None);
				catch (Exception e)
			List<Exception> errors = new List<Exception>(0);
				await Socket.ConnectAsync(uri.AsWss(), CancellationToken.None);
				if (Socket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
			catch (Exception item)
				Socket = CreateWebSocket();
				await Socket.ConnectAsync(uri.AsWs(), CancellationToken.None);
			catch (Exception item2)
				OnError(new AggregateException(errors));
	public class BaseArchipelagoSocketHelper<T> where T : WebSocket
		private static readonly ArchipelagoPacketConverter Converter = new ArchipelagoPacketConverter();

		private readonly BlockingCollection<Tuple<ArchipelagoPacketBase, TaskCompletionSource<bool>>> sendQueue = new BlockingCollection<Tuple<ArchipelagoPacketBase, TaskCompletionSource<bool>>>();

		internal T Socket;

		private readonly int bufferSize;

		public bool Connected
				if (Socket.State != WebSocketState.Open)
					return Socket.State == WebSocketState.CloseReceived;
				return true;

		public event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.PacketReceivedHandler PacketReceived;

		public event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.PacketsSentHandler PacketsSent;

		public event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.ErrorReceivedHandler ErrorReceived;

		public event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.SocketClosedHandler SocketClosed;

		public event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.SocketOpenedHandler SocketOpened;

		internal BaseArchipelagoSocketHelper(T socket, int bufferSize = 1024)
			Socket = socket;
			this.bufferSize = bufferSize;

		internal void StartPolling()
			if (this.SocketOpened != null)

		private async Task PollingLoop()
			byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
			while (Socket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
				string message = null;
					message = await ReadMessageAsync(buffer);
				catch (Exception e)
				await Task.Delay(20);

		private async Task SendLoop()
			while (Socket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
					await HandleSendBuffer();
				catch (Exception e)
				await Task.Delay(20);

		private async Task<string> ReadMessageAsync(byte[] buffer)
			using MemoryStream readStream = new MemoryStream(buffer.Length);
			WebSocketReceiveResult result;
				result = await Socket.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer), CancellationToken.None);
				if (result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
						await Socket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, string.Empty, CancellationToken.None);
					readStream.Write(buffer, 0, result.Count);
			while (!result.EndOfMessage);
			return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(readStream.ToArray());

		public async Task DisconnectAsync()
			await Socket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "Closure requested by client", CancellationToken.None);

		public void SendPacket(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			SendMultiplePackets(new List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> { packet });

		public void SendMultiplePackets(List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> packets)

		public void SendMultiplePackets(params ArchipelagoPacketBase[] packets)

		public Task SendPacketAsync(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			return SendMultiplePacketsAsync(new List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> { packet });

		public Task SendMultiplePacketsAsync(List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> packets)
			return SendMultiplePacketsAsync(packets.ToArray());

		public Task SendMultiplePacketsAsync(params ArchipelagoPacketBase[] packets)
			TaskCompletionSource<bool> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
			foreach (ArchipelagoPacketBase item in packets)
				sendQueue.Add(new Tuple<ArchipelagoPacketBase, TaskCompletionSource<bool>>(item, taskCompletionSource));
			return taskCompletionSource.Task;

		private async Task HandleSendBuffer()
			List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> list = new List<ArchipelagoPacketBase>();
			List<TaskCompletionSource<bool>> tasks = new List<TaskCompletionSource<bool>>();
			Tuple<ArchipelagoPacketBase, TaskCompletionSource<bool>> tuple = sendQueue.Take();
			Tuple<ArchipelagoPacketBase, TaskCompletionSource<bool>> item;
			while (sendQueue.TryTake(out item))
			if (!list.Any())
			if (Socket.State != WebSocketState.Open)
				throw new ArchipelagoSocketClosedException();
			ArchipelagoPacketBase[] packets = list.ToArray();
			string s = JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)packets);
			byte[] messageBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);
			int messagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)messageBuffer.Length / (double)bufferSize);
			for (int i = 0; i < messagesCount; i++)
				int num = bufferSize * i;
				int num2 = bufferSize;
				bool endOfMessage = i + 1 == messagesCount;
				if (num2 * (i + 1) > messageBuffer.Length)
					num2 = messageBuffer.Length - num;
				await Socket.SendAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(messageBuffer, num, num2), WebSocketMessageType.Text, endOfMessage, CancellationToken.None);
			foreach (TaskCompletionSource<bool> item2 in tasks)
				item2.TrySetResult(result: true);

		private void OnPacketSend(ArchipelagoPacketBase[] packets)
				if (this.PacketsSent != null)
			catch (Exception e)

		private void OnSocketClosed()
				if (this.SocketClosed != null)
			catch (Exception e)

		private void OnMessageReceived(string message)
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) || this.PacketReceived == null)
				List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> list = null;
					list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ArchipelagoPacketBase>>(message, (JsonConverter[])(object)new JsonConverter[1] { Converter });
				catch (Exception e)
				if (list == null)
				foreach (ArchipelagoPacketBase item in list)
			catch (Exception e2)

		protected void OnError(Exception e)
				if (this.ErrorReceived != null)
					this.ErrorReceived(e, e.Message);
			catch (Exception ex)
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occured during reporting of errorOuter Errror: " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace + "Inner Errror: " + ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace);
	public interface IConnectionInfoProvider
		string Game { get; }

		int Team { get; }

		int Slot { get; }

		string[] Tags { get; }

		ItemsHandlingFlags ItemsHandlingFlags { get; }

		string Uuid { get; }

		void UpdateConnectionOptions(string[] tags);

		void UpdateConnectionOptions(ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags);

		void UpdateConnectionOptions(string[] tags, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags);
	public class ConnectionInfoHelper : IConnectionInfoProvider
		private readonly IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket;

		public string Game { get; private set; }

		public int Team { get; private set; }

		public int Slot { get; private set; }

		public string[] Tags { get; internal set; }

		public ItemsHandlingFlags ItemsHandlingFlags { get; internal set; }

		public string Uuid { get; private set; }

		internal ConnectionInfoHelper(IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket)
			this.socket = socket;
			socket.PacketReceived += PacketReceived;

		private void PacketReceived(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			if (!(packet is ConnectedPacket connectedPacket))
				if (packet is ConnectionRefusedPacket)
			Team = connectedPacket.Team;
			Slot = connectedPacket.Slot;
			if (connectedPacket.SlotInfo != null && connectedPacket.SlotInfo.ContainsKey(Slot))
				Game = connectedPacket.SlotInfo[Slot].Game;

		internal void SetConnectionParameters(string game, string[] tags, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags, string uuid)
			Game = game;
			Tags = tags ?? new string[0];
			ItemsHandlingFlags = itemsHandlingFlags;
			Uuid = uuid ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

		private void Reset()
			Game = null;
			Team = -1;
			Slot = -1;
			Tags = new string[0];
			ItemsHandlingFlags = ItemsHandlingFlags.NoItems;
			Uuid = null;

		public void UpdateConnectionOptions(string[] tags)
			UpdateConnectionOptions(tags, ItemsHandlingFlags);

		public void UpdateConnectionOptions(ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags)
			UpdateConnectionOptions(Tags, ItemsHandlingFlags);

		public void UpdateConnectionOptions(string[] tags, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags)
			SetConnectionParameters(Game, tags, itemsHandlingFlags, Uuid);
			socket.SendPacket(new ConnectUpdatePacket
				Tags = Tags,
				ItemsHandling = ItemsHandlingFlags
	public interface IDataStorageHelper : IDataStorageWrapper
		DataStorageElement this[Scope scope, string key] { get; set; }

		DataStorageElement this[string key] { get; set; }
	public class DataStorageHelper : IDataStorageHelper, IDataStorageWrapper
		public delegate void DataStorageUpdatedHandler(JToken originalValue, JToken newValue, Dictionary<string, JToken> additionalArguments);

		private readonly Dictionary<string, DataStorageUpdatedHandler> onValueChangedEventHandlers = new Dictionary<string, DataStorageUpdatedHandler>();

		private readonly Dictionary<Guid, DataStorageUpdatedHandler> operationSpecificCallbacks = new Dictionary<Guid, DataStorageUpdatedHandler>();

		private readonly Dictionary<string, TaskCompletionSource<JToken>> asyncRetrievalTasks = new Dictionary<string, TaskCompletionSource<JToken>>();

		private readonly IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket;

		private readonly IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfoProvider;

		public DataStorageElement this[Scope scope, string key]
				return this[AddScope(scope, key)];
				this[AddScope(scope, key)] = value;

		public DataStorageElement this[string key]
				return new DataStorageElement(GetContextForKey(key));
				SetValue(key, value);

		internal DataStorageHelper(IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfoProvider)
			this.socket = socket;
			this.connectionInfoProvider = connectionInfoProvider;
			socket.PacketReceived += OnPacketReceived;

		private void OnPacketReceived(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			//IL_00ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b5: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			if (!(packet is RetrievedPacket retrievedPacket))
				if (packet is SetReplyPacket setReplyPacket)
					if (setReplyPacket.AdditionalArguments != null && setReplyPacket.AdditionalArguments.ContainsKey("Reference") && (int)setReplyPacket.AdditionalArguments["Reference"].Type == 15 && operationSpecificCallbacks.TryGetValue((Guid)setReplyPacket.AdditionalArguments["Reference"], out var value))
						value(setReplyPacket.OriginalValue, setReplyPacket.Value, setReplyPacket.AdditionalArguments);
					if (onValueChangedEventHandlers.TryGetValue(setReplyPacket.Key, out var value2))
						value2(setReplyPacket.OriginalValue, setReplyPacket.Value, setReplyPacket.AdditionalArguments);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JToken> datum in retrievedPacket.Data)
				if (asyncRetrievalTasks.TryGetValue(datum.Key, out var value3))

		private Task<JToken> GetAsync(string key)
			if (asyncRetrievalTasks.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
				return value.Task;
			TaskCompletionSource<JToken> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<JToken>();
			asyncRetrievalTasks[key] = taskCompletionSource;
			socket.SendPacketAsync(new GetPacket
				Keys = new string[1] { key }
			return taskCompletionSource.Task;

		private void Initialize(string key, JToken value)
			socket.SendPacketAsync(new SetPacket
				Key = key,
				DefaultValue = value,
				Operations = new OperationSpecification[1]
					new OperationSpecification
						OperationType = OperationType.Default

		private JToken GetValue(string key)
			Task<JToken> async = GetAsync(key);
			if (!async.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0)))
				throw new TimeoutException("Timed out retrieving data for key `" + key + "`. This may be due to an attempt to retrieve a value from the DataStorageHelper in a synchronous fashion from within a PacketReceived handler. When using the DataStorageHelper from within code which runs on the websocket thread then use the asynchronous getters. Ex: `DataStorageHelper[\"" + key + "\"].GetAsync().ContinueWith(x => {});`Be aware that DataStorageHelper calls tend to cause packet responses, so making a call from within a PacketReceived handler may cause an infinite loop.");
			return async.Result;

		private void SetValue(string key, DataStorageElement e)
			if (key.StartsWith("_read_"))
				throw new InvalidOperationException("DataStorage write operation on readonly key '" + key + "' is not allowed");
			if (e == null)
				e = new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JValue.CreateNull());
			if (e.Context == null)
				e.Context = GetContextForKey(key);
			else if (e.Context.Key != key)
				e.Operations.Insert(0, new OperationSpecification
					OperationType = OperationType.Replace,
					Value = GetValue(e.Context.Key)
			Dictionary<string, JToken> dictionary = e.AdditionalArguments ?? new Dictionary<string, JToken>(0);
			if (e.Callbacks != null)
				Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
				operationSpecificCallbacks[guid] = e.Callbacks;
				dictionary["Reference"] = JToken.FromObject((object)guid);
				socket.SendPacketAsync(new SetPacket
					Key = key,
					Operations = e.Operations.ToArray(),
					WantReply = true,
					AdditionalArguments = dictionary
				socket.SendPacketAsync(new SetPacket
					Key = key,
					Operations = e.Operations.ToArray(),
					AdditionalArguments = dictionary

		private DataStorageElementContext GetContextForKey(string key)
			return new DataStorageElementContext
				Key = key,
				GetData = GetValue,
				GetAsync = GetAsync,
				Initialize = Initialize,
				AddHandler = AddHandler,
				RemoveHandler = RemoveHandler

		private void AddHandler(string key, DataStorageUpdatedHandler handler)
			if (onValueChangedEventHandlers.ContainsKey(key))
				Dictionary<string, DataStorageUpdatedHandler> dictionary = onValueChangedEventHandlers;
				dictionary[key] = (DataStorageUpdatedHandler)Delegate.Combine(dictionary[key], handler);
				onValueChangedEventHandlers[key] = handler;
			socket.SendPacketAsync(new SetNotifyPacket
				Keys = new string[1] { key }

		private void RemoveHandler(string key, DataStorageUpdatedHandler handler)
			if (onValueChangedEventHandlers.ContainsKey(key))
				Dictionary<string, DataStorageUpdatedHandler> dictionary = onValueChangedEventHandlers;
				dictionary[key] = (DataStorageUpdatedHandler)Delegate.Remove(dictionary[key], handler);
				if (onValueChangedEventHandlers[key] == null)

		private string AddScope(Scope scope, string key)
			return scope switch
				Scope.Global => key, 
				Scope.Game => $"{scope}:{connectionInfoProvider.Game}:{key}", 
				Scope.Team => $"{scope}:{connectionInfoProvider.Team}:{key}", 
				Scope.Slot => $"{scope}:{connectionInfoProvider.Slot}:{key}", 
				Scope.ReadOnly => "_read_" + key, 
				_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("scope", scope, "Invalid scope for key " + key), 

		private DataStorageElement GetHintsElement(int? slot = null, int? team = null)
			return this[Scope.ReadOnly, $"hints_{team ?? connectionInfoProvider.Team}_{slot ?? connectionInfoProvider.Slot}"];

		private DataStorageElement GetSlotDataElement(int? slot = null)
			return this[Scope.ReadOnly, $"slot_data_{slot ?? connectionInfoProvider.Slot}"];

		private DataStorageElement GetItemNameGroupsElement(string game = null)
			return this[Scope.ReadOnly, "item_name_groups_" + (game ?? connectionInfoProvider.Game)];

		private DataStorageElement GetLocationNameGroupsElement(string game = null)
			return this[Scope.ReadOnly, "location_name_groups_" + (game ?? connectionInfoProvider.Game)];

		private DataStorageElement GetClientStatusElement(int? slot = null, int? team = null)
			return this[Scope.ReadOnly, $"client_status_{team ?? connectionInfoProvider.Team}_{slot ?? connectionInfoProvider.Slot}"];

		private DataStorageElement GetRaceModeElement()
			return this[Scope.ReadOnly, "race_mode"];

		public Hint[] GetHints(int? slot = null, int? team = null)
			return GetHintsElement(slot, team).To<Hint[]>();

		public Task<Hint[]> GetHintsAsync(int? slot = null, int? team = null)
			return GetHintsElement(slot, team).GetAsync<Hint[]>();

		public void TrackHints(Action<Hint[]> onHintsUpdated, bool retrieveCurrentlyUnlockedHints = true, int? slot = null, int? team = null)
			GetHintsElement(slot, team).OnValueChanged += delegate(JToken _, JToken newValue, Dictionary<string, JToken> x)
			if (retrieveCurrentlyUnlockedHints)
				GetHintsAsync(slot, team).ContinueWith(delegate(Task<Hint[]> t)

		public Dictionary<string, object> GetSlotData(int? slot = null)
			return GetSlotData<Dictionary<string, object>>(slot);

		public T GetSlotData<T>(int? slot = null) where T : class
			return GetSlotDataElement(slot).To<T>();

		public Task<Dictionary<string, object>> GetSlotDataAsync(int? slot = null)
			return GetSlotDataAsync<Dictionary<string, object>>(slot);

		public Task<T> GetSlotDataAsync<T>(int? slot = null) where T : class
			return GetSlotDataElement(slot).GetAsync<T>();

		public Dictionary<string, string[]> GetItemNameGroups(string game = null)
			return GetItemNameGroupsElement(game).To<Dictionary<string, string[]>>();

		public Task<Dictionary<string, string[]>> GetItemNameGroupsAsync(string game = null)
			return GetItemNameGroupsElement(game).GetAsync<Dictionary<string, string[]>>();

		public Dictionary<string, string[]> GetLocationNameGroups(string game = null)
			return GetLocationNameGroupsElement(game).To<Dictionary<string, string[]>>();

		public Task<Dictionary<string, string[]>> GetLocationNameGroupsAsync(string game = null)
			return GetLocationNameGroupsElement(game).GetAsync<Dictionary<string, string[]>>();

		public ArchipelagoClientState GetClientStatus(int? slot = null, int? team =


Decompiled a month ago
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Text;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.BounceFeatures.DeathLink;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Enums;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Helpers;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Models;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Packets;
using ArchipelagoULTRAKILL.Commands;
using ArchipelagoULTRAKILL.Components;
using ArchipelagoULTRAKILL.Powerups;
using ArchipelagoULTRAKILL.Properties;
using ArchipelagoULTRAKILL.Structures;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using GameConsole;
using HarmonyLib;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using PluginConfig.API;
using PluginConfig.API.Decorators;
using PluginConfig.API.Fields;
using PluginConfig.API.Functionals;
using TMPro;
using ULTRAKILL.Cheats;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.ResourceLocators;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using plog;
using plog.Models;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("ArchipelagoULTRAKILL")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Connect to an Archipelago server to play ULTRAKILL randomizer.")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("ArchipelagoULTRAKILL")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © TRPG 2024")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("c7de03cb-cf51-44da-ba1f-6fcecd638e0a")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("3.0.1")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace ArchipelagoULTRAKILL
	public static class AudioManager
		private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> multiMusicBattle = new Dictionary<string, string>
			["1"] = "Assets/Music/0-1.wav",
			["2"] = "Assets/Music/0-2.wav",
			["3"] = "Assets/Music/0-1.wav",
			["4"] = "Assets/Music/0-2.wav",
			["6B"] = "Assets/Music/1-1.wav",
			["7B"] = "Assets/Music/1-2 Noise Battle.wav",
			["8"] = "Assets/Music/1-3.wav",
			["10"] = "Assets/Music/2-1.wav",
			["11"] = "Assets/Music/2-2.wav",
			["12"] = "Assets/Music/2-3.wav",
			["14A"] = "Assets/Music/3-1 Guts.wav",
			["14B"] = "Assets/Music/3-1 Glory.wav",
			["16"] = "Assets/Music/4-1.wav",
			["17"] = "Assets/Music/4-2.wav",
			["18A"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 1.wav",
			["18B"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 2.wav",
			["18C"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 3.wav",
			["20"] = "Assets/Music/5-1.wav",
			["22A"] = "Assets/Music/5-3.wav",
			["22B"] = "Assets/Music/5-3 Aftermath.wav",
			["24A"] = "Assets/Music/6-1.wav",
			["26B"] = "Assets/Music/7-1.wav",
			["27A"] = "Assets/Music/7-2 Intro Battle.wav",
			["27B"] = "Assets/Music/7-2.wav",
			["28B"] = "Assets/Music/7-3.wav",
			["667A"] = "Assets/Music/P-2.wav"

		private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> multiMusicClean = new Dictionary<string, string>
			["1"] = "Assets/Music/0-1 Clean.wav",
			["2"] = "Assets/Music/0-2 Clean.wav",
			["3"] = "Assets/Music/0-1 Clean.wav",
			["4"] = "Assets/Music/0-2 Clean.wav",
			["6B"] = "Assets/Music/1-1 Clean.wav",
			["7B"] = "Assets/Music/1-2 Noise Clean.wav",
			["8"] = "Assets/Music/1-3 Clean.wav",
			["10"] = "Assets/Music/2-1 Clean.wav",
			["11"] = "Assets/Music/2-2 Clean.wav",
			["12"] = "Assets/Music/2-3 Clean.wav",
			["14A"] = "Assets/Music/3-1 Guts Clean.wav",
			["14B"] = "Assets/Music/3-1 Glory Clean.wav",
			["16"] = "Assets/Music/4-1 Clean.wav",
			["17"] = "Assets/Music/4-2 Clean.wav",
			["18A"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 1 Clean.wav",
			["18B"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 2 Clean.wav",
			["18C"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 3.wav",
			["20"] = "Assets/Music/5-1 Clean.wav",
			["22A"] = "Assets/Music/5-3 Clean.wav",
			["22B"] = "Assets/Music/5-3 Aftermath Clean.wav",
			["24A"] = "Assets/Music/6-1 Clean.wav",
			["26B"] = "Assets/Music/7-1 Clean.wav",
			["27A"] = "Assets/Music/7-2 Intro Clean.wav",
			["27B"] = "Assets/Music/7-2 Clean.wav",
			["28B"] = "Assets/Music/7-3 Clean.wav",
			["667A"] = "Assets/Music/P-2 Clean.wav"

		private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> singleMusic = new Dictionary<string, string>
			["5"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Cerberus A.mp3",
			["6A"] = "Assets/Music/Misc/A Thousand Greetings.wav",
			["7A"] = "Assets/Music/Misc/A Thousand Greetings.wav",
			["9A"] = "Assets/Music/Misc/Clair_de_lune_(Claude_Debussy)_Suite_bergamasque (CREATIVE COMMONS).ogg",
			["9B"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/V2 1-4.wav",
			["13"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Minos Corpse B.wav",
			["15A"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Gabriel 3-2 Intro.wav",
			["15B"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Gabriel 3-2.wav",
			["18D"] = "Assets/Music/Misc/themeofcancer.wav",
			["19"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/V2 4-4.wav",
			["24B"] = "Assets/Music/6-1 Hall of Sacreligious Remains.wav",
			["25A"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Gabriel 6-2 Intro B.wav",
			["25B"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Gabriel 6-2.wav",
			["26A"] = "Assets/Music/7-1 Intro.wav",
			["26C"] = "Assets/Music/Misc/themeofcancer.wav",
			["26D"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Minotaur A.wav",
			["26E"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Minotaur B.wav",
			["28A"] = "Assets/Music/7-3 Intro Clean.wav",
			["666A"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Flesh Prison.wav",
			["666B"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Minos Prime.wav",
			["667B"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Flesh panopticon.wav",
			["667C"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Sisyphus Prime.wav"

		public static AudioClip LoadNewSingleTrack(AudioClip source, string id)
			//IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (
				id =[id];
				if (singleMusic.ContainsKey(id))
						return Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<AudioClip>((object)singleMusic[id]).WaitForCompletion();
						Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Failed to load music track. (ID: " + id + " | Address: " + singleMusic[id]));
						return source;
				Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Couldn't find address for key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
				return source;
			Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Music dictionary does not contain key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
			return source;

		public static AudioClip LoadNewCleanTrack(AudioClip source, string id)
			//IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (
				id =[id];
				if (multiMusicClean.ContainsKey(id))
						return Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<AudioClip>((object)multiMusicClean[id]).WaitForCompletion();
						Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Failed to load music track. (ID: " + id + " | Address: " + multiMusicClean[id]));
						return source;
				Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Couldn't find address for key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
				return source;
			Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Music dictionary does not contain key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
			return source;

		public static AudioClip LoadNewBattleTrack(AudioClip source, string id)
			//IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (
				id =[id];
				if (multiMusicBattle.ContainsKey(id))
						return Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<AudioClip>((object)multiMusicBattle[id]).WaitForCompletion();
						Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Failed to load music track. (ID: " + id + " | Address: " + multiMusicBattle[id]));
						return source;
				Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Couldn't find address for key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
				return source;
			Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Music dictionary does not contain key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
			return source;

		public static void LoadMusicManagerTracks(string id, bool single = false)
			if (single)
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.cleanTheme.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.cleanTheme.clip, id);
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.battleTheme.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.battleTheme.clip, id);
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.bossTheme.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.bossTheme.clip, id);
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.cleanTheme.clip = LoadNewCleanTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.cleanTheme.clip, id);
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.battleTheme.clip = LoadNewBattleTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.battleTheme.clip, id);
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.bossTheme.clip = LoadNewBattleTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.bossTheme.clip, id);

		public static void ChangeMusic()
			if (Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Music == MusicType.Normal)
				switch (SceneHelper.CurrentScene)
				case "Level 0-5":
					foreach (AudioSource item in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if ((Object)(object)((Component)item).transform.parent != (Object)null && (((Object)((Component)item).transform.parent).name == "4 Contents" || ((Object)((Component)item).transform.parent).name == "4 Contents(Clone)") && ((Object)((Component)item).transform).name == "Music")
							item.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item.clip, "5");
							((Component)((Component)item).transform.parent.Find("Enemies").Find("StatueEnemy (1)")).GetComponent<SoundChanger>().newSound = LoadNewSingleTrack(item.clip, "5");
				case "Level 1-1":
					LoadMusicManagerTracks("6A", single: true);
					foreach (MusicChanger item2 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item2).gameObject).name == "MusicChanger")
							item2.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item2.clean, "6B");
							item2.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item2.battle, "6B");
				case "Level 1-2":
					LoadMusicManagerTracks("7A", single: true);
					foreach (MusicChanger item3 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item3).gameObject).name == "MusicActivator")
							item3.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item3.clean, "7B");
							item3.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item3.battle, "7B");
				case "Level 1-4":
					foreach (AudioSource item4 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item4).gameObject).name == "Music - Clair de Lune")
							item4.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item4.clip, "9A");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item4).gameObject).name == "Music - Versus")
							item4.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item4.clip, "9B");
				case "Level 2-1":
					foreach (MusicChanger item5 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item5).gameObject).name == "Cube (1)")
							item5.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item5.clean, "10");
							item5.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item5.battle, "10");
				case "Level 2-4":
					foreach (AudioSource item6 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item6).gameObject).name == "BossMusic")
							item6.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item6.clip, "13");
				case "Level 3-1":
					foreach (MusicChanger item7 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item7).gameObject).name == "MusicChanger")
							item7.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item7.clean, "14B");
							item7.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item7.battle, "14B");
				case "Level 3-2":
					foreach (AudioSource item8 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item8).gameObject).name == "Music 2")
							item8.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item8.clip, "15A");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item8).gameObject).name == "Music 3")
							item8.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item8.clip, "15B");
				case "Level 4-3":
					foreach (MusicChanger item9 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item9).gameObject).name == "OnLight")
							item9.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item9.clean, "18A");
							item9.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item9.battle, "18A");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item9).gameObject).name == "Music Changer")
							item9.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item9.clean, "18B");
							item9.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item9.battle, "18B");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item9).gameObject).name == "Music Changer (Normal)")
							item9.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item9.clean, "18B");
							item9.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item9.battle, "18B");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item9).gameObject).name == "Music")
							item9.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item9.clean, "18C");
							item9.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item9.battle, "18C");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item9).gameObject).name == "Trigger (Fight)")
							item9.clean = LoadNewSingleTrack(item9.clean, "18D");
							item9.battle = LoadNewSingleTrack(item9.battle, "18D");
							item9.boss = LoadNewSingleTrack(item9.boss, "18D");
				case "Level 4-4":
					foreach (AudioSource item10 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item10).gameObject).name == "Versus 2")
							item10.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item10.clip, "19");
				case "Level 5-3":
					foreach (MusicChanger item11 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item11).gameObject).name == "InstantVer")
							item11.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item11.clean, "22B");
							item11.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item11.battle, "22B");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item11).gameObject).name == "NormalVer")
							item11.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item11.clean, "22B");
							item11.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item11.battle, "22B");
				case "Level 6-1":
					foreach (MusicChanger item12 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item12).gameObject).name == "MusicChanger")
							item12.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item12.clean, "24A");
							item12.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item12.battle, "24A");
					foreach (AudioSource item13 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item13).gameObject).name == "ClimaxMusic")
							item13.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item13.clip, "24B");
				case "Level 6-2":
					foreach (AudioSource item14 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item14).gameObject).name == "Organ")
							item14.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item14.clip, "25A");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item14).gameObject).name == "BossMusic")
							item14.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item14.clip, "25B");
				case "Level 7-1":
					foreach (MusicChanger item15 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)item15).name == "LevelMusicStart")
							item15.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item15.clean, "26B");
							item15.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item15.battle, "26B");
							item15.boss = LoadNewBattleTrack(item15.battle, "26B");
					foreach (AudioSource item16 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)item16).name == "IntroMusic")
							item16.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item16.clip, "26A");
						else if (((Object)item16).name == "BigJohnatronMusic")
							item16.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item16.clip, "26C");
						else if (((Object)item16).name == "MinotaurPhase1Music")
							item16.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item16.clip, "26D");
						else if (((Object)item16).name == "MinotaurPhase2Music")
							item16.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item16.clip, "26E");
				case "Level 7-2":
					foreach (MusicChanger item17 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)item17).name == "MusicActivator")
							item17.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item17.clean, "27B");
							item17.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item17.battle, "27B");
							item17.boss = LoadNewBattleTrack(item17.battle, "27B");
				case "Level 7-3":
					LoadMusicManagerTracks("28A", single: true);
					foreach (MusicChanger item18 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)item18).name == "SecondTrackStart")
							item18.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item18.clean, "28B");
							item18.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item18.battle, "28B");
							item18.boss = LoadNewBattleTrack(item18.battle, "28B");
				case "Level P-1":
					foreach (AudioSource item19 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item19).gameObject).name == "Chaos")
							item19.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item19.clip, "666A");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item19).gameObject).name == "Music 3")
							item19.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item19.clip, "666B");
				case "Level P-2":
					foreach (MusicChanger item20 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item20).gameObject).name == "DelayedMusicActivator")
							item20.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item20.clean, "667A");
							item20.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item20.battle, "667A");
							item20.boss = LoadNewBattleTrack(item20.battle, "667A");
					foreach (AudioSource item21 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item21).gameObject).name == "FleshPrison")
							item21.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item21.clip, "667B");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item21).gameObject).name == "Sisyphus")
							item21.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item21.clip, "667C");
			Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Music changed successfully.");
	public static class ColorRandomizer
		public static void RandomizeGunColors()
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1.a", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.2", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3.a", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.4", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.5", true);
			for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
				for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
					if (j != 2 || (i != 4 && i != 5))
						bool flag = false;
						if (j == 2)
							flag = true;
						for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++)
							MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat(string.Concat(new object[6]
								flag ? ".a" : ".",
							}), Random.Range(0f, 1f));
							MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat(string.Concat(new object[6]
								flag ? ".a" : ".",
							}), Random.Range(0f, 1f));
							MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat(string.Concat(new object[6]
								flag ? ".a" : ".",
							}), Random.Range(0f, 1f));
							MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat(string.Concat(new object[6]
								flag ? ".a" : ".",
							}), Random.Range(0f, 1f));
			if (Core.IsPlaying)
				GunColorTypeGetter[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<GunColorTypeGetter>();
				foreach (GunColorTypeGetter val in array)

		public static void RandomizeUIColors()
			for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
				string text = ".r";
				if (i == 2)
					text = ".g";
				if (i == 3)
					text = ".b";
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.hp" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.hptext" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.hpaft" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.hphdmg" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.hpover" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.stm" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.stmchr" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.stmemp" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.raifull" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.raicha" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.var0" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.var1" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.var2" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.var3" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
			if (Core.IsPlaying)
	public static class ConfigManager
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static OnClick <>9__82_0;

			public static OnClick <>9__82_1;

			public static OnClick <>9__82_2;

			public static OnClick <>9__82_3;

			public static PostStringValueChangeEvent <>9__82_4;

			public static BoolValueChangeEventDelegate <>9__82_5;

			public static IntValueChangeEventDelegate <>9__82_6;

			public static IntValueChangeEventDelegate <>9__82_7;

			public static OnClick <>9__82_8;

			public static OnClick <>9__82_9;

			public static OnClick <>9__82_10;

			public static OnClick <>9__82_11;

			public static OnClick <>9__82_12;

			public static OnClick <>9__82_13;

			public static OnClick <>9__82_14;

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_0()
				if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
					connectionInfo.text = "Already connected to server.";
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene != "Main Menu")
					connectionInfo.text = "Can only connect to an Archipelago server on the main menu.";
				else if ((GameProgressSaver.GetTutorial() || GameProgressSaver.GetIntro()) && !Core.DataExists() && !hintMode.value)
					connectionInfo.text = "No Archipelago data found. Start a new save file before connecting.";
				else if (Core.DataExists() && hintMode.value)
					connectionInfo.text = "Can't use hint mode on a save file that already has randomizer data.";
				else if (!Multiworld.Authenticated)
				{ = playerName.value; = serverAddress.value; = serverPassword.value;
					if ( == "")
					{ = null;
					if (hintMode.value)

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_1()
				//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
					connectionInfo.text = "Disconnected from server.";
					if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Main Menu")
						((Graphic)UIManager.menuIcon.GetComponent<Image>()).color = Colors.Red;

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_2()
				if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
				{ = true;

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_3()
				if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
				{ = false;

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_4(string value)
				if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
					if (value != "")
					chat.value = "";

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_5(BoolValueChangeEvent e)

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_6(IntValueChangeEvent e)
				UIManager.lines = e.value;
				while (Multiworld.messages.Count > e.value)

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_7(IntValueChangeEvent e)
				((TMP_Text)UIManager.log).fontSize = e.value;

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_8()

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_9()
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1.a", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.2", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3.a", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.4", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.5", true);

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_10()
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1.a", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.2", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3.a", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.4", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.5", false);

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_11()
				//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0087: Expected O, but got Unknown
				//IL_00c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_00cf: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
				//IL_013f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0184: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_01ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_020f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0244: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_00ff: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				if (!Multiworld.Authenticated)
				hintList = null;
				hintList = new ConfigDivision(hintsPanel, "hintList");
				Hint[] hints = ((IDataStorageWrapper)Multiworld.Session.DataStorage).GetHints((int?)null, (int?)null);
				Hint[] array = hints;
				foreach (Hint val in array)
					if (!hintAdvancementOnly.value || (int)val.ItemFlags == 1)
						if (Array.IndexOf(hints, val) != 0)
							new ConfigHeader((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "-----", 24);
						((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "ITEM", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val)}_item", Multiworld.Session.Items.GetItemName(val.ItemId, (string)null), true, false)).interactable = false;
						((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "RECEIVING PLAYER", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val)}_receiving_player", Multiworld.Session.Players.GetPlayerAlias(val.ReceivingPlayer), true, false)).interactable = false;
						((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "LOCATION", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val)}_location", Multiworld.Session.Locations.GetLocationNameFromId(val.LocationId, (string)null), true, false)).interactable = false;
						((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "SENDING PLAYER", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val)}_sending_player", Multiworld.Session.Players.GetPlayerAlias(val.FindingPlayer), true, false)).interactable = false;
						((ConfigField)new BoolField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "FOUND", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val)}_found", val.Found, false)).interactable = false;

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_12()

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_13()

			internal void <Initialize>b__82_14()

		public static PluginConfigurator config;

		public static ConfigPanel playerPanel;

		public static BoolField isConnected;

		public static StringField playerName;

		public static StringField serverAddress;

		public static StringField serverPassword;

		public static BoolField hintMode;

		public static ButtonField connectButton;

		public static ButtonField disconnectButton;

		public static ConfigHeader connectionInfo;

		public static ButtonField deathLinkOnButton;

		public static ButtonField deathLinkOffButton;

		public static StringField chat;

		public static StringField start;

		public static StringField goal;

		public static StringField goalProgress;

		public static StringField locationsChecked;

		public static EnumField<BossOptions> bossRewards;

		public static BoolField challengeRewards;

		public static BoolField pRankRewards;

		public static BoolField hankRewards;

		public static BoolField clashReward;

		public static BoolField fishRewards;

		public static BoolField cleanRewards;

		public static BoolField chessReward;

		public static BoolField rocketReward;

		public static BoolField randomizeFire2;

		public static EnumField<WeaponForm> revForm;

		public static EnumField<WeaponForm> shoForm;

		public static EnumField<WeaponForm> naiForm;

		public static BoolField randomizeSkulls;

		public static BoolField randomizeLimbo;

		public static BoolField randomizeViolence;

		public static BoolField musicRandomizer;

		public static BoolField cybergrindHints;

		public static BoolField deathLink;

		public static ConfigPanel logPanel;

		public static BoolField showLog;

		public static IntField logLines;

		public static IntField logFontSize;

		public static ButtonField logClear;

		public static ConfigPanel colorPanel;

		public static EnumField<ColorOptions> uiColorRandomizer;

		public static EnumField<ColorOptions> gunColorRandomizer;

		public static ButtonField enableCustomButton;

		public static ButtonField disableCustomButton;

		public static ColorField APPlayerSelf;

		public static ColorField APPlayerOther;

		public static ColorField APItemAdvancement;

		public static ColorField APItemNeverExclude;

		public static ColorField APItemFiller;

		public static ColorField APItemTrap;

		public static ColorField APLocation;

		public static ColorField layer0Color;

		public static ColorField layer1Color;

		public static ColorField layer2Color;

		public static ColorField layer3Color;

		public static ColorField layer4Color;

		public static ColorField layer5Color;

		public static ColorField layer6Color;

		public static ColorField layer7Color;

		public static ColorField primeColor;

		public static ColorField altColor;

		public static ColorField arm0Color;

		public static ColorField arm1Color;

		public static ColorField arm2Color;

		public static ColorField blueSkullColor;

		public static ColorField redSkullColor;

		public static ColorField switchColor;

		public static ColorField pointsColor;

		public static ColorField dualwieldColor;

		public static ColorField doublejumpColor;

		public static ColorField confusionColor;

		public static ColorField trapColor;

		public static ConfigPanel hintsPanel;

		public static BoolField hintAdvancementOnly;

		public static ButtonField hintRefresh;

		public static ConfigDivision hintList;

		public static ConfigPanel linksPanel;

		public static ButtonField thunderstoreButton;

		public static ButtonField githubButton;

		public static ButtonField discordButton;

		public static void Initialize()
			//IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0077: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0081: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0095: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bd: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00d1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00db: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00ef: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f9: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_010a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0114: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0136: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0140: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0156: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0160: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0176: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0180: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0191: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_019b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01c3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01cd: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01dc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01e6: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_021f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0229: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01ff: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0204: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_020a: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0262: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_026c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0242: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0247: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_024d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_02a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02af: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0285: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_028a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0290: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_02ef: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02f4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0301: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_02c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02d3: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0337: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0353: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0358: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0365: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_037b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0380: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_038d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_03a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03b5: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_03cb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03d0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03dd: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0444: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0449: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0456: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0467: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_046c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0479: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_048a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_048f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_049c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_04ad: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04bf: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_04d0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04e2: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_04f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04f8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0505: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0516: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_051b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0528: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0539: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_053e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_054b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_055c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0561: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_056e: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_064b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0650: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_065d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_066e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0673: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0680: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0691: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0696: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06a3: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_06b4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06b9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06c6: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_06d7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06dc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06e9: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_06fa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06ff: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_070c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_071d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0727: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_031a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_031f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0325: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0766: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0770: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0740: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0745: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_074b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_07b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_07ba: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0789: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_078e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0794: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_07f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_07fd: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_07d3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_07d8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_07de: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_08d2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_08dc: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0816: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_081b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0821: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0915: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_091f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_08f5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_08fa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0900: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0955: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0979: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_097f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0989: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_09a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_09ad: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_09b7: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_09d5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_09db: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_09e5: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0a03: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a09: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a13: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0a31: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a37: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a41: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0a5f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a65: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a6f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0a8d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a93: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a9d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0aa9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0acd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0ad3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0add: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0afb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b01: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b0b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0b29: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b2f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b39: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0b57: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b5d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b67: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0b85: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b8b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b95: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0bb3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0bb9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0bc3: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0be1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0be7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0bf1: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0c0f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c15: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c1f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0c3d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c43: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c4d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0c6b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c71: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c7b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0c99: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c9f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0ca9: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0cc7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0ccd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0cd7: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0cf5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0cfb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d05: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0d23: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d29: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d33: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0d51: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d57: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d61: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0d7f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d85: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d8f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0dad: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0db3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0dbd: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0ddb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0de1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0deb: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0e09: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e0f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e19: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0e37: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e3d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e47: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0e65: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e6b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e75: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0e86: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e90: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0e9f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0ea9: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0eb3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0ebd: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0938: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_093d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0943: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0ef6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0f00: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0ed6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0edb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0ee1: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0f39: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0f43: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0f19: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0f1e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0f24: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0f7c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0f86: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0f5c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0f61: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0f67: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0f9f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0fa4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0faa: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (config != null)
			config = PluginConfigurator.Create("Archipelago", "trpg.archipelagoultrakill");
			string text = Path.Combine(Core.workingDir, "icon.png");
			if (File.Exists(text))
			new ConfigHeader(config.rootPanel, "ARCHIPELAGO", 24);
			playerPanel = new ConfigPanel(config.rootPanel, "PLAYER SETTINGS", "playerPanel");
			logPanel = new ConfigPanel(config.rootPanel, "LOG SETTINGS", "logPanel");
			colorPanel = new ConfigPanel(config.rootPanel, "COLOR SETTINGS", "colorPanel");
			hintsPanel = new ConfigPanel(config.rootPanel, "HINTS", "hintsPanel");
			linksPanel = new ConfigPanel(config.rootPanel, "LINKS", "linksPanel");
			isConnected = new BoolField(playerPanel, "CONNECTED TO SERVER?", "isConnected", false, false);
			((ConfigField)isConnected).interactable = false;
			playerName = new StringField(playerPanel, "NAME", "playerName", "V1", false, true);
			serverAddress = new StringField(playerPanel, "ADDRESS", "serverAddress", "", false, true);
			serverPassword = new StringField(playerPanel, "PASSWORD", "serverPassword", "", true, true);
			hintMode = new BoolField(playerPanel, "HINT MODE", "hintMode", false, false);
			new ConfigHeader(playerPanel, "Hint mode disables all randomization, and allows connecting to other games' slots to unlock hints while playing The Cyber Grind.", 12, (TextAlignmentOptions)257);
			connectionInfo = new ConfigHeader(playerPanel, "", 16, (TextAlignmentOptions)258);
			connectButton = new ButtonField(playerPanel, "CONNECT", "connectButton");
			ButtonField obj = connectButton;
			object obj2 = <>c.<>9__82_0;
			if (obj2 == null)
				OnClick val = delegate
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
						connectionInfo.text = "Already connected to server.";
					else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene != "Main Menu")
						connectionInfo.text = "Can only connect to an Archipelago server on the main menu.";
					else if ((GameProgressSaver.GetTutorial() || GameProgressSaver.GetIntro()) && !Core.DataExists() && !hintMode.value)
						connectionInfo.text = "No Archipelago data found. Start a new save file before connecting.";
					else if (Core.DataExists() && hintMode.value)
						connectionInfo.text = "Can't use hint mode on a save file that already has randomizer data.";
					else if (!Multiworld.Authenticated)
					{ = playerName.value; = serverAddress.value; = serverPassword.value;
						if ( == "")
						{ = null;
						if (hintMode.value)
				<>c.<>9__82_0 = val;
				obj2 = (object)val;
			obj.onClick += (OnClick)obj2;
			disconnectButton = new ButtonField(playerPanel, "DISCONNECT", "disconnectButton");
			ButtonField obj3 = disconnectButton;
			object obj4 = <>c.<>9__82_1;
			if (obj4 == null)
				OnClick val2 = delegate
					//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
						connectionInfo.text = "Disconnected from server.";
						if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Main Menu")
							((Graphic)UIManager.menuIcon.GetComponent<Image>()).color = Colors.Red;
				<>c.<>9__82_1 = val2;
				obj4 = (object)val2;
			obj3.onClick += (OnClick)obj4;
			deathLinkOnButton = new ButtonField(playerPanel, "ENABLE DEATH LINK", "deathLinkOnButton");
			ButtonField obj5 = deathLinkOnButton;
			object obj6 = <>c.<>9__82_2;
			if (obj6 == null)
				OnClick val3 = delegate
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
					{ = true;
				<>c.<>9__82_2 = val3;
				obj6 = (object)val3;
			obj5.onClick += (OnClick)obj6;
			deathLinkOffButton = new ButtonField(playerPanel, "DISABLE DEATH LINK", "deathLinkOffButton");
			ButtonField obj7 = deathLinkOffButton;
			object obj8 = <>c.<>9__82_3;
			if (obj8 == null)
				OnClick val4 = delegate
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
					{ = false;
				<>c.<>9__82_3 = val4;
				obj8 = (object)val4;
			obj7.onClick += (OnClick)obj8;
			chat = new StringField(playerPanel, "CHAT", "chat", "", true, false)
				interactable = false
			StringField obj9 = chat;
			object obj10 = <>c.<>9__82_4;
			if (obj10 == null)
				PostStringValueChangeEvent val5 = delegate(string value)
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
						if (value != "")
						chat.value = "";
				<>c.<>9__82_4 = val5;
				obj10 = (object)val5;
			obj9.postValueChangeEvent += (PostStringValueChangeEvent)obj10;
			new ConfigHeader(playerPanel, "-----", 24);
			start = new StringField(playerPanel, "START LEVEL", "start", "?", false, false)
				interactable = false
			goal = new StringField(playerPanel, "GOAL LEVEL", "goal", "?", false, false)
				interactable = false
			goalProgress = new StringField(playerPanel, "LEVELS COMPLETED", "goalProgress", "?", false, false)
				interactable = false
			locationsChecked = new StringField(playerPanel, "LOCATIONS CHECKED", "locationsChecked", "?", false, false)
				interactable = false
			EnumField<BossOptions> obj11 = new EnumField<BossOptions>(playerPanel, "BOSS REWARDS", "bossRewards", BossOptions.Disabled, false);
			((ConfigField)obj11).interactable = false;
			bossRewards = obj11;
			bossRewards.SetEnumDisplayName(BossOptions.Disabled, "DISABLED");
			bossRewards.SetEnumDisplayName(BossOptions.Standard, "STANDARD");
			bossRewards.SetEnumDisplayName(BossOptions.Extended, "EXTENDED");
			challengeRewards = new BoolField(playerPanel, "CHALLENGE REWARDS", "challengeRewards", false, false)
				interactable = false
			pRankRewards = new BoolField(playerPanel, "P RANK REWARDS", "pRankRewards", false, false)
				interactable = false
			hankRewards = new BoolField(playerPanel, "HANK REWARDS", "hankRewards", false, false)
				interactable = false
			clashReward = new BoolField(playerPanel, "RANDOMIZE CLASH MODE", "clashReward", false, false)
				interactable = false
			fishRewards = new BoolField(playerPanel, "FISH REWARDS", "fishRewards", false, false)
				interactable = false
			cleanRewards = new BoolField(playerPanel, "CLEANING REWARDS", "cleanRewards", false, false)
				interactable = false
			chessReward = new BoolField(playerPanel, "CHESS REWARD", "chessReward", false, false)
				interactable = false
			rocketReward = new BoolField(playerPanel, "ROCKET RACE REWARD", "rocketReward", false, false)
				interactable = false
			randomizeFire2 = new BoolField(playerPanel, "RANDOMIZE SECONDARY FIRE", "randomizeFire2", false, false)
				interactable = false
			EnumField<WeaponForm> obj12 = new EnumField<WeaponForm>(playerPanel, "REVOLVER FORM", "revForm", WeaponForm.Standard);
			((ConfigField)obj12).interactable = false;
			revForm = obj12;
			revForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Standard, "STANDARD");
			revForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Alternate, "ALTERNATE");
			EnumField<WeaponForm> obj13 = new EnumField<WeaponForm>(playerPanel, "SHOTGUN FORM", "shoForm", WeaponForm.Standard);
			((ConfigField)obj13).interactable = false;
			shoForm = obj13;
			shoForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Standard, "STANDARD");
			shoForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Alternate, "ALTERNATE");
			EnumField<WeaponForm> obj14 = new EnumField<WeaponForm>(playerPanel, "NAILGUN FORM", "naiForm", WeaponForm.Standard);
			((ConfigField)obj14).interactable = false;
			naiForm = obj14;
			naiForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Standard, "STANDARD");
			naiForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Alternate, "ALTERNATE");
			randomizeSkulls = new BoolField(playerPanel, "RANDOMIZE SKULLS", "randomizeSkulls", false, false)
				interactable = false
			randomizeLimbo = new BoolField(playerPanel, "RANDOMIZE LIMBO SWITCHES", "randomizeLimbo", false, false)
				interactable = false
			randomizeViolence = new BoolField(playerPanel, "RANDOMIZE VIOLENCE SWITCHES", "randomizeViolence", false, false)
				interactable = false
			musicRandomizer = new BoolField(playerPanel, "MUSIC RANDOMIZER", "musicRandomizer", false, false)
				interactable = false
			cybergrindHints = new BoolField(playerPanel, "UNLOCK HINTS IN CYBERGRIND", "cybergrindHints", false, false)
				interactable = false
			deathLink = new BoolField(playerPanel, "DEATH LINK", "deathLink", false, false)
				interactable = false
			showLog = new BoolField(logPanel, "SHOW LOG", "showLog", true, true);
			BoolField obj15 = showLog;
			object obj16 = <>c.<>9__82_5;
			if (obj16 == null)
				BoolValueChangeEventDelegate val6 = delegate(BoolValueChangeEvent e)
				<>c.<>9__82_5 = val6;
				obj16 = (object)val6;
			obj15.onValueChange += (BoolValueChangeEventDelegate)obj16;
			logLines = new IntField(logPanel, "NUMBER OF MESSAGES", "logLines", 5, 1, 16, true, true);
			IntField obj17 = logLines;
			object obj18 = <>c.<>9__82_6;
			if (obj18 == null)
				IntValueChangeEventDelegate val7 = delegate(IntValueChangeEvent e)
					UIManager.lines = e.value;
					while (Multiworld.messages.Count > e.value)
				<>c.<>9__82_6 = val7;
				obj18 = (object)val7;
			obj17.onValueChange += (IntValueChangeEventDelegate)obj18;
			logFontSize = new IntField(logPanel, "FONT SIZE", "logFontSize", 16, 1, 32, true, true);
			IntField obj19 = logFontSize;
			object obj20 = <>c.<>9__82_7;
			if (obj20 == null)
				IntValueChangeEventDelegate val8 = delegate(IntValueChangeEvent e)
					((TMP_Text)UIManager.log).fontSize = e.value;
				<>c.<>9__82_7 = val8;
				obj20 = (object)val8;
			obj19.onValueChange += (IntValueChangeEventDelegate)obj20;
			logClear = new ButtonField(logPanel, "CLEAR LOG", "logClear");
			ButtonField obj21 = logClear;
			object obj22 = <>c.<>9__82_8;
			if (obj22 == null)
				OnClick val9 = delegate
				<>c.<>9__82_8 = val9;
				obj22 = (object)val9;
			obj21.onClick += (OnClick)obj22;
			uiColorRandomizer = new EnumField<ColorOptions>(colorPanel, "UI COLOR RANDOMIZER", "uiColorRandomizer", ColorOptions.Off, true);
			uiColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.Off, "DISABLED");
			uiColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.Once, "ONCE");
			uiColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.EveryLoad, "EVERY NEW LEVEL LOADED");
			gunColorRandomizer = new EnumField<ColorOptions>(colorPanel, "GUN COLOR RANDOMIZER", "gunColorRandomizer", ColorOptions.Off, true);
			gunColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.Off, "DISABLED");
			gunColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.Once, "ONCE");
			gunColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.EveryLoad, "EVERY NEW LEVEL LOADED");
			enableCustomButton = new ButtonField(colorPanel, "ENABLE ALL CUSTOM WEAPON COLORS", "enableCustomButton");
			ButtonField obj23 = enableCustomButton;
			object obj24 = <>c.<>9__82_9;
			if (obj24 == null)
				OnClick val10 = delegate
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1.a", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.2", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3.a", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.4", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.5", true);
				<>c.<>9__82_9 = val10;
				obj24 = (object)val10;
			obj23.onClick += (OnClick)obj24;
			disableCustomButton = new ButtonField(colorPanel, "DISABLE ALL CUSTOM WEAPON COLORS", "disableCustomButton");
			ButtonField obj25 = disableCustomButton;
			object obj26 = <>c.<>9__82_10;
			if (obj26 == null)
				OnClick val11 = delegate
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1.a", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.2", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3.a", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.4", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.5", false);
				<>c.<>9__82_10 = val11;
				obj26 = (object)val11;
			obj25.onClick += (OnClick)obj26;
			new ConfigHeader(colorPanel, "ARCHIPELAGO COLORS", 24);
			APPlayerSelf = new ColorField(colorPanel, "PLAYER (YOU)", "APPlayerSelf", new Color(0.93f, 0f, 0.93f), true);
			APPlayerOther = new ColorField(colorPanel, "PLAYER (OTHERS)", "APPlayerOther", new Color(0.98f, 0.98f, 0.82f), true);
			APItemFiller = new ColorField(colorPanel, "ITEM (FILLER)", "APItemFiller", new Color(0f, 0.93f, 0.93f), true);
			APItemNeverExclude = new ColorField(colorPanel, "ITEM (USEFUL)", "APItemNeverExclude", new Color(0.43f, 0.55f, 0.91f), true);
			APItemAdvancement = new ColorField(colorPanel, "ITEM (PROGRESSION)", "APItemAdvancement", new Color(0.69f, 0.6f, 0.94f), true);
			APItemTrap = new ColorField(colorPanel, "ITEM (TRAP)", "APItemTrap", new Color(0.98f, 0.5f, 0.45f), true);
			APLocation = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LOCATION", "APLocation", new Color(0f, 1f, 0.5f), true);
			new ConfigHeader(colorPanel, "POPUP COLORS", 24);
			layer0Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 0", "layer0Color", new Color(1f, 0.5f, 0.25f), true);
			layer1Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 1", "layer1Color", new Color(0.2667f, 1f, 0.2706f), true);
			layer2Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 2", "layer2Color", new Color(0.765f, 0.25f, 1f), true);
			layer3Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 3", "layer3Color", new Color(1f, 0.9479f, 0.8566f), true);
			layer4Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 4", "layer4Color", new Color(1f, 1f, 0.25f), true);
			layer5Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 5", "layer5Color", new Color(0.251f, 0.9059f, 1f), true);
			layer6Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 6", "layer6Color", new Color(1f, 0.2353f, 0.2353f), true);
			layer7Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 7", "layer7Color", new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f), true);
			primeColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "PRIME SANCTUMS", "primeColor", new Color(1f, 0.2353f, 0.2353f), true);
			altColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "ALTERNATE WEAPON", "altColor", new Color(1f, 0.65f, 0f), true);
			arm0Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "FEEDBACKER", "arm0Color", new Color(0.251f, 0.9059f, 1f), true);
			arm1Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "KNUCKLEBLASTER", "arm1Color", new Color(1f, 0.2353f, 0.2353f), true);
			arm2Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "WHIPLASH", "arm2Color", new Color(0.2667f, 1f, 0.2706f), true);
			blueSkullColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "BLUE SKULL", "blueSkullColor", new Color(0.251f, 0.9059f, 1f), true);
			redSkullColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "RED SKULL", "redSkullColor", new Color(1f, 0.2353f, 0.2353f), true);
			switchColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "SWITCH", "switchColor", new Color(0.25f, 0.3f, 1f), true);
			pointsColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "POINTS", "pointsColor", new Color(1f, 0.65f, 0f), true);
			dualwieldColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "DUAL WIELD", "dualwieldColor", new Color(1f, 1f, 0.25f), true);
			doublejumpColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "AIR JUMP", "doublejumpColor", new Color(1f, 1f, 0.6f), true);
			confusionColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "CONFUSING AURA", "confusionColor", new Color(0.8242f, 1f, 0.1289f), true);
			trapColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "TRAP", "trapColor", new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f), true);
			hintAdvancementOnly = new BoolField(hintsPanel, "PROGRESSION ITEM HINTS ONLY", "hintAdvancementOnly", true, true);
			hintRefresh = new ButtonField(hintsPanel, "REFRESH LIST", "hintRefresh");
			hintList = new ConfigDivision(hintsPanel, "hintList");
			ButtonField obj27 = hintRefresh;
			object obj28 = <>c.<>9__82_11;
			if (obj28 == null)
				OnClick val12 = delegate
					//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_0087: Expected O, but got Unknown
					//IL_00c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_00cf: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
					//IL_013f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_0184: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_01ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_020f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_0244: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_00ff: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
						hintList = null;
						hintList = new ConfigDivision(hintsPanel, "hintList");
						Hint[] hints = ((IDataStorageWrapper)Multiworld.Session.DataStorage).GetHints((int?)null, (int?)null);
						Hint[] array = hints;
						foreach (Hint val16 in array)
							if (!hintAdvancementOnly.value || (int)val16.ItemFlags == 1)
								if (Array.IndexOf(hints, val16) != 0)
									new ConfigHeader((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "-----", 24);
								((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "ITEM", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val16)}_item", Multiworld.Session.Items.GetItemName(val16.ItemId, (string)null), true, false)).interactable = false;
								((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "RECEIVING PLAYER", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val16)}_receiving_player", Multiworld.Session.Players.GetPlayerAlias(val16.ReceivingPlayer), true, false)).interactable = false;
								((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "LOCATION", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val16)}_location", Multiworld.Session.Locations.GetLocationNameFromId(val16.LocationId, (string)null), true, false)).interactable = false;
								((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "SENDING PLAYER", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val16)}_sending_player", Multiworld.Session.Players.GetPlayerAlias(val16.FindingPlayer), true, false)).interactable = false;
								((ConfigField)new BoolField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "FOUND", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val16)}_found", val16.Found, false)).interactable = false;
				<>c.<>9__82_11 = val12;
				obj28 = (object)val12;
			obj27.onClick += (OnClick)obj28;
			thunderstoreButton = new ButtonField(linksPanel, "THUNDERSTORE", "thunderstoreButton");
			ButtonField obj29 = thunderstoreButton;
			object obj30 = <>c.<>9__82_12;
			if (obj30 == null)
				OnClick val13 = delegate
				<>c.<>9__82_12 = val13;
				obj30 = (object)val13;
			obj29.onClick += (OnClick)obj30;
			githubButton = new ButtonField(linksPanel, "GITHUB", "githubButton");
			ButtonField obj31 = githubButton;
			object obj32 = <>c.<>9__82_13;
			if (obj32 == null)
				OnClick val14 = delegate
				<>c.<>9__82_13 = val14;
				obj32 = (object)val14;
			obj31.onClick += (OnClick)obj32;
			discordButton = new ButtonField(linksPanel, "AP AFTER DARK DISCORD", "discordButton");
			ButtonField obj33 = discordButton;
			object obj34 = <>c.<>9__82_14;
			if (obj34 == null)
				OnClick val15 = delegate
				<>c.<>9__82_14 = val15;
				obj34 = (object)val15;
			obj33.onClick += (OnClick)obj34;

		public static void LoadConnectionInfo()
			if ( != null)
				playerName.value =;
			if ( != null)
				serverAddress.value =;
			if ( != null)
				serverPassword.value =;

		public static void LoadStats()
			start.value =;
			goal.value =;
			goalProgress.value = $"{} / {}";
			string arg = ((LocationManager.locations.Count == 0) ? "?" : LocationManager.locations.Count.ToString());
			locationsChecked.value = $"{[email protected]} / {arg}";
			bossRewards.value =;
			challengeRewards.value =;
			pRankRewards.value =;
			hankRewards.value =;
			clashReward.value =;
			fishRewards.value =;
			cleanRewards.value =;
			chessReward.value =;
			rocketReward.value =;
			randomizeFire2.value =;
			revForm.value =;
			shoForm.value =;
			naiForm.value =;
			randomizeSkulls.value =;
			randomizeLimbo.value =;
			randomizeViolence.value =;
			musicRandomizer.value =;
			cybergrindHints.value =;
			deathLink.value =;

		public static void ResetStatsDefaults()
			start.value = "?";
			goal.value = "?";
			goalProgress.value = "?";
			locationsChecked.value = "?";
			bossRewards.value = BossOptions.Disabled;
			challengeRewards.value = false;
			pRankRewards.value = false;
			hankRewards.value = false;
			clashReward.value = false;
			fishRewards.value = false;
			cleanRewards.value = false;
			chessReward.value = false;
			rocketReward.value = false;
			randomizeFire2.value = false;
			revForm.value = WeaponForm.Standard;
			shoForm.value = WeaponForm.Standard;
			naiForm.value = WeaponForm.Standard;
			randomizeSkulls.value = false;
			randomizeLimbo.value = false;
			randomizeViolence.value = false;
			musicRandomizer.value = false;
			cybergrindHints.value = false;
			deathLink.value = false;
	public static class LevelManager
		public static Dictionary<string, GameObject> skulls = new Dictionary<string, GameObject>();

		public static void FindSkulls()
			//IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0028: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0031: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0084: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b8: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			int num = 0;
			ItemIdentifier[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<ItemIdentifier>();
			foreach (ItemIdentifier val in array)
				if ((int)val.itemType != 1 && (int)val.itemType != 2)
				Scene val2 = ((Component)val).gameObject.scene;
				string name = ((Scene)(ref val2)).name;
				val2 = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
				if (name == ((Scene)(ref val2)).name && (!(SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 7-S") || (((int)val.itemType != 1 || Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent.parent)) && ((int)val.itemType != 2 || !(((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent.parent).name != "Interactives")))))
					if (skulls.ContainsKey(((object)(ItemType)(ref val.itemType)).ToString()))
						skulls[((object)(ItemType)(ref val.itemType)).ToString() + num] = ((Component)val).gameObject;
						skulls[((object)(ItemType)(ref val.itemType)).ToString()] = ((Component)val).gameObject;
			for (int j = 0; j < skulls.Count; j++)
				KeyValuePair<string, GameObject> keyValuePair = skulls.ElementAt(j);
				string text = Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Id.ToString();
				if (Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Name == "0-S")
					text = "0S";
				else if (Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Name == "7-S")
					text = "7S";
				string currentScene = SceneHelper.CurrentScene;
				string text2 = currentScene;
				if (!(text2 == "Level 1-4"))
					if (text2 == "Level 5-1")
						if (j + 1 >
					else if (((Object)keyValuePair.Value).name.Contains("Blue"))
						if (! + "_b"))
					else if (((Object)keyValuePair.Value).name.Contains("Red") && ! + "_r"))
				else if (j + 1 >

		public static void UpdateShopVariation(VariationInfo variation)
			//IL_020f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02f8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0339: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0375: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_026c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03b4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0397: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03d6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0793: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0431: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0412: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0665: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_068f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (variation.weaponName == "arm0" && !
				variation.costText.text = "<color=red>UNAVAILABLE</color>";
				((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "UNAVAILABLE";
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Is not unlocked"));
			if (variation.weaponName == "arm0" &&
				variation.costText.text = "ALREADY OWNED";
				((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "ALREADY OWNED";
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Is unlocked"));
			if (variation.weaponName == "arm1" || variation.weaponName == "arm2")
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Skipping"));
			if (!variation.weaponName.Contains("0"))
				string text = "[Purchase to unlock: ";
				if (LocationManager.locations.ContainsKey("shop_" + variation.weaponName))
					if (LocationManager.shopScouts["shop_" + variation.weaponName] is UKItem uKItem)
						text = text + "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(LocationManager.GetUKMessageColor(uKItem.itemName)) + "FF>" + uKItem.itemName + "</color>";
						if (uKItem.playerName !=
							text = text + " for <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.PlayerOther) + "FF>" + uKItem.playerName + "</color>";
						text += "]\n\n";
					else if (LocationManager.shopScouts["shop_" + variation.weaponName] is APItem aPItem)
						text = text + "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(LocationManager.GetAPMessageColor(aPItem.type)) + "FF>" + aPItem.itemName + "</color>";
						text = text + " for <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.PlayerOther) + "FF>" + aPItem.playerName + "</color>";
						text += "]\n\n";
						text = (((Enum)aPItem.type).HasFlag((Enum)(object)(ItemFlags)1) ? (text + "You don't know what this is, but it seems <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.ItemAdvancement) + "FF>important.</color>") : (((Enum)aPItem.type).HasFlag((Enum)(object)(ItemFlags)2) ? (text + "You don't know what this is, but it seems like it could be <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.ItemNeverExclude) + "FF>useful.</color>") : ((!((Enum)aPItem.type).HasFlag((Enum)(object)(ItemFlags)4)) ? (text + "You don't know what this is, but it seems like you could probably <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.ItemFiller) + "FF>skip this</color> if you wanted to.") : (text + "You don't know what this is, but it seems like they're probably <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.ItemTrap) + "FF>better off without it.</color>"))));
					text = "???";
				((TMP_Text)((Component)variation.varPage.transform.Find("Description")).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = text;
			GameProgressMoneyAndGear generalProgress = GameProgressSaver.GetGeneralProgress();
			FieldInfo field = typeof(GameProgressMoneyAndGear).GetField(variation.weaponName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
			bool flag = int.Parse(field.GetValue(generalProgress).ToString()) == 1;
			if (flag && !variation.weaponName.Contains("0") && !
				bool flag2 = false;
				if (GameProgressSaver.GetMoney() >= Core.shopPrices[variation.weaponName])
					flag2 = true;
				string text2 = ((!flag2) ? ("<color=red>" + MoneyText.DivideMoney(Core.shopPrices[variation.weaponName]) + "P</color>") : (MoneyText.DivideMoney(Core.shopPrices[variation.weaponName]) + "<color=orange>P</color>"));
				variation.costText.text = text2;
				((Component)((Component)variation.equipButton).transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<Image>().sprite = variation.equipSprites[MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.GetInt("weapon." + variation.weaponName, 1)];
				Traverse val = Traverse.Create((object)variation);
				val.Field<int>("equipStatus").Value = MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.GetInt("weapon." + variation.weaponName, 1);
				val.Field<int>("money").Value = GameProgressSaver.GetMoney();
				((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = text2;
				if (flag2)
					((Graphic)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f);
					((Graphic)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.GetComponent<Image>()).color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f);
					((Graphic)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.GetComponent<Image>()).color = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f);
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Is unlocked, is not purchased"));
			else if (!flag && !variation.weaponName.Contains("0") &&
				variation.costText.text = "ALREADY OWNED";
				variation.buyButton.deactivated = true;
				((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "ALREADY OWNED";
				((Graphic)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).color = new Color(0.5882f, 0.5882f, 0.5882f);
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Is unlocked, is purchased"));
			else if (!flag && variation.weaponName.Contains("0"))
				variation.costText.text = "<color=red>UNAVAILABLE</color>";
				((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "UNAVAILABLE";
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Is not unlocked"));

		public static void AddDoorClosers()
			ItemPlaceZone[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<ItemPlaceZone>();
			foreach (ItemPlaceZone val in array)
				if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 1-1")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "11 Nonstuff" && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 1-2")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "3 Nonstuff" && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 2-3")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent != (Object)null && (((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent).name == "Altar" || ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent).name == "Altar (1)") && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 4-4")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "Secret Hall" && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 5-2")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && (((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "6" || ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "7B") && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 5-3")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "2A4 - Skullway" && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 6-1" && (Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "3 - Crossroads" && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))

		public static void DeactivateNailgun()
			GearCheckEnabler[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<GearCheckEnabler>();
			foreach (GearCheckEnabler val in array)
				if (((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent).name == "1 - First Room")

		public static void ChangeIntro()
			//IL_00c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_014c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0174: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0194: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (Core.CurrentLevelHasInfo && Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Id == 1)
				TextMeshProUGUI component = ((Component)GameObject.Find("/Canvas").transform.Find("HurtScreen").Find("Text 2 Sound").Find("Text (2)")).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
				((TMP_Text)component).text = ((TMP_Text)component).text + "\nARCHIPELAGO BY   <color=#fec24c>TRPG</color>";
				((TMP_Text)component).lineSpacing = 25f;
				TextMeshProUGUI component2 = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(((Component)component).gameObject, ((TMP_Text)component).transform.parent).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
				((TMP_Text)component2).text = "and others!";
				((TMP_Text)component2).fontSize = 32f;
				((TMP_Text)component2).transform.localPosition = new Vector3(270f, -70f, 0f);
				((TMP_Text)component2).transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 6f));
				GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(((Component)component).gameObject, ((TMP_Text)component).transform.parent);
				Image val2 = val.AddComponent<Image>();
				val2.sprite = UIManager.bundle.LoadAsset<Sprite>("assets/trpg.png");
				((Graphic)val2).color = new Color(0.992f, 0.758f, 0.297f);
				val2.preserveAspect = true;
				((Component)val2).transform.localPosition = new Vector3(150f, -32f, 0f);
				((Component)val2).transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.08f, 0.08f, 0.08f);

		public static void AddGlassComponents()
			if (!Core.CurrentLevelHasInfo || Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Id != 1)
			Glass[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<Glass>();
			foreach (Glass val in array)
				string name = ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name;
				switch (name)
					if (!(name == "11 Content(Clone)"))
				case "5 Stuff":
				case "5 Stuff(Clone)":
				case "11 Content":
				GameObject gameObject = ((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).gameObject;
				if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)gameObject.GetComponent<GlassDisabler>()))

		public static void FindHank()
			if (!Core.CurrentLevelHasInfo)
			HudMessage[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<HudMessage>();
			foreach (HudMessage val in array)
				if ((Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Id == 9 || Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Id == 22) && ((Object)val).name == "EasterEgg")
					string message = val.message;
					message = message.Replace("Nothing", "Something");
					message = message.Replace("but", "and");
					val.message = message;

		public static void ForceBlueArm()
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)MonoSingleton<FistControl>.Instance))
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)"FistControl.Instance is null!");
			MonoSingleton<FistControl>.Instance.forcedLoadout.arm.blueVariant = (VariantOption)1;

		public static void FindRocketRaceButton()
			if (!(SceneHelper.CurrentScene != "CreditsMuseum2") &&
				GameObject.Find("/PuzzleScreen (2)/Canvas/Background/Start").AddComponent<RocketRaceCheck>();
	public static class Multiworld
		public static int[] AP_VERSION = new int[3] { 0, 5, 1 };

		public static DeathLinkService DeathLinkService = null;

		public static bool DeathLinkKilling = false;

		public static bool Authenticated;

		public static bool HintMode = false;

		public static ArchipelagoSession Session;

		public static List<string> messages = new List<string>();

		public static void TryGetStart(ref HashSet<string> unlockedLevels, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string defaultValue)
				unlockedLevels.Add(slotData["start"].ToString()); = slotData["start"].ToString();
			catch (KeyNotFoundException)
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)("No key found for start level. Using default value (" + defaultValue + ")"));
				unlockedLevels.Add(defaultValue); = defaultValue;

		public static void TryGetGoal(ref string goal, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string defaultValue)
			if (int.TryParse(slotData["goal"].ToString(), out var result))
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)"Using legacy goal option.");
				switch (result)
				case 0:
					goal = "1-4";
				case 1:
					goal = "2-4";
				case 2:
					goal = "3-2";
				case 3:
					goal = "4-4";
				case 4:
					goal = "5-4";
				case 6:
					goal = "P-1";
				case 7:
					goal = "P-2";
				case 8:
					goal = "7-4";
					goal = "6-2";
				goal = slotData["goal"].ToString();

		public static void TryGetSlotDataValue(ref string option, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string key, string defaultValue)
				option = slotData[key].ToString();
			catch (KeyNotFoundException)
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)("No key found for option \"" + key + "\". Using default value (" + defaultValue + ")"));
				option = defaultValue;

		public static void TryGetSlotDataValue(ref int option, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string key, int defaultValue)
				option = int.Parse(slotData[key].ToString());
			catch (KeyNotFoundException)
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)$"No key found for option \"{key}\". Using default value ({defaultValue})");
				option = defaultValue;

		public static void TryGetSlotDataValue(ref bool option, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string key, bool defaultValue)
				option = bool.Parse(slotData[key].ToString());
			catch (KeyNotFoundException)
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)$"No key found for option \"{key}\". Using default value ({defaultValue})");
				option = defaultValue;

		public static void TryGetSlotDataValue(ref BossOptions option, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string key, BossOptions defaultValue)
				option = (BossOptions)int.Parse(slotData[key].ToString());
			catch (KeyNotFoundException)
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)$"No key found for option \"{key}\". Using default value ({defaultValue})");
				option = defaultValue;

		public static void TryGetSlotDataValue(ref WeaponForm option, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string key, WeaponForm defaultValue)
				option = (WeaponForm)int.Parse(slotData[key].ToString());
			catch (KeyNotFoundException)
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)$"No key found for option \"{key}\". Using default value ({defaultValue})");
				option = defaultValue;

		public static bool Connect()
			//IL_0052: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_005c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0078: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_008a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0094: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b0: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0abc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_079c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0803: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_09d7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_09dc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (Authenticated)
				return true;
			} = 0; = 0;
			Session = ArchipelagoSessionFactory.CreateSession(, 38281);
			Session.Socket.SocketClosed += new SocketClosedHandler(SocketClosed);
			Session.Socket.ErrorReceived += new ErrorReceivedHandler(ErrorReceived);
			Session.Socket.PacketReceived += new PacketReceivedHandler(PacketReceived);
			Session.Items.ItemReceived += new ItemReceivedHandler(ItemReceived);
			LoginResult val = Session.TryConnectAndLogin("ULTRAKILL",, (ItemsHandlingFlags)7, new Version(AP_VERSION[0], AP_VERSION[1], AP_VERSION[2]), (string[])null, (string)null, ( == "") ? null :, true);
			LoginSuccessful val2 = (LoginSuccessful)(object)((val is LoginSuccessful) ? val : null);
			if (val2 != null)
				Authenticated = true;
				ConfigManager.isConnected.value = true;
				((ConfigField)ConfigManager.playerName).interactable = false;
				((ConfigField)ConfigManager.serverAddress).interactable = false;
				((ConfigField)ConfigManager.serverPassword).interactable = false;
				((ConfigField)ConfigManager.hintMode).interactable = false;
				((ConfigField) = true;
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "version", string.Empty);
				TryGetStart(ref, val2.SlotData, "0-1");
				TryGetGoal(ref, val2.SlotData, "6-2");
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "goal_requirement", 15);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "boss_rewards", BossOptions.Disabled);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "challenge_rewards", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "p_rank_rewards", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "hank_rewards", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "randomize_clash_mode", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "fish_rewards", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "cleaning_rewards", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "chess_reward", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "rocket_race_reward", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "randomize_secondary_fire", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "revolver_form", WeaponForm.Standard);


Decompiled a month ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Timers;
using WebSocketSharp.Net;
using WebSocketSharp.Net.WebSockets;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("websocket-sharp")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("A C# implementation of the WebSocket protocol client and server")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("websocket-sharp.dll")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("sta.blockhead")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace WebSocketSharp
	public static class Ext
		private static readonly byte[] _last = new byte[1];

		private static readonly int _retry = 5;

		private const string _tspecials = "()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t";

		private static byte[] compress(this byte[] data)
			if (data.LongLength == 0)
				return data;
			using MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data);
			return stream.compressToArray();

		private static MemoryStream compress(this Stream stream)
			MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			if (stream.Length == 0)
				return memoryStream;
			stream.Position = 0L;
			using DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(memoryStream, CompressionMode.Compress, leaveOpen: true);
			CopyTo(stream, deflateStream, 1024);
			memoryStream.Write(_last, 0, 1);
			memoryStream.Position = 0L;
			return memoryStream;

		private static byte[] compressToArray(this Stream stream)
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = stream.compress();
			return memoryStream.ToArray();

		private static byte[] decompress(this byte[] data)
			if (data.LongLength == 0)
				return data;
			using MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data);
			return stream.decompressToArray();

		private static MemoryStream decompress(this Stream stream)
			MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			if (stream.Length == 0)
				return memoryStream;
			stream.Position = 0L;
			using DeflateStream source = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress, leaveOpen: true);
			CopyTo(source, memoryStream, 1024);
			memoryStream.Position = 0L;
			return memoryStream;

		private static byte[] decompressToArray(this Stream stream)
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = stream.decompress();
			return memoryStream.ToArray();

		private static bool isHttpMethod(this string value)
			int result;
			switch (value)
				result = ((value == "TRACE") ? 1 : 0);
			case "GET":
			case "HEAD":
			case "POST":
			case "PUT":
			case "DELETE":
			case "CONNECT":
			case "OPTIONS":
				result = 1;
			return (byte)result != 0;

		private static bool isHttpMethod10(this string value)
			return value == "GET" || value == "HEAD" || value == "POST";

		internal static byte[] Append(this ushort code, string reason)
			byte[] array = code.InternalToByteArray(ByteOrder.Big);
			if (reason == null || reason.Length == 0)
				return array;
			List<byte> list = new List<byte>(array);
			return list.ToArray();

		internal static byte[] Compress(this byte[] data, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? data.compress() : data;

		internal static Stream Compress(this Stream stream, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? stream.compress() : stream;

		internal static byte[] CompressToArray(this Stream stream, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? stream.compressToArray() : stream.ToByteArray();

		internal static bool Contains(this string value, params char[] anyOf)
			return anyOf != null && anyOf.Length != 0 && value.IndexOfAny(anyOf) > -1;

		internal static bool Contains(this NameValueCollection collection, string name)
			return collection[name] != null;

		internal static bool Contains(this NameValueCollection collection, string name, string value, StringComparison comparisonTypeForValue)
			string text = collection[name];
			if (text == null)
				return false;
			string[] array = text.Split(new char[1] { ',' });
			foreach (string text2 in array)
				if (text2.Trim().Equals(value, comparisonTypeForValue))
					return true;
			return false;

		internal static bool Contains<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, bool> condition)
			foreach (T item in source)
				if (condition(item))
					return true;
			return false;

		internal static bool ContainsTwice(this string[] values)
			int len = values.Length;
			int end = len - 1;
			Func<int, bool> seek = null;
			seek = delegate(int idx)
				if (idx == end)
					return false;
				string text = values[idx];
				for (int i = idx + 1; i < len; i++)
					if (values[i] == text)
						return true;
				return seek(++idx);
			return seek(0);

		internal static T[] Copy<T>(this T[] source, int length)
			T[] array = new T[length];
			Array.Copy(source, 0, array, 0, length);
			return array;

		internal static T[] Copy<T>(this T[] source, long length)
			T[] array = new T[length];
			Array.Copy(source, 0L, array, 0L, length);
			return array;

		internal static void CopyTo(this Stream source, Stream destination, int bufferLength)
			byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength];
			int num = 0;
			while (true)
				num = source.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLength);
				if (num <= 0)
				destination.Write(buffer, 0, num);

		internal static void CopyToAsync(this Stream source, Stream destination, int bufferLength, Action completed, Action<Exception> error)
			byte[] buff = new byte[bufferLength];
			AsyncCallback callback = null;
			callback = delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
					int num = source.EndRead(ar);
					if (num <= 0)
						if (completed != null)
						destination.Write(buff, 0, num);
						source.BeginRead(buff, 0, bufferLength, callback, null);
				catch (Exception obj2)
					if (error != null)
				source.BeginRead(buff, 0, bufferLength, callback, null);
			catch (Exception obj)
				if (error != null)

		internal static byte[] Decompress(this byte[] data, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? data.decompress() : data;

		internal static Stream Decompress(this Stream stream, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? stream.decompress() : stream;

		internal static byte[] DecompressToArray(this Stream stream, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? stream.decompressToArray() : stream.ToByteArray();

		internal static void Emit(this EventHandler eventHandler, object sender, EventArgs e)
			eventHandler?.Invoke(sender, e);

		internal static void Emit<TEventArgs>(this EventHandler<TEventArgs> eventHandler, object sender, TEventArgs e) where TEventArgs : EventArgs
			eventHandler?.Invoke(sender, e);

		internal static bool EqualsWith(this int value, char c, Action<int> action)
			return value == c;

		internal static string GetAbsolutePath(this Uri uri)
			if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
				return uri.AbsolutePath;
			string originalString = uri.OriginalString;
			if (originalString[0] != '/')
				return null;
			int num = originalString.IndexOfAny(new char[2] { '?', '#' });
			return (num > 0) ? originalString.Substring(0, num) : originalString;

		internal static WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection GetCookies(this NameValueCollection headers, bool response)
			string text = headers[response ? "Set-Cookie" : "Cookie"];
			return (text != null) ? WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection.Parse(text, response) : new WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection();

		internal static string GetDnsSafeHost(this Uri uri, bool bracketIPv6)
			return (bracketIPv6 && uri.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.IPv6) ? uri.Host : uri.DnsSafeHost;

		internal static string GetMessage(this CloseStatusCode code)
			return code switch
				CloseStatusCode.TlsHandshakeFailure => "An error has occurred during a TLS handshake.", 
				CloseStatusCode.ServerError => "WebSocket server got an internal error.", 
				CloseStatusCode.MandatoryExtension => "WebSocket client didn't receive expected extension(s).", 
				CloseStatusCode.TooBig => "A too big message has been received.", 
				CloseStatusCode.PolicyViolation => "A policy violation has occurred.", 
				CloseStatusCode.InvalidData => "Invalid data has been received.", 
				CloseStatusCode.Abnormal => "An exception has occurred.", 
				CloseStatusCode.UnsupportedData => "Unsupported data has been received.", 
				CloseStatusCode.ProtocolError => "A WebSocket protocol error has occurred.", 
				_ => string.Empty, 

		internal static string GetName(this string nameAndValue, char separator)
			int num = nameAndValue.IndexOf(separator);
			return (num > 0) ? nameAndValue.Substring(0, num).Trim() : null;

		internal static string GetUTF8DecodedString(this byte[] bytes)
			return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

		internal static byte[] GetUTF8EncodedBytes(this string s)
			return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);

		internal static string GetValue(this string nameAndValue, char separator)
			return nameAndValue.GetValue(separator, unquote: false);

		internal static string GetValue(this string nameAndValue, char separator, bool unquote)
			int num = nameAndValue.IndexOf(separator);
			if (num < 0 || num == nameAndValue.Length - 1)
				return null;
			string text = nameAndValue.Substring(num + 1).Trim();
			return unquote ? text.Unquote() : text;

		internal static byte[] InternalToByteArray(this ushort value, ByteOrder order)
			byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
			if (!order.IsHostOrder())
			return bytes;

		internal static byte[] InternalToByteArray(this ulong value, ByteOrder order)
			byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
			if (!order.IsHostOrder())
			return bytes;

		internal static bool IsCompressionExtension(this string value, CompressionMethod method)
			return value.StartsWith(method.ToExtensionString());

		internal static bool IsControl(this byte opcode)
			return opcode > 7 && opcode < 16;

		internal static bool IsControl(this Opcode opcode)
			return (int)opcode >= 8;

		internal static bool IsData(this byte opcode)
			return opcode == 1 || opcode == 2;

		internal static bool IsData(this Opcode opcode)
			return opcode == Opcode.Text || opcode == Opcode.Binary;

		internal static bool IsHttpMethod(this string value, Version version)
			return (version == WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpVersion.Version10) ? value.isHttpMethod10() : value.isHttpMethod();

		internal static bool IsPortNumber(this int value)
			return value > 0 && value < 65536;

		internal static bool IsReserved(this ushort code)
			return code == 1004 || code == 1005 || code == 1006 || code == 1015;

		internal static bool IsReserved(this CloseStatusCode code)
			return code == CloseStatusCode.Undefined || code == CloseStatusCode.NoStatus || code == CloseStatusCode.Abnormal || code == CloseStatusCode.TlsHandshakeFailure;

		internal static bool IsSupported(this byte opcode)
			return Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Opcode), opcode);

		internal static bool IsText(this string value)
			int length = value.Length;
			for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
				char c = value[i];
				if (c < ' ')
					if ("\r\n\t".IndexOf(c) == -1)
						return false;
					if (c == '\n')
						if (i == length)
						c = value[i];
						if (" \t".IndexOf(c) == -1)
							return false;
				else if (c == '\u007f')
					return false;
			return true;

		internal static bool IsToken(this string value)
			foreach (char c in value)
				if (c < ' ')
					return false;
				if (c > '~')
					return false;
				if ("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t".IndexOf(c) > -1)
					return false;
			return true;

		internal static bool KeepsAlive(this NameValueCollection headers, Version version)
			StringComparison comparisonTypeForValue = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
			return (version < WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpVersion.Version11) ? headers.Contains("Connection", "keep-alive", comparisonTypeForValue) : (!headers.Contains("Connection", "close", comparisonTypeForValue));

		internal static string Quote(this string value)
			return string.Format("\"{0}\"", value.Replace("\"", "\\\""));

		internal static byte[] ReadBytes(this Stream stream, int length)
			byte[] array = new byte[length];
			int num = 0;
			int num2 = 0;
			int num3 = 0;
			while (length > 0)
				num3 = stream.Read(array, num, length);
				if (num3 <= 0)
					if (num2 >= _retry)
						return array.SubArray(0, num);
					num2 = 0;
					num += num3;
					length -= num3;
			return array;

		internal static byte[] ReadBytes(this Stream stream, long length, int bufferLength)
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength];
			int num = 0;
			int num2 = 0;
			while (length > 0)
				if (length < bufferLength)
					bufferLength = (int)length;
				num2 = stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLength);
				if (num2 <= 0)
					if (num >= _retry)
					num = 0;
					memoryStream.Write(buffer, 0, num2);
					length -= num2;
			return memoryStream.ToArray();

		internal static void ReadBytesAsync(this Stream stream, int length, Action<byte[]> completed, Action<Exception> error)
			byte[] buff = new byte[length];
			int offset = 0;
			int retry = 0;
			AsyncCallback callback = null;
			callback = delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
					int num = stream.EndRead(ar);
					if (num <= 0)
						if (retry < _retry)
							stream.BeginRead(buff, offset, length, callback, null);
						else if (completed != null)
							completed(buff.SubArray(0, offset));
					else if (num == length)
						if (completed != null)
						retry = 0;
						offset += num;
						length -= num;
						stream.BeginRead(buff, offset, length, callback, null);
				catch (Exception obj2)
					if (error != null)
				stream.BeginRead(buff, offset, length, callback, null);
			catch (Exception obj)
				if (error != null)

		internal static void ReadBytesAsync(this Stream stream, long length, int bufferLength, Action<byte[]> completed, Action<Exception> error)
			MemoryStream dest = new MemoryStream();
			byte[] buff = new byte[bufferLength];
			int retry = 0;
			Action<long> read = null;
			read = delegate(long len)
				if (len < bufferLength)
					bufferLength = (int)len;
				stream.BeginRead(buff, 0, bufferLength, delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
						int num = stream.EndRead(ar);
						if (num <= 0)
							if (retry < _retry)
								int num2 = retry;
								retry = num2 + 1;
								if (completed != null)
							dest.Write(buff, 0, num);
							if (num == len)
								if (completed != null)
								retry = 0;
								read(len - num);
					catch (Exception obj2)
						if (error != null)
				}, null);
			catch (Exception obj)
				if (error != null)

		internal static T[] Reverse<T>(this T[] array)
			int num = array.Length;
			T[] array2 = new T[num];
			int num2 = num - 1;
			for (int i = 0; i <= num2; i++)
				array2[i] = array[num2 - i];
			return array2;

		internal static IEnumerable<string> SplitHeaderValue(this string value, params char[] separators)
			int len = value.Length;
			int end = len - 1;
			StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(32);
			bool escaped = false;
			bool quoted = false;
			for (int i = 0; i <= end; i++)
				char c = value[i];
				switch (c)
				case '"':
					if (escaped)
						escaped = false;
						quoted = !quoted;
				case '\\':
					if (i == end)
					if (value[i + 1] == '"')
						escaped = true;
					if (Array.IndexOf(separators, c) > -1 && !quoted)
						yield return buff.ToString();
						buff.Length = 0;
			yield return buff.ToString();

		internal static byte[] ToByteArray(this Stream stream)
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			stream.Position = 0L;
			CopyTo(stream, memoryStream, 1024);
			return memoryStream.ToArray();

		internal static CompressionMethod ToCompressionMethod(this string value)
			Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(CompressionMethod));
			foreach (CompressionMethod item in values)
				if (item.ToExtensionString() == value)
					return item;
			return CompressionMethod.None;

		internal static string ToExtensionString(this CompressionMethod method, params string[] parameters)
			if (method == CompressionMethod.None)
				return string.Empty;
			string text = $"permessage-{method.ToString().ToLower()}";
			return (parameters != null && parameters.Length != 0) ? string.Format("{0}; {1}", text, parameters.ToString("; ")) : text;

		internal static IPAddress ToIPAddress(this string value)
			if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
				return null;
			if (IPAddress.TryParse(value, out IPAddress address))
				return address;
				IPAddress[] hostAddresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(value);
				return hostAddresses[0];
				return null;

		internal static List<TSource> ToList<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source)
			return new List<TSource>(source);

		internal static string ToString(this IPAddress address, bool bracketIPv6)
			return (bracketIPv6 && address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) ? $"[{address.ToString()}]" : address.ToString();

		internal static ushort ToUInt16(this byte[] source, ByteOrder sourceOrder)
			return BitConverter.ToUInt16(source.ToHostOrder(sourceOrder), 0);

		internal static ulong ToUInt64(this byte[] source, ByteOrder sourceOrder)
			return BitConverter.ToUInt64(source.ToHostOrder(sourceOrder), 0);

		internal static IEnumerable<string> TrimEach(this IEnumerable<string> source)
			foreach (string elm in source)
				yield return elm.Trim();

		internal static string TrimSlashFromEnd(this string value)
			string text = value.TrimEnd(new char[1] { '/' });
			return (text.Length > 0) ? text : "/";

		internal static string TrimSlashOrBackslashFromEnd(this string value)
			string text = value.TrimEnd('/', '\\');
			return (text.Length > 0) ? text : value[0].ToString();

		internal static bool TryCreateVersion(this string versionString, out Version result)
			result = null;
				result = new Version(versionString);
				return false;
			return true;

		internal static bool TryCreateWebSocketUri(this string uriString, out Uri result, out string message)
			result = null;
			message = null;
			Uri uri = uriString.ToUri();
			if (uri == null)
				message = "An invalid URI string.";
				return false;
			if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
				message = "A relative URI.";
				return false;
			string scheme = uri.Scheme;
			if (!(scheme == "ws") && !(scheme == "wss"))
				message = "The scheme part is not 'ws' or 'wss'.";
				return false;
			int port = uri.Port;
			if (port == 0)
				message = "The port part is zero.";
				return false;
			if (uri.Fragment.Length > 0)
				message = "It includes the fragment component.";
				return false;
			result = ((port != -1) ? uri : new Uri(string.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}{3}", scheme, uri.Host, (scheme == "ws") ? 80 : 443, uri.PathAndQuery)));
			return true;

		internal static bool TryGetUTF8DecodedString(this byte[] bytes, out string s)
			s = null;
				s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
				return false;
			return true;

		internal static bool TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(this string s, out byte[] bytes)
			bytes = null;
				bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);
				return false;
			return true;

		internal static bool TryOpenRead(this FileInfo fileInfo, out FileStream fileStream)
			fileStream = null;
				fileStream = fileInfo.OpenRead();
				return false;
			return true;

		internal static string Unquote(this string value)
			int num = value.IndexOf('"');
			if (num == -1)
				return value;
			int num2 = value.LastIndexOf('"');
			if (num2 == num)
				return value;
			int num3 = num2 - num - 1;
			return (num3 > 0) ? value.Substring(num + 1, num3).Replace("\\\"", "\"") : string.Empty;

		internal static bool Upgrades(this NameValueCollection headers, string protocol)
			StringComparison comparisonTypeForValue = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
			return headers.Contains("Upgrade", protocol, comparisonTypeForValue) && headers.Contains("Connection", "Upgrade", comparisonTypeForValue);

		internal static string UrlDecode(this string value, Encoding encoding)
			return HttpUtility.UrlDecode(value, encoding);

		internal static string UrlEncode(this string value, Encoding encoding)
			return HttpUtility.UrlEncode(value, encoding);

		internal static void WriteBytes(this Stream stream, byte[] bytes, int bufferLength)
			using MemoryStream source = new MemoryStream(bytes);
			CopyTo(source, stream, bufferLength);

		internal static void WriteBytesAsync(this Stream stream, byte[] bytes, int bufferLength, Action completed, Action<Exception> error)
			MemoryStream src = new MemoryStream(bytes);
			src.CopyToAsync(stream, bufferLength, delegate
				if (completed != null)
			}, delegate(Exception ex)
				if (error != null)

		public static string GetDescription(this WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpStatusCode code)
			return ((int)code).GetStatusDescription();

		public static string GetStatusDescription(this int code)
			return code switch
				100 => "Continue", 
				101 => "Switching Protocols", 
				102 => "Processing", 
				200 => "OK", 
				201 => "Created", 
				202 => "Accepted", 
				203 => "Non-Authoritative Information", 
				204 => "No Content", 
				205 => "Reset Content", 
				206 => "Partial Content", 
				207 => "Multi-Status", 
				300 => "Multiple Choices", 
				301 => "Moved Permanently", 
				302 => "Found", 
				303 => "See Other", 
				304 => "Not Modified", 
				305 => "Use Proxy", 
				307 => "Temporary Redirect", 
				400 => "Bad Request", 
				401 => "Unauthorized", 
				402 => "Payment Required", 
				403 => "Forbidden", 
				404 => "Not Found", 
				405 => "Method Not Allowed", 
				406 => "Not Acceptable", 
				407 => "Proxy Authentication Required", 
				408 => "Request Timeout", 
				409 => "Conflict", 
				410 => "Gone", 
				411 => "Length Required", 
				412 => "Precondition Failed", 
				413 => "Request Entity Too Large", 
				414 => "Request-Uri Too Long", 
				415 => "Unsupported Media Type", 
				416 => "Requested Range Not Satisfiable", 
				417 => "Expectation Failed", 
				422 => "Unprocessable Entity", 
				423 => "Locked", 
				424 => "Failed Dependency", 
				500 => "Internal Server Error", 
				501 => "Not Implemented", 
				502 => "Bad Gateway", 
				503 => "Service Unavailable", 
				504 => "Gateway Timeout", 
				505 => "Http Version Not Supported", 
				507 => "Insufficient Storage", 
				_ => string.Empty, 

		public static bool IsCloseStatusCode(this ushort value)
			return value > 999 && value < 5000;

		public static bool IsEnclosedIn(this string value, char c)
			if (value == null)
				return false;
			int length = value.Length;
			if (length < 2)
				return false;
			return value[0] == c && value[length - 1] == c;

		public static bool IsHostOrder(this ByteOrder order)
			return BitConverter.IsLittleEndian == (order == ByteOrder.Little);

		public static bool IsLocal(this IPAddress address)
			if (address == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("address");
			if (address.Equals(IPAddress.Any))
				return true;
			if (address.Equals(IPAddress.Loopback))
				return true;
			if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv6)
				if (address.Equals(IPAddress.IPv6Any))
					return true;
				if (address.Equals(IPAddress.IPv6Loopback))
					return true;
			string hostName = Dns.GetHostName();
			IPAddress[] hostAddresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostName);
			IPAddress[] array = hostAddresses;
			foreach (IPAddress obj in array)
				if (address.Equals(obj))
					return true;
			return false;

		public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(this string value)
			return value == null || value.Length == 0;

		public static bool IsPredefinedScheme(this string value)
			if (value == null || value.Length < 2)
				return false;
			switch (value[0])
			case 'h':
				return value == "http" || value == "https";
			case 'w':
				return value == "ws" || value == "wss";
			case 'f':
				return value == "file" || value == "ftp";
			case 'g':
				return value == "gopher";
			case 'm':
				return value == "mailto";
			case 'n':
				char c = value[1];
				return (c != 'e') ? (value == "nntp") : (value == "news" || value == "net.pipe" || value == "net.tcp");
				return false;

		public static bool MaybeUri(this string value)
			if (value == null)
				return false;
			if (value.Length == 0)
				return false;
			int num = value.IndexOf(':');
			if (num == -1)
				return false;
			if (num >= 10)
				return false;
			string value2 = value.Substring(0, num);
			return value2.IsPredefinedScheme();

		public static T[] SubArray<T>(this T[] array, int startIndex, int length)
			if (array == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
			int num = array.Length;
			if (num == 0)
				if (startIndex != 0)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex");
				if (length != 0)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
				return array;
			if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= num)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex");
			if (length < 0 || length > num - startIndex)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
			if (length == 0)
				return new T[0];
			if (length == num)
				return array;
			T[] array2 = new T[length];
			Array.Copy(array, startIndex, array2, 0, length);
			return array2;

		public static T[] SubArray<T>(this T[] array, long startIndex, long length)
			if (array == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
			long num = array.LongLength;
			if (num == 0)
				if (startIndex != 0)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex");
				if (length != 0)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
				return array;
			if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= num)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex");
			if (length < 0 || length > num - startIndex)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
			if (length == 0)
				return new T[0];
			if (length == num)
				return array;
			T[] array2 = new T[length];
			Array.Copy(array, startIndex, array2, 0L, length);
			return array2;

		public static void Times(this int n, Action action)
			if (n > 0 && action != null)
				for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

		public static void Times(this long n, Action action)
			if (n > 0 && action != null)
				for (long num = 0L; num < n; num++)

		public static void Times(this uint n, Action action)
			if (n != 0 && action != null)
				for (uint num = 0u; num < n; num++)

		public static void Times(this ulong n, Action action)
			if (n != 0 && action != null)
				for (ulong num = 0uL; num < n; num++)

		public static void Times(this int n, Action<int> action)
			if (n > 0 && action != null)
				for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

		public static void Times(this long n, Action<long> action)
			if (n > 0 && action != null)
				for (long num = 0L; num < n; num++)

		public static void Times(this uint n, Action<uint> action)
			if (n != 0 && action != null)
				for (uint num = 0u; num < n; num++)

		public static void Times(this ulong n, Action<ulong> action)
			if (n != 0 && action != null)
				for (ulong num = 0uL; num < n; num++)

		[Obsolete("This method will be removed.")]
		public static T To<T>(this byte[] source, ByteOrder sourceOrder) where T : struct
			if (source == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
			if (source.Length == 0)
				return default(T);
			Type typeFromHandle = typeof(T);
			byte[] value = source.ToHostOrder(sourceOrder);
			return ((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(bool)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToBoolean(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(char)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToChar(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(double)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToDouble(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(short)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToInt16(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(int)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(long)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToInt64(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(float)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToSingle(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(ushort)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToUInt16(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(uint)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToUInt32(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(ulong)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToUInt64(value, 0)) : default(T))))))))));

		[Obsolete("This method will be removed.")]
		public static byte[] ToByteArray<T>(this T value, ByteOrder order) where T : struct
			Type typeFromHandle = typeof(T);
			byte[] array = (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(bool)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((bool)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle != typeof(byte)) ? (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(char)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((char)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(double)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((double)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(short)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((short)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(int)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((int)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(long)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((long)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(float)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((float)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(ushort)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(uint)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(ulong)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((ulong)(object)value) : WebSocket.EmptyBytes))))))))) : new byte[1] { (byte)(object)value }));
			if (array.Length > 1 && !order.IsHostOrder())
			return array;

		public static byte[] ToHostOrder(this byte[] source, ByteOrder sourceOrder)
			if (source == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
			if (source.Length < 2)
				return source;
			if (sourceOrder.IsHostOrder())
				return source;
			return source.Reverse();

		public static string ToString<T>(this T[] array, string separator)
			if (array == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
			int num = array.Length;
			if (num == 0)
				return string.Empty;
			if (separator == null)
				separator = string.Empty;
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(64);
			int num2 = num - 1;
			for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
				stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", array[i], separator);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public static Uri ToUri(this string value)
			Uri.TryCreate(value, value.MaybeUri() ? UriKind.Absolute : UriKind.Relative, out Uri result);
			return result;

		[Obsolete("This method will be removed.")]
		public static void WriteContent(this WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpListenerResponse response, byte[] content)
			if (response == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("response");
			if (content == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("content");
			long num = content.LongLength;
			if (num == 0)
			response.ContentLength64 = num;
			Stream outputStream = response.OutputStream;
			if (num <= int.MaxValue)
				outputStream.Write(content, 0, (int)num);
				outputStream.WriteBytes(content, 1024);
	public class MessageEventArgs : EventArgs
		private string _data;

		private bool _dataSet;

		private Opcode _opcode;

		private byte[] _rawData;

		internal Opcode Opcode => _opcode;

		public string Data
				return _data;

		public bool IsBinary => _opcode == Opcode.Binary;

		public bool IsPing => _opcode == Opcode.Ping;

		public bool IsText => _opcode == Opcode.Text;

		public byte[] RawData
				return _rawData;

		internal MessageEventArgs(WebSocketFrame frame)
			_opcode = frame.Opcode;
			_rawData = frame.PayloadData.ApplicationData;

		internal MessageEventArgs(Opcode opcode, byte[] rawData)
			if ((ulong)rawData.LongLength > PayloadData.MaxLength)
				throw new WebSocketException(CloseStatusCode.TooBig);
			_opcode = opcode;
			_rawData = rawData;

		private void setData()
			if (_dataSet)
			if (_opcode == Opcode.Binary)
				_dataSet = true;
			if (_rawData.TryGetUTF8DecodedString(out var s))
				_data = s;
			_dataSet = true;
	public class CloseEventArgs : EventArgs
		private bool _clean;

		private PayloadData _payloadData;

		public ushort Code => _payloadData.Code;

		public string Reason => _payloadData.Reason;

		public bool WasClean => _clean;

		internal CloseEventArgs(PayloadData payloadData, bool clean)
			_payloadData = payloadData;
			_clean = clean;

		internal CloseEventArgs(ushort code, string reason, bool clean)
			_payloadData = new PayloadData(code, reason);
			_clean = clean;
	public enum ByteOrder
	public class ErrorEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Exception _exception;

		private string _message;

		public Exception Exception => _exception;

		public string Message => _message;

		internal ErrorEventArgs(string message)
			: this(message, null)

		internal ErrorEventArgs(string message, Exception exception)
			_message = message;
			_exception = exception;
	public class WebSocket : IDisposable
		private AuthenticationChallenge _authChallenge;

		private string _base64Key;

		private bool _client;

		private Action _closeContext;

		private CompressionMethod _compression;

		private WebSocketContext _context;

		private WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection _cookies;

		private WebSocketSharp.Net.NetworkCredential _credentials;

		private bool _emitOnPing;

		private bool _enableRedirection;

		private string _extensions;

		private bool _extensionsRequested;

		private object _forMessageEventQueue;

		private object _forPing;

		private object _forSend;

		private object _forState;

		private MemoryStream _fragmentsBuffer;

		private bool _fragmentsCompressed;

		private Opcode _fragmentsOpcode;

		private const string _guid = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11";

		private Func<WebSocketContext, string> _handshakeRequestChecker;

		private bool _ignoreExtensions;

		private bool _inContinuation;

		private volatile bool _inMessage;

		private volatile Logger _logger;

		private static readonly int _maxRetryCountForConnect;

		private Action<MessageEventArgs> _message;

		private Queue<MessageEventArgs> _messageEventQueue;

		private uint _nonceCount;

		private string _origin;

		private ManualResetEvent _pongReceived;

		private bool _preAuth;

		private string _protocol;

		private string[] _protocols;

		private bool _protocolsRequested;

		private WebSocketSharp.Net.NetworkCredential _proxyCredentials;

		private Uri _proxyUri;

		private volatile WebSocketState _readyState;

		private ManualResetEvent _receivingExited;

		private int _retryCountForConnect;

		private bool _secure;

		private ClientSslConfiguration _sslConfig;

		private Stream _stream;

		private TcpClient _tcpClient;

		private Uri _uri;

		private const string _version = "13";

		private TimeSpan _waitTime;

		internal static readonly byte[] EmptyBytes;

		internal static readonly int FragmentLength;

		internal static readonly RandomNumberGenerator RandomNumber;

		internal WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection CookieCollection => _cookies;

		internal Func<WebSocketContext, string> CustomHandshakeRequestChecker
				return _handshakeRequestChecker;
				_handshakeRequestChecker = value;

		internal bool HasMessage
				lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
					return _messageEventQueue.Count > 0;

		internal bool IgnoreExtensions
				return _ignoreExtensions;
				_ignoreExtensions = value;

		internal bool IsConnected => _readyState == WebSocketState.Open || _readyState == WebSocketState.Closing;

		public CompressionMethod Compression
				return _compression;
				string text = null;
				if (!_client)
					text = "This instance is not a client.";
					throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
				if (!canSet(out text))
				lock (_forState)
					if (!canSet(out text))
						_compression = value;

		public IEnumerable<WebSocketSharp.Net.Cookie> Cookies
				lock (_cookies.SyncRoot)
					foreach (WebSocketSharp.Net.Cookie cookie in _cookies)
						yield return cookie;

		public WebSocketSharp.Net.NetworkCredential Credentials => _credentials;

		public bool EmitOnPing
				return _emitOnPing;
				_emitOnPing = value;

		public bool EnableRedirection
				return _enableRedirection;
				string text = null;
				if (!_client)
					text = "This instance is not a client.";
					throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
				if (!canSet(out text))
				lock (_forState)
					if (!canSet(out text))
						_enableRedirection = value;

		public string Extensions => _extensions ?? string.Empty;

		public bool IsAlive => ping(EmptyBytes);

		public bool IsSecure => _secure;

		public Logger Log
				return _logger;
			internal set
				_logger = value;

		public string Origin
				return _origin;
				string text = null;
				if (!_client)
					text = "This instance is not a client.";
					throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
				if (!value.IsNullOrEmpty())
					if (!Uri.TryCreate(value, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri result))
						text = "Not an absolute URI string.";
						throw new ArgumentException(text, "value");
					if (result.Segments.Length > 1)
						text = "It includes the path segments.";
						throw new ArgumentException(text, "value");
				if (!canSet(out text))
				lock (_forState)
					if (!canSet(out text))
					_origin = ((!value.IsNullOrEmpty()) ? value.TrimEnd(new char[1] { '/' }) : value);

		public string Protocol
				return _protocol ?? string.Empty;
			internal set
				_protocol = value;

		public WebSocketState ReadyState => _readyState;

		public ClientSslConfiguration SslConfiguration
				if (!_client)
					string text = "This instance is not a client.";
					throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
				if (!_secure)
					string text2 = "This instance does not use a secure connection.";
					throw new InvalidOperationException(text2);
				return getSslConfiguration();

		public Uri Url => _client ? _uri : _context.RequestUri;

		public TimeSpan WaitTime
				return _waitTime;
				if (value <= TimeSpan.Zero)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "Zero or less.");
				if (!canSet(out var text))
				lock (_forState)
					if (!canSet(out text))
						_waitTime = value;

		public event EventHandler<CloseEventArgs> OnClose;

		public event EventHandler<ErrorEventArgs> OnError;

		public event EventHandler<MessageEventArgs> OnMessage;

		public event EventHandler OnOpen;

		static WebSocket()
			_maxRetryCountForConnect = 10;
			EmptyBytes = new byte[0];
			FragmentLength = 1016;
			RandomNumber = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

		internal WebSocket(HttpListenerWebSocketContext context, string protocol)
			_context = context;
			_protocol = protocol;
			_closeContext = context.Close;
			_logger = context.Log;
			_message = messages;
			_secure = context.IsSecureConnection;
			_stream = context.Stream;
			_waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0);

		internal WebSocket(TcpListenerWebSocketContext context, string protocol)
			_context = context;
			_protocol = protocol;
			_closeContext = context.Close;
			_logger = context.Log;
			_message = messages;
			_secure = context.IsSecureConnection;
			_stream = context.Stream;
			_waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0);

		public WebSocket(string url, params string[] protocols)
			if (url == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("url");
			if (url.Length == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("An empty string.", "url");
			if (!url.TryCreateWebSocketUri(out _uri, out var text))
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "url");
			if (protocols != null && protocols.Length != 0)
				if (!checkProtocols(protocols, out text))
					throw new ArgumentException(text, "protocols");
				_protocols = protocols;
			_base64Key = CreateBase64Key();
			_client = true;
			_logger = new Logger();
			_message = messagec;
			_secure = _uri.Scheme == "wss";
			_waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0);

		private bool accept()
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The handshake request has already been accepted.";
				return false;
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
					string text2 = "The handshake request has already been accepted.";
					return false;
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
					string text3 = "The close process has set in.";
					text3 = "An interruption has occurred while attempting to accept.";
					error(text3, null);
					return false;
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
					string text4 = "The connection has been closed.";
					text4 = "An interruption has occurred while attempting to accept.";
					error(text4, null);
					return false;
					if (!acceptHandshake())
						return false;
				catch (Exception ex)
					string text5 = "An exception has occurred while attempting to accept.";
					fatal(text5, ex);
					return false;
				_readyState = WebSocketState.Open;
				return true;

		private bool acceptHandshake()
			_logger.Debug($"A handshake request from {_context.UserEndPoint}:\n{_context}");
			if (!checkHandshakeRequest(_context, out var text))
				refuseHandshake(CloseStatusCode.ProtocolError, "A handshake error has occurred while attempting to accept.");
				return false;
			if (!customCheckHandshakeRequest(_context, out text))
				refuseHandshake(CloseStatusCode.PolicyViolation, "A handshake error has occurred while attempting to accept.");
				return false;
			_base64Key = _context.Headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"];
			if (_protocol != null)
				IEnumerable<string> secWebSocketProtocols = _context.SecWebSocketProtocols;
			if (!_ignoreExtensions)
				string value = _context.Headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"];
			return sendHttpResponse(createHandshakeResponse());

		private bool canSet(out string message)
			message = null;
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
				message = "The connection has already been established.";
				return false;
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				message = "The connection is closing.";
				return false;
			return true;

		private bool checkHandshakeRequest(WebSocketContext context, out string message)
			message = null;
			if (!context.IsWebSocketRequest)
				message = "Not a handshake request.";
				return false;
			if (context.RequestUri == null)
				message = "It specifies an invalid Request-URI.";
				return false;
			NameValueCollection headers = context.Headers;
			string text = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"];
			if (text == null)
				message = "It includes no Sec-WebSocket-Key header.";
				return false;
			if (text.Length == 0)
				message = "It includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Key header.";
				return false;
			string text2 = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"];
			if (text2 == null)
				message = "It includes no Sec-WebSocket-Version header.";
				return false;
			if (text2 != "13")
				message = "It includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Version header.";
				return false;
			string text3 = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"];
			if (text3 != null && text3.Length == 0)
				message = "It includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header.";
				return false;
			if (!_ignoreExtensions)
				string text4 = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"];
				if (text4 != null && text4.Length == 0)
					message = "It includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header.";
					return false;
			return true;

		private bool checkHandshakeResponse(HttpResponse response, out string message)
			message = null;
			if (response.IsRedirect)
				message = "Indicates the redirection.";
				return false;
			if (response.IsUnauthorized)
				message = "Requires the authentication.";
				return false;
			if (!response.IsWebSocketResponse)
				message = "Not a WebSocket handshake response.";
				return false;
			NameValueCollection headers = response.Headers;
			if (!validateSecWebSocketAcceptHeader(headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"]))
				message = "Includes no Sec-WebSocket-Accept header, or it has an invalid value.";
				return false;
			if (!validateSecWebSocketProtocolServerHeader(headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"]))
				message = "Includes no Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header, or it has an invalid value.";
				return false;
			if (!validateSecWebSocketExtensionsServerHeader(headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"]))
				message = "Includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header.";
				return false;
			if (!validateSecWebSocketVersionServerHeader(headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"]))
				message = "Includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Version header.";
				return false;
			return true;

		private static bool checkProtocols(string[] protocols, out string message)
			message = null;
			Func<string, bool> condition = (string protocol) => protocol.IsNullOrEmpty() || !protocol.IsToken();
			if (protocols.Contains(condition))
				message = "It contains a value that is not a token.";
				return false;
			if (protocols.ContainsTwice())
				message = "It contains a value twice.";
				return false;
			return true;

		private bool checkReceivedFrame(WebSocketFrame frame, out string message)
			message = null;
			bool isMasked = frame.IsMasked;
			if (_client && isMasked)
				message = "A frame from the server is masked.";
				return false;
			if (!_client && !isMasked)
				message = "A frame from a client is not masked.";
				return false;
			if (_inContinuation && frame.IsData)
				message = "A data frame has been received while receiving continuation frames.";
				return false;
			if (frame.IsCompressed && _compression == CompressionMethod.None)
				message = "A compressed frame has been received without any agreement for it.";
				return false;
			if (frame.Rsv2 == Rsv.On)
				message = "The RSV2 of a frame is non-zero without any negotiation for it.";
				return false;
			if (frame.Rsv3 == Rsv.On)
				message = "The RSV3 of a frame is non-zero without any negotiation for it.";
				return false;
			return true;

		private void close(ushort code, string reason)
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				_logger.Info("The closing is already in progress.");
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
				_logger.Info("The connection has already been closed.");
			if (code == 1005)
				close(PayloadData.Empty, send: true, receive: true, received: false);
			bool receive = !code.IsReserved();
			close(new PayloadData(code, reason), receive, receive, received: false);

		private void close(PayloadData payloadData, bool send, bool receive, bool received)
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
					_logger.Info("The closing is already in progress.");
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
					_logger.Info("The connection has already been closed.");
				send = send && _readyState == WebSocketState.Open;
				receive = send && receive;
				_readyState = WebSocketState.Closing;
			_logger.Trace("Begin closing the connection.");
			bool clean = closeHandshake(payloadData, send, receive, received);
			_logger.Trace("End closing the connection.");
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closed;
			CloseEventArgs e = new CloseEventArgs(payloadData, clean);
				this.OnClose.Emit(this, e);
			catch (Exception ex)

		private void closeAsync(ushort code, string reason)
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				_logger.Info("The closing is already in progress.");
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
				_logger.Info("The connection has already been closed.");
			if (code == 1005)
				closeAsync(PayloadData.Empty, send: true, receive: true, received: false);
			bool receive = !code.IsReserved();
			closeAsync(new PayloadData(code, reason), receive, receive, received: false);

		private void closeAsync(PayloadData payloadData, bool send, bool receive, bool received)
			Action<PayloadData, bool, bool, bool> closer = close;
			closer.BeginInvoke(payloadData, send, receive, received, delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
			}, null);

		private bool closeHandshake(byte[] frameAsBytes, bool receive, bool received)
			bool flag = frameAsBytes != null && sendBytes(frameAsBytes);
			if (!received && flag && receive && _receivingExited != null)
				received = _receivingExited.WaitOne(_waitTime);
			bool flag2 = flag && received;
			_logger.Debug($"Was clean?: {flag2}\n  sent: {flag}\n  received: {received}");
			return flag2;

		private bool closeHandshake(PayloadData payloadData, bool send, bool receive, bool received)
			bool flag = false;
			if (send)
				WebSocketFrame webSocketFrame = WebSocketFrame.CreateCloseFrame(payloadData, _client);
				flag = sendBytes(webSocketFrame.ToArray());
				if (_client)
			if (!received && flag && receive && _receivingExited != null)
				received = _receivingExited.WaitOne(_waitTime);
			bool flag2 = flag && received;
			_logger.Debug($"Was clean?: {flag2}\n  sent: {flag}\n  received: {received}");
			return flag2;

		private bool connect()
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The connection has already been established.";
				return false;
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
					string text2 = "The connection has already been established.";
					return false;
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
					string text3 = "The close process has set in.";
					text3 = "An interruption has occurred while attempting to connect.";
					error(text3, null);
					return false;
				if (_retryCountForConnect > _maxRetryCountForConnect)
					string text4 = "An opportunity for reconnecting has been lost.";
					text4 = "An interruption has occurred while attempting to connect.";
					error(text4, null);
					return false;
				_readyState = WebSocketState.Connecting;
				catch (Exception ex)
					string text5 = "An exception has occurred while attempting to connect.";
					fatal(text5, ex);
					return false;
				_retryCountForConnect = 1;
				_readyState = WebSocketState.Open;
				return true;

		private string createExtensions()
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(80);
			if (_compression != 0)
				string arg = _compression.ToExtensionString("server_no_context_takeover", "client_no_context_takeover");
				stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}, ", arg);
			int length = stringBuilder.Length;
			if (length > 2)
				stringBuilder.Length = length - 2;
				return stringBuilder.ToString();
			return null;

		private HttpResponse createHandshakeFailureResponse(WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpStatusCode code)
			HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpResponse.CreateCloseResponse(code);
			httpResponse.Headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13";
			return httpResponse;

		private HttpRequest createHandshakeRequest()
			HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpRequest.CreateWebSocketRequest(_uri);
			NameValueCollection headers = httpRequest.Headers;
			if (!_origin.IsNullOrEmpty())
				headers["Origin"] = _origin;
			headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"] = _base64Key;
			_protocolsRequested = _protocols != null;
			if (_protocolsRequested)
				headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = _protocols.ToString(", ");
			_extensionsRequested = _compression != CompressionMethod.None;
			if (_extensionsRequested)
				headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = createExtensions();
			headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13";
			AuthenticationResponse authenticationResponse = null;
			if (_authChallenge != null && _credentials != null)
				authenticationResponse = new AuthenticationResponse(_authChallenge, _credentials, _nonceCount);
				_nonceCount = authenticationResponse.NonceCount;
			else if (_preAuth)
				authenticationResponse = new AuthenticationResponse(_credentials);
			if (authenticationResponse != null)
				headers["Authorization"] = authenticationResponse.ToString();
			if (_cookies.Count > 0)
			return httpRequest;

		private HttpResponse createHandshakeResponse()
			HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpResponse.CreateWebSocketResponse();
			NameValueCollection headers = httpResponse.Headers;
			headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"] = CreateResponseKey(_base64Key);
			if (_protocol != null)
				headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = _protocol;
			if (_extensions != null)
				headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = _extensions;
			if (_cookies.Count > 0)
			return httpResponse;

		private bool customCheckHandshakeRequest(WebSocketContext context, out string message)
			message = null;
			if (_handshakeRequestChecker == null)
				return true;
			message = _handshakeRequestChecker(context);
			return message == null;

		private MessageEventArgs dequeueFromMessageEventQueue()
			lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
				return (_messageEventQueue.Count > 0) ? _messageEventQueue.Dequeue() : null;

		private void doHandshake()
			HttpResponse httpResponse = sendHandshakeRequest();
			if (!checkHandshakeResponse(httpResponse, out var text))
				throw new WebSocketException(CloseStatusCode.ProtocolError, text);
			if (_protocolsRequested)
				_protocol = httpResponse.Headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"];
			if (_extensionsRequested)

		private void enqueueToMessageEventQueue(MessageEventArgs e)
			lock (_forMessageEventQueue)

		private void error(string message, Exception exception)
				this.OnError.Emit(this, new ErrorEventArgs(message, exception));
			catch (Exception ex)

		private void fatal(string message, Exception exception)
			CloseStatusCode code = ((exception is WebSocketException) ? ((WebSocketException)exception).Code : CloseStatusCode.Abnormal);
			fatal(message, (ushort)code);

		private void fatal(string message, ushort code)
			PayloadData payloadData = new PayloadData(code, message);
			close(payloadData, !code.IsReserved(), receive: false, received: false);

		private void fatal(string message, CloseStatusCode code)
			fatal(message, (ushort)code);

		private ClientSslConfiguration getSslConfiguration()
			if (_sslConfig == null)
				_sslConfig = new ClientSslConfiguration(_uri.DnsSafeHost);
			return _sslConfig;

		private void init()
			_compression = CompressionMethod.None;
			_cookies = new WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection();
			_forPing = new object();
			_forSend = new object();
			_forState = new object();
			_messageEventQueue = new Queue<MessageEventArgs>();
			_forMessageEventQueue = ((ICollection)_messageEventQueue).SyncRoot;
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Connecting;

		private void message()
			MessageEventArgs obj = null;
			lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
				if (_inMessage || _messageEventQueue.Count == 0 || _readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				_inMessage = true;
				obj = _messageEventQueue.Dequeue();

		private void messagec(MessageEventArgs e)
			while (true)
					this.OnMessage.Emit(this, e);
				catch (Exception ex)
					error("An error has occurred during an OnMessage event.", ex);
				lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
					if (_messageEventQueue.Count == 0 || _readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
						_inMessage = false;
					e = _messageEventQueue.Dequeue();
				bool flag = true;

		private void messages(MessageEventArgs e)
				this.OnMessage.Emit(this, e);
			catch (Exception ex)
				error("An error has occurred during an OnMessage event.", ex);
			lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
				if (_messageEventQueue.Count == 0 || _readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
					_inMessage = false;
				e = _messageEventQueue.Dequeue();

		private void open()
			_inMessage = true;
				this.OnOpen.Emit(this, EventArgs.Empty);
			catch (Exception ex)
				error("An error has occurred during the OnOpen event.", ex);
			MessageEventArgs obj = null;
			lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
				if (_messageEventQueue.Count == 0 || _readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
					_inMessage = false;
				obj = _messageEventQueue.Dequeue();
			_message.BeginInvoke(obj, delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
			}, null);

		private bool ping(byte[] data)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				return false;
			ManualResetEvent pongReceived = _pongReceived;
			if (pongReceived == null)
				return false;
			lock (_forPing)
					if (!send(Fin.Final, Opcode.Ping, data, compressed: false))
						return false;
					return pongReceived.WaitOne(_waitTime);
				catch (ObjectDisposedException)
					return false;

		private bool processCloseFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			PayloadData payloadData = frame.PayloadData;
			close(payloadData, !payloadData.HasReservedCode, receive: false, received: true);
			return false;

		private void processCookies(WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection cookies)
			if (cookies.Count != 0)

		private bool processDataFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			enqueueToMessageEventQueue(frame.IsCompressed ? new MessageEventArgs(frame.Opcode, frame.PayloadData.ApplicationData.Decompress(_compression)) : new MessageEventArgs(frame));
			return true;

		private bool processFragmentFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			if (!_inContinuation)
				if (frame.IsContinuation)
					return true;
				_fragmentsOpcode = frame.Opcode;
				_fragmentsCompressed = frame.IsCompressed;
				_fragmentsBuffer = new MemoryStream();
				_inContinuation = true;
			_fragmentsBuffer.WriteBytes(frame.PayloadData.ApplicationData, 1024);
			if (frame.IsFinal)
				using (_fragmentsBuffer)
					byte[] rawData = (_fragmentsCompressed ? _fragmentsBuffer.DecompressToArray(_compression) : _fragmentsBuffer.ToArray());
					enqueueToMessageEventQueue(new MessageEventArgs(_fragmentsOpcode, rawData));
				_fragmentsBuffer = null;
				_inContinuation = false;
			return true;

		private bool processPingFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			_logger.Trace("A ping was received.");
			WebSocketFrame webSocketFrame = WebSocketFrame.CreatePongFrame(frame.PayloadData, _client);
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
					_logger.Error("The connection is closing.");
					return true;
				if (!sendBytes(webSocketFrame.ToArray()))
					return false;
			_logger.Trace("A pong to this ping has been sent.");
			if (_emitOnPing)
				if (_client)
				enqueueToMessageEventQueue(new MessageEventArgs(frame));
			return true;

		private bool processPongFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			_logger.Trace("A pong was received.");
			catch (NullReferenceException ex)
				return false;
			catch (ObjectDisposedException ex2)
				return false;
			_logger.Trace("It has been signaled.");
			return true;

		private bool processReceivedFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			if (!checkReceivedFrame(frame, out var text))
				throw new WebSocketException(CloseStatusCode.ProtocolError, text);
			return frame.IsFragment ? processFragmentFrame(frame) : (frame.IsData ? processDataFrame(frame) : (frame.IsPing ? processPingFrame(frame) : (frame.IsPong ? processPongFrame(frame) : (frame.IsClose ? processCloseFrame(frame) : processUnsupportedFrame(frame)))));

		private void processSecWebSocketExtensionsClientHeader(string value)
			if (value == null)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(80);
			bool flag = false;
			foreach (string item in value.SplitHeaderValue(','))
				string text = item.Trim();
				if (text.Length != 0 && !flag && text.IsCompressionExtension(CompressionMethod.Deflate))
					_compression = CompressionMethod.Deflate;
					stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}, ", _compression.ToExtensionString("client_no_context_takeover", "server_no_context_takeover"));
					flag = true;
			int length = stringBuilder.Length;
			if (length > 2)
				stringBuilder.Length = length - 2;
				_extensions = stringBuilder.ToString();

		private void processSecWebSocketExtensionsServerHeader(string value)
			if (value == null)
				_compression = CompressionMethod.None;
				_extensions = value;

		private void processSecWebSocketProtocolClientHeader(IEnumerable<string> values)
			if (!values.Contains((string val) => val == _protocol))
				_protocol = null;

		private bool processUnsupportedFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			_logger.Fatal("An unsupported frame:" + frame.PrintToString(dumped: false));
			fatal("There is no way to handle it.", CloseStatusCode.PolicyViolation);
			return false;

		private void refuseHandshake(CloseStatusCode code, string reason)
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closing;
			HttpResponse response = createHandshakeFailureResponse(WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closed;
			CloseEventArgs e = new CloseEventArgs((ushort)code, reason, clean: false);
				this.OnClose.Emit(this, e);
			catch (Exception ex)

		private void releaseClientResources()
			if (_stream != null)
				_stream = null;
			if (_tcpClient != null)
				_tcpClient = null;

		private void releaseCommonResources()
			if (_fragmentsBuffer != null)
				_fragmentsBuffer = null;
				_inContinuation = false;
			if (_pongReceived != null)
				_pongReceived = null;
			if (_receivingExited != null)
				_receivingExited = null;

		private void releaseResources()
			if (_client)

		private void releaseServerResources()
			if (_closeContext != null)
				_closeContext = null;
				_stream = null;
				_context = null;

		private bool send(Opcode opcode, Stream stream)
			lock (_forSend)
				Stream stream2 = stream;
				bool flag = false;
				bool flag2 = false;
					if (_compression != 0)
						stream = stream.Compress(_compression);
						flag = true;
					flag2 = send(opcode, stream, flag);
					if (!flag2)
						error("A send has been interrupted.", null);
				catch (Exception ex)
					error("An error has occurred during a send.", ex);
					if (flag)
				return flag2;

		private bool send(Opcode opcode, Stream stream, bool compressed)
			long length = stream.Length;
			if (length == 0)
				return send(Fin.Final, opcode, EmptyBytes, compressed: false);
			long num = length / FragmentLength;
			int num2 = (int)(length % FragmentLength);
			byte[] array = null;
			switch (num)
			case 0L:
				array = new byte[num2];
				return stream.Read(array, 0, num2) == num2 && send(Fin.Final, opcode, array, compressed);
			case 1L:
				if (num2 == 0)
					array = new byte[FragmentLength];
					return stream.Read(array, 0, FragmentLength) == FragmentLength && send(Fin.Final, opcode, array, compressed);
			array = new byte[FragmentLength];
			if (stream.Read(array, 0, FragmentLength) != FragmentLength || !send(Fin.More, opcode, array, compressed))
				return false;
			long num3 = ((num2 == 0) ? (num - 2) : (num - 1));
			for (long num4 = 0L; num4 < num3; num4++)
				if (stream.Read(array, 0, FragmentLength) != FragmentLength || !send(Fin.More, Opcode.Cont, array, compressed: false))
					return false;
			if (num2 == 0)
				num2 = FragmentLength;
				array = new byte[num2];
			return stream.Read(array, 0, num2) == num2 && send(Fin.Final, Opcode.Cont, array, compressed: false);

		private bool send(Fin fin, Opcode opcode, byte[] data, bool compressed)
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
					_logger.Error("The connection is closing.");
					return false;
				WebSocketFrame webSocketFrame = new WebSocketFrame(fin, opcode, data, compressed, _client);
				return sendBytes(webSocketFrame.ToArray());

		private void sendAsync(Opcode opcode, Stream stream, Action<bool> completed)
			Func<Opcode, Stream, bool> sender = send;
			sender.BeginInvoke(opcode, stream, delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
					bool obj = sender.EndInvoke(ar);
					if (completed != null)
				catch (Exception ex)
					error("An error has occurred during the callback for an async send.", ex);
			}, null);

		private bool sendBytes(byte[] bytes)
				_stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
			catch (Exception ex)
				return false;
			return true;

		private HttpResponse sendHandshakeRequest()
			HttpRequest httpRequest = createHandshakeRequest();
			HttpResponse httpResponse = sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, 90000);
			if (httpResponse.IsUnauthorized)
				string text = httpResponse.Headers["WWW-Authenticate"];
				_logger.Warn($"Received an authentication requirement for '{text}'.");
				if (text.IsNullOrEmpty())
					_logger.Error("No authentication challenge is specified.");
					return httpResponse;
				_authChallenge = AuthenticationChallenge.Parse(text);
				if (_authChallenge == null)
					_logger.Error("An invalid authentication challenge is specified.");
					return httpResponse;
				if (_credentials != null && (!_preAuth || _authChallenge.Scheme == WebSocketSharp.Net.AuthenticationSchemes.Digest))
					if (httpResponse.HasConnectionClose)
					AuthenticationResponse authenticationResponse = new AuthenticationResponse(_authChallenge, _credentials, _nonceCount);
					_nonceCount = authenticationResponse.NonceCount;
					httpRequest.Headers["Authorization"] = authenticationResponse.ToString();
					httpResponse = sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, 15000);
			if (httpResponse.IsRedirect)
				string text2 = httpResponse.Headers["Location"];
				_logger.Warn($"Received a redirection to '{text2}'.");
				if (_enableRedirection)
					if (text2.IsNullOrEmpty())
						_logger.Error("No url to redirect is located.");
						return httpResponse;
					if (!text2.TryCreateWebSocketUri(out var result, out var text3))
						_logger.Error("An invalid url to redirect is located: " + text3);
						return httpResponse;
					_uri = result;
					_secure = result.Scheme == "wss";
					return sendHandshakeRequest();
			return httpResponse;

		private HttpResponse sendHttpRequest(HttpRequest request, int millisecondsTimeout)
			_logger.Debug("A request to the server:\n" + request.ToString());
			HttpResponse response = request.GetResponse(_stream, millisecondsTimeout);
			_logger.Debug("A response to this request:\n" + response.ToString());
			return response;

		private bool sendHttpResponse(HttpResponse response)
			_logger.Debug($"A response to {_context.UserEndPoint}:\n{response}");
			return sendBytes(response.ToByteArray());

		private void sendProxyConnectRequest()
			HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpRequest.CreateConnectRequest(_uri);
			HttpResponse httpResponse = sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, 90000);
			if (httpResponse.IsProxyAuthenticationRequired)
				string text = httpResponse.Headers["Proxy-Authenticate"];
				_logger.Warn($"Received a proxy authentication requirement for '{text}'.");
				if (text.IsNullOrEmpty())
					throw new WebSocketException("No proxy authentication challenge is specified.");
				AuthenticationChallenge authenticationChallenge = AuthenticationChallenge.Parse(text);
				if (authenticationChallenge == null)
					throw new WebSocketException("An invalid proxy authentication challenge is specified.");
				if (_proxyCredentials != null)
					if (httpResponse.HasConnectionClose)
						_tcpClient = new TcpClient(_proxyUri.DnsSafeHost, _proxyUri.Port);
						_stream = _tcpClient.GetStream();
					AuthenticationResponse authenticationResponse = new AuthenticationResponse(authenticationChallenge, _proxyCredentials, 0u);
					httpRequest.Headers["Proxy-Authorization"] = authenticationResponse.ToString();
					httpResponse = sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, 15000);
				if (httpResponse.IsProxyAuthenticationRequired)
					throw new WebSocketException("A proxy authentication is required.");
			if (httpResponse.StatusCode[0] != '2')
				throw new WebSocketException("The proxy has failed a connection to the requested host and port.");

		private void setClientStream()
			if (_proxyUri != null)
				_tcpClient = new TcpClient(_proxyUri.DnsSafeHost, _proxyUri.Port);
				_stream = _tcpClient.GetStream();
				_tcpClient = new TcpClient(_uri.DnsSafeHost, _uri.Port);
				_stream = _tcpClient.GetStream();
			if (_secure)
				ClientSslConfiguration sslConfiguration = getSslConfiguration();
				string targetHost = sslConfiguration.TargetHost;
				if (targetHost != _uri.DnsSafeHost)
					throw new WebSocketException(CloseStatusCode.TlsHandshakeFailure, "An invalid host name is specified.");
					SslStream sslStream = new SslStream(_stream, leaveInnerStreamOpen: false, sslConfiguration.ServerCertificateValidationCallback, sslConfiguration.ClientCertificateSelectionCallback);
					sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(targetHost, sslConfiguration.ClientCertificates, sslConfiguration.EnabledSslProtocols, sslConfiguration.CheckCertificateRevocation);
					_stream = sslStream;
				catch (Exception innerException)
					throw new WebSocketException(CloseStatusCode.TlsHandshakeFailure, innerException);

		private void startReceiving()
			if (_messageEventQueue.Count > 0)
			_pongReceived = new ManualResetEvent(initialState: false);
			_receivingExited = new ManualResetEvent(initialState: false);
			Action receive = null;
			receive = delegate
				WebSocketFrame.ReadFrameAsync(_stream, unmask: false, delegate(WebSocketFrame frame)
					if (!processReceivedFrame(frame) || _readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
						if (!_inMessage && HasMessage && _readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
				}, delegate(Exception ex)
					fatal("An exception has occurred while receiving.", ex);

		private bool validateSecWebSocketAcceptHeader(string value)
			return value != null && value == CreateResponseKey(_base64Key);

		private bool validateSecWebSocketExtensionsServerHeader(string value)
			if (value == null)
				return true;
			if (value.Length == 0)
				return false;
			if (!_extensionsRequested)
				return false;
			bool flag = _compression != CompressionMethod.None;
			foreach (string item in value.SplitHeaderValue(','))
				string text = item.Trim();
				if (flag && text.IsCompressionExtension(_compression))
					if (!text.Contains("server_no_context_takeover"))
						_logger.Error("The server hasn't sent back 'server_no_context_takeover'.");
						return false;
					if (!text.Contains("client_no_context_takeover"))
						_logger.Warn("The server hasn't sent back 'client_no_context_takeover'.");
					string method = _compression.ToExtensionString();
					if (text.SplitHeaderValue(';').Contains(delegate(string t)
						t = t.Trim();
						return t != method && t != "server_no_context_takeover" && t != "client_no_context_takeover";
						return false;
				return false;
			return true;

		private bool validateSecWebSocketProtocolServerHeader(string value)
			if (value == null)
				return !_protocolsRequested;
			if (value.Length == 0)
				return false;
			return _protocolsRequested && _protocols.Contains((string p) => p == value);

		private bool validateSecWebSocketVersionServerHeader(string value)
			return value == null || value == "13";

		internal void Close(HttpResponse response)
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closing;
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closed;

		internal void Close(WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpStatusCode code)

		internal void Close(PayloadData payloadData, byte[] frameAsBytes)
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
					_logger.Info("The closing is already in progress.");
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
					_logger.Info("The connection has already been closed.");
				_readyState = WebSocketState.Closing;
			_logger.Trace("Begin closing the connection.");
			bool flag = frameAsBytes != null && sendBytes(frameAsBytes);
			bool flag2 = flag && _receivingExited != null && _receivingExited.WaitOne(_waitTime);
			bool flag3 = flag && flag2;
			_logger.Debug($"Was clean?: {flag3}\n  sent: {flag}\n  received: {flag2}");
			_logger.Trace("End closing the connection.");
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closed;
			CloseEventArgs e = new CloseEventArgs(payloadData, flag3);
				this.OnClose.Emit(this, e);
			catch (Exception ex)

		internal static string CreateBase64Key()
			byte[] array = new byte[16];
			return Convert.ToBase64String(array);

		internal static string CreateResponseKey(string base64Key)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(base64Key, 64);
			SHA1 sHA = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
			byte[] inArray = sHA.ComputeHash(stringBuilder.ToString().GetUTF8EncodedBytes());
			return Convert.ToBase64String(inArray);

		internal void InternalAccept()
				if (!acceptHandshake())
			catch (Exception ex)
				string text = "An exception has occurred while attempting to accept.";
				fatal(text, ex);
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Open;

		internal bool Ping(byte[] frameAsBytes, TimeSpan timeout)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				return false;
			ManualResetEvent pongReceived = _pongReceived;
			if (pongReceived == null)
				return false;
			lock (_forPing)
					lock (_forState)
						if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
							return false;
						if (!sendBytes(frameAsBytes))
							return false;
					return pongReceived.WaitOne(timeout);
				catch (ObjectDisposedException)
					return false;

		internal void Send(Opcode opcode, byte[] data, Dictionary<CompressionMethod, byte[]> cache)
			lock (_forSend)
				lock (_forState)
					if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
						_logger.Error("The connection is closing.");
					if (!cache.TryGetValue(_compression, out var value))
						value = new WebSocketFrame(Fin.Final, opcode, data.Compress(_compression), _compression != CompressionMethod.None, mask: false).ToArray();
						cache.Add(_compression, value);

		internal void Send(Opcode opcode, Stream stream, Dictionary<CompressionMethod, Stream> cache)
			lock (_forSend)
				if (!cache.TryGetValue(_compression, out var value))
					value = stream.Compress(_compression);
					cache.Add(_compression, value);
					value.Position = 0L;
				send(opcode, value, _compression != CompressionMethod.None);

		public void Accept()
			if (_client)
				string text = "This instance is a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				string text2 = "The close process is in progress.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text2);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
				string text3 = "The connection has already been closed.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text3);
			if (accept())

		public void AcceptAsync()
			if (_client)
				string text = "This instance is a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				string text2 = "The close process is in progress.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text2);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
				string text3 = "The connection has already been closed.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text3);
			Func<bool> acceptor = accept;
			acceptor.BeginInvoke(delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
				if (acceptor.EndInvoke(ar))
			}, null);

		public void Close()
			close(1005, string.Empty);

		public void Close(ushort code)
			if (!code.IsCloseStatusCode())
				string text = "Less than 1000 or greater than 4999.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("code", text);
			if (_client && code == 1011)
				string text2 = "1011 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (!_client && code == 1010)
				string text3 = "1010 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			close(code, string.Empty);

		public void Close(CloseStatusCode code)
			if (_client && code == CloseStatusCode.ServerError)
				string text = "ServerError cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "code");
			if (!_client && code == CloseStatusCode.MandatoryExtension)
				string text2 = "MandatoryExtension cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			close((ushort)code, string.Empty);

		public void Close(ushort code, string reason)
			if (!code.IsCloseStatusCode())
				string text = "Less than 1000 or greater than 4999.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("code", text);
			if (_client && code == 1011)
				string text2 = "1011 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (!_client && code == 1010)
				string text3 = "1010 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			if (reason.IsNullOrEmpty())
				close(code, string.Empty);
			if (code == 1005)
				string text4 = "1005 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "code");
			if (!reason.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text5 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text5, "reason");
			if (bytes.Length > 123)
				string text6 = "Its size is greater than 123 bytes.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("reason", text6);
			close(code, reason);

		public void Close(CloseStatusCode code, string reason)
			if (_client && code == CloseStatusCode.ServerError)
				string text = "ServerError cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "code");
			if (!_client && code == CloseStatusCode.MandatoryExtension)
				string text2 = "MandatoryExtension cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (reason.IsNullOrEmpty())
				close((ushort)code, string.Empty);
			if (code == CloseStatusCode.NoStatus)
				string text3 = "NoStatus cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			if (!reason.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text4 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "reason");
			if (bytes.Length > 123)
				string text5 = "Its size is greater than 123 bytes.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("reason", text5);
			close((ushort)code, reason);

		public void CloseAsync()
			closeAsync(1005, string.Empty);

		public void CloseAsync(ushort code)
			if (!code.IsCloseStatusCode())
				string text = "Less than 1000 or greater than 4999.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("code", text);
			if (_client && code == 1011)
				string text2 = "1011 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (!_client && code == 1010)
				string text3 = "1010 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			closeAsync(code, string.Empty);

		public void CloseAsync(CloseStatusCode code)
			if (_client && code == CloseStatusCode.ServerError)
				string text = "ServerError cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "code");
			if (!_client && code == CloseStatusCode.MandatoryExtension)
				string text2 = "MandatoryExtension cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			closeAsync((ushort)code, string.Empty);

		public void CloseAsync(ushort code, string reason)
			if (!code.IsCloseStatusCode())
				string text = "Less than 1000 or greater than 4999.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("code", text);
			if (_client && code == 1011)
				string text2 = "1011 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (!_client && code == 1010)
				string text3 = "1010 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			if (reason.IsNullOrEmpty())
				closeAsync(code, string.Empty);
			if (code == 1005)
				string text4 = "1005 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "code");
			if (!reason.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text5 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text5, "reason");
			if (bytes.Length > 123)
				string text6 = "Its size is greater than 123 bytes.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("reason", text6);
			closeAsync(code, reason);

		public void CloseAsync(CloseStatusCode code, string reason)
			if (_client && code == CloseStatusCode.ServerError)
				string text = "ServerError cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "code");
			if (!_client && code == CloseStatusCode.MandatoryExtension)
				string text2 = "MandatoryExtension cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (reason.IsNullOrEmpty())
				closeAsync((ushort)code, string.Empty);
			if (code == CloseStatusCode.NoStatus)
				string text3 = "NoStatus cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			if (!reason.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text4 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "reason");
			if (bytes.Length > 123)
				string text5 = "Its size is greater than 123 bytes.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("reason", text5);
			closeAsync((ushort)code, reason);

		public void Connect()
			if (!_client)
				string text = "This instance is not a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				string text2 = "The close process is in progress.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text2);
			if (_retryCountForConnect > _maxRetryCountForConnect)
				string text3 = "A series of reconnecting has failed.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text3);
			if (connect())

		public void ConnectAsync()
			if (!_client)
				string text = "This instance is not a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				string text2 = "The close process is in progress.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text2);
			if (_retryCountForConnect > _maxRetryCountForConnect)
				string text3 = "A series of reconnecting has failed.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text3);
			Func<bool> connector = connect;
			connector.BeginInvoke(delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
				if (connector.EndInvoke(ar))
			}, null);

		public bool Ping()
			return ping(EmptyBytes);

		public bool Ping(string message)
			if (message.IsNullOrEmpty())
				return ping(EmptyBytes);
			if (!message.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "message");
			if (bytes.Length > 125)
				string text2 = "Its size is greater than 125 bytes.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("message", text2);
			return ping(bytes);

		public void Send(byte[] data)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (data == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
			send(Opcode.Binary, new MemoryStream(data));

		public void Send(FileInfo fileInfo)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (fileInfo == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("fileInfo");
			if (!fileInfo.Exists)
				string text2 = "The file does not exist.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "fileInfo");
			if (!fileInfo.TryOpenRead(out var fileStream))
				string text3 = "The file could not be opened.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "fileInfo");
			send(Opcode.Binary, fileStream);

		public void Send(string data)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (data == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
			if (!data.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text2 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "data");
			send(Opcode.Text, new MemoryStream(bytes));

		public void Send(Stream stream, int length)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (stream == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
			if (!stream.CanRead)
				string text2 = "It cannot be read.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "stream");
			if (length < 1)
				string text3 = "Less than 1.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "length");
			byte[] array = stream.ReadBytes(length);
			int num = array.Length;
			if (num == 0)
				string text4 = "No data could be read from it.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "stream");
			if (num < length)
				_logger.Warn($"Only {num} byte(s) of data could be read from the stream.");
			send(Opcode.Binary, new MemoryStream(array));

		public void SendAsync(byte[] data, Action<bool> completed)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (data == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
			sendAsync(Opcode.Binary, new MemoryStream(data), completed);

		public void SendAsync(FileInfo fileInfo, Action<bool> completed)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (fileInfo == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("fileInfo");
			if (!fileInfo.Exists)
				string text2 = "The file does not exist.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "fileInfo");
			if (!fileInfo.TryOpenRead(out var fileStream))
				string text3 = "The file could not be opened.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "fileInfo");
			sendAsync(Opcode.Binary, fileStream, completed);

		public void SendAsync(string data, Action<bool> completed)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (data == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
			if (!data.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text2 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "data");
			sendAsync(Opcode.Text, new MemoryStream(bytes), completed);

		public void SendAsync(Stream stream, int length, Action<bool> completed)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (stream == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
			if (!stream.CanRead)
				string text2 = "It cannot be read.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "stream");
			if (length < 1)
				string text3 = "Less than 1.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "length");
			byte[] array = stream.ReadBytes(length);
			int num = array.Length;
			if (num == 0)
				string text4 = "No data could be read from it.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "stream");
			if (num < length)
				_logger.Warn($"Only {num} byte(s) of data could be read from the stream.");
			sendAsync(Opcode.Binary, new MemoryStream(array), completed);

		public void SetCookie(WebSocketSharp.Net.Cookie cookie)
			string text = null;
			if (!_client)
				text = "This instance is not a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (cookie == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("cookie");
			if (!canSet(out text))
			lock (_forState)
				if (!canSet(out text))
				lock (_cookies.SyncRoot)

		public void SetCredentials(string username, string password, bool preAuth)
			string text = null;
			if (!_client)
				text = "This instance is not a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (!username.IsNullOrEmpty() && (Ext.Contains(username, ':') || !username.IsText()))
				text = "It contains an invalid character.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "username");
			if (!password.IsNullOrEmpty() && !password.IsText())
				text = "It contains an invalid character.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "password");
			if (!canSet(out text))
			lock (_forState)
				if (!canSet(out text))
				else if (username.IsNullOrEmpty())
					_credentials = null;
					_preAuth = false;
					_credentials = new WebSocketSharp.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password, _uri.PathAndQuery);
					_preAuth = preAuth;

		public void SetProxy(string url, string username, string password)
			string text = null;
			if (!_client)
				text = "This instance is not a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			Uri result = null;
			if (!url.IsNullOrEmpty())
				if (!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out result))
					text = "Not an absolute URI string.";
					throw new ArgumentException(text, "url");
				if (result.Scheme != "http")
					text = "The scheme part is not http.";
					throw new ArgumentException(text, "url");
				if (result.Segments.Length > 1)
					text = "It includes the path segments.";
					throw new ArgumentException(text, "url");
			if (!username.IsNullOrEmpty() && (Ext.Contains(username, ':') || !username.IsText()))
				text = "It contains an invalid character.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "username");
			if (!password.IsNullOrEmpty() && !password.IsText())
				text = "It contains an invalid character.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "password");
			if (!canSet(out text))
			lock (_forState)
				if (!canSet(out text))