Decompiled source of Archipelago v2.1.1


Decompiled 5 days ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Cache;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.ConcurrentCollection;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Converters;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Enums;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Exceptions;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Extensions;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Helpers;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.MessageLog.Messages;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.MessageLog.Parts;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Models;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Packets;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("35a803ad-85ed-42e9-b1e3-c6b72096f0c1")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Tests")]
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("DynamicProxyGenAssembly2")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.5", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.5")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Jarno Westhof, Hussein Farran, Zach Parks")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Release")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2023")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("A client library for use with .NET based prog-langs for interfacing with Archipelago hosts.")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("5.0.5")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Archipelago.MultiClient.Net")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Archipelago.MultiClient.Net")]
[assembly: AssemblyMetadata("RepositoryUrl", "")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
internal interface IConcurrentHashSet<T>
	bool TryAdd(T item);

	bool Contains(T item);

	void UnionWith(T[] otherSet);

	T[] ToArray();

	ReadOnlyCollection<T> AsToReadOnlyCollection();

	ReadOnlyCollection<T> AsToReadOnlyCollectionExcept(IConcurrentHashSet<T> otherSet);
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net
	public abstract class ArchipelagoPacketBase
		internal JObject jobject;

		public abstract ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType { get; }

		public JObject ToJObject()
			return jobject;
	public class ArchipelagoSession
		private const int ArchipelagoConnectionTimeoutInSeconds = 4;

		private TaskCompletionSource<LoginResult> loginResultTask = new TaskCompletionSource<LoginResult>();

		private TaskCompletionSource<RoomInfoPacket> roomInfoPacketTask = new TaskCompletionSource<RoomInfoPacket>();

		public IArchipelagoSocketHelper Socket { get; }

		public ReceivedItemsHelper Items { get; }

		public LocationCheckHelper Locations { get; }

		public PlayerHelper Players { get; }

		public DataStorageHelper DataStorage { get; }

		public ConnectionInfoHelper ConnectionInfo { get; }

		public RoomStateHelper RoomState { get; }

		public MessageLogHelper MessageLog { get; }

		internal ArchipelagoSession(IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket, ReceivedItemsHelper items, LocationCheckHelper locations, PlayerHelper players, RoomStateHelper roomState, ConnectionInfoHelper connectionInfo, DataStorageHelper dataStorage, MessageLogHelper messageLog)
			Socket = socket;
			Items = items;
			Locations = locations;
			Players = players;
			RoomState = roomState;
			ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;
			DataStorage = dataStorage;
			MessageLog = messageLog;
			socket.PacketReceived += Socket_PacketReceived;

		private void Socket_PacketReceived(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			if (!(packet is ConnectedPacket) && !(packet is ConnectionRefusedPacket))
				if (packet is RoomInfoPacket result)
			if (packet is ConnectedPacket && RoomState.Version != null && RoomState.Version >= new Version(0, 3, 8))

		private void LogUsedVersion()
				string fileVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion;
				Socket.SendPacketAsync(new SetPacket
					Key = ".NetUsedVersions",
					DefaultValue = (JToken)(object)JObject.FromObject((object)new Dictionary<string, bool>()),
					Operations = new OperationSpecification[1] { Operation.Update(new Dictionary<string, bool> { 
						ConnectionInfo.Game + ":" + fileVersion + ":NET45",
					} }) }

		public Task<RoomInfoPacket> ConnectAsync()
			roomInfoPacketTask = new TaskCompletionSource<RoomInfoPacket>();
					Task task = Socket.ConnectAsync();
					if (!task.IsCompleted)
				catch (AggregateException)
			return roomInfoPacketTask.Task;

		public Task<LoginResult> LoginAsync(string game, string name, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags, Version version = null, string[] tags = null, string uuid = null, string password = null, bool requestSlotData = true)
			loginResultTask = new TaskCompletionSource<LoginResult>();
			if (!roomInfoPacketTask.Task.IsCompleted)
				loginResultTask = new TaskCompletionSource<LoginResult>();
				loginResultTask.SetResult(new LoginFailure("You are not connected, run ConnectAsync() first"));
				return loginResultTask.Task;
			ConnectionInfo.SetConnectionParameters(game, tags, itemsHandlingFlags, uuid);
				Socket.SendPacket(BuildConnectPacket(name, password, version, requestSlotData));
			catch (ArchipelagoSocketClosedException)
				loginResultTask.SetResult(new LoginFailure("You are not connected, run ConnectAsync() first"));
				return loginResultTask.Task;
			SetResultAfterTimeout(loginResultTask, 4, new LoginFailure("Connection timed out."));
			return loginResultTask.Task;

		private static void SetResultAfterTimeout<T>(TaskCompletionSource<T> task, int timeoutInSeconds, T result)
			new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeoutInSeconds)).Token.Register(delegate

		public LoginResult TryConnectAndLogin(string game, string name, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags, Version version = null, string[] tags = null, string uuid = null, string password = null, bool requestSlotData = true)
			Task<RoomInfoPacket> task = ConnectAsync();
			catch (AggregateException ex)
				if (ex.GetBaseException() is OperationCanceledException)
					return new LoginFailure("Connection timed out.");
				return new LoginFailure(ex.GetBaseException().Message);
			if (!task.IsCompleted)
				return new LoginFailure("Connection timed out.");
			return LoginAsync(game, name, itemsHandlingFlags, version, tags, uuid, password, requestSlotData).Result;

		private ConnectPacket BuildConnectPacket(string name, string password, Version version, bool requestSlotData)
			return new ConnectPacket
				Game = ConnectionInfo.Game,
				Name = name,
				Password = password,
				Tags = ConnectionInfo.Tags,
				Uuid = ConnectionInfo.Uuid,
				Version = ((version != null) ? new NetworkVersion(version) : new NetworkVersion(0, 4, 0)),
				ItemsHandling = ConnectionInfo.ItemsHandlingFlags,
				RequestSlotData = requestSlotData
	public static class ArchipelagoSessionFactory
		public static ArchipelagoSession CreateSession(Uri uri)
			ArchipelagoSocketHelper socket = new ArchipelagoSocketHelper(uri);
			DataPackageCache dataPackageCache = new DataPackageCache(socket);
			LocationCheckHelper locationCheckHelper = new LocationCheckHelper(socket, dataPackageCache);
			ReceivedItemsHelper items = new ReceivedItemsHelper(socket, locationCheckHelper, dataPackageCache);
			ConnectionInfoHelper connectionInfoHelper = new ConnectionInfoHelper(socket);
			PlayerHelper players = new PlayerHelper(socket, connectionInfoHelper);
			RoomStateHelper roomState = new RoomStateHelper(socket, locationCheckHelper);
			DataStorageHelper dataStorage = new DataStorageHelper(socket, connectionInfoHelper);
			MessageLogHelper messageLog = new MessageLogHelper(socket, items, locationCheckHelper, players, connectionInfoHelper);
			return new ArchipelagoSession(socket, items, locationCheckHelper, players, roomState, connectionInfoHelper, dataStorage, messageLog);

		public static ArchipelagoSession CreateSession(string hostname, int port = 38281)
			return CreateSession(ParseUri(hostname, port));

		internal static Uri ParseUri(string hostname, int port)
			string text = hostname;
			if (!text.StartsWith("ws://") && !text.StartsWith("wss://"))
				text = "unspecified://" + text;
			if (!text.Substring(text.IndexOf("://", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 3).Contains(":"))
				text += $":{port}";
			if (text.EndsWith(":"))
				text += port;
			return new Uri(text);
	public abstract class LoginResult
		public abstract bool Successful { get; }

		public static LoginResult FromPacket(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			if (!(packet is ConnectedPacket connectedPacket))
				if (packet is ConnectionRefusedPacket connectionRefusedPacket)
					return new LoginFailure(connectionRefusedPacket);
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("packet", "packet is not a connection result packet");
			return new LoginSuccessful(connectedPacket);
	public class LoginSuccessful : LoginResult
		public override bool Successful => true;

		public int Team { get; }

		public int Slot { get; }

		public Dictionary<string, object> SlotData { get; }

		public LoginSuccessful(ConnectedPacket connectedPacket)
			Team = connectedPacket.Team;
			Slot = connectedPacket.Slot;
			SlotData = connectedPacket.SlotData;
	public class LoginFailure : LoginResult
		public override bool Successful => false;

		public ConnectionRefusedError[] ErrorCodes { get; }

		public string[] Errors { get; }

		public LoginFailure(ConnectionRefusedPacket connectionRefusedPacket)
			if (connectionRefusedPacket.Errors != null)
				ErrorCodes = connectionRefusedPacket.Errors.ToArray();
				Errors = ErrorCodes.Select(GetErrorMessage).ToArray();
				ErrorCodes = new ConnectionRefusedError[0];
				Errors = new string[0];

		public LoginFailure(string message)
			ErrorCodes = new ConnectionRefusedError[0];
			Errors = new string[1] { message };

		private static string GetErrorMessage(ConnectionRefusedError errorCode)
			return errorCode switch
				ConnectionRefusedError.InvalidSlot => "The slot name did not match any slot on the server.", 
				ConnectionRefusedError.InvalidGame => "The slot is set to a different game on the server.", 
				ConnectionRefusedError.SlotAlreadyTaken => "The slot already has a connection with a different uuid established.", 
				ConnectionRefusedError.IncompatibleVersion => "The client and server version mismatch.", 
				ConnectionRefusedError.InvalidPassword => "The password is invalid.", 
				ConnectionRefusedError.InvalidItemsHandling => "The item handling flags provided are invalid.", 
				_ => $"Unknown error: {errorCode}.", 
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Packets
	public class BouncedPacket : BouncePacket
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Bounced;
	public class BouncePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Bounce;

		public List<string> Games { get; set; } = new List<string>();

		public List<int> Slots { get; set; } = new List<int>();

		public List<string> Tags { get; set; } = new List<string>();

		public Dictionary<string, JToken> Data { get; set; }
	public class ConnectedPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Connected;

		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }

		public NetworkPlayer[] Players { get; set; }

		public long[] MissingChecks { get; set; }

		public long[] LocationsChecked { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, object> SlotData { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<int, NetworkSlot> SlotInfo { get; set; }

		public int? HintPoints { get; set; }
	public class ConnectionRefusedPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.ConnectionRefused;

		[JsonProperty("errors", ItemConverterType = typeof(StringEnumConverter))]
		public ConnectionRefusedError[] Errors { get; set; }
	public class ConnectPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Connect;

		public string Password { get; set; }

		public string Game { get; set; }

		public string Name { get; set; }

		public string Uuid { get; set; }

		public NetworkVersion Version { get; set; }

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }

		public ItemsHandlingFlags ItemsHandling { get; set; }

		public bool RequestSlotData { get; set; }
	public class ConnectUpdatePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.ConnectUpdate;

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }

		public ItemsHandlingFlags? ItemsHandling { get; set; }
	public class DataPackagePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.DataPackage;

		public DataPackage DataPackage { get; set; }
	public class GetDataPackagePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.GetDataPackage;

		public string[] Games { get; set; }
	public class GetPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Get;

		public string[] Keys { get; set; }
	public class InvalidPacketPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.InvalidPacket;

		public InvalidPacketErrorType ErrorType { get; set; }

		public string ErrorText { get; set; }

		public ArchipelagoPacketType OriginalCmd { get; set; }
	public class LocationChecksPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.LocationChecks;

		public long[] Locations { get; set; }
	public class LocationInfoPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.LocationInfo;

		public NetworkItem[] Locations { get; set; }
	public class LocationScoutsPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.LocationScouts;

		public long[] Locations { get; set; }

		public bool CreateAsHint { get; set; }
	public class PrintJsonPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.PrintJSON;

		public JsonMessagePart[] Data { get; set; }

		public JsonMessageType? MessageType { get; set; }
	public class ItemPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int ReceivingPlayer { get; set; }

		public NetworkItem Item { get; set; }
	public class ItemCheatPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int ReceivingPlayer { get; set; }

		public NetworkItem Item { get; set; }

		public int Team { get; set; }
	public class HintPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int ReceivingPlayer { get; set; }

		public NetworkItem Item { get; set; }

		public bool? Found { get; set; }
	public class JoinPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }
	public class LeavePrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }
	public class ChatPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }

		public string Message { get; set; }
	public class ServerChatPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public string Message { get; set; }
	public class TutorialPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
	public class TagsChangedPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }
	public class CommandResultPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
	public class AdminCommandResultPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
	public class GoalPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }
	public class ReleasePrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }
	public class CollectPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }
	public class CountdownPrintJsonPacket : PrintJsonPacket
		public int RemainingSeconds { get; set; }
	public class ReceivedItemsPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.ReceivedItems;

		public int Index { get; set; }

		public NetworkItem[] Items { get; set; }
	public class RetrievedPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Retrieved;

		public Dictionary<string, JToken> Data { get; set; }
	public class RoomInfoPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.RoomInfo;

		public NetworkVersion Version { get; set; }

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }

		public bool Password { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, Permissions> Permissions { get; set; }

		public int HintCostPercentage { get; set; }

		public int LocationCheckPoints { get; set; }

		public NetworkPlayer[] Players { get; set; }

		public string[] Games { get; set; }

		[Obsolete("use DataPackageChecksums instead")]
		public Dictionary<string, int> DataPackageVersions { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, string> DataPackageChecksums { get; set; }

		public string SeedName { get; set; }

		public double Timestamp { get; set; }
	public class RoomUpdatePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.RoomUpdate;

		public string[] Tags { get; set; }

		public bool? Password { get; set; }

		public Dictionary<string, Permissions> Permissions { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, Permissions>();

		public int? HintCostPercentage { get; set; }

		public int? LocationCheckPoints { get; set; }

		public NetworkPlayer[] Players { get; set; }

		public int? HintPoints { get; set; }

		public long[] CheckedLocations { get; set; }
	public class SayPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Say;

		public string Text { get; set; }
	public class SetNotifyPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.SetNotify;

		public string[] Keys { get; set; }
	public class SetPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Set;

		public string Key { get; set; }

		public JToken DefaultValue { get; set; }

		public OperationSpecification[] Operations { get; set; }

		public bool WantReply { get; set; }

		public Guid? Reference { get; set; }
	public class SetReplyPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.SetReply;

		public string Key { get; set; }

		public JToken Value { get; set; }

		public JToken DefaultValue { get; set; }

		public JToken OriginalValue { get; set; }

		public string Operation { get; set; }

		public bool WantReply { get; set; }

		public Guid? Reference { get; set; }
	public class StatusUpdatePacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.StatusUpdate;

		public ArchipelagoClientState Status { get; set; }
	public class SyncPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Sync;
	internal class UnknownPacket : ArchipelagoPacketBase
		public override ArchipelagoPacketType PacketType => ArchipelagoPacketType.Unknown;
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Models
	public struct Color : IEquatable<Color>
		public static Color Red = new Color(byte.MaxValue, 0, 0);

		public static Color Green = new Color(0, 128, 0);

		public static Color Yellow = new Color(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, 0);

		public static Color Blue = new Color(0, 0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color Magenta = new Color(byte.MaxValue, 0, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color Cyan = new Color(0, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color Black = new Color(0, 0, 0);

		public static Color White = new Color(byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue);

		public static Color SlateBlue = new Color(106, 90, 205);

		public static Color Salmon = new Color(250, 128, 114);

		public static Color Plum = new Color(221, 160, 221);

		public byte R { get; set; }

		public byte G { get; set; }

		public byte B { get; set; }

		public Color(byte r, byte g, byte b)
			R = r;
			G = g;
			B = b;

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (obj is Color color && R == color.R && G == color.G)
				return B == color.B;
			return false;

		public bool Equals(Color other)
			if (R == other.R && G == other.G)
				return B == other.B;
			return false;

		public override int GetHashCode()
			return ((-1520100960 * -1521134295 + R.GetHashCode()) * -1521134295 + G.GetHashCode()) * -1521134295 + B.GetHashCode();

		public static bool operator ==(Color left, Color right)
			return left.Equals(right);

		public static bool operator !=(Color left, Color right)
			return !(left == right);
	public class DataPackage
		public Dictionary<string, GameData> Games { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, GameData>();

	public class DataStorageElement
		internal DataStorageElementContext Context;

		internal List<OperationSpecification> Operations = new List<OperationSpecification>(0);

		internal DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler Callbacks;

		private JToken cachedValue;

		public event DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler OnValueChanged
				Context.AddHandler(Context.Key, value);
				Context.RemoveHandler(Context.Key, value);

		internal DataStorageElement(DataStorageElementContext context)
			Context = context;

		internal DataStorageElement(OperationType operationType, JToken value)
			Operations = new List<OperationSpecification>(1)
				new OperationSpecification
					OperationType = operationType,
					Value = value

		internal DataStorageElement(DataStorageElement source, OperationType operationType, JToken value)
			: this(source.Context)
			Operations = source.Operations.ToList();
			Operations.Add(new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = operationType,
				Value = value
			Callbacks = source.Callbacks;

		internal DataStorageElement(DataStorageElement source, Callback callback)
			: this(source.Context)
			Operations = source.Operations.ToList();
			Callbacks = source.Callbacks;
			Callbacks = (DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler)Delegate.Combine(Callbacks, callback.Method);

		public static DataStorageElement operator ++(DataStorageElement a)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.op_Implicit(1));

		public static DataStorageElement operator --(DataStorageElement a)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.op_Implicit(-1));

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, JToken b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, b);

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, IEnumerable b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)b));

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, OperationSpecification s)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, s.OperationType, s.Value);

		public static DataStorageElement operator +(DataStorageElement a, Callback c)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, c);

		public static DataStorageElement operator *(DataStorageElement a, JToken b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, b);

		public static DataStorageElement operator %(DataStorageElement a, JToken b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mod, b);

		public static DataStorageElement operator ^(DataStorageElement a, JToken b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Pow, b);

		public static DataStorageElement operator -(DataStorageElement a, int b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.FromObject((object)(-b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator -(DataStorageElement a, long b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.FromObject((object)(-b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator -(DataStorageElement a, decimal b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.FromObject((object)(-b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator -(DataStorageElement a, double b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.FromObject((object)(0.0 - b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator -(DataStorageElement a, float b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Add, JToken.FromObject((object)(0f - b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator /(DataStorageElement a, int b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.FromObject((object)(1m / (decimal)b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator /(DataStorageElement a, long b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.FromObject((object)(1m / (decimal)b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator /(DataStorageElement a, decimal b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.FromObject((object)(1m / b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator /(DataStorageElement a, double b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.FromObject((object)(1.0 / b)));

		public static DataStorageElement operator /(DataStorageElement a, float b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Mul, JToken.FromObject((object)(1.0 / (double)b)));

		[Obsolete("Use + Operation.Min() instead")]
		public static DataStorageElement operator >>(DataStorageElement a, int b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Min, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		[Obsolete("Use + Operation.Max() instead")]
		public static DataStorageElement operator <<(DataStorageElement a, int b)
			return new DataStorageElement(a, OperationType.Max, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(bool b)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(b));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(int i)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(i));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(long l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(decimal m)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(m));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(double d)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(d));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(float f)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(f));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(string s)
			if (s != null)
				return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, JToken.op_Implicit(s));
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JValue.CreateNull());

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(JToken o)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, o);

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(Array a)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)a));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<bool> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<int> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<long> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<decimal> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<double> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<float> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<string> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator DataStorageElement(List<object> l)
			return new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)l));

		public static implicit operator bool(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnBoolValue<bool>(e);

		public static implicit operator bool?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnBoolValue<bool?>(e);

		public static implicit operator int(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<int>(e);

		public static implicit operator int?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<int?>(e);

		public static implicit operator long(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<long>(e);

		public static implicit operator long?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<long?>(e);

		public static implicit operator decimal(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<decimal>(e);

		public static implicit operator decimal?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<decimal?>(e);

		public static implicit operator double(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<double>(e);

		public static implicit operator double?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<double?>(e);

		public static implicit operator float(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<float>(e);

		public static implicit operator float?(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<float?>(e);

		public static implicit operator string(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnStringValue(e);

		public static implicit operator bool[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<bool[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator int[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<int[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator long[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<long[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator decimal[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<decimal[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator double[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<double[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator float[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<float[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator string[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<string[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator object[](DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<object[]>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<bool>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<bool>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<int>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<int>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<long>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<long>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<decimal>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<decimal>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<double>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<double>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<float>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<float>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<string>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<string>>(e);

		public static implicit operator List<object>(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<List<object>>(e);

		public static implicit operator Array(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<Array>(e);

		public static implicit operator JArray(DataStorageElement e)
			return RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<JArray>(e);

		public static implicit operator JToken(DataStorageElement e)
			return e.Context.GetData(e.Context.Key);

		public void Initialize(JToken value)
			Context.Initialize(Context.Key, value);

		public void Initialize(IEnumerable value)
			Context.Initialize(Context.Key, (JToken)(object)JArray.FromObject((object)value));

		public Task<T> GetAsync<T>()
			return GetAsync().ContinueWith((Task<JToken> r) => r.Result.ToObject<T>());

		public Task<JToken> GetAsync()
			return Context.GetAsync(Context.Key);

		private static T RetrieveAndReturnArrayValue<T>(DataStorageElement e)
			//IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0072: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0078: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00aa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b0: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00d7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (e.cachedValue != null)
				return ((JToken)(JArray)e.cachedValue).ToObject<T>();
			JArray val = (JArray)(((object)e.Context.GetData(e.Context.Key).ToObject<JArray>()) ?? ((object)new JArray()));
			foreach (OperationSpecification operation in e.Operations)
				switch (operation.OperationType)
				case OperationType.Add:
					if ((int)operation.Value.Type != 2)
						throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot perform operation {OperationType.Add} on Array value, with a non Array value: {operation.Value}");
				case OperationType.Replace:
					if ((int)operation.Value.Type != 2)
						throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot replace Array value, with a non Array value: {operation.Value}");
					val = (JArray)(((object)operation.Value.ToObject<JArray>()) ?? ((object)new JArray()));
					throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot perform operation {operation.OperationType} on Array value");
			e.cachedValue = (JToken)(object)val;
			return ((JToken)val).ToObject<T>();

		private static string RetrieveAndReturnStringValue(DataStorageElement e)
			//IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0038: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_009c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00a2: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			if (e.cachedValue != null)
				return (string)e.cachedValue;
			JToken val = e.Context.GetData(e.Context.Key);
			string text = (((int)val.Type == 10) ? null : ((object)val).ToString());
			foreach (OperationSpecification operation in e.Operations)
				switch (operation.OperationType)
				case OperationType.Add:
					text += (string)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Mul:
					if ((int)operation.Value.Type != 6)
						throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot perform operation {OperationType.Mul} on string value, with a non interger value: {operation.Value}");
					text = string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(text, (int)operation.Value));
				case OperationType.Replace:
					text = (string)operation.Value;
					throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot perform operation {operation.OperationType} on string value");
			if (text == null)
				e.cachedValue = (JToken)(object)JValue.CreateNull();
				e.cachedValue = JToken.op_Implicit(text);
			return (string)e.cachedValue;

		private static T RetrieveAndReturnBoolValue<T>(DataStorageElement e)
			if (e.cachedValue != null)
				return e.cachedValue.ToObject<T>();
			bool? flag = e.Context.GetData(e.Context.Key).ToObject<bool?>() ?? ((bool?)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T)));
			foreach (OperationSpecification operation in e.Operations)
				if (operation.OperationType == OperationType.Replace)
					flag = (bool?)operation.Value;
				throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot perform operation {operation.OperationType} on boolean value");
			e.cachedValue = JToken.op_Implicit(flag);
			if (!flag.HasValue)
				return default(T);
			return (T)Convert.ChangeType(flag.Value, IsNullable<T>() ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(T)) : typeof(T));

		private static T RetrieveAndReturnDecimalValue<T>(DataStorageElement e)
			if (e.cachedValue != null)
				return e.cachedValue.ToObject<T>();
			decimal? num = e.Context.GetData(e.Context.Key).ToObject<decimal?>();
			if (!num.HasValue && !IsNullable<T>())
				num = Activator.CreateInstance<decimal>();
			foreach (OperationSpecification operation in e.Operations)
				switch (operation.OperationType)
				case OperationType.Replace:
					num = (decimal)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Add:
					num += (decimal?)(decimal)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Mul:
					num *= (decimal?)(decimal)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Mod:
					num %= (decimal?)(decimal)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Pow:
					num = (decimal)Math.Pow((double)num.Value, (double)operation.Value);
				case OperationType.Max:
					num = Math.Max(num.Value, (decimal)operation.Value);
				case OperationType.Min:
					num = Math.Min(num.Value, (decimal)operation.Value);
				case OperationType.Xor:
					num = (long)num.Value ^ (long)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.Or:
					num = (long)num.Value | (long)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.And:
					num = (long)num.Value & (long)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.LeftShift:
					num = (long)num.Value << (int)operation.Value;
				case OperationType.RightShift:
					num = (long)num.Value >> (int)operation.Value;
			e.cachedValue = JToken.op_Implicit(num);
			if (!num.HasValue)
				return default(T);
			return (T)Convert.ChangeType(num.Value, IsNullable<T>() ? Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(T)) : typeof(T));

		private static bool IsNullable<T>()
			if (typeof(T).IsGenericType)
				return typeof(T).GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>).GetGenericTypeDefinition();
			return false;

		public T To<T>()
			if (Operations.Count != 0)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("DataStorageElement.To<T>() cannot be used together with other operations on the DataStorageElement");
			return Context.GetData(Context.Key).ToObject<T>();

		public override string ToString()
			return (Context?.ToString() ?? "(null)") + ", (" + ListOperations() + ")";

		private string ListOperations()
			if (Operations != null)
				return string.Join(", ", Operations.Select((OperationSpecification o) => o.ToString()).ToArray());
			return "none";
	internal class DataStorageElementContext
		internal string Key { get; set; }

		internal Action<string, DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler> AddHandler { get; set; }

		internal Action<string, DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler> RemoveHandler { get; set; }

		internal Func<string, JToken> GetData { get; set; }

		internal Action<string, JToken> Initialize { get; set; }

		internal Func<string, Task<JToken>> GetAsync { get; set; }

		public override string ToString()
			return "Key: " + Key;
	public class GameData
		public Dictionary<string, long> LocationLookup { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, long>();

		public Dictionary<string, long> ItemLookup { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, long>();

		[Obsolete("use Checksum instead")]
		public int Version { get; set; }

		public string Checksum { get; set; }
	public class Hint
		public int ReceivingPlayer { get; set; }

		public int FindingPlayer { get; set; }

		public long ItemId { get; set; }

		public long LocationId { get; set; }

		public ItemFlags ItemFlags { get; set; }

		public bool Found { get; set; }

		public string Entrance { get; set; }
	public class JsonMessagePart
		[JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter), new object[] { typeof(SnakeCaseNamingStrategy) })]
		public JsonMessagePartType? Type { get; set; }

		[JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter), new object[] { typeof(SnakeCaseNamingStrategy) })]
		public JsonMessagePartColor? Color { get; set; }

		public string Text { get; set; }

		public int? Player { get; set; }

		public ItemFlags? Flags { get; set; }
	public struct NetworkItem
		public long Item { get; set; }

		public long Location { get; set; }

		public int Player { get; set; }

		public ItemFlags Flags { get; set; }
	public struct NetworkPlayer
		public int Team { get; set; }

		public int Slot { get; set; }

		public string Alias { get; set; }

		public string Name { get; set; }
	public struct NetworkSlot
		public string Name { get; set; }

		public string Game { get; set; }

		public SlotType Type { get; set; }

		public int[] GroupMembers { get; set; }
	public class NetworkVersion
		public int Major { get; set; }

		public int Minor { get; set; }

		public int Build { get; set; }

		public string Class => "Version";

		public NetworkVersion()

		public NetworkVersion(int major, int minor, int build)
			Major = major;
			Minor = minor;
			Build = build;

		public NetworkVersion(Version version)
			Major = version.Major;
			Minor = version.Minor;
			Build = version.Build;

		public Version ToVersion()
			return new Version(Major, Minor, Build);
	public class OperationSpecification
		[JsonConverter(typeof(StringEnumConverter), new object[] { typeof(SnakeCaseNamingStrategy) })]
		public OperationType OperationType;

		public JToken Value { get; set; }

		public override string ToString()
			return $"{OperationType}: {Value}";
	public static class Operation
		public static OperationSpecification Min(JToken i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Min,
				Value = i

		public static OperationSpecification Max(JToken i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Max,
				Value = i

		public static OperationSpecification Remove(JToken value)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Remove,
				Value = value

		public static OperationSpecification Pop(JToken value)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Pop,
				Value = value

		public static OperationSpecification Update(IDictionary dictionary)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Update,
				Value = (JToken)(object)JObject.FromObject((object)dictionary)
	public static class Bitwise
		public static OperationSpecification Xor(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Xor,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification Or(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.Or,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification And(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.And,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification LeftShift(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.LeftShift,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)

		public static OperationSpecification RightShift(long i)
			return new OperationSpecification
				OperationType = OperationType.RightShift,
				Value = JToken.op_Implicit(i)
	public class Callback
		internal DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler Method { get; set; }

		private Callback()

		public static Callback Add(DataStorageHelper.DataStorageUpdatedHandler callback)
			return new Callback
				Method = callback
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.MessageLog.Parts
	public class EntranceMessagePart : MessagePart
		internal EntranceMessagePart(JsonMessagePart messagePart)
			: base(MessagePartType.Entrance, messagePart, Color.Blue)
			base.Text = messagePart.Text;
	public class ItemMessagePart : MessagePart
		public ItemFlags Flags { get; }

		public long ItemId { get; }

		internal ItemMessagePart(IReceivedItemsHelper items, JsonMessagePart part)
			: base(MessagePartType.Item, part)
			Flags = part.Flags.GetValueOrDefault();
			base.Color = GetColor(Flags);
			JsonMessagePartType? type = part.Type;
			if (type.HasValue)
				switch (type.GetValueOrDefault())
				case JsonMessagePartType.ItemId:
					ItemId = long.Parse(part.Text);
					base.Text = items.GetItemName(ItemId) ?? $"Item: {ItemId}";
				case JsonMessagePartType.ItemName:
					ItemId = 0L;
					base.Text = part.Text;

		private static Color GetColor(ItemFlags flags)
			if (HasFlag(flags, ItemFlags.Advancement))
				return Color.Plum;
			if (HasFlag(flags, ItemFlags.NeverExclude))
				return Color.SlateBlue;
			if (HasFlag(flags, ItemFlags.Trap))
				return Color.Salmon;
			return Color.Cyan;

		private static bool HasFlag(ItemFlags flags, ItemFlags flag)
			return flags.HasFlag(flag);
	public class LocationMessagePart : MessagePart
		public long LocationId { get; }

		internal LocationMessagePart(ILocationCheckHelper locations, JsonMessagePart part)
			: base(MessagePartType.Location, part, Color.Green)
			JsonMessagePartType? type = part.Type;
			if (type.HasValue)
				switch (type.GetValueOrDefault())
				case JsonMessagePartType.LocationId:
					LocationId = long.Parse(part.Text);
					base.Text = locations.GetLocationNameFromId(LocationId) ?? $"Location: {LocationId}";
				case JsonMessagePartType.PlayerName:
					LocationId = 0L;
					base.Text = part.Text;
	public class MessagePart
		public string Text { get; internal set; }

		public MessagePartType Type { get; internal set; }

		public Color Color { get; internal set; }

		public bool IsBackgroundColor { get; internal set; }

		internal MessagePart(MessagePartType type, JsonMessagePart messagePart, Color? color = null)
			Type = type;
			Text = messagePart.Text;
			if (color.HasValue)
				Color = color.Value;
			else if (messagePart.Color.HasValue)
				Color = GetColor(messagePart.Color.Value);
				IsBackgroundColor = messagePart.Color.Value >= JsonMessagePartColor.BlackBg;
				Color = Color.White;

		private static Color GetColor(JsonMessagePartColor color)
			switch (color)
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Red:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.RedBg:
				return Color.Red;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Green:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.GreenBg:
				return Color.Green;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Yellow:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.YellowBg:
				return Color.Yellow;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Blue:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.BlueBg:
				return Color.Blue;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Magenta:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.MagentaBg:
				return Color.Magenta;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Cyan:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.CyanBg:
				return Color.Cyan;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.Black:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.BlackBg:
				return Color.Black;
			case JsonMessagePartColor.White:
			case JsonMessagePartColor.WhiteBg:
				return Color.White;
				return Color.White;

		public override string ToString()
			return Text;
	public enum MessagePartType
	public class PlayerMessagePart : MessagePart
		public bool IsActivePlayer { get; }

		public int SlotId { get; }

		internal PlayerMessagePart(IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, JsonMessagePart part)
			: base(MessagePartType.Player, part)
			switch (part.Type)
			case JsonMessagePartType.PlayerId:
				SlotId = int.Parse(part.Text);
				IsActivePlayer = SlotId == connectionInfo.Slot;
				base.Text = players.GetPlayerAlias(SlotId) ?? $"Player {SlotId}";
			case JsonMessagePartType.PlayerName:
				SlotId = 0;
				IsActivePlayer = false;
				base.Text = part.Text;
			base.Color = GetColor(IsActivePlayer);

		private static Color GetColor(bool isActivePlayer)
			if (isActivePlayer)
				return Color.Magenta;
			return Color.Yellow;
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.MessageLog.Messages
	public class AdminCommandResultLogMessage : LogMessage
		internal AdminCommandResultLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts)
			: base(parts)
	public class ChatLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		public string Message { get; }

		internal ChatLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int team, int slot, string message)
			: base(parts, players, connectionInfo, team, slot)
			Message = message;
	public class CollectLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		internal CollectLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int team, int slot)
			: base(parts, players, connectionInfo, team, slot)
	public class CommandResultLogMessage : LogMessage
		internal CommandResultLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts)
			: base(parts)
	public class CountdownLogMessage : LogMessage
		public int RemainingSeconds { get; }

		internal CountdownLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, int remainingSeconds)
			: base(parts)
			RemainingSeconds = remainingSeconds;
	public class GoalLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		internal GoalLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int team, int slot)
			: base(parts, players, connectionInfo, team, slot)
	public class HintItemSendLogMessage : ItemSendLogMessage
		public bool IsFound { get; }

		internal HintItemSendLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int receiver, int sender, NetworkItem item, bool found)
			: base(parts, players, connectionInfo, receiver, sender, item)
			IsFound = found;
	public class ItemCheatLogMessage : ItemSendLogMessage
		internal ItemCheatLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int team, int slot, NetworkItem item)
			: base(parts, players, connectionInfo, slot, 0, item, team)
	public class ItemSendLogMessage : LogMessage
		[Obsolete("Use Receiver.Slot instead")]
		public int ReceivingPlayerSlot { get; }

		[Obsolete("Use Sender.Slot instead")]
		public int SendingPlayerSlot { get; }

		public PlayerInfo Receiver { get; }

		public PlayerInfo Sender { get; }

		public bool IsReceiverTheActivePlayer { get; }

		public bool IsSenderTheActivePlayer { get; }

		public bool IsRelatedToActivePlayer { get; }

		public NetworkItem Item { get; }

		internal ItemSendLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int receiver, int sender, NetworkItem item)
			: this(parts, players, connectionInfo, receiver, sender, item, connectionInfo.Team)

		internal ItemSendLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int receiver, int sender, NetworkItem item, int team)
			: base(parts)
			ReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>> players2 = players.Players;
			ReceivingPlayerSlot = receiver;
			SendingPlayerSlot = sender;
			IsReceiverTheActivePlayer = connectionInfo.Team == team && connectionInfo.Slot == receiver;
			IsSenderTheActivePlayer = connectionInfo.Team == team && connectionInfo.Slot == sender;
			Receiver = ((players2.Count > team && players2[team].Count > receiver) ? players2[team][receiver] : new PlayerInfo());
			Sender = ((players2.Count > team && players2[team].Count > sender) ? players2[team][sender] : new PlayerInfo());
			IsRelatedToActivePlayer = IsReceiverTheActivePlayer || IsSenderTheActivePlayer || Receiver.IsSharingGroupWith(connectionInfo.Team, connectionInfo.Slot) || Sender.IsSharingGroupWith(connectionInfo.Team, connectionInfo.Slot);
			Item = item;
	public class JoinLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		public string[] Tags { get; }

		internal JoinLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int team, int slot, string[] tags)
			: base(parts, players, connectionInfo, team, slot)
			Tags = tags;
	public class LeaveLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		internal LeaveLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int team, int slot)
			: base(parts, players, connectionInfo, team, slot)
	public class LogMessage
		public MessagePart[] Parts { get; }

		internal LogMessage(MessagePart[] parts)
			Parts = parts;

		public override string ToString()
			if (Parts.Length == 1)
				return Parts[0].Text;
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
			MessagePart[] parts = Parts;
			foreach (MessagePart messagePart in parts)
			return stringBuilder.ToString();
	public abstract class PlayerSpecificLogMessage : LogMessage
		public PlayerInfo Player { get; }

		public bool IsActivePlayer { get; }

		public bool IsRelatedToActivePlayer { get; }

		internal PlayerSpecificLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int team, int slot)
			: base(parts)
			ReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>> players2 = players.Players;
			IsActivePlayer = connectionInfo.Team == team && connectionInfo.Slot == slot;
			Player = ((players2.Count > team && players2[team].Count > slot) ? players2[team][slot] : new PlayerInfo());
			IsRelatedToActivePlayer = IsActivePlayer || Player.IsSharingGroupWith(connectionInfo.Team, connectionInfo.Slot);
	public class ReleaseLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		internal ReleaseLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int team, int slot)
			: base(parts, players, connectionInfo, team, slot)
	public class ServerChatLogMessage : LogMessage
		public string Message { get; }

		internal ServerChatLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, string message)
			: base(parts)
			Message = message;
	public class TagsChangedLogMessage : PlayerSpecificLogMessage
		public string[] Tags { get; }

		internal TagsChangedLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo, int team, int slot, string[] tags)
			: base(parts, players, connectionInfo, team, slot)
			Tags = tags;
	public class TutorialLogMessage : LogMessage
		internal TutorialLogMessage(MessagePart[] parts)
			: base(parts)
namespace Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Helpers
	public class ArchipelagoSocketHelper : IArchipelagoSocketHelper
		private static readonly ArchipelagoPacketConverter Converter = new ArchipelagoPacketConverter();

		private const int ReceiveChunkSize = 1024;

		private const int SendChunkSize = 1024;

		private readonly BlockingCollection<Tuple<ArchipelagoPacketBase, TaskCompletionSource<bool>>> sendQueue = new BlockingCollection<Tuple<ArchipelagoPacketBase, TaskCompletionSource<bool>>>();

		internal ClientWebSocket webSocket;

		public Uri Uri { get; }

		public bool Connected
				if (webSocket.State != WebSocketState.Open)
					return webSocket.State == WebSocketState.CloseReceived;
				return true;

		public event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.PacketReceivedHandler PacketReceived;

		public event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.PacketsSentHandler PacketsSent;

		public event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.ErrorReceivedHandler ErrorReceived;

		public event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.SocketClosedHandler SocketClosed;

		public event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.SocketOpenedHandler SocketOpened;

		internal ArchipelagoSocketHelper(Uri hostUri)
			Uri = hostUri;
			webSocket = new ClientWebSocket();
			SecurityProtocolType securityProtocolType = SecurityProtocolType.Tls13;
			ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | securityProtocolType;

		public async Task ConnectAsync()
			await ConnectToProvidedUri(Uri);
			if (this.SocketOpened != null)

		private async Task ConnectToProvidedUri(Uri uri)
			if (uri.Scheme != "unspecified")
				await webSocket.ConnectAsync(uri, CancellationToken.None);
				await ConnectToProvidedUri(uri.AsWss());
				if (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
				webSocket = new ClientWebSocket();
			await ConnectToProvidedUri(uri.AsWs());

		private async Task PollingLoop()
			byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
			while (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
				string message = null;
					message = await ReadMessageAsync(buffer);
				catch (Exception e)

		private async Task SendLoop()
			while (webSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
					await HandleSendBuffer();
				catch (Exception e)

		private async Task<string> ReadMessageAsync(byte[] buffer)
			StringBuilder stringResult = new StringBuilder();
			WebSocketReceiveResult result;
				result = await webSocket.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer), CancellationToken.None);
				if (result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
						await webSocket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, string.Empty, CancellationToken.None);
					stringResult.Append(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, result.Count));
			while (!result.EndOfMessage);
			return stringResult.ToString();

		public async Task DisconnectAsync()
			await webSocket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "Closure requested by client", CancellationToken.None);

		public void SendPacket(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			SendMultiplePackets(new List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> { packet });

		public void SendMultiplePackets(List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> packets)

		public void SendMultiplePackets(params ArchipelagoPacketBase[] packets)

		public Task SendPacketAsync(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			return SendMultiplePacketsAsync(new List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> { packet });

		public Task SendMultiplePacketsAsync(List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> packets)
			return SendMultiplePacketsAsync(packets.ToArray());

		public Task SendMultiplePacketsAsync(params ArchipelagoPacketBase[] packets)
			TaskCompletionSource<bool> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
			foreach (ArchipelagoPacketBase item in packets)
				sendQueue.Add(new Tuple<ArchipelagoPacketBase, TaskCompletionSource<bool>>(item, taskCompletionSource));
			return taskCompletionSource.Task;

		private async Task HandleSendBuffer()
			List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> list = new List<ArchipelagoPacketBase>();
			List<TaskCompletionSource<bool>> tasks = new List<TaskCompletionSource<bool>>();
			Tuple<ArchipelagoPacketBase, TaskCompletionSource<bool>> tuple = sendQueue.Take();
			Tuple<ArchipelagoPacketBase, TaskCompletionSource<bool>> item;
			while (sendQueue.TryTake(out item))
			if (!list.Any())
			if (webSocket.State != WebSocketState.Open)
				throw new ArchipelagoSocketClosedException();
			ArchipelagoPacketBase[] packets = list.ToArray();
			string s = JsonConvert.SerializeObject((object)packets);
			byte[] messageBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);
			int messagesCount = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)messageBuffer.Length / 1024.0);
			for (int i = 0; i < messagesCount; i++)
				int num = 1024 * i;
				int num2 = 1024;
				bool endOfMessage = i + 1 == messagesCount;
				if (num2 * (i + 1) > messageBuffer.Length)
					num2 = messageBuffer.Length - num;
				await webSocket.SendAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(messageBuffer, num, num2), WebSocketMessageType.Text, endOfMessage, CancellationToken.None);
			foreach (TaskCompletionSource<bool> item2 in tasks)
				item2.TrySetResult(result: true);

		private void OnPacketSend(ArchipelagoPacketBase[] packets)
				if (this.PacketsSent != null)
			catch (Exception e)

		private void OnSocketClosed()
				if (this.SocketClosed != null)
			catch (Exception e)

		private void OnMessageReceived(string message)
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) || this.PacketReceived == null)
				List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ArchipelagoPacketBase>>(message, (JsonConverter[])(object)new JsonConverter[1] { Converter });
				if (list == null)
				foreach (ArchipelagoPacketBase item in list)
			catch (Exception e)

		private void OnError(Exception e)
				if (this.ErrorReceived != null)
					this.ErrorReceived(e, e.Message);
			catch (Exception ex)
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Error occured during reporting of errorOuter Errror: " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace + "Inner Errror: " + ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace);
	internal interface IConnectionInfoProvider
		string Game { get; }

		int Team { get; }

		int Slot { get; }

		string[] Tags { get; }

		ItemsHandlingFlags ItemsHandlingFlags { get; }

		string Uuid { get; }

		void UpdateConnectionOptions(string[] tags);

		void UpdateConnectionOptions(ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags);

		void UpdateConnectionOptions(string[] tags, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags);
	public class ConnectionInfoHelper : IConnectionInfoProvider
		private readonly IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket;

		public string Game { get; private set; }

		public int Team { get; private set; }

		public int Slot { get; private set; }

		public string[] Tags { get; internal set; }

		public ItemsHandlingFlags ItemsHandlingFlags { get; internal set; }

		public string Uuid { get; private set; }

		internal ConnectionInfoHelper(IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket)
			this.socket = socket;
			socket.PacketReceived += PacketReceived;

		private void PacketReceived(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			if (!(packet is ConnectedPacket connectedPacket))
				if (packet is ConnectionRefusedPacket)
				Team = connectedPacket.Team;
				Slot = connectedPacket.Slot;

		internal void SetConnectionParameters(string game, string[] tags, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags, string uuid)
			Game = game;
			Tags = tags ?? new string[0];
			ItemsHandlingFlags = itemsHandlingFlags;
			Uuid = uuid ?? Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

		private void Reset()
			Game = null;
			Team = -1;
			Slot = -1;
			Tags = new string[0];
			ItemsHandlingFlags = ItemsHandlingFlags.NoItems;
			Uuid = null;

		public void UpdateConnectionOptions(string[] tags)
			UpdateConnectionOptions(tags, ItemsHandlingFlags);

		public void UpdateConnectionOptions(ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags)
			UpdateConnectionOptions(Tags, ItemsHandlingFlags);

		public void UpdateConnectionOptions(string[] tags, ItemsHandlingFlags itemsHandlingFlags)
			SetConnectionParameters(Game, tags, itemsHandlingFlags, Uuid);
			socket.SendPacket(new ConnectUpdatePacket
				Tags = Tags,
				ItemsHandling = ItemsHandlingFlags
	public class DataStorageHelper
		public delegate void DataStorageUpdatedHandler(JToken originalValue, JToken newValue);

		private readonly Dictionary<string, DataStorageUpdatedHandler> onValueChangedEventHandlers = new Dictionary<string, DataStorageUpdatedHandler>();

		private readonly Dictionary<Guid, DataStorageUpdatedHandler> operationSpecificCallbacks = new Dictionary<Guid, DataStorageUpdatedHandler>();

		private readonly Dictionary<string, TaskCompletionSource<JToken>> asyncRetrievalTasks = new Dictionary<string, TaskCompletionSource<JToken>>();

		private readonly IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket;

		private readonly IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfoProvider;

		public DataStorageElement this[Scope scope, string key]
				return this[AddScope(scope, key)];
				this[AddScope(scope, key)] = value;

		public DataStorageElement this[string key]
				return new DataStorageElement(GetContextForKey(key));
				SetValue(key, value);

		internal DataStorageHelper(IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfoProvider)
			this.socket = socket;
			this.connectionInfoProvider = connectionInfoProvider;
			socket.PacketReceived += OnPacketReceived;

		private void OnPacketReceived(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			if (!(packet is RetrievedPacket retrievedPacket))
				if (packet is SetReplyPacket setReplyPacket)
					if (setReplyPacket.Reference.HasValue && operationSpecificCallbacks.TryGetValue(setReplyPacket.Reference.Value, out var value))
						value(setReplyPacket.OriginalValue, setReplyPacket.Value);
					if (onValueChangedEventHandlers.TryGetValue(setReplyPacket.Key, out var value2))
						value2(setReplyPacket.OriginalValue, setReplyPacket.Value);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JToken> datum in retrievedPacket.Data)
				if (asyncRetrievalTasks.TryGetValue(datum.Key, out var value3))

		private Task<JToken> GetAsync(string key)
			if (asyncRetrievalTasks.TryGetValue(key, out var value))
				return value.Task;
			TaskCompletionSource<JToken> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<JToken>();
			asyncRetrievalTasks[key] = taskCompletionSource;
			socket.SendPacketAsync(new GetPacket
				Keys = new string[1] { key }
			return taskCompletionSource.Task;

		private void Initialize(string key, JToken value)
			socket.SendPacketAsync(new SetPacket
				Key = key,
				DefaultValue = value,
				Operations = new OperationSpecification[1]
					new OperationSpecification
						OperationType = OperationType.Default

		private JToken GetValue(string key)
			Task<JToken> async = GetAsync(key);
			if (!async.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2.0)))
				throw new TimeoutException("Timed out retrieving data for key `" + key + "`. This may be due to an attempt to retrieve a value from the DataStorageHelper in a synchronous fashion from within a PacketReceived handler. When using the DataStorageHelper from within code which runs on the websocket thread then use the asynchronous getters. Ex: `DataStorageHelper[\"" + key + "\"].GetAsync().ContinueWith(x => {});`Be aware that DataStorageHelper calls tend to cause packet responses, so making a call from within a PacketReceived handler may cause an infinite loop.");
			return async.Result;

		private void SetValue(string key, DataStorageElement e)
			if (key.StartsWith("_read_"))
				throw new InvalidOperationException("DataStorage write operation on readonly key '" + key + "' is not allowed");
			if (e == null)
				e = new DataStorageElement(OperationType.Replace, (JToken)(object)JValue.CreateNull());
			if (e.Context == null)
				e.Context = GetContextForKey(key);
			else if (e.Context.Key != key)
				e.Operations.Insert(0, new OperationSpecification
					OperationType = OperationType.Replace,
					Value = GetValue(e.Context.Key)
			if (e.Callbacks != null)
				Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
				operationSpecificCallbacks[guid] = e.Callbacks;
				socket.SendPacketAsync(new SetPacket
					Key = key,
					Operations = e.Operations.ToArray(),
					WantReply = true,
					Reference = guid
				socket.SendPacketAsync(new SetPacket
					Key = key,
					Operations = e.Operations.ToArray()

		private DataStorageElementContext GetContextForKey(string key)
			return new DataStorageElementContext
				Key = key,
				GetData = GetValue,
				GetAsync = GetAsync,
				Initialize = Initialize,
				AddHandler = AddHandler,
				RemoveHandler = RemoveHandler

		private void AddHandler(string key, DataStorageUpdatedHandler handler)
			if (onValueChangedEventHandlers.ContainsKey(key))
				Dictionary<string, DataStorageUpdatedHandler> dictionary = onValueChangedEventHandlers;
				dictionary[key] = (DataStorageUpdatedHandler)Delegate.Combine(dictionary[key], handler);
				onValueChangedEventHandlers[key] = handler;
			socket.SendPacketAsync(new SetNotifyPacket
				Keys = new string[1] { key }

		private void RemoveHandler(string key, DataStorageUpdatedHandler handler)
			if (onValueChangedEventHandlers.ContainsKey(key))
				Dictionary<string, DataStorageUpdatedHandler> dictionary = onValueChangedEventHandlers;
				dictionary[key] = (DataStorageUpdatedHandler)Delegate.Remove(dictionary[key], handler);
				if (onValueChangedEventHandlers[key] == null)

		private string AddScope(Scope scope, string key)
			return scope switch
				Scope.Global => key, 
				Scope.Game => $"{scope}:{connectionInfoProvider.Game}:{key}", 
				Scope.Team => $"{scope}:{connectionInfoProvider.Team}:{key}", 
				Scope.Slot => $"{scope}:{connectionInfoProvider.Slot}:{key}", 
				Scope.ReadOnly => "_read_" + key, 
				_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("scope", scope, "Invalid scope for key " + key), 

		private DataStorageElement GetHintsElement(int? slot = null, int? team = null)
			return this[Scope.ReadOnly, $"hints_{team ?? connectionInfoProvider.Team}_{slot ?? connectionInfoProvider.Slot}"];

		private DataStorageElement GetSlotDataElement(int? slot = null)
			return this[Scope.ReadOnly, $"slot_data_{slot ?? connectionInfoProvider.Slot}"];

		private DataStorageElement GetItemNameGroupsElement(string game = null)
			return this[Scope.ReadOnly, "item_name_groups_" + (game ?? connectionInfoProvider.Game)];

		public Hint[] GetHints(int? slot = null, int? team = null)
			return GetHintsElement(slot, team).To<Hint[]>();

		public Task<Hint[]> GetHintsAsync(int? slot = null, int? team = null)
			return GetHintsElement(slot, team).GetAsync<Hint[]>();

		public void TrackHints(Action<Hint[]> onHintsUpdated, bool retrieveCurrentlyUnlockedHints = true, int? slot = null, int? team = null)
			GetHintsElement(slot, team).OnValueChanged += delegate(JToken _, JToken newValue)
			if (retrieveCurrentlyUnlockedHints)
				GetHintsAsync(slot, team).ContinueWith(delegate(Task<Hint[]> t)

		public Dictionary<string, object> GetSlotData(int? slot = null)
			return GetSlotDataElement(slot).To<Dictionary<string, object>>();

		public Task<Dictionary<string, object>> GetSlotDataAsync(int? slot = null)
			return GetSlotDataElement(slot).GetAsync<Dictionary<string, object>>();

		public Dictionary<string, string[]> GetItemNameGroups(string game = null)
			return GetItemNameGroupsElement(game).To<Dictionary<string, string[]>>();

		public Task<Dictionary<string, string[]>> GetItemNameGroupsAsync(string game = null)
			return GetItemNameGroupsElement(game).GetAsync<Dictionary<string, string[]>>();
	public class ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates
		public delegate void PacketReceivedHandler(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet);

		public delegate void PacketsSentHandler(ArchipelagoPacketBase[] packets);

		public delegate void ErrorReceivedHandler(Exception e, string message);

		public delegate void SocketClosedHandler(string reason);

		public delegate void SocketOpenedHandler();
	public interface IArchipelagoSocketHelper
		Uri Uri { get; }

		bool Connected { get; }

		event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.PacketReceivedHandler PacketReceived;

		event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.PacketsSentHandler PacketsSent;

		event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.ErrorReceivedHandler ErrorReceived;

		event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.SocketClosedHandler SocketClosed;

		event ArchipelagoSocketHelperDelagates.SocketOpenedHandler SocketOpened;

		void SendPacket(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet);

		void SendMultiplePackets(List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> packets);

		void SendMultiplePackets(params ArchipelagoPacketBase[] packets);

		Task ConnectAsync();

		Task DisconnectAsync();

		Task SendPacketAsync(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet);

		Task SendMultiplePacketsAsync(List<ArchipelagoPacketBase> packets);

		Task SendMultiplePacketsAsync(params ArchipelagoPacketBase[] packets);
	public interface ILocationCheckHelper
		ReadOnlyCollection<long> AllLocations { get; }

		ReadOnlyCollection<long> AllLocationsChecked { get; }

		ReadOnlyCollection<long> AllMissingLocations { get; }

		void CompleteLocationChecks(params long[] ids);

		Task CompleteLocationChecksAsync(params long[] ids);

		long GetLocationIdFromName(string game, string locationName);

		string GetLocationNameFromId(long locationId);
	public class LocationCheckHelper : ILocationCheckHelper
		public delegate void CheckedLocationsUpdatedHandler(ReadOnlyCollection<long> newCheckedLocations);

		private readonly IConcurrentHashSet<long> allLocations = new ConcurrentHashSet<long>();

		private readonly IConcurrentHashSet<long> locationsChecked = new ConcurrentHashSet<long>();

		private readonly IConcurrentHashSet<long> serverConfirmedChecks = new ConcurrentHashSet<long>();

		private ReadOnlyCollection<long> missingLocations = new ReadOnlyCollection<long>(new long[0]);

		private readonly IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket;

		private readonly IDataPackageCache cache;

		private bool awaitingLocationInfoPacket;

		private TaskCompletionSource<LocationInfoPacket> locationInfoPacketCallbackTask;

		private Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, long>> gameLocationNameToIdMapping;

		private Dictionary<long, string> locationIdToNameMapping;

		public ReadOnlyCollection<long> AllLocations => allLocations.AsToReadOnlyCollection();

		public ReadOnlyCollection<long> AllLocationsChecked => locationsChecked.AsToReadOnlyCollection();

		public ReadOnlyCollection<long> AllMissingLocations => missingLocations;

		public event CheckedLocationsUpdatedHandler CheckedLocationsUpdated;

		internal LocationCheckHelper(IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket, IDataPackageCache cache)
			this.socket = socket;
			this.cache = cache;
			socket.PacketReceived += Socket_PacketReceived;

		private void Socket_PacketReceived(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			if (!(packet is ConnectedPacket connectedPacket))
				if (!(packet is RoomUpdatePacket roomUpdatePacket))
					if (!(packet is LocationInfoPacket result))
						if (packet is InvalidPacketPacket invalidPacketPacket && awaitingLocationInfoPacket && invalidPacketPacket.OriginalCmd == ArchipelagoPacketType.LocationScouts)
							locationInfoPacketCallbackTask.TrySetException(new ArchipelagoServerRejectedPacketException(invalidPacketPacket.OriginalCmd, invalidPacketPacket.ErrorType, "location scout rejected by the server: " + invalidPacketPacket.ErrorText));
							awaitingLocationInfoPacket = false;
							locationInfoPacketCallbackTask = null;
					else if (awaitingLocationInfoPacket)
						if (locationInfoPacketCallbackTask != null)
						awaitingLocationInfoPacket = false;
						locationInfoPacketCallbackTask = null;
					if (roomUpdatePacket.CheckedLocations != null)
				missingLocations = new ReadOnlyCollection<long>(connectedPacket.MissingChecks);

		public void CompleteLocationChecks(params long[] ids)
			LocationChecksPacket locationChecksPacket = GetLocationChecksPacket();
			if (locationChecksPacket.Locations.Any())

		public Task CompleteLocationChecksAsync(params long[] ids)
			return Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate
				if (GetLocationChecksPacket().Locations.Any())

		private LocationChecksPacket GetLocationChecksPacket()
			return new LocationChecksPacket
				Locations = locationsChecked.AsToReadOnlyCollectionExcept(serverConfirmedChecks).ToArray()

		public Task<LocationInfoPacket> ScoutLocationsAsync(bool createAsHint, params long[] ids)
			locationInfoPacketCallbackTask = new TaskCompletionSource<LocationInfoPacket>();
			awaitingLocationInfoPacket = true;
			socket.SendPacket(new LocationScoutsPacket
				Locations = ids,
				CreateAsHint = createAsHint
			return locationInfoPacketCallbackTask.Task;

		public Task<LocationInfoPacket> ScoutLocationsAsync(params long[] ids)
			return ScoutLocationsAsync(createAsHint: false, ids);

		public long GetLocationIdFromName(string game, string locationName)
			if (!cache.TryGetDataPackageFromCache(out var package))
				return -1L;
			if (gameLocationNameToIdMapping == null)
				gameLocationNameToIdMapping = package.Games.ToDictionary((KeyValuePair<string, GameData> x) => x.Key, (KeyValuePair<string, GameData> x) => x.Value.LocationLookup.ToDictionary((KeyValuePair<string, long> y) => y.Key, (KeyValuePair<string, long> y) => y.Value));
			if (!gameLocationNameToIdMapping.TryGetValue(game, out var value))
				return -1L;
			if (!value.TryGetValue(locationName, out var value2))
				return -1L;
			return value2;

		public string GetLocationNameFromId(long locationId)
			if (!cache.TryGetDataPackageFromCache(out var package))
				return null;
			if (locationIdToNameMapping == null)
				locationIdToNameMapping = package.Games.Select((KeyValuePair<string, GameData> x) => x.Value).SelectMany((GameData x) => x.LocationLookup).ToDictionary((KeyValuePair<string, long> x) => x.Value, (KeyValuePair<string, long> x) => x.Key);
			if (!locationIdToNameMapping.TryGetValue(locationId, out var value))
				return null;
			return value;

		private void CheckLocations(ICollection<long> locationIds)
			if (locationIds == null || !locationIds.Any())
			List<long> list = new List<long>();
			foreach (long locationId in locationIds)
				if (locationsChecked.TryAdd(locationId))
			missingLocations = allLocations.AsToReadOnlyCollectionExcept(locationsChecked);
			if (list.Any())
				this.CheckedLocationsUpdated?.Invoke(new ReadOnlyCollection<long>(list));
	public class MessageLogHelper
		public delegate void MessageReceivedHandler(LogMessage message);

		private readonly IReceivedItemsHelper items;

		private readonly ILocationCheckHelper locations;

		private readonly IPlayerHelper players;

		private readonly IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo;

		public event MessageReceivedHandler OnMessageReceived;

		internal MessageLogHelper(IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket, IReceivedItemsHelper items, ILocationCheckHelper locations, IPlayerHelper players, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo)
			this.items = items;
			this.locations = locations;
			this.players = players;
			this.connectionInfo = connectionInfo;
			socket.PacketReceived += Socket_PacketReceived;

		private void Socket_PacketReceived(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			if (this.OnMessageReceived != null && packet is PrintJsonPacket printJsonPacket)

		private void TriggerOnMessageReceived(PrintJsonPacket printJsonPacket)
			foreach (PrintJsonPacket item in SplitPacketsPerLine(printJsonPacket))
				MessagePart[] parsedData = GetParsedData(item);
				LogMessage message = ((item is ItemPrintJsonPacket itemPrintJsonPacket) ? new ItemSendLogMessage(parsedData, players, connectionInfo, itemPrintJsonPacket.ReceivingPlayer, itemPrintJsonPacket.Item.Player, itemPrintJsonPacket.Item) : ((item is ItemCheatPrintJsonPacket itemCheatPrintJsonPacket) ? new ItemCheatLogMessage(parsedData, players, connectionInfo, itemCheatPrintJsonPacket.Team, itemCheatPrintJsonPacket.ReceivingPlayer, itemCheatPrintJsonPacket.Item) : ((item is HintPrintJsonPacket hintPrintJsonPacket) ? new HintItemSendLogMessage(parsedData, players, connectionInfo, hintPrintJsonPacket.ReceivingPlayer, hintPrintJsonPacket.Item.Player, hintPrintJsonPacket.Item, hintPrintJsonPacket.Found.HasValue && hintPrintJsonPacket.Found.Value) : ((item is JoinPrintJsonPacket joinPrintJsonPacket) ? new JoinLogMessage(parsedData, players, connectionInfo, joinPrintJsonPacket.Team, joinPrintJsonPacket.Slot, joinPrintJsonPacket.Tags) : ((item is LeavePrintJsonPacket leavePrintJsonPacket) ? new LeaveLogMessage(parsedData, players, connectionInfo, leavePrintJsonPacket.Team, leavePrintJsonPacket.Slot) : ((item is ChatPrintJsonPacket chatPrintJsonPacket) ? new ChatLogMessage(parsedData, players, connectionInfo, chatPrintJsonPacket.Team, chatPrintJsonPacket.Slot, chatPrintJsonPacket.Message) : ((item is ServerChatPrintJsonPacket serverChatPrintJsonPacket) ? new ServerChatLogMessage(parsedData, serverChatPrintJsonPacket.Message) : ((item is TutorialPrintJsonPacket) ? new TutorialLogMessage(parsedData) : ((item is TagsChangedPrintJsonPacket tagsChangedPrintJsonPacket) ? new TagsChangedLogMessage(parsedData, players, connectionInfo, tagsChangedPrintJsonPacket.Team, tagsChangedPrintJsonPacket.Slot, tagsChangedPrintJsonPacket.Tags) : ((item is CommandResultPrintJsonPacket) ? new CommandResultLogMessage(parsedData) : ((item is AdminCommandResultPrintJsonPacket) ? new AdminCommandResultLogMessage(parsedData) : ((item is GoalPrintJsonPacket goalPrintJsonPacket) ? new GoalLogMessage(parsedData, players, connectionInfo, goalPrintJsonPacket.Team, goalPrintJsonPacket.Slot) : ((item is ReleasePrintJsonPacket releasePrintJsonPacket) ? new ReleaseLogMessage(parsedData, players, connectionInfo, releasePrintJsonPacket.Team, releasePrintJsonPacket.Slot) : ((item is CollectPrintJsonPacket collectPrintJsonPacket) ? new CollectLogMessage(parsedData, players, connectionInfo, collectPrintJsonPacket.Team, collectPrintJsonPacket.Slot) : ((!(item is CountdownPrintJsonPacket countdownPrintJsonPacket)) ? new LogMessage(parsedData) : new CountdownLogMessage(parsedData, countdownPrintJsonPacket.RemainingSeconds))))))))))))))));

		private static IEnumerable<PrintJsonPacket> SplitPacketsPerLine(PrintJsonPacket printJsonPacket)
			List<PrintJsonPacket> list = new List<PrintJsonPacket>();
			List<JsonMessagePart> list2 = new List<JsonMessagePart>();
			JsonMessagePart[] data = printJsonPacket.Data;
			foreach (JsonMessagePart jsonMessagePart in data)
				string[] array = jsonMessagePart.Text.Split(new char[1] { '\n' });
				for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++)
					string text = array[j];
					list2.Add(new JsonMessagePart
						Text = text,
						Type = jsonMessagePart.Type,
						Color = jsonMessagePart.Color,
						Flags = jsonMessagePart.Flags,
						Player = jsonMessagePart.Player
					if (j < array.Length - 1)
						PrintJsonPacket printJsonPacket2 = CloneWithoutData(printJsonPacket);
						printJsonPacket2.Data = list2.ToArray();
						list2 = new List<JsonMessagePart>();
			PrintJsonPacket printJsonPacket3 = CloneWithoutData(printJsonPacket);
			printJsonPacket3.Data = list2.ToArray();
			return list;

		private static PrintJsonPacket CloneWithoutData(PrintJsonPacket source)
			if (!(source is ItemPrintJsonPacket itemPrintJsonPacket))
				if (!(source is ItemCheatPrintJsonPacket itemCheatPrintJsonPacket))
					if (!(source is HintPrintJsonPacket hintPrintJsonPacket))
						if (!(source is JoinPrintJsonPacket joinPrintJsonPacket))
							if (!(source is LeavePrintJsonPacket leavePrintJsonPacket))
								if (!(source is ChatPrintJsonPacket chatPrintJsonPacket))
									if (!(source is ServerChatPrintJsonPacket serverChatPrintJsonPacket))
										if (!(source is TutorialPrintJsonPacket tutorialPrintJsonPacket))
											if (!(source is TagsChangedPrintJsonPacket tagsChangedPrintJsonPacket))
												if (!(source is CommandResultPrintJsonPacket commandResultPrintJsonPacket))
													if (!(source is AdminCommandResultPrintJsonPacket adminCommandResultPrintJsonPacket))
														if (!(source is GoalPrintJsonPacket goalPrintJsonPacket))
															if (!(source is ReleasePrintJsonPacket releasePrintJsonPacket))
																if (!(source is CollectPrintJsonPacket collectPrintJsonPacket))
																	if (source is CountdownPrintJsonPacket countdownPrintJsonPacket)
																		return new CountdownPrintJsonPacket
																			RemainingSeconds = countdownPrintJsonPacket.RemainingSeconds
																	return new PrintJsonPacket
																		MessageType = source.MessageType
																return new CollectPrintJsonPacket
																	MessageType = collectPrintJsonPacket.MessageType,
																	Team = collectPrintJsonPacket.Team,
																	Slot = collectPrintJsonPacket.Slot
															return new ReleasePrintJsonPacket
																MessageType = releasePrintJsonPacket.MessageType,
																Team = releasePrintJsonPacket.Team,
																Slot = releasePrintJsonPacket.Slot
														return new GoalPrintJsonPacket
															MessageType = goalPrintJsonPacket.MessageType,
															Team = goalPrintJsonPacket.Team,
															Slot = goalPrintJsonPacket.Slot
													return new AdminCommandResultPrintJsonPacket
														MessageType = adminCommandResultPrintJsonPacket.MessageType
												return new CommandResultPrintJsonPacket
													MessageType = commandResultPrintJsonPacket.MessageType
											return new TagsChangedPrintJsonPacket
												MessageType = tagsChangedPrintJsonPacket.MessageType,
												Team = tagsChangedPrintJsonPacket.Team,
												Slot = tagsChangedPrintJsonPacket.Slot,
												Tags = tagsChangedPrintJsonPacket.Tags
										return new TutorialPrintJsonPacket
											MessageType = tutorialPrintJsonPacket.MessageType
									return new ServerChatPrintJsonPacket
										MessageType = serverChatPrintJsonPacket.MessageType,
										Message = serverChatPrintJsonPacket.Message
								return new ChatPrintJsonPacket
									MessageType = chatPrintJsonPacket.MessageType,
									Team = chatPrintJsonPacket.Team,
									Slot = chatPrintJsonPacket.Slot,
									Message = chatPrintJsonPacket.Message
							return new LeavePrintJsonPacket
								MessageType = leavePrintJsonPacket.MessageType,
								Team = leavePrintJsonPacket.Team,
								Slot = leavePrintJsonPacket.Slot
						return new JoinPrintJsonPacket
							MessageType = joinPrintJsonPacket.MessageType,
							Team = joinPrintJsonPacket.Team,
							Slot = joinPrintJsonPacket.Slot,
							Tags = joinPrintJsonPacket.Tags
					return new HintPrintJsonPacket
						MessageType = hintPrintJsonPacket.MessageType,
						ReceivingPlayer = hintPrintJsonPacket.ReceivingPlayer,
						Item = hintPrintJsonPacket.Item,
						Found = hintPrintJsonPacket.Found
				return new ItemCheatPrintJsonPacket
					MessageType = itemCheatPrintJsonPacket.MessageType,
					ReceivingPlayer = itemCheatPrintJsonPacket.ReceivingPlayer,
					Item = itemCheatPrintJsonPacket.Item,
					Team = itemCheatPrintJsonPacket.Team
			return new ItemPrintJsonPacket
				MessageType = itemPrintJsonPacket.MessageType,
				ReceivingPlayer = itemPrintJsonPacket.ReceivingPlayer,
				Item = itemPrintJsonPacket.Item

		internal MessagePart[] GetParsedData(PrintJsonPacket packet)
			return packet.Data.Select(GetMessagePart).ToArray();

		private MessagePart GetMessagePart(JsonMessagePart part)
			switch (part.Type)
			case JsonMessagePartType.ItemId:
			case JsonMessagePartType.ItemName:
				return new ItemMessagePart(items, part);
			case JsonMessagePartType.PlayerId:
			case JsonMessagePartType.PlayerName:
				return new PlayerMessagePart(players, connectionInfo, part);
			case JsonMessagePartType.LocationId:
			case JsonMessagePartType.LocationName:
				return new LocationMessagePart(locations, part);
			case JsonMessagePartType.EntranceName:
				return new EntranceMessagePart(part);
				return new MessagePart(MessagePartType.Text, part);
	public interface IPlayerHelper
		ReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>> Players { get; }

		IEnumerable<PlayerInfo> AllPlayers { get; }

		string GetPlayerAlias(int slot);

		string GetPlayerName(int slot);

		string GetPlayerAliasAndName(int slot);
	public class PlayerHelper : IPlayerHelper
		private readonly IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo;

		private ReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>> players = new ReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>>(new Dictionary<int, ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>>(0));

		public ReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>> Players => players;

		public IEnumerable<PlayerInfo> AllPlayers => players.SelectMany((KeyValuePair<int, ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>> kvp) => kvp.Value);

		internal PlayerHelper(IArchipelagoSocketHelper socket, IConnectionInfoProvider connectionInfo)
			this.connectionInfo = connectionInfo;
			socket.PacketReceived += PacketReceived;

		public string GetPlayerAlias(int slot)
			if (players == null)
				return null;
			return players[connectionInfo.Team].FirstOrDefault((PlayerInfo p) => p.Slot == slot)?.Alias;

		public string GetPlayerName(int slot)
			if (players == null)
				return null;
			return players[connectionInfo.Team].FirstOrDefault((PlayerInfo p) => p.Slot == slot)?.Name;

		public string GetPlayerAliasAndName(int slot)
			if (players == null)
				return null;
			PlayerInfo playerInfo = players[connectionInfo.Team].FirstOrDefault((PlayerInfo p) => p.Slot == slot);
			if (playerInfo == null)
				return null;
			return playerInfo.Alias + " (" + playerInfo.Name + ")";

		private void PacketReceived(ArchipelagoPacketBase packet)
			if (!(packet is ConnectedPacket connectedPacket))
				if (packet is RoomUpdatePacket roomUpdatePacket)
				CreatePlayerInfo(connectedPacket.Players, connectedPacket.SlotInfo);

		private void CreatePlayerInfo(NetworkPlayer[] networkPlayers, Dictionary<int, NetworkSlot> slotInfos)
			NetworkSlot[] source = ((slotInfos == null) ? new NetworkSlot[0] : slotInfos.Values.Where((NetworkSlot s) => s.Type == SlotType.Group).ToArray());
			int num = 0;
			int num2 = 0;
			NetworkPlayer[] array = networkPlayers;
			for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
				NetworkPlayer networkPlayer = array[i];
				if (networkPlayer.Team > num)
					num = networkPlayer.Team;
				if (networkPlayer.Slot > num2)
					num2 = networkPlayer.Slot;
			Dictionary<int, PlayerInfo[]> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, PlayerInfo[]>(num);
			for (int j = 0; j <= num; j++)
				dictionary[j] = new PlayerInfo[num2 + 1];
				dictionary[j][0] = new PlayerInfo
					Team = j,
					Slot = 0,
					Name = "Server",
					Alias = "Server",
					Game = "Archipelago",
					Groups = new NetworkSlot[0]
			array = networkPlayers;
			for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
				NetworkPlayer p = array[i];
				dictionary[p.Team][p.Slot] = new PlayerInfo
					Team = p.Team,
					Slot = p.Slot,
					Name = p.Name,
					Alias = p.Alias,
					Game = slotInfos?[p.Slot].Game,
					Groups = source.Where((NetworkSlot g) => g.GroupMembers.Contains(p.Slot)).ToArray()
			Dictionary<int, ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>> dictionary2 = new Dictionary<int, ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>>(dictionary.Count);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<int, PlayerInfo[]> item in dictionary)
				dictionary2[item.Key] = new ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>(item.Value);
			players = new ReadOnlyDictionary<int, ReadOnlyCollection<PlayerInfo>>(dictionary2);

		private void UpdatePlayerInfo(NetworkPlayer[] networkPlayers)
			if (networkPlayers != null && networkPlayers.Length != 0)
				for (int i = 0; i < networkPlayers.Length; i++)
					NetworkPlayer networkPlayer = networkPlayers[i];


Decompiled 5 days ago
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Text;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.BounceFeatures.DeathLink;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Enums;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Helpers;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Models;
using Archipelago.MultiClient.Net.Packets;
using ArchipelagoULTRAKILL.Commands;
using ArchipelagoULTRAKILL.Components;
using ArchipelagoULTRAKILL.Powerups;
using ArchipelagoULTRAKILL.Properties;
using ArchipelagoULTRAKILL.Structures;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using GameConsole;
using HarmonyLib;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using PluginConfig.API;
using PluginConfig.API.Decorators;
using PluginConfig.API.Fields;
using PluginConfig.API.Functionals;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.ResourceLocators;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using plog;
using plog.Models;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("ArchipelagoULTRAKILL")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Connect to an Archipelago server to play ULTRAKILL randomizer.")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("ArchipelagoULTRAKILL")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © TRPG 2024")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
[assembly: Guid("c7de03cb-cf51-44da-ba1f-6fcecd638e0a")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("2.1.1")]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Framework 4.7.2")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace ArchipelagoULTRAKILL
	public static class AudioManager
		private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> multiMusicBattle = new Dictionary<string, string>
			["1"] = "Assets/Music/0-1.wav",
			["2"] = "Assets/Music/0-2.wav",
			["3"] = "Assets/Music/0-1.wav",
			["4"] = "Assets/Music/0-2.wav",
			["6B"] = "Assets/Music/1-1.wav",
			["7B"] = "Assets/Music/1-2 Noise Battle.wav",
			["8"] = "Assets/Music/1-3.wav",
			["10"] = "Assets/Music/2-1.wav",
			["11"] = "Assets/Music/2-2.wav",
			["12"] = "Assets/Music/2-3.wav",
			["14A"] = "Assets/Music/3-1 Guts.wav",
			["14B"] = "Assets/Music/3-1 Glory.wav",
			["16"] = "Assets/Music/4-1.wav",
			["17"] = "Assets/Music/4-2.wav",
			["18A"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 1.wav",
			["18B"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 2.wav",
			["18C"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 3.wav",
			["20"] = "Assets/Music/5-1.wav",
			["22A"] = "Assets/Music/5-3.wav",
			["22B"] = "Assets/Music/5-3 Aftermath.wav",
			["24A"] = "Assets/Music/6-1.wav",
			["26B"] = "Assets/Music/7-1.wav",
			["27A"] = "Assets/Music/7-2 Intro Battle.wav",
			["27B"] = "Assets/Music/7-2.wav",
			["28B"] = "Assets/Music/7-3.wav",
			["667A"] = "Assets/Music/P-2.wav"

		private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> multiMusicClean = new Dictionary<string, string>
			["1"] = "Assets/Music/0-1 Clean.wav",
			["2"] = "Assets/Music/0-2 Clean.wav",
			["3"] = "Assets/Music/0-1 Clean.wav",
			["4"] = "Assets/Music/0-2 Clean.wav",
			["6B"] = "Assets/Music/1-1 Clean.wav",
			["7B"] = "Assets/Music/1-2 Noise Clean.wav",
			["8"] = "Assets/Music/1-3 Clean.wav",
			["10"] = "Assets/Music/2-1 Clean.wav",
			["11"] = "Assets/Music/2-2 Clean.wav",
			["12"] = "Assets/Music/2-3 Clean.wav",
			["14A"] = "Assets/Music/3-1 Guts Clean.wav",
			["14B"] = "Assets/Music/3-1 Glory Clean.wav",
			["16"] = "Assets/Music/4-1 Clean.wav",
			["17"] = "Assets/Music/4-2 Clean.wav",
			["18A"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 1 Clean.wav",
			["18B"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 2 Clean.wav",
			["18C"] = "Assets/Music/4-3 Phase 3.wav",
			["20"] = "Assets/Music/5-1 Clean.wav",
			["22A"] = "Assets/Music/5-3 Clean.wav",
			["22B"] = "Assets/Music/5-3 Aftermath Clean.wav",
			["24A"] = "Assets/Music/6-1 Clean.wav",
			["26B"] = "Assets/Music/7-1 Clean.wav",
			["27A"] = "Assets/Music/7-2 Intro Clean.wav",
			["27B"] = "Assets/Music/7-2 Clean.wav",
			["28B"] = "Assets/Music/7-3 Clean.wav",
			["667A"] = "Assets/Music/P-2 Clean.wav"

		private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> singleMusic = new Dictionary<string, string>
			["5"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Cerberus A.mp3",
			["6A"] = "Assets/Music/Misc/A Thousand Greetings.wav",
			["7A"] = "Assets/Music/Misc/A Thousand Greetings.wav",
			["9A"] = "Assets/Music/Misc/Clair_de_lune_(Claude_Debussy)_Suite_bergamasque (CREATIVE COMMONS).ogg",
			["9B"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/V2 1-4.wav",
			["13"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Minos Corpse B.wav",
			["15A"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Gabriel 3-2 Intro.wav",
			["15B"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Gabriel 3-2.wav",
			["18D"] = "Assets/Music/Misc/themeofcancer.wav",
			["19"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/V2 4-4.wav",
			["24B"] = "Assets/Music/6-1 Hall of Sacreligious Remains.wav",
			["25A"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Gabriel 6-2 Intro B.wav",
			["25B"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Gabriel 6-2.wav",
			["26A"] = "Assets/Music/7-1 Intro.wav",
			["26C"] = "Assets/Music/Misc/themeofcancer.wav",
			["26D"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Minotaur A.wav",
			["26E"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Minotaur B.wav",
			["28A"] = "Assets/Music/7-3 Intro Clean.wav",
			["666A"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Flesh Prison.wav",
			["666B"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Minos Prime.wav",
			["667B"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Flesh panopticon.wav",
			["667C"] = "Assets/Music/Bosses/Sisyphus Prime.wav"

		public static AudioClip LoadNewSingleTrack(AudioClip source, string id)
			//IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (
				id =[id];
				if (singleMusic.ContainsKey(id))
						return Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<AudioClip>((object)singleMusic[id]).WaitForCompletion();
						Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Failed to load music track. (ID: " + id + " | Address: " + singleMusic[id]));
						return source;
				Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Couldn't find address for key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
				return source;
			Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Music dictionary does not contain key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
			return source;

		public static AudioClip LoadNewCleanTrack(AudioClip source, string id)
			//IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (
				id =[id];
				if (multiMusicClean.ContainsKey(id))
						return Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<AudioClip>((object)multiMusicClean[id]).WaitForCompletion();
						Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Failed to load music track. (ID: " + id + " | Address: " + multiMusicClean[id]));
						return source;
				Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Couldn't find address for key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
				return source;
			Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Music dictionary does not contain key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
			return source;

		public static AudioClip LoadNewBattleTrack(AudioClip source, string id)
			//IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (
				id =[id];
				if (multiMusicBattle.ContainsKey(id))
						return Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<AudioClip>((object)multiMusicBattle[id]).WaitForCompletion();
						Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Failed to load music track. (ID: " + id + " | Address: " + multiMusicBattle[id]));
						return source;
				Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Couldn't find address for key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
				return source;
			Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Music dictionary does not contain key " + id + ". Returning original source."));
			return source;

		public static void LoadMusicManagerTracks(string id, bool single = false)
			if (single)
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.cleanTheme.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.cleanTheme.clip, id);
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.battleTheme.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.battleTheme.clip, id);
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.bossTheme.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.bossTheme.clip, id);
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.cleanTheme.clip = LoadNewCleanTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.cleanTheme.clip, id);
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.battleTheme.clip = LoadNewBattleTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.battleTheme.clip, id);
				MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.bossTheme.clip = LoadNewBattleTrack(MonoSingleton<MusicManager>.Instance.bossTheme.clip, id);

		public static void ChangeMusic()
			if (Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Music == MusicType.Normal)
				switch (SceneHelper.CurrentScene)
				case "Level 0-5":
					foreach (AudioSource item in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if ((Object)(object)((Component)item).transform.parent != (Object)null && (((Object)((Component)item).transform.parent).name == "4 Contents" || ((Object)((Component)item).transform.parent).name == "4 Contents(Clone)") && ((Object)((Component)item).transform).name == "Music")
							item.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item.clip, "5");
							((Component)((Component)item).transform.parent.Find("Enemies").Find("StatueEnemy (1)")).GetComponent<SoundChanger>().newSound = LoadNewSingleTrack(item.clip, "5");
				case "Level 1-1":
					LoadMusicManagerTracks("6A", single: true);
					foreach (MusicChanger item2 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item2).gameObject).name == "MusicChanger")
							item2.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item2.clean, "6B");
							item2.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item2.battle, "6B");
				case "Level 1-2":
					LoadMusicManagerTracks("7A", single: true);
					foreach (MusicChanger item3 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item3).gameObject).name == "MusicActivator")
							item3.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item3.clean, "7B");
							item3.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item3.battle, "7B");
				case "Level 1-4":
					foreach (AudioSource item4 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item4).gameObject).name == "Music - Clair de Lune")
							item4.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item4.clip, "9A");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item4).gameObject).name == "Music - Versus")
							item4.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item4.clip, "9B");
				case "Level 2-1":
					foreach (MusicChanger item5 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item5).gameObject).name == "Cube (1)")
							item5.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item5.clean, "10");
							item5.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item5.battle, "10");
				case "Level 2-4":
					foreach (AudioSource item6 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item6).gameObject).name == "BossMusic")
							item6.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item6.clip, "13");
				case "Level 3-1":
					foreach (MusicChanger item7 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item7).gameObject).name == "MusicChanger")
							item7.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item7.clean, "14B");
							item7.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item7.battle, "14B");
				case "Level 3-2":
					foreach (AudioSource item8 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item8).gameObject).name == "Music 2")
							item8.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item8.clip, "15A");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item8).gameObject).name == "Music 3")
							item8.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item8.clip, "15B");
				case "Level 4-3":
					foreach (MusicChanger item9 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item9).gameObject).name == "OnLight")
							item9.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item9.clean, "18A");
							item9.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item9.battle, "18A");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item9).gameObject).name == "Music Changer")
							item9.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item9.clean, "18B");
							item9.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item9.battle, "18B");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item9).gameObject).name == "Music Changer (Normal)")
							item9.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item9.clean, "18B");
							item9.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item9.battle, "18B");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item9).gameObject).name == "Music")
							item9.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item9.clean, "18C");
							item9.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item9.battle, "18C");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item9).gameObject).name == "Trigger (Fight)")
							item9.clean = LoadNewSingleTrack(item9.clean, "18D");
							item9.battle = LoadNewSingleTrack(item9.battle, "18D");
							item9.boss = LoadNewSingleTrack(item9.boss, "18D");
				case "Level 4-4":
					foreach (AudioSource item10 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item10).gameObject).name == "Versus 2")
							item10.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item10.clip, "19");
				case "Level 5-3":
					foreach (MusicChanger item11 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item11).gameObject).name == "InstantVer")
							item11.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item11.clean, "22B");
							item11.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item11.battle, "22B");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item11).gameObject).name == "NormalVer")
							item11.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item11.clean, "22B");
							item11.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item11.battle, "22B");
				case "Level 6-1":
					foreach (MusicChanger item12 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item12).gameObject).name == "MusicChanger")
							item12.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item12.clean, "24A");
							item12.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item12.battle, "24A");
					foreach (AudioSource item13 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item13).gameObject).name == "ClimaxMusic")
							item13.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item13.clip, "24B");
				case "Level 6-2":
					foreach (AudioSource item14 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item14).gameObject).name == "Organ")
							item14.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item14.clip, "25A");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item14).gameObject).name == "BossMusic")
							item14.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item14.clip, "25B");
				case "Level 7-1":
					foreach (MusicChanger item15 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)item15).name == "LevelMusicStart")
							item15.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item15.clean, "26B");
							item15.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item15.battle, "26B");
							item15.boss = LoadNewBattleTrack(item15.battle, "26B");
					foreach (AudioSource item16 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)item16).name == "IntroMusic")
							item16.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item16.clip, "26A");
						else if (((Object)item16).name == "BigJohnatronMusic")
							item16.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item16.clip, "26C");
						else if (((Object)item16).name == "MinotaurPhase1Music")
							item16.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item16.clip, "26D");
						else if (((Object)item16).name == "MinotaurPhase2Music")
							item16.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item16.clip, "26E");
				case "Level 7-2":
					foreach (MusicChanger item17 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)item17).name == "MusicActivator")
							item17.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item17.clean, "27B");
							item17.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item17.battle, "27B");
							item17.boss = LoadNewBattleTrack(item17.battle, "27B");
				case "Level 7-3":
					LoadMusicManagerTracks("28A", single: true);
					foreach (MusicChanger item18 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)item18).name == "SecondTrackStart")
							item18.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item18.clean, "28B");
							item18.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item18.battle, "28B");
							item18.boss = LoadNewBattleTrack(item18.battle, "28B");
				case "Level P-1":
					foreach (AudioSource item19 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item19).gameObject).name == "Chaos")
							item19.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item19.clip, "666A");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item19).gameObject).name == "Music 3")
							item19.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item19.clip, "666B");
				case "Level P-2":
					foreach (MusicChanger item20 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<MusicChanger>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item20).gameObject).name == "DelayedMusicActivator")
							item20.clean = LoadNewCleanTrack(item20.clean, "667A");
							item20.battle = LoadNewBattleTrack(item20.battle, "667A");
							item20.boss = LoadNewBattleTrack(item20.battle, "667A");
					foreach (AudioSource item21 in Core.FindAllComponentsInCurrentScene<AudioSource>())
						if (((Object)((Component)item21).gameObject).name == "FleshPrison")
							item21.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item21.clip, "667B");
						else if (((Object)((Component)item21).gameObject).name == "Sisyphus")
							item21.clip = LoadNewSingleTrack(item21.clip, "667C");
			Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)"Music changed successfully.");
	public static class ColorRandomizer
		public static void RandomizeGunColors()
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1.a", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.2", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3.a", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.4", true);
			MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.5", true);
			for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
				for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
					if (j != 2 || (i != 4 && i != 5))
						bool flag = false;
						if (j == 2)
							flag = true;
						for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++)
							MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat(string.Concat(new object[6]
								flag ? ".a" : ".",
							}), Random.Range(0f, 1f));
							MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat(string.Concat(new object[6]
								flag ? ".a" : ".",
							}), Random.Range(0f, 1f));
							MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat(string.Concat(new object[6]
								flag ? ".a" : ".",
							}), Random.Range(0f, 1f));
							MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat(string.Concat(new object[6]
								flag ? ".a" : ".",
							}), Random.Range(0f, 1f));
			if (Core.IsPlaying)
				GunColorTypeGetter[] array = Object.FindObjectsOfType<GunColorTypeGetter>();
				foreach (GunColorTypeGetter val in array)

		public static void RandomizeUIColors()
			for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
				string text = ".r";
				if (i == 2)
					text = ".g";
				if (i == 3)
					text = ".b";
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.hp" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.hptext" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.hpaft" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.hphdmg" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.hpover" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.stm" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.stmchr" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.stmemp" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.raifull" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.raicha" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.var0" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.var1" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.var2" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetFloat("hudColor.var3" + text, Random.Range(0f, 1f));
			if (Core.IsPlaying)
	public static class ConfigManager
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static OnClick <>9__79_0;

			public static OnClick <>9__79_1;

			public static OnClick <>9__79_2;

			public static OnClick <>9__79_3;

			public static PostStringValueChangeEvent <>9__79_4;

			public static BoolValueChangeEventDelegate <>9__79_5;

			public static IntValueChangeEventDelegate <>9__79_6;

			public static IntValueChangeEventDelegate <>9__79_7;

			public static OnClick <>9__79_8;

			public static OnClick <>9__79_9;

			public static OnClick <>9__79_10;

			public static OnClick <>9__79_11;

			public static OnClick <>9__79_12;

			public static OnClick <>9__79_13;

			public static OnClick <>9__79_14;

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_0()
				if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
					connectionInfo.text = "Already connected to server.";
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene != "Main Menu")
					connectionInfo.text = "Can only connect to an Archipelago server on the main menu.";
				else if ((GameProgressSaver.GetTutorial() || GameProgressSaver.GetIntro()) && !Core.DataExists() && !hintMode.value)
					connectionInfo.text = "No Archipelago data found. Start a new save file before connecting.";
				else if (Core.DataExists() && hintMode.value)
					connectionInfo.text = "Can't use hint mode on a save file that already has randomizer data.";
				else if (!Multiworld.Authenticated)
				{ = playerName.value; = serverAddress.value; = serverPassword.value;
					if ( == "")
					{ = null;
					if (hintMode.value)

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_1()
				//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
					connectionInfo.text = "Disconnected from server.";
					if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Main Menu")
						((Graphic)UIManager.menuIcon.GetComponent<Image>()).color = Colors.Red;

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_2()
				if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
				{ = true;

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_3()
				if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
				{ = false;

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_4(string value)
				//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0036: Expected O, but got Unknown
				if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
					if (value != "")
						Multiworld.Session.Socket.SendPacket((ArchipelagoPacketBase)new SayPacket
							Text = value
					chat.value = "";

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_5(BoolValueChangeEvent e)

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_6(IntValueChangeEvent e)
				UIManager.lines = e.value;
				while (Multiworld.messages.Count > e.value)

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_7(IntValueChangeEvent e)
				((TMP_Text)UIManager.log).fontSize = e.value;

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_8()

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_9()
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1.a", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.2", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3.a", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.4", true);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.5", true);

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_10()
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1.a", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.2", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3.a", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.4", false);
				MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.5", false);

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_11()
				//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0087: Expected O, but got Unknown
				//IL_00c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_00cf: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
				//IL_013e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0183: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_01c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_020d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_0242: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				//IL_00ff: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
				if (!Multiworld.Authenticated)
				hintList = null;
				hintList = new ConfigDivision(hintsPanel, "hintList");
				Hint[] hints = Multiworld.Session.DataStorage.GetHints((int?)null, (int?)null);
				Hint[] array = hints;
				foreach (Hint val in array)
					if (!hintAdvancementOnly.value || (int)val.ItemFlags == 1)
						if (Array.IndexOf(hints, val) != 0)
							new ConfigHeader((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "-----", 24);
						((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "ITEM", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val)}_item", Multiworld.Session.Items.GetItemName(val.ItemId), true, false)).interactable = false;
						((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "RECEIVING PLAYER", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val)}_receiving_player", Multiworld.Session.Players.GetPlayerAlias(val.ReceivingPlayer), true, false)).interactable = false;
						((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "LOCATION", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val)}_location", Multiworld.Session.Locations.GetLocationNameFromId(val.LocationId), true, false)).interactable = false;
						((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "SENDING PLAYER", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val)}_sending_player", Multiworld.Session.Players.GetPlayerAlias(val.FindingPlayer), true, false)).interactable = false;
						((ConfigField)new BoolField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "FOUND", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val)}_found", val.Found, false)).interactable = false;

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_12()

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_13()

			internal void <Initialize>b__79_14()

		public static PluginConfigurator config;

		public static ConfigPanel playerPanel;

		public static BoolField isConnected;

		public static StringField playerName;

		public static StringField serverAddress;

		public static StringField serverPassword;

		public static BoolField hintMode;

		public static ButtonField connectButton;

		public static ButtonField disconnectButton;

		public static ConfigHeader connectionInfo;

		public static ButtonField deathLinkOnButton;

		public static ButtonField deathLinkOffButton;

		public static StringField chat;

		public static StringField goal;

		public static StringField goalProgress;

		public static StringField locationsChecked;

		public static EnumField<BossOptions> bossRewards;

		public static BoolField challengeRewards;

		public static BoolField pRankRewards;

		public static BoolField hankRewards;

		public static BoolField clashReward;

		public static BoolField fishRewards;

		public static BoolField cleanRewards;

		public static BoolField chessReward;

		public static BoolField rocketReward;

		public static BoolField randomizeFire2;

		public static EnumField<WeaponForm> revForm;

		public static EnumField<WeaponForm> shoForm;

		public static EnumField<WeaponForm> naiForm;

		public static BoolField randomizeSkulls;

		public static BoolField randomizeLimbo;

		public static BoolField randomizeViolence;

		public static BoolField musicRandomizer;

		public static BoolField cybergrindHints;

		public static BoolField deathLink;

		public static ConfigPanel logPanel;

		public static BoolField showLog;

		public static IntField logLines;

		public static IntField logFontSize;

		public static ButtonField logClear;

		public static ConfigPanel colorPanel;

		public static EnumField<ColorOptions> uiColorRandomizer;

		public static EnumField<ColorOptions> gunColorRandomizer;

		public static ButtonField enableCustomButton;

		public static ButtonField disableCustomButton;

		public static ColorField APPlayerSelf;

		public static ColorField APPlayerOther;

		public static ColorField APItemAdvancement;

		public static ColorField APItemNeverExclude;

		public static ColorField APItemFiller;

		public static ColorField APItemTrap;

		public static ColorField APLocation;

		public static ColorField layer0Color;

		public static ColorField layer1Color;

		public static ColorField layer2Color;

		public static ColorField layer3Color;

		public static ColorField layer4Color;

		public static ColorField layer5Color;

		public static ColorField layer6Color;

		public static ColorField layer7Color;

		public static ColorField primeColor;

		public static ColorField altColor;

		public static ColorField arm0Color;

		public static ColorField arm1Color;

		public static ColorField arm2Color;

		public static ColorField blueSkullColor;

		public static ColorField redSkullColor;

		public static ColorField pointsColor;

		public static ColorField dualwieldColor;

		public static ColorField doublejumpColor;

		public static ColorField trapColor;

		public static ConfigPanel hintsPanel;

		public static BoolField hintAdvancementOnly;

		public static ButtonField hintRefresh;

		public static ConfigDivision hintList;

		public static ConfigPanel linksPanel;

		public static ButtonField thunderstoreButton;

		public static ButtonField githubButton;

		public static ButtonField discordButton;

		public static void Initialize()
			//IL_005d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0077: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0081: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0095: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00b3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00bd: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00d1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00db: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00ef: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00f9: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_010a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0114: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0136: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0140: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0156: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0160: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0176: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0180: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0191: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_019b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01bb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01c5: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01d4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01de: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0217: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0221: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01f7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01fc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0202: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_025a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0264: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_023a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_023f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0245: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_029d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02a7: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_027d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0282: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0288: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_02e7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02ec: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02f9: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_02c0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02cb: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_032f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_034b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0350: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_035d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0373: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0378: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0385: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_039b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03ad: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0414: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0419: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0426: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0437: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_043c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0449: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_045a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_045f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_046c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_047d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0482: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_048f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_04a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04b2: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_04c3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04d5: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_04e6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04eb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_04f8: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0509: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_050e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_051b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_052c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0531: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_053e: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_061b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0620: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_062d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_063e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0643: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0650: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0661: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0666: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0673: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0684: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0689: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0696: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_06a7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06b9: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_06ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06cf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06dc: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_06ed: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_06f7: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0312: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0317: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_031d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0736: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0740: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0710: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0715: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_071b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0780: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_078a: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0759: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_075e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0764: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_07c3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_07cd: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_07a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_07a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_07ae: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_08a2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_08ac: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_07e6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_07eb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_07f1: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_08e5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_08ef: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_08c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_08ca: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_08d0: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0925: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0949: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_094f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0959: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0977: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_097d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0987: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_09a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_09ab: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_09b5: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_09d3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_09d9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_09e3: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0a01: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a07: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a11: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0a2f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a35: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a3f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0a5d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a63: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a6d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0a79: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0a9d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0aa3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0aad: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0acb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0ad1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0adb: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0af9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0aff: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b09: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0b27: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b2d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b37: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0b55: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b5b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b65: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0b83: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b89: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0b93: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0bb1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0bb7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0bc1: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0bdf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0be5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0bef: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0c0d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c13: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c1d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0c3b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c41: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c4b: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0c69: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c6f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c79: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0c97: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0c9d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0ca7: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0cc5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0ccb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0cd5: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0cf3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0cf9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d03: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0d21: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d27: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d31: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0d4f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d55: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d5f: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0d7d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d83: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0d8d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0dab: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0db1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0dbb: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0dd9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0ddf: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0de9: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0dfa: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e04: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0e13: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e1d: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0e27: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e31: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0908: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_090d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0913: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0e6a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e74: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0e4a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e4f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e55: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0ead: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0eb7: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0e8d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e92: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0e98: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0ef0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0efa: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0ed0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0ed5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0edb: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0f13: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0f18: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0f1e: Expected O, but got Unknown
			if (config != null)
			config = PluginConfigurator.Create("Archipelago", "trpg.archipelagoultrakill");
			string text = Path.Combine(Core.workingDir, "icon.png");
			if (File.Exists(text))
			new ConfigHeader(config.rootPanel, "ARCHIPELAGO", 24);
			playerPanel = new ConfigPanel(config.rootPanel, "PLAYER SETTINGS", "playerPanel");
			logPanel = new ConfigPanel(config.rootPanel, "LOG SETTINGS", "logPanel");
			colorPanel = new ConfigPanel(config.rootPanel, "COLOR SETTINGS", "colorPanel");
			hintsPanel = new ConfigPanel(config.rootPanel, "HINTS", "hintsPanel");
			linksPanel = new ConfigPanel(config.rootPanel, "LINKS", "linksPanel");
			isConnected = new BoolField(playerPanel, "CONNECTED TO SERVER?", "isConnected", false, false);
			((ConfigField)isConnected).interactable = false;
			playerName = new StringField(playerPanel, "NAME", "playerName", "V1", false, true);
			serverAddress = new StringField(playerPanel, "ADDRESS", "serverAddress", "", false, true);
			serverPassword = new StringField(playerPanel, "PASSWORD", "serverPassword", "", true, true);
			hintMode = new BoolField(playerPanel, "HINT MODE", "hintMode", false, false);
			new ConfigHeader(playerPanel, "Hint mode disables all randomization, and allows connecting to other games' slots to unlock hints while playing The Cyber Grind.", 12, (TextAnchor)0);
			connectionInfo = new ConfigHeader(playerPanel, "", 16, (TextAnchor)1);
			connectButton = new ButtonField(playerPanel, "CONNECT", "connectButton");
			ButtonField obj = connectButton;
			object obj2 = <>c.<>9__79_0;
			if (obj2 == null)
				OnClick val = delegate
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
						connectionInfo.text = "Already connected to server.";
					else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene != "Main Menu")
						connectionInfo.text = "Can only connect to an Archipelago server on the main menu.";
					else if ((GameProgressSaver.GetTutorial() || GameProgressSaver.GetIntro()) && !Core.DataExists() && !hintMode.value)
						connectionInfo.text = "No Archipelago data found. Start a new save file before connecting.";
					else if (Core.DataExists() && hintMode.value)
						connectionInfo.text = "Can't use hint mode on a save file that already has randomizer data.";
					else if (!Multiworld.Authenticated)
					{ = playerName.value; = serverAddress.value; = serverPassword.value;
						if ( == "")
						{ = null;
						if (hintMode.value)
				<>c.<>9__79_0 = val;
				obj2 = (object)val;
			obj.onClick += (OnClick)obj2;
			disconnectButton = new ButtonField(playerPanel, "DISCONNECT", "disconnectButton");
			ButtonField obj3 = disconnectButton;
			object obj4 = <>c.<>9__79_1;
			if (obj4 == null)
				OnClick val2 = delegate
					//IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
						connectionInfo.text = "Disconnected from server.";
						if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Main Menu")
							((Graphic)UIManager.menuIcon.GetComponent<Image>()).color = Colors.Red;
				<>c.<>9__79_1 = val2;
				obj4 = (object)val2;
			obj3.onClick += (OnClick)obj4;
			deathLinkOnButton = new ButtonField(playerPanel, "ENABLE DEATH LINK", "deathLinkOnButton");
			ButtonField obj5 = deathLinkOnButton;
			object obj6 = <>c.<>9__79_2;
			if (obj6 == null)
				OnClick val3 = delegate
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
					{ = true;
				<>c.<>9__79_2 = val3;
				obj6 = (object)val3;
			obj5.onClick += (OnClick)obj6;
			deathLinkOffButton = new ButtonField(playerPanel, "DISABLE DEATH LINK", "deathLinkOffButton");
			ButtonField obj7 = deathLinkOffButton;
			object obj8 = <>c.<>9__79_3;
			if (obj8 == null)
				OnClick val4 = delegate
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
					{ = false;
				<>c.<>9__79_3 = val4;
				obj8 = (object)val4;
			obj7.onClick += (OnClick)obj8;
			chat = new StringField(playerPanel, "CHAT", "chat", "", true, false)
				interactable = false
			StringField obj9 = chat;
			object obj10 = <>c.<>9__79_4;
			if (obj10 == null)
				PostStringValueChangeEvent val5 = delegate(string value)
					//IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_0036: Expected O, but got Unknown
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
						if (value != "")
							Multiworld.Session.Socket.SendPacket((ArchipelagoPacketBase)new SayPacket
								Text = value
						chat.value = "";
				<>c.<>9__79_4 = val5;
				obj10 = (object)val5;
			obj9.postValueChangeEvent += (PostStringValueChangeEvent)obj10;
			new ConfigHeader(playerPanel, "-----", 24);
			goal = new StringField(playerPanel, "GOAL", "goal", "?", false, false)
				interactable = false
			goalProgress = new StringField(playerPanel, "LEVELS COMPLETED", "goalProgress", "?", false, false)
				interactable = false
			locationsChecked = new StringField(playerPanel, "LOCATIONS CHECKED", "locationsChecked", "?", false, false)
				interactable = false
			EnumField<BossOptions> obj11 = new EnumField<BossOptions>(playerPanel, "BOSS REWARDS", "bossRewards", BossOptions.Disabled, false);
			((ConfigField)obj11).interactable = false;
			bossRewards = obj11;
			bossRewards.SetEnumDisplayName(BossOptions.Disabled, "DISABLED");
			bossRewards.SetEnumDisplayName(BossOptions.Standard, "STANDARD");
			bossRewards.SetEnumDisplayName(BossOptions.Extended, "EXTENDED");
			challengeRewards = new BoolField(playerPanel, "CHALLENGE REWARDS", "challengeRewards", false, false)
				interactable = false
			pRankRewards = new BoolField(playerPanel, "P RANK REWARDS", "pRankRewards", false, false)
				interactable = false
			hankRewards = new BoolField(playerPanel, "HANK REWARDS", "hankRewards", false, false)
				interactable = false
			clashReward = new BoolField(playerPanel, "RANDOMIZE CLASH MODE", "clashReward", false, false)
				interactable = false
			fishRewards = new BoolField(playerPanel, "FISH REWARDS", "fishRewards", false, false)
				interactable = false
			cleanRewards = new BoolField(playerPanel, "CLEANING REWARDS", "cleanRewards", false, false)
				interactable = false
			chessReward = new BoolField(playerPanel, "CHESS REWARD", "chessReward", false, false)
				interactable = false
			rocketReward = new BoolField(playerPanel, "ROCKET RACE REWARD", "rocketReward", false, false)
				interactable = false
			randomizeFire2 = new BoolField(playerPanel, "RANDOMIZE SECONDARY FIRE", "randomizeFire2", false, false)
				interactable = false
			EnumField<WeaponForm> obj12 = new EnumField<WeaponForm>(playerPanel, "REVOLVER FORM", "revForm", WeaponForm.Standard);
			((ConfigField)obj12).interactable = false;
			revForm = obj12;
			revForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Standard, "STANDARD");
			revForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Alternate, "ALTERNATE");
			EnumField<WeaponForm> obj13 = new EnumField<WeaponForm>(playerPanel, "SHOTGUN FORM", "shoForm", WeaponForm.Standard);
			((ConfigField)obj13).interactable = false;
			shoForm = obj13;
			shoForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Standard, "STANDARD");
			shoForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Alternate, "ALTERNATE");
			EnumField<WeaponForm> obj14 = new EnumField<WeaponForm>(playerPanel, "NAILGUN FORM", "naiForm", WeaponForm.Standard);
			((ConfigField)obj14).interactable = false;
			naiForm = obj14;
			naiForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Standard, "STANDARD");
			naiForm.SetEnumDisplayName(WeaponForm.Alternate, "ALTERNATE");
			randomizeSkulls = new BoolField(playerPanel, "RANDOMIZE SKULLS", "randomizeSkulls", false, false)
				interactable = false
			randomizeLimbo = new BoolField(playerPanel, "RANDOMIZE LIMBO SWITCHES", "randomizeLimbo", false, false)
				interactable = false
			randomizeViolence = new BoolField(playerPanel, "RANDOMIZE VIOLENCE SWITCHES", "randomizeViolence", false, false)
				interactable = false
			musicRandomizer = new BoolField(playerPanel, "MUSIC RANDOMIZER", "musicRandomizer", false, false)
				interactable = false
			cybergrindHints = new BoolField(playerPanel, "UNLOCK HINTS IN CYBERGRIND", "cybergrindHints", false, false)
				interactable = false
			deathLink = new BoolField(playerPanel, "DEATH LINK", "deathLink", false, false)
				interactable = false
			showLog = new BoolField(logPanel, "SHOW LOG", "showLog", true, true);
			BoolField obj15 = showLog;
			object obj16 = <>c.<>9__79_5;
			if (obj16 == null)
				BoolValueChangeEventDelegate val6 = delegate(BoolValueChangeEvent e)
				<>c.<>9__79_5 = val6;
				obj16 = (object)val6;
			obj15.onValueChange += (BoolValueChangeEventDelegate)obj16;
			logLines = new IntField(logPanel, "NUMBER OF MESSAGES", "logLines", 5, 1, 16, true, true);
			IntField obj17 = logLines;
			object obj18 = <>c.<>9__79_6;
			if (obj18 == null)
				IntValueChangeEventDelegate val7 = delegate(IntValueChangeEvent e)
					UIManager.lines = e.value;
					while (Multiworld.messages.Count > e.value)
				<>c.<>9__79_6 = val7;
				obj18 = (object)val7;
			obj17.onValueChange += (IntValueChangeEventDelegate)obj18;
			logFontSize = new IntField(logPanel, "FONT SIZE", "logFontSize", 16, 1, 32, true, true);
			IntField obj19 = logFontSize;
			object obj20 = <>c.<>9__79_7;
			if (obj20 == null)
				IntValueChangeEventDelegate val8 = delegate(IntValueChangeEvent e)
					((TMP_Text)UIManager.log).fontSize = e.value;
				<>c.<>9__79_7 = val8;
				obj20 = (object)val8;
			obj19.onValueChange += (IntValueChangeEventDelegate)obj20;
			logClear = new ButtonField(logPanel, "CLEAR LOG", "logClear");
			ButtonField obj21 = logClear;
			object obj22 = <>c.<>9__79_8;
			if (obj22 == null)
				OnClick val9 = delegate
				<>c.<>9__79_8 = val9;
				obj22 = (object)val9;
			obj21.onClick += (OnClick)obj22;
			uiColorRandomizer = new EnumField<ColorOptions>(colorPanel, "UI COLOR RANDOMIZER", "uiColorRandomizer", ColorOptions.Off, true);
			uiColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.Off, "DISABLED");
			uiColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.Once, "ONCE");
			uiColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.EveryLoad, "EVERY NEW LEVEL LOADED");
			gunColorRandomizer = new EnumField<ColorOptions>(colorPanel, "GUN COLOR RANDOMIZER", "gunColorRandomizer", ColorOptions.Off, true);
			gunColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.Off, "DISABLED");
			gunColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.Once, "ONCE");
			gunColorRandomizer.SetEnumDisplayName(ColorOptions.EveryLoad, "EVERY NEW LEVEL LOADED");
			enableCustomButton = new ButtonField(colorPanel, "ENABLE ALL CUSTOM WEAPON COLORS", "enableCustomButton");
			ButtonField obj23 = enableCustomButton;
			object obj24 = <>c.<>9__79_9;
			if (obj24 == null)
				OnClick val10 = delegate
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1.a", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.2", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3.a", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.4", true);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.5", true);
				<>c.<>9__79_9 = val10;
				obj24 = (object)val10;
			obj23.onClick += (OnClick)obj24;
			disableCustomButton = new ButtonField(colorPanel, "DISABLE ALL CUSTOM WEAPON COLORS", "disableCustomButton");
			ButtonField obj25 = disableCustomButton;
			object obj26 = <>c.<>9__79_10;
			if (obj26 == null)
				OnClick val11 = delegate
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.1.a", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.2", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.3.a", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.4", false);
					MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.SetBool("gunColorType.5", false);
				<>c.<>9__79_10 = val11;
				obj26 = (object)val11;
			obj25.onClick += (OnClick)obj26;
			new ConfigHeader(colorPanel, "ARCHIPELAGO COLORS", 24);
			APPlayerSelf = new ColorField(colorPanel, "PLAYER (YOU)", "APPlayerSelf", new Color(0.93f, 0f, 0.93f), true);
			APPlayerOther = new ColorField(colorPanel, "PLAYER (OTHERS)", "APPlayerOther", new Color(0.98f, 0.98f, 0.82f), true);
			APItemFiller = new ColorField(colorPanel, "ITEM (FILLER)", "APItemFiller", new Color(0f, 0.93f, 0.93f), true);
			APItemNeverExclude = new ColorField(colorPanel, "ITEM (USEFUL)", "APItemNeverExclude", new Color(0.43f, 0.55f, 0.91f), true);
			APItemAdvancement = new ColorField(colorPanel, "ITEM (PROGRESSION)", "APItemAdvancement", new Color(0.69f, 0.6f, 0.94f), true);
			APItemTrap = new ColorField(colorPanel, "ITEM (TRAP)", "APItemTrap", new Color(0.98f, 0.5f, 0.45f), true);
			APLocation = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LOCATION", "APLocation", new Color(0f, 1f, 0.5f), true);
			new ConfigHeader(colorPanel, "POPUP COLORS", 24);
			layer0Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 0", "layer0Color", new Color(1f, 0.5f, 0.25f), true);
			layer1Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 1", "layer1Color", new Color(0.2667f, 1f, 0.2706f), true);
			layer2Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 2", "layer2Color", new Color(0.765f, 0.25f, 1f), true);
			layer3Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 3", "layer3Color", new Color(1f, 0.9479f, 0.8566f), true);
			layer4Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 4", "layer4Color", new Color(1f, 1f, 0.25f), true);
			layer5Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 5", "layer5Color", new Color(0.251f, 0.9059f, 1f), true);
			layer6Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 6", "layer6Color", new Color(1f, 0.2353f, 0.2353f), true);
			layer7Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "LAYER 7", "layer7Color", new Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f), true);
			primeColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "PRIME SANCTUMS", "primeColor", new Color(1f, 0.2353f, 0.2353f), true);
			altColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "ALTERNATE WEAPON", "altColor", new Color(1f, 0.65f, 0f), true);
			arm0Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "FEEDBACKER", "arm0Color", new Color(0.251f, 0.9059f, 1f), true);
			arm1Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "KNUCKLEBLASTER", "arm1Color", new Color(1f, 0.2353f, 0.2353f), true);
			arm2Color = new ColorField(colorPanel, "WHIPLASH", "arm2Color", new Color(0.2667f, 1f, 0.2706f), true);
			blueSkullColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "BLUE SKULL", "blueSkullColor", new Color(0.251f, 0.9059f, 1f), true);
			redSkullColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "RED SKULL", "redSkullColor", new Color(1f, 0.2353f, 0.2353f), true);
			pointsColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "POINTS", "pointsColor", new Color(1f, 0.65f, 0f), true);
			dualwieldColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "DUAL WIELD", "dualwieldColor", new Color(1f, 1f, 0.25f), true);
			doublejumpColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "AIR JUMP", "doublejumpColor", new Color(1f, 1f, 0.6f), true);
			trapColor = new ColorField(colorPanel, "TRAP", "trapColor", new Color(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f), true);
			hintAdvancementOnly = new BoolField(hintsPanel, "PROGRESSION ITEM HINTS ONLY", "hintAdvancementOnly", true, true);
			hintRefresh = new ButtonField(hintsPanel, "REFRESH LIST", "hintRefresh");
			hintList = new ConfigDivision(hintsPanel, "hintList");
			ButtonField obj27 = hintRefresh;
			object obj28 = <>c.<>9__79_11;
			if (obj28 == null)
				OnClick val12 = delegate
					//IL_007d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_0087: Expected O, but got Unknown
					//IL_00c9: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_00cf: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
					//IL_013e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_0183: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_01c8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_020d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_0242: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					//IL_00ff: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
					if (Multiworld.Authenticated)
						hintList = null;
						hintList = new ConfigDivision(hintsPanel, "hintList");
						Hint[] hints = Multiworld.Session.DataStorage.GetHints((int?)null, (int?)null);
						Hint[] array = hints;
						foreach (Hint val16 in array)
							if (!hintAdvancementOnly.value || (int)val16.ItemFlags == 1)
								if (Array.IndexOf(hints, val16) != 0)
									new ConfigHeader((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "-----", 24);
								((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "ITEM", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val16)}_item", Multiworld.Session.Items.GetItemName(val16.ItemId), true, false)).interactable = false;
								((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "RECEIVING PLAYER", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val16)}_receiving_player", Multiworld.Session.Players.GetPlayerAlias(val16.ReceivingPlayer), true, false)).interactable = false;
								((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "LOCATION", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val16)}_location", Multiworld.Session.Locations.GetLocationNameFromId(val16.LocationId), true, false)).interactable = false;
								((ConfigField)new StringField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "SENDING PLAYER", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val16)}_sending_player", Multiworld.Session.Players.GetPlayerAlias(val16.FindingPlayer), true, false)).interactable = false;
								((ConfigField)new BoolField((ConfigPanel)(object)hintList, "FOUND", $"hint{Array.IndexOf(hints, val16)}_found", val16.Found, false)).interactable = false;
				<>c.<>9__79_11 = val12;
				obj28 = (object)val12;
			obj27.onClick += (OnClick)obj28;
			thunderstoreButton = new ButtonField(linksPanel, "THUNDERSTORE", "thunderstoreButton");
			ButtonField obj29 = thunderstoreButton;
			object obj30 = <>c.<>9__79_12;
			if (obj30 == null)
				OnClick val13 = delegate
				<>c.<>9__79_12 = val13;
				obj30 = (object)val13;
			obj29.onClick += (OnClick)obj30;
			githubButton = new ButtonField(linksPanel, "GITHUB", "githubButton");
			ButtonField obj31 = githubButton;
			object obj32 = <>c.<>9__79_13;
			if (obj32 == null)
				OnClick val14 = delegate
				<>c.<>9__79_13 = val14;
				obj32 = (object)val14;
			obj31.onClick += (OnClick)obj32;
			discordButton = new ButtonField(linksPanel, "AP AFTER DARK DISCORD", "discordButton");
			ButtonField obj33 = discordButton;
			object obj34 = <>c.<>9__79_14;
			if (obj34 == null)
				OnClick val15 = delegate
				<>c.<>9__79_14 = val15;
				obj34 = (object)val15;
			obj33.onClick += (OnClick)obj34;

		public static void LoadConnectionInfo()
			if ( != null)
				playerName.value =;
			if ( != null)
				serverAddress.value =;
			if ( != null)
				serverPassword.value =;

		public static void LoadStats()
			goal.value =;
			goalProgress.value = $"{} / {}";
			string arg = ((LocationManager.locations.Count == 0) ? "?" : LocationManager.locations.Count.ToString());
			locationsChecked.value = $"{[email protected]} / {arg}";
			bossRewards.value =;
			challengeRewards.value =;
			pRankRewards.value =;
			hankRewards.value =;
			clashReward.value =;
			fishRewards.value =;
			cleanRewards.value =;
			chessReward.value =;
			rocketReward.value =;
			randomizeFire2.value =;
			revForm.value =;
			shoForm.value =;
			naiForm.value =;
			randomizeSkulls.value =;
			randomizeLimbo.value =;
			randomizeViolence.value =;
			musicRandomizer.value =;
			cybergrindHints.value =;
			deathLink.value =;

		public static void ResetStatsDefaults()
			goal.value = "?";
			goalProgress.value = "?";
			locationsChecked.value = "?";
			bossRewards.value = BossOptions.Disabled;
			challengeRewards.value = false;
			pRankRewards.value = false;
			hankRewards.value = false;
			clashReward.value = false;
			fishRewards.value = false;
			cleanRewards.value = false;
			chessReward.value = false;
			rocketReward.value = false;
			randomizeFire2.value = false;
			revForm.value = WeaponForm.Standard;
			shoForm.value = WeaponForm.Standard;
			naiForm.value = WeaponForm.Standard;
			randomizeSkulls.value = false;
			randomizeLimbo.value = false;
			randomizeViolence.value = false;
			musicRandomizer.value = false;
			cybergrindHints.value = false;
			deathLink.value = false;
	public static class LevelManager
		public static Dictionary<string, GameObject> skulls = new Dictionary<string, GameObject>();

		public static void FindSkulls()
			//IL_0022: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0028: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_003e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0031: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_007e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0084: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_00b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00b8: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			int num = 0;
			ItemIdentifier[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<ItemIdentifier>();
			foreach (ItemIdentifier val in array)
				if ((int)val.itemType != 1 && (int)val.itemType != 2)
				Scene val2 = ((Component)val).gameObject.scene;
				string name = ((Scene)(ref val2)).name;
				val2 = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
				if (name == ((Scene)(ref val2)).name && (!(SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 7-S") || (((int)val.itemType != 1 || Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent.parent)) && ((int)val.itemType != 2 || !(((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent.parent).name != "Interactives")))))
					if (skulls.ContainsKey(((object)(ItemType)(ref val.itemType)).ToString()))
						skulls[((object)(ItemType)(ref val.itemType)).ToString() + num] = ((Component)val).gameObject;
						skulls[((object)(ItemType)(ref val.itemType)).ToString()] = ((Component)val).gameObject;
			for (int j = 0; j < skulls.Count; j++)
				KeyValuePair<string, GameObject> keyValuePair = skulls.ElementAt(j);
				string text = Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Id.ToString();
				if (Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Name == "0-S")
					text = "0S";
				else if (Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Name == "7-S")
					text = "7S";
				string currentScene = SceneHelper.CurrentScene;
				string text2 = currentScene;
				if (!(text2 == "Level 1-4"))
					if (text2 == "Level 5-1")
						if (j + 1 >
					else if (((Object)keyValuePair.Value).name.Contains("Blue"))
						if (! + "_b"))
					else if (((Object)keyValuePair.Value).name.Contains("Red") && ! + "_r"))
				else if (j + 1 >

		public static void UpdateShopVariation(VariationInfo variation)
			//IL_020f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02ee: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_02f3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0334: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0370: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0376: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_026c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_039f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03a5: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_0385: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03ce: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03d4: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4
			//IL_03b4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0764: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0402: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_03e3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_068e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0636: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0660: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (variation.weaponName == "arm0" && !
				variation.costText.text = "<color=red>UNAVAILABLE</color>";
				((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "UNAVAILABLE";
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Is not unlocked"));
			if (variation.weaponName == "arm0" &&
				variation.costText.text = "ALREADY OWNED";
				((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "ALREADY OWNED";
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Is unlocked"));
			if (variation.weaponName == "arm1" || variation.weaponName == "arm2")
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Skipping"));
			if (!variation.weaponName.Contains("0"))
				string text = "[Purchase to unlock: ";
				if (LocationManager.locations.ContainsKey("shop_" + variation.weaponName))
					if (LocationManager.shopScouts["shop_" + variation.weaponName] is UKItem uKItem)
						text = text + "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(LocationManager.GetUKMessageColor(uKItem.itemName)) + "FF>" + uKItem.itemName + "</color>";
						if (uKItem.playerName !=
							text = text + " for <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.PlayerOther) + "FF>" + uKItem.playerName + "</color>";
						text += "]\n\n";
					else if (LocationManager.shopScouts["shop_" + variation.weaponName] is APItem aPItem)
						text = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(LocationManager.GetAPMessageColor(aPItem.type)) + "FF>" + aPItem.itemName + "</color>";
						text = text + " for <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.PlayerOther) + "FF>" + aPItem.playerName + "</color>";
						text += "]\n\n";
						text = (((int)aPItem.type == 1) ? (text + "You don't know what this is, but it seems <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.ItemAdvancement) + "FF>important.</color>") : (((int)aPItem.type == 2) ? (text + "You don't know what this is, but it seems like it could be <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.ItemNeverExclude) + "FF>useful.</color>") : (((int)aPItem.type != 4) ? (text + "You don't know what this is, but it seems like you could probably <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.ItemFiller) + "FF>skip this</color> if you wanted to.") : (text + "You don't know what this is, but it seems like they're probably <color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(Colors.ItemTrap) + "FF>better off without it.</color>"))));
					text = "???";
				((TMP_Text)((Component)variation.varPage.transform.Find("Description")).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = text;
			GameProgressMoneyAndGear generalProgress = GameProgressSaver.GetGeneralProgress();
			FieldInfo field = typeof(GameProgressMoneyAndGear).GetField(variation.weaponName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
			bool flag = int.Parse(field.GetValue(generalProgress).ToString()) == 1;
			if (flag && !variation.weaponName.Contains("0") && !
				bool flag2 = false;
				if (GameProgressSaver.GetMoney() >= Core.shopPrices[variation.weaponName])
					flag2 = true;
				string text2 = ((!flag2) ? ("<color=red>" + MoneyText.DivideMoney(Core.shopPrices[variation.weaponName]) + "P</color>") : (MoneyText.DivideMoney(Core.shopPrices[variation.weaponName]) + "<color=orange>P</color>"));
				variation.costText.text = text2;
				((Component)((Component)variation.equipButton).transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<Image>().sprite = variation.equipSprites[MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.GetInt("weapon." + variation.weaponName, 1)];
				Traverse val = Traverse.Create((object)variation);
				val.Field<int>("equipStatus").Value = MonoSingleton<PrefsManager>.Instance.GetInt("weapon." + variation.weaponName, 1);
				val.Field<int>("money").Value = GameProgressSaver.GetMoney();
				((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = text2;
				if (flag2)
					((Graphic)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f);
					((Graphic)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.GetComponent<Image>()).color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f);
					((Graphic)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.GetComponent<Image>()).color = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f);
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Is unlocked, is not purchased"));
			else if (!flag && !variation.weaponName.Contains("0") &&
				variation.costText.text = "ALREADY OWNED";
				variation.buyButton.deactivated = true;
				((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "ALREADY OWNED";
				((Graphic)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).color = new Color(0.5882f, 0.5882f, 0.5882f);
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Is unlocked, is purchased"));
			else if (!flag && variation.weaponName.Contains("0"))
				variation.costText.text = "<color=red>UNAVAILABLE</color>";
				((TMP_Text)((Component)((Component)variation.buyButton).gameObject.transform.GetChild(0)).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>()).text = "UNAVAILABLE";
				Core.Logger.LogInfo((object)("Shop - Weapon: \"" + variation.weaponName + "\" - Is not unlocked"));

		public static void AddDoorClosers()
			ItemPlaceZone[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<ItemPlaceZone>();
			foreach (ItemPlaceZone val in array)
				if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 1-1")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "11 Nonstuff" && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 1-2")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "3 Nonstuff" && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 2-3")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent != (Object)null && (((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent).name == "Altar" || ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent).name == "Altar (1)") && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 4-4")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "Secret Hall" && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 5-2")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && (((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "6" || ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "7B") && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 5-3")
					if ((Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "2A4 - Skullway" && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))
				else if (SceneHelper.CurrentScene == "Level 6-1" && (Object)(object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent != (Object)null && ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name == "3 - Crossroads" && !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).gameObject.GetComponent<ReverseDoorCloser>()))

		public static void DeactivateNailgun()
			GearCheckEnabler[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<GearCheckEnabler>();
			foreach (GearCheckEnabler val in array)
				if (((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent).name == "1 - First Room")

		public static void ChangeIntro()
			//IL_00c5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_014c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0174: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0194: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (Core.CurrentLevelHasInfo && Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Id == 1)
				TextMeshProUGUI component = ((Component)GameObject.Find("/Canvas").transform.Find("HurtScreen").Find("Text 2 Sound").Find("Text (2)")).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
				((TMP_Text)component).text = ((TMP_Text)component).text + "\nARCHIPELAGO BY   <color=#fec24c>TRPG</color>";
				((TMP_Text)component).lineSpacing = 25f;
				TextMeshProUGUI component2 = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(((Component)component).gameObject, ((TMP_Text)component).transform.parent).GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>();
				((TMP_Text)component2).text = "and others!";
				((TMP_Text)component2).fontSize = 32f;
				((TMP_Text)component2).transform.localPosition = new Vector3(270f, -70f, 0f);
				((TMP_Text)component2).transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 6f));
				GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(((Component)component).gameObject, ((TMP_Text)component).transform.parent);
				Image val2 = val.AddComponent<Image>();
				val2.sprite = UIManager.bundle.LoadAsset<Sprite>("assets/trpg.png");
				((Graphic)val2).color = new Color(0.992f, 0.758f, 0.297f);
				val2.preserveAspect = true;
				((Component)val2).transform.localPosition = new Vector3(150f, -32f, 0f);
				((Component)val2).transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.08f, 0.08f, 0.08f);

		public static void AddGlassComponents()
			if (!Core.CurrentLevelHasInfo || Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Id != 1)
			Glass[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<Glass>();
			foreach (Glass val in array)
				string name = ((Object)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).name;
				switch (name)
					if (!(name == "11 Content(Clone)"))
				case "5 Stuff":
				case "5 Stuff(Clone)":
				case "11 Content":
				GameObject gameObject = ((Component)((Component)val).transform.parent.parent).gameObject;
				if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)gameObject.GetComponent<GlassDisabler>()))

		public static void FindHank()
			if (!Core.CurrentLevelHasInfo)
			HudMessage[] array = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<HudMessage>();
			foreach (HudMessage val in array)
				if ((Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Id == 9 || Core.CurrentLevelInfo.Id == 22) && ((Object)val).name == "EasterEgg")
					string message = val.message;
					message = message.Replace("Nothing", "Something");
					message = message.Replace("but", "and");
					val.message = message;

		public static void ForceBlueArm()
			//IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)MonoSingleton<FistControl>.Instance))
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)"FistControl.Instance is null!");
			MonoSingleton<FistControl>.Instance.forcedLoadout.arm.blueVariant = (VariantOption)1;

		public static void FindRocketRaceButton()
			if (!(SceneHelper.CurrentScene != "CreditsMuseum2") &&
				GameObject.Find("/PuzzleScreen (2)/Canvas/Background/Start").AddComponent<RocketRaceCheck>();
	public static class Multiworld
		public static int[] AP_VERSION = new int[3] { 0, 4, 6 };

		public static DeathLinkService DeathLinkService = null;

		public static bool DeathLinkKilling = false;

		public static bool Authenticated;

		public static bool HintMode = false;

		public static ArchipelagoSession Session;

		public static List<string> messages = new List<string>();

		public static void TryGetGoal(ref string goal, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string defaultValue)
				switch (int.Parse(slotData["goal"].ToString()))
				case 0:
					goal = "1-4";
				case 1:
					goal = "2-4";
				case 2:
					goal = "3-2";
				case 3:
					goal = "4-4";
				case 4:
					goal = "5-4";
				case 6:
					goal = "P-1";
				case 7:
					goal = "P-2";
				case 8:
					goal = "7-4";
					goal = "6-2";
			catch (Exception)
				Core.Logger.LogError((object)("Couldn't parse goal. Something has gone very wrong. Using default value (" + defaultValue + ")"));
				goal = defaultValue;

		public static void TryGetSlotDataValue(ref int option, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string key, int defaultValue)
				option = int.Parse(slotData[key].ToString());
			catch (KeyNotFoundException)
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)$"No key found for option \"{key}\". Using default value ({defaultValue})");
				option = defaultValue;

		public static void TryGetSlotDataValue(ref bool option, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string key, bool defaultValue)
				option = bool.Parse(slotData[key].ToString());
			catch (KeyNotFoundException)
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)$"No key found for option \"{key}\". Using default value ({defaultValue})");
				option = defaultValue;

		public static void TryGetSlotDataValue(ref BossOptions option, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string key, BossOptions defaultValue)
				option = (BossOptions)int.Parse(slotData[key].ToString());
			catch (KeyNotFoundException)
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)$"No key found for option \"{key}\". Using default value ({defaultValue})");
				option = defaultValue;

		public static void TryGetSlotDataValue(ref WeaponForm option, Dictionary<string, object> slotData, string key, WeaponForm defaultValue)
				option = (WeaponForm)int.Parse(slotData[key].ToString());
			catch (KeyNotFoundException)
				Core.Logger.LogWarning((object)$"No key found for option \"{key}\". Using default value ({defaultValue})");
				option = defaultValue;

		public static bool Connect()
			//IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0046: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0062: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0074: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_007e: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_009a: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0a25: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_071c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0783: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0940: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0945: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			if (Authenticated)
				return true;
			Session = ArchipelagoSessionFactory.CreateSession(, 38281);
			Session.Socket.SocketClosed += new SocketClosedHandler(SocketClosed);
			Session.Socket.ErrorReceived += new ErrorReceivedHandler(ErrorReceived);
			Session.Socket.PacketReceived += new PacketReceivedHandler(PacketReceived);
			Session.Items.ItemReceived += new ItemReceivedHandler(ItemReceived);
			LoginResult val = Session.TryConnectAndLogin("ULTRAKILL",, (ItemsHandlingFlags)7, new Version(AP_VERSION[0], AP_VERSION[1], AP_VERSION[2]), (string[])null, (string)null, ( == "") ? null :, true);
			LoginSuccessful val2 = (LoginSuccessful)(object)((val is LoginSuccessful) ? val : null);
			if (val2 != null)
				Authenticated = true;
				ConfigManager.isConnected.value = true;
				((ConfigField)ConfigManager.playerName).interactable = false;
				((ConfigField)ConfigManager.serverAddress).interactable = false;
				((ConfigField)ConfigManager.serverPassword).interactable = false;
				((ConfigField)ConfigManager.hintMode).interactable = false;
				((ConfigField) = true;
				TryGetGoal(ref, val2.SlotData, "6-2");
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "goal_requirement", 15);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "boss_rewards", BossOptions.Disabled);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "challenge_rewards", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "p_rank_rewards", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "hank_rewards", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "randomize_clash_mode", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "fish_rewards", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "cleaning_rewards", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "chess_reward", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "rocket_race_reward", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "randomize_secondary_fire", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "revolver_form", WeaponForm.Standard);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "shotgun_form", WeaponForm.Standard);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "nailgun_form", WeaponForm.Standard);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "randomize_skulls", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "randomize_limbo_switches", defaultValue: false);
				TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "randomize_violence_switches", defaultValue: false);
				if ( && !UIManager.createdSkullIcons)
				if (!Core.DataExists())
					if ( == WeaponForm.Standard)
					{ = true; = false;
					{ = false; = true;
					if ( == WeaponForm.Standard)
					{ = true; = false;
					{ = false; = true;
					if ( == WeaponForm.Standard)
					{ = true; = false;
					{ = false; = true;
					TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "start_with_arm", defaultValue: true);
					TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "starting_stamina", 3);
					TryGetSlotDataValue(ref, val2.SlotData, "starting_walljumps", 3


Decompiled 5 days ago
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security.Authentication;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Timers;
using WebSocketSharp.Net;
using WebSocketSharp.Net.WebSockets;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("websocket-sharp")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("A C# implementation of the WebSocket protocol client and server")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("websocket-sharp.dll")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("sta.blockhead")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
namespace WebSocketSharp
	public static class Ext
		private static readonly byte[] _last = new byte[1];

		private static readonly int _retry = 5;

		private const string _tspecials = "()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t";

		private static byte[] compress(this byte[] data)
			if (data.LongLength == 0)
				return data;
			using MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data);
			return stream.compressToArray();

		private static MemoryStream compress(this Stream stream)
			MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			if (stream.Length == 0)
				return memoryStream;
			stream.Position = 0L;
			using DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(memoryStream, CompressionMode.Compress, leaveOpen: true);
			CopyTo(stream, deflateStream, 1024);
			memoryStream.Write(_last, 0, 1);
			memoryStream.Position = 0L;
			return memoryStream;

		private static byte[] compressToArray(this Stream stream)
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = stream.compress();
			return memoryStream.ToArray();

		private static byte[] decompress(this byte[] data)
			if (data.LongLength == 0)
				return data;
			using MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data);
			return stream.decompressToArray();

		private static MemoryStream decompress(this Stream stream)
			MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			if (stream.Length == 0)
				return memoryStream;
			stream.Position = 0L;
			using DeflateStream source = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress, leaveOpen: true);
			CopyTo(source, memoryStream, 1024);
			memoryStream.Position = 0L;
			return memoryStream;

		private static byte[] decompressToArray(this Stream stream)
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = stream.decompress();
			return memoryStream.ToArray();

		private static bool isHttpMethod(this string value)
			int result;
			switch (value)
				result = ((value == "TRACE") ? 1 : 0);
			case "GET":
			case "HEAD":
			case "POST":
			case "PUT":
			case "DELETE":
			case "CONNECT":
			case "OPTIONS":
				result = 1;
			return (byte)result != 0;

		private static bool isHttpMethod10(this string value)
			return value == "GET" || value == "HEAD" || value == "POST";

		internal static byte[] Append(this ushort code, string reason)
			byte[] array = code.InternalToByteArray(ByteOrder.Big);
			if (reason == null || reason.Length == 0)
				return array;
			List<byte> list = new List<byte>(array);
			return list.ToArray();

		internal static byte[] Compress(this byte[] data, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? data.compress() : data;

		internal static Stream Compress(this Stream stream, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? stream.compress() : stream;

		internal static byte[] CompressToArray(this Stream stream, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? stream.compressToArray() : stream.ToByteArray();

		internal static bool Contains(this string value, params char[] anyOf)
			return anyOf != null && anyOf.Length != 0 && value.IndexOfAny(anyOf) > -1;

		internal static bool Contains(this NameValueCollection collection, string name)
			return collection[name] != null;

		internal static bool Contains(this NameValueCollection collection, string name, string value, StringComparison comparisonTypeForValue)
			string text = collection[name];
			if (text == null)
				return false;
			string[] array = text.Split(new char[1] { ',' });
			foreach (string text2 in array)
				if (text2.Trim().Equals(value, comparisonTypeForValue))
					return true;
			return false;

		internal static bool Contains<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, bool> condition)
			foreach (T item in source)
				if (condition(item))
					return true;
			return false;

		internal static bool ContainsTwice(this string[] values)
			int len = values.Length;
			int end = len - 1;
			Func<int, bool> seek = null;
			seek = delegate(int idx)
				if (idx == end)
					return false;
				string text = values[idx];
				for (int i = idx + 1; i < len; i++)
					if (values[i] == text)
						return true;
				return seek(++idx);
			return seek(0);

		internal static T[] Copy<T>(this T[] source, int length)
			T[] array = new T[length];
			Array.Copy(source, 0, array, 0, length);
			return array;

		internal static T[] Copy<T>(this T[] source, long length)
			T[] array = new T[length];
			Array.Copy(source, 0L, array, 0L, length);
			return array;

		internal static void CopyTo(this Stream source, Stream destination, int bufferLength)
			byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength];
			int num = 0;
			while (true)
				num = source.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLength);
				if (num <= 0)
				destination.Write(buffer, 0, num);

		internal static void CopyToAsync(this Stream source, Stream destination, int bufferLength, Action completed, Action<Exception> error)
			byte[] buff = new byte[bufferLength];
			AsyncCallback callback = null;
			callback = delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
					int num = source.EndRead(ar);
					if (num <= 0)
						if (completed != null)
						destination.Write(buff, 0, num);
						source.BeginRead(buff, 0, bufferLength, callback, null);
				catch (Exception obj2)
					if (error != null)
				source.BeginRead(buff, 0, bufferLength, callback, null);
			catch (Exception obj)
				if (error != null)

		internal static byte[] Decompress(this byte[] data, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? data.decompress() : data;

		internal static Stream Decompress(this Stream stream, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? stream.decompress() : stream;

		internal static byte[] DecompressToArray(this Stream stream, CompressionMethod method)
			return (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate) ? stream.decompressToArray() : stream.ToByteArray();

		internal static void Emit(this EventHandler eventHandler, object sender, EventArgs e)
			eventHandler?.Invoke(sender, e);

		internal static void Emit<TEventArgs>(this EventHandler<TEventArgs> eventHandler, object sender, TEventArgs e) where TEventArgs : EventArgs
			eventHandler?.Invoke(sender, e);

		internal static bool EqualsWith(this int value, char c, Action<int> action)
			return value == c;

		internal static string GetAbsolutePath(this Uri uri)
			if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
				return uri.AbsolutePath;
			string originalString = uri.OriginalString;
			if (originalString[0] != '/')
				return null;
			int num = originalString.IndexOfAny(new char[2] { '?', '#' });
			return (num > 0) ? originalString.Substring(0, num) : originalString;

		internal static WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection GetCookies(this NameValueCollection headers, bool response)
			string text = headers[response ? "Set-Cookie" : "Cookie"];
			return (text != null) ? WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection.Parse(text, response) : new WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection();

		internal static string GetDnsSafeHost(this Uri uri, bool bracketIPv6)
			return (bracketIPv6 && uri.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.IPv6) ? uri.Host : uri.DnsSafeHost;

		internal static string GetMessage(this CloseStatusCode code)
			return code switch
				CloseStatusCode.TlsHandshakeFailure => "An error has occurred during a TLS handshake.", 
				CloseStatusCode.ServerError => "WebSocket server got an internal error.", 
				CloseStatusCode.MandatoryExtension => "WebSocket client didn't receive expected extension(s).", 
				CloseStatusCode.TooBig => "A too big message has been received.", 
				CloseStatusCode.PolicyViolation => "A policy violation has occurred.", 
				CloseStatusCode.InvalidData => "Invalid data has been received.", 
				CloseStatusCode.Abnormal => "An exception has occurred.", 
				CloseStatusCode.UnsupportedData => "Unsupported data has been received.", 
				CloseStatusCode.ProtocolError => "A WebSocket protocol error has occurred.", 
				_ => string.Empty, 

		internal static string GetName(this string nameAndValue, char separator)
			int num = nameAndValue.IndexOf(separator);
			return (num > 0) ? nameAndValue.Substring(0, num).Trim() : null;

		internal static string GetUTF8DecodedString(this byte[] bytes)
			return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

		internal static byte[] GetUTF8EncodedBytes(this string s)
			return Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);

		internal static string GetValue(this string nameAndValue, char separator)
			return nameAndValue.GetValue(separator, unquote: false);

		internal static string GetValue(this string nameAndValue, char separator, bool unquote)
			int num = nameAndValue.IndexOf(separator);
			if (num < 0 || num == nameAndValue.Length - 1)
				return null;
			string text = nameAndValue.Substring(num + 1).Trim();
			return unquote ? text.Unquote() : text;

		internal static byte[] InternalToByteArray(this ushort value, ByteOrder order)
			byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
			if (!order.IsHostOrder())
			return bytes;

		internal static byte[] InternalToByteArray(this ulong value, ByteOrder order)
			byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
			if (!order.IsHostOrder())
			return bytes;

		internal static bool IsCompressionExtension(this string value, CompressionMethod method)
			return value.StartsWith(method.ToExtensionString());

		internal static bool IsControl(this byte opcode)
			return opcode > 7 && opcode < 16;

		internal static bool IsControl(this Opcode opcode)
			return (int)opcode >= 8;

		internal static bool IsData(this byte opcode)
			return opcode == 1 || opcode == 2;

		internal static bool IsData(this Opcode opcode)
			return opcode == Opcode.Text || opcode == Opcode.Binary;

		internal static bool IsHttpMethod(this string value, Version version)
			return (version == WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpVersion.Version10) ? value.isHttpMethod10() : value.isHttpMethod();

		internal static bool IsPortNumber(this int value)
			return value > 0 && value < 65536;

		internal static bool IsReserved(this ushort code)
			return code == 1004 || code == 1005 || code == 1006 || code == 1015;

		internal static bool IsReserved(this CloseStatusCode code)
			return code == CloseStatusCode.Undefined || code == CloseStatusCode.NoStatus || code == CloseStatusCode.Abnormal || code == CloseStatusCode.TlsHandshakeFailure;

		internal static bool IsSupported(this byte opcode)
			return Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Opcode), opcode);

		internal static bool IsText(this string value)
			int length = value.Length;
			for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
				char c = value[i];
				if (c < ' ')
					if ("\r\n\t".IndexOf(c) == -1)
						return false;
					if (c == '\n')
						if (i == length)
						c = value[i];
						if (" \t".IndexOf(c) == -1)
							return false;
				else if (c == '\u007f')
					return false;
			return true;

		internal static bool IsToken(this string value)
			foreach (char c in value)
				if (c < ' ')
					return false;
				if (c > '~')
					return false;
				if ("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t".IndexOf(c) > -1)
					return false;
			return true;

		internal static bool KeepsAlive(this NameValueCollection headers, Version version)
			StringComparison comparisonTypeForValue = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
			return (version < WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpVersion.Version11) ? headers.Contains("Connection", "keep-alive", comparisonTypeForValue) : (!headers.Contains("Connection", "close", comparisonTypeForValue));

		internal static string Quote(this string value)
			return string.Format("\"{0}\"", value.Replace("\"", "\\\""));

		internal static byte[] ReadBytes(this Stream stream, int length)
			byte[] array = new byte[length];
			int num = 0;
			int num2 = 0;
			int num3 = 0;
			while (length > 0)
				num3 = stream.Read(array, num, length);
				if (num3 <= 0)
					if (num2 >= _retry)
						return array.SubArray(0, num);
					num2 = 0;
					num += num3;
					length -= num3;
			return array;

		internal static byte[] ReadBytes(this Stream stream, long length, int bufferLength)
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength];
			int num = 0;
			int num2 = 0;
			while (length > 0)
				if (length < bufferLength)
					bufferLength = (int)length;
				num2 = stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferLength);
				if (num2 <= 0)
					if (num >= _retry)
					num = 0;
					memoryStream.Write(buffer, 0, num2);
					length -= num2;
			return memoryStream.ToArray();

		internal static void ReadBytesAsync(this Stream stream, int length, Action<byte[]> completed, Action<Exception> error)
			byte[] buff = new byte[length];
			int offset = 0;
			int retry = 0;
			AsyncCallback callback = null;
			callback = delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
					int num = stream.EndRead(ar);
					if (num <= 0)
						if (retry < _retry)
							stream.BeginRead(buff, offset, length, callback, null);
						else if (completed != null)
							completed(buff.SubArray(0, offset));
					else if (num == length)
						if (completed != null)
						retry = 0;
						offset += num;
						length -= num;
						stream.BeginRead(buff, offset, length, callback, null);
				catch (Exception obj2)
					if (error != null)
				stream.BeginRead(buff, offset, length, callback, null);
			catch (Exception obj)
				if (error != null)

		internal static void ReadBytesAsync(this Stream stream, long length, int bufferLength, Action<byte[]> completed, Action<Exception> error)
			MemoryStream dest = new MemoryStream();
			byte[] buff = new byte[bufferLength];
			int retry = 0;
			Action<long> read = null;
			read = delegate(long len)
				if (len < bufferLength)
					bufferLength = (int)len;
				stream.BeginRead(buff, 0, bufferLength, delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
						int num = stream.EndRead(ar);
						if (num <= 0)
							if (retry < _retry)
								int num2 = retry;
								retry = num2 + 1;
								if (completed != null)
							dest.Write(buff, 0, num);
							if (num == len)
								if (completed != null)
								retry = 0;
								read(len - num);
					catch (Exception obj2)
						if (error != null)
				}, null);
			catch (Exception obj)
				if (error != null)

		internal static T[] Reverse<T>(this T[] array)
			int num = array.Length;
			T[] array2 = new T[num];
			int num2 = num - 1;
			for (int i = 0; i <= num2; i++)
				array2[i] = array[num2 - i];
			return array2;

		internal static IEnumerable<string> SplitHeaderValue(this string value, params char[] separators)
			int len = value.Length;
			int end = len - 1;
			StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(32);
			bool escaped = false;
			bool quoted = false;
			for (int i = 0; i <= end; i++)
				char c = value[i];
				switch (c)
				case '"':
					if (escaped)
						escaped = false;
						quoted = !quoted;
				case '\\':
					if (i == end)
					if (value[i + 1] == '"')
						escaped = true;
					if (Array.IndexOf(separators, c) > -1 && !quoted)
						yield return buff.ToString();
						buff.Length = 0;
			yield return buff.ToString();

		internal static byte[] ToByteArray(this Stream stream)
			using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
			stream.Position = 0L;
			CopyTo(stream, memoryStream, 1024);
			return memoryStream.ToArray();

		internal static CompressionMethod ToCompressionMethod(this string value)
			Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(CompressionMethod));
			foreach (CompressionMethod item in values)
				if (item.ToExtensionString() == value)
					return item;
			return CompressionMethod.None;

		internal static string ToExtensionString(this CompressionMethod method, params string[] parameters)
			if (method == CompressionMethod.None)
				return string.Empty;
			string text = $"permessage-{method.ToString().ToLower()}";
			return (parameters != null && parameters.Length != 0) ? string.Format("{0}; {1}", text, parameters.ToString("; ")) : text;

		internal static IPAddress ToIPAddress(this string value)
			if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
				return null;
			if (IPAddress.TryParse(value, out IPAddress address))
				return address;
				IPAddress[] hostAddresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(value);
				return hostAddresses[0];
				return null;

		internal static List<TSource> ToList<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source)
			return new List<TSource>(source);

		internal static string ToString(this IPAddress address, bool bracketIPv6)
			return (bracketIPv6 && address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6) ? $"[{address.ToString()}]" : address.ToString();

		internal static ushort ToUInt16(this byte[] source, ByteOrder sourceOrder)
			return BitConverter.ToUInt16(source.ToHostOrder(sourceOrder), 0);

		internal static ulong ToUInt64(this byte[] source, ByteOrder sourceOrder)
			return BitConverter.ToUInt64(source.ToHostOrder(sourceOrder), 0);

		internal static IEnumerable<string> TrimEach(this IEnumerable<string> source)
			foreach (string elm in source)
				yield return elm.Trim();

		internal static string TrimSlashFromEnd(this string value)
			string text = value.TrimEnd(new char[1] { '/' });
			return (text.Length > 0) ? text : "/";

		internal static string TrimSlashOrBackslashFromEnd(this string value)
			string text = value.TrimEnd('/', '\\');
			return (text.Length > 0) ? text : value[0].ToString();

		internal static bool TryCreateVersion(this string versionString, out Version result)
			result = null;
				result = new Version(versionString);
				return false;
			return true;

		internal static bool TryCreateWebSocketUri(this string uriString, out Uri result, out string message)
			result = null;
			message = null;
			Uri uri = uriString.ToUri();
			if (uri == null)
				message = "An invalid URI string.";
				return false;
			if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri)
				message = "A relative URI.";
				return false;
			string scheme = uri.Scheme;
			if (!(scheme == "ws") && !(scheme == "wss"))
				message = "The scheme part is not 'ws' or 'wss'.";
				return false;
			int port = uri.Port;
			if (port == 0)
				message = "The port part is zero.";
				return false;
			if (uri.Fragment.Length > 0)
				message = "It includes the fragment component.";
				return false;
			result = ((port != -1) ? uri : new Uri(string.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}{3}", scheme, uri.Host, (scheme == "ws") ? 80 : 443, uri.PathAndQuery)));
			return true;

		internal static bool TryGetUTF8DecodedString(this byte[] bytes, out string s)
			s = null;
				s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
				return false;
			return true;

		internal static bool TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(this string s, out byte[] bytes)
			bytes = null;
				bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);
				return false;
			return true;

		internal static bool TryOpenRead(this FileInfo fileInfo, out FileStream fileStream)
			fileStream = null;
				fileStream = fileInfo.OpenRead();
				return false;
			return true;

		internal static string Unquote(this string value)
			int num = value.IndexOf('"');
			if (num == -1)
				return value;
			int num2 = value.LastIndexOf('"');
			if (num2 == num)
				return value;
			int num3 = num2 - num - 1;
			return (num3 > 0) ? value.Substring(num + 1, num3).Replace("\\\"", "\"") : string.Empty;

		internal static bool Upgrades(this NameValueCollection headers, string protocol)
			StringComparison comparisonTypeForValue = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;
			return headers.Contains("Upgrade", protocol, comparisonTypeForValue) && headers.Contains("Connection", "Upgrade", comparisonTypeForValue);

		internal static string UrlDecode(this string value, Encoding encoding)
			return HttpUtility.UrlDecode(value, encoding);

		internal static string UrlEncode(this string value, Encoding encoding)
			return HttpUtility.UrlEncode(value, encoding);

		internal static void WriteBytes(this Stream stream, byte[] bytes, int bufferLength)
			using MemoryStream source = new MemoryStream(bytes);
			CopyTo(source, stream, bufferLength);

		internal static void WriteBytesAsync(this Stream stream, byte[] bytes, int bufferLength, Action completed, Action<Exception> error)
			MemoryStream src = new MemoryStream(bytes);
			src.CopyToAsync(stream, bufferLength, delegate
				if (completed != null)
			}, delegate(Exception ex)
				if (error != null)

		public static string GetDescription(this WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpStatusCode code)
			return ((int)code).GetStatusDescription();

		public static string GetStatusDescription(this int code)
			return code switch
				100 => "Continue", 
				101 => "Switching Protocols", 
				102 => "Processing", 
				200 => "OK", 
				201 => "Created", 
				202 => "Accepted", 
				203 => "Non-Authoritative Information", 
				204 => "No Content", 
				205 => "Reset Content", 
				206 => "Partial Content", 
				207 => "Multi-Status", 
				300 => "Multiple Choices", 
				301 => "Moved Permanently", 
				302 => "Found", 
				303 => "See Other", 
				304 => "Not Modified", 
				305 => "Use Proxy", 
				307 => "Temporary Redirect", 
				400 => "Bad Request", 
				401 => "Unauthorized", 
				402 => "Payment Required", 
				403 => "Forbidden", 
				404 => "Not Found", 
				405 => "Method Not Allowed", 
				406 => "Not Acceptable", 
				407 => "Proxy Authentication Required", 
				408 => "Request Timeout", 
				409 => "Conflict", 
				410 => "Gone", 
				411 => "Length Required", 
				412 => "Precondition Failed", 
				413 => "Request Entity Too Large", 
				414 => "Request-Uri Too Long", 
				415 => "Unsupported Media Type", 
				416 => "Requested Range Not Satisfiable", 
				417 => "Expectation Failed", 
				422 => "Unprocessable Entity", 
				423 => "Locked", 
				424 => "Failed Dependency", 
				500 => "Internal Server Error", 
				501 => "Not Implemented", 
				502 => "Bad Gateway", 
				503 => "Service Unavailable", 
				504 => "Gateway Timeout", 
				505 => "Http Version Not Supported", 
				507 => "Insufficient Storage", 
				_ => string.Empty, 

		public static bool IsCloseStatusCode(this ushort value)
			return value > 999 && value < 5000;

		public static bool IsEnclosedIn(this string value, char c)
			if (value == null)
				return false;
			int length = value.Length;
			if (length < 2)
				return false;
			return value[0] == c && value[length - 1] == c;

		public static bool IsHostOrder(this ByteOrder order)
			return BitConverter.IsLittleEndian == (order == ByteOrder.Little);

		public static bool IsLocal(this IPAddress address)
			if (address == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("address");
			if (address.Equals(IPAddress.Any))
				return true;
			if (address.Equals(IPAddress.Loopback))
				return true;
			if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv6)
				if (address.Equals(IPAddress.IPv6Any))
					return true;
				if (address.Equals(IPAddress.IPv6Loopback))
					return true;
			string hostName = Dns.GetHostName();
			IPAddress[] hostAddresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(hostName);
			IPAddress[] array = hostAddresses;
			foreach (IPAddress obj in array)
				if (address.Equals(obj))
					return true;
			return false;

		public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(this string value)
			return value == null || value.Length == 0;

		public static bool IsPredefinedScheme(this string value)
			if (value == null || value.Length < 2)
				return false;
			switch (value[0])
			case 'h':
				return value == "http" || value == "https";
			case 'w':
				return value == "ws" || value == "wss";
			case 'f':
				return value == "file" || value == "ftp";
			case 'g':
				return value == "gopher";
			case 'm':
				return value == "mailto";
			case 'n':
				char c = value[1];
				return (c != 'e') ? (value == "nntp") : (value == "news" || value == "net.pipe" || value == "net.tcp");
				return false;

		public static bool MaybeUri(this string value)
			if (value == null)
				return false;
			if (value.Length == 0)
				return false;
			int num = value.IndexOf(':');
			if (num == -1)
				return false;
			if (num >= 10)
				return false;
			string value2 = value.Substring(0, num);
			return value2.IsPredefinedScheme();

		public static T[] SubArray<T>(this T[] array, int startIndex, int length)
			if (array == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
			int num = array.Length;
			if (num == 0)
				if (startIndex != 0)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex");
				if (length != 0)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
				return array;
			if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= num)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex");
			if (length < 0 || length > num - startIndex)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
			if (length == 0)
				return new T[0];
			if (length == num)
				return array;
			T[] array2 = new T[length];
			Array.Copy(array, startIndex, array2, 0, length);
			return array2;

		public static T[] SubArray<T>(this T[] array, long startIndex, long length)
			if (array == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
			long num = array.LongLength;
			if (num == 0)
				if (startIndex != 0)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex");
				if (length != 0)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
				return array;
			if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= num)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex");
			if (length < 0 || length > num - startIndex)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
			if (length == 0)
				return new T[0];
			if (length == num)
				return array;
			T[] array2 = new T[length];
			Array.Copy(array, startIndex, array2, 0L, length);
			return array2;

		public static void Times(this int n, Action action)
			if (n > 0 && action != null)
				for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

		public static void Times(this long n, Action action)
			if (n > 0 && action != null)
				for (long num = 0L; num < n; num++)

		public static void Times(this uint n, Action action)
			if (n != 0 && action != null)
				for (uint num = 0u; num < n; num++)

		public static void Times(this ulong n, Action action)
			if (n != 0 && action != null)
				for (ulong num = 0uL; num < n; num++)

		public static void Times(this int n, Action<int> action)
			if (n > 0 && action != null)
				for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

		public static void Times(this long n, Action<long> action)
			if (n > 0 && action != null)
				for (long num = 0L; num < n; num++)

		public static void Times(this uint n, Action<uint> action)
			if (n != 0 && action != null)
				for (uint num = 0u; num < n; num++)

		public static void Times(this ulong n, Action<ulong> action)
			if (n != 0 && action != null)
				for (ulong num = 0uL; num < n; num++)

		[Obsolete("This method will be removed.")]
		public static T To<T>(this byte[] source, ByteOrder sourceOrder) where T : struct
			if (source == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
			if (source.Length == 0)
				return default(T);
			Type typeFromHandle = typeof(T);
			byte[] value = source.ToHostOrder(sourceOrder);
			return ((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(bool)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToBoolean(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(char)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToChar(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(double)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToDouble(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(short)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToInt16(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(int)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToInt32(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(long)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToInt64(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(float)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToSingle(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(ushort)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToUInt16(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(uint)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToUInt32(value, 0)) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(ulong)) ? ((T)(object)BitConverter.ToUInt64(value, 0)) : default(T))))))))));

		[Obsolete("This method will be removed.")]
		public static byte[] ToByteArray<T>(this T value, ByteOrder order) where T : struct
			Type typeFromHandle = typeof(T);
			byte[] array = (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(bool)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((bool)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle != typeof(byte)) ? (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(char)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((char)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(double)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((double)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(short)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((short)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(int)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((int)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(long)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((long)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(float)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((float)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(ushort)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(uint)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)(object)value) : (((object)typeFromHandle == typeof(ulong)) ? BitConverter.GetBytes((ulong)(object)value) : WebSocket.EmptyBytes))))))))) : new byte[1] { (byte)(object)value }));
			if (array.Length > 1 && !order.IsHostOrder())
			return array;

		public static byte[] ToHostOrder(this byte[] source, ByteOrder sourceOrder)
			if (source == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
			if (source.Length < 2)
				return source;
			if (sourceOrder.IsHostOrder())
				return source;
			return source.Reverse();

		public static string ToString<T>(this T[] array, string separator)
			if (array == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("array");
			int num = array.Length;
			if (num == 0)
				return string.Empty;
			if (separator == null)
				separator = string.Empty;
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(64);
			int num2 = num - 1;
			for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
				stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", array[i], separator);
			return stringBuilder.ToString();

		public static Uri ToUri(this string value)
			Uri.TryCreate(value, value.MaybeUri() ? UriKind.Absolute : UriKind.Relative, out Uri result);
			return result;

		[Obsolete("This method will be removed.")]
		public static void WriteContent(this WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpListenerResponse response, byte[] content)
			if (response == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("response");
			if (content == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("content");
			long num = content.LongLength;
			if (num == 0)
			response.ContentLength64 = num;
			Stream outputStream = response.OutputStream;
			if (num <= int.MaxValue)
				outputStream.Write(content, 0, (int)num);
				outputStream.WriteBytes(content, 1024);
	public class MessageEventArgs : EventArgs
		private string _data;

		private bool _dataSet;

		private Opcode _opcode;

		private byte[] _rawData;

		internal Opcode Opcode => _opcode;

		public string Data
				return _data;

		public bool IsBinary => _opcode == Opcode.Binary;

		public bool IsPing => _opcode == Opcode.Ping;

		public bool IsText => _opcode == Opcode.Text;

		public byte[] RawData
				return _rawData;

		internal MessageEventArgs(WebSocketFrame frame)
			_opcode = frame.Opcode;
			_rawData = frame.PayloadData.ApplicationData;

		internal MessageEventArgs(Opcode opcode, byte[] rawData)
			if ((ulong)rawData.LongLength > PayloadData.MaxLength)
				throw new WebSocketException(CloseStatusCode.TooBig);
			_opcode = opcode;
			_rawData = rawData;

		private void setData()
			if (_dataSet)
			if (_opcode == Opcode.Binary)
				_dataSet = true;
			if (_rawData.TryGetUTF8DecodedString(out var s))
				_data = s;
			_dataSet = true;
	public class CloseEventArgs : EventArgs
		private bool _clean;

		private PayloadData _payloadData;

		public ushort Code => _payloadData.Code;

		public string Reason => _payloadData.Reason;

		public bool WasClean => _clean;

		internal CloseEventArgs(PayloadData payloadData, bool clean)
			_payloadData = payloadData;
			_clean = clean;

		internal CloseEventArgs(ushort code, string reason, bool clean)
			_payloadData = new PayloadData(code, reason);
			_clean = clean;
	public enum ByteOrder
	public class ErrorEventArgs : EventArgs
		private Exception _exception;

		private string _message;

		public Exception Exception => _exception;

		public string Message => _message;

		internal ErrorEventArgs(string message)
			: this(message, null)

		internal ErrorEventArgs(string message, Exception exception)
			_message = message;
			_exception = exception;
	public class WebSocket : IDisposable
		private AuthenticationChallenge _authChallenge;

		private string _base64Key;

		private bool _client;

		private Action _closeContext;

		private CompressionMethod _compression;

		private WebSocketContext _context;

		private WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection _cookies;

		private WebSocketSharp.Net.NetworkCredential _credentials;

		private bool _emitOnPing;

		private bool _enableRedirection;

		private string _extensions;

		private bool _extensionsRequested;

		private object _forMessageEventQueue;

		private object _forPing;

		private object _forSend;

		private object _forState;

		private MemoryStream _fragmentsBuffer;

		private bool _fragmentsCompressed;

		private Opcode _fragmentsOpcode;

		private const string _guid = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11";

		private Func<WebSocketContext, string> _handshakeRequestChecker;

		private bool _ignoreExtensions;

		private bool _inContinuation;

		private volatile bool _inMessage;

		private volatile Logger _logger;

		private static readonly int _maxRetryCountForConnect;

		private Action<MessageEventArgs> _message;

		private Queue<MessageEventArgs> _messageEventQueue;

		private uint _nonceCount;

		private string _origin;

		private ManualResetEvent _pongReceived;

		private bool _preAuth;

		private string _protocol;

		private string[] _protocols;

		private bool _protocolsRequested;

		private WebSocketSharp.Net.NetworkCredential _proxyCredentials;

		private Uri _proxyUri;

		private volatile WebSocketState _readyState;

		private ManualResetEvent _receivingExited;

		private int _retryCountForConnect;

		private bool _secure;

		private ClientSslConfiguration _sslConfig;

		private Stream _stream;

		private TcpClient _tcpClient;

		private Uri _uri;

		private const string _version = "13";

		private TimeSpan _waitTime;

		internal static readonly byte[] EmptyBytes;

		internal static readonly int FragmentLength;

		internal static readonly RandomNumberGenerator RandomNumber;

		internal WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection CookieCollection => _cookies;

		internal Func<WebSocketContext, string> CustomHandshakeRequestChecker
				return _handshakeRequestChecker;
				_handshakeRequestChecker = value;

		internal bool HasMessage
				lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
					return _messageEventQueue.Count > 0;

		internal bool IgnoreExtensions
				return _ignoreExtensions;
				_ignoreExtensions = value;

		internal bool IsConnected => _readyState == WebSocketState.Open || _readyState == WebSocketState.Closing;

		public CompressionMethod Compression
				return _compression;
				string text = null;
				if (!_client)
					text = "This instance is not a client.";
					throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
				if (!canSet(out text))
				lock (_forState)
					if (!canSet(out text))
						_compression = value;

		public IEnumerable<WebSocketSharp.Net.Cookie> Cookies
				lock (_cookies.SyncRoot)
					foreach (WebSocketSharp.Net.Cookie cookie in _cookies)
						yield return cookie;

		public WebSocketSharp.Net.NetworkCredential Credentials => _credentials;

		public bool EmitOnPing
				return _emitOnPing;
				_emitOnPing = value;

		public bool EnableRedirection
				return _enableRedirection;
				string text = null;
				if (!_client)
					text = "This instance is not a client.";
					throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
				if (!canSet(out text))
				lock (_forState)
					if (!canSet(out text))
						_enableRedirection = value;

		public string Extensions => _extensions ?? string.Empty;

		public bool IsAlive => ping(EmptyBytes);

		public bool IsSecure => _secure;

		public Logger Log
				return _logger;
			internal set
				_logger = value;

		public string Origin
				return _origin;
				string text = null;
				if (!_client)
					text = "This instance is not a client.";
					throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
				if (!value.IsNullOrEmpty())
					if (!Uri.TryCreate(value, UriKind.Absolute, out Uri result))
						text = "Not an absolute URI string.";
						throw new ArgumentException(text, "value");
					if (result.Segments.Length > 1)
						text = "It includes the path segments.";
						throw new ArgumentException(text, "value");
				if (!canSet(out text))
				lock (_forState)
					if (!canSet(out text))
					_origin = ((!value.IsNullOrEmpty()) ? value.TrimEnd(new char[1] { '/' }) : value);

		public string Protocol
				return _protocol ?? string.Empty;
			internal set
				_protocol = value;

		public WebSocketState ReadyState => _readyState;

		public ClientSslConfiguration SslConfiguration
				if (!_client)
					string text = "This instance is not a client.";
					throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
				if (!_secure)
					string text2 = "This instance does not use a secure connection.";
					throw new InvalidOperationException(text2);
				return getSslConfiguration();

		public Uri Url => _client ? _uri : _context.RequestUri;

		public TimeSpan WaitTime
				return _waitTime;
				if (value <= TimeSpan.Zero)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "Zero or less.");
				if (!canSet(out var text))
				lock (_forState)
					if (!canSet(out text))
						_waitTime = value;

		public event EventHandler<CloseEventArgs> OnClose;

		public event EventHandler<ErrorEventArgs> OnError;

		public event EventHandler<MessageEventArgs> OnMessage;

		public event EventHandler OnOpen;

		static WebSocket()
			_maxRetryCountForConnect = 10;
			EmptyBytes = new byte[0];
			FragmentLength = 1016;
			RandomNumber = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

		internal WebSocket(HttpListenerWebSocketContext context, string protocol)
			_context = context;
			_protocol = protocol;
			_closeContext = context.Close;
			_logger = context.Log;
			_message = messages;
			_secure = context.IsSecureConnection;
			_stream = context.Stream;
			_waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0);

		internal WebSocket(TcpListenerWebSocketContext context, string protocol)
			_context = context;
			_protocol = protocol;
			_closeContext = context.Close;
			_logger = context.Log;
			_message = messages;
			_secure = context.IsSecureConnection;
			_stream = context.Stream;
			_waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0);

		public WebSocket(string url, params string[] protocols)
			if (url == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("url");
			if (url.Length == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException("An empty string.", "url");
			if (!url.TryCreateWebSocketUri(out _uri, out var text))
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "url");
			if (protocols != null && protocols.Length != 0)
				if (!checkProtocols(protocols, out text))
					throw new ArgumentException(text, "protocols");
				_protocols = protocols;
			_base64Key = CreateBase64Key();
			_client = true;
			_logger = new Logger();
			_message = messagec;
			_secure = _uri.Scheme == "wss";
			_waitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0);

		private bool accept()
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The handshake request has already been accepted.";
				return false;
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
					string text2 = "The handshake request has already been accepted.";
					return false;
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
					string text3 = "The close process has set in.";
					text3 = "An interruption has occurred while attempting to accept.";
					error(text3, null);
					return false;
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
					string text4 = "The connection has been closed.";
					text4 = "An interruption has occurred while attempting to accept.";
					error(text4, null);
					return false;
					if (!acceptHandshake())
						return false;
				catch (Exception ex)
					string text5 = "An exception has occurred while attempting to accept.";
					fatal(text5, ex);
					return false;
				_readyState = WebSocketState.Open;
				return true;

		private bool acceptHandshake()
			_logger.Debug($"A handshake request from {_context.UserEndPoint}:\n{_context}");
			if (!checkHandshakeRequest(_context, out var text))
				refuseHandshake(CloseStatusCode.ProtocolError, "A handshake error has occurred while attempting to accept.");
				return false;
			if (!customCheckHandshakeRequest(_context, out text))
				refuseHandshake(CloseStatusCode.PolicyViolation, "A handshake error has occurred while attempting to accept.");
				return false;
			_base64Key = _context.Headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"];
			if (_protocol != null)
				IEnumerable<string> secWebSocketProtocols = _context.SecWebSocketProtocols;
			if (!_ignoreExtensions)
				string value = _context.Headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"];
			return sendHttpResponse(createHandshakeResponse());

		private bool canSet(out string message)
			message = null;
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
				message = "The connection has already been established.";
				return false;
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				message = "The connection is closing.";
				return false;
			return true;

		private bool checkHandshakeRequest(WebSocketContext context, out string message)
			message = null;
			if (!context.IsWebSocketRequest)
				message = "Not a handshake request.";
				return false;
			if (context.RequestUri == null)
				message = "It specifies an invalid Request-URI.";
				return false;
			NameValueCollection headers = context.Headers;
			string text = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"];
			if (text == null)
				message = "It includes no Sec-WebSocket-Key header.";
				return false;
			if (text.Length == 0)
				message = "It includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Key header.";
				return false;
			string text2 = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"];
			if (text2 == null)
				message = "It includes no Sec-WebSocket-Version header.";
				return false;
			if (text2 != "13")
				message = "It includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Version header.";
				return false;
			string text3 = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"];
			if (text3 != null && text3.Length == 0)
				message = "It includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header.";
				return false;
			if (!_ignoreExtensions)
				string text4 = headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"];
				if (text4 != null && text4.Length == 0)
					message = "It includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header.";
					return false;
			return true;

		private bool checkHandshakeResponse(HttpResponse response, out string message)
			message = null;
			if (response.IsRedirect)
				message = "Indicates the redirection.";
				return false;
			if (response.IsUnauthorized)
				message = "Requires the authentication.";
				return false;
			if (!response.IsWebSocketResponse)
				message = "Not a WebSocket handshake response.";
				return false;
			NameValueCollection headers = response.Headers;
			if (!validateSecWebSocketAcceptHeader(headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"]))
				message = "Includes no Sec-WebSocket-Accept header, or it has an invalid value.";
				return false;
			if (!validateSecWebSocketProtocolServerHeader(headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"]))
				message = "Includes no Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header, or it has an invalid value.";
				return false;
			if (!validateSecWebSocketExtensionsServerHeader(headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"]))
				message = "Includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header.";
				return false;
			if (!validateSecWebSocketVersionServerHeader(headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"]))
				message = "Includes an invalid Sec-WebSocket-Version header.";
				return false;
			return true;

		private static bool checkProtocols(string[] protocols, out string message)
			message = null;
			Func<string, bool> condition = (string protocol) => protocol.IsNullOrEmpty() || !protocol.IsToken();
			if (protocols.Contains(condition))
				message = "It contains a value that is not a token.";
				return false;
			if (protocols.ContainsTwice())
				message = "It contains a value twice.";
				return false;
			return true;

		private bool checkReceivedFrame(WebSocketFrame frame, out string message)
			message = null;
			bool isMasked = frame.IsMasked;
			if (_client && isMasked)
				message = "A frame from the server is masked.";
				return false;
			if (!_client && !isMasked)
				message = "A frame from a client is not masked.";
				return false;
			if (_inContinuation && frame.IsData)
				message = "A data frame has been received while receiving continuation frames.";
				return false;
			if (frame.IsCompressed && _compression == CompressionMethod.None)
				message = "A compressed frame has been received without any agreement for it.";
				return false;
			if (frame.Rsv2 == Rsv.On)
				message = "The RSV2 of a frame is non-zero without any negotiation for it.";
				return false;
			if (frame.Rsv3 == Rsv.On)
				message = "The RSV3 of a frame is non-zero without any negotiation for it.";
				return false;
			return true;

		private void close(ushort code, string reason)
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				_logger.Info("The closing is already in progress.");
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
				_logger.Info("The connection has already been closed.");
			if (code == 1005)
				close(PayloadData.Empty, send: true, receive: true, received: false);
			bool receive = !code.IsReserved();
			close(new PayloadData(code, reason), receive, receive, received: false);

		private void close(PayloadData payloadData, bool send, bool receive, bool received)
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
					_logger.Info("The closing is already in progress.");
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
					_logger.Info("The connection has already been closed.");
				send = send && _readyState == WebSocketState.Open;
				receive = send && receive;
				_readyState = WebSocketState.Closing;
			_logger.Trace("Begin closing the connection.");
			bool clean = closeHandshake(payloadData, send, receive, received);
			_logger.Trace("End closing the connection.");
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closed;
			CloseEventArgs e = new CloseEventArgs(payloadData, clean);
				this.OnClose.Emit(this, e);
			catch (Exception ex)

		private void closeAsync(ushort code, string reason)
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				_logger.Info("The closing is already in progress.");
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
				_logger.Info("The connection has already been closed.");
			if (code == 1005)
				closeAsync(PayloadData.Empty, send: true, receive: true, received: false);
			bool receive = !code.IsReserved();
			closeAsync(new PayloadData(code, reason), receive, receive, received: false);

		private void closeAsync(PayloadData payloadData, bool send, bool receive, bool received)
			Action<PayloadData, bool, bool, bool> closer = close;
			closer.BeginInvoke(payloadData, send, receive, received, delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
			}, null);

		private bool closeHandshake(byte[] frameAsBytes, bool receive, bool received)
			bool flag = frameAsBytes != null && sendBytes(frameAsBytes);
			if (!received && flag && receive && _receivingExited != null)
				received = _receivingExited.WaitOne(_waitTime);
			bool flag2 = flag && received;
			_logger.Debug($"Was clean?: {flag2}\n  sent: {flag}\n  received: {received}");
			return flag2;

		private bool closeHandshake(PayloadData payloadData, bool send, bool receive, bool received)
			bool flag = false;
			if (send)
				WebSocketFrame webSocketFrame = WebSocketFrame.CreateCloseFrame(payloadData, _client);
				flag = sendBytes(webSocketFrame.ToArray());
				if (_client)
			if (!received && flag && receive && _receivingExited != null)
				received = _receivingExited.WaitOne(_waitTime);
			bool flag2 = flag && received;
			_logger.Debug($"Was clean?: {flag2}\n  sent: {flag}\n  received: {received}");
			return flag2;

		private bool connect()
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The connection has already been established.";
				return false;
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
					string text2 = "The connection has already been established.";
					return false;
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
					string text3 = "The close process has set in.";
					text3 = "An interruption has occurred while attempting to connect.";
					error(text3, null);
					return false;
				if (_retryCountForConnect > _maxRetryCountForConnect)
					string text4 = "An opportunity for reconnecting has been lost.";
					text4 = "An interruption has occurred while attempting to connect.";
					error(text4, null);
					return false;
				_readyState = WebSocketState.Connecting;
				catch (Exception ex)
					string text5 = "An exception has occurred while attempting to connect.";
					fatal(text5, ex);
					return false;
				_retryCountForConnect = 1;
				_readyState = WebSocketState.Open;
				return true;

		private string createExtensions()
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(80);
			if (_compression != 0)
				string arg = _compression.ToExtensionString("server_no_context_takeover", "client_no_context_takeover");
				stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}, ", arg);
			int length = stringBuilder.Length;
			if (length > 2)
				stringBuilder.Length = length - 2;
				return stringBuilder.ToString();
			return null;

		private HttpResponse createHandshakeFailureResponse(WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpStatusCode code)
			HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpResponse.CreateCloseResponse(code);
			httpResponse.Headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13";
			return httpResponse;

		private HttpRequest createHandshakeRequest()
			HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpRequest.CreateWebSocketRequest(_uri);
			NameValueCollection headers = httpRequest.Headers;
			if (!_origin.IsNullOrEmpty())
				headers["Origin"] = _origin;
			headers["Sec-WebSocket-Key"] = _base64Key;
			_protocolsRequested = _protocols != null;
			if (_protocolsRequested)
				headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = _protocols.ToString(", ");
			_extensionsRequested = _compression != CompressionMethod.None;
			if (_extensionsRequested)
				headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = createExtensions();
			headers["Sec-WebSocket-Version"] = "13";
			AuthenticationResponse authenticationResponse = null;
			if (_authChallenge != null && _credentials != null)
				authenticationResponse = new AuthenticationResponse(_authChallenge, _credentials, _nonceCount);
				_nonceCount = authenticationResponse.NonceCount;
			else if (_preAuth)
				authenticationResponse = new AuthenticationResponse(_credentials);
			if (authenticationResponse != null)
				headers["Authorization"] = authenticationResponse.ToString();
			if (_cookies.Count > 0)
			return httpRequest;

		private HttpResponse createHandshakeResponse()
			HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpResponse.CreateWebSocketResponse();
			NameValueCollection headers = httpResponse.Headers;
			headers["Sec-WebSocket-Accept"] = CreateResponseKey(_base64Key);
			if (_protocol != null)
				headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"] = _protocol;
			if (_extensions != null)
				headers["Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"] = _extensions;
			if (_cookies.Count > 0)
			return httpResponse;

		private bool customCheckHandshakeRequest(WebSocketContext context, out string message)
			message = null;
			if (_handshakeRequestChecker == null)
				return true;
			message = _handshakeRequestChecker(context);
			return message == null;

		private MessageEventArgs dequeueFromMessageEventQueue()
			lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
				return (_messageEventQueue.Count > 0) ? _messageEventQueue.Dequeue() : null;

		private void doHandshake()
			HttpResponse httpResponse = sendHandshakeRequest();
			if (!checkHandshakeResponse(httpResponse, out var text))
				throw new WebSocketException(CloseStatusCode.ProtocolError, text);
			if (_protocolsRequested)
				_protocol = httpResponse.Headers["Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"];
			if (_extensionsRequested)

		private void enqueueToMessageEventQueue(MessageEventArgs e)
			lock (_forMessageEventQueue)

		private void error(string message, Exception exception)
				this.OnError.Emit(this, new ErrorEventArgs(message, exception));
			catch (Exception ex)

		private void fatal(string message, Exception exception)
			CloseStatusCode code = ((exception is WebSocketException) ? ((WebSocketException)exception).Code : CloseStatusCode.Abnormal);
			fatal(message, (ushort)code);

		private void fatal(string message, ushort code)
			PayloadData payloadData = new PayloadData(code, message);
			close(payloadData, !code.IsReserved(), receive: false, received: false);

		private void fatal(string message, CloseStatusCode code)
			fatal(message, (ushort)code);

		private ClientSslConfiguration getSslConfiguration()
			if (_sslConfig == null)
				_sslConfig = new ClientSslConfiguration(_uri.DnsSafeHost);
			return _sslConfig;

		private void init()
			_compression = CompressionMethod.None;
			_cookies = new WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection();
			_forPing = new object();
			_forSend = new object();
			_forState = new object();
			_messageEventQueue = new Queue<MessageEventArgs>();
			_forMessageEventQueue = ((ICollection)_messageEventQueue).SyncRoot;
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Connecting;

		private void message()
			MessageEventArgs obj = null;
			lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
				if (_inMessage || _messageEventQueue.Count == 0 || _readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				_inMessage = true;
				obj = _messageEventQueue.Dequeue();

		private void messagec(MessageEventArgs e)
			while (true)
					this.OnMessage.Emit(this, e);
				catch (Exception ex)
					error("An error has occurred during an OnMessage event.", ex);
				lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
					if (_messageEventQueue.Count == 0 || _readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
						_inMessage = false;
					e = _messageEventQueue.Dequeue();
				bool flag = true;

		private void messages(MessageEventArgs e)
				this.OnMessage.Emit(this, e);
			catch (Exception ex)
				error("An error has occurred during an OnMessage event.", ex);
			lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
				if (_messageEventQueue.Count == 0 || _readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
					_inMessage = false;
				e = _messageEventQueue.Dequeue();

		private void open()
			_inMessage = true;
				this.OnOpen.Emit(this, EventArgs.Empty);
			catch (Exception ex)
				error("An error has occurred during the OnOpen event.", ex);
			MessageEventArgs obj = null;
			lock (_forMessageEventQueue)
				if (_messageEventQueue.Count == 0 || _readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
					_inMessage = false;
				obj = _messageEventQueue.Dequeue();
			_message.BeginInvoke(obj, delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
			}, null);

		private bool ping(byte[] data)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				return false;
			ManualResetEvent pongReceived = _pongReceived;
			if (pongReceived == null)
				return false;
			lock (_forPing)
					if (!send(Fin.Final, Opcode.Ping, data, compressed: false))
						return false;
					return pongReceived.WaitOne(_waitTime);
				catch (ObjectDisposedException)
					return false;

		private bool processCloseFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			PayloadData payloadData = frame.PayloadData;
			close(payloadData, !payloadData.HasReservedCode, receive: false, received: true);
			return false;

		private void processCookies(WebSocketSharp.Net.CookieCollection cookies)
			if (cookies.Count != 0)

		private bool processDataFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			enqueueToMessageEventQueue(frame.IsCompressed ? new MessageEventArgs(frame.Opcode, frame.PayloadData.ApplicationData.Decompress(_compression)) : new MessageEventArgs(frame));
			return true;

		private bool processFragmentFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			if (!_inContinuation)
				if (frame.IsContinuation)
					return true;
				_fragmentsOpcode = frame.Opcode;
				_fragmentsCompressed = frame.IsCompressed;
				_fragmentsBuffer = new MemoryStream();
				_inContinuation = true;
			_fragmentsBuffer.WriteBytes(frame.PayloadData.ApplicationData, 1024);
			if (frame.IsFinal)
				using (_fragmentsBuffer)
					byte[] rawData = (_fragmentsCompressed ? _fragmentsBuffer.DecompressToArray(_compression) : _fragmentsBuffer.ToArray());
					enqueueToMessageEventQueue(new MessageEventArgs(_fragmentsOpcode, rawData));
				_fragmentsBuffer = null;
				_inContinuation = false;
			return true;

		private bool processPingFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			_logger.Trace("A ping was received.");
			WebSocketFrame webSocketFrame = WebSocketFrame.CreatePongFrame(frame.PayloadData, _client);
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
					_logger.Error("The connection is closing.");
					return true;
				if (!sendBytes(webSocketFrame.ToArray()))
					return false;
			_logger.Trace("A pong to this ping has been sent.");
			if (_emitOnPing)
				if (_client)
				enqueueToMessageEventQueue(new MessageEventArgs(frame));
			return true;

		private bool processPongFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			_logger.Trace("A pong was received.");
			catch (NullReferenceException ex)
				return false;
			catch (ObjectDisposedException ex2)
				return false;
			_logger.Trace("It has been signaled.");
			return true;

		private bool processReceivedFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			if (!checkReceivedFrame(frame, out var text))
				throw new WebSocketException(CloseStatusCode.ProtocolError, text);
			return frame.IsFragment ? processFragmentFrame(frame) : (frame.IsData ? processDataFrame(frame) : (frame.IsPing ? processPingFrame(frame) : (frame.IsPong ? processPongFrame(frame) : (frame.IsClose ? processCloseFrame(frame) : processUnsupportedFrame(frame)))));

		private void processSecWebSocketExtensionsClientHeader(string value)
			if (value == null)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(80);
			bool flag = false;
			foreach (string item in value.SplitHeaderValue(','))
				string text = item.Trim();
				if (text.Length != 0 && !flag && text.IsCompressionExtension(CompressionMethod.Deflate))
					_compression = CompressionMethod.Deflate;
					stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}, ", _compression.ToExtensionString("client_no_context_takeover", "server_no_context_takeover"));
					flag = true;
			int length = stringBuilder.Length;
			if (length > 2)
				stringBuilder.Length = length - 2;
				_extensions = stringBuilder.ToString();

		private void processSecWebSocketExtensionsServerHeader(string value)
			if (value == null)
				_compression = CompressionMethod.None;
				_extensions = value;

		private void processSecWebSocketProtocolClientHeader(IEnumerable<string> values)
			if (!values.Contains((string val) => val == _protocol))
				_protocol = null;

		private bool processUnsupportedFrame(WebSocketFrame frame)
			_logger.Fatal("An unsupported frame:" + frame.PrintToString(dumped: false));
			fatal("There is no way to handle it.", CloseStatusCode.PolicyViolation);
			return false;

		private void refuseHandshake(CloseStatusCode code, string reason)
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closing;
			HttpResponse response = createHandshakeFailureResponse(WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closed;
			CloseEventArgs e = new CloseEventArgs((ushort)code, reason, clean: false);
				this.OnClose.Emit(this, e);
			catch (Exception ex)

		private void releaseClientResources()
			if (_stream != null)
				_stream = null;
			if (_tcpClient != null)
				_tcpClient = null;

		private void releaseCommonResources()
			if (_fragmentsBuffer != null)
				_fragmentsBuffer = null;
				_inContinuation = false;
			if (_pongReceived != null)
				_pongReceived = null;
			if (_receivingExited != null)
				_receivingExited = null;

		private void releaseResources()
			if (_client)

		private void releaseServerResources()
			if (_closeContext != null)
				_closeContext = null;
				_stream = null;
				_context = null;

		private bool send(Opcode opcode, Stream stream)
			lock (_forSend)
				Stream stream2 = stream;
				bool flag = false;
				bool flag2 = false;
					if (_compression != 0)
						stream = stream.Compress(_compression);
						flag = true;
					flag2 = send(opcode, stream, flag);
					if (!flag2)
						error("A send has been interrupted.", null);
				catch (Exception ex)
					error("An error has occurred during a send.", ex);
					if (flag)
				return flag2;

		private bool send(Opcode opcode, Stream stream, bool compressed)
			long length = stream.Length;
			if (length == 0)
				return send(Fin.Final, opcode, EmptyBytes, compressed: false);
			long num = length / FragmentLength;
			int num2 = (int)(length % FragmentLength);
			byte[] array = null;
			switch (num)
			case 0L:
				array = new byte[num2];
				return stream.Read(array, 0, num2) == num2 && send(Fin.Final, opcode, array, compressed);
			case 1L:
				if (num2 == 0)
					array = new byte[FragmentLength];
					return stream.Read(array, 0, FragmentLength) == FragmentLength && send(Fin.Final, opcode, array, compressed);
			array = new byte[FragmentLength];
			if (stream.Read(array, 0, FragmentLength) != FragmentLength || !send(Fin.More, opcode, array, compressed))
				return false;
			long num3 = ((num2 == 0) ? (num - 2) : (num - 1));
			for (long num4 = 0L; num4 < num3; num4++)
				if (stream.Read(array, 0, FragmentLength) != FragmentLength || !send(Fin.More, Opcode.Cont, array, compressed: false))
					return false;
			if (num2 == 0)
				num2 = FragmentLength;
				array = new byte[num2];
			return stream.Read(array, 0, num2) == num2 && send(Fin.Final, Opcode.Cont, array, compressed: false);

		private bool send(Fin fin, Opcode opcode, byte[] data, bool compressed)
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
					_logger.Error("The connection is closing.");
					return false;
				WebSocketFrame webSocketFrame = new WebSocketFrame(fin, opcode, data, compressed, _client);
				return sendBytes(webSocketFrame.ToArray());

		private void sendAsync(Opcode opcode, Stream stream, Action<bool> completed)
			Func<Opcode, Stream, bool> sender = send;
			sender.BeginInvoke(opcode, stream, delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
					bool obj = sender.EndInvoke(ar);
					if (completed != null)
				catch (Exception ex)
					error("An error has occurred during the callback for an async send.", ex);
			}, null);

		private bool sendBytes(byte[] bytes)
				_stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
			catch (Exception ex)
				return false;
			return true;

		private HttpResponse sendHandshakeRequest()
			HttpRequest httpRequest = createHandshakeRequest();
			HttpResponse httpResponse = sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, 90000);
			if (httpResponse.IsUnauthorized)
				string text = httpResponse.Headers["WWW-Authenticate"];
				_logger.Warn($"Received an authentication requirement for '{text}'.");
				if (text.IsNullOrEmpty())
					_logger.Error("No authentication challenge is specified.");
					return httpResponse;
				_authChallenge = AuthenticationChallenge.Parse(text);
				if (_authChallenge == null)
					_logger.Error("An invalid authentication challenge is specified.");
					return httpResponse;
				if (_credentials != null && (!_preAuth || _authChallenge.Scheme == WebSocketSharp.Net.AuthenticationSchemes.Digest))
					if (httpResponse.HasConnectionClose)
					AuthenticationResponse authenticationResponse = new AuthenticationResponse(_authChallenge, _credentials, _nonceCount);
					_nonceCount = authenticationResponse.NonceCount;
					httpRequest.Headers["Authorization"] = authenticationResponse.ToString();
					httpResponse = sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, 15000);
			if (httpResponse.IsRedirect)
				string text2 = httpResponse.Headers["Location"];
				_logger.Warn($"Received a redirection to '{text2}'.");
				if (_enableRedirection)
					if (text2.IsNullOrEmpty())
						_logger.Error("No url to redirect is located.");
						return httpResponse;
					if (!text2.TryCreateWebSocketUri(out var result, out var text3))
						_logger.Error("An invalid url to redirect is located: " + text3);
						return httpResponse;
					_uri = result;
					_secure = result.Scheme == "wss";
					return sendHandshakeRequest();
			return httpResponse;

		private HttpResponse sendHttpRequest(HttpRequest request, int millisecondsTimeout)
			_logger.Debug("A request to the server:\n" + request.ToString());
			HttpResponse response = request.GetResponse(_stream, millisecondsTimeout);
			_logger.Debug("A response to this request:\n" + response.ToString());
			return response;

		private bool sendHttpResponse(HttpResponse response)
			_logger.Debug($"A response to {_context.UserEndPoint}:\n{response}");
			return sendBytes(response.ToByteArray());

		private void sendProxyConnectRequest()
			HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpRequest.CreateConnectRequest(_uri);
			HttpResponse httpResponse = sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, 90000);
			if (httpResponse.IsProxyAuthenticationRequired)
				string text = httpResponse.Headers["Proxy-Authenticate"];
				_logger.Warn($"Received a proxy authentication requirement for '{text}'.");
				if (text.IsNullOrEmpty())
					throw new WebSocketException("No proxy authentication challenge is specified.");
				AuthenticationChallenge authenticationChallenge = AuthenticationChallenge.Parse(text);
				if (authenticationChallenge == null)
					throw new WebSocketException("An invalid proxy authentication challenge is specified.");
				if (_proxyCredentials != null)
					if (httpResponse.HasConnectionClose)
						_tcpClient = new TcpClient(_proxyUri.DnsSafeHost, _proxyUri.Port);
						_stream = _tcpClient.GetStream();
					AuthenticationResponse authenticationResponse = new AuthenticationResponse(authenticationChallenge, _proxyCredentials, 0u);
					httpRequest.Headers["Proxy-Authorization"] = authenticationResponse.ToString();
					httpResponse = sendHttpRequest(httpRequest, 15000);
				if (httpResponse.IsProxyAuthenticationRequired)
					throw new WebSocketException("A proxy authentication is required.");
			if (httpResponse.StatusCode[0] != '2')
				throw new WebSocketException("The proxy has failed a connection to the requested host and port.");

		private void setClientStream()
			if (_proxyUri != null)
				_tcpClient = new TcpClient(_proxyUri.DnsSafeHost, _proxyUri.Port);
				_stream = _tcpClient.GetStream();
				_tcpClient = new TcpClient(_uri.DnsSafeHost, _uri.Port);
				_stream = _tcpClient.GetStream();
			if (_secure)
				ClientSslConfiguration sslConfiguration = getSslConfiguration();
				string targetHost = sslConfiguration.TargetHost;
				if (targetHost != _uri.DnsSafeHost)
					throw new WebSocketException(CloseStatusCode.TlsHandshakeFailure, "An invalid host name is specified.");
					SslStream sslStream = new SslStream(_stream, leaveInnerStreamOpen: false, sslConfiguration.ServerCertificateValidationCallback, sslConfiguration.ClientCertificateSelectionCallback);
					sslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(targetHost, sslConfiguration.ClientCertificates, sslConfiguration.EnabledSslProtocols, sslConfiguration.CheckCertificateRevocation);
					_stream = sslStream;
				catch (Exception innerException)
					throw new WebSocketException(CloseStatusCode.TlsHandshakeFailure, innerException);

		private void startReceiving()
			if (_messageEventQueue.Count > 0)
			_pongReceived = new ManualResetEvent(initialState: false);
			_receivingExited = new ManualResetEvent(initialState: false);
			Action receive = null;
			receive = delegate
				WebSocketFrame.ReadFrameAsync(_stream, unmask: false, delegate(WebSocketFrame frame)
					if (!processReceivedFrame(frame) || _readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
						if (!_inMessage && HasMessage && _readyState == WebSocketState.Open)
				}, delegate(Exception ex)
					fatal("An exception has occurred while receiving.", ex);

		private bool validateSecWebSocketAcceptHeader(string value)
			return value != null && value == CreateResponseKey(_base64Key);

		private bool validateSecWebSocketExtensionsServerHeader(string value)
			if (value == null)
				return true;
			if (value.Length == 0)
				return false;
			if (!_extensionsRequested)
				return false;
			bool flag = _compression != CompressionMethod.None;
			foreach (string item in value.SplitHeaderValue(','))
				string text = item.Trim();
				if (flag && text.IsCompressionExtension(_compression))
					if (!text.Contains("server_no_context_takeover"))
						_logger.Error("The server hasn't sent back 'server_no_context_takeover'.");
						return false;
					if (!text.Contains("client_no_context_takeover"))
						_logger.Warn("The server hasn't sent back 'client_no_context_takeover'.");
					string method = _compression.ToExtensionString();
					if (text.SplitHeaderValue(';').Contains(delegate(string t)
						t = t.Trim();
						return t != method && t != "server_no_context_takeover" && t != "client_no_context_takeover";
						return false;
				return false;
			return true;

		private bool validateSecWebSocketProtocolServerHeader(string value)
			if (value == null)
				return !_protocolsRequested;
			if (value.Length == 0)
				return false;
			return _protocolsRequested && _protocols.Contains((string p) => p == value);

		private bool validateSecWebSocketVersionServerHeader(string value)
			return value == null || value == "13";

		internal void Close(HttpResponse response)
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closing;
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closed;

		internal void Close(WebSocketSharp.Net.HttpStatusCode code)

		internal void Close(PayloadData payloadData, byte[] frameAsBytes)
			lock (_forState)
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
					_logger.Info("The closing is already in progress.");
				if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
					_logger.Info("The connection has already been closed.");
				_readyState = WebSocketState.Closing;
			_logger.Trace("Begin closing the connection.");
			bool flag = frameAsBytes != null && sendBytes(frameAsBytes);
			bool flag2 = flag && _receivingExited != null && _receivingExited.WaitOne(_waitTime);
			bool flag3 = flag && flag2;
			_logger.Debug($"Was clean?: {flag3}\n  sent: {flag}\n  received: {flag2}");
			_logger.Trace("End closing the connection.");
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Closed;
			CloseEventArgs e = new CloseEventArgs(payloadData, flag3);
				this.OnClose.Emit(this, e);
			catch (Exception ex)

		internal static string CreateBase64Key()
			byte[] array = new byte[16];
			return Convert.ToBase64String(array);

		internal static string CreateResponseKey(string base64Key)
			StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(base64Key, 64);
			SHA1 sHA = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();
			byte[] inArray = sHA.ComputeHash(stringBuilder.ToString().GetUTF8EncodedBytes());
			return Convert.ToBase64String(inArray);

		internal void InternalAccept()
				if (!acceptHandshake())
			catch (Exception ex)
				string text = "An exception has occurred while attempting to accept.";
				fatal(text, ex);
			_readyState = WebSocketState.Open;

		internal bool Ping(byte[] frameAsBytes, TimeSpan timeout)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				return false;
			ManualResetEvent pongReceived = _pongReceived;
			if (pongReceived == null)
				return false;
			lock (_forPing)
					lock (_forState)
						if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
							return false;
						if (!sendBytes(frameAsBytes))
							return false;
					return pongReceived.WaitOne(timeout);
				catch (ObjectDisposedException)
					return false;

		internal void Send(Opcode opcode, byte[] data, Dictionary<CompressionMethod, byte[]> cache)
			lock (_forSend)
				lock (_forState)
					if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
						_logger.Error("The connection is closing.");
					if (!cache.TryGetValue(_compression, out var value))
						value = new WebSocketFrame(Fin.Final, opcode, data.Compress(_compression), _compression != CompressionMethod.None, mask: false).ToArray();
						cache.Add(_compression, value);

		internal void Send(Opcode opcode, Stream stream, Dictionary<CompressionMethod, Stream> cache)
			lock (_forSend)
				if (!cache.TryGetValue(_compression, out var value))
					value = stream.Compress(_compression);
					cache.Add(_compression, value);
					value.Position = 0L;
				send(opcode, value, _compression != CompressionMethod.None);

		public void Accept()
			if (_client)
				string text = "This instance is a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				string text2 = "The close process is in progress.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text2);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
				string text3 = "The connection has already been closed.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text3);
			if (accept())

		public void AcceptAsync()
			if (_client)
				string text = "This instance is a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				string text2 = "The close process is in progress.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text2);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closed)
				string text3 = "The connection has already been closed.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text3);
			Func<bool> acceptor = accept;
			acceptor.BeginInvoke(delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
				if (acceptor.EndInvoke(ar))
			}, null);

		public void Close()
			close(1005, string.Empty);

		public void Close(ushort code)
			if (!code.IsCloseStatusCode())
				string text = "Less than 1000 or greater than 4999.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("code", text);
			if (_client && code == 1011)
				string text2 = "1011 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (!_client && code == 1010)
				string text3 = "1010 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			close(code, string.Empty);

		public void Close(CloseStatusCode code)
			if (_client && code == CloseStatusCode.ServerError)
				string text = "ServerError cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "code");
			if (!_client && code == CloseStatusCode.MandatoryExtension)
				string text2 = "MandatoryExtension cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			close((ushort)code, string.Empty);

		public void Close(ushort code, string reason)
			if (!code.IsCloseStatusCode())
				string text = "Less than 1000 or greater than 4999.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("code", text);
			if (_client && code == 1011)
				string text2 = "1011 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (!_client && code == 1010)
				string text3 = "1010 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			if (reason.IsNullOrEmpty())
				close(code, string.Empty);
			if (code == 1005)
				string text4 = "1005 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "code");
			if (!reason.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text5 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text5, "reason");
			if (bytes.Length > 123)
				string text6 = "Its size is greater than 123 bytes.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("reason", text6);
			close(code, reason);

		public void Close(CloseStatusCode code, string reason)
			if (_client && code == CloseStatusCode.ServerError)
				string text = "ServerError cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "code");
			if (!_client && code == CloseStatusCode.MandatoryExtension)
				string text2 = "MandatoryExtension cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (reason.IsNullOrEmpty())
				close((ushort)code, string.Empty);
			if (code == CloseStatusCode.NoStatus)
				string text3 = "NoStatus cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			if (!reason.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text4 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "reason");
			if (bytes.Length > 123)
				string text5 = "Its size is greater than 123 bytes.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("reason", text5);
			close((ushort)code, reason);

		public void CloseAsync()
			closeAsync(1005, string.Empty);

		public void CloseAsync(ushort code)
			if (!code.IsCloseStatusCode())
				string text = "Less than 1000 or greater than 4999.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("code", text);
			if (_client && code == 1011)
				string text2 = "1011 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (!_client && code == 1010)
				string text3 = "1010 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			closeAsync(code, string.Empty);

		public void CloseAsync(CloseStatusCode code)
			if (_client && code == CloseStatusCode.ServerError)
				string text = "ServerError cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "code");
			if (!_client && code == CloseStatusCode.MandatoryExtension)
				string text2 = "MandatoryExtension cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			closeAsync((ushort)code, string.Empty);

		public void CloseAsync(ushort code, string reason)
			if (!code.IsCloseStatusCode())
				string text = "Less than 1000 or greater than 4999.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("code", text);
			if (_client && code == 1011)
				string text2 = "1011 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (!_client && code == 1010)
				string text3 = "1010 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			if (reason.IsNullOrEmpty())
				closeAsync(code, string.Empty);
			if (code == 1005)
				string text4 = "1005 cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "code");
			if (!reason.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text5 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text5, "reason");
			if (bytes.Length > 123)
				string text6 = "Its size is greater than 123 bytes.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("reason", text6);
			closeAsync(code, reason);

		public void CloseAsync(CloseStatusCode code, string reason)
			if (_client && code == CloseStatusCode.ServerError)
				string text = "ServerError cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "code");
			if (!_client && code == CloseStatusCode.MandatoryExtension)
				string text2 = "MandatoryExtension cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "code");
			if (reason.IsNullOrEmpty())
				closeAsync((ushort)code, string.Empty);
			if (code == CloseStatusCode.NoStatus)
				string text3 = "NoStatus cannot be used.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "code");
			if (!reason.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text4 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "reason");
			if (bytes.Length > 123)
				string text5 = "Its size is greater than 123 bytes.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("reason", text5);
			closeAsync((ushort)code, reason);

		public void Connect()
			if (!_client)
				string text = "This instance is not a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				string text2 = "The close process is in progress.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text2);
			if (_retryCountForConnect > _maxRetryCountForConnect)
				string text3 = "A series of reconnecting has failed.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text3);
			if (connect())

		public void ConnectAsync()
			if (!_client)
				string text = "This instance is not a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (_readyState == WebSocketState.Closing)
				string text2 = "The close process is in progress.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text2);
			if (_retryCountForConnect > _maxRetryCountForConnect)
				string text3 = "A series of reconnecting has failed.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text3);
			Func<bool> connector = connect;
			connector.BeginInvoke(delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
				if (connector.EndInvoke(ar))
			}, null);

		public bool Ping()
			return ping(EmptyBytes);

		public bool Ping(string message)
			if (message.IsNullOrEmpty())
				return ping(EmptyBytes);
			if (!message.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "message");
			if (bytes.Length > 125)
				string text2 = "Its size is greater than 125 bytes.";
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("message", text2);
			return ping(bytes);

		public void Send(byte[] data)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (data == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
			send(Opcode.Binary, new MemoryStream(data));

		public void Send(FileInfo fileInfo)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (fileInfo == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("fileInfo");
			if (!fileInfo.Exists)
				string text2 = "The file does not exist.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "fileInfo");
			if (!fileInfo.TryOpenRead(out var fileStream))
				string text3 = "The file could not be opened.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "fileInfo");
			send(Opcode.Binary, fileStream);

		public void Send(string data)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (data == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
			if (!data.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text2 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "data");
			send(Opcode.Text, new MemoryStream(bytes));

		public void Send(Stream stream, int length)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (stream == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
			if (!stream.CanRead)
				string text2 = "It cannot be read.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "stream");
			if (length < 1)
				string text3 = "Less than 1.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "length");
			byte[] array = stream.ReadBytes(length);
			int num = array.Length;
			if (num == 0)
				string text4 = "No data could be read from it.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "stream");
			if (num < length)
				_logger.Warn($"Only {num} byte(s) of data could be read from the stream.");
			send(Opcode.Binary, new MemoryStream(array));

		public void SendAsync(byte[] data, Action<bool> completed)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (data == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
			sendAsync(Opcode.Binary, new MemoryStream(data), completed);

		public void SendAsync(FileInfo fileInfo, Action<bool> completed)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (fileInfo == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("fileInfo");
			if (!fileInfo.Exists)
				string text2 = "The file does not exist.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "fileInfo");
			if (!fileInfo.TryOpenRead(out var fileStream))
				string text3 = "The file could not be opened.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "fileInfo");
			sendAsync(Opcode.Binary, fileStream, completed);

		public void SendAsync(string data, Action<bool> completed)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (data == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("data");
			if (!data.TryGetUTF8EncodedBytes(out var bytes))
				string text2 = "It could not be UTF-8-encoded.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "data");
			sendAsync(Opcode.Text, new MemoryStream(bytes), completed);

		public void SendAsync(Stream stream, int length, Action<bool> completed)
			if (_readyState != WebSocketState.Open)
				string text = "The current state of the connection is not Open.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (stream == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
			if (!stream.CanRead)
				string text2 = "It cannot be read.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text2, "stream");
			if (length < 1)
				string text3 = "Less than 1.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text3, "length");
			byte[] array = stream.ReadBytes(length);
			int num = array.Length;
			if (num == 0)
				string text4 = "No data could be read from it.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text4, "stream");
			if (num < length)
				_logger.Warn($"Only {num} byte(s) of data could be read from the stream.");
			sendAsync(Opcode.Binary, new MemoryStream(array), completed);

		public void SetCookie(WebSocketSharp.Net.Cookie cookie)
			string text = null;
			if (!_client)
				text = "This instance is not a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (cookie == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("cookie");
			if (!canSet(out text))
			lock (_forState)
				if (!canSet(out text))
				lock (_cookies.SyncRoot)

		public void SetCredentials(string username, string password, bool preAuth)
			string text = null;
			if (!_client)
				text = "This instance is not a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			if (!username.IsNullOrEmpty() && (Ext.Contains(username, ':') || !username.IsText()))
				text = "It contains an invalid character.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "username");
			if (!password.IsNullOrEmpty() && !password.IsText())
				text = "It contains an invalid character.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "password");
			if (!canSet(out text))
			lock (_forState)
				if (!canSet(out text))
				else if (username.IsNullOrEmpty())
					_credentials = null;
					_preAuth = false;
					_credentials = new WebSocketSharp.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password, _uri.PathAndQuery);
					_preAuth = preAuth;

		public void SetProxy(string url, string username, string password)
			string text = null;
			if (!_client)
				text = "This instance is not a client.";
				throw new InvalidOperationException(text);
			Uri result = null;
			if (!url.IsNullOrEmpty())
				if (!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out result))
					text = "Not an absolute URI string.";
					throw new ArgumentException(text, "url");
				if (result.Scheme != "http")
					text = "The scheme part is not http.";
					throw new ArgumentException(text, "url");
				if (result.Segments.Length > 1)
					text = "It includes the path segments.";
					throw new ArgumentException(text, "url");
			if (!username.IsNullOrEmpty() && (Ext.Contains(username, ':') || !username.IsText()))
				text = "It contains an invalid character.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "username");
			if (!password.IsNullOrEmpty() && !password.IsText())
				text = "It contains an invalid character.";
				throw new ArgumentException(text, "password");
			if (!canSet(out text))
			lock (_forState)
				if (!canSet(out text))