Commands to expand Administration efforts and provide information
Last updated | 3 months ago |
Total downloads | 13385 |
Total rating | 10 |
Categories | Server Mods 1.0 Update |
Dependency string | odjit-KindredCommands-2.3.0 |
Dependants | 2 other packages depend on this package |
This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx pack for V Rising. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs.
Preferred version: 1.691.3
Command framework for developers to easily create universal commands for their plugins.
Preferred version: 0.9.0README
KindredCommands for V Rising
KindredCommands is a server modification for V Rising that adds chat commands for server administration.
Feel free to reach out to me on Discord (odjit) if you have any questions or need help with the mod.
Command List
Staff Commands
Administration Commands
.toggleadmin (player)
- will add or remove a player from the admin list, authing and deauthing
- will reload the admin list
- will toggle auto admin auth for the server. If enabled, players who are in the admin list will automatically be authenticated upon joining.
- will toggle stealth mode for the user as admin. This will enable you to still use all chat admin commands, but your name not go green. You cannnot adminauth or you will show as green again. Will persist through relog. You will get kicked, don't freak.
- reloads the staff list config file
.setstaff (Player) (Rank)
- Adds a player to the staff list, with whatever rank for listing in the online staff command return. This isn't the same as admin, as it allows for non-admin staff to be listed as well. It is merely a listing, and does not grant any powers.
- Example: .setstaff Joe King
.removestaff (Player)
- Removes a player from the staff list, so they will no longer show in the staff command return when online.
- Example: .removestaff Joe
- will tell you your current location in the world as well as the territory ID of whatever plot you may be on (non plot reports -1)
- Shortcut: .wai
.unbindplayer (Name)
- Unbinds a steamID from a character. Useful for "deleting" a character. Old body, name, territory etc will still exist, but the character will be unplayable. Kicks affected player. When they log back, they will be prompted to create a new character.
- Example:: .unbindplayer Bob
.swapplayers (Name1) (Name2)
- Swaps steamIDs between two characters. Useful for "changing" a character. You can swap two active players, or swap back into a previously unbound body. Kicks affected players.
- Example: .swapplayers Bob Joe
.playerinfo (Player)
- will list the player's steamID, online status, last online time/date, max level reached, clan name, Position, and list all of their castles (with index ID, region, and time remaining on heart).
- Example: .playerinfo Bob
.idcheck (steamID)
- will see if a steamID is registered to a character, and if so, what character it is.
- Example: .idcheck 1234567890
- will list all of the players who have been offline the longest and still have castles.
- Shortcut: .loc
.settime (day) (hour)
- will set the in game time to a day and hour. Basically controls what the sun is doing. Careful of effects on hearts and horses.
- Example: .settime 1 8
Gear Management Commands
.gear headgear
- will toggle Headgear being bloodbound or not on the server. (Whether or not it drops on death). Saves out to config file to persist through restarts.
- Example: .gear headgear
- Shortcut: .gear hg
.gear togglesoulsharddropmanagement
- Toggles whether KindredCommands will do soulshard drop management.
- Shortcut: .gear tssdm
.gear soulshardflight
- will toggle Soul Shards being batbound or not on the server. (Whether or not you can fly with them). Saves out to config file to persist through restarts.
- Shortcut: .gear ssf
.gear soulshardlimit (amount) (type)
- will set the limit of each type soul shards a server can have. [Monster, Dracula, Winged, Solarus]
- Example: .gear soulshardlimit 5 Dracula
- Shortcut: .gear ssl
.gear soulsharddurability (amount) (player)
- will set the durability of all soulshards in the player's inventory to the amount specified.
- Example: .gear soulsharddurability 2500 Bob
- Shortcut: .gear ssd
.gear soulshardurabilitytime (seconds)
- How many seconds will soulshards last before they break. Do not enter anything for seconds if you want default behavior.
- Example: .gear soulshardurabilitytime 60
- Shortcut: .gear ssdt
.gear destroyallshards
- Will destroy all soul shards. Equipped, in inventories, on the ground, and in pedestals. All of them. Useful for completely resetting shards.
Dropped Item Management Commands
.dropitems lifetime (seconds)
- will set the lifetime of dropped items while players are present to the seconds specified. Default is 300 seconds. This is a server wide setting, and will persist through restarts.Does not apply to shards or Player Containers.
- Example: .dropitems lifetime 600
- Shortcut: .dropitems lt
.dropitems removelifetime
- will remove the custom lifetime of dropped items, reverting to the default of 300 seconds. Does not apply to shards or Player Containers.
- Shortcut: .dropitems rlt
.dropitems lifetimewhendisabled (seconds)
- will set the lifetime of dropped items when no one is around to the seconds specified. Default is 300 seconds. This is a server wide setting, and will persist through restarts. Does not apply to shards or Player Containers.
- Example: .dropitems lifetimewhendisabled 600
- Shortcut: .dropitems ltwd
.dropitems clear (radius)
- will clear all dropped items in a radius around you. Useful for cleaning up after a boss fight or a large event. Does not apply to shards or Player Containers.
- Example: .dropitems clear 10
- Shortcut: .dropitems c
.dropitems clearall
- will clear all dropped items on the map.
- Shortcut: .dropitems ca
.dropitems clearshards (radius)
- Will clear all dropped shards in a radius around you.
- Example: .dropitems clearshards 10
- Shortcut: .dropitems cs
.dropitems clearallshards
- Will clear all dropped shards on the map.
- Shortcut: .dropitems cas
.dropitems shardlifetime (seconds)
- Will set the lifetime of dropped shards. Default is 3600 seconds. This is a server wide setting, and will persist through restarts
- Example: .dropitems shardlifetime 600
- shortcut: .dropitems slt
Announcement Commands
.announce add (Name) (Message) (Time) (OneTime: True/False)
- Adds an announcement to the list of announcements. Time is server time. OneTime true will only do it once, false will repeat the announcement every day at the same time. (Default False)
- Example: .announce add Spooky “It is the spooky hour!” 12:00AM false
- Additional Note: Copy pasting quotes "" makes the game not recognize them as quotes. You will need to retype them manually in game.
- Shortcut: .announce a
.announce remove (Name)
- Removes an announcement from the list of announcements.
- Example: .announce remove Spooky
- Shortcut: .announce r
.announce list
- Lists all announcements. Soonest upcoming announcements are at the start of the list.
- Shortcut: .announce l
.announce change (Name) (Message) (Time) (OneTime: True/False)
- Changes an announcement in the list of announcements. Time is server time. OneTime true will only do it once, false will repeat the announcement every day at the same time. (Default False)
- Example: .announce change Spooky “It is the spookiest hour!” 12:00AM false
- Shortcut: .announce c
Spawning Commands
.bloodpotion (Bloodtype) (Quality) (Amount)
- will give Merlot of specified type and quality. You can also specify an amount
- Example: .bp creature 100 1
- Shortcut: .bp
.give (Item prefab name) (amount)
- Example: .give Headgear_arcmageCrown 1
- Shortcut: .g
.search item (name) (page #)
- Will respond with the item prefab name needed.
- Example: .search item arcmage
- Shortcut: .search i
.search npc (name) (page #)
- Will respond with the item prefab name needed.
- Example: .search item vblood
- Shortcut: .search n
.spawnnpc (guid) (amount) (level)
- Spawns an npc specified at your location in the amount specified and at the level specified (if blank, will spawn at default level).
- Example: .spawnnpc CHAR_ChurchOfLight_Lightweaver 1 100
- Shortcut: .spwn
.customspawn (Prefab ID) (BloodType) (BloodQuality) (Consumable: true/false) (duration) (level)
- Spawns an npc with specific blood type, quality, whether or not you can 'eat' it, how long it will be up, and at what level.
- Example: .customspawn CHAR_ChurchOfLight_Lightweaver scholar 100 true -1 100
- Shortcut: .cspwn
- See .search npc above for prefab IDs
.customspawnat (Prefab ID) (x) (y) (z) (BloodType) (BloodQuality) (Consumable: true/false) (duration) (level)
- Spawns an npc at specified coordinates with specific blood type, quality, whether or not you can 'eat' it, how long it will be up, and at what level.
- Example: *.customspawnat CHAR_ChurchOfLight_Lightweaver 0 0 0 scholar 100 true -1 100 *
- Shortcut: .cspwnat
.despawnnpc (guid) (range)
- will kill any entity matching the ID specified. Use sparingly as this is an expensive call, and could cause minor lag depending. Just for the cases where you can't kill something by hand.
- Example: .despawnnpc CHAR_ChurchOfLight_Lightweaver 10
- Shortcut: .dspwn
.spawnban (Prefab GUID name) (reason)
- saves a GUID to the banned list, preventing customspawn or spawnnpc from creating it. Helps prevent server crashes and corruption. To remove from the ban list, delete the line from the nospawn.json in the Config folder.
- Example: .spawnban CHAR_ChurchOfLight_Lightweaver "This NPC is too cute"
.spawnhorse (speed) (acceleration) (rotation) (Spectral: true/false) (amount)
- Spawns a horse at your location with the specified stats and amount..
- Example: .spawnhorse 10 10 10 false 1
- Shortcut: .sh
.teleporthorse (radius)
- will teleport all dominated horses within the radius specified to your location. Useful for cleaning up horses that are stuck in walls or other objects or that are desynced.
- Example: .teleporthorse 10
Augmenting Player Commands
.buff (Buff GUID) (Player) (Duration) (Immortal)
- Adds a buff to a player named, or the user if no one is named. Duration 0 for default behavior, -1 for eternal, or whatever number of seconds. Immortal true/false for it to last after death. Be careful, as some buffs can break things. Always test on a test server first.
- Example: .buff 476186894 Bob
.debuff (Buff GUID) (Player)
- Removes a buff from a player named, or the user if no one is named. Will work on offline players.
- Example: .debuff 476186894 Bob
.listbuffs (Player)
- will show all buffs on a player
- Example: .listbuffs Bob
.resetcooldown (Player)
- Resets all ability and skill cooldowns for the player
- Example: .resetcooldown Bob
- Shortcut: .cd
.god (Player)
- will toggle godmode on a player named, or the user if no one is named. Super speed, spells, damage, etc: Everything from boosts.
- Example: .god Bob
.mortal (player)
- will toggle godmode off a player named, or the user if no one is named. Also removes boosts.
- Example: .mortal Bob
.boost (Type) (Player)
- will boost a player with certain types: noaggro, noblooddrain, nocooldown, nodurability, immaterial, invincible, shrouded, fly, suninvulnerable, batvision. Remove via use of same command again as a toggle or use .mortal to strip all.
- Example: .boost immaterial Bob
- Shortcuts: .boost (na, nb, nc, nd, i, inv, sh, f, suninv, bv)
.boost (Type) (Ammount) (Player)
- will boost a player's stats to the amount specified. Types with amounts are the following: attackspeed, damage, health, speed, and yield.
- Example: .boost damage 100 Bob
- Shortcut: .boost (as, d, h, s, y)
.boost remove(Type) (Player)
- will remove a boost from a player. Used for removing boosts that require an amount set.
- Example: .boost removedamage Bob
- Shortcut: .boost (ras, rd, rh, rs, ry)
.boost state (Player)
- will list all boosts on a player.
- Example: .boost state Bob
.boost players
- provides a list of all boosted players
.spectate (Player)
- will set the player into spectate mode, where they are invisible and cannot interact with anything. Use again to remove it and teleport them to their prior position.
- Example: .spectate Bob
.rename (Old Name) (New Name)
- Renames a player. Original name will still show on map to clanmates.
- Example: .rename Bob Joe
.revive (Player)
- will pick you up from being downed. If fully dead, sends player to coffin.
- Example: .revive Joe
.gear [repair/break] (Player)
- will repair or break gear on a player (or self if no player specified)
- Example: .gear repair Joe or .gear break Joe
- Shortcut: .gear r or .gear b
.gear [repair/break]all (range)
- will repair or break all gear on players within the specified range.
- Example: .gear repairall 10 or .gear breakall 10
- Shortcut: .gear ra or .gear ba
.unlock (Player)
- will complete a player's journal, vbloods, abilities, waypoints and the map. Does not unlock DLCs. (Thats naughty)
- Example: .unlock Bob
.fly (Player)
- will toggle flying on a player named, or the user if no one is named.
- Example: .fly Bob
.flyup (Player)
- will move a player up in the air a level from the ground.
- Example: .flyup Bob
.flydown (Player)
- will move a player down a level in the air.
- Example: .flyup Bob
.flylevel (Player) (Level)
- will set a player's level to the flight level specified. Think of levels like floor heights.
- Example: .flylevel Bob 5
.flyheight (Player) (Height)
- will set a player's fly height to the height specified.
- Example: .flyheight Bob 10
.flyobstacleheight (Player) (Height)
- will set a player's fly obstacle height to the height specified. This is the amount of temporary height you gain when you collide into an obstacle.
- Example: .flyobstacleheight Bob 10
.teleport (x) (y) (z) (Player)
- will teleport a player to the coordinates specified.
- Example: .teleport 0 0 0 Bob
.killplayer (Player)
- will kill a player.
- Example: .killplayer Bob
.downplayer (Player)
- will down a player.
- Example: .downplayer Bob
Castle/Clan Commands
.claim (Player)
- will change a castle heart owner to whomever is named. This will only work if you're on top of a heart, making it very apparent which heart you'll be changing.
- will freeze the timer of the heart, preventing decay. This will only work if you're on top of a heart, making it very apparent which heart you'll be changing.
- will unfreeze the timer of the heart, allowing decay. This will only work if you're on top of a heart, making it very apparent which heart you'll be changing.
- will list all frozen hearts on the server.
- will reset the relocation timer for the castle heart you are next to. This will only work if you're on top of a heart, making it very apparent which heart you'll be changing.
.clan add (Player) “Clan Name”
- adds the player named to the clan named. Can exceed clan limitations through this method. (Kick WIP)
- Example: .clan add Joe “The Best Clan”
- Shortcut: .c a
.clan kick (Player)
- kicks a player from their clan. You cannot kick a leader, change their role first.
- Example: .clan kick Joe
- Shortcut: .c k
.clan changerole (Player) (Role)
- Changes the role of a player in their clan. Roles: member, officer, leader
- Example: .clan changerole Joe 1
- Shortcut: .c cr
.clan castles (Clan Name)
- will list all castles owned by a clan.
- Example: .clan castles “The Best Clan”
- Shortcut: .c c
Region/Map Commands
- will list 6 of the plots that are closest to decay.
- Shortcut: .incd
.plotsowned (page)
- will list how many plots are owned per player, in descending order.
- Example: .plotsowned
- Shortcut: .po 2
- will list how many plots are owned per clan, in descending order.
- Example: .clanplotsowned
- Shortcut: .cpo
.teleporttoplot (PlotID)
- will teleport you to the plot specified.
- Example: .teleporttoplot 1
.plotinfo (PlotID)
- will list information on the plot specified.
- Example: .plotinfo 1
.revealmap (Player)
- will reveal the map for a player named, or the user if no one is named.
- Example: .revealmap Bob
- will reveal the map for all players. New players will log in with a revealed map. Currently logged in players will have their map revealed upon relog. There is a config setting to turn this behavior back off.
.region lock (Region)
- will lock a region, preventing new players from entering it. Players already in the region will not be kicked but cannot reenter if they leave.
- Example: .region lock silverlighthills
.region unlock (Region)
- will unlock a region, allowing new players to enter it.
- Example: .region unlock silverlighthills
.region gate (Region) (level)
- will gate a region, preventing new players below the level threshold from entering it. Players already in the region will not be kicked but cannot reenter if they leave. It will keep track of the highest level a player has reached, providing accomodation for gear removal or "prestiging"
- Example: .region gate silverlighthills 60
.region ungate (Region)
- will ungate a region, allowing all players of all levels to enter it.
- Example: .region ungate silverlighthills
.region allow (Player)
- will allow a player to enter a locked or gated region.
- Example: .region allow Bob
.region remove (Player)
- will remove a player from the allowed list for a locked or gated region.
- Example: .region remove Bob
.region listplayers
- will list all players who are on the allow list to bypass a locked or gated region.
.region ban (Player) (Region)
- will ban a player from a region, preventing them from entering it. Players already in the region will not be kicked but cannot reenter if they leave.
- Example: .region ban Bob dunley
.region unban (Player) (Region)
- will unban a player from a region, allowing them to enter it again.
- Example: .region unban Bob
.region listbans (Region)
- will list all players who are banned from a region.
- Example: .region listbans dunley
Servant Commands
.servant convert
- will instantly convert the servant in the coffin you are looking at.
- Shortcut: .servant c
.servant perfect
- will give perfect stats to the servant in the coffin you are looking at.
- Shortcut: .servant p
.servant add (PrefabIDName)
- will add a servant to the coffin you are looking at.
- Example: .servant add churchoflight_lightweaver
- See .search npc above for prefab IDs
.servant change (PrefabIDName)
- will change the servant in the coffin you are looking at to the servant type specified.
- Shortcut: .servant ch
- Example: .servant change churchoflight_lightweaver
- See .search npc above for prefab IDs
.servant heal
- will heal the servant in the coffin you are looking at of injury.
.servant revive
- will revive the servant in the coffin you are looking at.
.servant completemission
- will complete the mission of the servant in the coffin you are looking at.
- Shortcut: .servant cm
Prisoner Commands
.prisoner gruel (chance) (min) (max)
- will set the chance of a prisoner mutating, as well as the min and max time they will take to escape.
- Example: .prisoner gruel 50 10 30 (50% chance to mutate, blood can increase from 10% to 30%)
.prisoner grueltransform (prefab)
- will set the prisoner to transform into the specified prefab when they mutate.
- Example: .prisoner grueltransform ChurchOfLight_Lightweaver
.prisoner gruelsettings
- will list the current settings for gruel mutation if changed.
Misc Commands
.boss lock (boss)
- will stop a boss from spawning. When attempting to track said boss, it will say it is locked.
- Example: .boss lock solarus
.boss unlock (boss)
- will allow a boss to spawn normally.
- Example: .boss unlock solarus
.boss modify (bossname) (level)
- will change the level of the boss to the level specified. Upon respawn, they will be their original level. You can still modify the level of the boss while its in its 'blood walk', and it will spawn with that level. Must be near boss.
- Example: .boss modify solarus 100
- Shortcut: .boss m
.boss lockprimal (boss)
- will stop a primal boss from spawning.
- Example: .boss lockprimal octavian
- Shortcut: .boss lp
.boss unlockprimal (boss)
- will allow a primal boss to spawn normally.
- Example: .boss unlockprimal octavian
- Shortcut: .boss up
.boss modifyprimal (bossname) (level)
- will change the level of the primal boss to the level specified. Upon respawn, they will be their original level. You can still modify the level of the boss while its in its 'blood walk', and it will spawn with that level. Must be near boss.
- Example: .boss modifypriumal octavian 100
- Shortcut: .boss mp
.boss teleportto (name) (WhichOne)
- will teleport you to the boss specified. Must be near boss. If multiple bosses are up, you can specify which one to teleport to. Bosses must have been spawned in at least once on the map to be teleported to.
- Example: .boss teleportto TheNameOfTheBoss 1
- Shortcut: .boss tt
.forcerespawn (range)
- Sets the chain transition time for nearby spawn chains to now to force them to respawn if they can. Handy for growing plants without adding time.
- Will clean up the map of any shards that are not in a proper container, including map icon. Clean up command for owners running old mods on post-hotfix game.
- Will give everyone sun invuln upon logging in. Useful for testing or events.
- Shortcut: .ed
- Will toggle bat vision for all players on the server, allowing all players to still see entities while in bat form. Leave disabled for normal bat behavior, and use .boost bv for individual enabling.
- Shortcut: .gbv
Player Accessible Commands:
- will put Zzzzz above character and lock wasd movement. It's a toggle.
- will list staff who are online.
- tells you your latency
.clan list (page #)
- Shows a list of populated clans (and their message). Newest clans are at the start of the list.
- Example: .clan list 1
- Shortcut: .c l
.clan members “Clan Name”
- Shows a list and ranking of players within a named clan. Use quotes around a clan name with any spaces.
- Example: .clan members “The Best Clan”
- Shortcut: .c m
- will tell you the current server time
- will report how many open or decaying plots there are in each region.
- Shortcut: .op
.boss list
- will list all locked bosses
.region list
- will list all regions and their current lock or gated status.
.gear soulshardstatus
- will list the current status of soul shards on the server. (How many of each type that have been dropped, spawned, and whether they can drop or not)
- Shortcut: .gear sss
.checklevel (playername)
- will tell you the highest level acquired by a player
Command Types
- Manage admins, see player information, and unbind players from character files.
- Create, modify, list, and remove announcements to communicate important information to players at specified times.
- Control gear and item properties (hats and batform flying), particularly for soul shards, including durability and drop management.
- Set lifetimes for dropped items (with and without players around) and clear items within specified areas
- Commands related to spawning blood potions, npcs, items, horses, etc.
- Modify player states, including buffs, debuffs, god mode, and other enhancements.
- List and manage clans, including player roles within clans and castle ownership.
- Control access to regions, manage map visibility, and see plot status.
- Manage individual servant coffins and missions.
- Adjust the chances and effects of gruel on prisoners
- Manage boss NPCs, giving ability to lock them away, modify their level for a single spawn, teleport to them, etc.
- Force respawn of resources around you
- Global server settings like giving everyone sun invulnerability or seeing entities still while a bat.
Updated for V Rising 1.0 as of v1.9.0!
V Rising Modding Discord | V Rising Modding Wiki
Install BepInEx, which is required for modding VRising. Follow the instructions provided at BepInEx Installation Guide to set it up correctly in your VRising game directory.
Download the KindredCommands mod along with its dependencies (VCF). Ensure you select the correct versions that are compatible with your game.
After downloading, locate the .dll files for KindredCommands and its dependencies. Move or copy these .dll files into the
directory within your VRising installation folder.- Single Player Note:
- If you are playing in single player mode, you will need to install ServerLaunchFix. This is a server-side mod that is essential for making the commands work properly on the client side. Make sure to download and place it in the same
- If you are playing in single player mode, you will need to install ServerLaunchFix. This is a server-side mod that is essential for making the commands work properly on the client side. Make sure to download and place it in the same
- Single Player Note:
Launch the Game: Start VRising. If everything has been set up correctly, KindredCommands should now be active in the game.
Additional Notes
- Using Commands: The commands for KindredCommands go into the chat box, not the console. However, players will first need to authenticate themselves in the console chat. You can find instructions on how to do this here.
- For thorough mod installation instructions and troubleshooting, visit VRising Mod Installation Guide.
- If you encounter any issues, refer to the V Rising Modding Community discord for tech support.
- Deca for CommunityCommands. This mod was originally built upon it!
- Zfolmt for consultations.
- Synetrica for requesting clanplotsowned and adjusting plotsowned themselves!
- V Rising Modding Community for support and ideas.
This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license.