Commands to expand Administration efforts and provide information
- New Command: .teleporttoplot (plot#) .tpp shortcut
- New Command: .plotinto (plot#)
- New Command: .clan kick (player)
- New Command: .clan castles "Clan Name"
- New Command: .prisoner gruelsettings
- Updated Feature: Sun invulnerability will now persist between restarts.
- Updated Feature: Audit.csv will now create anew each restart with timestamp.
- Fix: Gruel prisoner change now saves/loads in correctly.
- Fix: Audit service will now allow more than one server up.
- ix: Now properly ignore frozen hearts while checking for incoming decay.
- Fix: Region locking/gating now works again after banning aborted the check early.
- New Command Series: .freezeheart - stops the essence timer on a heart. .thawheart will unfreeze it. .frozenhearts will list all frozen timer hearts.
- New Command Series: .servant - add, convert, heal, perfect, change, revive and complete missions on individual coffins.
- New Command Series: .prisoner - change gruel mutate chance, blood min max increase % and the resulting prefab if prisoner mutates.
- New Command: .everyonedaywalker - toggles auto giving suninvuln to everyone on the server
- New Command: .globalbatvision - will enable server wide ability for people in bat form to still see entities on ground. .boost bv for individuals.
- New command: .teleport - teleport to specific coordinates for easier use with .wai
- New command: .customspawnat - adds being able to customspawn an npc at specific coordinates
- New Command: .autoadminauth - add an admin to be automatically authenticated upon log in
- New Command: .relocatereset - clears the relocation timer on a castle heart so it can be moved Again
- New Command: .checklevel - reports back the highest level a player has reached for players to check (pvp requested)
- New Command: .region ban - bans an individual player from specified region. (.region unban and .region listbans also added)
- New Command: .gear repairall/breakall - repair or break the gear of all players in a range around you. Including you.
- New Command: .clanplotsowned - see the plots owned per clan
- Returning Command: .killplayer is back, accompanied by .downplayer
- Updated Command: added primals to boss comands for modifying and locking
- New Feature: a lot of admin commands are now logged out to audit.csv located in BepInEx\config\KindredCommands.
- Fix: Headgear bug that accidently made the Maja Gown not bloodbound.
- Fix: bat form status now reports properly on .gear sss
- Fix: Customspawning a high level blood will now reliably have the glow applied.
- Fix: Rename cannot happen if new name is taken
- Fix: Destroyallshards will now not break if old shard pylons are present on the map
- Fix: teleporting to pathing bosses now work fine. As long as a boss has been spawned in once on a map, teleporting will work.
- Removed: .banishhorse - ghosts are gone as of 1.0, missed trimming this out before
- Removed: .pace - no longer utilized, may move to another mod.
- New Command: .gear destroyallshards - will destroy absolutely every shard- equipped, in inventory, in pedestal, etc.
- New Command: .longestofflinecastles - reports back a list of users that still own a castle by longest offline.
- Additional feature: .playerinfo now reports both Last Online category, but also Max level reached.
- Fix: .despawnnpc can handle more cases and is just better.
- fixed a bug for announce commands that are one-time and within the same hour.
- added cleancontainerlessshards command to clean up shard icons from outdated mods on post-hotfix game.
- added .boost players for a list of players who are boosted.
- added .boost suninv for granting sun invulnerability only.
- fixed a soulshard issue with shards that are unique not dropping
- added a config command to enable or disable KC handling soulshards
- fixed a startup bug
- bug fixes for soulshard issues
- should now work better with ServerLaunchFix.
- Updated to hotfix5
- fixed region lock teleportation to body bug. Again.
- cleaned up wrong side before. Now it actually fixes bat form removing bloodbound
- fixed bat forming with shards removing bloodbound.
- added by-boss limits to soul shard limits for unique settings
- fixed a readme error. Find me more.
- 1.0 release for thunderstore
- added .pace as a player command. Will slow players to nearby NPC speeds if they want to match. Won't speed them up past base movement speed.
- fixed a .bloodpotion issue with adding to a full inventory.
- Soul shard limits for unique setting is now configurable.
- spawned soul shards are now detected by kindredcommands differently, stopping them from stopping drops in unique settings
- .gear soulshardstatus will now return the present conditions of shards on the server, and if in unique, whether they will drop or not.
- added a bunch of toggle off and removes for individual boosts, you crazy kids. Also track boost state via .boost state (name)
- fixed heart fuel calculations. They reversed it on us, ayyy.
- shell game fix for soulshards not being storable in pedestals nor repairable with the change for bat form travel.
- workaround fix for unitlevels being reset at server restart
- added .dropitems for changing the timed cleanup of dropped items (aside from player bags). Also includes deleting things on the ground around you, or for the world.
- added a toggle under .gear soulshards that turns on/off soulshards bat form restriction.
- fixed despawnnpc not working on ghosts
- updated for VRising 1.0
- removed kill command, its in console anyway
- fixed various bugs
- ♫♪♪I believe you can fly~♫♪♪ (fly, level, setflyheight, obstacle height, etc)
- added some various commented out commands requested by private server owners to do weird stuff. Not active in release version, no frets.
- set time command to change the day and hour for in-game world. Watchout for effects on hearts/horses and other timered objects
- .forcerespawn added to grow plants without messing with time. Technically forces all chain objects nearby to chain if they can.
- .wai now also reports territory ID if you're on one. Or -1 if not.
- updated readme with new catorgories for easier command read. Removed thanks to Willis and AdminCommands since it contained a hidden backdoor. None of that code is in any Kindred Mod.
- added .clan fix and .clan findinvalid to fix the results of a niche bug. No use otherwise.
- fixed the niche bug with stealthadmin
- added plotsowned command, so you can quickly see players who own most plots.
- piecemealed out god into individual boost commands and added new ones.
- added spectate with return to starting position
- added region locking and gating. Attempts to enter will port players backwards or back to waygates. No more rushing high level zone plots. (gating will restrict based on gear level. Accomodates gear removal and 'prestiging' in mods like RPGmod)
- added boss locking and unlocking.
- added toggling of bloodbound headgear as a setting. (.gear headgear)
- rearranged readme so commands are grouped better. Kind of. I'm sorry.
- added stealthadmin command to kinda hide green name, (only works for using chat commands, not console)
- added reveal map to unlock command.
- added .revealmap to unlock map for players individually
- added .revealmapforallplayers that enables a config option for players having map unlocked upon creation
- changed buff command to include durations and immortality through death.
- commands will now be logged to console log, for admin tracking for server owners.
- misc clean up and versioning
- added ".unbindplayer" and ."swapplayers" to effectively 'reset' a player's character. Not technically a delete, but more like reassignment. Lets players start anew.
- added ".incomingdecay" for admins to see a list of 6 plots closest to decaying
- added ".playerinfo" to retrieve a lot of info about a player, whether online or offline.
- added ".openplots" for players to see which regions have space.
- added ".idcheck" so you can check to see if a player is on your server by their id
- added ".teleporthorse" to move dominated horses that are glitched out.
- added ".unlock" from admincommands, but not the DLC content since that might be trouble.
- Fixed a null error issue with removing announcements.
- Updated README
- Updated README
- added ".announce" commands for scheduling system messages from in-game.
- added ".time" for players to see server time.
- Adjusted ghost horse banish location to less noticeable position in the unused map beyond the gates in the nether.
- Fixed a bug with saving config
- Updated README
- Initial Release