Azumatt-BindOnEquip icon


A mod for Valheim that allows players to bind items to their account on a character-specific basis, making the items unusable by others. The server can enforce what categories of items are bindable.


Version Update Notes
1.3.3 - Update for 0.217.46
- Include patch by WackyMole to add support for individual Items
1.3.2 - Downgrade ItemDataManager as it was causing a lot of problems. Will attach a debugger and help Blaxxun find the issue later.
1.3.1 - Fix an issue where the Unbinder could be used on itself.
- Fix an issue where you could lose the Unbinder when accidentally clicking something that isn't actually bound.
- Update ItemDataManager and ItemManager internally.
1.3.0 - Add in an item called the "Unbinder", this obviously allows you to unbind your gear from yourself. Craft it, drag and drop it onto the item you want to unbind.
1.2.4 - Update for latest Valheim changes.
1.2.3 - Forgot to add arg
1.2.2 - Update ItemDataManager
1.2.1 - Hildir Update
1.2.0 - Fix an issue where crafting or picking up would trigger the incorrect method, and in turn, bind things to you incorrectly.
- Fix being able to move someone's bound equipment in a container to your inventory, or at all. (If you accidentally attempt to pick up one, right click to drop it from the cursor)
- Fix the tooltip in the crafting menu after crafting an item.
- Update ServerSync internally to fix local admin issues inside SS.
- Updated the internal ItemDataManager to fix a bug
1.1.3 - Updated for Valheim 0.216.9
1.0.3 - Fix the stacking issue. Guess what? It was a fucking exclamation point (a.k.a I forgot to reverse my logic when I changed the configuration options)
1.0.2 - Fix an issue when using the BepInEx Configuration Manager. The values were no longer valid and needed to be mapped to the game's default ItemTypes.
1.0.1 - Fix some configuration values.
1.0.0 - Initial Release.