Epic Valheim Retro
Epic Valheim 3.6.6 plus QOL mods Rereleased as Retro Epic Valheim. Change Beta in Steam to 'default_preml'. Install only with R2ModMan. [DO NOT USE THUNDERSTORE INSTALLER.]
Added backpacks and improved archery.
Boats move faster and see further.
Larger pickup radius and slope combat fix.
Monsters drop loot instantly on death.
Increased height map changes allowed.
Blast furnace takes all ores.
Foods keep their full benefits longer then decrease quickly at the end.
Fires and torches no longer need fuel.
Boss powers are now passive, you can have up to 2 activated at once.
Comfort items have larger range and take less time to give the buff.
Auto fuel for kilns & furnacesplus Auto feed for animals
Craft from containers, larger chests, and quick stack.
Reduced death penalties and turned off Hugin.
Added quick slots and 1 row to player inventory for extra items.
Increased the chance to roll +Damage, +Armor, +Quck Draw, & +Attack Speed.
Set items revamped and opened up legendaries weapons.
Belts & rings now give unique enchantments.
Removed most "On Low Health" rolls.
Many others magic effects rescaled.
Magic items are common in Meadows
Rare items are common in Black Forest
Epic items are common in Swamp & Mountains.
Legendary items are common starting in Plains and beyond.
All items can be teleported.
Damage runes removed, utility wards reordered.
Eliminated most trophy drops and replaced with reagents.
Difficulty of creatures now increases by distance from center.
Creature drops scale with star level.
Raids have a 50% chance to spawn every 2 hours.
Changes buy & sell values at trader.
Updated foods. Higher tier foods make 2 at a time.
Many other minor creature drops modifications.
Fixed Error introduced in 3.6.5
Swapped VitalityMod with VitalityRewrite
Removed HookGenPatched from required dependencies
PotionsPlus is now discontinued due to lack of configurability - can be kept as is or removed
T6/7/8 Vegvisirs will now point towards bosses of its own biome - courtesy of Epic Valheim Additions
Raids should no longer immediately trigger as soon as someone logs into a server - courtesy of Custom Raids
New build piece: Creature Ward - will prevent raids and events from happening in a 100y radius around it
Further reduced damage taken by Boats upon clearing T8
Added various missing trophies to the disenchant list
Fixed Feather trader costs
Fixed MotherDarkSpider loot table error
Rescaled global damage - now 100% base + 20% per star (was 150/10)
Lessened ring and belt droprates across tiers
Upgraded Skyheim runes had their varied elemental damage transferred to main element
Feathers now cost 100 coins and come in stacks of 10
Removed Deathsquito Season / Ragnarok raids
Additionally increased the minimal distance creatures spawn from the player
Increased size of Small Dark Spider, reduced speed
Reduced size of Dark Protector, changed pathing type
Reduced size of Dark Mother Spider
Greatly increased Mushroom Blue spawn rates
New item: Mistlands Arrow (poison)
New creature - Frozen Stinger (a Deathsquito variant)
Dvergr now has flat 2000 health and cannot spawn starred
Further reduced T7 boss damage
New item: Deep North Arrow (frost)
Heat Reflecting Egg now should correctly show up at the Trader
Elder Surtlings no longer deal pierce damage altogether
Further increased T8 boss damage
New item: Ashlands Arrow (fire)
Boats now take greatly reduced damage after T8 is complete
Returned Yagluth now deals more fire damage
New item: Abyss Arrow (pierce)
Swapped out SimpleRecycling mod with a working version
T8's Bloated Corpse will no longer mass produce insects
Reduced elemental damage across T7-8 basic attacks
Added Lox Pelt to T7 Loxes
Ragnarok and Deathsquito season will only occur past T5
Alchemy flasks now cost Ice of the North x1, down from x4
Moved T6 boss elemental damage from fire/frost to poison
Reduced T7 boss damage
Increased T8 boss damage
T6/7/8 bosses now have the correct health pools of 1.5/22.5/30k
T6/T8 Deathsquitos are now Boss faction
(will not aggro other creatures causing them to traverse biomes)
Changed CreatureLevelandLootControl loot system to linear
(nothing changes for existing installations, but will prevent multiplied loot oversights)
Added previously missing Skeleton to loot tables
Packaged previously missing SimpleRecycling config
NexusInstallationChecker no longer checks for MonsterlabZ config data as it shouldn't be needed
Added various summons to T6/7/8 bounties
T9 recipes will no longer require non-existent level 8 crafting station
T9 metals are now properly teleportable and sellable/purchasable
Increased base gamble coin costs across all tiers; rescaled token gamble coin costs to x1
(less profitable to just buy low rarity items instead of mining and crafting; about the same costs for hunting high rarity items )
Fixed a load error caused by newest Jotunn mod
Removed non-functional T6/7/8 bounties and treasure chests
T6/7/8 elite creatures will now spawn in T1-5 biomes as bounties
Treasure chests now reward Forest Tokens from T1 rather than T3
Iron Bounty Token reward begins from T3 rather than T5
Gold Bounty Token reward begins from T6 rather than T7
Added Ocean bounties
Treasure maps cost less to purchase
Bounties reward less coins
T6/7/8 armor no longer requires previous tier piece while crafting
Reduced T6/7/8 armor metal costs
Swapped out T8 Prototype Pickaxe to Axe
Recycling no longer yields one item minimum
T8 rune upgrade now costs five of its material, up from three
Reworked global creature health/damage scaling:
Base health - 150/25% per star
Base damage - 150/10% per star
All creatures now have the same percentage chance to spawn at any stars
Creatures now grow 4% per star, down from 10%
Creatures will now spawn with Infusions slightly more often
Creature star level no longer impacts Infusion chance (overall the same with the above change)
Coins is now a 100% droprate item. Coins scale depending on creature level
Items are no longer multiplied by stars
Rescaled majority of drop rates:
Building/crafting/food materials at 50%
Common materials (i.e. Resin) at 25%
Rare materials (i.e. Crystal) at 25%
Trophies at 10%
Deer/Boar drops are enhanced to help new characters
Elite creatures (i.e. Troll) always have improved droprates
Increased Dust drop rates across all tiers
No longer deals global environmental damage to the player
Reworked spawn rules, engagement rules, loot classification rules and more
Creature spawns are more spaced out, will no longer spawn on top of player
Creature spawn rate overall reduced, but some of them might spawn in groups
All creatures now also deal elemental damage, representative of their biome
Most creatures base attack now fires every ~4-5 seconds and has added elemental damage
Heavier attacks fire less often and deal more damage
Creatures with elemental attacks will no longer have "Pierce" type attacks
Creatures no longer flee on low health
Creature spawns are no longer tied behind weather
Each biome now has a selection of weak, normal, and elite creatures
New item - Prototype Pickaxe
Craftable with previous tier materials, able to mine next tier resources. Cannot be repaired
Altars and bosses now look and feel more polished - courtesy of Epic Valheim Additions
Thor's Forge will unlock as soon as T5 is complete
Mushroom Blue will only spawn when T5 is complete
Creatures spawn fairly close to the player, have a shorter aggro range
Baked-in poison damage is fairly weak, as introduction for first-time visitors
Removed spider attacks which caused FPS drops
Creature reworks:
Tentaroot - removed
Poison Spider - removed
Svartalfr Brigade - removed
Dark Mosquito - now has an attack
Small Spider - weaker, can spawn in groups of up to five
Spider - can spawn in groups up to two, can be tamed
Mother Dark Spider - now elite, replaced bugged attacks
Dark Protector - now elite, no longer spawns roots
Svartalfr Heavy - now elite
Svarfalfr Archer - weaker, will spawn in groups up to three
Svartalfr - can spawn in groups up to two
Svarfalfr Mage - can spawn in groups up to two
Creatures spawn very far from the player, have large aggro range
While most creatures have baked-in frost damage, elites have lightning attacks
Creature reworks:
Angry Frozen Corpse - removed
Calm Spirit - removed
Angry Spirit - no longer resistant to most damage types, can spawn in groups up to three, weaker
Dvergr - damage significantly reduced
Frozen Corpse - can spawn groups of up to three
Polar Fenring - now elite
Silver Golem - now elite, but doesn't hit as hard
Polar Lox - now elite, extra fast, can be tamed
Small Polar Lox - reduced aggro range, can spawn in packs up to four, can be tamed
Polar Serpent - can spawn in groups up to two
Food recipes added
New food resource: Heat-Resistant Egg. Can both be dropped and spawns naturally
Creatures spawn moderately far, and have moderate aggro range
Enchanted Glyph (rune upgrade resource) is now an elite drop instead of boss drop
Creature reworks:
Blazing Bones renamed to Burning King - now elite
Burned Bones renamed to Burning Warrior - can spawn in groups up to three
Elder Surtling - can spawn in groups up to two
Ash Neck - now elite
Ash Hatchling - now elite, max one spawned
Small Ash Neck - weaker, in groups up to five, can be tamed
Swollen Body - spawns in groups up to three, are now slower but have more health
Ash Mosquito - hits for slightly less, and slightly less frequently
An item to kickstart T9 in the Ocean will unlock as soon as T8 is complete
Tier 9 has a single, powerful food recipe
Ocean creatures do not have any elemental damage attached
Ocean creatures cannot spawn in groups
Ocean creatures:
Ocean Mosquito - weaker
Water Moth - weaker
Drowned Soul - average
Aggressive Serpent - elite
Storm Hatchling - elite
Ocean spawns drop materials to craft two new weapons, and resources for a special item
Special item allows spawning of T9 bosses
T9 Bosses:
Eikthyr the Returned
Elder the Returned
Bonemass the Returned
Dragon Queen the Returned
Goblin King the Returned
T9 bosses have different spawn rules, some spawn at day, some at night
T9 bosses each drop only a specific piece of armor
New armor pieces:
Outworld Helmet
Outworld Chestplate
Outworld Leggings
Outworld Cape
Nobleborn Ring
Dropped armor is indestructible by default, and can be rolled unique, T9 exclusive legendary:
New Conqueror Legendary Set: always has 6 enchant count, five piece bonus prevents death every five minutes
T9 bosses drop materials for armor crafting, upgrades, and resources for a special item
Special item allows spawning of T9 End Game boss
Fixed AshRain environment being set on vanilla-tier zones during raid
EVERY raid/event is once again available:
Raids are their default difficulty scaling - some might be unbalanced/broken - report those to be fixed
ALL raid drops have been replaced with base level Dust - until individual balancing at unspecified later date
Gamble section rescaled: initial gold cost increased, token-cost multiplier reduced
Non-token gambles now roll at 100% magic (was 50/50 white)
Trader now exchanges Tokens for Dust
Crystal now sells for less to the Trader
Ice of the North now sells for less to the Trader
Thunderstore is sold for more by the Trader
Swamp Key now sells to the Trader for significantly less
Added Heat-Resistant Egg to the Trader
Trader now sells a very expensive T9 material - start saving!
Trader's gold cap is now 5000
Additional measures to prevent unintended rolls of Throwable/Recalling on two handed weapons
Indestructible is no longer augmentable on weapons (preventive measure for Runes until a workaround is found)
Indestructible can now roll on all rarities (except for Runes which still require legendary)
Crystal Battleaxe is now a Tier 4 item, up from Tier 3
Undying set effect has been removed from existing sets, now exclusive to Conqueror. Compensated via raw stats
Slightly increased treasure chest find radius by Andvaranaut
Added belts and rings to the loot tables
AvoidDamageTaken can no longer combine with AvoidDamageTakenLowHealth under natural rolls
AvoidDamageTaken 40% Nomad set bonus reworked to AvoidDamageTakenLowHealth 25%
Opportunist rescaled to 15% max at legendary, up to 20% on unique legendaries/sets
Backstab Bonus rescaled to 15% max at legendary, up to 20% on unique legendaries/sets
GreatSwords now have the same roll rules as Battleaxes
Added Rare Dust and Coin drops as an addition to the Golden creature loot tables
Gave Chef's Hat and Handcrafted Belt a crafting station
Additionally buffed Serpent drops
Reduced damage of Chain Lightning rune
Fixed the issue where the spawn conditions of Incorrect Installation Trophy would create an ever-spawning corpse