FactoriaTeam-Atlas_Of_Wonders icon

Atlas Of Wonders

Modpack built over relic heim and extra more mods for factoria team

Last updated a day ago
Total downloads 49
Total rating 1 
Categories Modpacks Tweaks Misc Ashlands Update
Dependency string FactoriaTeam-Atlas_Of_Wonders-0.0.5
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

JewelHeim-RelicHeim-5.0.18 icon

Modpack using EpicLoot that is balanced and focuses on enchanting instead of mass drops, moderate-hard difficulty [Ashlands Update]

Preferred version: 5.0.18
JewelHeim-QOLHeim-4.0.4 icon

Optional QOL mods to use with RelicHeim, JewelHeim and RTMN

Preferred version: 4.0.4
Pineapple-MoreGates-1.0.11 icon

v1.0.11 by LordHayze at NexusMods. This mod adds a ton of build objects. Windows, doors, gates, a drawbridge and various other pieces.

Preferred version: 1.0.11
Smoothbrain-Network-1.0.2 icon

Uncaps the sending and receiving limit for network traffic.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
ComfyMods-ReturnToSender-1.1.0 icon

Modify ZDOMan.Update to use the original SendZDOToPeers method.

Preferred version: 1.1.0
Nextek-SpeedyPaths-1.0.8 icon

Gives more purpose to paths. Increases player speed on paths and constructions. Reduces stamina consumed while sprinting on paths. Exposes optional modifiers for regular terrain in each biome. All values are tuneable.

Preferred version: 1.0.8
Azumatt-AzuAreaRepair-1.1.4 icon

Repair pieces in a specified area around the player when using the hammer to repair. Code pulled from OdinsQOL

Preferred version: 1.1.4
SpikeHimself-XPortal-1.2.21 icon

Select portal destination from a list of existing portals. No more tag pairing, and no more portal hubs! XPortal is a complete rewrite of the popular mod AnyPortal.

Preferred version: 1.2.21
Azumatt-AzuCraftyBoxes-1.5.3 icon

AzuCraftyBoxes is a Valheim mod that allows players to access and use resources from nearby containers when crafting and building, based on a configurable range and item restrictions. Restrictions are controlled by the yaml file Azumatt.AzuCraftyBoxes.yml

Preferred version: 1.5.3
Azumatt-AzuAutoStore-3.0.3 icon

This mod pulls nearby items from the ground into containers. Optionally, use a hotkey to store items in your inventory into containers. Read the mod description for more information.

Preferred version: 3.0.3
Azumatt-AzuMiscPatches-1.2.4 icon

Collection of patches from OdinQOL that didn't really have a home in a mod of their own

Preferred version: 1.2.4
Azumatt-AzuHoverStats-1.1.7 icon

It shows information on things when you hover over them. What else is there to say?

Preferred version: 1.1.7
WackyMole-WackyEpicMMOSystem-1.9.22 icon

Adds to your Valheim world a system of levels and distribution of characteristics

Preferred version: 1.9.22
RandyKnapp-EpicLoot-0.10.3 icon

Adds loot drops, magic items, and enchanting to Valheim.

Preferred version: 0.10.3
WackyMole-WackysDatabase-2.4.28 icon

WackysDatabase allows you to control all items/recipes/pieces/creatures/materials/textures via YML files with ServerSync and so much more.

Preferred version: 2.4.28
FixItFelix-AutoMapPins-2.2.1 icon

Radar like scanner for area around the player, will create pins on map. Highly configurable.

Preferred version: 2.2.1


Atlas Of Wonders group server modpack