Mods uploaded by JustMennowar

Adds different Potions which heal in PERCENTS and not an absolute value, with easy configurable recipes.
Last updated: 2 years ago
BeehiveUtils Revived
A few customisation options for beehives including amount of honey a hive can hold, time it takes to generate the honey and disabling the proximity build restrictions even as the Biome bees are happy in.
Last updated: 2 years ago
This mod allows to find special wood when picking up branches, depending on the Biome the player visits, with a configurable chance and amount. Each Biome may be turned on/off.
Last updated: 2 years ago
HearthStone Revived
This is a revive of the old HearthStone Mod from Detalhes.This adds a consumable heart that allows you create and use a custom teleport point
Last updated: 2 years ago