Westworld Server Modpack
A curated collection of required mods to play on the Westworld Private Server - Please read changelog before updating.
2.0.0 - Back after 8 month break, attempting to update mods... hopefully this works.
1.6.2: Updated Dependancies....again 1.6.1: Updated Dependancies
1.6.0: Combat overhaul! 2H weaps were underwhelming and gaps in the weapon roster were annoying so added the following mods:
- blacks7ar WeaponHolsterOverhaul
- Therzie Warfare
1.5.1: Changed the way Bronze behaves, well because 2+1=3... Also added more build pieces because I cant get enough of building cool things...
Added the following mods:
- Digitalroot Triple Bronze
- OdinPlus OdinsKingdom
1.5.0: IMPORTANT: If you are using this for your own server please make a BACKUP of your world and test things to make sure everything is fine and you dont lose anything!!
Added the following mods to the ever expanding list:
- Alpus HeadLamp
- makail ItemDrawers
- OdinPlus OdinTrainingPlace
- Azumatt AzuMapDetails
- Azumatt NoBuildDust
- OdinPlus OdinArchitect
1.4.0: Improved dungeon rooms after having several tiny crypts spawn by adding Digitalroot's Max Dungeon Rooms mod.
1.3.0: Added the following mods:
- BentoG MissingPieces
- Azumatt AAA Crafting
- Azumatt AzuMiscPatches
- Smoothbrain CreatureLevelAndLootControl
1.2.3: Forgot to remove Comfy Quick Slots because im an idiot and didnt sleep enough xD
1.2.2: Updated dependencies.
1.2.1: Changed how Inventory works by adding multiple Utility Items, Had conflict with Comfy Quick Slots mod so removed that and replaced with:
- Azumatt AzuExtendedPlayerInventory
- Mordhaus AedenthornsEquipMultipleUtilityItems
IMPORTANT: When updating from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1+ please make sure to backup your character file and unequip all items/utils/quickslots to avoid losing any gear in the process!!!
1.2.0: Added the following mods:
- MSchmoecker MultiUserChest
- MSchmoecker ItemHopper
- Smoothbrain Jewelcrafting
- blacks7ar SimpleElevators
- TheBeesDecree VALKEA Decor
1.1.1: Added BepInEx ConfigurationManager
1.1.0: Added the following mods to the list:
- ComfyMods ColorfulPieces
- RockerKitten BuildIt
- OdinPlus Clutter
- Blacks7ar BoatAdditions