Decompiled source of TurboEdition v0.1.10
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using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Text; using AK.Wwise; using BepInEx; using BepInEx.Logging; using EntityStates; using EntityStates.AI; using EntityStates.AI.Walker; using EntityStates.TitanMonster; using HG; using HG.Reflection; using IL.RoR2; using IL.RoR2.UI; using IL.RoR2.UI.LogBook; using JetBrains.Annotations; using KinematicCharacterController; using LeTai.Asset.TranslucentImage; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using MonoMod.Cil; using MonoMod.RuntimeDetour; using On.RoR2; using On.RoR2.UI; using RoR2; using RoR2.Achievements; using RoR2.Artifacts; using RoR2.Audio; using RoR2.CharacterAI; using RoR2.ContentManagement; using RoR2.EntitlementManagement; using RoR2.EntityLogic; using RoR2.ExpansionManagement; using RoR2.HudOverlay; using RoR2.Items; using RoR2.Navigation; using RoR2.Networking; using RoR2.Orbs; using RoR2.Projectile; using RoR2.Skills; using RoR2.Stats; using RoR2.UI; using RoR2.UI.LogBook; using RoR2.UI.MainMenu; using TMPro; using TurboEdition.Buffs; using TurboEdition.Components; using TurboEdition.Components.UI; using TurboEdition.EntityStates.AI.Walker; using TurboEdition.EntityStates.Grenadier; using TurboEdition.EntityStates.ImpBomber.Weapon; using TurboEdition.Equipments; using TurboEdition.Items; using TurboEdition.ScriptableObjects; using TurboEdition.TempVFX; using TurboEdition.UI; using TurboEdition.Utils; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.Networking; using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.UI; [assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)] [assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)] [assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints)] [assembly: AssemblyTitle("Turbo Edition")] [assembly: AssemblyDescription("")] [assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")] [assembly: AssemblyCompany("")] [assembly: AssemblyProduct("Turbo Edition")] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")] [assembly: ComVisible(false)] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("0.1.10")] [assembly: OptIn] [assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion("")] [module: UnverifiableCode] namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices { [CompilerGenerated] [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Embedded] internal sealed class IsReadOnlyAttribute : Attribute { } } namespace TurboEdition { public static class Assets { private const string assetBundleFolderName = "assetbundles"; internal static string mainAssetBundleName = "assetTurbo"; public static ReadOnlyCollection<AssetBundle> loadedAssetBundles; public static AssetBundle mainAssetBundle => loadedAssetBundles[0]; internal static string assemblyDir => Path.GetDirectoryName(TurboUnityPlugin.pluginInfo.Location); internal static string languageRoot => Path.Combine(assemblyDir, "language"); public static List<Material> MaterialsWithSwappedShaders { get; private set; } = new List<Material>(); [SystemInitializer(new Type[] { })] public static void Init() { if (Application.isBatchMode) { return; } foreach (AssetBundle loadedAssetBundle in loadedAssetBundles) { MapMaterials(loadedAssetBundle); } } public static string[] GetAssetBundlePaths() { return (from filePath in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(assemblyDir, "assetbundles")) where !filePath.EndsWith(".manifest") select filePath into path orderby Path.GetFileName(path).Equals(mainAssetBundleName) descending select path).ToArray(); } internal static void MapMaterials(AssetBundle assetBundle) { if (assetBundle.isStreamedSceneAssetBundle) { return; } Material[] array = assetBundle.LoadAllAssets<Material>(); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (((Object)array[i].shader).name.Contains("Stubbed")) { try { SwapShader(array[i]); } catch (Exception arg) { TELog.LogE($"Failed to swap shader of material {array[i]}: {arg}", alwaysLog: true, 61, "MapMaterials"); } } } } private static async void SwapShader(Material material) { material.shader = await Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<Shader>((object)(((Object)material.shader).name.Substring("Stubbed".Length) + ".shader")).Task; MaterialsWithSwappedShaders.Add(material); } } public interface IStatBuffBehavior { void RecalculateStatsEnd(); void RecalculateStatsStart(ref CharacterBody characterBody); } internal static class InitBuffs { public static Dictionary<BuffDef, Buff> buffList = new Dictionary<BuffDef, Buff>(); public static void Init() { //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0027: Expected O, but got Unknown InitializeBuffs(); CharacterBody.onBodyStartGlobal += AddBuffManager; CharacterBody.OnClientBuffsChanged += new hook_OnClientBuffsChanged(OnClientBuffsChanged); } public static void InitializeBuffs() { foreach (Type item in from type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() where !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Buff)) select type) { Buff buff = (Buff)Activator.CreateInstance(item); if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)buff.buffDef)) { Debug.LogError((object)string.Concat("Buff ", buff, " is missing the buffDef or it couldn't be found. Check the Unity project. Skipping.")); continue; } buff.Initialize(); buffList.Add(buff.buffDef, buff); } } private static void AddBuffManager(CharacterBody body) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)body) && Util.HasEffectiveAuthority(body.networkIdentity)) { ((Component)body).gameObject.AddComponent<TurboBuffManager>().CheckForBuffs(); } } private static void OnClientBuffsChanged(orig_OnClientBuffsChanged orig, CharacterBody self) { orig.Invoke(self); if (Util.HasEffectiveAuthority(self.networkIdentity)) { ((Component)self).GetComponent<TurboBuffManager>()?.CheckForBuffs(); } } } internal class TurboBuffManager : MonoBehaviour { public IStatBuffBehavior[] statBuffBehaviors = new IStatBuffBehavior[0]; private BuffDef[] activeBuffsList = (BuffDef[])(object)new BuffDef[InitBuffs.buffList.Count]; private CharacterBody body; private void Awake() { body = ((Component)this).gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterBody>(); } public void CheckForBuffs() { int num = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<BuffDef, Buff> buff in InitBuffs.buffList) { int buffCount = body.GetBuffCount(buff.Key); if (buffCount > 0 && (Object)(object)activeBuffsList[num] == (Object)null) { activeBuffsList[num] = buff.Value.buffDef; buff.Value.OnBuffFirstStackGained(ref body); } else if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)activeBuffsList[num]) && buffCount < 1) { buff.Value.OnBuffLastStackLost(ref body); activeBuffsList[num] = null; } buff.Value.AddBehavior(ref body, buffCount); buff.Value.BuffStep(ref body, buffCount); num++; } statBuffBehaviors = ((Component)this).GetComponents<IStatBuffBehavior>(); } public void RunStatRecalculationsStart(CharacterBody self) { IStatBuffBehavior[] array = statBuffBehaviors; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i].RecalculateStatsStart(ref self); } foreach (KeyValuePair<BuffDef, Buff> buff in InitBuffs.buffList) { if (body.HasBuff(buff.Key)) { buff.Value.RecalcStatsStart(ref self); } } } public void RunStatRecalculationsEnd() { IStatBuffBehavior[] array = statBuffBehaviors; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i].RecalculateStatsEnd(); } foreach (KeyValuePair<BuffDef, Buff> buff in InitBuffs.buffList) { if (body.HasBuff(buff.Key)) { buff.Value.RecalcStatsEnd(ref body); } } } } [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterBody))] public class TurboItemManager : MonoBehaviour { public IStatItemBehavior[] statItemBehaviors = new IStatItemBehavior[0]; private CharacterBody body; private void Awake() { body = ((Component)this).gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterBody>(); body.onInventoryChanged += CheckForTEItems; } public void CheckForTEItems() { //IL_0094: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ac: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) foreach (KeyValuePair<ItemDef, Item> itemBehaviour in InitPickups.itemBehaviourList) { itemBehaviour.Value.AddBehavior(ref body, body.inventory.GetItemCount(itemBehaviour.Key)); } foreach (KeyValuePair<EquipmentDef, Equipment> equipment in InitPickups.equipmentList) { Equipment value = equipment.Value; ref CharacterBody reference = ref body; EquipmentSlot equipmentSlot = body.equipmentSlot; value.AddBehavior(ref reference, Convert.ToInt32(((equipmentSlot != null) ? new EquipmentIndex?(equipmentSlot.equipmentIndex) : null) == (EquipmentIndex?)equipment.Value.equipmentDef.equipmentIndex)); } ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(GetInterfaces()); } public void CheckEqp(EquipmentDef equipmentDef, bool gainOrLoss) { if (InitPickups.equipmentList.TryGetValue(equipmentDef, out var value)) { value.AddBehavior(ref body, Convert.ToInt32(gainOrLoss)); ((MonoBehaviour)this).StartCoroutine(GetInterfaces()); } } private IEnumerator GetInterfaces() { yield return (object)new WaitForEndOfFrame(); statItemBehaviors = ((Component)this).GetComponents<IStatItemBehavior>(); body.healthComponent.onIncomingDamageReceivers = ((Component)this).GetComponents<IOnIncomingDamageServerReceiver>(); body.healthComponent.onTakeDamageReceivers = ((Component)this).GetComponents<IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver>(); } public void RunStatRecalculationsStart() { IStatItemBehavior[] array = statItemBehaviors; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i].RecalculateStatsStart(); } foreach (KeyValuePair<ItemDef, Item> itemBehaviour in InitPickups.itemBehaviourList) { itemBehaviour.Value.RecalcStatsStart(ref body, body.inventory.GetItemCount(itemBehaviour.Key)); } } public void RunStatRecalculationsEnd() { IStatItemBehavior[] array = statItemBehaviors; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i].RecalculateStatsEnd(); } foreach (KeyValuePair<ItemDef, Item> itemBehaviour in InitPickups.itemBehaviourList) { itemBehaviour.Value.RecalcStatsEnd(ref body, body.inventory.GetItemCount(itemBehaviour.Key)); } } } internal class TurboVFXManager : MonoBehaviour { private TemporaryVisualEffect[] tempVisualEffects = (TemporaryVisualEffect[])(object)new TemporaryVisualEffect[InitVFX.temporaryVfx.Count]; private CharacterBody body; private CharacterModel model; private void Awake() { body = ((Component)this).gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterBody>(); model = ((Component)((Component)this).gameObject.GetComponent<ModelLocator>().modelTransform).gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterModel>(); } private void OnEnable() { InstanceTracker.Add<TurboVFXManager>(this); } private void Update() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)body)) { UpdateAllTemporaryVFX(); } } private void OnDisable() { InstanceTracker.Remove<TurboVFXManager>(this); } public void UpdateForCamera(CameraRigController cameraRigController) { UpdateOverlays(); } private void UpdateOverlays() { } private void UpdateAllTemporaryVFX() { for (int i = 0; i < tempVisualEffects.Length; i++) { TemporaryVFX temporaryVFX = InitVFX.temporaryVfx.Keys.ElementAt(i); TELog.LogW("Updating " + temporaryVFX, alwaysLog: false, 60, "UpdateAllTemporaryVFX"); UpdateSingleTemporaryVisualEffect(ref tempVisualEffects[i], InitVFX.temporaryVfx.Values.ElementAt(i), temporaryVFX.GetEffectRadius(ref body), temporaryVFX.IsEnabled(ref body), temporaryVFX.GetChildOverride(ref body)); TELog.LogW(string.Concat("Updated ", tempVisualEffects[i], " ", InitVFX.temporaryVfx.Values.ElementAt(i), " ", temporaryVFX.GetEffectRadius(ref body), " ", temporaryVFX.IsEnabled(ref body).ToString(), " ", temporaryVFX.GetChildOverride(ref body), " "), alwaysLog: false, 62, "UpdateAllTemporaryVFX"); } } private void AddOverlay(Material overlayMaterial, bool active) { if (model.activeOverlayCount < CharacterModel.maxOverlays && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)overlayMaterial) && active) { Material[] currentOverlays = model.currentOverlays; CharacterModel obj = model; int activeOverlayCount = obj.activeOverlayCount; obj.activeOverlayCount = activeOverlayCount + 1; int num = activeOverlayCount; model.activeOverlayCount = num + 1; currentOverlays[num] = overlayMaterial; } } private void UpdateSingleTemporaryVisualEffect(ref TemporaryVisualEffect tempEffect, GameObject prefab, float effectRadius, bool active, string childLocatorOverride = "") { //IL_0194: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ba: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) TELog.LogW(string.Concat(tempEffect, " = tempEffect; ", prefab, " = Prefab; ", effectRadius, " = Radius; ", active.ToString(), " = active; ", childLocatorOverride), alwaysLog: false, 83, "UpdateSingleTemporaryVisualEffect"); bool flag = (Object)(object)tempEffect != (Object)null; if (flag == active) { return; } TELog.LogW("Passed check 1", alwaysLog: false, 87, "UpdateSingleTemporaryVisualEffect"); if (active) { TELog.LogW("Passed check 2", alwaysLog: false, 90, "UpdateSingleTemporaryVisualEffect"); if (flag) { return; } TELog.LogW("Passed check 3", alwaysLog: false, 93, "UpdateSingleTemporaryVisualEffect"); GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(prefab, body.corePosition, Quaternion.identity); tempEffect = val.GetComponent<TemporaryVisualEffect>(); tempEffect.parentTransform = body.coreTransform; tempEffect.visualState = (VisualState)0; tempEffect.healthComponent = body.healthComponent; tempEffect.radius = effectRadius; LocalCameraEffect component = val.GetComponent<LocalCameraEffect>(); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)component)) { component.targetCharacter = ((Component)this).gameObject; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(childLocatorOverride)) { return; } ModelLocator modelLocator = body.modelLocator; ChildLocator val2; if ((Object)(object)modelLocator == (Object)null) { val2 = null; } else { Transform modelTransform = modelLocator.modelTransform; val2 = (((Object)(object)modelTransform != (Object)null) ? ((Component)modelTransform).GetComponent<ChildLocator>() : null); } ChildLocator val3 = val2; if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val3)) { Transform val4 = val3.FindChild(childLocatorOverride); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val4)) { tempEffect.parentTransform = val4; } } } else if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)tempEffect)) { tempEffect.visualState = (VisualState)1; } } } public interface IStatItemBehavior { void RecalculateStatsEnd(); void RecalculateStatsStart(); } public class InitPickups { public static Dictionary<ItemDef, Item> itemBehaviourList = new Dictionary<ItemDef, Item>(); public static Dictionary<EquipmentDef, Equipment> equipmentList = new Dictionary<EquipmentDef, Equipment>(); [SystemInitializer(new Type[] { typeof(PickupCatalog) })] public static void HookInit() { //IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0040: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0047: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0051: Expected O, but got Unknown InitializeEquipments(); InitializeItems(); TELog.LogI("Subscribing to delegates related to Items and Equipments.", alwaysLog: true, 22, "HookInit"); CharacterBody.onBodyStartGlobal += AddItemManager; CharacterBody.RecalculateStats += new hook_RecalculateStats(OnRecalculateStats); EquipmentSlot.PerformEquipmentAction += new hook_PerformEquipmentAction(FireTurboEqp); } public static IEnumerable<Item> InitializeItems() { TELog.LogD($"Getting Legacy Items found inside {Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()}...", alwaysLog: true, 31, "InitializeItems"); (from type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() where !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Item)) select type into itemType select (Item)Activator.CreateInstance(itemType)).ToList().ForEach(delegate(Item item) { TrackItem(item); }); return null; } public static void TrackItem(Item item, Dictionary<ItemDef, Item> itemDictionary = null) { item.Initialize(); itemBehaviourList.Add(item.itemDef, item); itemDictionary?.Add(item.itemDef, item); } public static IEnumerable<Equipment> InitializeEquipments() { TELog.LogD($"Getting the Equipments found inside {Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()}...", alwaysLog: false, 48, "InitializeEquipments"); (from type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() where !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Equipment)) select type into eqpType select (Equipment)Activator.CreateInstance(eqpType)).ToList().ForEach(delegate(Equipment eqp) { TrackEquipment(eqp); }); return null; } public static void TrackEquipment(Equipment equip, Dictionary<EquipmentDef, Equipment> equipDictionary = null) { equip.Initialize(); equipmentList.Add(equip.equipmentDef, equip); equipDictionary?.Add(equip.equipmentDef, equip); } private static void AddItemManager(CharacterBody body) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)body.inventory)) { ((Component)body).gameObject.AddComponent<TurboItemManager>().CheckForTEItems(); } } private static void OnRecalculateStats(orig_RecalculateStats orig, CharacterBody self) { TurboItemManager component = ((Component)self).GetComponent<TurboItemManager>(); TurboBuffManager component2 = ((Component)self).GetComponent<TurboBuffManager>(); component?.RunStatRecalculationsStart(); component2?.RunStatRecalculationsStart(self); orig.Invoke(self); component?.RunStatRecalculationsEnd(); component2?.RunStatRecalculationsEnd(); } private static bool FireTurboEqp(orig_PerformEquipmentAction orig, EquipmentSlot self, EquipmentDef equipmentDef) { if (equipmentList.TryGetValue(equipmentDef, out var value)) { return value.FireAction(self); } return orig.Invoke(self, equipmentDef); } } [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "TurboEdition/SerializableContentPackExpanded")] internal class SerializableContentPackExpanded : SerializableContentPack { public ItemTierDef[] itemTierDefs = Array.Empty<ItemTierDef>(); public ItemRelationshipProvider[] itemRelationshipProviders = Array.Empty<ItemRelationshipProvider>(); public ItemRelationshipType[] itemRelationshipTypes = Array.Empty<ItemRelationshipType>(); public ExpansionDef[] expansionDefs = Array.Empty<ExpansionDef>(); public EntitlementDef[] entitlementDefs = Array.Empty<EntitlementDef>(); public MiscPickupDef[] miscPickupDefs = Array.Empty<MiscPickupDef>(); public ContentPack CreateV1_2_1_0_ContentPack() { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0006: Expected O, but got Unknown ContentPack val = new ContentPack(); val.bodyPrefabs.Add(base.bodyPrefabs); val.masterPrefabs.Add(base.masterPrefabs); val.projectilePrefabs.Add(base.projectilePrefabs); val.gameModePrefabs.Add(base.gameModePrefabs); val.networkedObjectPrefabs.Add(base.networkedObjectPrefabs); val.skillDefs.Add(base.skillDefs); val.skillFamilies.Add(base.skillFamilies); val.sceneDefs.Add(base.sceneDefs); val.itemDefs.Add(base.itemDefs); val.equipmentDefs.Add(base.equipmentDefs); val.buffDefs.Add(base.buffDefs); val.eliteDefs.Add(base.eliteDefs); val.unlockableDefs.Add(base.unlockableDefs); val.survivorDefs.Add(base.survivorDefs); val.artifactDefs.Add(base.artifactDefs); val.effectDefs.Add(((IEnumerable<GameObject>)base.effectDefs).Select((Func<GameObject, EffectDef>)((GameObject asset) => new EffectDef(asset))).ToArray()); val.surfaceDefs.Add(base.surfaceDefs); val.networkSoundEventDefs.Add(base.networkSoundEventDefs); val.musicTrackDefs.Add(base.musicTrackDefs); val.gameEndingDefs.Add(base.gameEndingDefs); val.entityStateConfigurations.Add(base.entityStateConfigurations); (from type in ((object)this).GetType().Assembly.GetTypes() where typeof(EntityState).IsAssignableFrom(type) select type).ToList().ForEach(delegate(Type state) { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ref SerializableEntityStateType[] entityStateTypes = ref base.entityStateTypes; SerializableEntityStateType val2 = new SerializableEntityStateType(state); ArrayUtils.ArrayAppend<SerializableEntityStateType>(ref entityStateTypes, ref val2); }); List<Type> list = new List<Type>(); for (int i = 0; i < base.entityStateTypes.Length; i++) { Type stateType = ((SerializableEntityStateType)(ref base.entityStateTypes[i])).stateType; if (stateType != null) { list.Add(stateType); continue; } Debug.LogWarning((object)("SerializableContentPack \"" + ((Object)this).name + "\" could not resolve type with name \"" + ((SerializableEntityStateType)(ref base.entityStateTypes[i])).typeName + "\". The type will not be available in the content pack.")); } val.entityStateTypes.Add(list.ToArray()); val.itemTierDefs.Add(itemTierDefs); val.itemRelationshipProviders.Add(itemRelationshipProviders); val.itemRelationshipTypes.Add(itemRelationshipTypes); val.expansionDefs.Add(expansionDefs); val.entitlementDefs.Add(entitlementDefs); val.miscPickupDefs.Add(miscPickupDefs); return val; } public override ContentPack CreateContentPack() { return CreateV1_2_1_0_ContentPack(); } } public class TEContent : IContentPackProvider { public delegate IEnumerator LoadStaticContentAsyncDelegate(LoadStaticContentAsyncArgs args); public delegate IEnumerator GenerateContentPackAsyncDelegate(GetContentPackAsyncArgs args); public delegate IEnumerator FinalizeAsyncDelegate(FinalizeAsyncArgs args); public static class Artifacts { public static ArtifactDef MeltdownArtifact; public static ArtifactDef PainArtifact; public static ArtifactDef Spite2Artifact; public static ArtifactDef WormsArtifact; } public static class ItemTiers { public static ItemTierDef CurseItemTier; public static ItemTierDef DualItemTier; } public static class Items { public static ItemDef AddTeleporterRadius; public static ItemDef AirborneBonus; public static ItemDef AirborneDash; public static ItemDef BaneMask; public static ItemDef BloodEconomy; public static ItemDef DropletDupe; public static ItemDef GracePeriod; public static ItemDef Hitlag; public static ItemDef ItemDeployer; public static ItemDef KnifeFan; public static ItemDef MeleeArmor; public static ItemDef MoneyBank; public static ItemDef PackDuplicator; public static ItemDef PackMagnet; public static ItemDef RadioSearch; public static ItemDef RadioSearchVoid; public static ItemDef SoulDevourer; public static ItemDef StandBonus; public static ItemDef SuperStickies; public static ItemDef Typewriter; public static ItemDef WardOnLevelVoid; } public static class Equipment { public static EquipmentDef CursedScythe; public static EquipmentDef Hellchain; public static EquipmentDef LeaveStage; public static EquipmentDef VoidSquad; } public static class Buffs { public static BuffDef CannotSprint; public static BuffDef ElectroStatic; public static BuffDef HellLinked; public static BuffDef MeleeArmor; public static BuffDef Panic; public static BuffDef WardOnLevelVoid; } public static class Expansions { public static ExpansionDef TurboExpansion; } public static class Survivors { public static SurvivorDef Grenadier; public static SurvivorDef StaffMage; } public static class Scenes { public static SceneDef observatory; } private static bool alreadyLoadedBaseGame; public SerializableContentPack serializableContentPack; public ContentPack tempPackFromSerializablePack = new ContentPack(); public static LoadStaticContentAsyncDelegate onLoadStaticContent { get; set; } public static GenerateContentPackAsyncDelegate onGenerateContentPack { get; set; } public static FinalizeAsyncDelegate onFinalizeAsync { get; set; } public string identifier => "TurboEdition"; public IEnumerator LoadStaticContentAsync(LoadStaticContentAsyncArgs args) { List<AssetBundle> loadedBundles = new List<AssetBundle>(); string[] bundlePaths = Assets.GetAssetBundlePaths(); int i = 0; while (i < bundlePaths.Length) { AssetBundleCreateRequest bundleLoadRequest = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(bundlePaths[i]); while (!((AsyncOperation)bundleLoadRequest).isDone) { args.ReportProgress(Util.Remap(((AsyncOperation)bundleLoadRequest).progress + (float)i, 0f, (float)bundlePaths.Length, 0f, 0.8f)); yield return null; } int num = i + 1; loadedBundles.Add(bundleLoadRequest.assetBundle); i = num; } Assets.loadedAssetBundles = new ReadOnlyCollection<AssetBundle>(loadedBundles); serializableContentPack = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<SerializableContentPack>("ContentPackV2"); tempPackFromSerializablePack = serializableContentPack.CreateContentPack(); tempPackFromSerializablePack.identifier = identifier; ContentLoadHelper.PopulateTypeFields<ArtifactDef>(typeof(Artifacts), tempPackFromSerializablePack.artifactDefs, (Func<string, string>)null); ContentLoadHelper.PopulateTypeFields<ItemTierDef>(typeof(ItemTiers), tempPackFromSerializablePack.itemTierDefs, (Func<string, string>)null); ContentLoadHelper.PopulateTypeFields<ItemDef>(typeof(Items), tempPackFromSerializablePack.itemDefs, (Func<string, string>)null); ContentLoadHelper.PopulateTypeFields<EquipmentDef>(typeof(Equipment), tempPackFromSerializablePack.equipmentDefs, (Func<string, string>)null); ContentLoadHelper.PopulateTypeFields<BuffDef>(typeof(Buffs), tempPackFromSerializablePack.buffDefs, (Func<string, string>)((string fieldName) => "bd" + fieldName)); ContentLoadHelper.PopulateTypeFields<SurvivorDef>(typeof(Survivors), tempPackFromSerializablePack.survivorDefs, (Func<string, string>)null); ContentLoadHelper.PopulateTypeFields<ExpansionDef>(typeof(Expansions), tempPackFromSerializablePack.expansionDefs, (Func<string, string>)null); ContentLoadHelper.PopulateTypeFields<SceneDef>(typeof(Scenes), tempPackFromSerializablePack.sceneDefs, (Func<string, string>)null); InitBuffs.Init(); InitVFX.Init(); if (onLoadStaticContent != null) { yield return onLoadStaticContent(args); } args.ReportProgress(1f); } public IEnumerator GenerateContentPackAsync(GetContentPackAsyncArgs args) { ContentPack.Copy(tempPackFromSerializablePack, args.output); bool flag = false; bool flag2 = false; Enumerator<ContentPackLoadInfo> enumerator = args.peerLoadInfos.GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ContentPackLoadInfo current = enumerator.Current; if (((ReadOnlyContentPack)(ref current.previousContentPack)).identifier == "RoR2.BaseContent") { flag = true; } if (((ReadOnlyContentPack)(ref current.previousContentPack)).identifier == "RoR2.DLC1") { flag2 = true; } } } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose(); } if (flag && flag2 && !alreadyLoadedBaseGame) { alreadyLoadedBaseGame = true; args.output.itemRelationshipProviders[0].relationshipType = ItemRelationshipTypes.ContagiousItem; args.output.itemRelationshipProviders[0].relationships[0].itemDef1 = Items.WardOnLevel; Scenes.observatory.destinationsGroup = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<SceneCollection>((object)"RoR2/Base/SceneGroups/sgStage1.asset").WaitForCompletion(); } if (onGenerateContentPack != null) { yield return onGenerateContentPack(args); } args.ReportProgress(1f); } public IEnumerator FinalizeAsync(FinalizeAsyncArgs args) { if (Directory.Exists(Assets.languageRoot)) { Language.collectLanguageRootFolders += delegate(List<string> stringList) { stringList.Add(Assets.languageRoot); }; MiscLanguage.AddDeathMessages(); } CostAndStatExtras.Init(); RoR2Application.isModded = true; NetworkModCompatibilityHelper.networkModList = NetworkModCompatibilityHelper.networkModList.Append("com.Anreol.TurboEdition;0.1.10"); if (onFinalizeAsync != null) { yield return onFinalizeAsync(args); } args.ReportProgress(1f); } } public class TELog { public static ManualLogSource logger; public static bool outputAlways; public TELog(ManualLogSource logger_) { logger = logger_; } public static void LogD(object data, bool alwaysLog = false, [CallerLineNumber] int i = 0, [CallerMemberName] string member = "") { if (logger != null && (outputAlways || alwaysLog)) { logger.LogDebug((object)logString(data, i, member)); } } public static void LogE(object data, bool alwaysLog = false, [CallerLineNumber] int i = 0, [CallerMemberName] string member = "") { if (logger != null && (outputAlways || alwaysLog)) { logger.LogError((object)logString(data, i, member)); } } public static void LogF(object data, bool alwaysLog = false, [CallerLineNumber] int i = 0, [CallerMemberName] string member = "") { if (logger != null && (outputAlways || alwaysLog)) { logger.LogFatal((object)logString(data, i, member)); } } public static void LogI(object data, bool alwaysLog = false, [CallerLineNumber] int i = 0, [CallerMemberName] string member = "") { if (logger != null && (outputAlways || alwaysLog)) { logger.LogInfo((object)logString(data, i, member)); } } public static void LogM(object data, bool alwaysLog = false, [CallerLineNumber] int i = 0, [CallerMemberName] string member = "") { if (logger != null && (outputAlways || alwaysLog)) { logger.LogMessage((object)logString(data, i, member)); } } public static void LogW(object data, bool alwaysLog = false, [CallerLineNumber] int i = 0, [CallerMemberName] string member = "") { if (logger != null && (outputAlways || alwaysLog)) { logger.LogWarning((object)logString(data, i, member)); } } private static string logString(object data, [CallerLineNumber] int i = 0, [CallerMemberName] string member = "") { return $"{data} :: Line: {i}, Method {member}"; } } internal class InitVFX { public static Dictionary<TemporaryVFX, GameObject> temporaryVfx = new Dictionary<TemporaryVFX, GameObject>(); public static void Init() { //IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002f: Expected O, but got Unknown if (!Application.isBatchMode) { InitializeVfx(); CharacterBody.onBodyStartGlobal += AddVFXManager; SceneCamera.onSceneCameraPreRender += new SceneCameraDelegate(SceneCamera_onSceneCameraPreRender); } } private static void SceneCamera_onSceneCameraPreRender(SceneCamera sceneCamera) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)sceneCamera.cameraRigController)) { return; } foreach (TurboVFXManager instances in InstanceTracker.GetInstancesList<TurboVFXManager>()) { instances.UpdateForCamera(sceneCamera.cameraRigController); } } private static void InitializeVfx() { foreach (Type item in from type in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() where !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(TemporaryVFX)) select type) { TemporaryVFX temporaryVFX = (TemporaryVFX)Activator.CreateInstance(item); if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)temporaryVFX.tempVfxRootGO)) { TELog.LogE(string.Concat("TempVFX ", temporaryVFX, " is missing the visual effect root GameObject. Check Unity Project. Skipping."), alwaysLog: true, 46, "InitializeVfx"); continue; } temporaryVFX.Initialize(); temporaryVfx.Add(temporaryVFX, temporaryVFX.tempVfxRootGO); } } private static void AddVFXManager(CharacterBody body) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)body) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)body.modelLocator)) { ((Component)body).gameObject.AddComponent<TurboVFXManager>(); } } } public static class WwiseSoundbanks { public static string soundBankDirectory => Path.Combine(Assets.assemblyDir, "soundbanks"); [SystemInitializer(new Type[] { })] private static void Init() { //IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0012: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) AkSoundEngine.AddBasePath(soundBankDirectory); uint num = default(uint); AkSoundEngine.LoadBank("TurboInit", ref num); AkSoundEngine.LoadBank("TurboBank", ref num); AkBankManager.LoadBank("TurboMusicBank", false, false); } } [BepInPlugin("com.Anreol.TurboEdition", "TurboEdition", "0.1.10")] public class TurboUnityPlugin : BaseUnityPlugin { [Serializable] [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class <>c { public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c(); public static CollectContentPackProvidersDelegate <>9__6_0; internal void <Awake>b__6_0(AddContentPackProviderDelegate addContentPackProvider) { addContentPackProvider.Invoke((IContentPackProvider)(object)new TEContent()); } } internal const string ModVer = "0.1.10"; internal const string ModIdentifier = "TurboEdition"; public const string ModGuid = "com.Anreol.TurboEdition"; public static TurboUnityPlugin instance; public static PluginInfo pluginInfo; public static uint playMusicSystemID; public void Awake() { //IL_0030: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003b: Expected O, but got Unknown TELog.logger = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger; pluginInfo = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Info; instance = this; object obj = <>c.<>9__6_0; if (obj == null) { CollectContentPackProvidersDelegate val = delegate(AddContentPackProviderDelegate addContentPackProvider) { addContentPackProvider.Invoke((IContentPackProvider)(object)new TEContent()); }; <>c.<>9__6_0 = val; obj = (object)val; } ContentManager.collectContentPackProviders += (CollectContentPackProvidersDelegate)obj; } private void FeedbackLog(Run arg1, RunReport arg2) { TELog.LogW("That was a good run, right? If you used Turbo Edition content, please fill up this form below!", alwaysLog: true, 52, "FeedbackLog"); TELog.LogW("", alwaysLog: true, 53, "FeedbackLog"); } private void activeSceneChanged(Scene current, Scene next) { //IL_0084: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c7: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0176: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0125: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0139: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01b5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!((Scene)(ref next)).isLoaded || !(((Scene)(ref next)).name == "renderitem")) { return; } GameObject val = GameObject.Find("ITEM GOES HERE (can offset from here)"); GameObject val2 = null; GameObject[] rootGameObjects = ((Scene)(ref next)).GetRootGameObjects(); foreach (GameObject val3 in rootGameObjects) { if (((Object)val3).name == "move me for pleasant local lighting details") { val2 = val3; } } if ((Object)(object)val2 != (Object)null) { GameObject obj = GameObject.CreatePrimitive((PrimitiveType)3); obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f); obj.transform.SetParent(val2.transform); } FieldInfo[] fields = typeof(TEContent.Items).GetFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { ItemDef val4 = (ItemDef)fields[i].GetValue(null); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val4.pickupModelPrefab) && !((Object)val4.pickupModelPrefab).name.Contains("Placeholder")) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val)) { Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(val4.pickupModelPrefab, val.transform).SetActive(false); } else { Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(val4.pickupModelPrefab, new Vector3(-0.06f, 0.04f, 2.07f), Quaternion.Euler(0f, 210.6264f, 0f)).SetActive(false); } } } fields = typeof(TEContent.Survivors).GetFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { SurvivorDef val5 = (SurvivorDef)fields[i].GetValue(null); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val5.displayPrefab)) { Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(val5.displayPrefab, new Vector3(0.04f, -0.09f, 2.17f), Quaternion.Euler(0f, 210.6264f, 0f)).SetActive(false); } } } private void onFixedUpdate() { //IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)284)) { Addressables.LoadSceneAsync((object)"RoR2/Dev/renderitem/renderitem.unity", (LoadSceneMode)0, true, 100); } } } } namespace TurboEdition.TempVFX { internal class vfxDeathCards : TemporaryVFX { public override GameObject tempVfxRootGO { get; set; } = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("FX_Death_Cards"); public override bool IsEnabled(ref CharacterBody body) { if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)body.inventory)) { return false; } if (body.inventory.GetItemCount(TEContent.Items.DropletDupe) > 0) { DropletDupeBodyBehavior component = ((Component)body).GetComponent<DropletDupeBodyBehavior>(); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)component) && component.suicideReady) { TELog.LogW("Started spewing cards... or should.", alwaysLog: false, 21, "IsEnabled"); return true; } } return false; } } internal class vfxDummy1 : TemporaryVFX { public override GameObject tempVfxRootGO { get; set; } = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("vfxTonicTest"); public override bool IsEnabled(ref CharacterBody body) { return false; } } internal class VfxHellLinkedBuffIndicator : TemporaryVFX { public override GameObject tempVfxRootGO { get; set; } = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("FX_HellLinked_Buff_Effect"); public override bool IsEnabled(ref CharacterBody body) { if (body.GetBuffCount(TEContent.Buffs.HellLinked) > 0) { return true; } return false; } } internal class vfxPanicDrops : TemporaryVFX { public override GameObject tempVfxRootGO { get; set; } = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("FX_Panic_Buff_Effect"); public override string GetChildOverride(ref CharacterBody body) { return "Head"; } public override bool IsEnabled(ref CharacterBody body) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)body.master)) { BaseAI[] aiComponents = body.master.aiComponents; for (int i = 0; i < aiComponents.Length; i++) { if (aiComponents[i].stateMachine.state is ForceFlee) { return true; } } } return false; } } internal class VfxVoidWarbannerBuffIndicator : TemporaryVFX { public override GameObject tempVfxRootGO { get; set; } = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("FX_VoidWarbanner_Buff_Effect"); public override bool IsEnabled(ref CharacterBody body) { if (body.GetBuffCount(TEContent.Buffs.WardOnLevelVoid) > 0) { return true; } return false; } } public abstract class TemporaryVFX { public abstract GameObject tempVfxRootGO { get; set; } public virtual void Initialize() { } public virtual float GetEffectRadius(ref CharacterBody body) { return body.radius; } public virtual string GetChildOverride(ref CharacterBody body) { return ""; } public virtual bool IsEnabled(ref CharacterBody body) { return false; } } } namespace TurboEdition.ScriptableObjects { internal class EnergyPairedSteppedSkillDef { } [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "TurboEdition/SkillDef/GrenadierSpecialSkillDef")] internal class GrenadierSpecialSkillDef : SkillDef { public class InstanceData : BaseSkillInstanceData, IDisposable { public bool hasFullyUnloadedPrimary; public int maxSkillStockExtra; public int skillStocksExtra; public int previousSkillStocks; internal GameObject notification; internal GameObject flashPanel; internal GameObject highlightPanel; internal OverlayController overlayController; internal ImageFillController fillBarController; internal HGTextMeshProUGUI currentExtraStockText; public InstanceData(int maxStockFromReloading) { maxSkillStockExtra = maxStockFromReloading; skillStocksExtra = 0; previousSkillStocks = 0; } public void AssignOverlay(OverlayController newOverlay) { if (overlayController != null) { overlayController.onInstanceAdded -= onOverlayAdded; overlayController.onInstanceRemove -= onOverlayRemoved; HudOverlayManager.RemoveOverlay(overlayController); } overlayController = newOverlay; overlayController.onInstanceAdded += onOverlayAdded; overlayController.onInstanceRemove += onOverlayRemoved; } private void onOverlayRemoved(OverlayController controller, GameObject instance) { notification = null; flashPanel = null; highlightPanel = null; fillBarController = null; currentExtraStockText = null; } private void onOverlayAdded(OverlayController controller, GameObject instance) { ChildLocator component = instance.GetComponent<ChildLocator>(); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)component)) { notification = ((Component)component.FindChild("NotificationPanel")).gameObject; flashPanel = ((Component)component.FindChild("FlashPanel")).gameObject; highlightPanel = ((Component)component.FindChild("HighlightPanel")).gameObject; fillBarController = ((Component)component.FindChild("FillBar")).GetComponent<ImageFillController>(); currentExtraStockText = ((Component)component.FindChild("CurrentExtraStockText")).GetComponent<HGTextMeshProUGUI>(); } } public void Dispose() { hasFullyUnloadedPrimary = false; maxSkillStockExtra = 0; skillStocksExtra = 0; previousSkillStocks = 0; if (overlayController != null) { HudOverlayManager.RemoveOverlay(overlayController); overlayController.onInstanceAdded -= onOverlayAdded; overlayController.onInstanceRemove -= onOverlayRemoved; } } public void FixedUpdate(GenericSkill runningGS, string sfxToPlayOnExtraStockGained) { previousSkillStocks = runningGS.stock; if (runningGS.characterBody.skillLocator.primary.stock == 0) { hasFullyUnloadedPrimary = true; } if (runningGS.characterBody.skillLocator.primary.stock == runningGS.characterBody.skillLocator.primary.maxStock && hasFullyUnloadedPrimary) { hasFullyUnloadedPrimary = false; if (skillStocksExtra < maxSkillStockExtra) { skillStocksExtra++; runningGS.RecalculateValues(); if (runningGS.CanApplyAmmoPack()) { notification.SetActive(true); highlightPanel.SetActive(true); flashPanel.SetActive(true); runningGS.ApplyAmmoPack(); Util.PlaySound(sfxToPlayOnExtraStockGained, ((Component)runningGS).gameObject); } } } if (overlayController != null) { UpdateUI(); } } private void UpdateUI() { //IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0048: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)fillBarController)) { fillBarController.SetTValue((float)skillStocksExtra / (float)maxSkillStockExtra); Image[] images = fillBarController.images; for (int i = 0; i < images.Length; i++) { ((Graphic)images[i]).color = (Color)((skillStocksExtra == maxSkillStockExtra) ? new Color(0.9987254f, 1f, 0.4575472f) : Color.white); } } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)currentExtraStockText)) { ((TMP_Text)currentExtraStockText).SetText(Language.GetStringFormatted("GRENADIER_UI_SKILLDEF_FORMAT", new object[1] { skillStocksExtra }), true); } } } [Header("Grenadier Parameters")] public int maxExtraStocksFromReloading; [Tooltip("Description Token used whenever the user has its extra stocks full.")] public string holdingFullStocksDescriptionToken; [Tooltip("Wwise sound event string to play when a stock is gained.")] public string stockGainedSoundEffectString; public GameObject hudSkillOverlayPrefab; public override BaseSkillInstanceData OnAssigned([NotNull] GenericSkill skillSlot) { return (BaseSkillInstanceData)(object)new InstanceData(maxExtraStocksFromReloading); } public override string GetCurrentDescriptionToken(GenericSkill skillSlot) { InstanceData instanceData = (InstanceData)(object)skillSlot.skillInstanceData; if (instanceData != null && instanceData.skillStocksExtra == instanceData.maxSkillStockExtra) { return holdingFullStocksDescriptionToken; } return ((SkillDef)this).GetCurrentDescriptionToken(skillSlot); } public override void OnUnassigned(GenericSkill skillSlot) { if ((InstanceData)(object)skillSlot.skillInstanceData != null) { ((InstanceData)(object)skillSlot.skillInstanceData).Dispose(); } ((SkillDef)this).OnUnassigned(skillSlot); } public override void OnFixedUpdate(GenericSkill skillSlot) { //IL_010c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0127: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0129: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0136: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) ((SkillDef)this).OnFixedUpdate(skillSlot); InstanceData instanceData = (InstanceData)(object)skillSlot.skillInstanceData; if (instanceData == null) { return; } if (instanceData.overlayController == null && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((IEnumerable<HUD>)HUD.instancesList).FirstOrDefault((Func<HUD, bool>)((HUD x) => (Object)(object)x.targetBodyObject == (Object)(object)((Component)skillSlot.characterBody).gameObject)))) { string text = ""; if ((Object)(object)skillSlot == (Object)(object)skillSlot.characterBody.skillLocator.primary) { text = "Skill1Root"; } if ((Object)(object)skillSlot == (Object)(object)skillSlot.characterBody.skillLocator.secondary) { text = "Skill2Root"; } if ((Object)(object)skillSlot == (Object)(object)skillSlot.characterBody.skillLocator.utility) { text = "Skill3Root"; } if ((Object)(object)skillSlot == (Object)(object)skillSlot.characterBody.skillLocator.special) { text = "Skill4Root"; } if (text.Length > 0) { OverlayCreationParams val = default(OverlayCreationParams); val.prefab = hudSkillOverlayPrefab; val.childLocatorEntry = text; OverlayCreationParams val2 = val; instanceData.AssignOverlay(HudOverlayManager.AddOverlay(((Component)skillSlot).gameObject, val2)); } } instanceData.FixedUpdate(skillSlot, stockGainedSoundEffectString); } public override void OnExecute([NotNull] GenericSkill skillSlot) { //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) skillSlot.stateMachine.SetInterruptState(((SkillDef)this).InstantiateNextState(skillSlot), base.interruptPriority); if (base.cancelSprintingOnActivation) { skillSlot.characterBody.isSprinting = false; } if (base.resetCooldownTimerOnUse) { skillSlot.rechargeStopwatch = 0f; } } public override int GetMaxStock([NotNull] GenericSkill skillSlot) { InstanceData instanceData = (InstanceData)(object)skillSlot.skillInstanceData; if (instanceData != null) { return base.baseMaxStock + instanceData.skillStocksExtra; } return base.baseMaxStock; } } [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "TurboEdition/MusicTrackSafeDef")] public class MusicTrackSafeDef : MusicTrackDef { public override void Preload() { Bank soundBank = base.soundBank; if (soundBank == null) { TELog.LogE($"Failed to load soundbank! Tried to load: {base.soundBank} in {((MusicTrackDef)this).cachedName}", alwaysLog: true, 15, "Preload"); return; } soundBank.Load(false, false); if (TurboUnityPlugin.playMusicSystemID == 0) { TurboUnityPlugin.playMusicSystemID = AkSoundEngine.PostEvent("Play_Music_System_TurboEditon", ((Component)TurboUnityPlugin.instance).gameObject); } } public override void Play() { //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 ((MusicTrackDef)this).Preload(); State[] states = base.states; foreach (State val in states) { if ((int)AkSoundEngine.SetState(((BaseGroupType)val).GroupId, ((BaseType)val).Id) > 1) { TELog.LogE($"ERROR setting state: {((BaseType)val).Name} with State GroupId {((BaseGroupType)val).GroupId} and State Id {((BaseType)val).Id} in {((MusicTrackDef)this).cachedName}", alwaysLog: true, 35, "Play"); } else { TELog.LogI($"Successfully set: {((BaseType)val).Name} with State GroupId {((BaseGroupType)val).GroupId} and State Id {((BaseType)val).Id} in {((MusicTrackDef)this).cachedName}", alwaysLog: true, 39, "Play"); } } } } internal class SteppedSkillPairedSkillDef { } [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "TurboEdition/UI/HealthBarStyle")] public class SerializableBarStyle : ScriptableObject { public BarStyle style; } [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "TurboEdition/SpawnCards/SerializableDirectorCard")] internal class SerializableDirectorCard : ScriptableObject { public SpawnCard spawnCard; [Tooltip("Name of scenes to spawn in.")] public string[] sceneNamesToBeUsedIn; [Tooltip("The enemy category or interactable category to add itself to.")] public string categoryName; [Tooltip("For reference, Chance Shrines has a weight of 4.")] public int selectionWeight; [Tooltip("Only used by monster spawns, how far should it spawn from players.")] public MonsterSpawnDistance spawnDistance; [Tooltip("Should it prevent spawning under terrain.")] public bool preventOverhead; [Tooltip("The minimum (inclusive) number of stages COMPLETED (not reached) before this card becomes available.")] public int minimumStageCompletions; public UnlockableDef requiredUnlockableDef; public UnlockableDef forbiddenUnlockableDef; public DirectorCard CreateDirectorCard() { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0005: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005a: Expected O, but got Unknown return new DirectorCard { spawnCard = spawnCard, selectionWeight = selectionWeight, spawnDistance = spawnDistance, preventOverhead = preventOverhead, minimumStageCompletions = minimumStageCompletions, requiredUnlockableDef = requiredUnlockableDef, forbiddenUnlockableDef = forbiddenUnlockableDef }; } } } namespace TurboEdition.Items { public abstract class Item { public abstract ItemDef itemDef { get; set; } public virtual void Initialize() { } public virtual void AddBehavior(ref CharacterBody body, int stack) { } public virtual void RecalcStatsStart(ref CharacterBody body, int stack) { } public virtual void RecalcStatsEnd(ref CharacterBody body, int stack) { } } internal class AirborneBonus : Item { public override ItemDef itemDef { get; set; } = TEContent.Items.AirborneBonus; public override void RecalcStatsEnd(ref CharacterBody body, int stack) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)body.characterMotor) && !body.characterMotor.isGrounded && stack > 0) { CharacterBody obj = body; obj.damage += body.baseDamage * 0.1f + body.baseDamage * 0.1f * (float)(stack - 1); } } } internal class AirborneDashBehavior : BaseItemBodyBehavior { private const float curveDuration = 0.5f; private const float graceDuration = 0.75f; private const float coneAngle = 10f; private const float accumulationTime = 0.35f; private AnimationCurveAsset animationCurveAsset = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<AnimationCurveAsset>("AirborneDashEvaluationCurve"); private Vector3 firstTapDirection; private bool firstTapReleased; private float stopwatch; private float graceStopwatch; private float accumulationAge; [ItemDefAssociation(useOnServer = false, useOnClient = true)] private static ItemDef GetItemDef() { return TEContent.Items.AirborneDash; } public void FixedUpdate() { //IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0100: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0105: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0081: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0086: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0060: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0065: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0208: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_020d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_021e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0251: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0252: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_025c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0261: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0266: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (!((NetworkBehaviour)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body).hasAuthority) { return; } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank)) { if (!firstTapReleased) { if (((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.moveVector != && graceStopwatch <= 0f) { firstTapDirection = ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.moveVector; graceStopwatch = 0.75f; } firstTapReleased = ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.moveVector ==; } firstTapReleased = firstTapReleased && graceStopwatch > 0f && stopwatch <= 0f; } if (stopwatch <= 0f) { ProcessEvasion(); } if (graceStopwatch > 0f) { graceStopwatch -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; if (((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.moveVector == && !firstTapReleased) { graceStopwatch = 0f; } } if (accumulationAge > 0f) { accumulationAge -= Time.fixedDeltaTime / 4f; } if (stopwatch > 0f) { stopwatch -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.characterDirection) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.characterMotor)) { Vector3 forward = ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.characterDirection.forward; float num = ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.acceleration * ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.characterMotor.airControl; float num2 = Mathf.Sqrt((10f + 10f * ((float)base.stack - 1f)) / num); float num3 = ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.moveSpeed / num; ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.characterDirection.moveVector = ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.moveVector; CharacterMotor characterMotor = ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.characterMotor; characterMotor.rootMotion += (num2 + num3) / num3 * animationCurveAsset.value.Evaluate(stopwatch / 0.5f) * ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.moveSpeed * forward * Time.fixedDeltaTime; } } } private void ProcessEvasion() { //IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0063: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0079: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0085: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_008f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009a: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b5: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00de: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00cc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0106: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (firstTapReleased && ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.moveVector != && Vector3.Dot(firstTapDirection, ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.moveVector) >= Mathf.Cos(0.17453292f)) { EffectManager.SpawnEffect(Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Prefabs/Effects/BoostJumpEffect"), new EffectData { origin = ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.footPosition, rotation = Util.QuaternionSafeLookRotation(((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.characterMotor.velocity) }, true); CharacterDirection characterDirection = ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.characterDirection; Vector3 val = ((((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.moveVector == ? ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.characterDirection.forward : ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.moveVector); characterDirection.forward = ((Vector3)(ref val)).normalized; stopwatch = 0.5f; ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.AddTimedBuffAuthority(Buffs.HiddenInvincibility.buffIndex, Mathf.Clamp01(animationCurveAsset.value.Evaluate(accumulationAge))); accumulationAge = Mathf.Clamp(0.25f, accumulationAge + 0.35f, 10f); } } } public class BaneMaskBodyBehavior : BaseItemBodyBehavior, IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver { private static GameObject pulsePrefab = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Net_BaneMask_Pulse"); private static GameObject pulseRechargePrefab = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("FX_BaneMask_Recharge"); private bool alreadyOut = true; private bool percentTriggered; private SphereSearch sphereSearch; [ItemDefAssociation(useOnServer = true, useOnClient = false)] private static ItemDef GetItemDef() { return TEContent.Items.BaneMask; } private void Start() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent)) { ref IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver[] onTakeDamageReceivers = ref ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.onTakeDamageReceivers; IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver val = (IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver)(object)this; ArrayUtils.ArrayAppend<IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver>(ref onTakeDamageReceivers, ref val); } } private void OnDestroy() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent)) { int num = Array.IndexOf(((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.onTakeDamageReceivers, (IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver)(object)this); if (num > -1) { ArrayUtils.ArrayRemoveAtAndResize<IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver>(ref ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.onTakeDamageReceivers, ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.onTakeDamageReceivers.Length, num); } } } private void FixedUpdate() { //IL_0053: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0058: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007a: Expected O, but got Unknown if ( { if (!((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.outOfDanger && alreadyOut) { GeneratePulse(); alreadyOut = false; } else if (((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.outOfDanger && !alreadyOut) { alreadyOut = true; percentTriggered = false; EffectManager.SpawnEffect(pulseRechargePrefab, new EffectData { origin = ((Component)this).transform.position, scale = 1f }, true); } } } private void GeneratePulse() { //IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0020: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0031: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0036: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0038: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0043: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0048: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0059: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0068: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_009e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a8: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_00b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ba: Expected O, but got Unknown GameObject obj = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(pulsePrefab, ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.transform.position, ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.transform.rotation); PulseController component = obj.GetComponent<PulseController>(); sphereSearch = new SphereSearch { queryTriggerInteraction = (QueryTriggerInteraction)2, mask = ((LayerIndex)(ref LayerIndex.entityPrecise)).mask, origin = ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.transform.position }; component.finalRadius = 8f + (float)(base.stack - 1) * 8f; component.duration = Mathf.Min(base.stack, 3); component.performSearch += new PerformSearchDelegate(Component_performSearch); component.onPulseHit += new OnPulseHitDelegate(Component_onPulseHit); component.StartPulseServer(); NetworkServer.Spawn(obj); } private void Component_performSearch(PulseController pulseController, Vector3 origin, float radius, List<PulseSearchResult> dest) { //IL_0006: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0051: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ab: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b7: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) sphereSearch.origin = origin; sphereSearch.radius = radius; if (sphereSearch.radius <= 0f) { return; } List<HurtBox> list = CollectionPool<HurtBox, List<HurtBox>>.RentCollection(); sphereSearch.RefreshCandidates().FilterCandidatesByDistinctHurtBoxEntities().FilterCandidatesByHurtBoxTeam(TeamMask.GetEnemyTeams(((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.teamComponent.teamIndex)) .GetHurtBoxes(list); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)list[i].healthComponent)) { PulseSearchResult item = default(PulseSearchResult); item.hitObject = (Object)(object)list[i].healthComponent; item.hitPos = list[i].healthComponent.body.transform.position; dest.Add(item); } } CollectionPool<HurtBox, List<HurtBox>>.ReturnCollection(list); } private void Component_onPulseHit(PulseController pulseController, PulseHit hitInfo) { //IL_0000: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0013: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0019: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0034: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_006b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (Object.op_Implicit(hitInfo.hitObject)) { HealthComponent val = (HealthComponent)hitInfo.hitObject; if (TeamManager.IsTeamEnemy(val.body.teamComponent.teamIndex, ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.teamComponent.teamIndex) && !val.body.isChampion && !val.body.isBoss) { val.body.AddTimedBuff(TEContent.Buffs.Panic, 5f * hitInfo.hitSeverity); } } } public void OnTakeDamageServer(DamageReport damageReport) { if (!damageReport.damageInfo.rejected && Util.CheckRoll(damageReport.damageDealt / ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.fullCombinedHealth, ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.master) && !percentTriggered) { GeneratePulse(); percentTriggered = true; } } } [Obsolete] public class BloodEconomyBodyBehavior : BaseItemBodyBehavior { private PurchaseInteraction[] localPurchaseList = (PurchaseInteraction[])(object)new PurchaseInteraction[0]; private int[] purchaseTimes = new int[0]; private InteractionDriver interactionDriver; private float interactableCooldown; private bool inputReceived; private static ItemDef GetItemDef() { return TEContent.Items.BloodEconomy; } private void Start() { interactionDriver = ((Component)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body).GetComponent<InteractionDriver>(); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)interactionDriver)) { interactableCooldown = interactionDriver.interactableCooldown; } } private void FixedUpdate() { //IL_00e0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00fb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0101: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0119: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_011f: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)interactionDriver)) { interactableCooldown -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; inputReceived = ((ButtonState)(ref ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.interact)).justPressed || (((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.interact.down && interactableCooldown <= 0f); if (((ButtonState)(ref ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.inputBank.interact)).justReleased) { inputReceived = false; interactableCooldown = 0f; } } if ((double)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.combinedHealthFraction < 0.35 || !inputReceived) { return; } GameObject val = interactionDriver.FindBestInteractableObject(); if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val)) { return; } IInteractable component = val.GetComponent<IInteractable>(); if (component == null || !((Behaviour)(MonoBehaviour)component).isActiveAndEnabled || (int)component.GetInteractability(interactionDriver.interactor) != 1) { return; } PurchaseInteraction component2 = val.GetComponent<PurchaseInteraction>(); if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)component2) || (int)component2.costType != 1 || component2.cost <= 5 || component2.cost < ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < localPurchaseList.Length; i++) { if ((Object)(object)localPurchaseList[i] == (Object)(object)component2) { if (purchaseTimes[i] < base.stack) { DecreasePriceOfPurchaseInteractor(component2); purchaseTimes[i]++; } return; } } ArrayUtils.ArrayAppend<PurchaseInteraction>(ref localPurchaseList, ref component2); ref int[] reference = ref purchaseTimes; int num = 1; ArrayUtils.ArrayAppend<int>(ref reference, ref num); DecreasePriceOfPurchaseInteractor(component2); } public void DecreasePriceOfPurchaseInteractor(PurchaseInteraction purchaseInteraction) { //IL_0011: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0016: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0029: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0035: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0041: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004b: Expected O, but got Unknown float damage = 20f; ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.TakeDamage(new DamageInfo { damage = damage, attacker = ((Component)purchaseInteraction).gameObject, position = ((Component)purchaseInteraction).gameObject.transform.position, damageType = (DamageType)3 }); if (!((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.isHealthLow) { DotController.InflictDot(((Component)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body).gameObject, ((Component)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body).gameObject, (DotIndex)0, 3f, 1E-06f, (uint?)1u); } purchaseInteraction.cost = Mathf.Max(5, purchaseInteraction.cost -= Run.instance.GetDifficultyScaledCost(2)); } } public static class BloodEconomyManager { private static Dictionary<CharacterBody, UnsafeZoneDamageManager> _bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPairs = new Dictionary<CharacterBody, UnsafeZoneDamageManager>(); private static Dictionary<IZone, PurchaseInteraction> _zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPairs = new Dictionary<IZone, PurchaseInteraction>(); private static List<PurchaseInteraction> _purchaseInteractionsToIgnore = new List<PurchaseInteraction>(); private static GameObject discountEffectPrefab = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("FX_BloodEconomy_Discount"); private static GameObject _cachedZonePrefab; public static GameObject LoadedZonePrefab { get { if ((Object)(object)_cachedZonePrefab == (Object)null) { _cachedZonePrefab = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("Net_BloodEconomy_Zone"); return _cachedZonePrefab; } return _cachedZonePrefab; } } [SystemInitializer(new Type[] { typeof(PickupCatalog) })] public static void Initialize() { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Expected O, but got Unknown Interactor.PerformInteraction += new hook_PerformInteraction(OnInteractionPerformed); Stage.onServerStageBegin += FlushData; RoR2Application.onFixedUpdate += ProcessManagers; } private static void ProcessManagers() { if (! || _bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPairs == null) { return; } foreach (KeyValuePair<CharacterBody, UnsafeZoneDamageManager> bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPair in _bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPairs) { bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPair.Value.ServerFixedUpdate(Time.fixedDeltaTime); } } private static void FlushData(Stage obj) { _bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPairs.Clear(); _zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPairs.Clear(); _purchaseInteractionsToIgnore.Clear(); } private static void OnInteractionPerformed(orig_PerformInteraction orig, Interactor interactor, GameObject interactableObject) { //IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003d: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_017e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0185: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01b1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01b6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01a4: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_01bb: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) orig.Invoke(interactor, interactableObject); if (! || !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)interactableObject)) { return; } PurchaseInteraction[] components = interactableObject.GetComponents<PurchaseInteraction>(); if (components.Length == 0 || !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)components[0]) || (int)components[0].GetInteractability(interactor) != 1 || CostTypeCatalog.GetCostTypeDef(components[0].costType) != CostTypeCatalog.GetCostTypeDef((CostTypeIndex)1)) { return; } CharacterBody component = ((Component)interactor).GetComponent<CharacterBody>(); int itemCount = component.inventory.GetItemCount(TEContent.Items.BloodEconomy); if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)component) || !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)component.inventory) || itemCount <= 0) { return; } if (_bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPairs.ContainsKey(component)) { bool flag = components.Any((PurchaseInteraction pi) => _zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPairs.ContainsValue(pi)); if (_bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPairs[component].UnsafeZones.Count < 3 && !flag) { GameObject obj = CreateZoneForPurchaseInteractionAndZoneManager(components[0], _bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPairs[component]); IZone component2 = obj.GetComponent<IZone>(); _zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPairs.Add(component2, components[0]); _bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPairs[component].AddUnsafeZone(component2); _bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPairs[component].flatDamageEachSecond = component.damage * (float)itemCount * 0.25f; CheckForOtherTerminals(component2, components[0]); NetworkServer.Spawn(obj); } } else { UnsafeZoneDamageManager unsafeZoneDamageManager = new UnsafeZoneDamageManager { attacker = ((Component)component).gameObject, flatDamageEachSecond = component.damage * (float)itemCount * 0.5f, damageType = (DamageType)1024, damageColorIndex = (DamageColorIndex)2, tickPeriodSeconds = 0.5f, teamMask = (((Object)(object)component.teamComponent != (Object)null) ? TeamMask.GetEnemyTeams(component.teamComponent.teamIndex) : TeamMask.all) }; unsafeZoneDamageManager.OnDamageDealtAnywhere += OnDamageDealt; GameObject obj2 = CreateZoneForPurchaseInteractionAndZoneManager(components[0], unsafeZoneDamageManager); IZone component3 = obj2.GetComponent<IZone>(); _zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPairs.Add(component3, components[0]); _bodyAndUnsafeZoneManagerPairs.Add(component, unsafeZoneDamageManager); unsafeZoneDamageManager.AddUnsafeZone(component3); CheckForOtherTerminals(component3, components[0]); NetworkServer.Spawn(obj2); } } private static void OnDamageDealt(DamageInfo obj, HealthComponent healthComponent) { //IL_0051: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0132: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0137: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0144: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_014e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_015f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_009c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a1: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00ae: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c9: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_010c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (obj == null || obj.rejected) { return; } DotController.InflictDot(((Component)healthComponent).gameObject, obj.attacker, (DotIndex)0, 3f, 0.5f, (uint?)null); foreach (KeyValuePair<IZone, PurchaseInteraction> zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPair in _zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPairs) { if (!zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPair.Key.IsInBounds(obj.position)) { continue; } PurchaseInteraction value = zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPair.Value; int num = (value.cost -= Mathf.Max(Mathf.FloorToInt(obj.damage * 0.1f), 1)); if (num <= 0) { EffectManager.SpawnEffect(discountEffectPrefab, new EffectData { origin = ((Component)zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPair.Value).transform.position, scale = 3f }, true); zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPair.Value.cost = 0; if (zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPair.Value.available) { obj.attacker.GetComponent<Interactor>().AttemptInteraction(((Component)zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPair.Value).gameObject); break; } NetworkServer.Destroy(((Component)(BaseZoneBehavior)zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPair.Key).gameObject); _zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPairs.Remove(zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPair.Key); } EffectManager.SpawnEffect(discountEffectPrefab, new EffectData { origin = ((Component)zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPair.Value).transform.position, scale = 1f }, true); zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPair.Value.cost = num; } } private static void CheckForOtherTerminals(IZone zoneBeingCreated, PurchaseInteraction purchaseInteraction) { ShopTerminalBehavior val = (((Object)(object)purchaseInteraction != (Object)null) ? ((Component)purchaseInteraction).GetComponent<ShopTerminalBehavior>() : null); if (!Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val) || !Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)val.serverMultiShopController)) { return; } GameObject[] terminalGameObjects = val.serverMultiShopController._terminalGameObjects; for (int i = 0; i < terminalGameObjects.Length; i++) { PurchaseInteraction component = terminalGameObjects[i].GetComponent<PurchaseInteraction>(); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)component)) { _purchaseInteractionsToIgnore.Add(component); } } } private static GameObject CreateZoneForPurchaseInteractionAndZoneManager(PurchaseInteraction purchaseInteraction, UnsafeZoneDamageManager unsafeZoneDamageManager) { GameObject val = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(LoadedZonePrefab, ((Component)purchaseInteraction).gameObject.transform); IZone zone = val.GetComponent<IZone>(); ((UnityEvent<Interactor>)(object)purchaseInteraction.onPurchase).AddListener((UnityAction<Interactor>)delegate { //IL_0046: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if ( && unsafeZoneDamageManager != null && zone != null && unsafeZoneDamageManager.UnsafeZones.Contains(zone)) { unsafeZoneDamageManager.RemoveUnsafeZone(zone); NetworkServer.Destroy(((Component)(BaseZoneBehavior)zone).gameObject); _zonesAndPurchaseInteractorsPairs.Remove(zone); } }); return val; } } public class DropletDupeBodyBehavior : BaseItemBodyBehavior, IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver { private static GameObject effectPrefab = Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("DropletDupeProcEffect"); private const float dropUpStrength = 30f; private const float baseDupeDelay = 15f; private float dupeDelay; private float dropForwardStrength = 2f; internal bool suicideReady; private MasterSuicideOnTimer masterSuicideOnTimer; [ItemDefAssociation(useOnServer = true, useOnClient = false)] private static ItemDef GetItemDef() { return TEContent.Items.DropletDupe; } private void OnEnable() { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Expected O, but got Unknown PickupDropletController.onDropletHitGroundServer += new PickupDropletHitGroundDelegate(onDropletHitGround); PurchaseInteraction.onItemSpentOnPurchase += onItemSpentOnPurchase; if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent)) { ref IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver[] onTakeDamageReceivers = ref ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.onTakeDamageReceivers; IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver val = (IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver)(object)this; ArrayUtils.ArrayAppend<IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver>(ref onTakeDamageReceivers, ref val); } } private void onItemSpentOnPurchase(PurchaseInteraction arg1, Interactor arg2) { DisableDupingFor(2.5f, additive: true); } private void FixedUpdate() { dupeDelay -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; } public void OnTakeDamageServer(DamageReport damageReport) { //IL_001f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0025: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 if ( && !((Object)(object)damageReport.attacker == (Object)null) && !damageReport.isFallDamage && (int)damageReport.dotType == -1 && Util.CheckRoll(3f * (float)base.stack, 0f - ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.master.luck, (CharacterMaster)null) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent) && !suicideReady) { TELog.LogW("Rolled for death", alwaysLog: false, 48, "OnTakeDamageServer"); suicideReady = true; if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.master) && (Object)(object)masterSuicideOnTimer == (Object)null) { masterSuicideOnTimer = ((Component)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.master).gameObject.AddComponent<MasterSuicideOnTimer>(); masterSuicideOnTimer.lifeTimer = 10f + Random.Range(0f, 10f); } else { ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.Suicide(damageReport.attacker, damageReport.attacker, (DamageType)0); } } } private void onDropletHitGround(ref CreatePickupInfo createPickupInfo, ref bool shouldSpawn) { //IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0026: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0033: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0045: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_004a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0052: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_005c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0064: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0069: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0071: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0083: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0090: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00b8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00bd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00cd: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00d2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00da: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e0: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_00e3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00e8: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00f6: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 //IL_011b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0120: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0122: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_012d: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_013a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0140: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0145: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0150: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0155: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_015a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0164: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (dupeDelay >= 0f) { return; } PickupIndex pickupIndex = ((CreatePickupInfo)(ref createPickupInfo)).pickupIndex; if (!((PickupIndex)(ref pickupIndex)).isValid || !shouldSpawn) { return; } pickupIndex = ((CreatePickupInfo)(ref createPickupInfo)).pickupIndex; if (((PickupIndex)(ref pickupIndex)).pickupDef.itemIndex == Items.ScrapWhite.itemIndex) { return; } pickupIndex = ((CreatePickupInfo)(ref createPickupInfo)).pickupIndex; if (((PickupIndex)(ref pickupIndex)).pickupDef.itemIndex == Items.ScrapGreen.itemIndex) { return; } pickupIndex = ((CreatePickupInfo)(ref createPickupInfo)).pickupIndex; if (((PickupIndex)(ref pickupIndex)).pickupDef.itemIndex == Items.ScrapRed.itemIndex) { return; } pickupIndex = ((CreatePickupInfo)(ref createPickupInfo)).pickupIndex; if (((PickupIndex)(ref pickupIndex)).pickupDef.itemIndex == Items.ScrapYellow.itemIndex) { return; } pickupIndex = ((CreatePickupInfo)(ref createPickupInfo)).pickupIndex; if (((PickupIndex)(ref pickupIndex)).pickupDef.isBoss) { return; } pickupIndex = ((CreatePickupInfo)(ref createPickupInfo)).pickupIndex; if (((PickupIndex)(ref pickupIndex)).pickupDef.isLunar) { return; } pickupIndex = ((CreatePickupInfo)(ref createPickupInfo)).pickupIndex; if ((int)((PickupIndex)(ref pickupIndex)).pickupDef.artifactIndex == -1) { pickupIndex = ((CreatePickupInfo)(ref createPickupInfo)).pickupIndex; if ((int)((PickupIndex)(ref pickupIndex)).pickupDef.equipmentIndex == -1 && Util.CheckRoll(8f + (float)(base.stack - 1) * 2.5f, 0f, (CharacterMaster)null)) { EffectData val = new EffectData { origin = createPickupInfo.position }; EffectManager.SpawnEffect(effectPrefab, val, true); PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet(((CreatePickupInfo)(ref createPickupInfo)).pickupIndex, createPickupInfo.position + Vector3.up * dropForwardStrength, Vector3.up * 30f); dupeDelay = 15f; } } } public void DisableDupingFor(float time, bool additive = false) { if (time > 0f) { if (additive) { dupeDelay += time; } else { dupeDelay = time; } } } private void OnDisable() { //IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0011: Expected O, but got Unknown PickupDropletController.onDropletHitGroundServer -= new PickupDropletHitGroundDelegate(onDropletHitGround); PurchaseInteraction.onItemSpentOnPurchase -= onItemSpentOnPurchase; if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.master) && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)masterSuicideOnTimer)) { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)masterSuicideOnTimer); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent)) { int num = Array.IndexOf(((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.onTakeDamageReceivers, (IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver)(object)this); if (num > -1) { ArrayUtils.ArrayRemoveAtAndResize<IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver>(ref ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.onTakeDamageReceivers, ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.onTakeDamageReceivers.Length, num); } } } } internal class GetDamageFromHurtVictimBodyBehavior : BaseItemBodyBehavior, IStatItemBehavior, IStatBarProvider { internal class ServerListener : MonoBehaviour, IOnDamageDealtServerReceiver, IOnTakeDamageServerReceiver { public GetDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment attachment; public void onServerCharacterExecuted(DamageReport arg1, float executionHealthLost) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)attachment)) { if ((Object)(object)arg1.attackerBody == (Object)(object) && attachment.currentDamage < (float)(10 + (attachment.stack - 1) * 10)) { GetDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment = attachment; getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment.NetworkcurrentDamage = getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment.currentDamage + 15f; } attachment.NetworkcurrentDamage = Mathf.Min(attachment.currentDamage, (float)(10 + (attachment.stack - 1) * 10)); } } public void OnDamageDealtServer(DamageReport damageReport) { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)attachment) && !(attachment.currentDamage >= (float)(10 + (attachment.stack - 1) * 10)) && damageReport.victim.isHealthLow) { if (damageReport.combinedHealthBeforeDamage >= damageReport.victim.fullCombinedHealth && !damageReport.victim.alive) { GetDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment = attachment; getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment.NetworkcurrentDamage = getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment.currentDamage + 15f; } if (damageReport.victim.alive) { GetDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment2 = attachment; getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment2.NetworkcurrentDamage = getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment2.currentDamage + damageReport.damageInfo.procCoefficient; } attachment.NetworkcurrentDamage = Mathf.Min(attachment.currentDamage, (float)(10 + (attachment.stack - 1) * 10)); } } public void OnTakeDamageServer(DamageReport damageReport) { //IL_0024: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)attachment) && (!damageReport.damageInfo.rejected || !damageReport.isFallDamage || (int)damageReport.dotType == -1)) { attachment.NetworkcurrentDamage = 0f; } } } private NetworkedBodyAttachment attachment; public GetDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment; internal const int stackFirst = 10; internal const int stackLater = 10; [ItemDefAssociation(useOnServer = true, useOnClient = false)] private static ItemDef GetItemDef() { return TEContent.Items.SoulDevourer; } [SystemInitializer(new Type[] { typeof(PickupCatalog) })] public static void Initialize() { GlobalEventManager.onServerCharacterExecuted += onServerCharacterExecuted; } private static void onServerCharacterExecuted(DamageReport arg1, float arg2) { if (arg1.attackerBody.inventory.GetItemCount(TEContent.Items.SoulDevourer) > 0) { ((Component)arg1.attackerBody).GetComponent<ServerListener>()?.onServerCharacterExecuted(arg1, arg2); } } private void Start() { if ( { attachment = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(Assets.mainAssetBundle.LoadAsset<GameObject>("SoulDevourerBodyAttachment")).GetComponent<NetworkedBodyAttachment>(); attachment.AttachToGameObjectAndSpawn(((Component)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body).gameObject, (string)null); getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment = ((Component)attachment).GetComponent<GetDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment>(); } } private void FixedUpdate() { if ( && !((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.healthComponent.alive) { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)this); } if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment)) { getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment.stack = base.stack; } } private void OnDestroy() { if ( && Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)attachment)) { Object.Destroy((Object)(object)((Component)attachment).gameObject); attachment = null; } } public void RecalculateStatsEnd() { if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment)) { getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment.RecalculateStatsEnd(); } } public void RecalculateStatsStart() { } public StatBarData GetStatBarData() { //IL_0037: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_007a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0087: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0091: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0096: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_009b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_00c3: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment)) { return getDamageFromHurtVictimBodyAttachment.GetStatBarData(); } StatBarData result = default(StatBarData); result.fillBarColor = new Color(0.3f, 1f, 0.8f, 1f); result.maxData = 0f; result.currentData = 0f; result.offData = "TOOLTIP_ITEM_INIT"; result.sprite = TEContent.Items.SoulDevourer.pickupIconSprite; result.tooltipContent = new TooltipContent { titleColor = Color32.op_Implicit(ColorCatalog.GetColor(ItemTierCatalog.GetItemTierDef(TEContent.Items.SoulDevourer.tier).darkColorIndex)), titleToken = TEContent.Items.SoulDevourer.nameToken, bodyToken = "TOOLTIP_ITEM_INIT" }; return result; } } public class GracePeriodBodyBehavior : BaseItemBodyBehavior { public class GraceBufferHit { public float duration; public DamageReport storedReport; public CharacterBody storedBody; public GraceBufferHit(CharacterBody body, DamageReport damageDealt, float l) { storedBody = body; storedReport = damageDealt; duration = l; } } private List<GraceBufferHit> hitList = new List<GraceBufferHit>(); private List<GraceBufferHit> buffer = new List<GraceBufferHit>(); [ItemDefAssociation(useOnServer = true, useOnClient = false)] private static ItemDef GetItemDef() { return TEContent.Items.GracePeriod; } private void OnEnable() { GlobalEventManager.onServerDamageDealt += onServerDamageDealt; } private void OnDisable() { GlobalEventManager.onServerDamageDealt -= onServerDamageDealt; } private void onServerDamageDealt(DamageReport obj) { bool flag = false; foreach (GraceBufferHit hit in hitList) { if ((Object)(object)hit.storedBody == (Object)(object)obj.victimBody && hit.duration > 0f) { flag = true; if (ShouldAdd(obj)) { hit.duration = base.stack; hit.storedReport = obj; } else if (!obj.victim.alive && (Object)(object)obj.attackerBody != (Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body) { SimulateDeathMethods(hit); } } } if (!flag && ShouldAdd(obj)) { GraceBufferHit item = new GraceBufferHit(((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body, obj, base.stack); hitList.Add(item); } } public void FixedUpdate() { foreach (GraceBufferHit hit in hitList) { hit.duration -= Time.fixedDeltaTime; if (hit.duration <= 0f) { buffer.Add(hit); } } foreach (GraceBufferHit item in buffer) { hitList.Remove(item); } buffer.Clear(); } private bool ShouldAdd(DamageReport obj) { //IL_001e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0024: Invalid comparison between Unknown and I4 if ((Object)(object)obj.attackerBody != (Object)(object)((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body) { return false; } if (obj.isFallDamage || (int)obj.dotType != -1 || obj.damageInfo.rejected || ((ProcChainMask)(ref obj.damageInfo.procChainMask)).HasProc((ProcType)7) || ((ProcChainMask)(ref obj.damageInfo.procChainMask)).HasProc((ProcType)1)) { return false; } if (Util.CheckRoll(100f, ((BaseItemBodyBehavior)this).body.master.luck, (CharacterMaster)null) && obj.victim.alive) { return true; } return false; } private void SimulateDeathMethods(GraceBufferHit graceBufferHit) { if (graceBufferHit.storedReport.victim.alive) { return; } IOnKilledServerReceiver[] co