Special: Transchirrmation

Updated a year ago


Transchirrmation Protranschirrmation

Transchirrmation is a special skill for Chirr.


  • Transforms an enemy within 5m who is below 50% health into an AI-controlled Chirr. Does not affect bosses.
    • Chirr lasts for 10 seconds.
    • Chirr shares the user's items and equipment.
    • Chirr uses the same item blacklist as her regular summons.

Scepter Effects

  • Can target bosses
  • Duration: 10 seconds => 20 seconds
  • Range: 5m => 10m


  • The name is a portmanteau of "transformation" and "Chirr".
  • Technically, the enemy is not transformed but killed and a Chirr is spawned in its position.
    • RoR2 has a TransformBody method for changing the body mid-game for when a player becomes the Heretic, however it does not change any AISkillDrivers.

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