zArtifact: Gungeon Mimic (Disabled)

Updated 11 months ago


Artifact of the Gungeon Mimic

Modifies the game to act similar to Gungeon. This artifact is a work in progress, and is definitely not setup for multiplayer.


* Everyone:
	* Max Health: x12.5% (0 per level)
	* Regen: None
	* Damage: x12.5% (0 per level)
	* Base Armor: Converted to Barrier on spawn
	* Barrier: No longer decays
	* Base Crit: 1% -> 0%
	* Barrier gain: x12.5%
	* Cooldowns: x1.25%
* Player:
	* Immunity after hit duration: 0.5 seconds
	* If a bullet has any of these damagetypes, then it is removed before hitting you:
		* DamageType.BleedOnHit, DamageType.BlightOnHit, DamageType.BonusToLowHealth, DamageType.BypassArmor, DamageType.BypassBlock, DamageType.BypassOneShotProtection, DamageType.IgniteOnHit, DamageType.PercentIgniteOnHit, DamageType.PoisonOnHit, DamageType.SuperBleedOnCrit
		* Removed b/c dealing with DoT's a bit too much for me rn
	* Received Damage:
		* 0: if less than 1 damage.
		* 1: if non-crit
		* 2: if crit (technically 1dmg x crit multiplier)
* Items:
	* Bison Steak: +25hp -> +1hp
	* Cautious Slug: +3 regen -> +1 regen
	* Disabled:
		* RoR2Content.Items.Mushroom, RoR2Content.Items.IgniteOnKill, RoR2Content.Items.Medkit, RoR2Content.Items.ArmorPlate, RoR2Content.Items.Infusion, RoR2Content.Items.Seed, RoR2Content.Items.ParentEgg, RoR2Content.Items.Knurl