FreeItemFriday adds 5 skill variants to existing survivors.
MUL-T: Reboot
 | Type | Utility
Cooldown | 60s
Description | Power down for 3 seconds to cleanse all debuffs, reset all your cooldowns, and restore missing health.
Requires 'MUL-T: Overclocked'As MUL-T, deal damage 100 times in one second.⍰ Notes- Prevents movement or skill use for 3 seconds and scales with attack speed.
- Fixed 0.4 second entry duration does not scale with attack speed
- Cleanses all debuffs similar to Blast Shower (does not clear nearby projectiles)
- Restores all skill stocks and the first equipment stock in both slots
- Sets health to full (not counted as healing) and forces shield regeneration
- Duration is configurable
Acrid: Venom
 | Type | Passive
Description | Attacks that apply Poison apply deadly Venom instead, immobilizing victims.
Requires 'Acrid: Ambush'As Acrid, defeat a boss monster while invisible.⍰ Notes- Stuns enemies for 1s
- Deals 100% damage per second (non-lethal) for 10 seconds and does not stack
- Reduces the victim's movement speed by 50%
- Reduces movement speed by an additional 100% for the first 0.5s (only affects enemies who are not stunned)
- Damage coefficient per second, duration, and movement speed reductions are configurable
Acrid: Disembowel
 | Type | Special
Cooldown | 10s
Proc Coefficient | 1.0 x 3
Description | Poisonous. Slayer. Lacerate an enemy for 3x200% damage, causing bleeding and hemorrhaging.
Requires 'Acrid: Virulence'As Acrid, clear the Void Fields on Monsoon before monsters reach Lv. 10.⍰ Notes- All three hits bleed enemies for 320% damage over 4 seconds and apply poison
- Final hit hemorrhages enemies for 2000% damage over 15 seconds
- Damage coefficient is configurable
Railgunner: XQR Chip
 | Type | Passive
Description | Smart Chip intercepts Weak Point display to highlight optimal ricochet angles instead.
Requires 'Railgunner: Supercharged'As Railgunner, beat the game on Eclipse while carrying a Fuel Array.⍰ Notes- Generates dynamic ricochet points based on target angle
- Ricochet shots bounce to enemies within 30m
- Bounce count is equal to
piercing damage coefficient * 4 (2 for secondaries, 4 for specials) - Enables normal critical strikes (Supercharge retains a crit damage bonus)
- Bounce radius is configurable
Railgunner: Pulse Grenade
 | Type | Primary
Proc Coefficient | 1.0
Description | Shocking. Fire a grenade that explodes for 300% damage.
Requires 'Railgunner: Hipster'As Railgunner, complete the Primordial Teleporter event without scoping in.⍰ Notes- Fires every 1.3 seconds with a 0.3 second delay
- Shocks targets for 2 seconds in a 5m radius
- Damage coefficient, duration, and firing delay are configurable