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IHarbHD-DebugToolkit-3.8.0 icon


Adds console command for debugging mods.

Date uploaded a year ago
Version 3.8.0
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Downloads 3997
Dependency string IHarbHD-DebugToolkit-3.8.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2117 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2117
RiskofThunder-R2API_Core-5.1.1 icon

Core R2API module

Preferred version: 5.1.1
RiskofThunder-R2API_ContentManagement-1.0.5 icon

API for adding content to the game

Preferred version: 1.0.5
RiskofThunder-R2API_Networking-1.0.2 icon

Networking API around the Unity UNet Low Level API (LLAPI)

Preferred version: 1.0.2
RiskofThunder-R2API_Prefab-1.0.4 icon

API for Prefab creation, networking and duplication

Preferred version: 1.0.4



This mod adds various debugging commands to the console. See below for all commands plus explanation.

Harb, iDeathHD and 's reimplementation of Morris1927's RoR2Cheats. Derived with permission.

Also adds autocompletion for arguments and networked commands giving their information to the right people to the console.

Track update progress, get support and suggest new features over at the DebugToolkit discord.

Some vanilla console functions you might not know:

  • The console can be opened with ctrl+alt+~.
  • help {command} may be used to get help for a specific command
  • find {term} can be used to find commands with that term.
  • max_messages {nr} changes how much scroll back the console has. We auto change this to 100 for you if it's on default.

Mods recommended for combined use:

  • KeyBindForConsole for easier enabling of the console. Especially useful for non-US keyboard layouts.
  • R2DSE for running DT on dedicated servers.
  • MidRunArtifacts for enabling and disabling artifacts during a run.

You may contact us at any time through issues on GitHub, the dedicated discord server or through the Risk of Rain 2 modding Discord found at the top of the Thunderstore website.

Additional Contributors



  • The brackets encapsulating arguments mean {needed}, (choose one), and [optional].
  • If an optional argument has a default value, it will be indicated with :. Any preceeding optional arguments from the one entered become necessary, but empty double quotes can be used as a placeholder for the default value. If an optional argument is required from a dedicated server, it will be preceeded by *.
  • Player, body, AI, item, equipment, team, elite, interactable, and director card values can be declared by either their ID, or their string name. The latter can be written in freeform and it will be matched to the first result that contains the string. See the related list_ commands for options and which result would take precedence if there are multiple matches.


  • next_stage - Advance to the next stage. next_stage [specific_stage]. If no stage is entered, the next stage in progression is selected.
  • force_family_event - Forces a Family Event to happen in the next stage, takes no arguments. force_family_event
  • next_boss - Sets the teleporter boss to the specified boss. Get a list of potential boss with list_directorcards. next_boss {director_card} [count:1] [elite:None]
  • fixed_time - Sets the time that has progressed in the run. Affects difficulty. fixed_time [time]. If no time is supplied, prints the current time to console.
  • add_portal - Teleporter will attempt to spawn after the teleporter completion. add_portal {portal ('blue'|'gold'|'celestial'|'null'|'void'|'deepvoid'|'all')}. The null portal doesn't require a teleporter and will spawn in front of the player.
  • seed - Set the seed for all next runs this session. seed [new_seed]. Use 0 to specify the game should generate its own seed. If used without argument, it's equivalent to the vanilla run_get_seed.
  • kill_all - Kills all members of a specified team. kill_all [team:Monster].
  • true_kill - Truly kill a player, ignoring revival effects. true_kill *[player:<self>]
  • respawn - Respawn a player at the map spawnpoint. respawn *[player:<self>]
  • teleport_on_cursor - Teleport you to where your cursor is currently aiming at. teleport_on_cursor
  • time_scale - Sets the timescale of the game. 0.5 would mean everything happens at half speed. time_scale [time_scale]. If no argument is supplied, gives the current timescale.
  • post_sound_event - Post a sound event to the AkSoundEngine (WWise) by its event name: post_sound_event {event_name}

List Commands:

  • All the list_ commands support filtering
  • list_player - List all Players and their ID.
  • list_body - List all Bodies and their language invariants.
  • list_ai - List all Masters and their language invariants.
  • list_elite - List all Elites and their language invariants.
  • list_team - List all Teams and their language invariants.
  • list_buff - List all Buffs and if they are stackable.
  • list_dot - List all DoT effects.
  • list_item - List all Items, their language invariants, and if they are in the current drop pool.
  • list_equip - List all Equipment, their language invariants, and if they are in the current drop pool.
  • list_interactables List all Interactables.
  • list_directorcards List all Director Cards. Mainly used for the next_boss command.
  • list_skins List all Body Skins and the language invariant of the current one in use.

Buff Commands:

  • give_buff - Gives a buff to a character. Duration of 0 means permanent: give_buff {buff} [count:1] [duration:0] *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • give_dot - Gives a DoT stack to a character: give_dot {dot} [count:1] *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>] *[attacker (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • remove_buff - Removes a buff from a character. Timed buffs prioritise the longest expiration stack: remove_buff {buff} [count:1] [timed (0|1):0/false] *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • remove_buff_stacks - Resets a buff for a character: remove_buff_stacks {buff} [timed (0|1):0/false] *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • remove_all_buffs - Resets all buffs for a character: remove_all_buffs [timed (0|1):0/false] *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • remove_dot - Removes a DoT stack with the longest expiration from a character: remove_dot {dot} [count:1] *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • remove_dot_stacks - Removes all stacks of a DoT effect from a character: remove_dot_stacks {dot} *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • remove_all_dots - Removes all DoT effects from a character: remove_all_dot *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]

Note: The game does not protect against negative buff stacks, which can lead to unintended behaviors. Gaining a timed buff gives a permanent stack which is taken away upon expiration. give_buff bleed 5 10; remove_buff_stacks bleed will lead to -5 bleed stacks when the timed buff expires. Having a DoT active is also similar to a timed buff.

Item Commands:

  • give_item - Give an item directly to a character's inventory: give_item {item} [count:1] *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • random_items - Generate random items from the available droptables. random_items {count} *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • give_equip - Give an equipment directly to a character's inventory: give_equip {(equip|'random')} *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • give_money - Gives the desired player/team money give_money {amount} [target ('all'|player):'all']
  • give_lunar - Gives the specified amount of lunar coins to the issuing player. A negative count may be specified to remove that many. give_lunar [amount:1]
  • remove_item - Removes an item from a character's inventory. remove_item {item} [count:1] *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • remove_item_stacks - Removes all item stacks from a character's inventory. remove_item_stacks {item} *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • remove_all_items - Removes all items from a character's inventory. remove_all_items *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • remove_equip - Sets the equipment of a character to 'None'. remove_equip *[target (player|'pinged'):<self>]
  • create_pickup - Creates a pickup in front of a player. Pickups are items, equipment, or lunar coins. Additionally 'item' or 'equip' may be specified to only search that list. create_pickup {object (item|equip|'coin')} [search ('item'|'equip'):<both>] *[player:<self>]

Spawn Commands:

  • spawn_interactable/spawn_interactible - Spawns an interactible in front of the player. (spawn_interactable|spawn_interactible) {interactable}
  • spawn_ai - Spawn an AI. spawn_ai {ai} [count:1] [elite:None] [braindead (0|1):0/false] [team:Monster].
  • spawn_as - Spawn as a new character. spawn_as {body} *[player:<self>]
  • spawn_body - Spawns a CharacterBody with no AI, inventory, or team alliance: spawn_body {body}
  • change_team - Change a player's team. change_team {team} *[player:<self>].

Cheat Commands:

  • no_enemies - Toggles enemy spawns.
  • god - Toggles HealthComponent.TakeDamage for all players. AKA: you can't take damage.
  • lock_exp - Prevents EXP gain for the player team.
  • noclip - Toggles noclip. Allow you to fly and going through objects. Sprinting will double the speed.

Bind Commands:

  • dt_bind - Bind a key to execute specific commands. dt_bind {key} {<consolecommands seperated by ;>}
  • dt_bind_delete Remove a custom bind. dt_bind_delete {key}
  • dt_bind_reload Reload the macro system from file. dt_bind_reload

Server Related Commands:

  • kick - Kicks the specified Player Name/ID from the game.

  • ban - Session bans the specified Player Name/ID from the game.

  • perm_enable - Enable or disable the permission system.

  • perm_mod - Change the permission level of the specified PlayerID/Username with the specified Permission Level.

Reload Commands:

  • perm_reload - Reload the permission system, updates user and commands permissions.
  • reload_all_config - Reload all default config files from all loaded BepinEx plugins.

Unlocked Vanilla Commands

  • sv_time_transmit_interval - How long it takes for the server to issue a time update to clients. sv_time_transmit_interval [time]
  • run_scene_override - Overrides the first scene to enter in a run. run_scene_override [scene]
  • stage1_pod - Whether or not to use the pod when spawning on the first stage. stage1_pod [(0|1)]
  • run_set_stages_cleared - Sets the amount of stages cleared. This does not change the current stage. run_set_stages_cleared {stage_count}. This obsoletes stage_clear_count from previous RoR2Cheats versions.
  • team_set_level - Sets the specified team to the specified level: team_set_level {team} {level}. This obsoletes give_exp from previous RoR2Cheats versions.
  • loadout_set_skill_variant - Sets the skill variant for the sender's user profile: loadout_set_skill_variant {body_name} {skill_slot_index} {skill_variant_index}. Note that this does not use the loose bodymatching from custom commands.
  • set_scene - Removed the cheat check on this. Functions similar but not really to our next_stage, doesn't have our cool autocomplete features, and doesn't advance the stage count, but can advance menus. set_scene {scene}

Additional Macros

  • midgame - This is the preset HopooGames uses for midgame testing. Gives all users random items, and drops you off in the bazaar. midgame
  • lategame - This is the preset HopooGames uses for endgame testing. Gives all users random items, and drops you off in the bazaar. lategame
  • dtzoom - Gives you 20 hooves and 200 feathers to get around the map quickly. Based on a command in the initial release of Risk of Rain 2.




  • 3.16.2

    • Updated to work with Seekers of the Storm update.
    • Fixed a bug with autocompletion where if the parameter were a number, e.g. "01", the dropdown would match that with the language text instead of its catalog index.
  • 3.16.1

    • Fixes macros not working in Photomode
  • 3.16.0

    • Added list_scene
    • Updated next_stage: Adds partial and case-insensitive name matching and also supports the stage language names. Filters out offline scenes from the autocompletion as they are invalid inputs.
    • Fixed throwing an error when an expansion-locked stage was used for next_stage and set_scene. A friendly message is printed instead.


  • 3.15.0
    • Updated project for the Devotion Update. Fixes create_potential that was broken because of it.
    • Added the keyword devotion for the target of item commands to modify the player's devotion inventory.
    • Updated noclip: Allows toggling the setting while dead and it does not disable itself when changing scenes.
    • Updated set_artifact: Fixes disabling all artifacts not removing the Kin display.
    • Updated post_sound_event: Now works client-side and also accepts either an event name or event ID.
    • The console now prints a message if a server command is used offline, e.g., on the main menu.
    • Enabled/disabled toggling messages are now color-coded green/red.


  • 3.14.0
    • This update is carried by SChinchi, thanks!
    • Added set_artifact: Enable/disable any Artifact.
    • Added list_artifact
    • Added charge_zone: Set the charge of all active holdout zones between 0 and 100.
    • Updated kill_all: Fixes a crash when a killed entity instantly spawns a new one, e.g., Mending Elites.
    • Updated spawn_as: Now internally uses CharacterMaster.TransformBody for simplicity. This has no effect in functionality.
    • Updated teleport_on_cursor: Fixes a crash when used with survivors that lack a KinematicCharacterMotor component.
    • Updated package references.
    • Fixed the NetWeaver not working. Now a fork can build a networked version with the workflow already in place.
    • Fixed the ping functionality to refer to the correct entity for commands that are submitted by a client to the server.
    • Updated the command autocompletion functionality. Now features autocompletion for all arguments past the first one, match highlighting, and match aliases for each option. A reminder of the command's signature also appears above the input field while typing. This functionality is open to other mods to make use of. More info here.


  • 3.13.0
    • This update is carried by SChinchi, thanks!
    • Add config for allowing keybinds with a runtime inspector.
    • Added spawn_portal: Spawns any portal in front of the player.
    • Updated add_portal: Now strictly for the teleporter related portals. Improved the void portal logic.
    • The infinite portal has been excluded from all of this because there is nothing special about it; it has no special destination and uses the run's next scene.
    • Updated next_boss: Fix the command spawning the max allowed count for 0 credit spawn cards.


  • 3.12.0
    • This update is carried by SChinchi, thanks!
    • Breaking change set_run_waves_cleared -> run_set_waves_cleared: To be consistent with the stage command counterpart.
    • Updated create_pickup and create_potential: Can now specify direction. Giving control of the spawning direction also allows one to spawn lunar coins on pressure plates more easily. Slightly adjusted the forward magnitude so that the objects don't go too far when aiming at 45 degrees.
    • Updated spawn_as: Fixes the command rolling a random body instead of the specified one when Metamorphosis is enabled.
    • Updated next_boss: Fixes the command rerolling the selection in some rare cases.
    • Updated god: The command now works similarly to both buddha and no_enemies, which persist between runs. And like the latter, there is no reason to have the value toggleable only within a run.
    • Updated arguments partial matching for commands. Details in PR #164
    • Updated noclip: Fix the command not working for flying entities. Fix noclip not behaving correctly after quitting a run with it on. Fix noclip restoring gravity even inside anti-gravity zones.


  • 3.11.0
    • This update is carried by SChinchi, thanks!
    • Updated give_money: Support negative amounts. This change was actually done in 3.10 but forgor to put it into the changelog.
    • Added create_potential: Creates a potential in front of a player. The first item tier defined in the droptable decides the color of the droplet and what items will be available with the Artifact of Command.
    • Some commands support a weighted item selection, referred to as droptable. More info in the README.
    • Updated random_items, midgame, and lategame. The last two now restore their behavior to the original Inventory.GiveRandomItems functionality.
    • Added restock_equip: Restock charges for the current equipment.


  • 3.10.0
    • This update is carried by SChinchi, thanks!
    • Updated give_item, give_equip, random_items, remove_item, remove_item_stacks, remove_all_items, remove_equip: Add the keywords "evolution", "simulacrum", and "voidfields" for item-related commands.
    • Updated spawn_ai: null spawn_card, player clipping, flyers flung away.
    • Updated buff commands: Work for masterless bodies.
    • Ignore keybinds when an inspector window is open.
    • Updated force_family_event: Fix some edge cases. Details here
    • Updated give_money: Support negative amounts.
    • Add prevent_profile_writing: Prevent saving the user profile to avoid bogus data. Enable before doing something and keep it until the end of the session.


  • 3.9.0
    • This update is basically carried by SChinchi and RandomlyAwesome, thanks!
    • Added buddha (aliases: budha, buddha, buda, budda): Become immortal. Instead of refusing damage you just refuse to take lethal damage. It works by giving all damage a player takes DamageType.NonLethal.
    • Added dump_buffs, dump_inventories, dump_stats and dump_state : Image showcasing the new commands. The buff/inventory ones are useful for keeping track of who has what. The latter is also helpful to verify which characters get any NoTier items. The stats one is mostly for wiki work, while the state one to get current stats during gameplay and/or skill cooldowns, entity state and AI values.
    • Added various simulacrum commands: next_wave, set_run_waves_cleared, force_wave and dump_state : next_wave (similar to next_stage for a classic run). set_run_waves_cleared {wave} (similar to set_run_stages_cleared). force_wave [wave_prefab] (similar to force_family). They add control to fast-track progression to certain wave numbers, e.g., transition waves, and force certain wave augments.
    • Updated create_pickup: Add autocomplete support, fix equipment not found without the 'equip' search. Add void coin support; useful for the Released From The Void mod. Explicit arg strings should be prioritised before partial search terms to avoid ambiguity.
    • Updated give_equip: Explicit arg strings should be prioritised before partial search terms to avoid ambiguity.
    • Updated spawn_interactable: Fix floating interactables when on ground.
    • Updated midgame and lategame: The previous update changed the command signature for random_items to include tiers. They now correctly include tier 1 to 3.
    • Updated spawn_ai: Fix spawns not properly getting UseAmbientLevel item, Evolution items, and artifact effects such as Swarms.


  • 3.8.2

    • Updated give_item and remove_item: A negative amount is an alias for the other command and vice versa. Also simplified the code internally. Thanks SChinchi
    • Some changelog entries were missing for the 3.8.0 update, they have been retroactively added.
  • 3.8.1

    • Updated random_items: Can now specify which tiers of items you want to include. By default, all tiers are included.
    • Added: list_itemtier
    • Updated next_boss: Should work correctly for any master. Work consistently in simulacrum.
    • Fix commands (spawn_ai next_boss) that had an elite type arg. Specifying -1 / None now works correctly.
    • Fix networked commands like noclip or time_scale not working in all custom gamemodes.
  • 3.8.0

    • This update is basically carried by SChinchi, thank you!
    • Added: give_buff
    • Added: give_dot
    • Added: remove_buff
    • Added: remove_buff_stacks
    • Added: remove_all_buffs
    • Added: remove_dot
    • Added: remove_dot_stacks
    • Added: remove_all_dot
    • Added: list_buff
    • Added: list_dot
    • Details of how to use these commands are listed in the README file.
    • Many commands have a much better description of how they work and the errors printed in the console in case of misuse should also be clearer.
    • Ping functionality has been added for some commands, refer to the README for a complete list and look for the pinged arg.
    • Updated remove_item: Split into remove_item_stacks and remove_all_items.
    • Fixed next_boss: It just works.
    • Fixed list_interactable: Should now show all possible entries.
    • Fixed list_directorcards: Should now show all possible entries.
    • Fixed force_family_event: Wasn't working since SOTV DCCS pool changes.


  • "Survivors of the Void"
  • General
    • Updated to work with the new game update.
  • 3.7.1
    • Fixed: scene_list was not prodiving all scenes. Thank you DestroyedClone!
    • Fixed: spawn_as made people softlock.
    • Added: Support for void portals. Thank you DestroyedClone!
    • Fixed: set_scene was broken.
    • Added: set_scene now also allows numbers from scene_list to be passed.
    • 'Fixed': set_scene and next_stage allowed players to visit DLC scenes when the DLC was not enabled.
  • 3.7.2
    • Added split assembly support Thank you HeyImNoop
    • Started work on better interactible loading. Thank you HeyImNoop
  • 3.7.3
    • Added filtering to listing commands (list_item, etc). Thank you DestroyedClone


  • "DebugToolkit"
  • General
    • Microsoft.CSharp.dll dependency is gone.
  • Additions
    • spawn_interactable Now support custom interactables.
    • spawn_interactible Does the same as spawn_interactable.
    • lock_exp toggles EXP gain, note that this applies to all players. Thank you DestroyedClone!
  • Fixes
    • Description of add_portal now mention the null portal, also you can now spawn it in teleporter-less stages.


  • "Anniversary Update"
  • Fixes
    • Updated for anniversary update.
    • 3.5.1 Updated for the update to the anniversary update.


  • "Full Release"
  • General
    • 3.4.1 Made some internal classes public.
    • 3.4.1 Now supports custom stages too.
    • 3.4.1 Now has keybinds and macros.
    • 3.4.1 We are considering moving the permissions module to it's own seperate mod. Please give your feedback.
    • 3.4.2 Harb was a dumb dumb and didn't put the Microsoft assembly in the zip.
    • Updated for game version 1.0.
    • We are considering adding macros and keybinds to the base mod. We would like your input on this.
  • Additions
    • 3.4.1 dt_bind You can now bind keys to macros.
    • list_item When we removed this command, we forgot that people can forget. As the game now counts over 100 items, there's value in adding these lists back. They have been improved for more user readability.
    • list_equip (see list_item)
  • Fixes
    • 3.4.1 Fixed an issue introduced in Gameversion 1.0.1 where list_item and list_equip wouldn't work.
    • 3.4.2 Fixed needing to have a config file so a config file could be generated.
    • 3.4.2 Fixed not having the Microsoft assembly in the zip.


  • "Artifacts"
  • General
    • 3.3.2 Improved networking
    • 3.3.1 Removed minirpclib as a dependency. Learn how for your own mod here
    • Updated for artifacts.
    • give_money is now compatible with ShareSuite's money sharing.
    • We did a lot of cleanup behind the scenes. You won't notice this (hopefully), but it makes everything easier to maintain.
    • We've added some predefined macros for testing. We still recommend the macro plugins linked in our description if you want to define your own macros.
  • Additions
    • 3.3.2 Permission System can now be enabled on the RoR2 Assembly Console Commands.
    • random_items generates an inventory of items for you.
    • give_equip random now gives you a random equipment from your available drop pool.
    • midgame and lategame allow you to test your mod in a typical mid/endgame scenario. The presets come from HopooGames.
    • dtzoom gives you some items to make you move around the map faster. This is a macro that was present in the original release of RoR2.
  • Fixes
    • 3.3.2 Fix noclip failing to work in any subsequent run after it was activated.
    • 3.3.1 Fix incorrect parsing on some arguments in commands. Thank you Violet for reporting these!
    • 3.3.1 Removed double embbeded dependency. This shaves off about half the file size!
    • Fix a faulty ILHook in CCSetScene
    • Fix spawn_as.


  • "Dedicated Servers"
  • General
    • Commands are now safe to run with a dedicated server as the sender. Want to know how you can issue commands during runtime as a server? R2DSE
      • Some commands have not yet been implemented this way and merely do nothing, expect fixes for that in 3.2.X updates.
      • When a player is needed for a command, dedicated servers will have to fully qualify their command.
  • Additions
    • 3.2.1 reworked spawn_ai so that it can now spawn multiple enemies. As a result the command arguments have been shuffled around a bit.
    • Added the null portal to add_portal
    • reload_all_config makes a best effort to reload all plugins' configurations.
    • Permission system:
      • There's a config for the permission system located in your bepinex/config/ folder after running the new version once.
      • The permission system is by default DISABLED.
  • Fixes
    • 3.2.2 Fix seeveral premature game ends with noclip enabled crashing outside stuff.
    • 3.2.2 DT now correctly handles nonpostive enums. this fixes an annoying persistent issue in spawn_ai.
    • 3.2.1 spawn_ai now parses braindead if it's an integer.
    • 3.2.1 Fix spawn_as crashing dedicated servers.
    • 3.2.1 fixed_time now actually sets/displays the ingame time. Thank you @Rayss.
    • Noclip now disables the out of bounds teleport. Go take a look at that collossus head!
    • add_portal now gives a nicer error message with all available portals
    • Reenabled next_boss. Behaviour might still be weird.
  • Known Bugs
    • Some commands work improperly when connected to a dedicated server with this enabled. Due to the amount of testing required basically doubling because of dedicated servers, we ask you to report these issues as you spot them.
  • Other things:
    • Want to get bleeding edge builds? Check out our Discord!


  • "DebugToolkit"
  • General
    • 3.1.2: Disabled next_boss so that everyone can use it to update their mods.
    • 3.1.1: Now known as DebugToolkit on Thunderstore.
    • 3.1.1: Removed obsoleted commands.
    • Paddywan has left the modding community. We thank them for their contributions to this project and wish them the best of luck in future endavours.
    • iDeathHD has joined the team behind RoR2Cheats/DebugToolkit, their expertise has been of amazing use and we're excited to have a joint venture in this.
    • You may have noticed MiniRPCLib is a new dependency. This is to network cheats better over the network. Functionally nothing has changed.
    • A secret new convar is added: debugtoolkit_debug. Only available for those people who read the changelog. ❤️
    • Various commands have had their ingame descriptions updated to better inform what args are expected.
    • added the "all" overload to add_portal.
    • Modders stuff: Hooks that do not permanently need to exists have been been made to only exist for as long as they are needed.
    • Modders stuff: All hooks, temporary or not, have been added to the readme to help resolve mod conflicts.
  • New Commands
    • 3.1.1: post_sound_event Sounds be hard. This should help.
    • next_boss We've worked hard on this. We hope you find use for it. (And with 'we', Harb means the other contributor who isn't Harb nor iDeathHD.)
    • give_lunar Editing your save is an unnessecary task. This command is restricted to the issuing player to prevent grieving.
    • remove_item While this functionality could already be achieved with give_item and a negative amount, this was not obvious.
    • remove_equip While this functionality could already be achieved with `give_equip None, this was not obvious.
    • create_pickup A lot of custom item mods also need to test their descriptions. Maybe you have an on pickup hook.
    • force_family_event We initially tried it being able to do any family, but this proved to be hard. So instead we force an event to happen next stage.
    • noclip Fly freely through the map.
    • kick Not much to say there are better ways to resolve your issues with players.
    • banYou can talk it out.
    • spawn_interactible Implemented with full range of interactles, not limited to types. Accepts InteractableSpawnCard partial as parameter.
  • Fixes
    • Spawn_as now temporarily disables arriving in the pod to prevent not being able to get out of a pod.
    • Clients now see the output of commands with the ExecuteOnServer flag. This change only applies to commands created by this mod.
    • Host now sees the input of commands with the ExecuteOnServer flag. This change applies to all commands, even that of other mods.
    • set_team is now smarter in detecting which team you want.
    • add_portal now sets better values to get the vanilla orb messages to appear in chat.
    • Several issues with argument matching are now resolved better.
    • Special characters are now handled better (or rather, are ignored completely) when matching arguments.
    • set_scene is now no longer denying access to you because you don't have cheats enabled. (you do, after all.)


  • "Initial Release"
  • General
    • Reworked almost every command to be more maintainable. This should have no impact on current users.
    • FOV is now outside the scope of this project and has thus been removed
  • New Features
    • Object & Character names can now be queried using partial language invariants. For example: give_item uku will give one ukulele under "en".
    • Several vanilla cheats have now been unlocked.
  • Fixes
    • No longer forcefully changes FOV settings.
    • No longer hooks stuff for disabling enemies, improving mod inter compatibility.
    • seed is now networked.
    • Elites now spawn with correct stats, and should be update-proofed.

< 3.0

See the old package


This mod always hooks the following methods:

  • On.RoR2.Console.InitConVar - We do this to 'free' the vanilla convars and change some vanilla descriptions.
  • On.RoR2.Console.RunCmd - We do this to log clients sending a command to the Host.
  • IL.RoR2.Console.Awake - We do this to 'free' run_set_stages_cleared.
  • IL.RoR2.Networking.GameNetworkManager.CCSetScene - We do this to 'free' set_scene.

This mod hooks the following methods when prompted:

  • On.RoR2.PreGameController.Awake - We use this to change the seed if needed.
  • On.RoR2.CombatDirector.SetNextSpawnAsBoss - We use this for set_boss.
  • On.RoR2.ExperienceManager.AwardExperience - We use this for lock_exp.
  • On.RoR2.Stage.Start - We hook this to remove the IL hook on ClassicStageInfo.
  • IL.RoR2.ClassicStageInfo.Awake - We hook this to set a family event.
  • NoClip requires 3 hooks:
    • On.RoR2.Networking.GameNetworkManager.Disconnect
    • These two trampoline hooks are initialized, but are only applied on prompt:
      1. UnityEngine.NetworkManager.DisableOnServerSceneChange
      2. UnityEngine.NetworkManager.DisableOnClientSceneChange