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KubeRoot-AutoItemPickup-2.2.0 icon


Automatically distributes items among players when items drop and/or the teleporting begins

Date uploaded 2 weeks ago
Version 2.2.0
Download link
Downloads 6050
Dependency string KubeRoot-AutoItemPickup-2.2.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.2117 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.2117
RiskofThunder-HookGenPatcher-1.2.4 icon

MMHOOK generation at runtime.

Preferred version: 1.2.4



Automatically grants items on the ground to players when the teleport is initiated or an item spawns.

NOTE: Please check out the config options in BepInEx/config/com.kuberoot.autoitempickup.cfg before usage.

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  • Distributing on item drop and/or teleport
  • Filtering by item tier, only distributes white, green and red items by default
  • Items can be whitelisted/blacklisted from pickup individually, using a comma-separated config entry. Items can be blacklisted by english name (EN_US locale) or ItemIndex name. For example:
    • ItemBlacklist = Scrap\, White, Bustling Fungus, Syringe, Infusion, BleedOnHit, Backup Magazine
  • Can grant items to dead players
  • Server-only - the mod does not need to be installed on clients
  • By default items from printers/cauldrons/similar go to the activator upon distribution, as long as the activator is still a valid target
    • Also includes an option for scrappers
  • Features 4 distribution modes:
    • Sequential - Grants one item to each player, looping over players when they run out, roughly equally distributed
    • Random - Distributes items randomly
    • Closest - Grants each item to the nearest player
    • LeastItems - Grants each item to the player with least items of its tier
  • Support for distributing Command essences
    • If distributing essences on drop, the Command essence will be teleported to the player.
      • NOTE: The LeastItems distributor does not care about Command essences that have been teleported to a player but haven't yet been picked up, so they might pool up at one player
    • If distributing essences on teleport is enabled, Command essences go near the teleporter after it charges.


Copy the AutoItemPickup folder to Risk of Rain 2/BepInEx/plugins



  • Update for V1.3.1 - Seekers of the Storm update


  • Update for Devotion Update


  • Fix an error that prevents the game from loading when an item without an english name is present (Thanks @lt.armyfollower)


  • Fix item filters not applying to teleport distribution
  • Fix command essences being distributed to dead players

2.0.0 - Major refactor

  • Major code refactor - Should reduce unexpected behavior
  • Config overhaul - Options should migrate automatically
    • OnDrop distribution is now enabled by default to reduce confusion
    • Filtering is now done on a tier whitelist, item whitelist, item blacklist basis
    • Removed separate distribution modes for drop and teleport - Let me know if you were affected by this change
  • Add scrapper support - if enabled, scrapped items will go to the player scrapping
  • Command essences now obey target overrides - if you find yourself scrapping/printing with command enabled
  • Switch to catalogs for item tiers and interactible costs
    • Configuration now allows for all item tiers, should work for modded ones.
    • Printer support should now work for non-standard costs, for example different tier printers.
  • Remove R2API dependency - Was only used to declare NetworkCompatibility


  • Update for SotV patch 1.2.3


  • Fix error when giving items to dead players
  • Fix error with Closest distributor when distributing to dead players is enabled and some players are dead
  • Fix off-by-one issues with selecting random players, affecting mostly random distribution, that would prevent the last player from getting items
  • Add support in code for unloading the mod at runtime
  • The Sequential distributor will now try to preserve the current target when a player joins or leaves

1.6.0 - Update to RoR2 Survivors of the Void

  • Teleporting command essences on teleport will now space them away from the center of the teleporter

1.4.3 - Update to RoR2 1.0 update

  • Remove code to snap command cubes to the ground, since they now have gravity

1.4.2 - Hotfix

  • Fix error when distributing command cubes if the stage doesn't have a teleporter

1.4.1 - Fixes for Command

  • Items chosen from command cubes go to the person selecting the item
  • Command cubes that are moved when the teleporter finishes charging are now properly synchronised for clients

1.4.0 - Update to RoR2 Artifacts update

  • Added TeleportCommandCubes for simple Artifact of Command compatibility

1.3.2 - Update to RoR2 Skills 2.0 update

1.3.1 - Update to RoR2 Scorched Acres update


  • Update to BepInExPack 2.0.0 and R2API 2.0.6; no changes to function.


  • Fixed error related to changes in language handling in latest RoR2 update (Build #3830295)


  • Added item blacklisting, separate for drop and teleport.


  • Fixed missing UpdateTargets condition, which caused Closest distributor to throw after first stage. Added additional exception handling in distributor to avoid interfering with game code.


  • Fixed Closest distribution mode throwing exceptions and preventing teleportation when dead players are not ignored and a player is dead


  • Fixed Closest distribution mode presumably being completely broken, without actually testing to make sure the fix isn't broken. Have fun!


  • Added OverridePrinterTarget config option that ensures the activator receives printer result as long as they're valid


  • Added on-drop distribution setting
  • Made on-teleport distribution togglable
  • Reworked code structure
  • Fixed wrong code that could've lead to errors when ignoring dead players
  • Added filtering for white, green, red and boss items
  • Added separate filtering options for teleport and drop


  • Added config option for ignoring lunar items

1.0.1 - Added website url

1.0.0 - Initial release