  • Fixed Colossus not spawning outside of family events.
  • Fixed Colossus' Laser Barrage not doing full head spin on high attack speed.
  • Added soft dependency on RestoreGrandparentRock.
0.1.12 (The Moon actually fell)
  • SoTS update.
  • Removed R2API dependencies.
  • I would like to take a moment and tell Randy that he can go fuck himself.
0.1.11 (Dawn of the Final Day, 24 Hours Remain)
  • Added Colossus to Fogbound Laggon.
  • Some general polish.
0.1.10 (Dawn of the Second Day, 48 Hours Remain)
  • Colossus:
    • Added config option to destroy model after death (turned off by default).
    • Lowered director cost to 1000 (from 1200). Lowered minimum stage completion to 0 (from 3).
      • With these changes he should become even more frequent, and with 1000\0 on director it is very possible to encounter Colossus on first stage with Shrines of the Mountain.
    • Laser Barrage's head pitch is lowered to 0.05 (from 0.75). Spread is lowered to 0.15 (from 0.18). Prep time lowered to 4.5 seconds (from 5.5).
      • Now you can't just hide under his feet, you have to get around him or run far away. Well, not as far as it used to be.
    • Colossal Fist now deals 500% damage (was 400%) with 8% proc chance (was 10%).
      • This is mostly performance related. DPS is still the same.
    • Castle variant visual polish.
  • Fixed an issue where loading the game with mod's unsupported language would hang the game at 100%.
  • Spitter:
    • A big thanks to rob for a new set of animations!
    • Spitter now slows down on charging spit to 70% of movement speed and comes to a complete stop on spit release.
    • Charged Spit now has a sound cue on charging the attack.
    • Added 2 second cooldown on Bite.
      • He was quite relentless in melee range when the intention was that it would be somewhat of a last resort for him. This should calm him down.
  • Colossus:
    • Laser Barrage explosion radius increased from 5 to 10.
      • You could just stand in front of him and not get hit, ever. It was never my intention to make this attack hard to dodge, but it should serve it intended purpose - create a hell zone in front of him that you need to get away from ASAP. Hopefully this will make it closer to that intent.
    • Lowered director cost to 1200.
    • Added Void Fields and Abyssal Depths as possible spawn stage.
      • I've got a lot of reports that people just don't see him in runs. Lowering director cost and adding him to the only stage 4 he can kinda fit in (he can't go into the cave) should hopefully make him less rare. Void Fields should probably be behind config tho.
    • Fixed head disappearing under certain angles.
    • Added Sky Meadows variant.
    • Added Castle variant (don't get your hopes up).
    • Fixed eye glow and light not going out on death.
    • Fixed idle animation blending with death animation.
    • Fixed footstep effects not playing.
    • Now you should really be careful when Colossus steps and falls to the ground.
    • hehe boner
  • Added new Champion-tier (or boss) monster: Colossus.
  • Spitter:
    • Split projectiles no longer collide with bodies.
      • It is done to remove "shotgun effect" where in some situations, depending on target's and Spitter's elevation all 4 projectiles will hit the same target, resulting in massive, unintended damage.
  • Added pt-BR translation by Kauzok
  • Spitter:
    • Fixed log book display and text.
    • Fixed log book text showing up in chat on Spitter's monster log pickup.
    • Fixed Spitter not being stunnable, frozable, etc.
    • Adjusted sounds' volume and attenuation to roughly match vanilla.
    • Made projectile and DoT zone decal more orange-ish.
    • Slight adjustments to elite colors so hopefully Overloading and Glacial are easier to differenciate.
    • Added monster to Void Cells, Abyssal Depths (Simulacrum) and Bulwark's Ambry.
  • Initial release