Pool Changes (Sots)

Updated 5 months ago
Stage Changes

All Stages

Generally fixes most issues related to:
-Some stages never using any DLC spawn pool
-Some DLC2 stages using the wrong spawn pool
-DLC2 spawn pools not being implemented on a lot of stages. (Mostly interactable related)

Large Category Chests are more common
Lunar Chests Chests now cost 15 credits. (Instead of 25)
Void Potential Chests now cost 30 credits. (Instead of 40)

Mili-Multi Shops added

Combat and Blood shrines now cost 15 Credits. (Instead of 20)
Order Shrines now cost 5 credits. (Instead of 30)
Shrine of Healing now costs 5 credits. (Instead of 15)

Mountain Shrines are more common on some stages
Cleansing Pools are more common on Non-Aphelian Sanctuary stages.

TC280 now costs 25 credits. (Instead of 40)
Equipment Drones are more common.
Gunner Turrets no longer spawn on Stage 4 & 5

Mili-Tech Printers are more common.
Mili-Tech Printers now start spawning on stage 4.

Overgrown Printers now only start spawning on stage 3.
Overgrown Printers now cost 15 credits. (Instead of 10)

Shrine of Shaping now cost 40 credits. (Instead of 50)
Shrine of Shaping now stats spawning on stage 3.

Stage 1s

Titanic Plains +Increased Interactable Credits by 20 (Now 240)
Distant Roost +Increased Interactable Credits by 20 (Now 240)

+Loop Vultures
Snowy Forest ~Pre-loop Blind Vermin
~Bison replaces Greater Wisp

+Loop Imp
+Loop Imp Overlord
+Loop TC280
Verdant Falls / Viscous Falls ~Jellyfish replaces Lesser Wisp
+Loop Solus Control Unit
+Loop Parent
Shattered Abode / Disturbed Impact +Order Shrine
+Loop TC280

Stage 2s

Abandoned Aquaduct +Increased Interactable Credits by 20 (Now 240)
~Pre-loop Clay Apothecary
+Loop Hermit Crab
Wetland Aspect +Loop Acid Larva
+Loop Mini Mushrum
Aphelian Sanctuary +Loop Elder Lemurian
+Loop Grovetender
Reformed Altar +Order Shrine
+Bighorn Bison
-Blind Pest

Stage 3s

Rallypoint Delta ~Solus Control Unit replaces Clay Dunestrider
+Loop Vulture +Loop Void Reaver (Previously removed in Sotv)
Scorched Acres +Clay Apothecary
+Loop Vulture (Previously removed in Sots)
+Loop Child
+Loop Blind Vermin
Sulfur Pools !Beetles now use Sulfur Pools Skins
+Increased Interactable Credits by 30 (Now 310)

+Hermit Crab
+Acid Larva
+Magma Worm
+Overloading Worm
+Loop Parent
+Loop Grandparent

+Mountain Shrine
-Cleansing Pool
Treeborn Colony / Golden Dieback +Blind Pest
+Grovetender (Usually replaced with XI with Sotv)
+Loop Mushroom
-Beetle Queen

Stage 4s

Abyssal Depths +Loop Void Barnacle
+Loop Void Reaver
+Loop Void Jailer
+Loop Void Devestator

(For the theme of the loop weather version of this stage)
Siren's Call +Increased Interactable Credits by 30 (Now 430)

+Overloading Worm
+Loop Void Reaver (Previously removed in Sotv)
+Loop Solus Probe
+Loop Alpha Construct
+Loop XI Construct
Sundered Grove +Increased Interactable Credits by 30 (Now 430)

+Grovetender replaces Stone Titan +Loop Blind Pest

Stage 5s

Sky Meadow +Magma Worm (Previously removed in Sotv)
+Loop Void Reaver (Previously removed in Sotv)
+Loop Lunar Chimera Exploder
+Loop Lunar Chimera Golem
+Loop Lunar Chimera Wisp
Helminth Hatchery +Grandparent
+Loop Void Jailer
+Loop Lunar Chimera Exploder
+Loop Lunar Chimera Golem
+Loop Lunar Chimera Wisp
+Loop Halcyonite


Commencement 1% Void family event chance.
Void Fields +Loop Lunar Chimera Exploder
+Loop Lunar Chimera Golem
+Loop Lunar Chimera Wisp
Void Seeds Void Devestators are a bit more common starting stage 4
Void Devestators are a lot more common starting stage 8
Gilded Coast !Now spawns some interactables like Combat Shrines and Cleansing Pools
Halcyon Shrine Small chance to spawn Halcyonites instead of Golems starting stage 4
Large chance to spawn Halcyonites instead of Golems starting stage 8