Adds 8 Artifacts, many in the spirit of Dissonance, Kin or Metamorphosis. Adds a updated Artifact of Spirit from RoR1.
Date uploaded | 3 months ago |
Version | 3.2.0 |
Download link | Wolfo-WolfoArtifacts-3.2.0.zip |
Downloads | 9718 |
Dependency string | Wolfo-WolfoArtifacts-3.2.0 |
This mod requires the following mods to function

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library
Preferred version: 5.4.9

Adds multiple artifacts similiar to Dissonance, Kin or Metamorphosis
But also some other more general artifacts like Spiriting.
Artifacts |
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Artifact of Dissimilarity Artifact of Dissonance but for interactables. Will generate a random set of options based on a list of all interactables. Most interactable rarities stay the same, but that may change depending on what options are chosen. Additional interactables such as Cauldrons, Lunar Seers, Void Eradicators may spawn with this Artifact. |
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Artifact of Kith Artifact of Kin but for interactables Each interactable Category will only have 1 thing in it. 1 Chest, 1 Shrine, 1 Drone, 1 Printer, etc. Cannot go 2 stages in a row where the Chest is a Lunar or Equipment Can result in heavily skewed runs and very weird stages. |
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Artifact of Brigade Artifact of Kin but for elite types. Only 1 elite type will be allowed per stage. Also available in Simulacrum as an Augment. |
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Artifact of Unison Artifact of Kin but for items. Only one item, per tier, per stage Printers and Recyclers are unaffected to allow for some control. Cannot get repeats of the items for multiple stages. Simulacrum rolls a new white and sometimes green after wave 5. Command will be limited but will often show choices of multiple tiers. Stages will spawn slightly more loot and printers. Category Chests are removed. Enemies inventories are unaffected. (May not replace all items from modded sources) Obviously this artifact would make the game quite a bit more challenging. |
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Artifact of Transpose Artifact of Metamorphosis but for Skills Randomize your Skill and Skin loadout every stage. Loadouts will not be repeated. Also available in Simulacrum as an Augment. |
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Artifact of Remodelling Artifact of Metamorphosis but for items. All items and equipment will be rerolled between stages. Item quality and stack size will be maintained. Scrap will be rerolled out of but never into. Will not reroll Heresy Items, Beads of Fealty and Captains Microbots. Will also reroll: Equipment Drones, Evolution inventory, Devotion inventorys, Simulacrum inventory. Removes Printers. |
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Artifact of Spiriting RoR2 version of RoR1's Artifact of Spirit. Players and Monsters gain increased Movement, Attack & Projectile speed and Cooldown reduction the lower their health is. Maximum boost at 20% health or lower. Also available in Simulacrum as an Augment. |
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Artifact of Wander Random stage order. Like how the game uses for Prismatic Trials. Stages will not be repeated. Lunar Seers in Bazaar will be of any stage. Every other stage starting at stage 5 will have a Primordial Teleporter, Celestial & Void & Green orb. For better control on where to finish the run. |
Other Things
Kith and Unison can be a challenge due to being more rng heavy.
Spiriting also lowers damage by up to 25% to counter twice the skills being used twice as fast. (Players and Enemies)
Lunar Seers will have their destination name in the prompt and ping.
Fixes Treeborn Cannopy and Helminth Roost not being allowed on Random stage order.
Report bugs to @Wolfo.wolfo in the Risk of Rain 2 discord or RoR2 Modding discord.
If you're reporting a bug that isn't something obvious include the log file.
Every player needs this mod installed.
v3.2.0 - Code/Readme update
Dissimiliarity and Kith now work better with Artifacts that remove certain interactables.
Remodelling now rerolls Devotion Inventory by default.
Remodelling now rerolls modded item tiers.
Optimized Spiriting. (No longer messes with base stats)
Wander now spawns Celestial, Void and Green orbs whenever it forces a Primordial Teleporter.
Unison now removes category chests. (Since their drop would get overwritten anyways)
Unison no longer affects "available items" lists of Runs.
-(This was originally done because many mods get items from those directly)
-((You are meant to use DropTables ever since SotV))
-(but it caused some confusions and annoyances)
Fixed some issues with Unison RNG.
Now uses translate-able language tokens.
Allowed Treeborn and Helminth on Wander.
Added new Hidden Realms to random Seers.
Reduced the amount of Primordial Teleporters.
-Dismiliariy 1/4 after stage 5. Wander every other stage Starting at stage 5)
Reduced bonus credits of Dissimiliarity, Kith and Unison. (4, 16, 25)
v3.0.0 - Sots Fix
-Added Sots interactables to Dissimilarity
--Stage 1 can always have Halc Shrine with it.
-Fixed bug where getting two Augments of Tranpose/Spiriting in a row could somehow just destroy a run.
--Clients should no longer be 1 behind, so being rerolled if enabled by Augment of Tranpose or Stage 1 should work.
--50% of stages will have a primordial teleporter starting stage 4
--Fixed issue with Lunar Seers being blank
-Wander : All stages will have primordial teleporters starting stage 3
-Spiriting : Reduced full boost default player damage setting value a bit more.
v2.5.0 - Cleanup & Renaming
-New Artifact : Artifact of Unison
--All item tiers only have one item
--Printers unaffected
-Spiriting Updates
--Spiriting now works on clients.
--Augment of Spiriting
--Stat Adjustments
---Full boost at 10% health instead of 0%
---Removed Enemy Damage Reduction
---Adjusted stats that enemies gain
---Default Cooldown Reduction set to 50%
---Player max Damage Reduction set to 37.5%
---Around a 25% DPS increase at max boost (2x attack speed at 62.5% damage)
-Transpose no longer rerolls Heresy items by default
v2.0.2 - Fixed for v1.2.3.0\
v2.0.1 - Bug fixes\
* Updated for Survivors of the Void
* Added Augment of Brigade and Transpose to Simulacrum
* Transpose now rerolls Heresy Items
v1.3.7 - Some touch ups\
v1.3.6 - Fixes
* Artifact of Conformity support
* Merged Retooling into Remodeling
* Technical stuff
v1.3.4 - Fixes\
v1.3.3 - Fixes and Prismatic Trial support\
v1.3.2- Bug Fixes?\
* Can't get the exact same loadout twice when using Transpose
* Added Artifact of Brigade
* Added Artifact of Transpose
* LunarSeer fixes again
v1.2.2 - Bug fixes\
* Compatibility for Large Category Chests Mod and MysticItems Legendary Shrine
* Added Artifact of Spiriting.
* Void Fields, Artifact World, Moment Fractured added to Lunar Seer destinations.
* Artifact Trials will be a random one if you enter Bulwarks Ambry in a unusual way.
* Fixed Artifact Trials of Dissonance and Kin not actually working
* Made how Seers and Primordial Teleporter interact a bit clearer.
* Wander will spawn a Primordial Teleporter every 5th stage.
* Hopefully fixed bug where disabling Artifacts would break different Artifacts. (sorry)
* Remodeling will prevent printers now
* Kith can't give only Equip/Lunar on Stage 1 or on 2 consecutive stages
v1.1.5 - Force teleporter on Skymeadow to always be Primordial (Wander)\
* Dissi/Kith don't spawn Overgrown Printers/Scrappers/Mountain Shrines/Gold Shrines/Seers in Artifact World anymore
* ZetArtifact of Tossing now removes Scrappers when used with Dissi/Kith
* Artifact of Retooling - reroll equipment on stage change (Enigma alternative)
* Added artifact codes. In case someone wants to reroll only once or wants the Loop back to a random stage.
* Added new Artifact that rerolls passive Items on stage change
v1.0.5 - Made Kith + Dissimilarity a bit more forgiving\
v1.0.4 - Fixes to Artifact of Wander
* Option to remove Minimum Stage Completion for interactables when using Kith
v1.0.2 - Minor adjustments
* Fixed Artifact of Command not removing choice interactables
v1.0.0 - Release.