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Wolfo-WolfoItemBuffs-1.2.1 icon


Hunter's Harpoon works like in Returns. Aegis slows barrier decay. Many small buffs to disliked items.

Date uploaded 3 days ago
Version 1.2.1
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Downloads 1183
Dependency string Wolfo-WolfoItemBuffs-1.2.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

bbepis-BepInExPack-5.4.9 icon

Unified BepInEx all-in-one modding pack - plugin framework, detour library

Preferred version: 5.4.9
RiskofThunder-HookGenPatcher-1.2.1 icon

MMHOOK generation at runtime.

Preferred version: 1.2.1
tristanmcpherson-R2API-5.0.5 icon

A modding API for Risk of Rain 2

Preferred version: 5.0.5
Rune580-Risk_Of_Options-2.8.2 icon

A convenient API for adding BepInEx ConfigEntry's to a option menu

Preferred version: 2.8.2


Item Buffs

Buffs or changes to items I see people or me complain about often.

Each items changes can be turned off in the config.

Some changes are automatically disabled if the mods they're originally inspired from are enabled.
(Even tho they deprecated anyways to my knowledge)

Mod needed by everyone.

Item Changes

Icon Name/Effect

Soft Reworks

Hunter's Harpoon
Functions like how it does in Risk of Rain: Returns.

Buff Duration now 1.25s (+1s per stack)
Buff is now 1 stack granting 100% speed, instead of a stacked buff.
Killing enemies increases the duration of the present buff.
Buff duration capped at 20s (+4s per stack)

Buffs / Additions

Also drops on stage start/living starts.
Also drops when special boss fights begin. (Mithrix, Umbras)
+12 Radius per stack. (Up from 8)

Engi turrets inherit it.
Leech Seed
Now also heals 0.25 (+0.25 per stack) health on damage over time ticks.
Berzerker's Pauldron
Now has a 2s window to activate instead of 1s.
Old War Stealthkit
Now procs at 50% health instead of 25% health.
Is no longer prevented by Power Elixir.
Now also slows Barrier Decay by 80% on first stack.
N'kuhana's Opinion

Now a proc of 1.0 (previously 0.2)
Now 30% max hp as damage. (previously 25%)
Now fires out at twice the rate. (20/s instead of 10/s)
'Soul Energy' no longer capped at 100% health.

Titanic Knurl
Now also grants 12 (+12 per stack) armor.
Defense Nucleus

Now stacks the damage and hp instead of Construct limit.
300% (+300% per stack) bonus health and damage.
They now steal elite effects from enemies they slay.

Singularity Band
Now 150% (+150% per stack) Total damage.
Eulogy Zero

Tier 1 Elites have a 10% (+5% per stack) chance to spawn as Perfected with slightly higher stats.
(Perfect spawned by this have 3.2x health and 2x damage)

Focused Convergence
Now stacks exponentially. (63s at 1, 44s at 2, 31s at 3) (instead of 69s, 56s, 47s)
Has a minimum on shrinkage to keep things playable.
No longer capped at 3.
Beads of Fealty
Now spawns 1 (+1 per stack) Twisted Scavengers.
Each Scavenger drops 10 Lunar Coins.
Elite Equipment
Your minions now spawn as elites.
Includes newly purchased Drones.
No stat ups.
Now Molotov 8 pack.
Now can impact on enemies instead of bouncing off of them.

Very Minor

Red Whip
Less shift moves put you into combat and cancel it.
Predatory Instincts
Buff now refreshes whole stack of the buff when added.
Noxious Thorn
Can now transfer Essence of Heresy Ruin.
(They just forgot this buff)
Remote Caffeinator
Now has collision so it's able to press down buttons in Abandoned Aquaduct.
Void Elite Aspect
Can now drop as an equipment.
Slightly different visuals for player team but may still cause confusion.
Disabled by default
Icon Name/Effect

SotV Reworks I decided against for now

Regenerating Scrap
Now works on any tier of printer.
Only 50% chance to work on Red/Boss printers.
All consumed all at once.
Ignition Tank

2% chance on hit to fire a gas tank for 600% (+450) burn.
Fire Related items inflict burn for an additional 80% (+60%) burn Total damage.
Fire items : (Kjaros Band, Willo Wisp, Voidsent Flame, Volcanic Egg)

Pocket ICBM

Now also works on a lot of Explosion themed projectiles and items.
Damage of the 2 extra projectiles lowered to 75% (+75%) Total Damage.
(See notes for list)

Laser Scope
40% (+20% per stack) crit rate.
No longer innately increases crit damage mult.
Instead, crit chance above 100% is turned into 2% crit damage.
ICBM Projectile compatible list
List is automatically made depending on what the game thinks is an explosion.
(So that it can work with modded content better)
Some of these are extremely loose on what counts as an 'Explosion'

Sticky Bomb 		 (Bomb)
Ignition Tank		 (Explosive)
Resonance Disk 		 (Explosive)
War Bonds 			 (Missile)(Temporarly not quite functional)
Molten Perferator	 (Explosive)(+2 not x3)
Egocentrism 		 (Bomb)
Preon Accumleator 	 (Explosive)
Molotov				 (Explosive, kinda)

Commando Phase Round (*)
Commando Grenades 	 (Bomb)
Engi Grenades 		 (Bomb)
Engi Mines			 (Explosive)
MulT Scrap Launcher	 (Missile)
MulT Canister		 (Explosive)
Articer Bolts		 (Explosive, kinda)
Artificer Nano-Bomb  (Bomb)
Articier Ice Spear 	 (*)
REX Mortars			 (Explosive, kinda/**)
Acrid Spit			 (**)
Captain Taser		 (**)
Captain Airstrikes	 (Explosive)
Hooks of Heresy 	 (Expoosive, kinda)
Void Fiend M2		 (Explosive)
Seeker 3rd Punch	 (Explosive, kinda/**)

A bunch of enemy projectiles.

* (Not considered an explosion, but I think should be included)
**(game thinks it's an explosion. And i'm okay including it.)

Didn't want to overlap too much with Ignition Tank or SS2 Erratic Gadget but it happened.

Image of Perfected Beetle and Eulogy

Notes / Thoughts

Hunter Harpoon

Harpoons changes in Returns are amazing.
Any buff that isn't just porting those changes would seem weird.
Slighty adjusted some numbers to better fit into this game.


Too hard to get it's benefit working.
Slower barrier decay will allow lower amounts of healing to accumulate barrier.
Buffing max Barrier capacity like in Returns would buff Aegis when it's already good, which is uneeded. 

(Decided against removing barrier decay all together. Barrier decays, that is it's thing and should stay)

Leeching Seed

Returns just buffed it to 2(+1), while also nerfing Scythe which, are certainly balance choices.
A common mod buff was/is, add healing on all attacks regardless of proc coeff.

I think just on DoTs is fine, adds it's own niche and you do many DoTs so it heals plenty.

Nkuhanas Opinion :

Little Disciple gets to have a Proc of 1.0, with better activation, and comparable damage. 
This having 0.2 proc is rude, so boosting that, and the damage a bit.

Old War Stealthkit & Berzerkers Pauldron.

Good effects, hindered by activating rarely.
Doubling the range for both should help.

Eulogy Zero, Beads of Fealty, Focused Convergence.

They are now, funnier.

Titanic Knurl gives Armor in RoR1/Returns. Weird that it does not in RoR2.

Defense Nucleus stacking stats instead of construct limit makes stacking cleaner and more noticible.

Report bugs to @Wolfo.wolfo in the Risk of Rain 2 discord or RoR2 Modding discord.
If you're reporting a bug that isn't something obvious include the log file.



Fixed unfinished incompatibility fix for Regen Scrap Rework leading to it giving 2 Consumed Regen Scrap.
Fixed ICBM "Rework" making mod not load because I didn't test it with False Son patch.

I made a bunch of like SotV item reworks, but they're not on by default, just kinda didn't quite vibe with any of them in the end.
See page for details.
This was all made a while ago.

Stealthkit now activates at 50% health.

Buffed Nkuhanas Opinion.
-1.0 proc (from 0.2)
-30% damage (from 25%)
-Removed cap on 'Stored Healing'
-Fires more rapidly. (Assuming you get healed)

Warbanner Radius now +12m per stack (up from 8m)

Defense Nucleus now stacks stats instead of minion limit. 
(Disable automatically with RiskyMod as it does something similiar)

Undefaulted Squid Turret mechanical
Fixed Pauldron timer buff not actually working.
Fixed Harpoon speed not being the config value.
Fixed Harpoon only ever giving 25% if changes disabled.
Fixed Alpha Constructs not getting 200 Wake of Vultures.

Fix for 1.3.6
Warbanner now drops on stage start
Warbanner now drops on special boss fights. (Mithrix, Umbras, after Voidling platforming minigame)
Berzerkers Pauldron now has 2s window instead of 1s.
Removed Elites Aspects giving Tier 1 stats to minions.
Made Void Elite Aspect look less noisy on plaeyrs and allies.

v1.0.7 (Unreleased whoops)
Lowered default Aegis value to 20%
Focused Convergence is now exponential not linear
-Now *0.7^item instead of divided by 1.3(+0.3)
-Like how AlienHead would stack.

v1.0.6 - Quick fix for 1.3.5
Lowered Laser Scope crit chance to 10% as per request.

Made Caffeinator Vending Machines able to press down buttons.

Made Stealth Kit work before Elixir.
Fixed Eulogy replacing Tier2 elites with Tier1 Perfected

Fixed Leeching Seed healing twice.

Harpoon Speed now 100% (Down from 125%)
Config to customize Harpoon Speed.
(125% is a bit much in this game)

Aegis Barrier Decay now 10% (Up from 0%)
Config to customize Aegis Barrier Decay Mult.
(Barrier Decaying is kind of it's thing. Don't think this effect needs to be weak and stack)

Laser Scope 15% Crit (Up from 10%)
REX Shift, Void Fiend Shift; No longer put you into combat (Red Whip)

Reduced Singularity band damage to 150% (+150%).
Reduced Leech Seed Dot heal to 0.2.
(The values before were definitely too high and not tested)

v1.0.0: Release
-With Config