kking117-PerfectedLoopTri icon


Allows Perfected elites to spawn outside of the Moon and fixes Gilded elites not spawning during Honor.



- Completely reworked how the mod works.
- Now creates a custom Perfected Elite so you can tweak its stats without affected the Perfected Elites on Commencement.
- The custom Perfected Elite has T2 Elite stats and goes in that Elite Tier by default.
- Left in configs to modify the original Perfected Elite and its Elite Tier.
- Doesn't create a new tier for Gilded Honor, instead it simply removes the Honor check from the existing Elite Tier, making it similar to how T2 Elites are coded.
- Added an option to put Voidtouched into the Elite Pool. (Disabled by default)
- Added an option that makes the director select elites in a way that improves diversity, doesn't do much without mods that add more Elite Tiers. (Disabled by default)


- Public release.