rob_gaming-Driver icon


Adds the Driver, a mostly grounded survivor focused on simple gunplay. Huge community QoL update!




  • Fixed incompat with latest version of ClassicItemsReturns


  • Networked pistol shoot SFX (how has it been broken this whole time)


  • ugh


  • Fixed oversight causing a conflict with Daredevil, sorry!

1.7.0 This update is entirely .score and tsuyoikenko's work, all the credit goes to them, all I'm doing is releasing it

  • Added passive: Arsenal - any weapon can be selected as your default in the loadout after you obtain it once. Can be disabled in config if you care about balance
  • Added special: Pay it Forward - it's the ultrakill coin and it has no icon yet
  • Leadfoot now actually says what it does
  • Godsling passive reenabled for multiplayer, with config to disable if you care about balance
  • Godsling functionality smoothed out to work entirely as you might expect
  • Experimental Syringe now gives decaying movement speed
  • Added aerial strafe animations
  • Setting weapon drop rate to 0 now properly makes weapons never drop
  • Added compatibility for Ravager's sword
  • Added Revengeance mode in config
  • Weapon pickups now gravitate to you when you're nearby and have no current weapon - configurable
  • Config fully restructured
  • ModelSwapperSkins support added
  • Misc UI improvements for both base UI and RiskUI
  • Bugfixes, bugfixes wayyyyy too many bugfixes to list, check the GitHub repo if you're actually curious just how much was fixed - the mod should be mostly bug-free now, huge thanks to .score and tsuyoikenko for being so thorough with this


  • Actually implemented the previous bugfixes
  • Added unique animations for aiming with any of the pistol focused passives
  • Held weapon is now shown on your back while skateboarding


  • Another handful of bugfixes from .score
  • Godsling passive is now disabled in multiplayer due to balance concerns
  • Added Badass Mode (must be toggled via config)
  • Fixed Godsling unlock not working


  • Various bugfixes courtesy of .score
  • Skateboard cooldown: 0.5s > 1s, flying no longer possible- wasn't really a fun mechanic to begin with
  • Nerfs to proc rates of most ammo types


  • Player model is now normalized to the floor while skating


  • Big thanks to tsuyoikenko and .score for this update, the new content is all them
  • Added skill: Sidestep
  • ^trade map traversal for in combat dodges
  • Added skill: Skateboard (fixed up and made functional by .score!)
  • ^trade combat mobility for crazy map traversal
  • Added passive: Leadfoot (made by tsuyoikenko!)
  • ^ammo pickups now give you unique bullets, over 15 different types with support for other mod devs to add their own
  • Added passive: Godsling (also made by tsuyoikenko!)
  • ^combines the two passives, but comes with a difficult unlock condition
  • Changed Marksman passive to a legacy skill (hidden behind cursed config)
  • Adapative Syringe reworked again into Experimental Syringe- now gives attack speed and increased health regen, making it a unique sustain option
  • Added legacy skill: Suspicious Syringe
  • Combat Knife now stuns on hit, making it less of a flight risk


  • Pistol reload time reduced by 50%
  • Pistol mag size increased from 13 to 26


  • Added a new unlockable passive
  • Added an ammo display below the crosshair
  • Updated crosshairs for a handful of guns
  • Revolver's secondary now has an awesome headshot kill effect
  • Fixed Supply Drop resetting secondary stocks (courtesy of tsuyoikenko!)
  • Probably some other misc things I'm forgetting


  • Multiplayer fix


  • Added a config option to disable all weapon recoil
  • Supply Drop weapon drop now have half their maximum ammo capacity
  • Suspicious Syringe renamed to Adaptive Syringe- now gives you a buff that synergizes with your currently equipped weapon
  • Revolver's secondary now deals double damage on weakpoints
  • SMG damage: 210% > 240%, damage falloff lessened
  • Fixed awkward slide animations for two-handed weapons


  • Added skin: Guerilla
  • Syringe damage buff: player level * 1.5 > player level * 2
  • Syringe attack speed buff: 30% > 50%
  • Syringe crit buff: 25% > 30%
  • Combat Knife armor reduction: 20 > 40
  • Adjusted knife swing and cancel frames to feel a bit more fluid
  • Fixed logbook model using the wrong idle animation
  • Fixed weapon pickups dropped from ally deaths being unable to grab


  • Weapon catalog now inputs a message in the console telling you the index when a weapon is added
  • Fixed Sceptered Syringe giving the wrong buff


  • Driver's held weapon now finally persists between stages :-)
  • Nullifier primary damage: 300% > 500%
  • Nemesis survivor weapons no longer consume any ammo
  • Added scepter upgrades for the new specials, polish is needed but they're adequate for now
  • Fixed some broken weapon icons to properly use the placeholder icons
  • Fixed Lunar Exploders having a 100% drop rate on their unique weapon


  • Rewrote a handful of weapon initialization code, making the system friendlier to external mods
  • Changed in 1.3.9, forgot to list it, moved the pistol crit spin animation to after the shot and added config to revert this behavior
  • Flashbang daze duration: 5s > 10s
  • Flashbang cooldown: 8s > 12s
  • ^5 seconds wasn't enough to even do anything defensively, this should make it a little more competitive with the other specials
  • Added new special: Combat Knife - melee that reduces enemy armor by 30 for 4 seconds
  • Added new special: Suspicious Syringe - self buff that randomly buffs either damage, attack speed or crit chance
  • Added uncommon weapon: Submachine Gun
  • Added uncommon weapon: Revolver
  • Added legendary weapon: Preon Accelerator
  • Added void weapon: Nullifier
  • Added lunar weapon: Lunar Launcher
  • Added unique weapon: Worn SMG
  • Added unique weapon: Nano-Gauntlet
  • Added unique weapon: Outlaw's Revolver
  • Added unique weapon: Energy Cannon
  • Nerfed ammo capacity of Rocket Launcher, Badass Shotgun and Prototype Rocket Launcher
  • Brainstalks now resets your ammo


  • Added skin: Special Forces, currently unlocked by default
  • Focus no longer removes damage falloff unless the bullet is charged
  • Added config to make Focus auto charge after reaching a certain attack speed, on by default
  • ^Charging it got super tedious later into runs so this QoL should be a huge help
  • Rewrote unique weapon drop system, allowing external mods to easily add their own
  • Significantly changed drop rates
  • Minimum chance when killing an elite: 40% > 25%
  • Bonus multiplier when killing large enemies: 135% > 110%
  • Pity multiplier after drop: 100% > 80%
  • Pity multiplier growth on kill: 0.1% > 2.5%
  • ^Weapons were way too common, you can config up the base chance if you don't like this change though
  • Rocket Launcher damage: 700% > 500%
  • Badass Shotgun damage: 180x24% > 140x24%
  • ^Legendary weapons were basically a free win
  • Attempted to fix Simulacrum boss waves dropping a weapon for every enemy


  • Publicized weapon catalog code so that external mods can add their own weapons


  • Supply Drop now drops a random normal weapon, spammable rocket launchers was way too much
  • Added Supply Drop (Legacy), the old version of the skill (enabled Cursed config for this)
  • ^skill ended up changing so drastically it felt worth having this option
  • Flashbang base stock reduced from 2 to 1
  • Flashbang now applies a unique Dazed debuff, causing enemies to aim in random directions for 5 seconds


  • Added an extra indicator to Focus crosshair, showing the skill cooldown (so you know when your next shot is coming up)
  • Updated all weapon icons and survivor icon to use the official template (huge thanks to Swuff for this!)
  • Supply Drop is no longer once per stage- now functions as a normal skill with a 24s cooldown, ammo heavily reduced
  • ^once per stage pretty much meant "use on teleporter boss only" which kinda sucked to play with, will nerf if needed
  • Lunar Blaster and Null Blaster now pierce when firing charged shots with Focus
  • Fixed Sniper Rifle not critting when hitting a weakpoint and updated VFX


  • Alien Head's cooldown reduction now applies to Driver's ammo consumption, using the same formula
  • Fixed a couple animations
  • Fixed Driver umbra not having a headshot hurtbox


  • Sniper Rifle reworked: charge removed, damage 800% > 1800%, unscoped spread increased, scope now only lowers spread + exposes headshots + makes bullets pierce, scope now enters first person view
  • ^this weapon has been consistently terrible and needed an identity that's not walmart snipermod so let's go with quickscoping
  • Bazooka fully charged primary damage: 800% > 1200%, charging it felt like a complete waste of time
  • Flashbang now detonates a little bit faster- just a tiny qol
  • Updated animations for all two handed guns, allowing their animations to properly aim vertically
  • Updated Flashbang SFX
  • Updated Focus stock indicators
  • Added a new skin locked behind Cursed config


  • Updated Flashbang skill icon
  • Updated standard crosshair, can be disabled in config
  • Driver's crosshairs are now highlighted while hovering over something, can be disabled in config
  • ^ this can be applied to ALL crosshairs via a config option, if that interests you
  • Added config option to move Predatory Instincts item display to the head
  • Fixed some weapon tooltips
  • Fixed Delicate Watch item display (thanks Zenithrium for both these fixes!!)
  • Fixed Sniper Rifle consuming double the intended meter while shooting with Focus
  • Optimized some asset initialization so the mod should load up a little faster


  • Added weapon pickup notifications; these can be disabled via config if you find it too intrusive
  • Prototype Rocket Launcher primary damage: 450% > 600%, low duration of the weapon means it can get some of its power back
  • Rocket Launcher secondary meter consumption reduced by 33%
  • Fixed Sniper Rifle secondary not actually boosting damage at all, oops


  • Added weapon drop VFX
  • Using weapons no longer consumes meter while Brainstalks is active
  • Shifted Driver's position in the CSS because he is that guy


  • ^Weapon duration is no longer time based, it's now a pseudo ammo system that scales with attack speed
  • Readded weapon configs, game no longer has to be restarted to toggle weapons on or off
  • Added weapon: Stone Cannon- rare drop from Stone Golems
  • Machine Gun primary damage: 200% > 160% - this one was just shredding WAY too fast
  • Sniper Rifle primary damage: 600% > 800% - this one sucked all around
  • Sniper Rifle secondary max damage: 4000% > 5000%, damage now scales linearly with charge instead of being all or nothing
  • Updated Heavy Machine Gun SFX
  • Updated Chimeric Cannon VFX
  • Improved weights on the Hitman skins
  • Restored weapon pickup SFX
  • Fixed stats not updating while holding down Focus


  • Added weapon: ???
  • Added weapon: ???
  • Added some more Starstorm 2 crosscompat goodies
  • Hammer of the King primary damage: 345600% > 3210%
  • Badass Shotgun self force now scales down with attack speed
  • Fixed certain weapon recoils not scaling down with attack speed
  • Fixed Pyrite Gun overriding the other stronger pistol upgrades


  • Added weapon: Chimeric Cannon
  • Added weapon: Hammer of the King
  • Added weapon: Badass Shotgun
  • Added radius indicators to all explosives so you can actually see the blast radius
  • Added Lystate Cell functionality to alternate special
  • Added a wiki to the mod page listing all the weapons currently available
  • Updated some projectile models and VFX to add a little more variety
  • Grenade Launcher primary damage: 300% > 500%, blast radius 4m > 6m, fire rate increased by 25%, knockback force severely reduced
  • ^this weapon really sucked and needed every one of these buffs
  • Fixed cooldowns being reset any time the inventory was updated (this included equipment being used or coming off cooldown)


  • Fixed weapon pickups not being fully networked, clients can now see what's in them!
  • Fixed certain Pistol upgrades being overridden by inventory changes
  • Fixed weapon HUD showing for everyone in multiplayer if someone else was playing Driver
  • Fixed some animations/skill states not being networked properly


  • Added support for permanent weapon replacements
  • Upon reaching a run-ending boss stage, your default Pistol will now upgrade itself to better help you in the fight
  • ^ can be disabled in config but that's no fun
  • Added weapon: Needler
  • Added weapon: Pyrite Gun, a permanent Pistol upgrade
  • Heresy primary and secondary no longer take priority over picked up weapons- this hasn't been thoroughly tested so please report if you run into any weirdness
  • Added animation and vfx for heresy skills
  • Added some more flair to Combat Slide
  • Added some new sounds
  • Prototype Rocket Launcher secondary damage: 300% > 250%, base projectile count 7 > 4 (still scales up with attack speed)
  • ^ weapon was deleting bosses way too fast even after the nerfs
  • Fixed Egocentrism item display
  • Fixed heresy special skill having no cooldown when used with alternate special


  • Added RiskUI support! thanks to Bubbet for keeping the code clean so this was easy to implement
  • Added a stock display to Pistol's secondary so you don't have to keep looking in the corner to see if you have any shots ready
  • Golden Gun easter egg now works with the Golden Gun from ClassicItemsReturns (don't ask for classic ClassicItems compat it won't happen)


  • Added weapon: Grenade Launcher
  • Added weapon: Arm Cannon - unique drop from Steel Mechorilla
  • Updated various sounds and added some more
  • Updated Heavy Machine Gun model
  • Updated crosshairs for Bazooka, Rocket Launcher, Prototype Rocket Launcher, Super Plasma Cannon
  • Further nerfs to Rocket Launcher damage, this should be enough to keep it in line
  • Fixed Golden Gun crosscompat breaking things if LostInTransit was installed but Golden Gun was disabled
  • Fixed an oversight causing Brilliant Behemoth interaction to only occur with LostInTransit installed


  • Nerfed both Rocket Launchers across the board- the new secondary is crazy strong so this was needed
  • Added weapon: Chitin Shield, rare drop from Beetles
  • Added weapon: Brilliant Behemoth, equipped when you pick up the respective item


  • Added Pocket ICBM functionality to all grenades and explosives
  • Added Ancient Scepter upgrade for Flashbang
  • Added Ancient Scepter upgrade for Supply Drop, thanks to Hyperinvox for the weapon model!
  • Gave Heavy Machine Gun and Rocket Launcher new secondary skills
  • Heavy Machine Gun primary damage: 210% > 160%, the armor penetration ended up being way more impactful than expected
  • Flashbang damage: 650% > 500%, max stocks 1 > 2, partially reverting the damage buff and giving more utility in exchange
  • Supply Drop now drops a Prototype Rocket Launcher, a slightly nerfed version of the base weapon
  • Added a secret Golden Gun weapon, thanks to bruh for the model!
  • Fixed attack speed stat not updating while using Focus, locking your fire rate at the value it was at when you pressed the skill
  • Fixed Bandolier not refreshing weapon duration if alternate special was selected
  • Fixed Supply Drop not spawning a weapon if used by a client in multiplayer


  • Added weapon: Sniper Rifle (thanks to Swuff for the weak point targeting implementation)
  • Added a new unlockable skin (thanks Glasus for the challenge idea)
  • Flashbang damage: 400% > 650%, animation slightly sped up
  • Tweaked kickback on all shotguns
  • Bazooka minimum damage: 400% > 600%, charge time lowered and lockout before you can release an uncharged shot decreased
  • Updated Grand Mastery skin, adding more detail and polish
  • Fixed weapon duration meter being visible with no weapon equipped
  • Fixed Eclipse levels not going up


  • Added Grand Mastery skin!! huge thanks to Glasus for the design
  • Added weapon: Bazooka
  • Added an unlockable alternate special- Flashbang bridges a pretty crucial gap in his kit so hopefully it's not a straight upgrade
  • Machine Gun primary damage: 190% > 200%, fire rate slightly increased
  • Heavy Machine Gun primary damage: 240% > 210%, fire rate increased, shots now ignore armor (more damage to bosses)
  • Changed a handful of item displays
  • Enemies marked by Starstorm 2's Relic of Termination are now guaranteed to drop a Rocket Launcher
  • All shotguns now have varying degrees of backwards force when fired
  • Updated models for Slug Shotgun and Rocket Launcher
  • Temporarily removed functionality from weapon duration configs and reverted Rocket Launcher to 8 seconds


  • Pocket ICBM now works on Rocket Launcher. This has to be hardcoded into the skill state apparently
  • Rocket Launcher primary damage: 800% > 1000%
  • Rocket Launcher duration: 8s > 20s - Considering it only drops from bosses, at the end of the teleporter event for pretty much the whole first loop, it can get away with lasting a while
  • Added weapon: Slug Shotgun
  • Added weapon: Heavy Machine Gun
  • Added config options to enable or disable weapons
  • Fixed weapon pickups dropping for the enemy teams, preventing player Drivers from picking them up
  • Fixed Pistol and Machine Gun spread patterns
  • Fixed Simulacrum boss waves dropping Rocket Launchers from every enemy


  • Rocket Launcher primary damage: 600% > 800%, fire rate increased
  • Shotgun primary damage: 6x190% > 8x190%, removed pierce
  • Added weapon: Riot Shotgun, deals 6x140% with 0.75 proc coefficient but pierces (thanks bruh for the model =))
  • Removed level scaling and nerfed weapon drop pity modifier a little, last update made them drop just a bit too frequently
  • Added a custom pickup model for legendary tier weapons
  • Added a config option to make Driver call out his weapon pickups- enable this in multiplayer to make people mad
  • Added a config option to use the old crate pickups if you for some reason liked those more
  • Added cursed config


  • Added weapon: Rocket Launcher, guaranteed drop from bosses
  • Picking up Bandolier drops now resets your weapon timer
  • Replaced goofy weapon drop crates with a cool looking briefcase (old ones will be a config at some point)
  • Pistol now has some spread when firing without Focus
  • Machine Gun spread reworked for better accuracy when burst firing
  • Rewrote entire weapon backend, allowing new weapons to be easily added (even from external mods) and streamlining the whole development process
  • Made mastery skin 3% more epic
  • Fixed the big guy, elite, boss drop rate tweaks from 1.0.3 not working, please don't ask why this wasn't working
  • Fixed Machine Gun's secondary cancelling before the projectile was fired if you had some attack speed


  • Fixed ragdoll; the incredibly handsome developer of this mod never dies and so never realized it was broken


  • Buffed Pistol's fire rate
  • Shooting with Focus no longer has damage falloff
  • Machine Gun no longer has falloff
  • Shotgun now has falloff
  • Weapon drops now have a pity system, chance goes up with each kill until one drops and then the pity modifier resets
  • Weapon drops no longer require a Driver to land the killing blow- the only requirement now is a Driver on the player team
  • Fixed Combat Slide consuming all charges of Hardlight Afterburner instantly


  • Weapon timer won't start until your first attack with the weapon now
  • Tweaked weapon drop rates -- Champions (beetle guard, templar, etc. big guys) now have double the chance to drop a weapon -- Elites have 50% minimum chance to drop one, and can still scale up past that threshold -- Bosses are guaranteed to drop one- when higher tier weapons are added, they will drop these as well -- Drop chance is halved when playing on Swarms


  • Synced gun pickups, but for now only the host is able to see what's in the crate (until i can figure out this stupid code)
  • Fixed non host players being unable to pick up guns
  • Fixed non host players throwing a Captain airstrike instead of a flashbang


  • Fixed gun pickups being permanent- when commenting out the gun test code for release, I accidentally hit the code that swaps back to the pistol as well, whoops


  • Initial release