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Ryokune-InputAPI-1.0.0 icon


Simple Modded Inputs API for Content Warning!

Date uploaded 3 months ago
Version 1.0.0
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Downloads 11988
Dependency string Ryokune-InputAPI-1.0.0




  • BepInEx LTS (5.4.22)

For Developers:

Extend CWBaseInput to create new inputs. example: Inputs/ExampleInput.cs

using InputAPI;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Example.Inputs
    internal class ExampleInput : BaseCWInput, IExposedSetting
        public override KeyCode GetDefaultKey()
            return KeyCode.BackQuote;

        public string GetDisplayName()
            return "FooBar";

        public SettingCategory GetSettingCategory()
            return SettingCategory.Controls;

        protected override void OnHeld(Player player)
            // Implementation goes here.

        protected override void OnKeyDown(Player player)
            // Implementation goes here.

        protected override void OnKeyUp(Player player)
            // Implementation goes here.

And to use it you can simply do this inside of your Plugin.cs!

[BepInPlugin(MyPluginInfo.PLUGIN_GUID, MyPluginInfo.PLUGIN_NAME, MyPluginInfo.PLUGIN_VERSION)]
[BepInDependency("com.visualerror.inputapi", BepInDependency.DependencyFlags.HardDependency)] // Be sure to have this!!
public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
    internal ExampleInput Example = new ExampleInput();