Dinorush-MeleeSwingCustomization icon


Improves Bat's hitbox and adds customization for devs.

Last updated a month ago
Total downloads 229
Total rating 0 
Categories Client Mods Rundown Mods Dev Tools
Dependency string Dinorush-MeleeSwingCustomization-1.0.1
Dependants 1 other package depends on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_GTFO-3.2.1 icon

BepInEx pack for GTFO. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs.

Preferred version: 3.2.1



Improves bat hitbox by moving the swing (not direct hit) hitbox a little bit farther out.

Customization (Requires MTFO)

Reads custom files under Custom/MeleeSwingCustomization. You can customize the hitbox location for swings (i.e. the attack sphere) and pushes as well as adjusting the speed of swing/push animations. Speed adjustments automatically scale attack timings (i.e. MeleeAnimation times). A template file is generated on game launch if the folder does not exist. Files support LiveEdit, and immediately apply changes on save. They have the format:

[ // Can contain multiple blocks
        "ArchetypeID": 4,       // MeleeArchetypeID of the target weapon
        "Name": "Improved Bat", // Purely for organization
        "AttackOffset": "(0 0.55 0)", // Position offset for the attack sphere. null uses the original.
        "PushOffset": null,     // Position offset the push sphere. null uses the original.
        "LightAttackSpeed": 1,  // Speed modifier for light attacks/hits
        "ChargedAttackSpeed": 1,// Speed modifier for charged attacks/hits
        "PushSpeed": 1          // Speed modifier for pushes