Supply Raid(SR) Gamemode, with native H3MP integration
- Changed Capture zone material to support thermals
- Added Night Vision to attachments
- Added error checking on sosig death for H3MP
TnH Converter
- Fixed 2 capture zones spawning, no more failed SFX when capturing
- Added TnH Hold Points to the available Supply Points
- Fixed several Converter bugs and added more error checking
- Added better sosig patrols - Less clown car rooms
- Added Disabling Sosig Weapons pickups - marbL-
1.2.5 - Meat Fortress
- Added Meat Fortress Sosig Factions
- Added Meat Fortress Meatcenaries
- Updated Plugin to 114.1
- Updated player death event, Items drop and Respawn disabled should work again
- Fixed Faction IFF being overwritten by Squad IFFs
- Added error check on ammo table, should no longer spam errors when item isn't supported
Older Versions:
- Removed Alertness Check for new H3VR version
- Added Flaccid Steak meme character - Port of TnH Character
- Added Meatle Gear meme sosig faction - Port of TnH Character's Faction
- Added capacity number of new items on Magazine Duplicator table
- Added default characters costs to magazine duplicator if not able to find capacity
- Fixed Wallet spawning 4 wallets
- Fixed day one H3MP bug of end stats not syncing, you can now see proper stats
- Adjusted menu buttons volume to half, sorry about the BEEP
- Changed default Max Enemy Defenders to 10 from 12
- Added First and Last Year to Item Categories (Get Items by year range)
- Added more markers to the TNH Coverter
- Fixed the selection box in the Ammo Spawner showing up in the round selection page
- Added Meme tag check on spawned weapons with attachments, system slightly changed and slipped through
- Fixed client enemy multiplier, was loading int data not float
- Random the Random for item spawning
- Added additional checks to the buy menu to not display buttons with nothing in them
- Added hiding of buy menu buttons when not in the correct level range
- Fixed Supply Points not being properly indexed if not manually assigned by mapper
- Fixed bug with H3MP causing errors with TnH to SR conversion
- Added delay timer to H3MP Clients when capturing points
- Added Method for adding custom sosigs to the gamemode - Modder request
- Changed No Profiles log from an error to regular log
- Added Max Patrol Size for levels - gives better control on patrol groups
- Changed Sosig rabbit holes to be scalable for mappers, more randomized spawning sosigs
Key Features
- Supply Raid is now asset-based and universally updates across all maps without maps requiring updates
- Increased support for bespoke weapon types
- Visual update to menus
- Added more options for mappers and players
- New Experimental TnH to SR Converter (In Take and Hold Scene)
- Reduced Min Defender sosigs from 6 to 3
- Player health choices reworked to be more precise with visual feedback
- Enemy Multiplier is now decimal-based for more fine-tuning
- Added "Items Dropped on Death" based on a percentage chance per item on held and quickbelts (Backpacks too)
- Max Defender and Max Squad Enemies visual share sosig total for better performance feedback
- Removed Snipers from "defenders", snipers no longer count toward capturing
- Added Sosig sight multiplier to SR_Manager, Mappers can now reduce sosigs vision at night
- Gave Snipers 0.01 (1m per 100 seconds) movement speed, Let them wiggle
- Added check for Sosigs to spawn on valid Nav Mesh
- Sniper spawn locations are more accurate now, relative to the Transform's scale
- Max Defenders and Squads now affect each other and will be properly color-coded
- Sosigs will guard inside capture point if the player is seen capturing it
- Added Boss Sosigs, Same as guards but defend the capture zone
- Added Hunt Player behavior to Squad Sosigs, Sosigs spawn at the attack point and move towards the player
- Fixed Max Enemies and Squads not being calculated properly
- Changed yellow player supply point arrow to point towards the Buy Menu instead of the capture zone
- Added cardinal bearing numbers to the compass
- Changed points and capture numbers to be limitless
- Updates Compass Icons
- Changed visuals slightly
- Added per bullet cost option for purchasing refills
- Added bullet power cost multiplier to allow more expensive high-powered weapons
- Added Points Catchup option per character to disable giving players spending tokens for each starting level
- Added custom Buy menu categories
- Increased Buy Menu Category Tab buttons from 5 to 16
- Increased each buy menu button container from 24 buttons to 35 buttons
- Added individual rounds page to the Ammo Spawner (For those special ammo types)
- Added better bespoke support for the attachment table
- Added more universal attachments to the pool - More eras of Muzzle Breaks, Barrel Extenders and Suppressors
- Added Iron Sights spawning with their counterpart
- Added better mod scope support (Multi part scopes)
- Added new trays to all menus with better edge catching (No more runaway bullets)
Item Categories
- Added Loot option for enemies dropping ammo for held weapons
- Added option to force Patrol Sosigs to spawn in Rabbit Holes initially
- Changed Sniper spawn area to be world aligned and scalable for area spawning and forced direction facing
- Told Anton about improperly tagged attachments, no more Yolo or Telescope attachments (You're welcome)
- Updated for 1.2.0, reduced SDK asset file size by about x10
- Fixed Gizmos, Now properly show the exact spawn areas for sosigs
- Added Extraction Zone component, a zone with a count down to respawn the player in the start room
- Removed H3MP Hard Dependency - Supply Raid can be played with or without H3MP
- Added Min and Max First Year to Item Categories - Can now pool items within a certain period
- Fixed Faction Category Selection Panel (Finally)
- Added Token value on characters to be a custom value when recycling
- Fixed a few SDK issues
- Added 5, 10, 25, 100, 1000 69 Cash Money
- Added Cash Money Wallet
- Changed Token Icon to just the point icon
- Fixed Wallet being able to be rearmed
- Changed Attack arrow now faces vertically at the point to help with vertical maps
- Fixed Item Categories not using ammoSpawnLockedCount - was previously using ammoLimitedCount
- Fixed Loot dropping on captures - Loot only drops on kills
- Changed Squads to spawn from rabbit holes (Sosig Spawns) instead of the Squad point
- Fixed Health bar number to match players max health
- Fixed Loot Drop Chance - Can now drop multiple item categories based on % chance (No more non-sense calculation)
- Increased game time estimate by 1 minute per capture - For better average map sizes
- Increased default ammo count on Limited ammo from 3 to 4
- Added Thrown Damage Type to Item Categories
- Added Recycler accepts $1 69 Cal items for points - Safehouse Progression Support
- Added Player line of sight Check on Sosig spawn locations - Less camping rabbit holes
- Added playerNearby Setting to Supply Point (SDK) - Works with LOS check to stop sosigs spawning next to players
Coal (Points)
- Did you know - you can exchange coal for points on the recycler
- Added Golden Material - It's a golden Supply Point!
- Added Coal Exchange for $1 69 Cal at the end of the game - Safehouse Progression Support
Picatinny Pierre
- Added Grenade Launchers - 8 Point Cost
- Reduced Random Picatinny Weapon cost by 1
- Increase 1st capture points by 1
- Added $1 69 Cal purchase - Marathon Safehouse Progression Support
- Added Grenade Category
- Added Smoke Grenade Category
- Added Flashbang Category
- Fixed Health Icon - Woops
- Added Country of Origin Support to Item Categories
- Increased Sosig performance
- Added Sosig Obstacle Avoidance Quality to SDK for map makers
- Added Automatic Shotguns!
- Fixed Magazine Table Buttons - Will display proper available upgrades
- Tweaked Mod table - Purchases will be weighted towards bespoke attachments if bespoke weapon is used
- H3MP Spawn Fixes - Perhaps now its fixed?
- Fixed Ammo Table Purchases - Ammo table buttons now display proper costs and function properly
- Fixed Default Character/Faction - Ready for mods
- Added Compass health Text - Now you never need to look up!
- Added Item Category Ammo spawn count - Allows modders to define how many magazines/rounds etc that spawn at the buy menu
- Hiding SR Manager options for SDK inspector - those were words
- Recycler now players correct sound SFX - ka-ching!
- Handling Buy Menu spawns slightly better - multi object spawning now properly stacks for new grouping system
- Added Edges to the spawn intial gear table
- Fixed H3MP Player spawning
- Added Credits to README
- Changed Anti Material Sniper Icon to proper icon
- Readded Shotguns
Initial Release of Supply Raid