3. Supply Raid Editor - Item Category

Updated 7 months ago

Item Category

This tutorial assumes you've got your Supply Raid Editor Setup


The item categories are the core system for setting up buy menu items, loot drops and starting gear. They follow a similar system to the internal H3VR loot system with some additions for customization.

Item Category

The core to the item category, all of its settings to properly handle most Supply Raid situations for ease of balance and setup

Setting Description
Name The internal name of this item category, what the character should be referencing to spawn it
Buy Menu Category The internal name for the category menu in the Buy menu, a 256x256 png file in the same folder as this category name will be the icon. e.g. Buy Menu Category Username-StartPistol with png file in the mod folder Username-StartPistol.png
Type Used for loot table generation, if no Buy Menu Category set, this will default the items into one of these Type menus (Legacy Support)
Spawn Count How many of these items will spawn
Min Capacity The smallest capacity size of the magazine/clip/speedloader for it to be included, set to -1 to have no smallest size, will Randomly select between Min and Max Capacity
Max Capacity The largest capacity size of the Magazine/Clip/Speedloader this can include, set to -1 to have no upper limit on capacity, will Randomly select between Min and Max Capacity
Min Level This Item Category will not show up on the Buy Menu or loot drop until it's at least this many captures
Max Level This Item Category will not show up on the Buy Menu or loot drop if its equal to or above this many captures
Loot Tags Enabled If ticked, it will use the Loot Tags system to generate a table of items to be spawned
Loot Tags From Quickbelt This will generate this table with tags from the players hands and all Quick Belt slots from the scene including backpacks, this is used for generating relevant ammo for weapons the player is carrying
Required Attachments If ticked will spawn any listed Required Attachments on the weapon, generally Iron Sights, Reflex or scopes for weapons
Limited Ammo Count The amount (Or Maximum) of magazines/clips/Speedloaders that will spawn on Limited Ammo Mode, A fallback for all 'Limited' Count, set to -1 to use internal defaults
Limited Ammo Count Minimum The minimum of Limited Ammo Magazines/Clips/Speedloaders that will spawn on Limited Ammo Mode, set to -1 to only use Limited Ammo Count, randomly chooses between the Count and Count Minimum
Limited X Count The amount or maximum amount (overrides Limited Ammo Count) for each type on Limited Ammo Mode
Limited X Count Minimum The Minimum amount of each type that will spawn when the item on Limited Ammo Mode, randomly chooses between the Minimum and Count, set to -1 to only use Limited X Count
Spawn Locked Ammo Count The maximum amount or amount of spawn locked Magazines/Clips/Speedloaders that will spawn on Spawnlocked Enabled
Spawn Locked Ammo Count Minimum The minimum amount of spawn locked Magazines/Clips/Speedloaders that will spawn on Spawnlocked Enabled, set to -1 to only use Spawn Locked Ammo Count

Object Groups

Object groups are lists of ObjectIDs that can spawn together per group, this is useful if you want players to get several items such as a specific weapon and attachments on a single purchase or loot drop.

Each group's name has no affect other than readability, you open the Group with then gives you a list of Group IDs which is made up of ObjectIDs. You can find Object ID's by checking with the Item Spawner or using the Toolbox's Object Info tool. You can also get relevant information from the H3VR Meta Viewer

Each Group represents a single item on the list of potential spawn-able groups when the system randomly selects for the Buy Menu and Loot Drops

Loot Tags

The loot tag system is what all H3VR items in theory use to define what they are in the games database, with several tags set it can produce a list of items (including mod items) that can be spawned through the Buy Menu or Loot Drops If you do not know what Tags an item has, you can check it in H3VR using the Item Spawner or Object Info tool from the Toolbox, alternatively you can use the H3VR Meta Viewer

Subtractive IDs

A list of ObjectIDs that you want to blacklist from being spawned from the Item Category, useful if you want to remove a single item from a otherwise good Loot Tag set of items.