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AMRV-LethalCompanyVariables-2.0.1 icon


Customize everything of the game with options such as enemy spawning, starting money, death penalty, enemy spawn probabilities, scrap spawn and value, weather chances, quota, day speed and many more options. All with an in-game menu and for each save file.

Date uploaded 5 months ago
Version 2.0.1
Download link
Downloads 3488
Dependency string AMRV-LethalCompanyVariables-2.0.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
AMRV-ConfigurableCompany-3.5.0 icon

A robust and powerful API for configuration handling and synchronization in real time. Create file-dependant configurations that can be changed while in game by the players. (The developer MUST implement their own configurations)

Preferred version: 3.5.0


Lethal company variables

Contact me

This mod allows the user (you) to modify the game to your liking. All within the game with a configuration menu that allows you to have different settings on each save file.

There are still plenty of configurations im planning to add in the future. You can submit your suggestions by contacting me or in the corresponding thread in the Lethal company modding discord.

PRO TIP If you decide to contact using the discord, make sure you ask in the corresponding channel, to navigate to it look up for a channel called mod-releases and search Lethal company variables.

Ingame image of the configuration menu

[Host]: Only the host of the game needs the mod.
[Host & Client] Both host and the client need the mod installed. (Configuration will sync automatically).

The list of options you can modify:

  • Enemy spawn multiplier [Host]

    Modifies the amount of enemies that spawns each in-game hour. You can add a multiplier per player.
    Keep in mind that there are two other limit for the amount of enemies that can be spawned, those are Enemy power level and Enemy capacity.

    This configuration does not affect the spawn of turrets or landmines, you should use it's configuration.

  • Enemy spawn range [Host]

    Clamps the minimum and maximum amount of enemies that can spawn at the same time or in the same batch of enemies.
    This value is not affected by Enemy spawn multiplier settings.

  • Starting enemies [Host]

    Change the amount of enemies that will be on the planet when you land. This value is not affected by Enemy spawn multiplier settings.

  • Enemy power [Host]

    Modifies the power that each enemy uses when spawning. You can also modify the maximum power of enemies for each level.

  • Enemy capacity [Host]

    Modifies the maximum amount of each individual enemy. For example there is a maximum of 5 coil-heads in the level, now you can modify that!

  • Deadline days [Host]

    Changes the amount of days you have to fulfill the quota.

  • Starting quota [Host]

    Sets the quota that the game starts with, this value is only used then you create the game file.

  • Quota increase base [Host]

    Sets the quota that will be added after each completed deadline. Keep in mind that this is the base value and will be scaled according to the rest of the configuration.

  • Quota steepness [Host]

    Smooths out how much quota is raised after each deadline. Higher values mean the quota will raise slower.

  • Quota multiplier [Host]

    Allows to modify how much quota is added after each deadline by multiplying the increase base. You can also add a multiplier per player.

  • Starting money [Host]

    Allows you to customize the amount of money you start the game with

  • Player death penalty [Host & Client]

    Changes the percent of credits that you lose for each individual death (setting it to 100% will clear all your money, even if just one player dies and their body is not recovered)

  • Ship door power [Host]

    Modifies how long can the ship door remain closed.
    Greater values mean the door will remain closed for a longer time before overheating, thus automatically opening.

  • Time speed [Host]

    Allows you to change the speed at which the day passes. Higher values mean the day will last less.

  • Time speed mode [Host & Client]

    Changes how hours should elapse in the game, has two modes.

    • Balanced: Works as vanilla, the day starts the moment you enter on a planet.
    • Fixed: Time won't pass until the ship lands.

  • Experience multiplier [Host & Client]

    Allows to modify how much experience you earn by playing. (Keep in mind experience can be both gained or lost and this multiplier will affect both).

  • Disable ship item limit [Host]

    Disables the default limit of items inside the ship.

  • Turret spawn multiplier [Host]

    Changes the amount of turrets that can spawn with the level (high values will grant at least one spawn)

  • Landmine spawn multiplier [Host]

    Changes the amount of landmines that can spawn with the level (high values will grant at least one spawn)

  • Weather selection mode [Host & Client]

    Change the algorithm used to determine the weather of the planets.

    • Disabled: The vanilla algorithm is used and configurations are ignored.
    • Simple: Weather is choosen based on a normal probability.
    • Complex: Weather is choose based on normal probability but it gets harder the better you play.
  • Allow every weather [Host & Client]

    Allows every planet to have any weather (Keep in mind that this might be unfair in some maps with specific weathers).

  • Weather probabilities [Host & Client]

    Set the probability or weight chance for any weather to occur, you can set this value globally or individually for each planet.

  • Scrap price multiplier [Host]

    Changes the value of the scrap. This works for every kind of scrap, even items such as Keys and the Apparatus

  • Scrap amount multiplier [Host]

    Changes the amount of scrap that spawns in the level, this only counts towards dynamic scrap so items such as the apparatus and beehives are not affected.

  • Factory size [Host & Client]

    Modify the interior size of each level individually.

  • Enemy power [Host]

    Change the maximum amount of power that the level can have, you can set this value individually for indoors and outdoors.

  • Scrap amount [Host]

    Modifies the minimum and maximum amount of scrap that will appear in the level.
    (Does not change the amount of beehives, apparatus or other static scrap)

  • Enemy spawning [Host]

    Change the probability for each enemy to spawn in the level. You can even allow custom enemies to spawn in custom moons.

    If LCV can't detect the probability of an enemy, it will not be taken into consideration unless you enable it.

This mod makes use of my other mod ConfigurableCompany. If you are a modder, you might want to look at it ;)


No compatibility issues.

Every mod that adds a new enemy is compatible and the eneny will be shown in the config.

If you find any, contact me and will be fixed asap.

Keep in mind if another mod changes the same features as this mod, these settings might not work.

Additional info


Modding discord

If you find any issue or have any suggestion, feel free to contact me or ask in the discord's corresponding channel.




  • Apparatus now wont show its value
  • Scrap value wont get multiplied x2 by default
  • Removed useless debug logs



  • Updated scrap value and amount calculations and multiplications to prevent duplications
  • Scrap amount and value should be appended among multiplications made by other mods



  • Global scrap value multiplier applying more than once



  • New challenge seed CHALLENGE
  • Configuration for risk level text


  • Tooltip for one handed and two handed items
  • Level, item and enemy configs updated for v64


  • Moon route price not working sometimes
  • Enemies not spawning when max quota days changes
  • Scrap value multiplier per level not working
  • Code optimizations



  • Values for v61 for enemies
  • Values for v61 for items
  • Values for v61 for enemies



  • Removed unnecesary logs



  • Configuration for item's batteries
  • Configuration for item probability per level
  • Configuration for item conductivity
  • Configuration for vein shroud spread in levels
  • Configuration to force a seed for the game
  • Added some special seeds


  • Updated priority for moon route prices
  • Removed unnecesary production logs
  • Masked enemy incorrectly marked as outside enemy
  • Added enemy vanilla check
  • Fixed enemy spawn type label error
  • Fixed custom randomizers


  • Item modifications now can be toggled and will be disabled for non-vanilla items
  • Updated configuration application for enemies and items per level



  • Configuration to globally change factory size [Thanks friskzips]


  • Fixed mod not working if any section breaks
  • Fixed enemy spawning breaking due to invalid external enemies



  • Added DISABLED mode for daytime speed to prevent LCV from altering the vanilla behavior
  • Added configuration for individual item weight
  • Added configuration for scrap value multiplication for individual levels
  • Added option to allow picking up items before game starts
  • Added configuration for moon route prices
  • Added internal framework for better IL modifications
  • Added configuration for quota overtime bonus
  • Added configuration for scrap worth


  • Fixed enemy power not reflecting configured value
  • Fixed trap multiplier not working correctly
  • Fixed quota not synchronizing with vanilla clients
  • Fixed incompatibility with LLL where enemies would not change configs
  • Fixed incompatibility with LLL where moons would not change configs
  • Fixed randomization on some configs resulting on errors
  • Fixed incompatibility with Starlanzed mod causing enemy defaults to being wrong
  • Fixed IL framework erros


  • Externalized compatibility for enemies, levels and items
  • Optimized configuration application for moon enemies



  • Added compatibility for latest version of Lethal Level Loader
  • Synchronization issues with daytime speed multipliers



  • Issue that made players inmortal when a low defense setting was applied



  • Preloaders won't fail if the method already exists
  • Enemy spawn multiplier now will be clamped among other enemy spawning related configurations
  • Fixed Centipede enemy type not registering for vanilla planets
  • Fixed factory size not synchronizing


  • Enemy spawns now won't be clamped by the amount of vents in the level. New vents will be created to spawn those enemies.


  • Configurations for player stats: health, defense, sprint, jump force and movement speed
  • Reintroduced configuration to hide all weathers
  • Added extra configuration to always display the in-game clock



  • Error making enemies not spawning if you changed the deadline



  • Updated default configuration values for moon-related settings
  • Updated default configuration values for enemy-related settings
  • Added new moons to configurable list


  • Traps not loading correctly
  • Enemy power usage has been updated to work with decimal values


  • Made configuration for the newest trap (spike root trap)
  • Global multipliers for individual enemy spawning



  • v50 is now the supported version, older versions of lethal company are no longer supported.



  • Added safety measures to prevent configuration locking



  • [Regresion] fixed default scrap value multiplication using incorrect value
  • Fixed null pointer when registering non-compatible planets from LEC



  • Patch loading now uses a lazy load to prevent full crash when a component fails [Thanks rtfreal for the help testing in v50]



  • Error when the used didnt have LethalLevelLoader



  • Fixed patcher preloader not applying due to bad route
  • Fixed assembly versioning



  • Now makes use of the new ConfigurableCompany 3.0 API
  • Individualized settings for each moon
  • Reworked daytime speed, weather probability and enemy spawning configurations.
  • Reworked project structure and internals
  • Configurations are now split in different pages for better organization


  • Added LethalLevelLoader compatibility for custom moons
  • Added scrap amount range so levels will have at least and at most the values in the provided range
  • Added enemy spawn range to clamp the spawns to a minimum and a maximum


  • Compatibility issues with players without the mod and weather disalignment
  • Daytime speed problems with players without the mod
  • Fixed compatibility with a lot of custom enemy mods



  • Individual enemy cap settings to configure how many enemies of any type can spawn
  • Min enemies to spawn configuration for a more reliable challenge
  • Starting enemies configuration to set a minimum amount of enemies to spawn in the level


  • Error when all weather chances were set to 0
  • No weather probability now works correctly without the Allow every weather option


  • Enemy spawn configurations are now split between outside and inside enemies
  • Patches now will execute after other mods so they will override their settings (or amplificate them)



  • Weather chances not syncing when the users joins a host without opening the menu



  • Fixed soft crash when a planet did not have weathers
  • Fixed outside enemy spawn probabilities not applying



  • Configuration Weather probability override allows the user to set the probabilities more consistently.
  • Configuration Allow every weather allows any weather on any planet.
  • Configuration Turret spawn multiplier to allow to change the amount of turrets on each level.
  • Configuration Landmine spawn multiplier to allow to change the amount of landmines on each level.


  • Weather changes are now more reliable



  • New configurations for Daytime speed and Daytime speed mode.



  • Quota variables now follow the vanilla game scaling (a more consistant raise)


  • Added an image of how the menu looks like in the readme



  • Fixed an oppsie when adding the failsafe that made the mod not patch methods correctly



  • Added a patch for compatibility with Don't touch me
  • Now those mods without compatibility won't crash (added a failsafe)



  • New configuration for starting quota, quota increase and quota exponential increase


  • Changed the mod icon. Do you like it?
  • Experience multiplier is no longer considered experimental



  • New configuration to modify weather chances


  • Added missing information to the mod readme


  • Updated mod descriptions
  • Updated ConfigurableCompany dependency



  • New configuration Experience multiplier to modify the amount of experience you earn/lose while playing. After testing seems to work correctly, however is marked as experimental just in case I missed something during sync


  • Configurations now display on their correct page


Nothing added, just and update to make people know the mod works correctly



  • Compatibility with v47


  • Code cleanup



  • Fixed enemy spawn probability not syncing with configuration value between matches



  • Individual enemy spawn probabilities


  • Changed ship door config description to clarity what it does [Thanks to @rayneontop]


  • Modifying deadline days on an already existing game could cause enemies to now spawn



  • Corrected scrap value multiplication



  • Beehives now correctly show their scrap value multiplied



  • Fixed scrap multiplier to correctly calculate scrap values
  • Now the scrap price multiplier affects items such as keys and the lung apparatus
  • Project cleanup



  • Configuration to disable signal translator limit (terminal input limit remains)


  • Made sure every configuration works correctly with the new Config API, this includes changes to
  • Enemy power and capacity wont overflow themselves anymore
  • Changing the quota deadline wont break enemy spawn
  • Weather is now hided correctly in the planet description
  • Correctly set death penalty display