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Alice-ScarletDevilMansion-1.3.12 icon


Adds the Scarlet Devil Mansion from Touhou as a possible dungeon to the snow maps.

By Alice
Date uploaded 2 months ago
Version 1.3.12
Download link
Downloads 5391
Dependency string Alice-ScarletDevilMansion-1.3.12

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
Evaisa-LethalLib-0.11.0 icon

My modding tools for Lethal Company

Preferred version: 0.11.0
IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.2.3 icon

A Custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of all forms of custom content in Lethal Company. (v50 Compatible)

Preferred version: 1.2.3
Lordfirespeed-OdinSerializer-2022.11.9 icon

Fast, robust, powerful and extendible .NET serializer built for Unity

Preferred version: 2022.11.9
fumiko-CullFactory-0.9.2 icon

Stops rendering faraway factory rooms - Helps with performance.

Preferred version: 0.9.2


Required by all clients

Updated for LC v50 and LLL v1.2

이제 비공식 한국어 패치를 넣고 실행할 때 걸리던 오류를 고쳐습니다

The Scarlet Devil Mansion(紅魔館)

Adds the Scarlet Devil Mansion from Touhou as a possible dungeon for the snow moons (Dine, Rend, Tital). By default the chances are about 50% split between the regular mansion dungeon and the SDM dungeon. In the Lethal Level Loader config, you can edit the spawn weight for any of the snow maps as well as any vanilla or custom moon.


Designed for All Parties

The dungeon features a config presets to accommodate the majority of party sizes and preferences. These can be found in the _Presets section in the config. These will automatically overwrite the config settings as the preset values get updated. You can disable the automatic overwrite in the config as well. The preset feature is a lot easier to use with Lethal Config.

You must load up Lethal Company once with this mod enabled to create the config. All configs are synced by the host.

The Default preset. Designed for larger parties of 3 to 4+ players, this dungeon preset will create three main paths (as opposed to the game's single path) that's about half as big as a normal mansion. Scrap, enemy, and map hazard count are increased to fit the larger dungeon.

The Small preset. Designed for smaller parties of 1 to 3 players, this dungeon preset is a smaller variant of the Default preset. It will instead create two main paths. As well, the scrap and map hazard count are only slightly increased.

The MoreLoot and BitMoreLoot preset. Designed for parties who seek high risk, hish reward, these dungeon presets are variants of the Default and Small preset. These massively increases scrap, enemy, and map hazard count.

The Vanilla preset. Designed for parties who just want a vanilla dungeon experience. This tries to emulate Lethal Company's vanilla dungeon generation.

If tweaking is more of your style, you can still configure many of the dungeon's properties to your liking in the config. Just be sure to select the Custom preset so they don't get overwritten.

Dungeon Layout

The map is a grayscale representation of what the Scarlet Devil Mansion could look like, with a mayor starting room, hallway corriders, and typical mansion rooms (bedrooms, libraries, kitchens, etc.).

Click here to see the dungeon screenshots

This dungeon uses modified dungeon generation code to create multiple main paths (as opposed to the base game's single path), then creates branching paths like normal. Furthermore, the dungeon will always be confined to a relatively small box. This is all done to increase the chance of the main paths connecting and forming a circular path. Please understand that this will increase dungeon generation times by a decent margin. None of this applies if you are using the Vanilla preset.

Dungeon Features

Besides the dungeon's generation and tiles, the dungeon features a few unique mechanics that can shake up your scavenging adventure, or play a fun distraction.

Spoiler warning. Click here to see the features
The Clock
It's a clock. Accurately tells the time but has a knack of breaking.
The Doors
Doors, regular or locked, can destroyed by both players and enemies. Some doors spawn already half destroyed. Players require a shovel or shotgun while an enemy just has to be angry.
The Painting Event
A high value scrap item. Snatching it will summon a dangerous enemy and even more scrap. A maximum of 2 can spawn.
The Pit
Jumping puzzles can be found throughout the mansion, typically near the entrance. Highly encourage you to not fall in the pit.
The Emergency Exit
The fire exit looks a little different. The vanilla style can enabled in the config.
The Portraits
Rotateable portaits can be found on tables and dressers. They serve no other purpose.

Dungeon Items and Enemies

The dungeon contains a few unique scrap items that can only spawn inside the mansion. They each contain a very unique interact feature.

Spoiler warning. Click here to see the items
The Decorative Crystals
An average valued scrap item with a bit of weight. Comes it many colours. Can be combined with a flashlight in your inventory to create a new decorative flashlight with a recharged and improved battery, a colored light bulb, half of the crystals original value. This leaves behind a shattered decorative crystal which has the leftover 50% value, which can also be used to create another decorative flashlight (this completely destroys the crystal).

The dungeon uses summoning sigils to summon its enemies as opposed to vents. This is only a visual change. All enemies featured in this dungeon can only spawn inside the mansion.

Spoiler warning. Click here to see the enemies
The Knight, a Coil-head variant
Acts like a regular coil-head, but is noticeably slower and prefers spawning from statue props, especially ones passed by scavengers.

Mod Compatibilities

The following mods either have unique compatibilities or made to work with SDM:

  • LethalConfig (Config presets are easier to use with this mod)
  • Mimics (Custom fire exits can also be mimics. Interior name must be added to the Mimics config under Interior whitelist. Name is "SDMLevel")
  • FacilityMeltdown (Can be activated by the dungeon event. Must be enabled in the config)
  • ReservedFlashlightSlot (The decorative flashights can be placed in the flashlight slot)
  • AdvancedCompany (Made to work. The current mod compatibility will remain but it will not updated)

Roadmap in General

The development process is generally split into 3 distinct parts:

  • Create more rooms, room variants, and polish up the current ones with props, lighting, etc.
  • Add touhou-themed enemies and scrap items
  • Add dungeon mechanics/features (for example the factory's appartatus and jumping puzzles)

There is a slim possibility that I add a custom moon, but that's so way down the line.


Touhou owned by Team Shanghai Alice (ZUN) - Code, Dungeon Design - 3D Environment Assets (Rooms) - 3D Environment Assets (Hallways)
@grandteki (Discord) - Various 3D Assets
@Schmagons (Instagram) - 2D Art
YeeHaw - Portait Art
@Zaggy1024 (Discord) - For their sick help in getting Deep Profiling to work - For their sick advice - SFX

Released under Creative Commons Attribution License. If you'd like expand upon my work, while I would apprecite it you don't have to ask for my permission. You only have to include the text blob above, with the names and their contributions, somewhere reasonably visible in your mod page or whatever you doing.

If interested, the map assets were originally used in these two fan games. Utusuru and Gensokyo Komarunner.


Any complaints or questions can asked in this discord thread. You can also dm personally at this discord, LadyRaphtalia.



1.0.1 - 1.0.4

Detailed the mayor starting room
Added three detailed kitchen variants
Made more drastic changes to make the map much less spread out, AKA map is smaller

1.1.0 - 1.1.12

Added support for LLL
Detailed the hallway rooms and added new ones
Added lethal company's lighting onto the dungeon (somehow?)
Added new enemy variant
Added new scrap item
Fixed enemy pathing issues
Spray cans now work, thanks SkullCrusher my beloved
Added wall lights to hallway rooms as a possible spawn
Added chandelier lights to most rooms as a possible spawn
Added networked config to modify the spawn chance of light sources
Added networked config to modify much of the dungeon generation values and scrap count

1.2.0 - 1.2.12

Added new dungeon event
Added basement to mayor starting room
Added bedroom and servant quarter variant rooms
Many many internal code and design changes to reduce the load times by abouy 90% on average
Removed garden tile (temporarily). Added unpolished fire exits throughout the dungeon
Added rotateable frames to the hallways
Added new functionality to decorative crystal item
Added config presets. Automatically set to default. Contains two distinct presets for 4+ lobbies are 1-3 smaller lobbies
These config presets make the map much smaller
Fixed scrap spawn prefering to spawn on the upper floors
Added many new networked configs
Switch from BinaryFormatter to OdinSerializer
Fixed issues with unofficial Korean patch


Added clock prop to main entrance
Added destroyable doors
Re-added/Fixed AC compatibility code




Increased brightness of light sources a tad bit
Redone item (again) and map hazard spawn locations
Added item spawns (and turret spawns) to mayor starting room
Added configs for knight and decorative cystals spawn weights


Added library variant rooms. Temporary removed 2nd floor library room
New approach to lighting, may be good may be bad, who knows its experimental


Lighting polish
Lights turn red during dungeon event
Added FacilityMeltdown compatibility


More lighting polish (brighter entrance)
Doors have a chance of spawning partially damaged


Changed lighting approach again. This one should be it
Added 2F library room
Added ReservedFlashlightSlot compatibility
CullFactory mod is now manatory
Added door damage configs


Fixed some missing lighting
Actually added the 2F library room
Improved visuals for fire exit
Added shoulder visiblity to ReservedFlashlightSlot compatibility
Added config to add unique enemy spawns during the bedroom dungeon event
Added config for demonic painting
Added config to use either SDM or vanilla fire exits


Updated for LC v50 and LLL v1.2 (so sorry for long wait)
Moved some of the configs to LLL
Added new scrap item, shattered decorative crystal (can combine with flashlights)
Combining a normal decorative crystal with a flashlight will also provide this new scrap item


Added spike traps to dungeon
Fix for the shattered deco. crystal not spawning when in orbit
Small decrease to lighting radius (may reduce max light spam warning for the time being)
Changed layout of one of the servant quarter rooms slightly


Added Mimics compatibility
Added experimental fix for resolving the max light spam warning


Hotfix for when Mimics is loaded
Today I learned how loading .dll's work


Added two jump puzzle hallways
Changed the dungeon generation's feel completely
Today I learned to not load .dlls


Tweaked the dungeon generation to consider the alternate main paths as actual main paths
Fixed the mayor tile not spawning branch paths
Fixed one of the main paths being very dense
Added config to disable the mayor basement
Adjusted the Vanilla preset to fit these new changes
Made jump puzzles slightly less frequent
Added a bit of randomness to jump puzzle layout\


Added special colouring to enemies that spawn from the painting event


Added new pit room
Possible fix to out-of-bounds item spawns and wall phasing enemy movement\


Fixed for new LLL version


Added new enemy variant (not finalized)


Added new weapon that drops from new enemy variant


Added new scrap item
Added new pit room
Added some safety railings to some of the pit rooms