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ButteryStancakes-ButteryFixes-1.13.0 icon


Fixes a lot of miscellaneous gameplay issues with vanilla. See store description for more details (and recommendations for other great bugfix packages)

Date uploaded a day ago
Version 1.13.0
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Downloads 3677
Dependency string ButteryStancakes-ButteryFixes-1.13.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Buttery Fixes

A collection of miscellaneous vanilla-compatible bug fixes that were too small to release as individual mods.

List of Changes

For a full list, please consult the Changelog tab. Below is just a summary of the most important changes


Host only

  • Fixed stormy weather not working after the first day of a new session
  • Fixed ordered items remaining inside the dropship after you are fired or the challenge moon resets, giving you a free "head start"
  • The dropship's inventory will now be remembered when rehosting a save
    • Only applies if the file was both saved & loaded with this mod active
  • Cruiser fixes
    • Fixed items being lost in orbit when dropped inside of an already magnetized Cruiser
    • Cruiser is lost when fired or between challenge moon attempts
  • Fixed bee hives not randomizing their price correctly


  • Fixed music being erroneously (and permanently) disabled under certain circumstances
  • Ladder fixes
    • These only apply if not using Fast Climbing or BetterLadders
    • Stamina no longer drains if you try to sprint while climbing
    • You no longer climb slower/faster if you were moving up/down a slope
  • "CRITICAL INJURY" popup on HUD now only displays when you have actually been critically injured (limping, unable to sprint)
  • The endgame stats screen now shows the correct amount of scrap in the level
  • The casualties/bodies recovered screen now displays accurate fee percentages
  • Fixed scanning while driving the Cruiser
  • Data chips will now disappear for all players after being picked up
  • Fixed TZP effects and mineshaft echo persisting after you are fired or change save files

Host only

  • Fixed Forest Keepers instantly chasing players on sight due to a logical error in their stealth mechanics
  • Fixed Old Birds still spawning after all "dormant" Old Birds on the moon wake up (causing them to instantly appear in a random location)
  • Fixed Old Birds not adding to outdoor power or their maximum spawn count (of 20) if they are woken up by unplugging the apparatus.
  • Fixed the broken "global clock" for nutcrackers (they are now more likely to "inspect" in sync with each other)
  • Fixed hoarding bugs and baboon hawks acting strangely if you disconnect mid-day and then host a game again
  • Fixed bracken enraging on players immediately when shot by a nutcracker


  • Fixed Old Birds' stomps and dying Forest Keepers hurting you while you are inside the ship
  • The Kidnapper Fox won't kill you in the ship, unless it has recently been attacked/stunned by a player
  • Fixed slimes still dealing damage while "tamed" by a boombox if they haven't been "angered" by attacking them at least once
  • Fixed eyeless dogs getting stuck in aggro when making a lot of noise in one spot
  • Restored some missing text in the bestiary

Host only

  • Fixed conductivity across several items (toilet paper is no longer conductive, cookie mold pans are now conductive, etc. Configurable)


  • Flashlight fixes
    • Fixed multiple flashlights in your inventory preventing pocketed lights from shining
    • Fixed flashlights turning themselves on when stored with default keybinds
  • Fixed certain items being audible when they hit the floor no matter where you are on the map
    • This affected large axles, plastic fish, easter eggs, bee hives, zap guns, sticky note, and clipboards
  • Fixed kitchen knives not showing "Value: $35" on scan until the save file is reloaded
  • Fixed whoopie cushions showing a red cube on the "Scrap collected" screen
  • Fixed boombox pitch being incorrect if you charge it after it reaches low battery


Host only
  • RandomizeDefaultSeed - Randomizes the seed when starting a new save file instead of always defaulting to 0. This will change starting weather, discounts, and decor rotation.
  • MakeConductive - Disables non-conductive vanilla items being made conductive by this mod, if you are used to vanilla properties
  • FixGiantSight - Fixes the bug with Forest Keeper line-of-sight that allows them to instantly chase players when spotting them, at any distance.
    • Their "memory" of players is meant to decay when that player is not visible, but due to a logical error, this only works if at least one other player is visible to the giant.
    • Even so, the latter usually doesn't work in vanilla, since their memory increases (past 100%) the entire time they are chasing you.
    • If you have Fair Giants installed for this purpose, they will both apply their effects, and giants will be "extra stupid." Use one or the other
  • MaskHornetsPower - Enables mask hornets contributing 2 to the indoor power level. (This behavior is unused in vanilla due to their special spawn conditions)
    • Leaving this option disabled lets additional monsters spawn to replace dead butlers, like vanilla
  • FixJumpCheese - Jumping/landing while moving near dogs alerts them, preventing an exploit where you can move past them silently at sprinting speed.
  • KeysAreScrap - Keys can finally be sold for $3, but they get deleted if your entire team dies.
  • FixHivePrices - Bee hive prices finally randomize correctly (different hives cost different amounts)
  • UnlimitedOldBirds - Disables both of the fixes made to Old Birds spawning, so it matches vanilla's behavior.
    • This allows Old Birds to continue spawning after all the ones present on the map have "woken up." This will cause them to appear out of thin air! (They do not have a proper spawning animation for this situation)
    • This also makes Old Birds that spawn from apparatus not add to power count or spawn caps, meaning they do not affect natural outdoor spawns.
  • LimitSpawnChance - Prevents certain enemies with ramping spawn chances (baboon hawks, nutcrackers, mimics, etc.) from exceeding the max spawn weight and dominating enemy spawns.
    • For example, Rend already has nutcrackers set to 100 spawn weight (the "maximum" value for all vanilla levels)
    • However, nutcrackers gradually increase their spawn chances as more spawn (with 2 nutcrackers on the map, the 3rd has ~1.05x spawn chance, and so forth)
    • This multiplier allows nutcrackers to exceed 100 weight, which doesn't seem to be intended
  • GameResolution - Change game resolution (featuring "high" and "low" settings unused in vanilla)
    • Leave on DontChange for vanilla resolution, or automatic compatibility with other resolution mods
  • RestoreFilmGrain - Restores the film grain effects from earlier versions of the game (seen in v4-v30)
    • MenusOnly only applies this to the title screen and pause menu
    • NotRadar restores it for everything except the ship's radar camera (SYSTEMS ONLINE, flashbangs, fear, etc.)
    • Full applies it to the ship's radar camera as well, which was not the case in v9.
  • MusicDopplerLevel - Reduce or entirely disable the pitch distortion of music players when moving around
  • ShowApparatusValue - Replaces "???" text when scanning the apparatus with its actual value.
  • ScanImprovements - Some miscellaneous improvements to the "scan" terminal command and radar.
    • When in orbit or at The Company, the scan will display the number of items you have on the ship and how much they total.
    • Fixed incorrect prices being displayed for apparatus, bee hives, shotguns, and kitchen knives.
    • Butlers' knives now display a scrap icon on the radar (and display their price in a terminal scan) before its owner is killed.
  • FixFireExits - Rotates fire exit teleporters so you are always facing forward when using them.
  • RestoreShipIcon - Fixes the ship's icon not displaying next to the arrow when the cameras are observing a player that's outside.
  • LockInTerminal - When using the terminal, you will no longer be able to move your head, and typing should be available with less delay.
    • This also locks the camera when charging items or pulling the ship's lever.
  • DisableLODFade - Disables LOD crossfade, which is broken in vanilla due to its visual style.
    • This does not completely prevent "pop in" when approaching objects, but does help minimize its frequency.
    • It now only happens once, where it used to happen twice


If you want a largely bug-free vanilla experience, I strongly suggest checking out all of the mods below (they all work great when used together):



  • Renamed RestoreFilmGrain settings to be more intuitive (this might reset your chosen value, sorry)
  • Added RestoreArtificeAmbience setting
  • Expanded ScanOnShip setting (now ScanImprovements)
    • Butlers' now display a scrap icon on the map before they are killed
    • Fixed incorrect prices being displayed on scanner for kitchen knives, bee hives, shotguns, and the apparatus
  • Added DisableLODFade setting
  • Fixed incorrect information being displayed when typing "upgrades" in terminal
  • Fixed out-of-bounds "Main entrance" scan node on Gordion


  • Fixed RestoreFilmGrain setting not working if you have More Company cosmetics enabled, and don't have Emblem installed
  • Fixed enemy spawns being incorrect on challenge moons (only fixed when LimitSpawnChance setting is used)
  • Fixed a potential issue with placing items on shelves in multiplayer (thanks FlipMods)


  • FixGiantSight setting
    • This will fix the infamous bug with Forest Keepers instantly chasing players (even if they are spotted for only a single frame, at any distance)
    • If you use Fair Giants, you should disable this setting to avoid making them extra stupid
  • Fixed items growing when dropped in the Cruiser and shrinking when dropped in the elevator
  • Fixed red foliage turning green (at long distances or in spectator mode)
  • Restored bloom effect on title screen from v30 (if RestoreFilmGrain is used)
    • Note that, at this time, the film grain setting DOES NOT WORK if you use More Company, unless you disable cosmetics
  • Added AlsoRadar setting to RestoreFilmGrain
    • This will apply scanlines to the radar camera
    • Zeekerss disabled this prior to v9 (which had all the other effects still enabled)
  • Added a bonus TypeGordion setting


  • Added a setting to restore film grain effects from earlier versions of the game (v4, v9)
  • Fixed out-of-bounds text on terminal when having more than $999 credits
  • Added a bonus FilterDecor setting
  • Fixes to slime "spreading" behavior (Thanks Zaggy1024!)
  • Further tweaks to item pickup sounds
  • Some updates to compatibility with external mods


  • Added a bonus LockInTerminal setting
  • Fixed Forest Keeper ambience playing in Foggy weather at distances where you weren't in vision range


  • Migrated shotgun fixes (except shell animations) to Melee Fixes
  • Earth Leviathans no longer trigger collision with each other (fixed potential lag?)
  • Fixed potential error spam from baboon hawks
  • Fixed badges not appearing on corpses that aren't wearing the bee/bunny suits


  • Migrated all mask and mimic fixes to Mask Fixes
  • More major performance optimizations (please let me know if you encounter any weird issues after this update)
    • Patched all enemies that interact with the Cruiser to avoid performing an expensive search
    • Patched entrance doors to reduce potential lag spikes when entering/exiting the building


  • Orange suit now displays "Change: Orange suit" on the rack
  • Corpse fixes
    • Meteors no longer spawn Tragedy-masked bodies
    • Fixed bee/bunny suit parts being visible on webbed bodies
  • Minor performance optimizations


  • Fixed music not playing more than once per session (thanks SimonTendo for discovering the root cause of this issue)


  • Fixed Cruiser seat bugs
    • Now you can use the scanner while seated
    • No longer immune to death pits while seated
  • Fixed terminal model not being visible on the ship's internal security camera


  • Fixed typo in store description
  • Fixed welcome mat price again


  • Stormy weather redirects target to items outside of the ship a bit more aggressively (to minimize reduction in "difficulty" from v1.10.15)


  • Fixed stormy weather constantly re-targeting items that are already inside the ship
  • Offense displays video reel on the monitor again


  • Fixed a problem with the bestiary when rehosting
  • Fixed a rendering issue with the ship radar's "camera flash" animation


  • Reupload of v1.10.12



  • Fixed bugs with how hives are priced



  • Fixed mineshaft echo persisting forever if you die in the caves
  • Planets are no longer visible in orbit (migrated this feature to Chameleon)
  • Fixed buggy keyboard interactions with the belt bag UI
  • Fixed compatibility with Touchscreen and Ordered_Custom_Boombox


  • Dust pan is now conductive
  • Fixed compatibility with the birthday hat (if you have it enabled in Classic Suit Restoration)
  • Fixed glowing eyes on Tragedy mimics



  • The external security camera is now a bit busier when in orbit:
    • Now you can see the planet and moon the ship is parked at, like earlier versions of the game.
    • Fixed the particle effect when the ship is moving through space, so it now works every time you reroute (not just the first time)
  • Hotfixed the Halloween fog event being more frequent than it's supposed to be


  • Fixed a potentially gamebreaking error with the jump cheese patch
  • Removed some unnecessary compat code


  • Fixed raindrops on helmet during Flooded weather
  • Some visual fixes for the birthday hat


  • Some improvements to external mod compatibility


  • Removed some redundant fixes (as of latest patch)
  • Fixed the cabin doors using the wrong sounds on Rend and Adamance
  • Fixed Teeth not being collected when magnetizing the Cruiser
  • Consistency tweaks to item sounds
  • Old Birds and Forest Keepers no longer interfere with items (soccer balls & whoopee cushions) when they are inside the ship
  • Fixed throwables (stun grenades, easter eggs, etc.) falling through catwalks and other metal gratings when thrown
  • Fixed some enemy line-of-sight issues on Dine
  • Spike traps no longer spawn inside of the elevator


  • Hotfix for stormy weather patch sometimes(?) causing an exception on startup


  • Removed some redundant fixes implemented in v64
  • Fixed stormy weather not targeting items as of v64
  • Soccer ball fixes
    • Fixed soccer ball being impossible to scan
    • Fixed soccer ball making you invisible to nutcrackers
  • Fixed Old Birds being immune to the Earth Leviathan (new bug since v60)
  • Spray paint cans ordered during the same round can now have different colors
  • Fixed maneater opening doors while held by the player
  • Fixed some surface lights turning off on Dine or Artifice when power goes out
  • Fixed players endlessly tracking blood if they are critically injured right before end-of-round recovers their HP


  • Migrated some features to Chameleon, a new mod
    • Removed FancyEntranceDoors setting
    • Removed snow-recolored boulders
  • Fixed Forest Keepers' sight timers being unclamped
  • Fixed some interior bugs when landing on March after visiting any previous moon
  • Maybe fixed fancy lamps spawning underneath tables?
  • Fixed a certain prop in the manor blocking item grabs
  • Players who die in the ship get auto-collected :-)
  • Fixed some factory rooms having unpaintable floors
  • Fixed water droplet rendering in the caves when standing underneath them


  • Reverted door haunt behavior to vanilla
  • Further improvements to player animations when scrolling items (thx again pacoito)
  • Fixed audio echo persisting permanently if you quit to main menu while inside a mineshaft
  • Enemies won't kick the soccer ball out of the ship as it's leaving
  • The dog ship patch from v1.3.1 should now apply when the ship door is open as well
  • Reduced several console logs to "Debug" level for better filtering


  • Some improvements to player animation consistency when scrolling through the hotbar. Thanks pacoito!
  • Cruiser fixes
    • Items placed into the back of a magnetized Cruiser now get auto-collected
      • Fixed items inside a magnetized Cruiser sometimes being lost in orbit
    • Cruiser no longer carries over when fired or after completing a challenge moon attempt
  • Fixed Earth Leviathan killing players that are inside the ship
  • Fixed compass showing on radar when observing a dead body (even inside the building)
  • Fixed haunted doors being increasingly more frequent in multiplayer (the more people using this mod, the better it'll work)
  • Fixed dead enemies kicking the soccer ball
  • Fixed some items showing unusually high or low random value on the terminal's "scan" command


  • Fixed softlock when landing on March


  • Fixed fancy doors persisting between days regardless of interior type
  • Fixed maneater AI breaking when they get crushed by a spike trap as a baby


  • v61 compatibility
    • Removed redundant fixes
    • Doppler setting now applies to elevator jingle
    • Fixed conductivity of v60 items
  • FancyEntranceDoors now changes the entrance appearance based on the currently active interior (for all vanilla levels)


  • Fixed Cruiser engine alerting dogs twice in a single tic
  • Dogs now hear the Cruiser radio when it is turned on


  • "Reduced" setting now further reduces the Doppler effect on the Cruiser radio
  • Fixed Experimentation having the wrong weather on screen immediately after being fired
  • Fixed Old Birds not adding to spawn cap or power count when they wake up from the apparatus being unplugged
    • This does not apply if you enable the UnlimitedOldBirds setting
  • Added a warning if using Lethal Quantities without enabling UnlimitedOldBirds
  • Fixed mimics rolling their sprint chance per player (instead of just once) when attacked
  • Added smoke particles to all burnt corpses (previously just Old Bird blowtorch and Cruiser explosions)


  • Added a config setting to replace the main entrance doors with fancier ones on Rend, Dine, and Artifice
  • Disabled several unused out-of-bounds objects on vanilla levels (possible performance boost?)
  • Added a config setting to re-enable "killing" Old Birds with the Cruiser
  • Added a config setting to allow Old Birds to keep spawning after all dormant ones have woken up
    • Also fixed enemy spawns sometimes being skipped after all Old Birds wake up, if you don't enable this setting
  • Added a config setting to limit the spawn weight of entities to 100 (on vanilla maps)
  • Added a config setting to fix the ship icon not displaying next to the compass radar
  • Cozy lights and disco ball no longer interrupt firing sequence


  • Hotfix for compatibility with Old Bird in [Everything Can Die]


  • Fixed Artifice fire exit still facing the wrong way (oopsie)
  • ScanOnShip will now display items inside the Cruiser
  • Fixed destroyed Cruiser still showing health meters when sprayed with weed killer


  • Kidnapper Fox won't kill players inside the ship unless it has been damaged/stunned
  • Tried to fix vanilla's XP reset bug
  • Fixed "[Near activity detected!]" not working with "masked" for clients
  • Some improvements to spray paint hit detection so it paints more clearly
    • My changes will be skipped if you are using BetterSprayPaint, which does the same things but better
  • Additional fixes for end-of-round screen
    • Fixed apparatus not actually being tracked in previous patch
    • Butlers now add their knife's value to the scrap total even if they aren't killed
    • Fixed letter grade calculation
  • Teleported bodies now get automatically collected
  • Randomly spawning boulders now match the aesthetic of snow planets better
  • Player bodies are now coated in blood when they die to butlers or spike traps


  • Hotfix for a potential incompatibility with custom moons


  • Fixed keys still adding to the value counter on the HUD when they aren't marked as scrap
  • Fixed the welcome mat price being inconsistent between $40 and $50
  • End-of-round scrap display now shows the correct numbers
  • The "Ship" scan node now moves with the ship (while landing, or taking off)
  • Fixed flashlight beams not showing up when other players were using them (due to some 1.5.2 code)
  • Fixed extension ladders not always beeping before they close
  • Weed killer is now inspectable
  • Fixed landmines still making the trigger sound when whacked with a shovel after they explode
  • Tried to fix some bugs with fog on Experimentation when using the jetpack


  • Fixed flashlights turning each other off if you have multiple in your inventory
  • Fixed laser pointers shining through walls when pocketed
  • Config setting to rotate fire exit teleporters so you are always facing forward
  • Miscellaneous fixes to each moon
    • Dine: The pit outside of fire exit kills you instead of getting you stuck at the bottom forever
    • Experimentation, Offense, Adamance, Embrion, Titan: Fixed factory ambience not emitting from the main building


  • Fixed items auto-collecting for clients at the start of each round
  • Migrated tulip snake fixes to Jetpack Fixes


  • v56 compatibility
    • Removed several redundant fixes added to vanilla in v56
    • If you purchase the Cruiser and rehost it will be reloaded into the dropship
    • Fixed Old Birds' AI breaking when getting hit by the Cruiser
    • Fixed survival kit not giving you the right items
  • Config setting to re-roll starting seed
    • This will change the shop rotation, discounts, and weathers each time you create a new save file
  • Config setting to scan items on the ship when using terminal in orbit
  • Player corpse fixes
    • Now wear accessories (for bee & bunny suit, badges, stickers)
    • Fixed helmet using an old texture
    • Fixed legs wearing the wrong suit when you get snipped
    • All forms of explosive deaths now cause your corpse to appear burnt
    • Destroying the Cruiser no longer "melts" your corpse, just burns your suit
  • Fixed hum from breaker box when power is turned off by scripted events
  • Fixed dying giants crushing players inside the ship when they fall over
  • Fixed eyeless dogs getting stuck attacking permanently after hearing too many sounds in one spot
  • Miscellaneous fixes from GeneralImprovements (if you have both installed, GI's versions will be prioritized)
    • Fixed landmines not disappearing on ship radar or scanner after detonating
    • Fixed discounts not being displayed for the host when starting/loading a game
    • Fixed "MONITORING: Player" text not displaying username until switching the camera for the first time
    • Terminal now lets you order items in groups of 12, not 10



  • Data chips now disappear for all players once they have been picked up
  • Fixed bee antennae and bunny ear shadows (they now attach to your helmet and animate as you move)
  • Fixed a logic error with the tinnitus effect from a shotgun being fired nearby
  • Fixed some enemy variables not resetting when you quit mid-day and rehost
    • Fixes hoarder bugs aggroing automatically without stealing items from them
    • Fixes baboon hawks trying to reach an inaccessible nesting point
  • Mimic fixes
    • Mimics stop moving on the map screen after they die
    • Mimics imitate player appearance much closer
      • Badges now update to match the player they converted (Intern, Employee, Leader, etc.)
      • Costume attachments (like from bee and bunny suits) now appear properly
      • Tragedy masks will no longer turn into Comedy when it attaches to your face
      • Tragedy mimics now actually wear Tragedy (previously, they would wear Comedy, but make Tragedy's crying noises)
  • Fixed whoopie cushion displaying a red box on the scrap collection screen
  • Fixed snare fleas and tulip snakes opening doors while attached to a player's head


  • Added a config setting to patch the jump cheese for eyeless dogs
  • Fixed eyeless dogs killing you through the ship walls
    • Right now, only applies while the door is closed
  • Some nutcracker fixes
    • Fixed nutcracker tiptoe for clients (in case you aren't using LethalFixes already)
    • Nutcrackers tiptoe after 2 shots at any player (previously 2 shots for host, 3 shots for all other players)
    • Fixed nutcrackers not retaliating against players when taking damage if they finish reloading and no players are in sight
  • The shotgun can now only hit a maximum of 10 enemies in a single shot (vanilla limit)
    • It will still scan for 50 targets to prevent 1 monster from taking up multiple "slots"
    • If 11 or more enemies were registered, only the nearest 10 will be damaged
    • Invincible enemies are de-prioritized, so Jesters, Coil-heads, etc. won't block damaging other nearby enemies
  • Mod compatibility fixes
    • Apparatus scan text should have better compatibility with mods that change its value
    • Potentially fixed a crash with model replacements


  • Added a config setting to enable mask hornets taking up power level (unused in vanilla)
  • Fixed "CRITICAL INJURY" text popping up on HUD sometimes when you aren't actually critically injured (limping, unable to sprint)
  • Restored the effect from v49 where blood fills your visor when a masked is vomiting blood into it
  • Fixed bracken aggroing on players when shot by a nutcracker
  • Fixed some items making noise across the entire map when dropped
  • Fixed your own rank/beta badges being visible when reeling up a shovel
  • Fixed Old Birds stomping players through the ship walls
  • Corrected "Apparatice" typo on scanner


  • Shotgun damage fixes
    • Increased the number of registered colliders from 10 to 50
    • Fixed the same enemy receiving damage multiple times from one shot
    • Fixed error when nutcracker shoots a spider
  • The casualties/fines screen now shows the proper fee percentage


  • Tooltip patch is safer for better compatibility with modded items


  • Hotfix for dropship saving and terminal patch


  • Dropship inventory is now remembered when reloading your save
  • Fixed item conductivity (configurable)
  • Fixed TZP effects persisting after you are fired or change save files
  • Fixed shotgun visuals
  • Fixed inspectability for certain items (extension ladders no longer clip into the camera)
  • Fixed inspectable items not having the inspect tooltip
  • Bestiary fixes


  • Improved physics when using a jetpack while tulip snakes are riding you
  • Fixed boombox pitch staying wrong if you recharge it on low battery
  • Fixed dropped butler knives not showing "Value: $35" until reloading your save
  • Fixed Doppler effect still applying to the jetpack when you are the one flying it
  • Added a config setting to disable/reduce the Doppler effect for music players
  • Added a config setting for the unused resolution quality settings



  • Eclipsed Rend hotfix


  • Initial release