Citizen17-LethalReina_Hard_Modpack icon

LethalReina Hard Modpack

Extended modpack for Reina Mort friends that make game harder

Last updated 2 hours ago
Total downloads 4
Total rating 0 
Categories Modpacks
Dependency string Citizen17-LethalReina_Hard_Modpack-1.0.0
Dependants 0 other packages depend on this package

This mod requires the following mods to function

Citizen17-LethalReina_Modpack-1.2.0 icon

Modpack for Reina Mort friends

Preferred version: 1.2.0
x753-Mimics-2.6.4 icon

Adds a dangerous new monster to the game. Can you figure out what's real or will you be devoured?

Preferred version: 2.6.4


LethalReina Modpack


Extended modpack for Reina Mort friends that make game harder.

Additional mods:

  • Mimics - adds additinal fire exits but they are mimics

Also includes custom config for GeneralImprovements that add nameplate to mimics and disaples rotaing on cameras.


Дополнительные моды:

  • Mimics - добавляет дополнительные пожарные выходы, но они мимики

Также включает свой конфиг для GeneralImprovements, который включает у мимиков отображение имени и выключает кручение на камере