Version 1.1.1 - Standalone and Github Update

  • This update will reset your config due to a change in the name of the config.

I have added the github for this mod! Feel free to look at the source code.

A Standalone version has been made! You no longer need the TerminalAPI mod if you install the standalone version instead.

You can find it here:

Version 1.1.0 - Config, TerminalAPI and Original v40 Fall Damage

  • Ability to enable/disable the mod using the TerminalAPI, you are required to have this mod installed (minimum version 1.2.0)

The command for this is 'v40falldamage'

  • Fixed the required falling speed

Currently you can only toggle the mod inside the terminal (or the config file), I might split this into a separate enable and disable command in the future. That way it would show you what the state of the mod is in from inside the terminal, instead of having to guess or having to look at the debug console.

Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release

  • Published the mod.

There are still some flaws I need to fix, but I kinda rushed it and wanted to get this out asap