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Florent-Terminal_Tools-1.0.1 icon

Terminal Tools

Tools to make the terminal more useful.

Date uploaded 6 months ago
Version 1.0.1
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Downloads 2616
Dependency string Florent-Terminal_Tools-1.0.1

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100



Terminal Commands API for the Lethal Company Modding API

Entity Commands

This section details the commands related to entities such as landmines and turrets within the game.



  • Description: Lists all landmines within the game.
  • Usage: ListMines
  • Details: Scans for landmines and returns their object codes.


  • Description: Lists all turrets.
  • Usage: ListTurrets
  • Details: Scans for turrets and returns their object codes.


  • Description: Detonates designated landmine(s).
  • Usage: Detonate [All / Mine Id]
  • Details: Users can specify a particular mine by its ID or use "All" to detonate all mines. Checks if the specified landmine has already exploded and returns the status.


  • Description: Makes designated turret(s) go berserk.
  • Usage: Berserk [All / Turret Id]
  • Details: Targets a specific turret by its ID or use "All" to affect every turret. Toggles the turret's mode between normal and berserk, providing feedback on the action taken.

Equipment Commands

This section details the commands related to equipment, specifically focusing on the functionalities around the teleporter in the game.



  • Description: Teleport the specified member of the crew.
  • Usage: Teleport [Player Name]
  • Details: Teleports a specified player to a set location. If no player is specified, it attempts to teleport the player currently targeted in the map screen.


  • Description: Start the inverse teleporter.
  • Usage: Inverse
  • Details: Initiates the inverse teleportation process. Checks if the teleporter is available and interactable before initiating.


  • Description: Resets the inverse teleporter cooldown.
  • Usage: ResetInverse, Reset
  • Details: Resets the cooldown for the inverse teleporter, allowing it to be used again immediately.


  • Description: Reset then activate inverse teleporter.
  • Usage: Scramble
  • Details: Performs a reset of the inverse teleporter's cooldown and then immediately initiates inverse teleportation.

Info Commands

This section details the commands that provide information about various aspects of the game environment, such as time and crew member status.



  • Description: Tells the current time.
  • Usage: Time
  • Details: Provides the current time.


  • Description: Get the status of crew members.
  • Usage: Status [Player name]
  • Details: Displays the status of the designated crew member. If none is specified, lists the status of all crew members.


  • Description: Clears the console.
  • Usage: Clear
  • Details: Clears all text from the console, providing a clean slate for new commands and responses.

Ship Commands

This section details the commands related to ship operations, such as managing lights, doors, and the ship's landing status.



  • Description: Toggle the lights on or off.
  • Usage: Lights
  • Details: Interacts with the game object named "LightSwitch" to toggle the state of the lights.


  • Description: Toggle the door's open or close state.
  • Usage: Door, Doors
  • Details: Determines the current state of the door and sends a command to either open or close it.


  • Description: Close the door.
  • Usage: Close
  • Details: Closes the ship's door and provides current door power.


  • Description: Open the door.
  • Usage: Open
  • Details: Opens the ship's door and provides current door power.


  • Description: Activate an emergency exit from the current situation.
  • Usage: Launch, GTFO
  • Details: Launches the ship.


  • Description: Land the ship.
  • Usage: Land
  • Details: Lands the ship.


This document and the associated commands are based on the work found in the original repository. For more detailed information, contributions, or to view the source code, please visit:



The development of this README was assisted by AI tools provided by OpenAI. Their guidance and information helped in compiling the summaries and structuring this document.


Please note that the code and commands provided in this repository are currently in beta. While every effort is made to ensure reliability and functionality, the code is still under development and may contain bugs or issues. No guarantees are made regarding its functionality or success. Users are advised to use this code at their own risk and to report any issues they encounter to help improve the project.



[1.0.2] - 2024-01-11


  • Added List Doors command to README.


  • Changed general README wording and formatting to be less... unpleasant.


  • Fixed bug that would allow a non-host to attempt to start the game, putting the lever into a broken state.