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Generic_GMD-Generic_Moons-1.0.0 icon

Generic Moons

Going to be a full expansion at some point adding 1 moon for each difficulty. Currently adds a frozen lake mid tier planet.

Date uploaded 6 months ago
Version 1.0.0
Download link
Downloads 1122
Dependency string Generic_GMD-Generic_Moons-1.0.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

IAmBatby-LethalLevelLoader-1.2.2 icon

A Custom API to support the manual and dynamic integration of all forms of custom content in Lethal Company. (v50 Compatible)

Preferred version: 1.2.2
IAmBatby-LethalToolbox-1.0.2 icon

A Lethal Company Mod & Editor Tool to provide custom content creators with easily accessible ways to implement features and mechanics without then need for custom code.

Preferred version: 1.0.2
BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100
AudioKnight-StarlancerAIFix-3.6.0 icon

Automatically assigns interior/exterior AI for enemies based on their spawn location. Also fixes a null reference exception regarding EnableEnemyMesh(). Part of my Starlancer Series!

Preferred version: 3.6.0


I have no idea what im doing. I've never used unity before and I never used Thunderstore before. If you can share any assistance on how to fix the lighting problem or just any other things please dm me on discord. My tag is generic_gmd


  • 5.1.0

    • Added moon tags which add support for config stuff and other mods like Celestial Tint (tags will be specified in readme)
    • Drastically lowered the scrap amounts of Devastation (i forgot Artifice existed my bad)
    • Moved the barriers for the water in Submersion to line up with the actual shorelines
    • Made bodies float off the side of Submersion
    • Added more props to the background buildings of Submersion
    • Fixed an overlaying texture issue in Submersion and Hydro
    • Turned off the lights on Hydro
    • Removed cat statues from Hydro and Collateral for suspicious of lowering framerate
    • Stop Collateral from being flooded
    • Added normals to textures that didn't have them
    • Slightly touched Vertigo's spawn rates
  • 5.0.0


    • Ported to LLL and is now V50 friendly
    • Custom lighting made for moons
    • Eclipsed weather now works
    • Added info sections to the terminal for each moon
    • No more low poly nature (LEAVE ME ALONE WESLEY)
    • Hid a goku in every moon (if you find all dm me the locations :3)


    • Added to the game


    • Added to the game


    • Added to the game


    • Decoration overhaul
    • Reduced chances of ghost girl, masked, and baboon hawks
    • Added chance for old birds
    • Added random generated props
    • Removed one fire exit and brought another one closer


    • Rebalanced
    • Added shrubs
    • Drastically increased the amount of cacti
    • Added 3 more faster paths to reduce the travel time
    • Removed damage barrier for the ceiling (fly anywhere without dying you maniacs)
    • Made cacti ungrabbable and fixed the bleed to death issue
    • Redid the parkour jumps to make it easier to make it across (and added a catch to the last one)


    • Added tulip snakes
    • Added spike traps
    • Redid water
    • Added a new fire escape with pipes to link the map around
    • Added random generated props
    • Flooded now works properly and slowly floods the entire moon


    • ITS SNOWING!!!!
    • Redid texture painting
    • Added more rock cover to hide from giants
    • Now naturally a manor
  • 4.0.0

    Complete and utter overhaul of the mod


    • Added to the game


    • Completely redid the terrain, balancing, and general theme
    • Nerfed down to an Easy moon (already was easy to begin with)


    • Nerfed down to an Intermediate moon and removed the 250 pricetag
    • Moved the main entrance again
    • Removed 2 fire exits
    • Basically restructured a good chunk of the map
    • Big building


    • Moved a pipe
    • Added another building in the background


    • Stretched all the textures out so they fit the base games textures a bit more
    • Added turret and landmine spawning
    • Changed the walksound of each moon
    • Added Goku somewhere
  • 3.1.1


    • Moved the lamps on the fire exit to be on the roof of the stairs instead of the wall.
    • Spawns slightly increased
    • Added lights under the sign lol
  • 3.1.0

    No new icon this is not even significant enough


    • Reworked a lot of the map and made the entrance MUCH closer
    • 1 New fire exit
    • Sealed off a portion of the map and put the main entrance there
    • Replaced the original main entrance with a fire exit
    • Fixed that weird funky terrain by the back fire exit
    • Remodeled the stairs instead of using a custom model
    • Added path to the ground
    • Windows are cool


    • Added 2 pipes


    • Removed (I forgot I left it in)


    • Stabbed Fino


    • Texture tiling slightly modified due to me being an idiot
    • I probably added more but me memory bad
    • Should have made the exterior show up on grid
    • Added more AI nodes to Hydro and Devastation
  • 3.0.0


    • Added to the game


    • Moved and remodeled the 2nd fire escape
    • Moved the spawn for the ship
    • Added stone spires


    • Made it slightly more dangerous


    • Should have fixed the weather inside issue
  • 2.1.0


    • Added stairs to the door platform
    • Added props
    • Moved the item shuttle to the right spot
    • Changed tree texture
    • Added a silly poster


    • Added stairs to the door platform
    • Added props
    • Fixed texture overlaying problem
  • 2.0.0

    • Uploaded the planet Devastation.
    • Added an extra fire exit in Icebound
    • Added collision to trees in Icebound
    • Removed branchless trees in Icebound
    • Fire exits now also have lights near them
  • 1.0.0

    • Initial release