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Nips-Brutal_Company_Plus-3.3.0 icon

Brutal Company Plus

A customizable hardcore mod that randomizes events ranging between insanity and normal. (Based off Brutal Company By: 2018)

By Nips
Date uploaded 7 months ago
Version 3.3.0
Download link
Downloads 3243
Dependency string Nips-Brutal_Company_Plus-3.3.0

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack-5.4.2100 icon

BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.2100


Alternative text for image

A CUSTOMIZABLE hardcore mod that randomizes events ranging between insanity and normal.

  • This will be updated constantly with the intent of adding more unique and mind twisting events


  • Over 20+ Unique Events and Counting
  • Custom Quota Start Values & increased progression rates
  • Increased Spawn Rates
  • Any Moon ALL Enemies
  • Increased Loot Drop Rates

Config Options

  • Added a config file to fully customize your experience (loaded with comments to help you understand everything you can change)
  • You can now fully customize several elements of Brutal Company Plus
    • Change which events are active and disabled
    • Change the Starting Quota Values
      • DeadlineDaysAmount ( Amount of days before DeadLine )
      • StartingCredits ( Fresh game starting Credit Value )
      • StartingQuota ( Fresh game starting Quota Value )
      • BaseIncrease ( how much quota increases after Deadline )
    • Change Total Scrap Values on Every moon
      • MinScrap ( Min amount of scrap to spawn on moons )
      • MaxScrap ( Max amount of scrap to spawn on moons )
      • MinTotalScrapValue ( Min amount of scrap value accumulated on moons )
      • MaxTotalScrapValue ( Max amount of scrap value accumulated on moons )
    • Enable All Enemies
      • Toggle option to allow every enemy a spawnable chance on every Moon
    • Free Money
      • Toggable option to allow Free money when you survive a Moon
      • Amount to recieve is configuarable
    • Change Moon Heat Values
      • Decrease Rate when not visiting the planet
      • Increase Rate when landing back on same planet
    • Change Enemy Rarity Spawn Chance on Each Moon
      • Default Game Value = -1
      • Remove Spawn Chance = 0
      • Max Spawn Chance = 100
      • Adjust the values to your liking, (0-100) for each moon for each enemy
    • Change turret/Landmine Spawn Rate
      • Toggle options to enable or disalbe Turret/Landmine Spawn Rate modifications
      • Turret Spawn Rate Modifications (8 = Default) Spawns 8 Turrets on every moon
      • Landmine Spawn Rate Modifications (30 = Default) Spawns 30 Turrets on every moon


  • The config is called BrutalCompanyPlus.cfg
  • The location of this config can be found based on your Thunderstore Mod Manager Profile Directory
    • You can navigate to this location by following the following instructions
      • Goto the profile that contains "Brutal Company Plus"
      • Click Settings in the left panel
      • Click the TAB "Locations"
      • Click "Browse profile folder"
    • Now you can navigate the directory that was open to get to the BrutalCompanyPlus.cfg
      • The path you navigate to is BepInEx\config\
      • Open the BrutalCompanyPlus.cfg and adjust to your liking!


  • If you made modifications to the config be sure not to make any typos and follow the logic, any mistakes will lead to total mod failure
  • If you changed events around and experience and issue where only event "None" occurs it could be due to a config issue.


  • As of now this is a HOST ONLY mod, clients will not need this mod at all to enjoy the experience.
  • I will be adding tons of new events as much as I can.

Coming Soon


  • Solar Malfunction (The teleporting mechanisms are acting a bit strange... "Wait where am I?")
  • New ideas to come


  • This mod was originally based off "Brutal Company" created by: "2018"
  • Logo in the header designed by lilboi__ on Discord.
    Special thanks to them for their amazing artwork!


Discord _nips

  • Have feedback, bug reports, new event ideas? Shoot me a message, response not guaranteed c:


Version 3.5.1

At this point on teh mod is now required to be on all clients to ensure full compatibility with outside enemies.

Scrap Settings Update:

  • Individual scrap value settings for each moon are now available.
  • To retain vanilla values, input -1.
  • Format: (Min Scrap Pieces / Max Scrap Pieces / Min Total Scrap Value / Max Total Scrap Value)
    • Example: (6, 25, 400, 1500)

Bug Fixes and Gameplay Adjustments:

  • Resolved an issue where enemies spawned outside wouldn't attack players.
  • Event rarity now accurately reflects the defined percentages. The restriction on the reoccurrence of the last event has been removed.
  • Temporarily disabled weather effects related to moon heat until the release of v4.0.0, which will introduce API interrogation.
Version 3.5.0 (click to expand)

Version 3.5.0

New Features

  • Added New Events:
Outside the Box Spawns Jesters Outside
Shadow Realm Spawns several Bracken outside ( 50% chance to add fog for fun c: )
Guards Nutcracker will spawn outside near the ship
  • Note: Removed Bad Planet & Chaos Company due to their overpowering and non-enjoyable nature.

Event Modifications

  • Changes to Existing Events:
    • They have Evolved: Now spawns an additional blob outside.
    • Hoarder Town: Now spawns Hoarder bugs both inside and outside.
    • They are Shy: Now spawns Spring and Bracken inside and outside.
    • Several events have been renamed.
    • Events no longer modify rarity or the enemy list, meaning:
      • Events that previously spawned only a certain enemy type will now spawn various enemies.
      • This change promotes better integration with additional mods featuring custom enemies.

Gameplay Adjustments

  • Moon Heat Mechanics:

    • Moon Heat will now reset when you wipe the save file or get fired.
    • Moon Heat no longer affects spawn rates of enemies.
    • Moon Heat now influences weather type as follows:
      • >=20 & <40: Rainy
      • >=40 & <60: Foggy
      • >=60 & <80: Flooded
      • >=80 & <100: Stormy
      • >=100: Eclipsed
      • Configurable options for this feature will be added in a future update.
  • Enemy Spawn Rates:

    • Adjusted outside enemy spawn rates for a more balanced experience throughout the day. (Note: Current lack of outside enemies will be addressed soon.)
    • Inside enemy spawn rates have been fine-tuned for a smoother experience. (The reintroduction of configurable spawn rates is under consideration.)

Configuration Updates

  • Deprecated Options:

    • Temporarily removed FactorySpawnChance and OutsideSpawnChance config settings.
  • New Config Option:

    • Added an option to disable rarity modifications, enhancing compatibility with other mods or for those preferring vanilla spawn rarity.
      • Note: This setting can be overridden by specific events.
Version 3.4.0 (click to expand)

Version 3.4.0

Added Features

  • Event Chance Rarity
    • Events now have a weighted chance of occurring, allowing you to adjust their rarity.
    • Chance values range from 0 (never) to 100 (highest chance).
    • Events are no longer simple "True" or "False" toggles.

New Configurable Options

Spawn Chance Values

  • FactoryStartOfDaySpawnChance: Adjust the Factory enemy spawn chance at the start of the day. Set to -1 to use Brutal's default value. (Vanilla default is around 2-5, depending on the moon).
  • FactoryMidDaySpawnChance: Adjust the Factory enemy spawn chance at midday. Set to -1 for Brutal's default. (Vanilla default is around 5-10, depending on the moon).
  • FactoryEndOfDaySpawnChance: Adjust the Factory enemy spawn chance at the end of the day. Set to -1 for Brutal's default. (Vanilla default is around 10-15, depending on the moon).
  • OutsideStartOfDaySpawnChance: Adjust the Outside enemy spawn chance at the start of the day. Set to -1 for the default value. (Vanilla is 0).
  • OutsideMidDaySpawnChance: Adjust the Outside enemy spawn chance at midday. Set to -1 for the default value. (Vanilla is 0.5).
  • OutsideEndOfDaySpawnChance: Adjust the Outside enemy spawn chance at the end of the day. Set to -1 for the default value. (Vanilla is 5).

Adjustments and Improvements

  • Refined the Enemy Spawn Rate Config to function as intended.
  • Updated the ScrapSettings config:
    • The values set now add onto the existing game values.
    • Setting these values to 0 will use the Vanilla default rates.
    • Note: Setting values higher than 0 adds to the existing Vanilla value depending on the moon, so adjust accordingly.
    • Default values have been adjusted. You may need to update these if you launched the mod before this update.
Version 3.3.1 (click to expand)

Version 3.3.1

  • Fixed a bug with Event Rarity always being None c:
Version 3.3.0 (click to expand)

Version 3.3.0

  • New Config Options

  • Moon Heat Value Changes

    • Decrease Rate: Adjust how much the moon heat decreases when not visiting a planet.
    • Increase Rate: Modify how much the moon heat increases upon returning to the same planet.
  • Enemy Rarity Spawn Chance Adjustment

    • Default Game Value: Set to -1 to use the game's default settings.
    • Remove Spawn Chance: Set to 0 to prevent spawning.
    • Max Spawn Chance: Set up to 100 for the highest spawn probability.
    • Customize per Moon: Tailor spawn chances (0-100) individually for each enemy on each moon.
  • Turret/Landmine Spawn Rate Customization

    • Toggle Options: Enable or disable modifications to Turret/Landmine spawn rates.
    • Turret Spawn Rate: Default set to 8 - spawns 8 Turrets on every moon.
    • Landmine Spawn Rate: Default set to 30 - spawns 30 Landmines on every moon.
  • Added New V45 Enemies

    • Now included in the "All Enemy Spawn Chance" variable.
Version 3.2.0 (click to expand)

Version 3.2.0

  • Added new config options

    • EnableAllEnemy ( This will add every enemy type to each moon as a spawn chance )
      • True = Any enemy can spawn on any map
      • False = Enemy spawn types will be defaulted to normal game logic
    • EnableFreeMoney ( This will give free money everytime survive and escape the planet )
    • FreeMoneyValue ( This will control the amount of money you get when EnableFreeMoney is true )
  • Rewrote a massive chunk of enemy spawn logic to adhere to the EnableAllEnemy config

    • Eventually this will allow me to implement way more customization with the config on what can spawn and where
  • Chenged spawn rates on Rumbling and Beast Inside events

  • Added new Logo to Readme credit to (Discord lilboi__)

Version 3.1.0 (click to expand)

Version 3.1.0

  • Redesigned config function using Bepinex Config Manager
    • This will allow better syncing and easier updates with addition config options in the future
  • Removed LC_API for the required dependencies list
  • Added FixCentipedeLag to the required dependencies list
    • This will help prevent lag spikes when centipedes spawn especially on events like "Internecivus Raptus"
  • Adjusted spawn count for "The Rumbling" depending on the moon

Config is now in the Bepinex Config Folder of your Profile

Version 3.0.0 (click to expand)

Version 3.0.0

Add New Event:

  • Inside Out ( You will find out c: )
    • This took alot of effort to code and tweak to play out just as I wanted c:

CONFIG RELEASED BrutalCompanyPlus.cfg

  • You can now fully customize several elements of Brutal Company Plus
    • Change which events are active and disabled
    • Change the Starting Quota Values
      • DeadlineDaysAmount
      • StartingCredits
      • StartingQuota
      • BaseIncrease
    • Change Total Scrap Values on Every moon
      • MinScrap
      • MaxScrap
      • MinTotalScrapValue
      • MaxTotalScrapValue
Version 2.3.0 (click to expand)

Version 2.3.0

Add New Event:

  • The Hunger Games (You don't want to participate)

  • Fixed a bug causing wrong enemies to spawn for Events like "The Rumbling" and "The Beasts Inside" on Paid Moons

    • Adjusted spawn rates on those events as well
Version 2.2.2 (click to expand)

Version 2.2.2

  • Fixed a bug causing some events to not trigger properly
Version 2.2.1 (click to expand)

Version 2.2.1

  • Minor update to Initialize Component on Start() instead of onDestroy()
    • This will align with new updates coming to bepinex
Version 2.2.0 (click to expand)

Version 2.2.0

Add New Events:

  • The Rumbling (We are gunna need a Levi!)
    • Spawns a ton of giants that have lower chase speed
  • The Beast Inside (Be vewy vewy quiet)
    • Spawns dogs inside the Factory (this hurt to code and sync with others without sharing the mod to all clients, but it works c:)
Version 2.1.0 (click to expand)

Version 2.1.0

  • Added a stable randomized rarity on Factory enemy spawns based on Heat level
    • This will fix any previous issues where past events lingered into new events
    • This will SOON be a fully customizable option via Config when added (You choose what can spawn during heat %)
    • Small tweaks with old code that was useless
Version 2.0.1 (click to expand)

Version 2.0.1

  • Fixed Event Randomizer bug ( Sorry :p )
Version 2.0.0 (click to expand)

Version 2.0.0

  • Massive code cleanup, optimization.
    • This was done to allow me to eventually allow a config option to customize your own experience!
  • Redesigned several events and how they playout.
    • Example: Spontanious Combustion will now only spawn landmines when your standing on the planets surface.
    • Many more changes
  • Redesigned Level event names, print outs, rarity chances.
  • Adjust moon heat dissipation when no longer on moon
  • Removed usless events, codes, and other things causing minor lag or unwanted resource loss.
Version 1.2.2 (click to expand)

Version 1.2.2

  • Fix an issue where not all AI spawned on each level
  • Fix an issue where Blobs never opened doors
  • Now when a turret spawns on the ship, it will disable itself when you pull the lever
    • This was implemented to prevent the turret spamming shots in orbit mode.
Version 1.2.1 (click to expand)

Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed an issue with Quota Settings not applying!
Version 1.2.0 (click to expand)

Version 1.2.0

  • New Event Added: Pop Goes The... HOLY FUC- (Do I really need to add a description)
Version 1.1.0 (click to expand)

Version 1.1.0

  • New Event Added: They have EVOLVED?!? (Blobs have evolved to open doors and be more aggresive)
Version 1.0.0 (click to expand)

Version 1.0.0

  • Adjusted Quota Settings" Deadline is now set to 4 Days Starting Quota is now 400$

  • Fixed "Spontanious Combustion Event" landmines will now disable when flipping the lever to take the ship into orbit.

  • This should allow players to play the event out and also have a chance of leaving with the ship and not explode during the takeoff.