Trogs_champs-Trogpack_PLUS icon

Trogpack PLUS

Modpack for friends of the Trogster, now with fun clientside mods!



All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Version [1.8.4]

  • removed mod LethalCompanyDRP (deprecated)

  • updated icon.png (adopted from Trogpack)

  • edited mod config LethalEscape (jesters no longer leave as they immediately pop as they do)

  • deprecated regular Trogpack (too much work to maintain both when no one uses regular)

Version [1.8.3]

  • removed mod Physics_Items (too many issues for what it is)
  • removed mod LETHALRESONANCE (causes errors)
  • removed mod LethalPresents (doesnt work?)

Version [1.8.2]

  • removed mod CreepyBrackens (loud and nerfs bracken)

Version [1.8.1]

  • Removed mod ItemDropCycler
  • added like 3 cosmetics mods, 2 of which are for hats or smth
  • added mod GamblingMachineAtTheCompany (1.3.5) by JunLethalCompany
  • added mod Physics_Items (0.1.22) by Ryokune
  • added mod LETHALRESONANCE (3.0.6) LethalResonance
  • added mod OuijaBoard (1.5.3) by Electric131
  • edited config Kittenji.HerobrineMod (increase spawn chance 5 -> 15)

Version [1.8.0]

  • added mod Permanent_Ladder (1.0.3) by Silvercore
  • added mod Terminal_History (1.0.4) by NotAtomicBomb
  • added mod Herobrine (1.2.1) by Kittenji
  • edited config MaskedEnemyRework (masked spawns are now vanilla, masked now show fake player nametags hehehe)
  • edited config FlipMods.TooManyEmotes (all emotes unlocked now)
  • edited config evaisa.lethalthings (rocket launcher is now 1500)
  • updated mod versions
  • Removed Herobrine

Version [1.7.0]

  • fixed toomanyemotes config
  • removed mod CompatibilityChecker v1.1.6 by Ryokune (deprecated)
  • removed mod "SCP173CoilheadSFX" by raydenoir (conflicts mod CoilHeadStare by TwinDimensionalProductions)
  • added mod Corporate_Restructure (1.0.6) by Jamil (QoL mod, more ship screens)
  • added mod ShowAmmoCount (1.1.0) by SoraYuki
  • added mod ItemDropCycler (1.1.0) by boxofbiscuits97
  • updated mod versions

Version [1.6.0]

  • edited config evaisa.lethalthings.cfg (rocket launcher costs 900 now)
  • removed mod MegaPiggy-BuyableShotgunShells-1.0.1 (a bug caused shotguns to be bought instead)
  • added mod SalakStudios-BetterShotgunShells-1.0.1
  • added mod Jordo-NeedyCats-1.1.1

Version [1.5.0]

  • added mod TwinDimensionalProductions-CoilHeadStare-1.0.3
  • added mod Midge-PushCompany-1.2.0
  • added mod HomelessGinger-MaskedEnemyOverhaul-2.1.0
  • added mod monkes_mods-JumpDelayPatch-1.0.1

Version [1.4.2]

  • edited config twig.latecompany (players can join while ship landed)
  • updated mod versions

Version [1.4.1]

  • added mod 'MoreScreams'(1.0.3) by egeadam (also added config to change voice time 2s->0.5s)
  • added mod 'MoreBlood'(1.0.2) by FlipMods
  • removed config file 'raydenoir.SCP_173.cfg' (mod step noises are now enabled)
  • updated mod versions
  • edited config files
  • added file for update changelogs. Looks nicer!
  • removed changelogs from readme

Version [1.4.0]

  • added config files to modpack

Version [1.3.4]

  • added LethalCompany_InputUtils (already existed in modpack as dependency, just not listed in manifest)
  • updated mod versions

Version [1.3.1]

  • added mod 'LethalPresents'(1.0.3) by Azim
  • added mod 'MetalRecharging'(1.0.0) by Bobbie

Version [1.3.0]

  • added mod 'DetailedScan'(1.1.2) by fivetoofive (originally included in Trogpack PLUS)
  • added mod 'LethalEscape'(0.8.3) by xCeezy

Version [1.2.3]

  • updated mod versions

Version [1.2.2]

  • updated README

Version [1.2.0]

  • Began recording modpack updates in README
  • updated mod versions
  • sorted mod list in .json file by creator name
  • added mod 'PlayerMapNumbers'(0.1.1) by dslogget

Version [1.0.0]

  • Created modpack