Zantus-WallBanged_ModPack icon

WallBanged ModPack

Modpack curated for my group of friends.



  • 1.5.95

    • Major stability fix
    • Removed Rune580-LethalCompany_InputUtils
    • Removed Zaggy1024-TwoRadarMaps
    • Removed ReputableIndividuals-SternpennysCosmetics
    • Removed amnsoft-EmployeeAssignments
    • Removed NiceHairs-Symbiosis
  • 1.5.94

    • Updated some mods
    • Updated malco-Lategame_Upgrades to 3.0.0
    • Added AlexCodesGames-AdditionalContentFramework-1.0.3
    • Added Zaggy1024-TwoRadarMaps
    • Added TheDeadSnake-Touchscreen
    • Added zMods-DynamicScrapsAmount
    • Removed Azim-HoarderBud
    • Re-added some packaged maps to test for download issues
  • 1.5.93

    • Added necrowing-DramaMask, which when worn will make the Masked enemies ignore you
    • Added aqua_dot-CompanyWardrobe
    • Added readthisifbad-SnatchinBracken
    • Added AinaVT-LethalConfig
    • Removed moons, moved them into a separate modpack
  • 1.5.92

    • Major stability patch
    • Re-added thatblueninja09-Kirby_Skin
    • Added FlipMods-TooManyEmotes
    • Added RonJermyl-NoNametags
    • Added Cobster-FireExitLadders
    • Added Justice69-ImmersiveScraps
    • Added JunLethalCompany-GamblingMachineAtTheCompany
    • Replaced MoonJuice-SprintLadderFix with e3s1-BetterLadders
    • Removed Kaguya-SpectatorChat
    • Removed Drakorle-MoreItems as ShaosilGaming-GeneralImprovements has the same feature
    • Added some packaged maps to test for download issues
  • 1.5.91

    • Removed Kaguya-SpectatorChat
  • 1.5.9

    • False alarm! Reverted the last changes
    • Kirby suit and FireExitLadders still remain
  • 1.5.8

    • Re-added FlipMods-HotbarPlus, kRYstall9-FastSwitchPlayerViewInRadar, NutNutty-AlwaysPickup, PC-FireExitFlip and Owen3H-IntroTweaks
    • Re-added thatblueninja09-Kirby_Skin
    • Removed ShaosilGaming-GeneralImprovements for now
    • Removed Dreamweave-CompanyBuildingEnhancements for now
    • Added Cobster-FireExitLadders
  • 1.5.7

    • Added Kaguya-SpectatorChat
    • Added Azim-HoarderBud
    • Re-added TanmanG-Forest_Giant_Motionsense
    • Fixed Hand Slots max level to 2
    • Some suits are hidden again (especially the more eye-sensitive ones)
  • 1.5.6

    • Updated some mods with critical fixes
  • 1.5.5

    • Some more compatibility updates for v47-v49
    • Updated several primary mods, including major fixes
  • 1.5.4

    • Some more compatibility updates for v47-v49
    • Updated several primary mods, including major fixes
  • 1.5.3

    • Updated Evaisa-LethalLib and ShaosilGaming-GeneralImprovements
    • Credits system set back to vanilla (no more per player credits set by ShaosilGaming-GeneralImprovements)
    • Rotating furniture set back to vanilla (snap rotate is still available with left click)
    • Game startup should automatically choose 'ONLINE' option now
  • 1.5.2

    • Compatibility update for v47
  • 1.5.1

    • Ditto
  • 1.5.0

  • 1.4.1

    • Revised some configs
  • 1.4.0

    • Updated several primary mods, including major fixes
    • Using this modpack for my friends only :)
    • Consequently, the modpack might not have an accurate of a changelog upkeep :(
  • 1.3.1

    • Updated several primary mods, including major fixes
    • Added Coltrain-RotateBackwards and SleeplessMods-SnapRotateFurniture, hold Shift+R to rotate objects backwards or Left Click to snap rotate
    • Added GMODS-StorePrices as MikeTweaks was removed
    • Adjusted amnsoft-EmployeeAssignments, gold bar rewards are raised and now anyone can finish your assignment for you
    • Adjusted FlipMods-BetterStamina values to be slightly less punishing, including carry weight effects
    • Removed TheFluff-FairAI as it was breaking turrets shooting. this also means landmines no longer trigger from enemies
    • Disabled InventoryCheck for emotes, you can now emote while holding any item :)
  • 1.3.0 - Happy Holidays!

    • Updated several primary mods, including Lategame Upgrades v2.8.5
    • Updated some cosmetic mods, disabled some suits
    • Updated TheFluff-FairAI, turrets are no longer neutral and can shoot enemies
    • Increased chat character limit to 1400 (was 1250)
    • Adjusted audio volumes for various LethalThings
    • Reduced prices for Hacking Tool and Toy Hammer
    • Raised prices for upgrades of Better Scanner, Running Shoes, Bigger Lungs and Discombobulator
    • Strong Legs is now an individual upgrade
    • Stimpack is now a group upgrade
    • Added pyci-CozyImprovements, more lights in the ship and always see the terminal active
    • Added Piggy-ShowCapacity for TZP and spray paint (spray paint remains unlimited use)
    • Added SpookyDookies-Spooky_Dookies_Glowsuits, Norman-GlowStickSuits and NGRCA-More_Suits_Camo
    • Added Onyx_Inoculum-Longer_Day and FlipMods-BetterStamina in place of MikeMediaStudios-MikesTweaks
    • Removed MikeMediaStudios-MikesTweaks as it was conflicting with an unknown mod/config while malco-Lategame_Upgrades v2.8.4+ is active
    • Re-added MoonJuice-SprintLadderFix and removed Invertigo-JetpackHandling, trying to figure out cause for random damage taken
    • Consequently, sprinting while climbing ladders no longer does anything
    • Added jockie-LethalExpansionCore
    • Added 3 new moons: FireNoobsta-Ducks_Moons, Ceelery-Kast and TeamBridget-Peaches_Castle
    • These moons are repackaged into the modpack as the base LethalExpansion isn't needed - so authors, please let me know if you would like them removed c:
  • 1.2.92

    • Updated several primary mods, including major fixes (no more forever-shooting turrets)
    • Added Frack9-DarkMist, a new enemy type
    • Mimic (fire exit) count set to 2 max
    • Reduced price for Diving Kit
    • Raised price for Running Shoes
    • Raised price for Bigger Lungs
    • Raised prices for Discombobulator, Malware Broadcaster, Fast Encryption and Lightning Rod
    • Raised prices for upgrades of Beekeeper, Discombobulator, Bigger Lungs and Running Shoes
    • Upgrade price changes are in preparation for malco-Lategame_Upgrades v2.8.5
  • 1.2.91

    • Updated several primary mods, including major fixes
    • Added Caseuhdeeyuh-MolesterLootBug, lootbugs might pick up and steal you :)
    • Added Jordo-NeedyCats, miaou
    • Added MrHydralisk-EnhancedRadarBooster and Jamil-Corporate_Restructure for Monitor mains
    • Added PXC-PrideCosmetics, axtrachawnky-Chunkys_Cosmetics
    • Lowered the price of the flare gun and emergency flares
    • Adjusted enemies which can trigger landmines and boombas
    • Slightly upped the chances/frequency of several things like FounSkinwalker, Ghost Girl walkie haunting...
    • 1.2.91, properly added Jamil-Corporate_Restructure
  • 1.2.8

    • SLIIIGHTLY buffed Loot Value skill gain per level, I did say I'm bad at math :(
  • 1.2.7

    • Updated several primary mods, Evaisa-LethalThings' Boombas now explode enemies!
    • Turned off the corpse flies from NiceHairs-Symbiosis
  • 1.2.6

    • Updated several primary mods which include fixes for Diversity, Symbiosis, HexiBetterShotgun and LategameUpgrades
    • Added Kittenji-LaserPointerDetonator. Detonate mines with a laser pointer!
    • Added akechii-DiscountAlert, NiceHairs-NuclearLib
    • Added AnythingGoesGit-MoreDeathNotes. I thought we had the coroner mod before this?
    • Reduced Loot Value skill gain per level! Remember that this skill stacks with your crewmates
    • Turned off some extensive changes from Diversity
    • Raised prices for Protein Powder, Better Scanner, Running Shoes, Bigger Lungs and their upgrades
  • 1.2.5 - Happy Holidays!

    • Updated several primary mods
    • Changed modpack folder structure, hopefully configs will transfer now
    • Rebalanced Stoneman-LethalProgression XP gains to be slower to incentivize getting higher value loot- I hope, I'm pretty bad at math
    • Enabled Hand Slots skill from Stoneman-LethalProgression, up to a max of two extra slots
    • Disabled Health Regen skill from Stoneman-LethalProgression, it was breaking with healing items
    • Buffed medkits to be slightly cheaper with 10 uses each (previously 6), still heals 80HP per use
    • Buffed assignment rewards
    • Updated Evaisa-LethalThings and MikeMediaStudios-MikesTweaks configs
    • Quota is now reached after 4 days to reduce frustration from failed runs
    • CapyCat-Solos_Bodycams now works off torso cam instead of helmet, some cosmetics blocked the view and still may
    • Re-added IntegrityChaos-Diversity! Free your centipede-ridden teammates by tapping E on them
    • Added NomnomAB-RollingGiant. New enemy type
    • Added new suits and cosmetics: Insomniax-InsomniaxCosmetics, TeamClark-BigBossSuit, ClockInTime-ColonialMarine, ClockInTime-CompanyMan and GamingFacility-Suits_n_Stuff
    • Disabled suits: Rainbow, Flashing and Matrix
    • Removed MoonJuice-SprintLadderFix as e3s1-BetterLadders lets you sprint to climb ladders faster
    • Removed MaxWasUnavailable-MoonOfTheDay, figuring out if it's causing desync between players
  • 1.2.4

    • Updated several primary mods, this version is not very stable!
  • 1.2.3

    • Readme fix. Sorry!
  • 1.2.2

    • Updated several primary mods
    • Added EliteMasterEric-CleanerLogs for a potential performance boost
    • Added dropship music from Idiotic_Buddies-JollyCompany
    • Tweaked intro music from Lennozeros-Christmas_Intro. Type 'greatasset' in terminal to play again :)
    • Replaced anormaltwig-TerminalExtras with NavarroTech-MoreTerminalCommands, former was breaking 'Other' command in terminal
  • 1.2.1

    • Minor readme and description fix.
    • Adjusted to proper Lategame Upgrades version.
  • 1.2.0 - Happy Holidays!

    • Adjusted readme
    • Adjusted Running Shoes, Strong Legs and Discombobulator upgrade prices to be higher
    • Custom config for Lategame Upgrades v2.8+
    • Brought back Arson!
    • Disabled UNO Reverse card.
    • Added Lennozeros-Christmas_Intro. It's a jolly time this week!
    • Buffed Lightning Rod ship upgrade to cover the entire map (hopefully)
    • Removed rafl-BonkHitSfx :( You can still apply it for yourself separately!
    • Added Treyotech-Treys_Health_Text, visible HP to assist medic players
    • Added MaxWasUnavailable-MoonOfTheDay and anormaltwig-TerminalExtras
    • Added FlipMods-HotbarPlus for better inventory scrolling
    • Removed MaxWasUnavailable-ScrollInverter
    • Added s_nnys-RetroRobloxCosmetics, MarquesT-CosmeticsPack and fizzysaur-Happy_Hats
    • Added BatTeam-LethalFashion, TeamClark-ODST_Suit, MagicalFlyingPurpleTreeSquid-Drive_Suit and Zorum-Zorums_Halo_ODST_Cosmetics
    • Combat evolved. Added MegaPiggy-BuyableShotgun and Hexi-HexiBetterShotgun
    • Added Renegades-FlashlightToggle and Renegades-WalkieUse
    • Added Coltrain-RotateBackwards
  • 1.1.5

    • Added Ozone-Cabinet_Item_Storage
    • Added TheFluff-FairAI. Most enemies should die from stepping on mines now
    • Adjusted Back Muscles upgrade prices. It was too cheap for how strong it was
    • Finalized adding some more QoL fix mods
    • Added a proper readme and changelog
  • 1.1.4

    • Brought max inventory slots to 5 instead of 6
    • Added more cosmetics (updated AbsasCosmetics, added Luigi-Nintendo_Hats...)
    • Added new scrap (Pinta-PintoBoy-1.0.0, re-added Electric131-OuijaBoard...)
    • Jetpack players, it's your time. Added Hamunii-JetpacksCarryBigItems and Invertigo-JetpackHandling
    • Adjusted Night Vision price and upgrade configs (From 45 credits to 50)
  • 1.1.3

    • Removed Diversity mod, it was causing a permanent blur on the screen after interacting/walking into a steam leak
    • Removed ReservedItemSlots, ReservedFlashlightSlot and ReservedWalkieSlot. They conflicted with Pouchey Belt from LethalThings
    • Removed Pooble-LCBetterSaves until compatibility is added with certain mods
    • Added Piggy-JesterStompShake
    • Adjusted Lategame Upgrades prices
  • 1.0.1 - 1.1.2

    • Lots of adjustments. Sorry!
  • 1.0.0

    • Modpack released