Zehs-MonsterHotkeys icon


Spawn Monsters and Monster Plushies using Hotkeys or from Twitch Subs, Cheers, and Raids. Supports Modded Monsters. Highly Configurable. (Twitch and CrowdControl Integration)



  • Improved enemy spawning.
  • Fixed contrast with dark Twitch usernames.
  • Fixed CrowdControl being able to spawn enemies on safe moons (Company, Galetry, etc).


  • Added [REDACTED]


  • Fixed the !givespawn @TargetUser <amount> Twitch chat command where <amount> wasn't working.


  • Updated the mod to work with the TwitchChatAPI mod v1.1.0+
  • Added !givespawnrandom Twitch chat command.
    • This command will give a random active viewer that has been in the chat within 5 minutes 1 spawn point.
    • Use !givespawnrandom <amount> to chose the amount of spawn points to give.
    • Use !givespawnrandom <amount> <minutes> to chose the amount of minutes a viewer has to have been active within.
  • Added button in the config settings (using LethalConfig) under the Spawn Points category to reset all viewers spawn points.


  • Improved the performance of the player death detection system.
  • GREATLY Improved the startup time of the mod.


  • Improved player death detection system.
    • Every death to an enemy should now be detected.
    • Dying to some specific enemies no longer triggers the death detection twice.
  • Killing a Butler that has a nametag will now spawn the Butler Bees with that same nametag.
  • Renamed enemy config sections from {EnemyName} Spawn to {EnemyName} Enemy.
    • Your previous enemy config values will migrate to the new enemy config values.
  • Enemy config sections are now sorted alphabetically.
  • Added some modded enemies to not spawn from Twitch events by default. (Maggie, Crystal Ray, Boomba, WaxSoldier, Ogopogo, BellCrab, BigMouth, Scary, Horse, LeafBoy)
    • This will only apply if you generate a fresh config file.


  • Fixed the Ghost Girl's nametag always being visible.
  • Added MaxSpawnsPerDay config setting to the Spawn Points category.
    • Description: The max amount of spawn points that can be redeemed per in-game day.
  • Updated some messages formatting.


  • Fixed the Twitch event queue not working.
  • Fixed a mistake with the enemy config section names.
    • Your previous enemy config values will migrate to the new enemy config values.
  • The Twitch chat !spawn command will now only redeem 1 spawn point. You can redeem more spawn points by using !spawn <amount>.
  • Added more Twitch chat commands.
    • Added !viewspawn command.
      • This command will show how many spawn points you have. You can use !viewspawn @TargetUser to see how many spawn points someone else has.
    • Added !viewallspawn command.
      • This command will show how many spawn points everyone has.
      • Only moderators or higher can execute this command.
    • Added !viewbits command.
      • This command will show how many accumulated bits you have. You can use !viewbits @TargetUser to see how many accumulated bits someone else has.
    • Added !viewallbits command.
      • This command will show how many accumulated bits everyone has.
      • Only moderators or higher can execute this command.
  • Created a new Spawn Points config category.
  • Moved SpawnPointsEnabled config setting from the Twitch Integration category to the Spawn Points category.
    • Renamed to Enabled.
  • Moved SpawnPointsPerDeath config setting from the Twitch Integration category to the Spawn Points category.
    • Renamed to RewardPointsPerDeath.
  • Added RewardPointsPerCrewmateDeath config setting to the Spawn Points category.
    • Description: The amount of spawn points a viewer will receive from a crewmate's death.
  • Added RewardSpawnPoints config setting to the Crowd Control Integration category.
    • Description: If you die to an enemy spawned by a viewer, they will gain a spawn point to spawn a free enemy by writing !spawn in your Twitch chat.

Notes: Accumulated bits are bits that weren't enough (or extra) to spawn plushies or an enemy. If you need 200 bits to spawn an enemy and a viewer has 50 accumulated bits, next time that viewer cheers 150 or more bits, they'll spawn an enemy and their accumulated bits will be set to 0 or the remaining bits from their cheer if any.


  • Added the TwitchChatAPI mod as a dependency.
    • Twitch integration no longer requires you to set up a Twitch bot that sends messages in your chat when events occur.
  • Twitch events in the queue get saved when you close the game and load when you open the game.
  • The tier of a sub will multiply the amount of enemies spawned.
    • Configurable in the config settings.
  • Added Raids as a Twitch event that can spawn enemies.
    • Configurable in the config settings.
  • The bits from Twitch cheers that don't fulfill the requirements (or extra) to spawn plushies or enemies get saved and accumulate until an enemy can be spawned.
  • Added spawn points system for Twitch integration.
    • When you die to an enemy spawned from Twitch, the viewer that spawned that enemy receives a spawn point.
      • Configurable in the config settings.
    • When a viewer has spawn points and writes !spawn in the Twitch chat, the game will spawn enemies equaling the total amount of spawn points that the viewer has.
    • Channel moderators or higher can give viewers spawn points by using the !givespawn @TargetUser <amount> command in the Twitch chat.
  • CrowdControl will now spawn the correct enemies.
  • Landmines spawned from CrowdControl will now spawn properly.
  • Updated config settings.
  • Changed the coloring and formatting of some messages.
  • Improved performance with plushies.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.
Older Versions


  • Added CrowdControl integration.
    • Enemies will be able to spawn anywhere.
    • Spawned enemies will have a nametag with the name of the user that spawned that enemy.
  • Enemy nametags will show which platform that enemy was spawned from.
  • Made some changes to config settings.
  • Added more config settings.
  • Other changes and improvements.


  • Updated README.


  • Small changes and improvements.
  • LethalConfig is now an optional dependency but still included in the dependency list.


  • Fixed Twitch integration not working.


  • Fixed a lot of bugs.
  • Made a lot of improvements.
  • Added a death message to show which enemy killed you and who spawned it.
  • Fixed enemy nametags not showing for clients.
  • Added nametags to enemies spawned by players using hotkeys or from LethalVoice.
  • Added a few more options to the spawn settings for each individual monster.


  • Small changes.


  • Added Twitch bits events.

Bits can now spawn monsters and monster plushies.
Requires some setup. See README for more details.


  • Added Twitch integration. (No authentication required)

Subs, Resubs, and Gift Subs can now spawn monsters.
Requires some setup. See README for more details.


  • Added enemies. (Manticoil, Kidnapper Fox, Barber, Maneater)
  • Added more keybinds for the new enemies.
  • Added support for modded monsters. (Modded monsters can only be spawned with the spawn random keybind)
  • Added Potato plushie.
  • Improved config settings.
  • Added MuteSpawnSFX config setting to Monster Settings.
  • Added LethalConfig as a dependency.
  • Added FixPluginTypesSerialization as a dependency.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.


  • Small changes.


  • Small changes.


  • Added OnlyHostSpawnMonsters config setting.
    • Description: If enabled, only the host can spawn monsters.
  • Added ShowMessages config setting.
    • Description: If enabled, will show messages in the bottom right.
  • Added ShowSpawnEnemyMessages config setting.
    • Description: If enabled, will show a message when you or someone else spawns an enemy.
  • Added ShowLocalSpawnEnemyMessages config setting.
    • Description: If enabled, will show a message when you spawn an enemy.
  • Added MessageDuration config setting.
    • Description: The duration of a message in seconds.
  • Added MessageFontSize config setting.
    • Description: The font size of the messages.


  • Added multiplayer support.
  • Updated README.


  • Updated README.


  • Initial release.