Terminal Shorcuts FYI

Updated 7 months ago

Terminal Shortcuts

Update 3.0.0 added the Terminal Shortcuts functionality and the following commands: bind, unbind

To set a shortcut: (this will require terminalShortcutCommands to be enabled)

  • Identify the key name by going to Unity Support Page: UnityEngine.InputSystem.Key
  • Set the shortcut using the following command syntax: bind <key name> <command>
  • If you have input a valid key name and command the command will now be run every time you press that key.
  • In version 3.0.2 the ability to bind multi-word commands was added. It is the same syntax however <command> can be more than one word.
  • Multi-word commands are not checked for valid commands and will be stored regardless.

NOTE: Letters A-Z and the Space key are listed as invalid to not hinder typing in the terminal.

To remove a shortcut: (this will require terminalShortcutCommands to be enabled)

  • Identify the key name by going to Unity Support Page: UnityEngine.InputSystem.Key
  • Remove the shortcut using the following command syntax: unbind <key name>
  • This will remove any command set to the key and remove it from your saved shortcuts in the config file.