darmuh-darmuhsTerminalStuff icon


Completely configurable Terminal expansion that adds more than 40 different commands to the terminal!


Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog. This project does NOT adhere to Semantic Versioning at this time. Mostly because I don't have the time to learn it.



  • Fixed an issue when using OpenBodyCams to create a camera and having AlwaysOn disabled, the camera would freeze after exiting the terminal.
    • Camera should now be properly disabled when leaving the terminal.
    • Added extensiveLogging statements to show when the camera is disabled or enabled.

Known issues/bugs

  • (1) If another mod has a function that keeps the terminal screen enabled, alwayson will not always be able to disable it.
  • (2) Picking up eachother's colored flashlights will not automatically change any colors.
    • So your helmetlight will stay as-is and the flashlight you pick up will have the color the other player selected.
  • (3) Some users have reported issues with some vanilla commands returning errors in the console.
    • Only seeing this in certain profile codes with 100+ mods, will take some time to narrow down what the issue is.
  • (4) If another mod dev wishes to access any of my commands, I suggest taking a look at "GetCommandDisplayTextSupplier(TerminalNode query)" in TerminalEvents.cs and how it is used in ShortcutBindings.cs

Note (from 3.0.0)

  • Since this update took so long I'm probably forgetting some things that have been changed/fixed/updated. This was a substantial update effort and I wanted to make sure my next release was as stable as possible following the mod rework.
  • If you have any questions regarding this update feel free to post on github, discord, etc. I may not see it right away but I will answer once I have the time.
Historical Patch Notes



  • Added support for multiword terminal shortcuts.
    • Multiword shortcuts will be stored regardless of whether they are valid commands or not.
    • Proper usage is: bind <key> <multiple word command>
    • Handling for multi-word shortcuts differs from single-word shortcuts.
  • Added terminal shortcuts commands to controls commands menu.


  • (hopefully) Fixed issue where pressing switch button on ship monitors without any active monitoring mode would cause odd visual bugs of seeing other player's POVs instead of your own.
  • Fixed minor compatibility issue with monitoring commands and only having the TwoRadarMaps mod on where the cams views would not update to the right target.
  • Removed most references to AdvancedCompany due to it being removed from Thunderstore. Compatibility functions will be added back if it does ever make it back to thunderstore.



  • Fixed issue with menus where next page would get stuck after using any of the view commands (cams/map/minicams/minimap/overlay)
  • Fixed compatibility integration issues with OpenBodyCams
  • Fixed certain patching issues that would break the terminal. This was caused by some other mods for some people and shouldn't occur anymore.



  • COMPATIBILITY UPDATES FOR: LethalLevelLoader, OpenBodyCams, and TwoRadarMaps.
  • Mod has been completely reworked from the ground up. Command handling is now 100% integrated within TerminalAPI, with exception to a handful of dynamic input-based commands.
  • Networked Nodes received a substantial upgrade due to this rework and now much more reliably update for all clients.
  • Keyboard shortcut functionality has been added via terminalShortcuts configuration option!
  • Shortcuts can be set using the bind command and removed using the unbind command.
  • Shortcuts are saved in config under keyActionsConfig (dont touch this unless you know what you're doing).
  • Added the ability for this mod to produce it's own camera when no bodycams mods are present.
  • Added configuration option camsUseDetectedMods to utilize any known bodycam mod's camera when they are present.
  • Currently OpenBodyCams has the most integration built into this mod, however both SolosBodyCams and Helmet_Cameras by Rick Arg should also continue to work.
  • Big performance updates for Always-On mode and other continously running mod functions. Moved as much logic out of patches as possible, to improve compatibility with other mods.
  • Added configuration option alwaysOnDynamic that will turn the screen off when you are not on the ship.
  • Majority of logging statements have been moved to a separate function. You can see these messages by enabling the extensiveLogging config option.
  • New commands that can be enabled or disabled: terminalMirror, terminalRefund, terminalRestart, terminalPrevious
  • terminalMirror is a new mirror command that uses this mod's own camera (no external mod needed!)
  • terminalRefund allows for refunding items purhcased that have yet to be delivered.
  • terminalRestart will restart the lobby without triggering the firing sequence. Will ask for confirmation unless restartConfirmOverride is set to true.
  • Added further home page customization with homeTextArt. Use this configurable string to set your own ascii art.
  • Added tpKeyword and itpKeyword options to change the shorthand keywords.
  • All commands that affect credits now require networking. This is to make credit changes more consistent and prevent any future abuse.


  • Fixed issue with more command not hiding cams when it should.
  • Fixed compatibility issues with LethalLevelLoader by completely moving command handling off of custom terminal events
  • Fixed numerous compatibility issues with OpenBodyCams and TwoRadarMaps. Thanks Zaggy1024 for all the help!
  • Fixed issue where teleport keywords were still being deleted even with this section of the mod disabled.
  • Fixed issue where sometimes typing "extras" for the menu option would bring up buying an extension ladder.



  • Configuration option to start with Always On Enabled (alwaysOnAtStart)
  • Added Terminal Clock feature, this can be disabled via configuration option (terminalClock) and will be on by default (does not show in orbit)
  • Added clock toggle command to toggle the new Terminal Clock feature on/off (terminalClockCommand)
  • Added new feature to use the walkie-talkie item while at the terminal. This can be disabled via configuration option (walkieTerm)
  • walkieTerm feature comes with configuration binds for both a keyboard key (walkieTermKey) and a mousebutton (walkieTermMB)
  • walkieTerm keybindings will only do something while at the terminal with a walkie in your inventory
  • Added new detailed loot command which will display all scrap onboard and their worth (terminalLootDetail)
  • Added new List Items command which will display all non-scrap items that are not currently being held on the ship (terminalListItems)



  • Cleaned up command adding logic to be more streamlined (this is more for me than anyone else lol)
  • Adding further null exception handling when dealing with spawning the nethandler (thanks Zuploader for reporting this on GitHub)
  • Fixed fcolor to also apply to non-pro flashlights
  • No real fix action here but, the previously determined incompatible Glowsticks mod actually just needs a specific configuration setting in LC_API.


  • Added secondary link command per request
  • Removed Fov_Adjust hard dependency (this mod will still be needed for the Fov command)
  • Added the ability to use hexcodes for both fcolor and scolor (ex: fcolor 19C3A7)
  • Added rainbow flashlight command "fcolor rainbow" (could affect performance, drop your flashlight to kill the rainbow effect)
  • Added configurable hint strings (displayed in extras) for the new link commands.



  • Fixed map command only ever saying the ship was in orbit.



  • (1) This means you can continue to use this mod as a client-side only mod as in the past.
  • (1) I've disabled a number of commands that require networking as well as commands I dont believe should be client-side only commands when networking is disabled.
  • (2) New randomsuits command to pick a random suit to wear off the rack (ported from my suitsTerminal mod, disable this if you have that)
  • (3) Made main page you open to when opening the terminal the home page rather than help.
  • (4) Added configurable strings to the home page, leave your crewmates a message to see every time they open the terminal!
  • (5) Added link command for linking to an external web page from the terminal.
  • (6) Added configurable keywords for fcolor, scolor, gamble, lever, link, and randomsuits commands.
  • (7) As with the command, added a configurable option for what link you want to display with the link command.


  • (1) As mentioned above, mod can now be used as a non-host player again!
  • (2) Updated cams views to not hide cams whenever an invalid command is inputted (thanks to Sp1rit for the bug report on GitHub)
  • (3) Improved compatibility with Advanced Company & LateGame Upgrades.
  • (3) Specifically in how we all modify the help command of the terminal. It should now look much cleaner
  • (4) Fixed longstanding bug with FOV mod that would not adjust the visor with your FOV.
  • (4 Cont.) My mistake for leaving this in, i'd assumed it was an issue with the Fov mod itself and not my own implementation of it.



  • (1 cont.) Thanks to Evaisa for their UnityNetcodeWeaver NetcodePatcher tool and Xilophor for the very helpful wiki!
  • (2) Fcolor/Scolor commands should now sync between all clients
  • (3) Added 'networkedNodes' config option to try out the synced network nodes BETA feature
  • (3) (networkedNodes) clients will still have differing terminal instances and overall this mode mostly just tries to copy whatever the terminal user is seeing and display it on everyone else's terminal screen.
  • (3) (networkedNodes) I've labeled this as a BETA feature because i've done limited testing on it so it's bound to be buggy.
  • (4) Refactored code that has to do with switching cams pov and returning to camera screen after an event to be more modular.
  • (5) Overlay: Added configuration for Overlay Opacity. This will let you change how faded the map is on the cams view.


  • As mentioned above, flashlight colors and shiplight colors are no longer client-side only!
  • Fixed issue where switch command without a target player was overwriting switch command with a target player.
  • (hopefully) fixed an issue where switch command would bring up the wrong view.



  • NEW Configuration option "camsNeverHide" to set cams views to not hide once another command is entered.
  • (camsNeverHide) if you want to be able to see the store list, help list, etc. and keep the cams view active you should set this to true.
  • (camsNeverHide) keeping this false (disabled) will hide cams views when any large text is entered but will keep them active for door codes, ping/flash radarbooster, and switch views commands.
  • I've also added a list of commands that will never hide the cams views despite either setting. I may make this configurable in the future. If interested please let me know.
  • Changed how cams/map display their views to use the same method as minimap/minicams/overlay. I can explain this in depth if anyone has questions.
  • Changed some excessive logging messages to hopefully clean up the log window a bit. There is still a lot of log messages but they are helpful when troubleshooting issues.
  • Changed when keywords get added. Shouldn't be noticeable to the average user.
  • TP/ITP: Added cooldown timer to text displayed when trying to run one of these commands while the TP itself is on cooldown.


  • Switch command should now work properly and not hide any cams/map views
  • Improved interopability with FastSwitchPlayerViewInRadar and removed a noticeable delay of their mod working only after a couple switch commands have been used.



  • CHANGED CONFIG STRUCTURE AGAIN: Please delete your old config upon updating and let the mod generate a new one.
  • (Config) The update config now has which command belongs to which in-game category (if you type more).
  • CUSTOM KEYWORDS: Added a handful of configurable keywords. Take a look at the new config file to see what you can change!
  • lol: Reworked lol command to use the terminal's built in videoplayer and it will now display videos directly on the terminal!
  • scolor: added scolor command to change the color of the base lights in the ship.
  • (scolor) this command changes 3 separate light colors which are labeled "front", "middle", and "back"
  • (scolor) when using the command you specify what lights you want to change or simply type all for your selection.
  • (scolor) the third argument in this command is the color name. Like with fcolor you can see a list of these using "scolor list"
  • proview/minimap: changed keyword/name of the proview command to "minimap"
  • minicams: added inverse command of minimap where the cam is the small screen.
  • lights: finally added a command to toggle the lights in the ship
  • Always On Display: Added alwayson command that allows you to disable leaving the terminal screen on all the time or not.
  • lobby: As this was the oldest command in this mod I've updated it to be a bit more streamlined and pull from the same variable for both host/client.


  • TP/ITP: Fixed issue where you would be trying to buy either an inverse teleporter or a regular teleporter and these command would trigger instead.
  • (TP/ITP) You now won't be able to use these commands until you have a teleporter of the type required to run it.
  • From my own testing if everyone is using this mod the radar switch will be synced between players, so I've removed this as a known issue.
  • fcolor: Fixed the issue where this command would accept any color name instead of returning invalid for incorrect colors.



  • fcolor: added command "fcolor list" to see what colors are available to choose from per request.
  • (fcolor) also added normal/default color keywords to set back to "normal" flashlight color (white)


  • switch: This base command was having weird interactions with all the different cams commands
  • (switch) Also a popular mod "FastSwitchPlayerViewInRadarMOD" was having some compatability issues with the new cams hooking logic
  • (switch) I've fixed all of these issues and hopefully this mod should remain compatible with any other mods that utilize the vanilla "ViewInsideShipCam 1" object name.
  • lever: Pretty sure I fixed having to pull the lever twice.
  • (lever) Turns out the reason for this was that the game requires a wait between changing levels (moons) and starting the game
  • fcolor: Reworked command so that it works without errors. As long as you have a flashlight in your inventory it will change the color.
  • (fcolor) If you have two flashlights on you it will only change the color for one. This is intended.



  • heal/healme: Fixed typo in command causing heal function to not properly heal.
  • door: Fixed door command not opening the door for non-host players.



  • devtest: Removed my devtest command from active released patch. Luckily was linked to door command in 2.0.0 so no real damage could be done.
  • fcolor: Fixed missing null check handling case where player has never held a flashlight.
  • (fcolor) Also fixed flashlight colors not updating for your specific flashlight, was originally just looking for ANY flashlight.
  • config: Updated config description for enemyScanCost to actively reflect that it is for the "bioscan" command to avoid confusion.



  • MAJOR REWORK OF COMMAND HANDLING: Removed some convuluted logic in handling digits, added confirmation checks, and overall improved command to command interactions.
  • (MAJOR REWORK) This is the main reason for updating version number to 2.0.0, rather than calling this anything in 1.X.X
  • Terminal Menus: Updated start screen & help command with my own information.
  • (Terminal Menus) Added (more) command to see commands added from this mod
  • (Terminal Menus) (more) This will list 4 separate category commands to choose from (comfort) (extras) (controls) (fun)
  • (Terminal Menus) (comfort) Lists all the quality of life commands you have added.
  • (Terminal Menus) (extras) Lists all enabled commands that add extra functionality to the ship terminal.
  • (Terminal Menus) (controls) Lists all enabled commands that give terminal more control of the ship's systems.
  • (Terminal Menus) (fun) Lists all the for-fun commands that are enabled.
  • (Terminal Menus) (comfort)(extras)(controls)(fun) All of these are also dynamic based on config options set.
  • (Terminal Menus) Added (home) command to go back to the start screen you see when first using the terminal.
  • Configurable Strings: Updated a majority of commands to have configurable strings.
  • (Configruable Strings) This will allow you to change the messages returned for most commands. Some commands will not have this feature implemented, some just haven't yet.
  • Gamble Update: Updated various elements of the gamble command
  • (gamble) Added a minimum credits requirement Config option. Set this to 0 if you want to be able to gamble it all!
  • (gamble) Added configurable Pity Mode. If enabled, this will give the biggest losers a configurable amount of "Pity Credits" (Max 60 to avoid abuse)
  • lever: Added a configuration variable for overriding new confirmation check.
  • lol: Added the option to configure a different folder to play videos from than the main plugin folder. (Credit to )
  • (lol) make sure when using your own folder it is in the Bepinex/Plugins folder.
  • itp: Added Inverse Teleport command to control the inverse teleporter from the terminal.
  • door: Added door command to control the Ship Doors from the terminal.
  • (door) Credit to NavarroTech as I used their code for reference.
  • map: Added map keyword for "view monitor" command and removed the loadimageslowly setting so it shows instantly.
  • (map) I can add the loadimageslowly as a config option later if there is demand for it.
  • (map) Also should interface better with the other set of cams commands as of this patch.
  • proview: Added command that shows BOTH cams and radar map at the same time.
  • (proview) radarmap is put in the top right corner in a smaller box on top of the cams feed.
  • overlay: Added command that shows BOTH cams and radar map on top of eachother.
  • (overlay) Idea from @usb. on discord. Radar feed is superimposed onto the camera feed.
  • (proview/overlay) Both accomplish relatively the same thing. I may make these purchaseable upgrades in upcoming patches, for now they are only enable/disable in the config.
  • bioscan: Added a bioscanner that scans for biomatter (enemies).
  • (bioscan) Has a default configured cost of 15 credits per scan.
  • (bioscan) Can also be upgraded via bioscanpatch command.
  • bioscanpatch: Upgrades the default bioscan "software" to 2.0. Which gives more detailed information on biomatter (enemies that are alive)
  • (bioscanpatch) default configured cost of 300 credits, seemed fair to me but could use testing.
  • (bioscanpatch) Does not remove the cost requirement to run the bioscan command. I can add this option in future updates if requested enough.
  • (bioscanpatch) Like vitals, balancing is just abritralily set by me. Could use actual game testing to see what values are best.
  • vitalspatch: Purchasable Vitals Software patch that allows for vitals to be run anytime with no further cost.
  • (vitalspatch) You can configure the cost for this upgrade to whatever you want, 200 credits made sense to me.
  • (vitalspatch) If you have your original vitals command set to charge 0 credits this really doesn't need to be enabled.
  • fcolor: Added command to change flashlight color. Usage: fcolor <colorname>
  • (fcolor) there is a limited number of colors available. More can be added by request.
  • (fcolor) if requesting colors be added, please provide the rgb value of the color.
  • (fcolor) Current list of available colors: blue, cyan, green, lime, magenta, pink, purple, red, yellow, samstro, and sasstro.


  • gamble: Now has a confirmation check so you can't blame me if you gamble it all away lol
  • lever: Now has a configuration check
  • heal: Updated heal logic to now say you were healed if you have less than 100 health but more than 10.


  • kick: Base game pushed out a hotfix for the kick function and I believe this has resolved any issues with the kick command in current mod.
  • (kick) will leave disabled by default as there doesn't seem to be too much demand for this feature anymore.
  • modlist: Config was not set up properly and this command was always enabled regardless of config option.



  • kick: Completely reworked command, was not kicking players and throwing errors in previous patch. (only works in game version v40 and earlier)
  • (kick) Will accept as little as 3 characters of any name in the lobby and kick them now.
  • (kick) May need to create another couple commands to kick via playerID# as players without english names are hard to kick through terminal.
  • (kick) Also, I believe the current iteration of this command will not allow the player to join again until the lobby is remade. Requires testing.



  • danger: checks Hazard level of moon once ship has landed.
  • vitals: checks health, weight, sanity, and flashlight charge of player being tracked by map radar.
  • vitals cost: configuration for how much credits the "vitals" command will cost to run.
  • tp/teleport: presses the teleport button from the terminal.
  • modlist: returns mods that were loaded by Bepinex and the associated version numbers.
  • kick (EXPERIMENTAL): allows the host to kick players from the lobby via terminal command. WARNING: This command is untested and therefore defaults to off at this time.


  • lol: Made this command functional. Selects from an array of found videos in the plugin folder and plays a random video.
  • (lol) You can type lol again to toggle the video off if you want to end it early.
  • (lol) Video files should go in the "darmuh-darmuhsTerminalStuff" folder.
  • (lol) Thanks to flipf17 for their work on TelevisionVideo, used their code for reference.
  • Config: format has been changed, each command has it's own category now in case I want to add more variable specific commands like vitals' cost.
  • Updated readme.md for better readability


  • Fixed typo in lever command configuration values, thank you @glitched4772 on discord for reporting this.



  • gamble: results were not updating for all players. Fixed this with setting both client/server credit values.
  • lever: added host check for when the game hasn't been started.



  • Plugin version number was set incorrectly in 1.1.0, fixed in 1.1.1



  • gamble: command to gamble percentage of ship credits out of 100%.
  • fov: command to change Fov from the terminal, requires Fov_Adjust mod by Rozebud.
  • lever: command to "pull the lever" from the terminal (start ship/game).



  • lol: plays a funny video, doesn't work.
  • lobby: displays current lobby name.
  • cams: displays ship cameras to terminal screen, compatible with helmetcams/bodycams mods. Thanks to RickArg as I used their code for reference.
  • quit: quits terminal
  • loot: shows loot available on ship, thanks to tinyhoot for their ShipLoot plugin. I used their code for reference however their plugin is not required.
  • clear: clears terminal of existing text.
  • heal: Command to heal self, thanks to Thorlar for their HealthStation mod. Used their code for reference (not required for this mod).
  • Configuration system to enable/disable above commands.