A diverse, handcrafted modpack with a focus on new moons, interiors, entities and random events to expand on and improve many facets of Lethal Company without taking away from the core vanilla feel.
- Oops I forgot to update one config; updated sanity related visual hallucinations
1.1.1 - Major Update (fresh profile installation recommended)
- Replaced LobbyControl with LateCompany and MoreItems due to desync glitch on restarting after getting fired (updated known bugs list)
- Added entire LateGameUpgrades suite (thanks Festive Paws!) and reconfigured for balancing purposes
- Updated Motion_Tracker_V2 to Motion_Tracker_V3 as an updated version was released as a new mod (thanks Lodac77 & dopadream!)
- Updated InsanityRemastered to InsanityRemasteredFix as an updated version was released as a new mod. This fixes a previous disappearing HUD bug
- New terminal design, now highlighting key mod-specific commands that are sometimes difficult to find and displaying them on the homepage. Also highlights mod-specific keybinds and a section for recommended keybind overrides for compatibility and immersion
- Fixed mask prices not being balanced due to new mask possession mechanics; masks are now worth significantly more when found as scrap (thanks Purple!), and slightly more when found on dead masked
- Decreased overall intensity of visual effects caused by insanity
- Hopefully insanity levels decrease at an acceptable rate with the latest update (more testing required!)
- LateCompany by anormaltwig (1.0.18)
- MoreItems by Drakorle (1.0.2)
- Motion_Tracker_V3 by dopadream (1.0.9)
- Lategame_Company_Cruiser_Upgrades by WhiteSpike (1.1.2)
- Custom_Item_Behaviour_Library by WhiteSpike (1.2.6)
- Shopping_Cart by WhiteSpike (1.0.2)
- Wheelbarrow by WhiteSpike (1.0.3)
- Extend_Deadline by WhiteSpike (1.0.2)
- Diving_Kit by WhiteSpike (1.0.2)
- Helmet by WhiteSpike (1.0.0)
- Weather_Probe by WhiteSpike (1.0.0)
- Portable_Teleporters by WhiteSpike (1.0.3)
- Peeper by WhiteSpike (1.0.3)
- darmuhsTerminalStuff by darmuh (3.7.7)
- InsanityRemasteredFix by PaLaS0 (1.1.3)
- ItemWeights by DarthLilo (1.2.1)
- ut99_interiors 1.6.3 ⇒ 1.6.4
- ButteryFixes 1.10.13 ⇒ 1.10.14
- EnemySoundFixes 1.6.0 ⇒ 1.6.1
- Updated Lethal Elements config
- LethalElementsBeta 1.2.65 ⇒ 1.2.66
- TerraMesh 1.1.0 ⇒ 1.1.1
- Updated some configs
- TestAccountCore 1.13.1 ⇒ 1.14.0
- LethalElementsBeta 1.2.60 ⇒ 1.2.65
- Changed CentralConfig dungeon safeguarding behaviour to make LoadStone work how it's meant to (thanks Lunxara!)
- Made ImmersiveScrap bricks deal damage when thrown
- Removed Shishas temporarily :(
- MythicMoons 1.0.7 ⇒ 1.0.9
- Updated Locker weights
- Increased time for masks to possess dead bodies (unsure if MaskTheDead is working properly; more testing required)
- Removed Peeper weights from CentralConfig and reverted them to their own spawning behaviour
- LC_Shrimp 1.0.1 ⇒ 1.0.4
1.0.5 - Minor Update (fresh profile installation recommended)
- Removed unnecessary/outdated fix mods
- BetaWeatherTweaksBeta 0.25.1 ⇒ 0.25.2
1.0.4 - Major Update (fresh profile installation recommended)
- Changed CentralConfig clock accuracy to be more in-line with vanilla
- Increased MoreScreams 2 --> 3
- Reduced Walker contact amount 3 --> 2
- Changed Emblem loading flavour text
- Replaced LateCompany/MoreItems with LobbyControl (more stable, better networking, old saves won't be compatible)
- Moons are bugged on saves where the host exits when not in orbit, or closes the client without saving. Be wary of this
- Created more masked interactions, features and mechanics. Updated mask prices accordingly
- Altered sanity deprecation values; flashlights, walkies and daylight is most helpful
- Altered visual hallucination effect values
- Readme updated
- Known bugs updated
- LobbyControl by mattymatty (2.4.10)
- MaskTheDead by F4ilS4fe (1.0.6)
- Possessed_Masks by OE_Tweaks (2.1.1)
- TakeThatMaskOff by SillySquad (2.1.6)
- Fixed rocket launcher and flare ammunition resetting on loading an old save
- LethalThings 0.10.6 ⇒ 0.10.7
- LethalFixes 1.2.4 ⇒ 1.2.5
- StandaloneBlindPup by Autumnis (2.0.0)
- Fixed CozyOffice
- Restrict Dungeon Size Scaler 1 --> 0.8
- Fixed Area71
- Minimum Dungeon Size Multiplier 0.5 --> 1
- Maximum Dungeon Size Multiplier 1.6 --> 2.2
- Restrict Dungeon Size Scaler 1 --> 0.8
- Initial release
- Included MythicMoons by s1ckboy
- Included Wesleys Moons by Magic_Wesley
- Included StarlancerMoons by AudioKnight
- Included Tolian Moons by Tolian
- Included LiminalPools interiors by theMenagerie
- Included ut99, unreal and Gray Apartments interiors by DemonMae
- Included the Toy Store interior by Magic_Wesley/Zehs
- Included Rosies Interiors by RosiePies