Decompiled source of WellRoundedBalance v1.4.7


Decompiled 2 weeks ago
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BepInEx;
using BepInEx.Bootstrap;
using BepInEx.Configuration;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using EntityStates;
using EntityStates.AcidLarva;
using EntityStates.ArtifactShell;
using EntityStates.Barrel;
using EntityStates.BeetleGuardMonster;
using EntityStates.BeetleMonster;
using EntityStates.BeetleQueenMonster;
using EntityStates.Bell.BellWeapon;
using EntityStates.Bison;
using EntityStates.BrotherHaunt;
using EntityStates.BrotherMonster;
using EntityStates.BrotherMonster.Weapon;
using EntityStates.ClayBoss;
using EntityStates.ClayBoss.ClayBossWeapon;
using EntityStates.ClayGrenadier;
using EntityStates.DroneWeaponsChainGun;
using EntityStates.Duplicator;
using EntityStates.FlyingVermin.Weapon;
using EntityStates.GlobalSkills.LunarNeedle;
using EntityStates.GoldGat;
using EntityStates.GolemMonster;
using EntityStates.GrandParent;
using EntityStates.GravekeeperBoss;
using EntityStates.GreaterWispMonster;
using EntityStates.Gup;
using EntityStates.Headstompers;
using EntityStates.ImpBossMonster;
using EntityStates.ImpMonster;
using EntityStates.InfiniteTowerSafeWard;
using EntityStates.LaserTurbine;
using EntityStates.LemurianBruiserMonster;
using EntityStates.LemurianMonster;
using EntityStates.LunarExploderMonster.Weapon;
using EntityStates.LunarWisp;
using EntityStates.Mage.Weapon;
using EntityStates.MajorConstruct.Weapon;
using EntityStates.MiniMushroom;
using EntityStates.MinorConstruct.Weapon;
using EntityStates.Missions.BrotherEncounter;
using EntityStates.Missions.LunarScavengerEncounter;
using EntityStates.Missions.Moon;
using EntityStates.MoonElevator;
using EntityStates.ParentMonster;
using EntityStates.QuestVolatileBattery;
using EntityStates.RoboBallBoss.Weapon;
using EntityStates.ScavBackpack;
using EntityStates.ScavMonster;
using EntityStates.Scrapper;
using EntityStates.TitanMonster;
using EntityStates.Toolbot;
using EntityStates.VagrantMonster;
using EntityStates.VagrantMonster.Weapon;
using EntityStates.VagrantNovaItem;
using EntityStates.VoidJailer.Weapon;
using EntityStates.Vulture.Weapon;
using EntityStates.Wisp1Monster;
using HG;
using HG.Reflection;
using HarmonyLib;
using IL.EntityStates;
using IL.EntityStates.BeetleGuardMonster;
using IL.EntityStates.Bell.BellWeapon;
using IL.EntityStates.ClayBoss;
using IL.EntityStates.ClayBoss.ClayBossWeapon;
using IL.EntityStates.GoldGat;
using IL.EntityStates.GolemMonster;
using IL.EntityStates.GravekeeperBoss;
using IL.EntityStates.GreaterWispMonster;
using IL.EntityStates.ImpBossMonster;
using IL.EntityStates.LemurianBruiserMonster;
using IL.EntityStates.LemurianMonster;
using IL.EntityStates.LunarTeleporter;
using IL.EntityStates.LunarWisp;
using IL.EntityStates.QuestVolatileBattery;
using IL.EntityStates.RoboBallBoss.Weapon;
using IL.EntityStates.ScavMonster;
using IL.EntityStates.TeleporterHealNovaController;
using IL.EntityStates.VagrantMonster.Weapon;
using IL.EntityStates.VagrantNovaItem;
using IL.EntityStates.Vulture.Weapon;
using IL.RoR2;
using IL.RoR2.Achievements;
using IL.RoR2.Achievements.Railgunner;
using IL.RoR2.Artifacts;
using IL.RoR2.Items;
using IL.RoR2.Projectile;
using IL.RoR2.UI;
using KinematicCharacterController;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using MonoMod.Cil;
using MonoMod.RuntimeDetour;
using Multitudes;
using On.EntityStates;
using On.EntityStates.AcidLarva;
using On.EntityStates.ArtifactShell;
using On.EntityStates.BeetleGuardMonster;
using On.EntityStates.BeetleMonster;
using On.EntityStates.BeetleQueenMonster;
using On.EntityStates.Bison;
using On.EntityStates.BrotherHaunt;
using On.EntityStates.BrotherMonster;
using On.EntityStates.BrotherMonster.Weapon;
using On.EntityStates.ClayGrenadier;
using On.EntityStates.DroneWeaponsChainGun;
using On.EntityStates.Duplicator;
using On.EntityStates.GlobalSkills.LunarNeedle;
using On.EntityStates.GoldGat;
using On.EntityStates.GolemMonster;
using On.EntityStates.GravekeeperBoss;
using On.EntityStates.GreaterWispMonster;
using On.EntityStates.Gup;
using On.EntityStates.Headstompers;
using On.EntityStates.ImpBossMonster;
using On.EntityStates.ImpMonster;
using On.EntityStates.InfiniteTowerSafeWard;
using On.EntityStates.LaserTurbine;
using On.EntityStates.LemurianBruiserMonster;
using On.EntityStates.LemurianMonster;
using On.EntityStates.Mage.Weapon;
using On.EntityStates.MajorConstruct.Weapon;
using On.EntityStates.MiniMushroom;
using On.EntityStates.MinorConstruct.Weapon;
using On.EntityStates.Missions.BrotherEncounter;
using On.EntityStates.Missions.LunarScavengerEncounter;
using On.EntityStates.Missions.Moon;
using On.EntityStates.MoonElevator;
using On.EntityStates.ParentMonster;
using On.EntityStates.QuestVolatileBattery;
using On.EntityStates.RoboBallBoss.Weapon;
using On.EntityStates.ScavBackpack;
using On.EntityStates.ScavMonster;
using On.EntityStates.Scrapper;
using On.EntityStates.TitanMonster;
using On.EntityStates.Toolbot;
using On.EntityStates.VagrantMonster;
using On.EntityStates.VagrantMonster.Weapon;
using On.EntityStates.VagrantNovaItem;
using On.EntityStates.VoidJailer.Weapon;
using On.EntityStates.Vulture.Weapon;
using On.EntityStates.Wisp1Monster;
using On.RoR2;
using On.RoR2.Achievements;
using On.RoR2.Achievements.Commando;
using On.RoR2.Artifacts;
using On.RoR2.CharacterAI;
using On.RoR2.EntityLogic;
using On.RoR2.Items;
using On.RoR2.Orbs;
using On.RoR2.Projectile;
using On.RoR2.Skills;
using On.RoR2.UI;
using On.RoR2.UI.MainMenu;
using R2API;
using R2API.Utils;
using Rewired.ComponentControls.Effects;
using RiskOfOptions;
using RiskOfOptions.Options;
using Risky_Artifacts.Artifacts;
using RoR2;
using RoR2.Achievements;
using RoR2.Achievements.Commando;
using RoR2.Artifacts;
using RoR2.CharacterAI;
using RoR2.EntityLogic;
using RoR2.Hologram;
using RoR2.Items;
using RoR2.Navigation;
using RoR2.Orbs;
using RoR2.Projectile;
using RoR2.Skills;
using RoR2.UI;
using RoR2.UI.MainMenu;
using TMPro;
using TPDespair.ZetArtifacts;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using WellRoundedBalance.Achievements;
using WellRoundedBalance.Allies;
using WellRoundedBalance.Artifacts.Vanilla;
using WellRoundedBalance.Attributes;
using WellRoundedBalance.Buffs;
using WellRoundedBalance.Difficulties;
using WellRoundedBalance.Elites;
using WellRoundedBalance.Enemies;
using WellRoundedBalance.Enemies.Minibosses;
using WellRoundedBalance.Equipment;
using WellRoundedBalance.Gamemodes;
using WellRoundedBalance.Gamemodes.Eclipse;
using WellRoundedBalance.Interactables;
using WellRoundedBalance.Items;
using WellRoundedBalance.Items.ConsistentCategories;
using WellRoundedBalance.Items.Greens;
using WellRoundedBalance.Items.NoTier;
using WellRoundedBalance.Items.Whites;
using WellRoundedBalance.Items.Yellows;
using WellRoundedBalance.Mechanics;
using WellRoundedBalance.Mechanics.Bosses;
using WellRoundedBalance.Mechanics.Director;
using WellRoundedBalance.Mechanics.Health;
using WellRoundedBalance.Mechanics.Movement;
using WellRoundedBalance.Misc;
using WellRoundedBalance.Projectiles;
using WellRoundedBalance.Survivors;
using WellRoundedBalance.Utils;
using WellRoundedBalance.Utils.Paths;

[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(8)]
[assembly: RuntimeCompatibility(WrapNonExceptionThrows = true)]
[assembly: Debuggable(DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.Default | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints | DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.EnableEditAndContinue)]
[assembly: OptIn]
[assembly: TargetFramework(".NETStandard,Version=v2.1", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET Standard 2.1")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("WellRoundedBalance")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("Debug")]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersion("1.0.0+b56d69b37d4b74448446fd3f3252387a24a4152f")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("WellRoundedBalance")]
[assembly: AssemblyTitle("WellRoundedBalance")]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
[module: RefSafetyRules(11)]
[module: UnverifiableCode]
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
	internal sealed class EmbeddedAttribute : Attribute
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
	[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Module, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
	internal sealed class RefSafetyRulesAttribute : Attribute
		public readonly int Version;

		public RefSafetyRulesAttribute(int P_0)
			Version = P_0;
namespace WellRoundedBalance
	public static class Initialize
		private static class <>O
			public static hook_Init <0>__ItemCatalog_Init;

		public static void Init()
			//IL_0068: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0073: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
			Type[] types = typeof(Initialize).Assembly.GetTypes();
			object obj = <>O.<0>__ItemCatalog_Init;
			if (obj == null)
				hook_Init val = ItemCatalog_Init;
				<>O.<0>__ItemCatalog_Init = val;
				obj = (object)val;
			ItemCatalog.Init += (hook_Init)obj;
			if (Main.enableAchievements.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(AchievementBase)));
				foreach (Type item in enumerable)
					AchievementBase obj2 = (AchievementBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item);
					if (!Validate(obj2))
			if (Main.enableAllies.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable2 = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(AllyBase)));
				foreach (Type item2 in enumerable2)
					AllyBase allyBase = (AllyBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item2);
					if (Validate(allyBase))
			if (Main.enableArtifactAdds.Value)
			if (Main.enableArtifactEdits.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable3 = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ArtifactEditBase)));
				Main.WRBLogger.LogInfo((object)"==+----------------==ARTIFACT EDITS==----------------+==");
				foreach (Type item3 in enumerable3)
					ArtifactEditBase artifactEditBase = (ArtifactEditBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item3);
					if (Validate(artifactEditBase))
			if (Main.enableDifficulties.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable4 = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(DifficultyBase)));
				foreach (Type item4 in enumerable4)
					DifficultyBase difficultyBase = (DifficultyBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item4);
					if (Validate(difficultyBase))
			if (Main.enableElites.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable5 = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(EliteBase)));
				foreach (Type item5 in enumerable5)
					EliteBase eliteBase = (EliteBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item5);
					if (Validate(eliteBase))
			if (Main.enableEnemies.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable6 = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(EnemyBase)));
				foreach (Type item6 in enumerable6)
					EnemyBase enemyBase = (EnemyBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item6);
					if (Validate(enemyBase))
			if (Main.enableEquipment.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable7 = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(EquipmentBase)));
				foreach (Type item7 in enumerable7)
					EquipmentBase equipmentBase = (EquipmentBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item7);
					if (Validate(equipmentBase))
			if (Main.enableGamemodes.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable8 = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GamemodeBase)));
				foreach (Type item8 in enumerable8)
					GamemodeBase gamemodeBase = (GamemodeBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item8);
					if (Validate(gamemodeBase))
			if (Main.enableInteractables.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable9 = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(InteractableBase)));
				foreach (Type item9 in enumerable9)
					InteractableBase interactableBase = (InteractableBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item9);
					if (Validate(interactableBase))
			if (Main.enableItems.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable10 = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ItemBase)));
				foreach (Type item10 in enumerable10)
					ItemBase itemBase = (ItemBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item10);
					if (Validate(itemBase))
				if (ItemBase<PowerElixir>.instance != null)
			if (Main.enableMechanics.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable11 = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MechanicBase)));
				foreach (Type item11 in enumerable11)
					MechanicBase mechanicBase = (MechanicBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item11);
					if (Validate(mechanicBase))
			if (Main.enableSurvivors.Value)
				IEnumerable<Type> enumerable12 = types.Where((Type type) => !type.IsAbstract && type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(SurvivorBase)));
				foreach (Type item12 in enumerable12)
					SurvivorBase survivorBase = (SurvivorBase)Activator.CreateInstance(item12);
					if (Validate(survivorBase))
			Main.WRBLogger.LogDebug((object)("Initialized " + SharedBase.initList.Count + " abstract classes"));
			Main.WRBLogger.LogDebug((object)("Initialized mod in " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"));

		private static void ItemCatalog_Init(orig_Init orig)
			//IL_0010: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0015: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			ManualLogSource wRBLogger = Main.WRBLogger;
			ItemTag val = ItemAPI.AddItemTag("Defense");
			wRBLogger.LogDebug((object)("ItemAPI.AddItemTag(\"Defense\") returns " + ((object)(ItemTag)(ref val)).ToString()));

		public static bool Validate<T>(T obj) where T : SharedBase
			if (obj.isEnabled)
				if (GetConfigForType<T>().Bind<bool>(obj.Name, "Enable Changes?", true, "Vanilla is false").Value)
					return true;
				ConfigManager.ConfigChanged = true;
			return false;

		private static ConfigFile GetConfigForType<T>() where T : SharedBase
			string name = typeof(T).Name;
			if (1 == 0)
			ConfigFile result = (ConfigFile)(name switch
				"AchievementBase" => Main.WRBAchievementConfig, 
				"AllyBase" => Main.WRBAllyConfig, 
				"ArtifactAddBase" => Main.WRBArtifactAddConfig, 
				"ArtifactEditBase" => Main.WRBArtifactEditConfig, 
				"DifficultyBase" => Main.WRBDifficultyConfig, 
				"EliteBase" => Main.WRBEliteConfig, 
				"EnemyBase" => Main.WRBEnemyConfig, 
				"EquipmentBase" => Main.WRBEquipmentConfig, 
				"GamemodeBase" => Main.WRBGamemodeConfig, 
				"InteractableBase" => Main.WRBInteractableConfig, 
				"ItemBase" => Main.WRBItemConfig, 
				"MechanicBase" => Main.WRBMechanicConfig, 
				"SurvivorBase" => Main.WRBSurvivorConfig, 
				_ => throw new NotSupportedException("Config not supported for type " + typeof(T).Name), 
			if (1 == 0)
			return result;
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInDependency(/*Could not decode attribute arguments.*/)]
	[BepInPlugin("BALLS.WellRoundedBalance", "WellRoundedBalance", "1.4.6")]
	public class Main : BaseUnityPlugin
		public const string PluginGUID = "BALLS.WellRoundedBalance";

		public const string PluginAuthor = "BALLS";

		public const string PluginName = "WellRoundedBalance";

		public const string PluginVersion = "1.4.6";

		public static ConfigFile WRBAchievementConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBAllyConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBArtifactAddConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBArtifactEditConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBDifficultyConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBEliteConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBEnemyConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBEquipmentConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBGamemodeConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBInteractableConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBItemConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBMechanicConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBModuleConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBSurvivorConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBMiscConfig;

		public static ConfigFile WRBBackupConfig;

		public static ManualLogSource WRBLogger;

		public static AssetBundle wellroundedbalance;

		public static bool InfernoLoaded;

		public static bool RiskyArtifactsLoaded;

		public static bool PieceOfShitLoaded;

		public static bool ZetArtifactsLoaded;

		public static bool WildbookMultitudesLoaded;

		public static DifficultyDef InfernoDef;

		public static Hook hook;

		private bool mp = false;

		private bool hasZanySoupd = false;

		public static AssemblyDefinition WRBAssembly;

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableLogging { get; set; }

		public ConfigEntry<bool> enableAutoConfig { get; private set; }

		public ConfigEntry<string> latestVersion { get; private set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableAchievements { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableAllies { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableArtifactAdds { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableArtifactEdits { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableDifficulties { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableElites { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableEnemies { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableEquipment { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableGamemodes { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableInteractables { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableItems { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableMechanics { get; set; }

		public static ConfigEntry<bool> enableSurvivors { get; set; }

		public void Awake()
			//IL_006e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0078: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0092: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00a2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00ac: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00bc: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00c6: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00d6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00e0: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_00f0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_00fa: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_010a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0114: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0124: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_012e: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_013e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0148: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0158: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0162: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0172: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_017c: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_018c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0196: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01a6: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01b0: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_01c0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_01ca: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_036e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0378: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0388: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0392: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_05a0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_05aa: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_05b2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_05bc: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_05e0: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_05ea: Expected O, but got Unknown
			WRBLogger = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Logger;
			WRBConfig = ((BaseUnityPlugin)this).Config;
			wellroundedbalance = AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.Replace("WellRoundedBalance.dll", "wellroundedbalance"));
			WRBAssembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(typeof(Main).Assembly.Location);
			WRBAchievementConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Achievements.cfg", true);
			WRBAllyConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Allies.cfg", true);
			WRBArtifactAddConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.ArtifactsAdd.cfg", true);
			WRBArtifactEditConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.ArtifactsEdit.cfg", true);
			WRBDifficultyConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Difficulties.cfg", true);
			WRBEliteConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Elites.cfg", true);
			WRBEnemyConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Enemies.cfg", true);
			WRBEquipmentConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Equipment.cfg", true);
			WRBGamemodeConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Gamemodes.cfg", true);
			WRBInteractableConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Interactables.cfg", true);
			WRBItemConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Items.cfg", true);
			WRBMechanicConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Mechanics.cfg", true);
			WRBModuleConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Modules.cfg", true);
			WRBSurvivorConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Survivors.cfg", true);
			BetterItemCategories.enable = WRBItemConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Items : Changes :: Better Item Categories", "Enable item category changes?", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			enableAchievements = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Achievement changes?", true, "Disabling this could cause achievements to get locked again, if the unlockable method changed or got more difficult.");
			enableAllies = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Ally changes?", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			enableArtifactAdds = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable New Artifacts?", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			enableArtifactEdits = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Artifact changes?", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			enableDifficulties = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Difficulty changes?", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			enableElites = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Elite changes?", true, "Disabling this will cause the Eclipse 3 modifier to not function, as it's impossible not to hardcode it, and I'm not hardcoding even more effects for vanilla elites which I dislike. The same goes for disabling individual elites - their particular \"stronger in unique ways\" modifier will not work on Eclipse 3 or above.");
			enableEnemies = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Enemy changes?", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			enableEquipment = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Equipment changes?", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			enableGamemodes = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Gamemode changes?", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			enableInteractables = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Interactable changes?", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			enableItems = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Item changes?", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			enableMechanics = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Mechanic changes?", true, (ConfigDescription)null);
			enableSurvivors = WRBModuleConfig.Bind<bool>(":: Module Toggles ::", "Enable Survivor changes?", true, "These are not HIFUTweaks changes, as they all have separate configs.");
			WRBMiscConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Misc.cfg", true);
			WRBBackupConfig = new ConfigFile(Paths.ConfigPath + "\\BALLS.WellRoundedBalance.Backup.cfg", true);
			enableLogging = WRBMiscConfig.Bind<bool>("Logging", "Enable Initialization logging?", false, "Enabling this slows down loading times, but can help with resolving mod compatibility issues in some cases.");
			enableAutoConfig = WRBMiscConfig.Bind<bool>("Config", "Enable Auto Config Sync", true, "Disabling this would stop WRB from syncing config whenever a new version is found.");
			bool flag = !((Dictionary<ConfigDefinition, string>)AccessTools.DeclaredPropertyGetter(typeof(ConfigFile), "OrphanedEntries").Invoke(WRBMiscConfig, null)).Keys.Any((ConfigDefinition x) => x.Key == "Latest Version");
			latestVersion = WRBMiscConfig.Bind<string>("Config", "Latest Version", "1.4.6", "DO NOT CHANGE THIS");
			if (enableAutoConfig.Value && (flag || latestVersion.Value != "1.4.6"))
				latestVersion.Value = "1.4.6";
				ConfigManager.VersionChanged = true;
				WRBLogger.LogInfo((object)"Config Autosync Enabled.");
			if (mp)
			InfernoLoaded = Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("HIFU.Inferno");
			RiskyArtifactsLoaded = Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("com.Moffein.RiskyArtifacts");
			PieceOfShitLoaded = Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("com.Wolfo.WolfoQualityOfLife");
			ZetArtifactsLoaded = Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("com.TPDespair.ZetArtifacts");
			WildbookMultitudesLoaded = Chainloader.PluginInfos.ContainsKey("dev.wildbook.multitudes");
			string balls = WRBMiscConfig.Bind<string>("Annoying Pop Up", "Set to Fuck Off to disable", "", "Disables the mf config changed message").Value;
			bool shownConfigMessage = false;
			RoR2Application.onLoad = (Action)Delegate.Combine(RoR2Application.onLoad, (Action)delegate
				Dialogue.input = GameObject.Find("MPEventSystem Player0").GetComponent<MPInput>();
			BaseMainMenuScreen.OnEnter += (hook_OnEnter)delegate(orig_OnEnter orig, BaseMainMenuScreen self, MainMenuController mainMenuController)
				orig.Invoke(self, mainMenuController);
				if (!shownConfigMessage && ConfigManager.ConfigChanged && balls.ToLower() != "fuck off")
					shownConfigMessage = true;
					Dialogue.ShowPopup("Config changed?", "Thank you for enjoying Well Rounded Balance <3! Despite the extensive configuration, we want our default experience to be as enjoyable as possible. Please let us know your balanced takes at <style=cDeath></style>! any constructive feedback is welcome <3.\n\n<style=cStack>set Misc > Annoying Pop Up to 'Fuck Off' to disable this message.</style>");
			BaseMainMenuScreen.OnEnter += new hook_OnEnter(BaseMainMenuScreen_OnEnter);
			if (PieceOfShitLoaded)
				WRBLogger.LogDebug((object)"Wolfo QoL detected");
				PickupPickerController.OnDisplayBegin += new hook_OnDisplayBegin(PickupPickerController_OnDisplayBegin);

		private void BandaidFix(ILContext il)
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0008: Expected O, but got Unknown
			//IL_0039: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_006c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			ILCursor val = new ILCursor(il);
			val.TryGotoNext((MoveType)2, new Func<Instruction, bool>[1]
				(Instruction x) => ILPatternMatchingExt.MatchStloc(x, 0)
			val.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc, 0);
			val.EmitDelegate<Func<BaseAI[], BaseAI[]>>((Func<BaseAI[], BaseAI[]>)((BaseAI[] b) => (BaseAI[])((b == null) ? ((Array)new BaseAI[0]) : ((Array)b))));
			val.Emit(OpCodes.Stloc, 0);

		public static bool IsInfernoDef()
			return false;

		private void PickupPickerController_OnDisplayBegin(orig_OnDisplayBegin orig, PickupPickerController self, NetworkUIPromptController networkUIPromptController, LocalUser localUser, CameraRigController cameraRigController)
			orig.Invoke(self, networkUIPromptController, localUser, cameraRigController);

		private void BaseMainMenuScreen_OnEnter(orig_OnEnter orig, BaseMainMenuScreen self, MainMenuController mainMenuController)
			orig.Invoke(self, mainMenuController);
			if (!hasZanySoupd)
				for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
					WRBLogger.LogMessage((object)"Thanks for playing Well Rounded Balance <3");
				hasZanySoupd = true;

		public static float GetProjectileSimpleModifiers(float speed)
			return speed;

		[MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining | MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)]
		public static float GetRiskyArtifactsWarfareProjectileSpeedMult()
			if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)RunArtifactManager.instance) && RunArtifactManager.instance.IsArtifactEnabled(Warfare.artifact))
				return Warfare.projSpeed;
			return 1f;
	public static class PublicizedAssembly
namespace WellRoundedBalance.Utils
	public static class AddressableUtils
		public static T Load<T>(this string path)
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<T>((object)path).WaitForCompletion();

		public static T LoadComponent<T>(this string path) where T : Component
			//IL_0002: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0007: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			return ((Component)Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<T>((object)path).WaitForCompletion()).GetComponent<T>();
	public class Dialogue
		private sealed class <>c
			public static readonly <>c <>9 = new <>c();

			public static UnityAction <>9__1_0;

			internal void <ShowPopup>b__1_0()

		public static MPInput input;

		public static SimpleDialogBox ShowPopup(string title, string desc, bool noCancel = false)
			//IL_004e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0060: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0088: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_008d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
			//IL_0093: Expected O, but got Unknown
			Time.timeScale = 0f;
			MPEventSystem eventSystem = input.eventSystem;
			int cursorOpenerCount = eventSystem.cursorOpenerCount;
			eventSystem.cursorOpenerCount = cursorOpenerCount + 1;
			MPEventSystem eventSystem2 = input.eventSystem;
			cursorOpenerCount = eventSystem2.cursorOpenerForGamepadCount;
			eventSystem2.cursorOpenerForGamepadCount = cursorOpenerCount + 1;
			SimpleDialogBox val = SimpleDialogBox.Create((MPEventSystem)null);
			val.headerToken = new TokenParamsPair(title, Array.Empty<object>());
			val.descriptionToken = new TokenParamsPair(desc, Array.Empty<object>());
			if (!noCancel)
				object obj = <>c.<>9__1_0;
				if (obj == null)
					UnityAction val2 = delegate
					<>c.<>9__1_0 = val2;
					obj = (object)val2;
				val.AddActionButton((UnityAction)obj, "OK", true, Array.Empty<object>());
			return val;

		public static void DefaultCancel(MPEventSystem events)
			int cursorOpenerCount = events.cursorOpenerCount;
			events.cursorOpenerCount = cursorOpenerCount - 1;
			cursorOpenerCount = events.cursorOpenerForGamepadCount;
			events.cursorOpenerForGamepadCount = cursorOpenerCount - 1;
			if (SimpleDialogBox.instancesList.Count <= 1)
				Time.timeScale = 1f;
	public static class Events
		public static uint Play_wBisonDeath = 1113517888u;

		public static uint Play_wBisonHit = 1197473233u;

		public static uint Play_wBisonShoot1 = 3268390400u;

		public static uint Play_wBisonSpawn = 1249767875u;

		public static uint Play_wBlastdoor = 3043230225u;

		public static uint Play_wBoarDeath = 3944593657u;

		public static uint Play_wBoarExplosion = 3091761946u;

		public static uint Play_wBoarHit = 1332006904u;

		public static uint Play_wBoarMDeath = 2887033908u;

		public static uint Play_wBoarShoot1 = 2651342963u;

		public static uint Play_wBoss1Shoot1 = 3380168965u;

		public static uint Play_wBoss1Shoot2 = 3380168966u;

		public static uint Play_wBossSkill2 = 857592033u;

		public static uint Play_wBubbleShield = 3999340508u;

		public static uint Play_wBullet1 = 3448409474u;

		public static uint Play_wBullet2 = 3448409473u;

		public static uint Play_wBullet3 = 3448409472u;

		public static uint Play_wCasing = 1800381192u;

		public static uint Play_wChainLightning = 1913174254u;

		public static uint Play_wChat = 1231583519u;

		public static uint Play_wChefShoot2_1 = 4002996080u;

		public static uint Play_wChest0 = 273185112u;

		public static uint Play_wChest1 = 273185113u;

		public static uint Play_wChest2 = 273185114u;

		public static uint Play_wChest5 = 273185117u;

		public static uint Play_wChildDeath = 3731152613u;

		public static uint Play_wChildGShoot1 = 2978407106u;

		public static uint Play_wChildHit = 4072685316u;

		public static uint Play_wChildShoot1 = 4260787991u;

		public static uint Play_wClayDeath = 1853199952u;

		public static uint Play_wClayHit = 2864197409u;

		public static uint Play_wClayShoot1 = 1969574576u;

		public static uint Play_wClaySpawn = 1481867283u;

		public static uint Play_wClick = 1105771879u;

		public static uint Play_wCoin = 1232716514u;

		public static uint Play_wCoins = 2360199605u;

		public static uint Play_wCrabDeath = 2914438815u;

		public static uint Play_wCrabSpawn = 400103432u;

		public static uint Play_wCrit_01 = 3774687669u;

		public static uint Play_wCrowbar = 2755541643u;

		public static uint Play_wCutsceneAlarm = 2172459452u;

		public static uint Play_wCutsceneJet = 197474154u;

		public static uint Play_wCutscenePass = 1461112566u;

		public static uint Play_wDifficulty = 3657652262u;

		public static uint Play_wDoll = 1118795882u;

		public static uint Play_wDrill = 1252691444u;

		public static uint Play_wDrone1Spawn = 3109566651u;

		public static uint Play_wEfMushroom = 3355655210u;

		public static uint Play_wEmbryo = 3519041107u;

		public static uint Play_wError = 2120356473u;

		public static uint Play_wExplosiveShot = 1244890662u;

		public static uint Play_wFeralShoot1 = 732734997u;

		public static uint Play_wFeralShoot2 = 732734998u;

		public static uint Play_wFrozen = 1850209911u;

		public static uint Play_wGeyser = 2014257388u;

		public static uint Play_wGiantJellyExplosion = 923348941u;

		public static uint Play_wGiantJellyHit = 3830172407u;

		public static uint Play_wGolemAttack1 = 1019251312u;

		public static uint Play_wGolemDeath = 469957963u;

		public static uint Play_wGolemHit = 1924739498u;

		public static uint Play_wGolemSpawn = 2658053020u;

		public static uint Play_wGuardDeath = 2195517878u;

		public static uint Play_wGuardHit = 3726358359u;

		public static uint Play_wGuardSpawn = 1193575573u;

		public static uint Play_wHeavyShoot1 = 2266555164u;

		public static uint Play_wHitlist = 1828045284u;

		public static uint Play_wHuntressShoot1 = 2714607293u;

		public static uint Play_wHuntressShoot3 = 2714607295u;

		public static uint Play_wImpDeath = 1405469125u;

		public static uint Play_wImpGShoot1 = 702433570u;

		public static uint Play_wImpHit = 2697432036u;

		public static uint Play_wImpShoot1 = 2776445175u;

		public static uint Play_wImpShoot2 = 2776445172u;

		public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot1_1 = 2483794322u;

		public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot1_2 = 2483794321u;

		public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot2_1 = 1409879677u;

		public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot2_2 = 1409879678u;

		public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot4_1 = 1410865383u;

		public static uint Play_wJanitorShoot4_2 = 1410865380u;

		public static uint Play_wJarSouls = 4162844532u;

		public static uint Play_wJellyDeath = 2679553851u;

		public static uint Play_wJellyHit = 213554906u;

		public static uint Play_wLevelUp = 1919980434u;

		public static uint Play_wLevelUpWar = 4023542052u;

		public static uint Play_wLightning = 1330288141u;

		public static uint Play_wLizardDeath = 2074794113u;

		public static uint Play_wLizardGDeath = 4177291774u;

		public static uint Play_wLizardGHit = 1425978735u;

		public static uint Play_wLizardGShoot1 = 1170430294u;

		public static uint Play_wLizardGSpawn = 2684018717u;

		public static uint Play_wLizardHit = 4207177744u;

		public static uint Play_wLizardShoot1 = 287412267u;

		public static uint Play_wLizardSpawn = 1283696654u;

		public static uint Play_wMine = 1021358464u;

		public static uint Play_wMinerShoot1 = 1056078324u;

		public static uint Play_wMinerShoot2 = 1056078327u;

		public static uint Play_wMinerShoot3 = 1056078326u;

		public static uint Play_wMinerShoot4 = 1056078321u;

		public static uint Play_wMissileLaunch = 3415171634u;

		public static uint Play_wMS = 3023098025u;

		public static uint Play_wMush = 1473662818u;

		public static uint Play_wMushDeath = 3463803836u;

		public static uint Play_wMushHit = 2887429069u;

		public static uint Play_wMushShoot1 = 487910212u;

		public static uint Play_wMushSpawn = 4208364455u;

		public static uint Play_wNautShoot1 = 874719151u;

		public static uint Play_wPickup = 745840569u;

		public static uint Play_wPigShoot1 = 4172429713u;

		public static uint Play_wPodDeath = 368641344u;

		public static uint Play_wPodHit = 4069172177u;

		public static uint Play_wPyroShoot1 = 1977581991u;

		public static uint Play_wReflect = 3534459008u;

		public static uint Play_wReload = 1935874270u;

		public static uint Play_wRevive = 3924543518u;

		public static uint Play_wRiotGrenade = 1170699791u;

		public static uint Play_wRiotShoot1 = 392428577u;

		public static uint Play_wSamuraiShoot1 = 2292726403u;

		public static uint Play_wSamuraiShoot2 = 2292726400u;

		public static uint Play_wScavengerHit = 3803292342u;

		public static uint Play_wShield = 144484126u;

		public static uint Play_wShrine1 = 1516352125u;

		public static uint Play_wSmite = 1676655215u;

		public static uint Play_wSniper = 1326789400u;

		public static uint Play_wSniper2 = 2522836730u;

		public static uint Play_wSniperShoot3 = 3029163620u;

		public static uint Play_wSpiderHit = 1534240581u;

		public static uint Play_wSpiderShoot1 = 4018099836u;

		public static uint Play_wSpitterHit = 530229631u;

		public static uint Play_wSpitterShoot1 = 1863108870u;

		public static uint Play_wSpitterSpawn = 291139117u;

		public static uint Play_wSqueaky = 1860044956u;

		public static uint Play_wTeleporter = 1289080377u;

		public static uint Play_wUse = 1100859862u;

		public static uint Play_wWatch = 3354880454u;

		public static uint Play_wWispBDeath = 3021624856u;

		public static uint Play_wWispBShoot1 = 2025586984u;

		public static uint Play_wWispDeath = 3169292106u;

		public static uint Play_wWispGDeath = 1968672835u;

		public static uint Play_wWispGShoot1 = 969982957u;

		public static uint Play_wWispHit = 2561235483u;

		public static uint Play_wWispShoot1 = 914723770u;

		public static uint Play_wWispSpawn = 3436613665u;

		public static uint Play_wWormBurning = 2192059253u;

		public static uint Play_wWormDeath = 3793594386u;

		public static uint Play_wWormExplosion = 2529227609u;

		public static uint Play_wWormHit = 3504753139u;

		public static uint Play_wWormRoar = 1700089088u;

		public static uint Kill_loops = 3633988413u;

		public static uint Pause_All = 3864097025u;

		public static uint Play_Achievement = 3433956687u;

		public static uint Play_acid_larva_attack1_explo = 2451117845u;

		public static uint Play_acid_larva_attack1_loop = 3362763155u;

		public static uint Play_acid_larva_attack1_start = 1646746355u;

		public static uint Play_acid_larva_death = 3568098837u;

		public static uint Play_acid_larva_idle = 2621183947u;

		public static uint Play_acid_larva_impact = 2231265675u;

		public static uint Play_acid_larva_spawn = 3730906858u;

		public static uint Play_acid_larva_sprint_land = 2824450583u;

		public static uint Play_acid_larva_sprint_leap = 2639308470u;

		public static uint Play_acid_larva_step = 828559811u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_m1_bigSlash = 1656148530u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_m1_hit = 1822928838u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_m1_slash = 1719910342u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_m2_bite_hit = 2714436782u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_m2_bite_shoot = 456215952u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_m2_explode = 2736075181u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_m2_fly_loop = 644013190u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_m2_shoot = 999289595u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_R_fly_loop = 1915769387u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_R_infect = 1007919396u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_R_shoot = 1160201708u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_shift_fly_loop = 642600073u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_shift_jump = 1749522733u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_shift_land = 320622162u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_shift_puddle_loop = 1556265730u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_sprint_start = 801642819u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_sprint_stop = 3680364993u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_step = 372958860u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_step_sprint = 2575316715u;

		public static uint Play_acrid_step_sprint_hand = 3560327381u;

		public static uint Play_affix_mendingBomb_explode = 841626335u;

		public static uint Play_affix_mendingChain_loop = 3768810533u;

		public static uint Play_affix_void_bug_infect = 939369398u;

		public static uint Play_affix_void_bug_loop = 1959624827u;

		public static uint Play_affix_void_bug_spawn = 3394761874u;

		public static uint Play_affix_void_spawn = 1535219985u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_arena = 1539048487u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_artifactWorld = 4134483156u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_char_select = 1641027481u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_damp_cave_simple = 1142851345u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_dark_rain = 938309267u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_desert = 56392161u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_limbo = 1359925925u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_moon = 3075336325u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_rootJungle = 2348244945u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_ship_graveyard = 642154978u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_skyMeadow = 3453798682u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_skyMeadow_hiddenLab = 3040657526u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_tundra = 38798342u;

		public static uint Play_AMB_zone_wisp_graveyard = 751162865u;

		public static uint Play_arenaCrab_idle_VO = 158852972u;

		public static uint Play_arenaCrab_swim_land = 2386788264u;

		public static uint Play_arenaCrab_swim_loop = 2401300333u;

		public static uint Play_arenaCrab_swim_plant = 1572198610u;

		public static uint Play_arenaCrab_swim_stroke = 2022745195u;

		public static uint Play_arenaCrab_swim_uproot = 3172304260u;

		public static uint Play_artifactBoss_attack1_explode = 71177277u;

		public static uint Play_artifactBoss_attack1_flightLoop = 2591078442u;

		public static uint Play_artifactBoss_attack1_shoot = 2196529419u;

		public static uint Play_artifactBoss_death = 4163357724u;

		public static uint Play_artifactBoss_idle_VO = 1345400638u;

		public static uint Play_artifactBoss_loop_level1 = 184703648u;

		public static uint Play_artifactBoss_loop_level2 = 184703651u;

		public static uint Play_artifactBoss_loop_level3 = 184703650u;

		public static uint Play_artifactBoss_spawn = 188493575u;

		public static uint Play_artifactBoss_takehit = 1098257974u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_m1_reload_bullet = 452712768u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_m1_reload_finish = 888917029u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_m1_rifle = 2347126876u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_m1_shotgun = 4206201632u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_m2_alt_throw = 595565201u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_m2_impact = 2278422317u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_m2_slash = 4103120750u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_R_alt_kill = 4143438424u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_R_fire = 1435016856u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_R_kill = 3719464252u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_R_load = 3765877048u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_shift_enter = 2967307668u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_shift_exit = 850833398u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_step = 3692683083u;

		public static uint Play_bandit2_step_sprint = 1764271662u;

		public static uint Play_bandit_M1_pump = 1853111450u;

		public static uint Play_bandit_M1_shot = 3033552564u;

		public static uint Play_bandit_M2_load = 2190546849u;

		public static uint Play_bandit_M2_shot = 1980580961u;

		public static uint Play_bandit_shift_end = 2770013503u;

		public static uint Play_bandit_shift_jump = 1325724668u;

		public static uint Play_bandit_shift_land = 1259710815u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_guard_attack1 = 763398245u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_guard_attack2_initial = 2581251415u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_guard_attack2_spikeLoop = 542781083u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_guard_death = 1527577102u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_guard_idle_VO = 3561602500u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_guard_impact = 2349109310u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_guard_spawn = 515189165u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_guard_step = 2628071246u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_queen_attack1 = 555937964u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_queen_attack2_impact = 3157521796u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_queen_attack2_projectile_loop = 1477410428u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_queen_attack2_shoot = 4217844119u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_queen_death = 451763711u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_queen_impact = 806513485u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_queen_spawn = 2698326632u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_queen_step = 2551161845u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_queen_VO_idle = 1845046503u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_worker_attack = 4241852727u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_worker_death = 383219511u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_worker_idle = 1901530073u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_worker_impact = 1338816453u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_worker_spawn = 1471942880u;

		public static uint Play_beetle_worker_step = 1809191501u;

		public static uint Play_bellBody_attackCreate = 780374380u;

		public static uint Play_bellBody_attackLand = 1732098311u;

		public static uint Play_bellBody_attackShoot = 4097802741u;

		public static uint Play_bellBody_death = 2182572274u;

		public static uint Play_bellBody_idle_loop = 345208571u;

		public static uint Play_bellBody_idle_VO = 4021378928u;

		public static uint Play_bellBody_impact = 2147523650u;

		public static uint Play_bellBody_spawn = 4144720393u;

		public static uint Play_bison_charge_attack_collide = 2909411958u;

		public static uint Play_bison_charge_attack_end_skid = 2235015895u;

		public static uint Play_bison_charge_attack_start = 2509443544u;

		public static uint Play_bison_charge_attack_tell = 4101791573u;

		public static uint Play_bison_death = 3590751484u;

		public static uint Play_bison_headbutt_attack_hit = 3802411724u;

		public static uint Play_bison_headbutt_attack_swing = 1417054473u;

		public static uint Play_bison_idle_graze = 2516815946u;

		public static uint Play_bison_idle_VO = 3855060446u;

		public static uint Play_bison_impact = 4030239748u;

		public static uint Play_bison_spawn = 3910957799u;

		public static uint Play_bison_step = 2839275484u;

		public static uint Play_bison_step_charge = 532574671u;

		public static uint Play_bleedOnCritAndExplode_explode = 2693964769u;

		public static uint Play_bleedOnCritAndExplode_impact = 3570667772u;

		public static uint Play_blindVermin_attack1_bite = 901504895u;

		public static uint Play_blindVermin_death = 3786262665u;

		public static uint Play_blindVermin_idle_VO = 2536191415u;

		public static uint Play_blindVermin_impact = 121244671u;

		public static uint Play_blindVermin_spawn = 2995165238u;

		public static uint Play_blindVermin_step = 294344023u;

		public static uint Play_boss_spawn_radius_appear = 4035156426u;

		public static uint Play_boss_spawn_rumble = 2327315087u;

		public static uint Play_captain_drone_idle_VO = 1028355892u;

		public static uint Play_captain_drone_quick_move = 8118127u;

		public static uint Play_captain_drone_zap = 3992615829u;

		public static uint Play_captain_m1_chargeStart = 2544146878u;

		public static uint Play_captain_m1_hit = 3819278833u;

		public static uint Play_captain_m1_reload = 2226849933u;

		public static uint Play_captain_m1_shootWide = 532604026u;

		public static uint Play_captain_m1_shotgun_charge_loop = 2453063032u;

		public static uint Play_captain_m1_shotgun_shootTight = 1348536996u;

		public static uint Play_captain_m2_tazed_loop = 3117407908u;

		public static uint Play_captain_m2_tazer_bounce = 1888136956u;

		public static uint Play_captain_m2_tazer_impact = 58834266u;

		public static uint Play_captain_m2_tazer_shoot = 832597929u;

		public static uint Play_captain_R_aim = 364785367u;

		public static uint Play_captain_R_aiming_loop = 1040620982u;

		public static uint Play_captain_R_confirmLocation = 1531948689u;

		public static uint Play_captain_R_impact = 3902637834u;

		public static uint Play_captain_R_turret_build = 1359756347u;

		public static uint Play_captain_R_turret_healing_loop = 788149618u;

		public static uint Play_captain_shift_active_loop = 3941125189u;

		public static uint Play_captain_shift_confirm = 2140775262u;

		public static uint Play_captain_shift_end = 803261989u;

		public static uint Play_captain_shift_impact = 3269630552u;

		public static uint Play_captain_shift_preImpact = 1069989355u;

		public static uint Play_captain_shift_start = 2113266862u;

		public static uint Play_captain_sprint_start = 3430012852u;

		public static uint Play_captain_sprint_stop = 1094493224u;

		public static uint Play_captain_step = 1226612947u;

		public static uint Play_captain_step_sprint = 2831720022u;

		public static uint Play_captain_utility_variant_impact = 1357225738u;

		public static uint Play_captain_utility_variant_laser_loop = 2451237826u;

		public static uint Play_captain_utility_variant_preImpact = 3461917085u;

		public static uint Play_char_glass_death = 359633836u;

		public static uint Play_char_jump_VO = 1654395377u;

		public static uint Play_char_land = 81910470u;

		public static uint Play_char_land_fall_damage = 2642009198u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_death = 2559714313u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_idle_loop = 3870838284u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_idle_VO = 628079927u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_impact = 1890981503u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_M1_explo = 2368148000u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_m1_lidClose = 1576056771u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_m1_lidOpen = 1470926389u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_m1_shoot = 2922284055u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_m2_explo = 4043539191u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_m2_projectile_loop = 3593581531u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_m2_rise = 916955724u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_m2_shoot = 600290068u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_R_mulch_loop = 968500644u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_R_start = 988517284u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_R_tether_loop = 3132967749u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_spawn = 1768616886u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_step = 3088890839u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_step_legMove = 869404285u;

		public static uint Play_clayboss_walk_loop = 212114079u;

		public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack1_shoot_bullet = 491470286u;

		public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack1_shoot_flyby = 3572694566u;

		public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack1_shootLoop = 649113537u;

		public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack1_windDown = 263088688u;

		public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack1_windUp = 1916278867u;

		public static uint Play_clayBruiser_attack2_shoot = 1288244652u;

		public static uint Play_clayBruiser_death = 3332873880u;

		public static uint Play_clayBruiser_idle_VO = 2519366882u;

		public static uint Play_clayBruiser_impact = 1250949200u;

		public static uint Play_clayBruiser_spawn = 817063995u;

		public static uint Play_clayBruiser_step = 1697475496u;

		public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack1_chargeup = 318212996u;

		public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack1_explode = 2432531130u;

		public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack1_launch = 1826024586u;

		public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack2_chargeup = 1264580837u;

		public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack2_explode = 1475316029u;

		public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_attack2_throw = 3151664278u;

		public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_death = 4008628731u;

		public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_idle_VO = 2834945965u;

		public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_impact = 216053097u;

		public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_spawn = 1404722828u;

		public static uint Play_clayGrenadier_step = 2998452545u;

		public static uint Play_commando_M1 = 4060526873u;

		public static uint Play_commando_M2 = 4060526874u;

		public static uint Play_commando_M2_grenade_beep = 767972256u;

		public static uint Play_commando_M2_grenade_bounce = 2406813524u;

		public static uint Play_commando_M2_grenade_explo = 1805372450u;

		public static uint Play_commando_M2_grenade_throw = 2891623396u;

		public static uint Play_commando_M2_impact = 3856027043u;

		public static uint Play_commando_R = 1872804647u;

		public static uint Play_commando_R_stun = 856897882u;

		public static uint Play_commando_shift = 4030773325u;

		public static uint Play_deathProjectile_activate = 4274104951u;

		public static uint Play_deathProjectile_activeLoop = 4274851604u;

		public static uint Play_deathProjectile_exit = 2255177404u;

		public static uint Play_deathProjectile_pulse = 3311061351u;

		public static uint Play_deathProjectile_throw = 3241022660u;

		public static uint Play_drone_active_loop = 1397126242u;

		public static uint Play_drone_attack = 2284311463u;

		public static uint Play_drone_deathpt1 = 263213456u;

		public static uint Play_drone_deathpt2 = 263213459u;

		public static uint Play_drone_repair = 1856960692u;

		public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_spawn = 691984684u;

		public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_turret_die = 3657700870u;

		public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_turret_shot = 669631748u;

		public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_turret_spawn = 308571281u;

		public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_urchin_activeLoop = 3295205085u;

		public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_urchin_land = 962572750u;

		public static uint Play_elite_antiHeal_urchin_spawn = 569941158u;

		public static uint Play_elite_haunt_ghost_convert = 2762055418u;

		public static uint Play_elite_haunt_hauntorb_activeLoop = 543514253u;

		public static uint Play_elite_haunt_spawn = 265705826u;

		public static uint Play_emergency_drone_heal_loop = 2145196828u;

		public static uint Play_engi_M1_chargeLoop = 1143106461u;

		public static uint Play_engi_M1_chargeStock = 1582860475u;

		public static uint Play_engi_M1_explo = 2460302619u;

		public static uint Play_engi_M1_land = 1224228428u;

		public static uint Play_engi_M1_shot = 2716114991u;

		public static uint Play_engi_M2_arm = 801551500u;

		public static uint Play_engi_M2_explo = 1876447108u;

		public static uint Play_engi_M2_land = 1942736441u;

		public static uint Play_engi_M2_spider_dash = 2039062976u;

		public static uint Play_engi_M2_throw = 2382761590u;

		public static uint Play_engi_R_activate = 3298597612u;

		public static uint Play_engi_R_place = 643340344u;

		public static uint Play_engi_R_turret_death = 4245687690u;

		public static uint Play_engi_R_turret_rotate_start = 3711319792u;

		public static uint Play_engi_R_turret_rotate_stop = 3202539612u;

		public static uint Play_engi_R_turret_shot = 3407965588u;

		public static uint Play_engi_R_turret_spawn = 4130025569u;

		public static uint Play_engi_R_walkingTurret_laser_end = 3407461464u;

		public static uint Play_engi_R_walkingTurret_laser_start = 1126280707u;

		public static uint Play_engi_R_walkingTurret_step = 2412533739u;

		public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_explode = 2273471583u;

		public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_HUD_close = 872995266u;

		public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_HUD_loop = 3389061272u;

		public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_HUD_open = 1095370646u;

		public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_lockOn = 407672846u;

		public static uint Play_engi_seekerMissile_shoot = 2951980765u;

		public static uint Play_engi_shift_end = 1395092584u;

		public static uint Play_engi_shift_hit = 1846263908u;

		public static uint Play_engi_shift_start = 729856403u;

		public static uint Play_engi_sprint_end = 1589710056u;

		public static uint Play_engi_sprint_start = 1694535187u;

		public static uint Play_env_dampCave_crystalLight_loop = 3080548713u;

		public static uint Play_env_dampCave_steamVent_loop = 2932480344u;

		public static uint Play_env_desert_wind_gust = 363197352u;

		public static uint Play_env_fan_activate = 1753248287u;

		public static uint Play_env_geyser_launch = 3684346483u;

		public static uint Play_env_geyser_loop = 2001038684u;

		public static uint Play_env_gooWaterfall_loop = 3671383336u;

		public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_activate = 1191732790u;

		public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_active_loop = 3198839584u;

		public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_button_cycle = 1729294674u;

		public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_sequence_fail = 3795285125u;

		public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_sequence_lock = 535095044u;

		public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_laptop_sequence_success = 2883328426u;

		public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_TP_active_loop = 1656660852u;

		public static uint Play_env_hiddenLab_TP_VO = 1027544848u;

		public static uint Play_env_light_flicker = 1529618755u;

		public static uint Play_env_moon_planet_destroying_loop = 56354104u;

		public static uint Play_env_moon_shuttle_engineIdle_loop = 979450395u;

		public static uint Play_env_roach_scatter = 1578037490u;

		public static uint Play_env_rootJungle_mushroom_bounce = 1759858961u;

		public static uint Play_env_ship_interior_loop = 2037610980u;

		public static uint Play_env_ship_pulsing_energy_loop = 2105493367u;

		public static uint Play_env_teleporter_active_button = 2694206298u;

		public static uint Play_env_vase_shatter = 3320446911u;

		public static uint Play_fireballsOnHit_aliveLoop = 3330327238u;

		public static uint Play_fireballsOnHit_impact = 1308908475u;

		public static uint Play_fireballsOnHit_pool_aliveLoop = 289286259u;

		public static uint Play_fireballsOnHit_shoot = 2071974498u;

		public static uint Play_flyingVermin_attack1_explo = 2325827633u;

		public static uint Play_flyingVermin_attack1_loop = 959625319u;

		public static uint Play_flyingVermin_attack1_start = 2469277671u;

		public static uint Play_flyingVermin_death = 2852936633u;

		public static uint Play_flyingVermin_idle_VO = 1488967u;

		public static uint Play_flyingVermin_impact = 1482226543u;

		public static uint Play_flyingVermin_spawn = 2569421798u;

		public static uint Play_flyingVermin_wingFlap = 2482198841u;

		public static uint Play_golem_clap = 3011704479u;

		public static uint Play_golem_death = 4251967229u;

		public static uint Play_golem_idle = 4196494707u;

		public static uint Play_golem_impact = 790462995u;

		public static uint Play_golem_laser_charge = 3644347705u;

		public static uint Play_golem_laser_fire = 3454198445u;

		public static uint Play_golem_spawn = 1773057618u;

		public static uint Play_golem_step = 4056609419u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack1_boulderLarge_impact = 124225148u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack1_boulderSmall_impact = 3157690056u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack1_flightLoop = 1108205171u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack1_throw = 659529741u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack1_windUp = 1356813166u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack2_loop = 1723739392u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack2_spawn = 1710100275u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack3_spawn = 1361990298u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack3_sun_activeLoop = 3203163036u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack3_sun_damageLoop = 406969537u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack3_sun_destroy = 2118002602u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_attack3_sun_spawn = 2441414753u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_death = 1713910539u;

		public static uint Play_grandparent_handStep = 2848869794u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_idle_VO = 779063965u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_impact = 2762774137u;

		public static uint Play_grandparent_rotate = 19433626u;

		public static uint Play_grandParent_spawn = 3902005852u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack1_close = 351879350u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack1_explode = 1862008297u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack1_fire = 187415678u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack1_fly_loop = 48308530u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack1_open = 3258261602u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack2_charge = 843010431u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack2_fly_loop = 4016868819u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack2_impact = 3666498161u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack2_shoot = 1854147796u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_attack2_shoot_singleChain = 157111274u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_death_01 = 2997386486u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_death_impact_01 = 886079489u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_idle_loop = 1267131317u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_idle_twitch = 416657018u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_idle_VO = 3630636154u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_impact_body = 205671591u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_impact_canister = 3811738432u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_jump = 3152593038u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_land = 1220364025u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_spawn_01 = 833992567u;

		public static uint Play_gravekeeper_step = 3893993616u;

		public static uint Play_greater_wisp_active_loop = 742303752u;

		public static uint Play_greater_wisp_attack = 1232102909u;

		public static uint Play_greater_wisp_death = 1444167041u;

		public static uint Play_greater_wisp_idle = 731002447u;

		public static uint Play_greater_wisp_impact = 2158457527u;

		public static uint Play_gup_attack1_charge = 3438622745u;

		public static uint Play_gup_attack1_shoot = 950894418u;

		public static uint Play_gup_death = 256612421u;

		public static uint Play_gup_idle_VO = 1624048235u;

		public static uint Play_gup_impact = 3673819067u;

		public static uint Play_gup_spawn = 305164250u;

		public static uint Play_gup_step = 1253711379u;

		public static uint Play_healing_drone_heal_loop = 5845797u;

		public static uint Play_heretic_sprint_end = 789491861u;

		public static uint Play_heretic_sprint_start = 19266142u;

		public static uint Play_heretic_squawk = 48852143u;

		public static uint Play_heretic_step = 303018737u;

		public static uint Play_heretic_step_sprint = 3042543384u;

		public static uint Play_heretic_transform = 1223237669u;

		public static uint Play_hermitCrab_attack = 2071920904u;

		public static uint Play_hermitCrab_attack_explo = 1299570915u;

		public static uint Play_hermitCrab_attack_flight_loop = 860273710u;

		public static uint Play_hermitCrab_burrow = 1102794849u;

		public static uint Play_hermitCrab_death = 216810634u;

		public static uint Play_hermitCrab_idle_VO = 3628647800u;

		public static uint Play_hermitCrab_impact = 3575639578u;

		public static uint Play_hermitCrab_spawn = 101148513u;

		public static uint Play_hermitCrab_step = 1911862778u;

		public static uint Play_hermitCrab_unburrow = 2901751544u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_m1_flight_loop = 3991633291u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_m1_ready = 1580388997u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_m1_shoot = 2005806765u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_m1_unready = 3092701574u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_m2_flight_loop = 3255539260u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_m2_impact = 3716108135u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_m2_throw = 2486049627u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_R_aim_loop = 298764410u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_R_jump = 3742373894u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_R_rain_loop = 1245670489u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_R_rain_start = 282745493u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_R_snipe_readyBow = 2533424749u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_R_snipe_shoot = 1625097243u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_shift_end = 976427987u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_shift_mini_blink = 4022209774u;

		public static uint Play_huntress_shift_start = 201442408u;

		public static uint Play_imp_attack = 2774179431u;

		public static uint Play_imp_attack_blink = 3629323260u;

		public static uint Play_imp_attack_tell = 940622283u;

		public static uint Play_imp_death = 3861350375u;

		public static uint Play_imp_idle_VO = 52008113u;

		public static uint Play_imp_impact = 3120622133u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_attack1_land = 1106684340u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_attack1_pop = 4199685168u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_attack1_throw = 14820277u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_attack2_smash = 2956702486u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_attack2_tell = 819196927u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_death = 1533958787u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_idle_loop = 632481506u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_idle_VO = 2719593925u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_impact = 4009116561u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_spawn = 583303092u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_teleport_end = 200938724u;

		public static uint Play_imp_overlord_teleport_start = 2511118231u;

		public static uint Play_imp_spawn = 194906576u;

		public static uint Play_item_goldgat_fire = 981107519u;

		public static uint Play_item_goldgat_winddown = 917072005u;

		public static uint Play_item_goldgat_windup = 285162482u;

		public static uint Play_item_laserTurbine_charge_loop = 3907556148u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_focusedConvergence = 3972729947u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_primaryReplace_explode = 4293819245u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_primaryReplace_impact = 1243809256u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_primaryReplace_shoot = 320958651u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_secondaryReplace_activate = 2823364229u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_secondaryReplace_active_loop = 3372252345u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_secondaryReplace_explode = 1538162561u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_secondaryReplace_impact = 1781545244u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_secondaryReplace_throw = 3617280490u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_specialReplace_apply = 838666715u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_specialReplace_explode = 445399200u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_use_utilityReplacement_end = 3344329139u;

		public static uint Play_item_lunar_use_utilityReplacement_start = 1158437704u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_armorReduction_hit = 3817389283u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_armorReduction_shatter = 3687264935u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_attackAndMoveBuff = 1867859700u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_bandolier_Loop = 1800237208u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_bandolierLand = 2260567040u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_bandolierPickup = 2389173779u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_bandolierSpawn = 3156422452u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_bear = 2639048063u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_behemoth = 2630955643u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_bleed = 493503047u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_bounceChain = 1835757740u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_bounceChainPull = 2911094985u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_chain_lightning = 4217941291u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_clover = 1253570078u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_crit_attack_speed1 = 4131003629u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_crit_attack_speed2 = 4131003630u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_crit_attack_speed3 = 4131003631u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_crit_cooldown = 3641613923u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_crit_heal = 4185184582u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_crowbar = 3038522607u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_dagger_fly = 893157561u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_dagger_impact = 1843195976u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_dagger_spawn = 2440278163u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_deathMark = 4156567482u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_delicateWatch_break = 4145952825u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_equipMag = 3393425640u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_extraLife = 10812723u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_fallboots_activate = 1060806871u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_fallboots_impact = 1203791954u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_feather = 4205703066u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_fireRingTornado_end = 3174138708u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_fireRingTornado_start = 1856621255u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_firework_explo = 4073142045u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_firework_fire = 3289149845u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_firework_fly_loop = 366165761u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_ghostOnKill = 156474425u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_goldOnHurt = 445783307u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_guillotine = 3052861231u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_healingPotion = 2286437436u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_hoof = 2977775053u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_iceRingSpear = 1422900995u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_icicle = 4195869532u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_igniteOnKill = 336621644u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_igniteOnKill_Loop = 893467349u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_infusion = 1760348744u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_interstellarDeskPlant_aura_loop = 3834902961u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_interstellarDeskPlant_bloom = 723179718u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_interstellarDeskPlant_grow = 302148888u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_interstellarDeskPlant_plant = 3442515624u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_laserTurbine_explode = 2581646485u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_laserTurbine_shoot = 1560382371u;

		public static uint Play_Item_proc_medkit = 3606808427u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_missile_explo = 2487423796u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_missile_fire = 7429106u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_moneyOnKill_loot = 1430581037u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_moneyOnKill_spawn = 2526449896u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_monsterTooth_impact = 2173757546u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_monsterTooth_spawn = 3390131953u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_moveSpeedOnKill = 2700149860u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_mushroom_start = 738518158u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_nearbyDamageBonus = 2796124104u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_novaonheal_impact = 1742958959u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_novaonheal_spawn = 2975053286u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_permDebuffOnHit = 1620867805u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_personal_shield_end = 483164925u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_personal_shield_recharge = 3466249773u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_phasing = 248626039u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_regenOnKill = 1558985587u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_regenScrap_consume = 2502641228u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_regenScrap_regen = 2245996497u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_repulsionArmor = 578189511u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_roseBuckler = 2699213042u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_scrapGoop_consume = 49902816u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_shocknearby_start = 473521005u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_shocknearby_stop = 4247306927u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_slowOnHitChains = 984771586u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_slug_emerge = 2713477620u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_slug_hide = 3287285055u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_squidTurret_death = 3465273956u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_squidTurret_shoot = 52277663u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_squidTurret_shotExplode = 358461945u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_squidTurret_spawn = 3872610127u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_stickyBomb_activate = 3823545488u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_stickyBomb_countdown = 1000393504u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_strengthenBurn = 3491136092u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_tempest = 1940605673u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_thorns = 2835848023u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_TPhealingNova = 1629959823u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_TPhealingNova_hitPlayer = 3445258450u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_vagrantNova_charge = 3542341717u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_vagrantNova_explode = 1552852512u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_warbanner = 3020656183u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_warCry = 1529510111u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_warhorn = 245801894u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_whip = 2592114451u;

		public static uint Play_item_proc_wisp_explo = 1449771891u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_AP_round_impact = 1445965321u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_BFG_charge = 3648252036u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_BFG_explode = 1887770999u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_BFG_fire = 314013804u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_BFG_zaps = 2863231332u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_blackhole_end = 2401578979u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_blackhole_start = 1274487736u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_blackhole_suckin = 1496712675u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_bossHunter = 2352091251u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_bugWingClose = 1141102451u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_bugWingFlapLoop = 883104978u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_bugWingOpen = 3557178245u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_cleanse = 1772243041u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_crit_end = 3252548768u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_crit_start = 728398715u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_EMPScanner_activate = 169204410u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_EMPScanner_findChest = 2875220375u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_EMPScanner_loop_end = 2536312349u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_fireballDash_explode = 561188827u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_fireballDash_start = 2855368448u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_fruit = 945893144u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_gainArmor = 3466615724u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_gateway_activeLoop = 2990725107u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_gateway_create = 2196766755u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_gateway_rideEnd = 2550664912u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_gateway_rideStart = 1117197931u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_gateway_vanish = 4071381594u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_gummyClone_expire = 3808524354u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_gummyClone_spawn = 1336597660u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_hellfire_end = 2319739001u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_hellfire_start = 930023322u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_lighningArm = 146656078u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_meteor_impact = 980294159u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_meteor_storm_end = 149370750u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_meteor_storm_start = 3899526229u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_meteor_tell = 3881332164u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_molotov_fire_loop = 2067188288u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_molotov_impact_big = 672604242u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_molotov_impact_small = 2278056645u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_molotov_throw = 2541237413u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_passive_healing = 2655000266u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_radio = 4093333211u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_recycler = 648073085u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_sawmerang_catch = 2800461073u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_sawmerang_chargeup = 880810807u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_sawmerang_fly_loop = 3778622708u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_sawmerang_throw = 3601175276u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_tonic = 2813300389u;

		public static uint Play_item_use_tonic_debuff = 2454986002u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_bear = 2959567177u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_bleedOnHit_buildup = 275414159u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_bleedOnHit_explo = 3944977254u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_bleedOnHit_start = 3754606692u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_chainLightning = 3133589932u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_clover = 1595383632u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_critGlasses = 2383643113u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_equipmag = 3659141198u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_explodeOnDeath = 3255812633u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_extraLife = 3370576369u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_missle_explode = 3377207268u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_missle_fire = 1965882253u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_missle_fly_loop = 411283497u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_mushroom = 1701324517u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_mushroom_loop = 1887910762u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_slowOnHit = 3377032266u;

		public static uint Play_item_void_treasureCache_open = 3626432589u;

		public static uint Play_jellyfish_chase_start = 4193522322u;

		public static uint Play_jellyfish_death = 4156878447u;

		public static uint Play_jellyfish_detonate = 3881637691u;

		public static uint Play_jellyfish_detonate_pre = 3376774817u;

		public static uint Play_jellyfish_spawn = 2595268184u;

		public static uint Play_lemurian_bite_attack = 2282066863u;

		public static uint Play_lemurian_death = 1573805040u;

		public static uint Play_lemurian_fireball_flight_loop = 3656020651u;

		public static uint Play_lemurian_fireball_impact = 2368197886u;

		public static uint Play_lemurian_fireball_shoot = 2508881549u;

		public static uint Play_lemurian_idle = 4010028444u;

		public static uint Play_lemurian_impact = 1377658344u;

		public static uint Play_lemurian_spawn = 1244152243u;

		public static uint Play_lemurian_step = 2408820448u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_death_VO = 396237504u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_idle_VO = 1115840328u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_impact = 531055562u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m1_bounce = 498348177u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m1_charge = 1931275385u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m1_explode = 2984458692u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m1_fly_loop = 91875145u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m1_shoot = 4092547890u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m2_end = 1648115203u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m2_loop = 3339276574u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_m2_shoot = 4186206849u;

		public static uint Play_lemurianBruiser_spawn = 1735477457u;

		public static uint Play_lifestealOnHit_activate = 2978305631u;

		public static uint Play_loader_m1_impact = 2770011881u;

		public static uint Play_loader_m1_shield = 1860805892u;

		public static uint Play_loader_m1_swing = 477567759u;

		public static uint Play_loader_m2_impact = 3438837980u;

		public static uint Play_loader_m2_launch = 1515255731u;

		public static uint Play_loader_m2_travel_loop = 53631743u;

		public static uint Play_loader_R_activate = 1196476016u;

		public static uint Play_loader_R_active_loop = 2017558714u;

		public static uint Play_loader_R_expire = 1663060790u;

		public static uint Play_loader_R_shock = 2677093323u;

		public static uint Play_loader_R_toss = 2440962342u;

		public static uint Play_loader_R_variant_activate = 197132802u;

		public static uint Play_loader_R_variant_slam = 2640687082u;

		public static uint Play_loader_R_variant_whooshDown = 66656691u;

		public static uint Play_loader_shift_activate = 1551360582u;

		public static uint Play_loader_shift_charge_loop = 722666690u;

		public static uint Play_loader_shift_release = 1770547348u;

		public static uint Play_loader_sprint_end = 1320199588u;

		public static uint Play_loader_sprint_start = 352892247u;

		public static uint Play_loader_step = 3677284904u;

		public static uint Play_loader_step_sprint = 3073525207u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_death = 4264158797u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_idle_loop = 857654832u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_m1_fire = 1151210026u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_m1_impact = 91220880u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_spawn = 2700934242u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_sprint_loop = 762326434u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_step = 3547915643u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_exploder_step_heavy = 1344403603u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack1_aliveLoop = 1424916579u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack1_charge = 4237730550u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack1_explode = 2049113149u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack1_launch = 1952794087u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack2_buildUp = 2350939290u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_attack2_shieldActivate = 1783111971u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_death = 2741728284u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_idle_loop = 2506110785u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_idle_VO = 486610750u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_impact = 1247246500u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_spawn = 3061831431u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_golem_step = 1636972412u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_reroller_activate = 569367166u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_reroller_item_change = 1265279855u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_shoot_bullet = 1858233191u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_shoot_impact = 1992390953u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_shootLoop = 2909507110u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_windDown = 1909826189u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_windLoop = 56999587u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack1_windUp = 495897210u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_aliveLoop = 452148407u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_chargeLoop = 4144327796u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_explode = 3621412217u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_launch = 2936354523u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_windDown = 3165958184u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_attack2_windUp = 151413227u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_death = 4190910447u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_idle_loop = 2168381742u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_idle_VO = 304696105u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_impact = 3773914237u;

		public static uint Play_lunar_wisp_spawn = 2629300184u;

		public static uint Play_mage_m1_cast_lightning = 2702327218u;

		public static uint Play_mage_m1_impact = 2000519842u;

		public static uint Play_mage_m1_impact_lightning = 2227545749u;

		public static uint Play_mage_m1_shoot = 3888952945u;

		public static uint Play_mage_m2_charge = 213746921u;

		public static uint Play_mage_m2_iceSpear_charge = 578450176u;

		public static uint Play_mage_m2_iceSpear_impact = 362101858u;

		public static uint Play_mage_m2_iceSpear_shoot = 883296561u;

		public static uint Play_mage_m2_impact = 1977865147u;

		public static uint Play_mage_m2_shoot = 464353890u;

		public static uint Play_mage_m2_zap = 4241955798u;

		public static uint Play_mage_R_end = 115213505u;

		public static uint Play_mage_R_lightningBlast = 3283303018u;

		public static uint Play_mage_R_start = 2526330034u;

		public static uint Play_mage_shift_start = 296791476u;

		public static uint Play_mage_shift_stop = 1193293352u;

		public static uint Play_mage_shift_wall_build = 3777927093u;

		public static uint Play_mage_shift_wall_explode = 562143574u;

		public static uint Play_mage_shift_wall_pre_explode_rumble = 2434051036u;

		public static uint Play_magmaWorm_burrowed_loop = 4031961282u;

		public static uint Play_magmaWorm_death = 2224748523u;

		public static uint Play_magmaWorm_death_small_explos = 2669920255u;

		public static uint Play_magmaWorm_dive = 2139312625u;

		public static uint Play_magmaWorm_idle_burn_loop = 3823405252u;

		public static uint Play_magmaWorm_idle_VO = 2678973117u;

		public static uint Play_magmaWorm_impact = 1935077337u;

		public static uint Play_magmaWorm_M1 = 2489492397u;

		public static uint Play_magmaWorm_M1_explo = 3311706942u;

		public static uint Play_magmaWorm_spawn_VO = 790241066u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_death = 354933339u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_death_piece_land = 1708514112u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_idle_VO = 1023489613u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_impact = 2837604937u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_m1_laser_chargeShoot = 3822661709u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_m1_laser_end = 3298589691u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_m1_laser_loop = 2668434406u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_R_pulse = 1719152825u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_shift_lower = 3212506843u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_shift_raise = 843575052u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_spawn_rumble = 2692277904u;

		public static uint Play_majorConstruct_spawn_surface = 495875720u;

		public static uint Play_merc_m1_hard_swing = 4028970009u;

		public static uint Play_merc_m2_uppercut = 1892656648u;

		public static uint Play_merc_R_dash = 4156900065u;

		public static uint Play_merc_R_end = 1603633668u;

		public static uint Play_merc_R_slicingBlades_flight_loop = 2847996807u;

		public static uint Play_merc_R_slicingBlades_throw = 2911481668u;

		public static uint Play_merc_R_start = 3475430583u;

		public static uint Play_merc_shift_end = 736404446u;

		public static uint Play_merc_shift_slice = 68402651u;

		public static uint Play_merc_shift_start = 3770997429u;

		public static uint Play_merc_sword_impact = 2884474380u;

		public static uint Play_merc_sword_swing = 3675283896u;

		public static uint Play_merc_utility_variant = 3863518702u;

		public static uint Play_merc_utility_variant_buildup = 103882784u;

		public static uint Play_miniMushroom_burrow = 2394876897u;

		public static uint Play_minimushroom_death = 3848891146u;

		public static uint Play_minimushroom_idle_VO = 2499186680u;

		public static uint Play_minimushroom_impact = 572754330u;

		public static uint Play_miniMushroom_selfHeal_loop = 443126161u;

		public static uint Play_minimushroom_spawn = 3733229025u;

		public static uint Play_minimushroom_spore_chargeUp = 3747085821u;

		public static uint Play_minimushroom_spore_explode = 2754153445u;

		public static uint Play_minimushroom_spore_gasCloud_loop = 1542376905u;

		public static uint Play_minimushroom_spore_shoot = 2457943795u;

		public static uint Play_minimushroom_step = 3119842682u;

		public static uint Play_miniMushroom_unborrow = 4073562310u;

		public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_bodyClose = 2087632802u;

		public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_bodyOpen = 102085366u;

		public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_chargeUp = 553643209u;

		public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_explode = 3214992105u;

		public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_flight_loop = 2248627301u;

		public static uint Play_minorConstruct_attack_shoot = 945784279u;

		public static uint Play_minorConstruct_death = 234636383u;

		public static uint Play_minorConstruct_hide = 3168353919u;

		public static uint Play_minorConstruct_spawn = 2481199304u;

		public static uint Play_minorConstruct_VO_idle = 3224588039u;

		public static uint Play_monstersOnShrineUse_activate = 1435808974u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_blueWall_active_loop = 1912330522u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_blueWall_explode = 1820467490u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_blueWall_slam_start = 3502735825u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_dash = 2471009076u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_death = 1391457286u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_firePillar_loop = 1901482441u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_idle_VO = 1249692364u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_impact = 4276506230u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_m1_laser_impact = 1753379823u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_m1_laser_shoot = 625852214u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_orb_slam_impact = 2897735846u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_orb_slam_orbLoop = 2645733969u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_orb_slam_pre = 2003858883u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_itemSuck_end = 4243565055u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_itemSuck_returnSingle = 3958297650u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_itemSuck_start = 1717433628u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_itemSuck_stealBackSingle = 248987608u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_itemSuck_takeSingle = 2333254273u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_step = 3907097568u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phase4_transition = 2158807115u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_jumpAway = 2778579998u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_kneel = 1438626783u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_land_impact = 3884053696u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_land_preWhoosh = 2555746427u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_shockwave_loop = 3289985618u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_phaseJump_shockwave_single = 1473186892u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_spawn = 4224386021u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_spawn_preWhoosh = 3276170341u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_sprint = 3298429148u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_step = 1687759686u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_swing_horizontal = 3781745233u;

		public static uint Play_moonBrother_swing_vertical = 1525938463u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_crate_land = 3440819688u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_grenade_launcher_beep = 1882452288u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_grenade_launcher_explo = 2695190594u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_grenade_launcher_shoot = 844837473u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_sawblade_active_loop = 368776509u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_sawblade_impact_loop = 1630218497u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_sawblade_start = 2280547798u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_sawblade_stop = 252608982u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_smg_impact = 4066695960u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_smg_shoot = 1162985099u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_snipe_charge = 1908474992u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_snipe_charge_end = 4185275926u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m1_snipe_shoot = 2172180833u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m2_aim = 1632759044u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m2_main_explode = 1416927996u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m2_secondary_explode = 2935238587u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_m2_throw = 2075679355u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_move_loop = 2331366233u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_R_toSMG = 3594476652u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_R_toSnipe = 2981295322u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_R_variant_activate = 943999695u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_R_variant_end = 1674327467u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_shift_end = 837713779u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_shift_hit = 1393096435u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_shift_start = 3163992584u;

		public static uint Play_MULT_shift_turnSqueal = 317428472u;

		public static uint Play_newtShopkeep_idle_loop = 2035618909u;

		public static uint Play_newtShopkeep_VO = 2336577387u;

		public static uint Play_nullifier_attack1_explode = 1416262554u;

		public static uint Play_nullifier_attack1_root = 1421358047u;

		public static uint Play_nullifier_attack1_summon = 1762402358u;

		public static uint Play_nullifier_death = 3762332315u;

		public static uint Play_nullifier_death_vortex_explode = 525158496u;

		public static uint Play_nullifier_death_vortex_loop = 3712167975u;

		public static uint Play_nullifier_idle_VO = 1162692493u;

		public static uint Play_nullifier_impact = 2385726089u;

		public static uint Play_nullifier_spawn = 1116849964u;

		public static uint Play_nullifier_step = 23070305u;

		public static uint Play_obj_itemShip_fire_loop = 2117056219u;

		public static uint Play_outro_fadeToWhite_01 = 4252377252u;

		public static uint Play_outro_fadeToWhite_02 = 4252377255u;

		public static uint Play_outro_planetExplode_01 = 357029279u;

		public static uint Play_outro_shuttleDoorClose_01 = 633225991u;

		public static uint Play_outro_shuttleFlyBy_01 = 4127418755u;

		public static uint Play_outro_shuttleTakeOff_01 = 3989896619u;

		public static uint Play_parent_attack1_slam = 3374469962u;

		public static uint Play_parent_attack1_windUp = 1054616856u;

		public static uint Play_parent_death = 2299560037u;

		public static uint Play_parent_idle_VO = 4174411851u;

		public static uint Play_parent_impact = 2460400987u;

		public static uint Play_parent_spawn = 2389585402u;

		public static uint Play_parent_step = 4278846131u;

		public static uint Play_parent_teleport = 3275097964u;

		public static uint Play_Play_elite_haunt_death = 4131555994u;

		public static uint Play_Player_footstep = 1724675634u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_m1_fire = 3663213371u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_alt_fire = 1123745322u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_fire = 1503231250u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_headshot = 4207848420u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_reload_basic = 1519777290u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_reload_fail = 1165349380u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_reload_pass = 2134590459u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_scope_in = 3426860520u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_scope_loop = 1156887411u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_m2_scope_out = 2323813871u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_R_alt_fire = 2346534403u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_R_fire = 2208219471u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_chargeUp = 1433734405u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_ready = 747189219u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_rebooted = 1110075238u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_rebooting_loop = 752268156u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_swap = 89410791u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_R_gun_timer_loop = 3062488286u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_R_preFire = 639561466u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_selectScreen_idle = 3805369911u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_alt_explo = 3210684213u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_chargeUp = 277844730u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_explo = 1744190021u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_land = 2500532114u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_slowField_loop = 948974347u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_shift_throw = 2700781839u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_step = 909005004u;

		public static uint Play_railgunner_step_sprint = 938334763u;

		public static uint Play_randomDamageZone_appear = 3122474070u;

		public static uint Play_randomDamageZone_disappear = 2994706824u;

		public static uint Play_roboBall_attack1_charge = 2356432344u;

		public static uint Play_roboBall_attack1_explode = 414673691u;

		public static uint Play_roboBall_attack1_flightLoop = 926946976u;

		public static uint Play_roboBall_attack1_shoot = 2453128921u;

		public static uint Play_roboBall_attack2_createMini = 3305531308u;

		public static uint Play_roboBall_attack2_mini_active_loop = 1625935406u;

		public static uint Play_roboBall_attack2_mini_death = 3567434931u;

		public static uint Play_roboBall_attack2_mini_laser_start = 4267852861u;

		public static uint Play_roboBall_attack2_mini_laser_stop = 3