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Root-Root_Cards-1.3.3 icon

Root Cards

A collection of cards made by Lilith and Tess, from the system known as Root

Date uploaded a year ago
Version 1.3.3
Download link
Downloads 14433
Dependency string Root-Root_Cards-1.3.3

This mod requires the following mods to function

BepInEx-BepInExPack_ROUNDS-5.4.1100 icon

BepInEx pack for ROUNDS. Preconfigured and ready to use.

Preferred version: 5.4.1100
willis81808-MMHook-1.0.0 icon

MonoMod Runtime Hooks generated for ROUNDS

Preferred version: 1.0.0
Pykess-CardChoiceSpawnUniqueCardPatch-0.1.7 icon

Patches erroneous logic in the base game CardChoice method SpawnUniqueCard

Preferred version: 0.1.7
willis81808-UnboundLib-2.10.2 icon

This is a helpful utility for ROUNDS modders aimed at simplifying common tasks.

Preferred version: 2.10.2
Pykess-ModdingUtils-0.2.6 icon

Utilities aimed at making modding easier and more accessible

Preferred version: 0.2.6
willuwontu-ItemShops-0.0.1 icon

Utilities for the creation of item shops.

Preferred version: 0.0.1
willuwontu-WillsWackyManagers-1.4.0 icon

Various managers for community usage.

Preferred version: 1.4.0
Root-Classes_Manager_Reborn-1.1.13 icon

A recreation of the original Classes Manager, with added features.

Preferred version: 1.1.13
Root-RarityLib-1.0.6 icon

A utility library for adding custom rarities to the game.

Preferred version: 1.0.6
Root-GunProjectileSizePatch-1.0.1 icon

Patches the game so that Gun.ProjectileSize actualy works

Preferred version: 1.0.1
olavim-RoundsWithFriends-2.2.1 icon

ROUNDS multiplayer extension

Preferred version: 2.2.1
Root-NullManager-1.0.0 icon

Utillity mod for handling the logic of the NULL system from Root-Cards

Preferred version: 1.0.0
CrazyCoders-RarityBundle-0.0.0 icon

A small bundle of rarities for use by other mods

Preferred version: 0.0.0
Pykess-Pick_N_Cards-0.2.5 icon

Pick more cards! (In a way compatible with other mods!)

Preferred version: 0.2.5
Root-PlayerTimeScale-0.0.1 icon

Per Player Timescales

Preferred version: 0.0.1
Root-ProjectilesToSpawnNumberOfSpawnsPatch-0.0.0 icon

Enables use of the feild

Preferred version: 0.0.0
Root-CardThemeLib-1.1.7 icon

A utility library for adding custom card themes to the game.

Preferred version: 1.1.7


Root Cards By Lilith and Tess

A card pack for Rounds

Cards Added By This Mod


  • Blood Bullets (By Lilith)-- Takes 50% of your health and gives you 25 extra ammo

  • Drop Grenade (By Tess)-- Adds 5 bounces and an extra 50% damage per bounce, but makes bullets lose 75% of their speed each bounce

  • Johnson's Ingenuity (By Tess)-- Increases damage and bullet size by 65% and gives your bullets extra drag

  • Box of Used Ammo (By Lilith)-- Gives you a random amount(3-10) of extra ammo.

  • Lilith's Deal (By Lilith)-- Adds 20% health per second regen, but makes your attacks more painful for you.

  • Distill Power (By Tess)-- Gives two random rares. Adds 3 Nulls to future hands.

  • Distill Knowledge (by Lilith)-- keeps redawing cards to choose from with more nulls each time, untill you take a null.

  • 5 cards that add simple states to your nulls.


  • Battle Rage (By Tess)-- Adds 10% extra health, and buffs your damage and movement speed every time you get hurt during a round. (Curentyl removed)
  • Down?Up? Here (By Tess)-- Gives you the ability to flip your gravity by pressing jump. Will also flip it automaticly if your height doesn't change for too long.
  • Quick Shield (By Lilith)-- Reduces your block cooldown by 50% but makes it so your block only stops 50% bullet damage.
  • Witch Time (By Lilith)-- Blocking your opponent's bullets causes the world around you to slow down for a short while.
  • Stay Hungry (By Tess)-- Your damage grows with every shot, reseting when you hit someone.
  • Distill Acquisition (By Tess) -- Lets you take all the cards offered, but nulls out half of future cards


  • One Hit Wonder (By Tess)-- Sets your health to basically 0, but makes your attacks kill on hit.
  • Time Loop (By Tess)-- Every 5 seconds, your health, ammo, block and location are reset to what they were 3 seconds prior.
  • Genie (By Lilith) -- Lets you get any card in the game, at a price. Price is based on rarity of card taken.
  • Reforge Integraty (By Tess)-- Turns all null cards you've taken back into normal cards.

Genie outcomes

  • Granted (Common - Stardard) -- You get your wish and nothing else happens
  • Smiles (Common - Special) -- You get two copies of your wished card
  • Fee (Uncommon - Standard) -- You lose 10% of some basic stats
  • Death (Rare - Standard) -- You die at the start of the first match point of each round
  • Greed (Rare - Special) -- You lose all cards other then the one you wished for

Change log:

  • forgot some If statements
  • fixed some bugs with null cards
  • fixed "infinite" wishes exploit with Genie and some other modded cards
  • fixed a bug with Time Loop not resting stored postions inbetween points/rounds
  • fixed a LOT of bugs with the null cards
  • Minor bug fixes
  • temp hotfix for nulls, reverts a bit of functionality and disables Reforge Integraty, should hopefuly get things working properly soon
  • Bug and art fixes for Null.
  • Updated Time Loop to bring it inline with its original idea.
  • Masively overhalls the Null system.
  • Removed Battle Rage for being too buggy
  • Art for new cards to come.
  • Minor patch to genie code
  • fixed a bug with Battle Rage
  • Adds ItemShops as a dependency
  • Genie finely returns to the mod
  • Fixs a bug with witch time in which the time scale incressess way too high
  • Masive Art Update: All cards now have art.
  • Adds Distill power and Null
  • Adds a debug togle in the mod menu
  • Balence changes for several cards.
  • Adds two new cards, Witch Time, and Stay Hungry
  • After reciving reports of many gamebraking bugs related the genie card, it and all related functions and code have been disabled untill we can ensure that it is all working properly (which may not be for a long time.)
  • Rolled Genie back to using the text chat for wishs as the menu broke the game when using RoundsWithEvenMoreFrends..... opps
  • Masivly overhalled Genie to use the card pick menu rather then the chat
  • Added 5 new posible outcomes for genie depending on the rarity of the card you wished for
  • Fixed a bug preventing Genie from working in multiplayer.
  • Added Quick Shield and Genie
  • Started work on card art
  • Removed debug statements in production build to appease the Pykess
  • Made it so monos get removed on card removal
  • Fixed Time Loop not working in online mode
  • Added a visual indicator for Time Loop
  • Buffed Box of Used Ammo
  • Buffed Lilith's Deal
  • Rebalanced Blood Bullets
  • Added this readme
  • Updated the mod's manifest to point to our github.
  • Initial alpha release.